Ingeniería Catastral y Geodesia
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Ítem Modelo de aprendizaje de máquina para la verificación de la calidad de los datos en actualizaciones catastrales en municipios de CasanareBenavides Tocarruncho, Natalia; Escobar Calderón, Santiago; Coronado Sanchéz, Paulo Cesar; Coronado Sanchéz, Paulo Cesar [0000-0003-2980-2376]In the context of cadastral updates in Colombia and their importance for governmental decision-making, data quality plays a crucial role in the proper development of cadastral processes. It is necessary to streamline these processes, make them more efficient, and avoid inconsistencies as defined in the quality models set by the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute (IGAC) to advance in these processes. The application of technologies such as machine learning helps increase efficiency in these procedures. As a solution, a machine learning model was proposed to verify the quality of cadastral data in municipalities of the Casanare department through the definition of four quality levels, and the selection of variables that represent the territorial reality. In total, 20 variables were selected, among which the most influential were land area (alphanumeric and digital), property registration number, type of domain, and economic purpose. The variables with the most inconsistencies were registry area, cadastral area, complete name information, and records of legal and natural persons, as well as the discrepancy between the registered area and the calculated area. The four levels are divided into the verification of the completeness of the information, the structure of the national cadastral number, the compliance with consistency rules, and topological validations. Of the evaluated property data, 70% meets the quality parameters, which reveals a need to implement new processes, like the one presented, for more adequate data management and recording. Additionally, the model's performance had an RMSE of 0.0317, an MAE of 0.0185, and an R² Score of 0.6629, indicating good performance, closeness of predicted values to real values, and variability in the data with room for improvement.Ítem Análisis integral de avalúos catastrales rurales y su impacto en la gestión socioeconómica en el municipio de Ovejas, Sucre(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Castiblanco Pirachica , Erika Marcela; Velandia Barón , Sara Valentina; Castillo Méndez , Luis Eduardo; Castro Linares , Yuri IdaliThe research focuses on evaluating the cadastral backlog in the municipality of Ovejas, Sucre, and its impact on local socioeconomic management. The main objective is to determine the magnitude of the gap between current cadastral values and market values, and analyze how this situation affects the distribution of the tax burden and municipal development planning. An econometric analysis of time series is carried out in order to calculate the delays in the cadastral appraisals and estimates are made for a period of time 2024-2027 and the results are explained based on the socioeconomic impacts of the municipality.Ítem Procedimiento topográfico alternativo de alta precisión para la inspección del sistema indicador de trayectoria de aproximación implementado en el Comando Aéreo de Mantenimiento de la Fuerza Aeroespacial Colombiana(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Zamora Malaver, Lizeth Yurany; Páez Ahumada, Bibiana Katerine; Cardenas Contreras , Andrés; Cardenas Contreras, Andrés [0000-0002-6033-4331]The present study, resulting from collaboration between the Francisco José de Caldas District University and the Aeronautical Innovation Research and Development Technological Center (CETIA), introduces an alternative methodology for inspecting the Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) lighting system on airport runways, employing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). This innovative approach successfully combines aerial image capture from various distances and elevations with precise determination of the UAV’s location using positioning techniques that include both a total station for topography and a global satellite navigation system, simultaneously. The primary contribution of this research lies in its ability to adapt this fusion of technologies to the specific conditions of each aerodrome, while simultaneously complying with relevant aeronautical regulations. Furthermore, it advances research in the fields of Geomatics and Satellite Geodesy and promotes the use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) in aerial operations. Thanks to the proposed procedure, this alternative inspection method has undergone review by the Civil Aviation Authority (AAAES) with the aim of establishing it as a valid tool for enhancing efficiency and safety in landing operations in Colombia. This work acknowledges the fundamental importance of Cadastre Engineering and Geodesy in identifying and mitigating risks in aerial operations, contributing to the strengthening of the Science, Technology, and Innovation system of the Aerospace Force in the application and design of RPAS both in Colombia and internationally.Ítem Herramientas para la comprensión y uso de los resultados del cálculo de la Unidad Agrícola Familiar por Unidades Físicas Homogéneas, en el municipio de San Jerónimo de Ayapel, Córdoba.