Especialización en Desarrollo Humano con Énfasis en Procesos Afectivos y Creatividad

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    Informe final de pasantía externa corporación colectiva sanacción
    Pinilla Gómez , Angélica María; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    This document presents the final report of the degree project in the form of an external internship, developed within the framework of the Specialization in Human Development with emphasis on affective processes and creativity, in collaboration with Corporación Colectiva Sanacción. This organization implements strategies based on psychosocial, gender, anti-militarist, intersectional, and rights-based approaches aimed at promoting women's well-being, including their interest in corporeality. The report explores conceptual and methodological elements linking the academic program with the organization, such as human development, psychosocial support from a psychological perspective, the impact of women's roles in society on their emotional and physical well-being, associated issues, and unequal systems. The objective was to provide individual psychosocial support to women from socioeconomic stratums 1, 2, and 3 who enrolled with the organization, addressing their specific concerns. Fourteen cases were completed, with an average of five to seven sessions each. The report includes narratives from the participants at the conclusion of their process. The conclusions highlight the impact of individual approaches on the clients, findings from three uncompleted cases, and the learning outcomes reflected in the fulfillment of the work aligned with the academic training. Lastly, recommendations are provided for both the Corporation and the University regarding women's needs, the promotion of this modality, and aspects to improve in future similar projects.
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    Memorias del abuso sexual, resignificación en narrativas poéticas y expresiones artísticas en perspectiva del desarrollo humano Proyecto de Investigación-creación en el campo artístico
    Higuera Alvarado, Gelma Nazareth; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    The present research seeks to create a theoretical and experiential approach by creating narratives, poetics, epistles, and various artistic expressions based on memories of pain and bodies in resistance, testimonies of victims and survivors of sexual abuse, the subjectivities that enunciate them and contribute to human development. in a comprehensive process of resignification of the collective and individual memories of the participants. As a final product, a digital book was made entitled Resilience between the lines in perspective of human development, which compiles the artistic and literary expressions of the participants in the research, including the researcher as a victim of sexual abuse, from her work and undergraduate experience. as a graduate in plastic arts, stimulating creativity and affectivity in the participants.
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    Desde el corazón de las montañas: memorias de unas doñas y doñitas paramunas. análisis de experiencias de la escuela de comunicación popular las doñas paramunas
    Torres Gonzalez, Ivonne Andrea; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    This research, conducted alongside the Popular Communication School "Las Doñas Paramunas" in the Sumapaz ecoregion, narrates the process of "creating by doing" through the systematization of the school's experience to analyze the learnings and human development transformations of the "Doñas" and "Doñitas" (participants of the school). The theoretical-methodological approach involved triangulating three fields/theoretical perspectives that lie within the gaps/margins/borders of disciplines: popular and community communication, gender studies, and community education, all viewed through the lens of Human Development and the Capabilities Approach. The inductive method and category inference method were used. The methodological orientation was guided by a qualitative and critical-social approach with a strong presence of Participatory Action Research. Additionally, critical interpretative systematization was the unifying axis of this research-action-systematization. The analysis of the experience during the process of reconstructing our history in the School was guided by four axes of experience reconstruction (Pedagogical and creative spaces: learning/doing, Communicative and narrative, Territory and organizational, and Being/I am a woman) and interpretation axes of the experience analyzed from the Capabilities Approach. It was found that the process of "Las Doñas Paramunas" has its own capacities and tools that allow it to be in a constant collaborative process of creating networks to narrate themselves from their places of enunciation, to create possibilities for territory transformation, personal life, and organization creation alongside others. These tools and capacities enable critical reflection on practices and learning discourses; from this edge of the community and popular, we talk about collaborative, situated learning, the constant creation of participatory methodologies, and paradigm shifts by not only speaking of territory defense but of care, demonstrating how theory can be constructed from practice and learning by doing. These findings allow me/us to mention some hints for continuing to build "bridges and rivers" of collaboration between territories, to keep seeking ways to meet and create, to keep narrating ourselves. These findings are an invitation to talk about the transformations that occur while doing because despite the multiple challenges, we persist in building the dream behind the dream. A process of dreaming that has led us to live four years of adventures, four years of learning-by-doing in the territory, of creating, of narrating ourselves, of coming together from the heart of the mountain. Key Words: Human development, Popular communication, Narrate, Systematization, Capabilities approach and Community organization
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    Huerta poética, encuentro con las raíces
    Cardozo Rincón , Angee Paola; Sánchez Ardila, Jorge David
    Poetical garden, encounter with the roots is the systematization of a pedagogical experience in which older adults from the San Cristóbal locality in Bogotá, D.C. participated, and takes as central aspects the poetic creation, the garden and the recognition of knowledge of older adults to through contact with the land and planting and is related and interpreted through Human Development from a systemic approach presented by Humberto Maturana; In this systemic approach, the consistent, argued, coherent, harmonious and non-reductionist or deterministic understanding that the mind is a process, a relationship, a configuration that emerges in the relational dynamics of human beings with the environment, and between them, even in the relationship with oneself, (Ortiz 207). This is how important aspects such as language and more precisely dialogue, conversation and words are necessary for acceptance of the other alongside one. Likewise, the phenomenological method that supports pedagogical practice was taken up as it allows the subject to evoke contents and link them with the experiences that are currently given to them” (Vázquez 2023). On the other hand, and taking into account the systematization methodology of experiences proposed by Jara (1999), a description of the experience was made, which includes the final reflections where the findings and points of arrival are presented as conclusions and finalizes with the presentation of the evidence and some annexed documents, among them the collection of poems Herbarium poetico sown memoria.
