Ingeniería Catastral y Geodesia
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Ítem Evaluación con enfoque catastral ara las auditorías realizadas por contraloría de bogotá sector hacienda mediante soporte técnico-jurídico para el último trimestre pad 2021 y el primer trimestre pad 2022.Angulo Pérez, Valeria; Moreno García, Luisa Fernanda; Fuentes López, Héctor Javier; Héctor Javier Fuentes López [0000-0001-6899-4564]This project provided support with a cadastral legal approach for the Office of the Comptroller of Bogota, so activities were developed to support the Fiscal Control exercised by this entity. Therefore, different review and analysis activities were carried out for the Performance Audit 83 PAD 2021, carried out in the fourth quarter of 2021 and in which the management in the determination, calculation and liquidation of the participation of the apital gain effect for UPZ 16 Santa Barbara and UPZ 38 Restrepo was evaluated. Likewise, support was provided to the entity during the Regularity Audit 72 PAD 2022 carried out in the first quarter of 2022, in which the fiscal management of the Special Administrative Unit of District Cadastre - UAECD, carried out during the 2021 fiscal year, was evaluated. It is worth mentioning that in order to carry out the oversight and fiscal control activities, both national and district regulations, as well as the internal regulations of the Office of the Comptroller of Bogota were followedÍtem Análisis espacial de las determinantes del valor de la oferta de la vivienda usada en la ciudad de bogotá mediante regresión geográficamente ponderadaBuitrago Mendieta, Geraldine Xiomar; Melo Martinez, Carlos Eduardo; Carlos Eduardo Melo Martinez [0000-0002-5598-1913}The owned property is the most valuable asset of a person, couple or family. Nevertheless, acquire it isn’t easy (Redmas 2022). Urban Capital Inversiones SAS, most widely knows as Home Capital, is an organization with the mayor purpose to increase the access of real state for Latinamerican families. That grow, implies make easier many process as the availability of properties. Currently, Home Capital have coverage in Medellin and Bogota but, as it’s mayor purpose demands, the proyection is to extend the coverage to more colombian cities, and then, other latinamerican countries. To make this posible, a deep study of the behaviour of the real state market and the techniques used to optimize each process is required. The present research have the objective to improve the accuracy of the procedure that fix the comercial value of the properties that Home Capital buys, through a spatial análisis of the variables that incides in the value per square meter of the offer of used real state in Bogotá, applying the Geographically Weighted Regression method. This is a scalable methodology for both actual and futur coverage zones, offering solutions not only for the studied city, but also a starting point to analize other cities or detalied studies in smaller áreas.Ítem Metodología para realizar el levantamiento geodésico y fotogramétrico con uav para minería de materiales de construcción en la sabana occidente de BogotáMisse Salazar, Michael Steven; Pedraza Ortiz, Angelo Alexander; Cardenas Contreras, AndrésConstruction material mining in the western region of Bogotá requires advanced methodologies for geodetic and photogrammetric surveys, particularly using UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). In this context, there is a need to implement a methodology that addresses the demand for more efficient and accurate data collection methods in mining areas, while also allowing for a comparison of the effectiveness of each technique. The integration of geodetic and photogrammetric technologies with the versatility of UAVs provides an innovative approach to optimize surveying processes in challenging environments such as open-pit mining. This combination promises to enhance precision and efficiency in data collection, adapting to the demands of the mining environment.Ítem Levantamiento de información geoespacial para la obtención de los linderos de predios rurales con metodología de bajo costo en un contexto de los métodos colaborativos propuestos en el catastro multipropósitoAristizabal Henao, Juan Mateo; Palacios Yate, David Esteban; Avendaño Arias, Johan Andrés; Johan Andrés Avendaño Arias [0000-0002-7193-2070]The cadastre is essential for a country since it is an input for formulating public policies. Being the physical characterization of the properties is the basis of the land administration process, however, in the case of Colombia, this is outdated. Therefore, the present study aims to help in the collection of physical information on rural properties related to space and boundaries with low-cost equipment, for which smartphones are used to collect Rinex data and capture physical information taking elements of the Fit For Purpose methodology, additionally, post-processing is performed by Precise Point Positioning and differential relative method, to obtain the coordinates of two rural properties located in Viotá and Zipacón, for which it was previously necessary to compare the accuracy with two vertices of the geodetic network in Bogotá to determine according to the horizontal accuracy consigned in resolution 679 of 2022 and decree 148 of 2020 in which the use of this type of equipment is enabled. The main result of this study was the ability to use this equipment for geospatial data capture, fulfilling the horizontal accuracy of 5.2 meters in some cases, 13.01 and 21.6 meters in almost all cases. since the horizontal accuracy varies between 0.38 and 15.7 meters depending on the device, method, and post-processing software or service.