(Universidad Francisco Jose de Caldas) Silva Sandoval, Samantha Zulena; Anzola Torres, María Alejandra; Torres Colmenares, Oscar FernandoThe objective of the project is to suggest instructional and engineering methods that simplify the comprehending and usage of the calculation of the Family Agricultural Unit (UAF) by Homogeneous Physical Units (UFH) in the planning process for the city of San Jerónimo de Ayapel, Córdoba. The project methodology is structured in four main phases: the collection and analysis of preliminary information, the consolidation and identification of key variables, the articulation of a proposal of pedagogical and technological tools, and the socialization of the project. As a result, we propose the implementation of a feedback workshop and a geovisor as tools for understanding and using UFH calculations. These tools would allow users, both municipal and community, to identify and use each of the byproducts of the calculation of the UAF in the decision-making of the territory.Ítem Uso de la inteligencia artificial en la estimación del precio de la vivienda urbana en municipios intermedios de Colombia(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Dallos Becerra, Juan David; Villafañe Romero, Jean Janer; Rojas Jiménez, César AugustoThe real estate market in Colombia faces significant challenges owing to the lack of detailed and updated information, which makes it difficult to accurately estimate property prices. This limitation affects the ability of buyers and sellers to make informed decisions in real estate transactions, which in turn has a negative impact on the citizenry’s economic stability. In addition, factors such as unemployment and economic recession negatively affect people's financial perceptions and demand for housing. To address these issues, an artificial intelligence model combining a convolutional neural network and a direct feedforward was developed to estimate real estate prices in intermediate municipalities in Colombia. This model was based on the construction of an information extraction system using web scraping to collect data from real estate offers, formulation of a neural network model that integrates images and alphanumeric features, and evaluation of the model's performance using regularization techniques. During the development of the project, we identified the need to address the technical complexity of the web scraping process and optimize the hyperparameters of the neural network model to improve its generalization capability. We observed that certain hyperparameter configurations, such as intermediate learning rates and moderate regularization values, generated satisfactory results in the training and testing metrics. However, we also noted an inability to generalize new information when evaluating models with new datasets, suggesting the need to expand the size of the datasets and consider other artificial intelligence approachesÍtem The colouring cities research programme : modelo de implementación para Bogotá D.C., caso de estudio UPZ El PorvenirVélez Dueñas, María Camila; Beltrán Rodríguez, Javier Alejandro; Coronado Sánchez, Paulo César; Coronado Sánchez, Paulo César [0000-0003-2980-2376]The degree work entitled "The Coloring Cities Research Programme: Model of Implementation for Bogotá D.C " UPZ el Porvenir Case Study" addresses the modeling, adaptation and application of the global initiative Coloring Cities Research Program in Bogotá, with a specific focus on the UPZ El Porvenir. This project is part of a collaborative effort between students and professionals of the Francisco District University José de Caldas, specifically from the Cadastral Engineering and Geodesy program and The Alan Touring Research Institute, to implement a digital platform that encourages citizen participation in the collection, analysis and visualization of urban data for the improvement of city management and planning. The platform, called "Coloring Bogotá", seeks to provide a repository accessible open data on the built environment, with the aim of supporting decision-making informed decisions regarding sustainable urban development. This project presented a real environment of application of competencies specific.Ítem Desarrollo e implementación de propuesta metodológica para la determinación de zonas con cobertura vegetal deficiente bajo el marco del Plan de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos del Distrito CapitalGonzález Garay, Brayan Esneyder; Rojas Rincón, Claudia BereniceThis document compiles the main aspects of the methodology for the determination of areas with poor plant cover based on a supervised classification of high-resolution aerial images. The process begins with the determination of the public areas targeted by the program of lawn cutting and tree pruning and sweeping and cleaning of roads and public areas. Once the zones have been identified, a first supervised classification is performed using the Google Earth Engine application, based on the selection of representative areas of different categories of coverages present in the zones. Subsequently, a second supervised classification is carried out on areas classified as plant coverings and areas defined as parks by the IDRD, Areas representative of the different states of the vegetation cover are selected and categorized from the value of digital or pixel levels to determine if it is abundant, medium or uncovered soil. Once the algorithm is structured and tested on the images of the capital city, a raster image is obtained whose pixel values reflect a value related to the defined categories (abundant vegetation cover, average vegetation cover, bare soil and shadows). The accuracy of the classification is assessed by validation data. Subsequently, a geospatial analysis is performed on the areas classified as medium vegetation cover and uncovered soil, which reflect a deficiency of vegetation cover. In addition to the classification, the relationship between areas with poor vegetation cover and