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    Delirios sentada: por las calles de la furia. Narrativas gráficas y reflexiones acerca de transitar en bicicleta por calles de Bogotá, en perspectiva del desarrollo humano.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Herrera Chacón , Melisa; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    This research-creation in the artistic field, titled "Delirios Sentada por las calles de la furia", is a book of graphic narratives constructed from personal experiences, lived moments, and reflections that were woven together while traversing two vital spaces: the Specialization in Human Development with an emphasis on affective processes and creativity, and the streets of Bogotá by bicycle. The reflections and graphic narratives developed are tied to the contents of the specialization modules, drawing on scientific, artistic, pedagogical, creative, and other references provided by the postgraduate instructors in the academic spaces. "Delirios Sentada por las calles de la furia" is an invitation to reflect on Human Development in our everyday transit spaces
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    Una vez no basta. La equidad de género desde los procesos de creación e interpretación artística
    Acevedo Navarro, Angie Jeraldinne; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    Once is not enough. Gender equity from the processes of artistic creation and interpretation in the modality of monograph, is a research that is developed from the relevance of continuing to demand, promote and defend human rights, especially those of women and people of diverse gender, because despite the different struggles and achievements, the reality is totally discouraging, since gender violence and discrimination by hegemonic masculinity are evident. Therefore, it is essential to think of gender equity as a way of recognizing differences and being able to provide what is necessary to achieve gender equality. At this point, the processes of artistic creation appear and within them, the artistic practices, which are designated in this work as a way of encounter and resistance in the face of reality. Artistic practices make it possible, through relationships and interactions, to give back feelings to the world and, on the other hand, it provokes in each person a transformation of thought, in this case, of those social imaginaries that designate to people how to act and be within the patriarchal social system, and through its dynamics it provides them with other possible views.
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    No soy de aquí, pero me siento y me pienso aquí un aporte para el desarrollo humano desde las experiencias compartidas de familias migrantes
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Martinez Medina , Johanna Katherine; Ferrer Franco , Yury de Jesús
    This is a research project that addresses the experiences of children belonging to Venezuelan migrant families who were forced to settle in Colombia after searching for better opportunities. This move led them to integrate into host communities and make visible the cultural diversity of a new territory. The research reveals the realities of migrant children, from their places of origin to their host community, rescuing the resilience that they have had to face since they began their migration process until today, associated with this are the difficulties associated with migration, in relation to uncertainty, anxiety and loss. Furthermore, they will be able to find out how this phenomenon has implications for Human Development based on the challenges that these boys and girls face when seeking access to the guarantee of basic rights such as education, the health system and other services, experiencing feelings of guilt, fear and sorrow for being in an irregular situation, since they do not have a document that allows them to be seen as citizens in the host country. However, the perseverance of the families and the support of various entities or people they come across in these search processes give them hope for a new beginning. In the same way, this research highlights that despite the difficulties they face, boys and girls demonstrate notable strength in their socio-emotional development and ability to overcome adversity. Their ability to adapt to new environments, integrate into host communities and continue their personal and social development make them not only passive subjects of migration, but they are also capable of making decisions, seeking solutions and carrying out actions that influence their own situation and that of their families, which leads them to become child agents.