Ítem Análisis y evaluación de los diferendos limítrofes dudosos en el año 2023, ColombiaAguirre Grajales, Jhon Hector; Rodriguez Bernal, Luis LeonardoThe project addresses territorial instability in Colombia due to dubious border conflicts between departments, generating tensions and hindering development. The importance of clearly defining territorial limits is highlighted to guarantee political, social and economic stability. According to Law 1447 of 2011, it establishes a legal framework to address these disputes, promoting participation and agreement in conflict resolution. The need to evaluate and improve the methods used to resolve border conflicts is emphasized, in order to strengthen territorial stability and promote sustainable development in the country. The detailed analysis of these problems seeks to provide valuable information to understand and address territorial challenges in Colombia.Ítem Tipificacion y analisis de precios unitarios de construcciones de viviendas en guadua, en la zona rural del area metropolitana de la ciudad de pereira - risaraldaRodriguez Vargas, Edwin Gustavo; Perez Marulanda, Edwin Horacio; Edwin Horacio Perez Marulanda [0000-0001-6529-4669]This document shows a study based on an investigation and typification of prices for constructions in the most common Guadua type Material in the Metropolitan Area of Pereira, the study area, being subdivided into three geographical regions such as Urban, Rural and Suburban, presents a great influence on its construction characteristics, this is due to its budgets, typification and price analysis of each of the houses specifically in guadua, being directly and indirectly associated with the spatial location according to its natural condition, for the particular case I take five points of study which were subjected to various analyzes such as: Typology, Costs, Unit Price Analysis, types of structures, type of soil and risks, for which the exercise allows establishing establishment costs for Guadua Type Housing, providing a frame of reference in terms of materials, structures and unit price analysis for these dwellings, which allows knowing the unit value of building these types of dwellings in guadua material and that is generally unknown to the appraiser, assessor and private and public entities. In this way, it is intended to clarify the existing ignorance of these types of construction and provide essential elements for the construction of the different typologies found in the study.Ítem Diseño de una metodología para la estimación espacial de la eutrofización en el lago de tota: un insumo para la contabilización ambiental usando machine learning y estadística bayesianaCórdoba Castelblanco, Nicolás Alberto; Castellanos Ruíz, Sergio Steven; Castillo M., Luis E.This monograph proposes a new methodological approach that jointly implements remote sensing techniques, machine learning (ml) algorithms and bayesian statistics, for the spatial accounting of the phenomenon of eutrophication in lake tota (lt), located in the department of Boyacá (Colombia). The objective is to design an inference model that allows simulating the density of chlorophyll-a from in-situ samples and multispectral data from landsat 8 (l8) satellite images. The execution of this project began with the pre-processing of the information, the scene of interest was selected, with spatial and spectral treatments the atmospheric and topographic anomalies were corrected, the units of measurement were unified, the spatial resolution of the data was improved and water indices were generated to discriminate the area of the water body with the clustering algorithm k-means, the best clusters were evaluated and selected to train the algorithm mlp, which generated a vector of the boundary of the body of water with which the merged images were segmented. Vi and in-situ measurements were configured as explanatory variables of a linear regression model, with which the best vi associated with the in-situ measurements was determined; first spatial approximation of the behavior of the phenomenon. The selected vi was calibrated using the brsvc to simulate the spatial behavior of the data. The evaluation of the brsvc indicated that the results are satisfactory, thus allowing the production of a calibrated image of chlorophyll-a density with which the trophic state of the lt was calculated and spatialized, which turned out to be totally in the mesotrophic phase. The calibrated chlorophyll-a data and the information from the preprocessed satellite images were fitted with the support vector regression (svr) model, which showed a significant fit and allowed the information to be extrapolated to a 15-meter image of spatial resolution, enriching the input and allowing the generation of a chlorophyll-a density map with greater detail for accounting for eutrophication in the lake. Currently, the severe damage caused to the natural characteristics of lt is evident, since in recent decades the conservation of this strategic ecosystem has been suffering direct attacks due to unsustainable practices. The impact of this development is to generate an input that goes deeper into the paradigms of artificial intelligence and bayesian inference, that exposes the advantages in the processes of obtaining environmental information, fast, cheap, periodic, precise and systematic, and that is a resource for decision-making in the planning and organization of the territory, within the framework of compliance with the objectives of sustainable development.