relevant factors, such as territorial dynamics, frequency of sweeping and road cleaning, and concentration of air pollutants, is evaluated, as the particulate material of 10 microns (PM10). The combination of remote sensing techniques, supervised classification and geospatial analysis provides a comprehensive approach for the identification of specific areas requiring intervention to improve vegetation coverage in the capital city’s public space and contribute to greening processes for the mitigation of atmospheric pollutants in addition to contributing to the identification of areas with differential needs in terms of the frequency of tree sweeping and pruning activityÍtem Diseño de un indicador multicriterio para la evaluación territorial: Un estudio de caso en los Montes de María, Colombia(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Norato Triana, John Esteban; Castillo Méndez , Luis Eduardo; Castillo Méndez, Luis EduardoThe Montes de María, located between the departments of Bolívar and Sucre, have historically faced challenges that have deeply marked their development. This region has suffered the consequences of a prolonged armed conflict, inappropriate exploitation of natural resources, illegal mining, deforestation and the forced displacement of its population. In addition, it has suffered continuous state neglect, reflected in insufficient infrastructure and lack of basic services. Persistent poverty, social inequality and lack of territorial planning make it a challenge to guarantee the progress and well-being of the population. Given this panorama, it is essential to address these problems with a comprehensive approach, through multidisciplinary strategies that promote sustainable development, social equity and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of this region. This project seeks to solve the following problem: How can we identify and evaluate the challenges in the territorial development of the Montes de María, to facilitate decision-making that promote well-being? This question guides us towards understanding how an indicator will perform as a fundamental tool to visualize and quantify key aspects of territorial development. The indicator will not only allow critical areas and priority needs to be identified in a precise and objective manner, but will also offer a deep understanding of the complexity of the territory. This understanding will be achieved thanks to the integration of mathematical and statistical tools, as well as spatial analysis. By taking these various dimensions into account, the indicator will allow the analysis of the social, environmental and economic dynamics that influence territorial development. As a result, a solid basis will be provided for making informed decisions and will allow the design of more effective strategies oriented towards the social well-being and sustainable development of the region. Addressing this problem represents a challenge, but also an opportunity to move towards a more efficient, sustainable and quality territory for all citizens of the region, based on the identification of areas for improvement and optimized planning of the territory.Ítem Identificación de asentamientos irregulares a partir de la extracción de cubiertas de construcciones urbanas con imágenes de sensores remotos. Caso de estudio - Cabecera Urbana de Valle del Guamuez, Putumayo de 2017 a 2020Suárez Hurtado, Paula Valeria; Castro Ortega, Carlos Hernán; Castro Ortega, Carlos Hernán [0000-0002-5039-3848]In the development countries one of the challenges related to the generation of sustainable cities is informal settlements, the growth dynamics of urban centers that are affected by land tenure insecurity, access to services or public facilities, and exposed to risks due to inappropriate locations. The identification of this type of space through remote sensing techniques is a key input for land managers and their communities, to generate strategies for slum upgrading. This work seeks to address the spatial dynamics of informal settlements through the specific case of new formations in the urban center of Valle del Guamuez, Putumayo between 2017 and 2021, where through an analysis of land cover change, identification of the characteristics of informal settlements using supervised classification methods (RF and SVM) it was possible to generate a mapping of the settlements by differentiating them from other land covers. The work found that the best model generated was through the RF algorithm that uses a stack of bands with spectral, textural and environment parameters with overall accuracy of 83%, confirming importance of these parameters for identifying informal settlements.Ítem Revisión teórico-metodológica y mapeamiento de los impactos ambientales de las zonas circundantes en el lago de TotaChaparro Villagrán, Joan Nicolás; Castro Ortega, Carlos Hernán; Castro Ortega, Carlos Hernán [0000-0002-5039-3848]Lake Tota, situated in Colombia, is the largest lake in the country and plays a significant role in the local ecosystem and the lives of surrounding communities. This study focuses on examining the environmental impacts affecting the lake and its surroundings through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature. The bibliometric analysis reveals a variety of factors contributing to environmental impacts in the Lake Tota region, including deforestation in the surrounding river basins, water pollution caused by industrial and domestic waste discharges, sedimentation due to soil erosion, and unsustainable agricultural practices. Additionally, studies have identified biodiversity loss within and around the lake, as well as the effects of climate change such as increased water temperature and changes in precipitation, which may exacerbate existing environmental impacts. Mapping these impacts provides a comprehensive view of the most affected areas and helps identify key points for conservation and environmental management. This literature review underscores the urgent need for action to address environmental impacts on Lake Tota and its surroundings, including biodiversity conservation measures, sustainable agricultural practices, pollution control programs, environmental protection, and environmental education for local communities.