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    Gamificación, desde la perspectiva del desarrollo humano, como herramienta para incorporar la educación socioemocional con enfoque de género en ambientes educativos.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Guerra Torres, Laura Marcela; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesus; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    This research monograph focuses on exploring gamification as a strategy to integrate socio-emotional education with a gender focus in educational environments. A qualitative approach is proposed to understand the shared social construction in teaching and learning, highlighting the importance of cultural practices in gender relations. In the Amedu archipelago, a gamified experience is carried out where participants will embark on an Island Challenge. Through a narrative approach to a gamified experience, information is collected about gamification, its benefits, components and experiences in educational environments, with the aim of analyzing its contribution to socio-emotional and gender pedagogies. The importance of integrating mechanics, dynamics and components of gamification is highlighted to strengthen skills/capabilities to address coexistence and conflicts in educational environments. The research is carried out from an integrative perspective of human development in the city of Bogotá, to understand and reflect on new ways of exploring education and learning, considering the current and post-Covid-19 socio-educational and socio-emotional challenges.
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    Laboratorio experimental de teatro emocional integral y desarrollo humano
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Huertas Tamayo , Edisson Abel; Franco Ferrer, Yury; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    This research of the type creation aimed to conceive a laboratory that explored emotions in a theatrical environment through expressiveness and corporeality. For this purpose, some theatrical and reflective practices were used that led to an analysis of their environment and their interior life in order to generate an emotional exploration through movement. The group was made up of high school students between sixth and eleventh grade; which belong to the educational institution departamental San Juan De Rioseco in the town of San Juan de Rioseco and there were a total of five matches. Expressiveness and empathy play a fundamental role in the development of human emotional capacities due to their fundamental role in the communicative role as generators of responses to various situational manifestations and in turn as transmitters of concepts of the inner life of each person toward the outside. This fundamental role has not been highlighted in the various indicators measuring development at the local and regional levels, mainly due to their global and non-quantifiable nature, although its primary role as human necessity is highlighted, which is in union with the whole of the human being and therefore with its own advance toward the fullness of it.
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    La voz de la tierra: relatos de mujeres jóvenes defensoras del territorio en Putumayo
    Calderón Merchán, Alejandra; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    Centuries have passed since colonialism and extractivism in Putumayo began leaving consequences on its inhabitants and territories. Who feels the pain of these wounds? This research invites us to listen to the voices and silences of the life stories of four young women from the region, who have dedicated part of their lives to defending their territory and the legacy of their ancestors. Through their voices, we can understand the pain of a territory that has experienced dispossession, but also the sweet sound of hope that reminds us that we are part of a healing ecosystem.
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    Entre textos y contextos: la juventud del territorio fucha como texto. El arte en clave formativa como posibilitante del desarrollo humano de la juventud en el marco de la práctica cultural y artística de la Corporación Promotora Cívico Cultural Zuro Riente 2022-2023
    Rodríguez Garzón, Angélica María; Ferrer Franco , Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    This undergraduate thesis is a systematization of experiences from the cultural practice "El Arte en Clave Formativa" developed by the Corporación Promotora Cívico Cultural Zuro Riente. The organization carried out two social intervention processes in the fourth district of Bogotá with a young population in the years 2022 and 2023. The focus was on art, reflection, and reflexivity based on the pedagogical and methodological proposal of reading-writing texts and contexts to build critical thinking and a culture for life. These cultural practices contribute to the human development of youth, allowing them to improve their quality of life by focusing on realizing and developing their thinking abilities, achievements, and freedoms.
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    El corredor de integración vecinal, un laboratorio de innovación y participación ciudadana en la localidad de bosa: promoción del desarrollo humano a partir de apuestas creativas, innovadoras y experimentales desde la ciudadanía.
    Castelblanco Moreno, Sandra Milena; Ferrer Franco, Yury; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    The Neighborhood Integration Corridor (CIV) in the district of Bosa is an example of how citizen participation can be an example of how citizen participation can be an engine of social and urban transformation. Through collaboration between the community, the public and private sectors, significant improvements have been achieved in the territory and in relations between neighbors, overcoming prejudices between those living in condominiums and neighborhoods. This experience demonstrates the importance of promoting innovative participatory processes for human development and territorial appropriation in cities. It also highlights the relevance of inter-institutional articulation for the sustainability of this type of initiative. Bosa's CIV is a reference of urban construction that illustrates the transformative power of citizen participation and creativity in the construction of more resilient and livable urban spaces. It is a call to rethink the new model of condominium housing and the role of citizens in the construction of more humane, sustainable and environmentally friendly cities.
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    El desarrollo humano a través de las prácticas de meditación heartfulness y la comunicación no violenta.