Ítem Apoyo en la construcción de las salidas cartográficas del componente social y censo de usuarios para la consolidación de la información (inventario de usuarios) en la formulación de los planes de ordenamiento hídrico (porh) priorizados en el territorio carGaitán Flórez, Juan Daniel; Rojas Rincón, Claudia Berenice; Claudia Berenice Rojas Rincón [0000-0002-1511-8568]The degree work on internship modality titled: support in the construction of the cartographic outputs of the social component and users' census for the consolidation of information (users' inventory) in the formulation of the water resource management plans (porh) priorized in the car territory consisted of supporting the corporación autónoma regional de cundinamarca in the compilation, structuring and analysis of the cartographic information of the activities of the social component and of the census of users of the water resource management plans in the porhs developed by the car. For this work, a geographic database was created by collecting the information from the different groups of the car, using the sidcar system for the creation of memorandums and sending them with the request of the information of: catchments and discharges, treatment systems for human consumption, wastewater treatment systems, works of occupation of watercourses, beaches and beds for subsequent processing and creation of cartographic outputs and spatial database. This process was carried out in the porh's rio Bogotá and porh medio bajo and alto SuárezÍtem Efecto de factores socioeconómicos en la venta de vivienda nueva en bogotá: análisis desde un modelo panel espacial para el período 2012 – 2019Prieto Arenas, María Angélica; Salazar Restrepo, Carlos Alberto; Melo Martınez, Carlos Eduardo; Carlos Eduardo Melo Martınez [0000-0002-5598-1913]The present analysis seeks to describe the sale of new housing according to different socioeconomic factors over time, in the urban localities of Bogotá from 2012 to 2019. This approach is based on the fact that, despite the importance of housing dynamics in a region's social, economic and political dimensions, it is not generally studied in this area. It is generally treated as a tradable good, of which only its commercial and fiscal value stand out. Spatial statistics provide a multidisciplinary field from which the study of residential property can be approached, the element that has inherent spatial and temporal dependence on its nature (fixed location and durability). The document presents different analyses from cross-sectional regressive models that demonstrate the spatial relationship between the sale of new housing with the most basic socioeconomic indicators such as population, coverage of public services, and school attendance, among others. Then, the spatial panel model is estimated, where the temporal and spatial effects on the phenomenon studied are considered. The results show that the spatial and socioeconomic dynamics of a region affect the sale of new houses within it, for this study case the most influential activities were those related to citizen security, population groups, education, public services, and assessment. This is probably the first study of this kind in Colombia and is presented as a precedent to contemplate new lines of research, as well as being a pioneer in space-time analysis related to housing dynamics at the international level.Ítem Gestión y análisis de datos geoespaciales para la investigación de la distribución de frailejones en Bogotá y CundinamarcaCadena Blanco, Mayra Yesenia; Espinosa Gomez, Yenny; Sandoval Ramos, Mónica Andrea; Romero Murcia, Johana EsperanzaThe following internship was carried out at the José Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden of Bogotá, this was carried out with participation in the management of geospatial information in the scientific subdirectorate in the SIDIC area (Scientific Research Information and Data Systems). This internship allowed the acquisition and application of knowledge necessary to compile, correct, and standardize information from different national and international herbaria on frailejones, especially the genera Espeletia and Espeletiopsis in Bogotá and Cundinamarca. This information was compiled in a database. In the Darwin Core format, we were able to find that for Bogotá and Cundinamarca there are 16 species of frailejones of the 90 species of frailejones that exist in Colombia, with a total of 1248 herbarium records, from this data the geographical information was used and we were able to Based on them, make a visualization of its distribution which was recorded in thematic maps and through the Power Bi tool that allows us to make different queries in real time.Ítem Diseño y estructuración de dos Normas Técnicas Sectoriales NTS - Norma de encargo valuatorio y norma de requisitos y estándares mínimos para realizar avalúos y la actualización de dos Guías Técnicas Sectoriales – Guía de conceptos y principios generales de valuación GTS G 02 y Guía para la valuación de derechos de arrendamiento GTS E 02.Mora Núñez, Sergio Jenner; Torres Colmenares, Oscar FernandoIn the course of this document, the work carried out under the internship modality is addressed. in the National Register of Appraisers R.N.A, in which numerous criteria are adopted and integrated, parameters and competencies required to professionalize the valuation activity, under the design and structuring of the Valuation Assignment Standard and the Standard of Requirements andMinimum Standards for Appraisals; as well as the update of the Guide of Concepts and Principles GTS G 02 and Guide for the Valuation of Leasing Rights GTS E 02.