Ítem Análisis del fraccionamiento predial y antieconómico en los municipios de Puerto Salgar y La Calera dentro del contexto de la distribución y tenencia desigual de la tierra rural en Cundinamarca, Colombia en el periodo 2015 - 2018Guatame Castillo, Juan Sebastián; Rodríguez Vargas, Natalia Lizeth; Vergara Hincapie, Jaime; Vergara Hincapie, Jaime [0000-0003-4734-9245]The monograph text discusses the problem of land fragmentation in global agrarian systems, highlighting its impact on productivity and quality of life in rural areas. It mentions different academic studies that have addressed its causes, as well as the interest in quantifying this phenomenon through indexes such as the GLFI proposed by Demetriou in 2013. In the Colombian context, inequity in land distribution is pointed out, with unsuccessful land reform attempts. It focuses on two municipalities, La Calera and Puerto Salgar, where land fractionation is observed for various reasons, such as demographic pressure and real estate speculation. In addition, aspects such as agricultural technification and access to bank credits are discussed, highlighting the disparities between large and small landowners. Emphasis is placed on impartiality in the presentation of data and testimonies in the monograph.Ítem Apoyo al componente técnico en el proceso de formalización predial bajo el Decreto Ley 902 del 2017, en la Localidad de Sumapaz, sector catastral Tunal Alto, enmarcado en el trabajo conjunto entre UAECD, La ANT, la alcaldía local de Sumapaz y la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Arenas Chacón, Natalia Valentina; Baquero Baquero, Monica Dayana; Fuentes Lopez, Hector Javier; Fonseca Amaya, Guillermo [0000-0001-6899-4564]Colombia has been marked by various conflicts that have unleashed a series of problems affecting a large part of its population. One of the most significant challenges is the informality of property, which is still present in the Colombian reality. This project highlights the importance of formalizing rural property, especially in the territory of Sumapaz. The project recognises challenges such as informality in land tenure and conflicts over property. In this context, the collaboration work between the Local Mayor's Office of Sumapaz, the UAECD (Special Administrative Unit of District Cadastre) and the National Land Agency is framed to carry out property planimetric surveys, which contribute to correcting the cadastral databases of the UAECD. The objective is to promote equitable and sustainable agrarian development in the region, addressing one of the country's most serious social problems.Ítem Desarrollo de un indicador de Predios Informales en el proceso de actualización catastral en el marco de la gestión catastral realizada por el Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC.).Tapasco Torres, Melanny Alejandra; Rodriguez Mustafa, July MarcelaInformal land ownership in Colombia generates socioeconomic and legal challenges that hinder the sustainable development of the country. This informality, which includes the irregular possession of land and the occupation of vacant lots, causes legal insecurity and complicates the planning and execution of public policies, in addition to exacerbating problems related to the social organization of property and the environmental and productive planning of the territory. In response to this problem, the Multipurpose Cadastre is positioned as an essential structure in land administration, since it allows for the collection of detailed data on the properties, becoming an input for the subsequent processes of formalization and regularization, by integrating the physical, legal and economic aspects of the properties, The Multipurpose Cadastre seeks to improve cadastral management, as a fundamental input together with the real estate registry in charge of the Superintendence of Notaries and Registry to strengthen legal security and promote orderly urban and rural development. The Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute (IGAC), as the entity responsible for cadastral management, plays a crucial role in the implementation of the Multipurpose Cadastre Policy, which is the basis for the comprehensive Rural Reform defined in the National Development Plan (Law 2294 of May 19, 2023), facilitating the identification and formalization of informal properties and contributing to the consolidation of the Territorial Administration System. As the highest cadastral authority in Colombia according to Law 1955 of 2019, the IGAC plays a fundamental role, since, it establishes the regulation for cadastral processes, defining the parameters for the collection of cadastral services, enabling cadastral managers, consolidating the National Cadastral Information System (SINIC), and acting as cadastral manager in the municipalities under its jurisdiction to ensure an effective and accurate territorial administration. With the objective of having tools that help identify property informality and improve the quality of cadastral information, the IGAC has defined a comprehensive strategy that includes