    Escobar Marulanda, Carolina; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    This paper discusses the paradigm of human and human capabilities development from an integral perspective, considering multiple dimensions of growth and well-being for both humans and non-human lives. It emphasizes the recognition of needs, highlighting the importance of addressing physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and spiritual aspects as pillars for individual and collective capacity development. Guaranteeing factors such as health, education, freedom, security, and access to necessary resources are crucial opportunities for living a fulfilling life. Furthermore, it explores the foundations of the systemic paradigm and its significant contributions to human development, focusing on the interconnection and interdependence of various components within the human system. It underscores the relational nature of life and the necessity of feedback for self-regulation and sustainable system maintenance. This paradigm offers an holistic vision in the integrative understanding of life, always integrative an non fragmentatory. It emphasizes human communication as fundamental to suround reality construction. The text also advocates for understanding the importance of systemic thinking in addressing life's complexities circularly, starting with the development of empathy and all de set of associated social skills. Strategies are proposed throughout the paper to develop these skills, incorporating a circular approach that promotes both personal and communal growth, integrating diverse perspectives and mutual support for sustainable long-term solutions. All that was said above is builted and contemplated in the mirror of Compassionate practices, considered essential tools in capacity development. This work is particularly focusing on experiential tools such as Heartfulness Meditation and Nonviolent Communication. These practices foster spiritual development, self-awareness, understanding, and emotional connection among individuals. They enhance mental and physical health, strengthen interpersonal relationships, facilitate peaceful conflicts resolutions, and contribute to an integral development encompassing both personal and communal well-being. Centering the atention in the needs, the feelings, emphasizing in the self and others experiences is the result of a compassive attitude that heats the capacity of living full way and giving significance to the existence. Based on this foundation, the research aimed to experiment with and apply of the Heartfulness Meditation technique and Nonviolent Communication practice as experiential tools for self-awareness and compassionate development. The experiment was carried out by the researcher and reporting itself as the experimental result. The study employed qualitative phenomenological analysis through monographic construction of experiences. Diagnostic tools like Nonviolent Communication Assessment and HeartWork Program-Baseline Assessment were initially applied, followed by a 21-day continuous practice of Heartfulness Meditation, to facilitate contemplative exercises and record sentimental feelings, corporal feelings, thoughts and all related to the experiences it was made the "Awareness Spiral" journal, always cultivating this sensations under the brest of the questions: ¿What I realice? ¿What I feel? ¿What I think? Experiential analysis in the aplyment of the two diagnostic tools revealed that moral judgements, recognizement of needs and empathy appear subjectively in a time lapse. When analyzing the experiences, the results expose another periodically aparition of feelings, corporal sensations, and thinking lines. Using a systemic perspective in the comprenhesion of the experience, the results where translated to the language of the necesities proposed from the exercise of the non violent communication. Therefore, a place for self learning is given by the Hearth fullness meditation technique and by the nonviolent communication, promoting
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    Identidad: desde las heridas emocionales y su memoria (el desarrollo humano y la configuración de la identidad vistos desde una perspectiva afectiva)
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rojas Pardo, July Andrea; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús
    A person’s emotional wounds, caused by significant events in his or her life, generate elements that shape his or her identity and behavioral aspects. Some of these shaping events include violence, sexual abuse, illness, loss of a loved one and family abandonment, among others. These events are consolidated in the affective memory of each person causing scars that alter the interaction with their social and family environment. In the present research, this issue was investigated using a phenomenological tool applied to elderly people located in the city of Bogotá D.C., selected by convenience sampling. The objective was to understand how these events, narrated from their life experiences, have shaped part of their identity and are implicit in the construction of the concept of human development. The tool collected sound and photographic records, which became inputs for the generation of the book Metamorphosis, which describes the different experiences of the participant population through poetic narrative and digital illustration. The research-creation focuses on the subline of affective and emotional knowledge, also contributing to the sublines of body, sensibility, thought and culture.
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    Relatos de miedo en el transporte público. reflexiones sobre el acoso sexual a mujeres, el tránsito libre por el espacio público y el desarrollo humano.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Robayo Susa, Leidy Nataly; Ferrer Franco , Yury de Jesùs
    Relatos de Miedo en el Transporte Público is an eight-episode podcast designed to contribute to the public discussion around sexual harassment and its implications for women's human development. Each episode features a story of sexual harassment based on real events. This research adopts a hermeneutic approach, aiming to cover the issue of sexual harassment in all its complexity by considering various interpretations, meanings, emotions, and thoughts from a convenience sample of women who are victims of harassment. Throughout the podcast, it becomes evident that sexual harassment represents a corrosive disadvantage that affects the perception of public spaces and women’s right to move freely and safely. This impedes the development of core capacities and consequently has negative repercussions on women's human development.