the implementation of the Multipurpose Cadastre Policy in Colombia, this policy, according to CONPES 3859 of 2016, seeks to transform the traditional cadastre system by offering a Land Administration System (SAT) based on the property. This approach goes beyond the fiscal or tax purposes of the conventional cadastre which by improving its interrelationship with the real property registration system strengthens legal certainty through the detailed representation of stakeholders on the properties, including occupation, possession and full ownership. In addition, it is fundamental information because it facilitates informed decision making in land use planning and economic, social and environmental planning, by promoting the consolidation and implementation of the RDM (Master Data Repository), which will allow the interoperability of cadastral and registry information with the layers generated from the information on the rights, restrictions and responsibilities related to the properties in an articulated and legally binding manner. Resolution 1040 of 2023 of the IGAC highlights the importance of incorporating cadastral information that reflects the physical and legal reality of the properties, consolidating a census of public or private real estate located in the national territory, regardless of who is the holder of the rights over the property. This means that, from a technical-cadastral perspective, the aim is to incorporate in the cadastral database the information that faithfully represents the physical situation of the properties, even if this information does not coincide exactly with their precise legal definition. One of the aspects highlighted in this resolution is the condition of property informality, this resolution establishes in article 5.1.1 that “...,for the purposes of incorporation in the cadastral database, the superposition of an occupied or owned property over another public or private property, respectively, will be considered as a condition of property informality, provided that the second property (public or private) has been identified cadastrally and is considered formal for cadastral purposes.” Therefore, this internship was carried out, which combined the academic and practical components to propose and develop an indicator of the behavior of informal properties, both rural and urban, thus allowing the Projects Sub-Directorate of the IGAC to optimize the planning, budget and operational efficiency of the cadastral updating processes in the municipalities under execution. For the construction and development of the property informality indicator, the results of the cadastral update of several municipalities were used, including Arauquita, Gachancipá, La Tebaida, Paz de Ariporo, Popayán, Río Blanco, San Carlos, San Juan de Arama, Santa Rosalía, Tocancipá and Villarrica, in addition to secondary information sources available at the IGAC and other entities. During the internship, several activities were carried out, including an exhaustive analysis of the available cadastral and registry information to identify and classify informal properties in the selected municipalities. Key variables were defined, such as the lack of a registration folio, the ownership status of the properties, the occupation of vacant properties and the possession of properties owned by others, in order to develop an indicator to quantify the magnitude of property informality. The result of this work represented an analysis that covered both urban and rural areas of the selected municipalities. This analysis provided a description of the situation of property informality for the 2022, 2023 and 2024 updating periods of each municipality, which represents a fundamental input for the planning, coordination and estimation of operation times of the cadastral updating projects by the IGAC's Project Sub-Directorate. When specifically addressing the behavior of property informality, the results of the indicator revealed a trend towards an increase in informality in several municipalities between 2022 and 2024. Additionally, an analysis of the Registration Gap was conducted, which is a crucial indicator to reveal the discrepancy between the amount of properties registered in the cadastre and those registered in the public registry office. The results of this analysis highlighted the need to improve the cadastral registration and updating processes to reduce this gap. This implies strengthening the interrelationship between the cadastre and the registry, with the objective of improving the quality of the cadastral information, which in turn will guarantee a more robust and accurate database, which is crucial to strengthen the legal security of the properties. Also, an occupancy indicator was developed with the objective of projecting the identification of vacant properties based on the incorporation of informal properties. In other words, it seeks to analyze the behavior of informality in terms of land occupation, in order to standardize the process of identifying vacant lots based on the informal properties that are incorporated into the cadastral base. This Occupancy Indicator provided important findings on the need to improve the systems for monitoring and recording cadastral mutations to ensure the integrity of the database and the accuracy of the cadastral information.Ítem Análisis comparativo de la información catastral vigente mediante la integración de marcas constructivas (building footprints): Caso de estudio unidades constructivas del departamento del GuaviareDuarte Mendez, Kerly Johanna; Ramírez Ramos, Carlos GermánThis document is based on the comparative analysis of the building units in the national cadastral base and secondary information sources of building footprints for the department of Guaviare. The main purpose is to obtain a detailed view of the spatial distribution and characteristics of buildings in urban and rural areas of each municipality. The methodology was developed in five main phases. In the first phase, cadastral data and construction marks were collected from various secondary sources. In the second phase, the data were cleaned and organized in databases in CSV format, divided by municipality and classified according to the use and score of the construction units. The third phase involved spatial analysis using ArcGIS Pro and Python in Jupyter Notebook, where the geographic data were integrated and visualized to identify the spatial distribution of the buildings. In the fourth phase, the cadastral base data were compared with the construction marks to identify discrepancies and validate the results. Finally, in the fifth phase, heat maps and other visualizations were generated to graphically represent the results. The results show a clear predominance of urban areas in all municipalities, especially in San José del Guaviare, which has a higher concentration of properties and construction units, as recorded in the cadastral base. It is important to note that the cadastral validity in the urban zone is from 2009, while the rural zone has not yet been formed. The number of construction marks exceeds the number of construction units registered, both in urban and rural areas, and the marks show a greater predominance of the number of constructions in the rural area.Ítem Análisis histórico de compra de predios por la Agencia Nacional de Tierras en el periodo 2016 - 2023 en el marco del mapa de riesgos de corrupción de la entidadVelasco Alfonso, Alejandra; Torres Colmenares, Oscar FernandoThe purchase of Land Directly is one of the processes carried out by the ANT that promotes access to land for peasants and ethnic communities. However, the OIGT, in the exercise of its functions and ensuring transparency in the management of the entity, is building a comprehensive monitoring system for the land effectively purchased directly. This system aims to facilitate the analysis of corruption risk management, as outlined in the Corruption Risk Maps of the entity. To comply with the aforementioned, it is intended to consolidate a Geographic Database (which does not currently exist in the entity) containing all the land purchased in the period from 2016 to 2022 (under the previous administration of the ANT). This database will unify spatial and alphanumeric information related to the specific location of the land effectively purchased directly, incorporating economic, physical, legal, and normative information applicable to the land itself, as well as secondary contrasting information to verify the information contained in the purchasing files and the corruption risk map of the ANT for procedures related to direct purchases. In this sense, consolidating a database containing the aforementioned information is of great importance for the entity, as it allows for clear monitoring and control over the direct land purchase process carried out by the ANT since its inception. This directly influences the management and transparency guidelines of the entity, all with the aim of evaluating and issuing recommendations related to possible corruption risks to be considered for the management of the new administration (from 2023 onwards). In addition to the GBD Consolidation, the purchasing procedures established by the entity will be analyzed, the legal status of each property will be verified through the Single Registry Window - VUR, and finally, an overlay will be made with different geographic layers of environmental determinants, among others. All of this is aimed at analyzing the areas where the properties were purchased and thus ensuring their productivity for the DAT case. Finally, recommendations will be issued to the entity related to the management of geographic information, compliance with purchasing procedures, treatment of purchasing files, among others, thus ensuring transparency and the fight against corruption in the National Land Agency.Ítem Fortalezas, debilidades y oportunidades para analizar las problematicas sociales asociadas a la tenencia de la tierra desde el analisis de la actualizacion catastral rural 2021-2022 realizada por el IGAC en 8 municipios de BoyacáRocha Salas, Bairon Alejandro; Fuentes López, Héctor Javier; Fuentes López, Héctor Javier [0000-0001-6899-4564]The present research work stems from the collaboration between the Francisco José de Caldas District University and the Research and Prospective Directorate of the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute, as a strategy for strengthening multipurpose cadastre. It examines land tenure conflict in eight category 6 municipalities in Boyacá, based on rural cadastral data between 2021 and 2022 conducted by IGAC and financed by multilateral banking (IDB-WB). The theoretical analysis relies on detailed documentary research, addressing topics such as territorial administration, land tenure, and its social and ecological function. The interpretative non-experimental methodology employed encompasses documentary analysis and focus groups to comprehend and characterize land tenure conflicts. Causes of these conflicts, such as high land concentration, land grabbing, armed violence, and institutional absence, are identified. Political dynamics in defining cadastre policy are examined, highlighting the necessity for multipurpose cadastre to serve as input for formulating comprehensive public policies to resolve conflicts and promote agricultural and peasant development, in alignment with the Final Peace Agreement.