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    Acercamiento a la identificación de experiencias del paso de la adolescencia a la adultez emergente del desarrollo humano en relación con la canalización de procesos afectivos y emocionales mediados por los procesos creativos en artistas plásticos y músicos Colombianos entre los 25 a los 35 años
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Montes Agudelo, Andrés Eduardo; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús
    Adolescence is a crucial stage of human development, marked by a shift in roles for the individual and influenced by multiple factors ranging from biological to psychosocial aspects. These factors are intertwined with the comprehensive processes that individuals begin to undertake during this new phase. Elements such as the individual's creative capacity and their emotional affectivity are fundamental to this developmental process, as they lay the groundwork for identity formation. Through the experiences of artists who have transitioned into the subsequent stages of human development (emerging adulthood or young adulthood), we can explore how art mediated their adolescent experiences. Art is widely recognized as a primary tool for emotional expression, thus these artists shared their experiences to help us understand how this approach unfolded and its lasting effects, both on themselves and on their perceptions of others throughout the process.
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    Trilogía de video-relatos, retorno a la esencia y sabiduría natural: experiencias de cuidado en torno a rituales de medicina ancestral en Bogotá Distrito Capital desde una mirada del desarrollo humano.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Zambrano Fonseca, Alexandra; Godoy Hernández , Natalí Estéfani; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús
    This thesis explores care experiences in the context of ancestral medicine rituals, focusing on eight individuals residing in Bogotá, Capital District. Based on Paul Ricoeur's mimesis of being, the created object is a trilogy of video-relatos that depict these experiences, highlighting the importance of care in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions at different levels: self-care, care for others, and care for the environment. The findings underscore the relevance of care experiences associated with ancestral medicine rituals in promoting well-being as an element that dialogues with Human Development. Additionally, the transformations generated from experiencing care, the contribution to their well-being, and the challenges of integrating these care experiences into everyday urban life are mentioned. The research contributes to the field of human development by providing a holistic perspective on the care experience not only in the ritual context but also in different areas of personal and collective life.
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    Desarrollo humano, acompañamiento socio-emocional en mujeres migrantes por amor: una pro-puesta de intervención
    Trujillo Niño, Emilce; Ferrer Franco, Yury
    The present research-creation, aims to build a proposal that enables women whom have migrated abroad for love (romantic relationships) to strengthen their emotional management. During the initial adaptation process into the host country women see a reduction of their capacities caused by the adverse effects of migration which implies developing new capacities into a new context. This creation is founded on designing methodological tools that facilitate the reduction of emotional discomfort by creating together with the participants, expressive tools, reflective spaces that enhance the development of their socio-emotional capacities and thus human development in general. The proposal is intended to be implemented within the framework of a broader proposal of emotional accompaniment of women migrants for love developed by psychologist Lyda Chavez, who recognized the social problems of migration of women as detriment of their welfare and diminished capacities in the process of adaptation, assimilation and integration into the host society, which in most of the cases in the partner’s native country. This phenomenon has been studied through the mixed methodological design by resorting not only through data from the literature collected, but also to fieldwork with women who experience the same phenomenon through semi-structured interviews that allow the description and reflection of their particular perspectives which in turn functions as input for the creation of the laboratories as a proposal for creation.
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    Simbiosis de atardeceres: Laboratorios de creación artística como escenarios para la resignificación de imaginarios en torno a la etapa de la vejez
    Santos Ospina, Fabián Esteban; Ortiz Sánchez, Luz Marilyn
    This project presents the work carried out in the laboratories of artistic creation, where twelve older adults, whose ages ranged from 61 to 89 years old, combined and associated life storied, ideas, and thoughts. This, together with the experimentation of materials and meanings, allowed the process of creation to be carried out in the different languages of the plastic arts. In this way and through the visualization of capacities and abilities, it was possible to make reflective dialogues around the position that the elderly occupies within the community and the importance they have in the historical and cultural construction of society, signifying the imaginary around the stage of old age.
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    Peguémonos el viaje, una reflexión para la creación de una herramienta pedagógica que aborde una prevención informada sobre el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas.
    Perez Farigua, Daniel Alberto; Sanchez Ardila, Jorge David
    The common topic when society exposes about prevention in use of narcotics is treat this topic only in addiction and criminal situation because in the last 50 years the narcotics theme has been focused on restrict and persecution, neglected the existence of consume of Psychoactive Substances has been practice in the humanity history without tragedies to people and cultures who used them. This document wants to make it a pedagogical implement to work information about prevention in Psychoactive Substances use since an informative position where the prohibition is going to be problematized and going to be recognized the consequences of Psychoactive Substance Use by a pedagogical bag for work with different populations, and its target are teachers and other people who is interesting in work prevention since a no punitive position.