Ítem Caracterización de los territorios multiculturales del departamento de Nariño en el marco del PND 2022-2026Díaz González, Sarha Lucía; Rojas Hernández, Karen Julieth; Fuentes López, Hector Javier; Fuentes López, Hector Javier 0000-0001-6899-4564]IIn its political constitution, Colombia was recognized as a multiethnic and multicultural state. For this reason, it recognized ethnic and non-ethnic groups and granted them territorial rights, which has generated interethnic and intercultural tensions due to legal and territorial overlaps that cause clashes between different communities. The department of Nariño represents a significant ethnic and environmental wealth, constituting an appropriate study area to carry out the main objective of this degree work, in which a characterization of the indigenous groups, Afro-descendant and peasant communities present in the department was carried out. territory, as well as the relationships and conflicts related to the possession, use and access to land in the context of the National Development Plan 2022-2026 'Colombia: World Power of Life', proposing the existence of possible multicultural territories. To this end, the communities present in the department that converge in the same geographic space were identified, according to geospatial information, and the areas of environmental interest with which they interact. Then, a characterization of these groups was carried out, considering their customs, traditions and land uses. Finally, possible conflicts that could arise both within and between ethnic and non-ethnic groups were diagnosed, in addition to socio environmental conflicts. As a result, four possible areas were identified where indigenous reservations and formalized community councils overlap, in addition to four types of relationships regarding aspirations and requests for formalization. As a common point, these possible territories are located towards the south and west of the department, where environmental protection areas and conservation strategies are located. Regarding this, it is concluded that it is important for the State to recognize the existence of interethnic conflicts to generate appropriate proposals for their resolution, with the establishment of multicultural territories as a figure of territorial planning being a great option.Ítem Evaluación del efecto de la tenencia de tierras en la formulación de pagos por servicios ambientales (PSA), caso de estudio cuenca del río Coello, Tolima(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cabrera Vela, Daniela; Cuervo González, Brayan Sebastián; Rojas Jiménez, César AugustoThis research analyzes the impact of land ownership on the implementation of the PES program in the Coello River basin, located in the department of Tolima. The study area covers eight municipalities, including Cajamarca, Ibagué and Coello, and focuses on how land tenure and management influence the success of these programs. Through a detailed analysis, we seek to understand the territorial challenges and opportunities that affect the implementation of the PSA. The study was divided into three main phases, each with a specific objective. First, areas of high environmental value in the basin were identified using the MESLI methodology. In the second phase, information on informal land ownership was collected, which made it possible to build a portfolio of properties with great potential for the implementation of the PES. Finally, a SWOT analysis was carried out to identify the challenges and opportunities associated with PES. The integration of these elements facilitated the selection of suitable properties, applying specific criteria that ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the PES in the Coello River basin. This also allowed us to determine how informal land ownership can limit access to these programs, highlighting the importance of formalizing ownership for their effective implementation. Likewise, this study highlights the importance of public policies that promote the regularization of land tenure, as a crucial step to ensure that PES and other similar programs can be implemented in a more equitable and effective way.Ítem Generación de un índice ecológico de teledetección (RSEI) para estimar la calidad ambiental de Zipaquirá en el periodo 1998-2023(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Zubieta Oliveros, Juan David; Buitrago Mendoza, Wilson Daniel; Medina Daza, Rubén Javier; Medina Daza, Rubén Javier [0000-0002-9851-9761]This study focuses on the generation of a Remote Sensing Ecological Index (RSEI) to estimate the environmental quality of the municipality of Zipaquirá. For this purpose, satellite images from the Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+, Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS and Landsat 9 OLI 2/TIRS 2 missions were used. The methodology was structured into three specific objectives: the delimitation and processing of images, which includes the delimitation of the study area, acquisition of images in Surface Reflectance (SR) and Top of Atmosphere (TOA) products, digital processing and generation of the Remote Sensing Ecological Index; the evaluation of results through spatial autocorrelation analysis and application of local and global indices; and the verification and comparison of results with previous studies to ensure the validity and accuracy of the RSEI. The development of this study is vital to apply a Remote Sensing Ecological Index, which allows obtaining an estimate of the environmental quality of the municipality of Zipaquirá, in the period from 1998 to 2023.