Ítem Gestión catastral: rutinas de la conservación (aspectos físicos y jurídicos) a la luz del catastro multipropósitoLozada Gómez, Pablo Alejandro; Zárate Reyes, Samir; Avendaño Arias, Johan Andrés; Hoyos Pedraza, Flor Emilia; Avendaño Arias, Johan Andrés [0000-0002-7193-2070]The Multipurpose Cadastre is presented as an opportunity to resolve the conflicts related to land management that have plagued Colombian society for decades. This system makes it possible to identify, characterize and accurately measure the properties that make up the territory, determine the legal status of the land, formalize property rights and reduce land use conflicts. With this new orientation of the national cadastre, the processes, methods and techniques that have been in place for years are configured and the regulations of the entities that carry out the Cadastral Processes in the country, including the Special Administrative Unit of the District Cadastre (UAECD), are updated. The opportunity and the challenge of examining the Cadastral Management of the Conservation Process advanced by the UAECD according to the guidelines of Decree 148 of 2020 that regulates in a general way the cadastral management in the territory is presented, a diagnosis of the conservation procedures of the Deputy Manager of Physical and Legal Information (SIFJ) is made, in order to identify the shortcomings and lags to subsequently propose a methodology of measurement, monitoring and attention of the procedures in terms of timeliness and quality. The Non-immediate Procedures Follow-up Tool was proposed, developed and implemented in order to follow up on the procedures requested by citizens. The great acceptance of this mechanism by SIFJ officials, the frequency of use and the results of the satisfaction survey are proof of the success of small developments that address specific problems in a simple manner. This is only the first step for the generation of other means, mechanisms and techniques aimed at solving small problems to improve large processes.Ítem Análisis espacial de las determinantes de la evasión fiscal del impuesto predial unificado sujeto de auditoría realizada por Contraloría de Bogotá Sector Hacienda vigencia 2016Rangel Rojas, Dolly Dayana; Hernández Soto, Pedro Nel; Rojas Rincón, Claudia BereniceThe present work is based on an internship carried out at the Comptroller's Office of Bogotá, where two crucial processes related to the Unified Property Tax (IPU) were carried out: an audit and an investigation. The aim of this research was to address the lack of spatial analysis in understanding tax evasion and to explore the use of spatial econometric models for this purpose. The audit focused on evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the IPU collection and control processes. Areas that needed improvement were identified and recommendations were provided to optimize the management of the tax. Simultaneously, the research focused on the spatial analysis of tax evasion, using spatial econometric models to understand how spatial interactions affect regional levels of the tax gap. The results confirmed the hypothesis that spatial interactions have a significant and positive effect on tax evasion. regional tax evasion. A spatial autocorrelation was identified in the region, with the highest tax gap rates in the south and southwest of the city. Clusters of high evasion were observed in some locations and concentrations of low evasion in others. The GNS spatial model showed that factors such as the number of homes, the recovery of the road network, and population growth have an impact on the tax gap. Areas with more urbanization works and real estate construction presented higher evasion. On the other hand, the improvement in the living conditions of households and the reduction in the informality rate reduced the fiscal gap. The research also highlighted the importance of interoperability between the entities in charge of collecting and monitoring the IPU, as well as the need for more effective management in the collection and collection of taxes. The lack of timely action in the recovery of resources lost through the prescription was identified as a key concern.Ítem Análisis de la variable ruido y su relación con la dimensión socioeconómica en la ciudad. Un caso de estudio en la UPL Engativá, Bogotá D.C.Rada Vásquez, Juan Sebastián; Ardila Ortega, Juan José; Fuentes López, Héctor Javier; Fuentes López, Héctor Javier [0000-0001-6899-4564]The objective of this paper is to analyze the behavior of the noise variable in the Local Planning Unit (UPL) of Engativá for Bogotá, characterizing its causes and negative effects that may affect the planning processes of the city. This by means of a deductive research with correlational scope using data from the Multipurpose Survey for 72 UPZ in the city of Bogotá, as well as noise data from the District Secretary of Environment and spatial information at block level for the Engativá UPL. Finally, a direct relationship was found between the socioeconomic variables and the noise levels measured, not only econometrically but also spatially, which allows then to have spaces for discussion of this problem considering the aspect of urban planning as a fundamental tool in the mitigation of the negative impacts of noise on the population.Ítem Determinación de valores de referencia en suelo de protección de los sectores catastrales Chucua de la Vaca I, La Cecilia, Villa del Mar y La Requilina Rural II, de la ciudad De Bogotá D.C. (Decreto 555 de 2021)Latorre Cabrera, Laura Valentina; Peña Sierra, Laura Alejandra; Torres Colmenares, Oscar FernandoOn December 29, 2021, the Mayoress of Bogotá, in the exercise of her powers, presents Decree 555: "By which the general revision of the Land Management Plan of Bogotá D.C." is adopted, which would come to regulate the capital until 2035. So, for this project we focus on the urban protection land established in said Decree, in which in article 41, the Main Ecological Structure (EEP) is established as a territorial structure, as a mechanism for: "Preservation, conservation, restoration, use and sustainable management of renewable natural resources”. It is made up of the biotic and abiotic elements that are the basis of essential ecological processes of the territory, for which reason all the areas contemplated in the EEP constitute protection soil (Decree 555, 2021). The foregoing is of vital ecosystemic importance for the city of Bogotá D.C., for which the Bogota Aqueduct and Sewerage Company must carry out studies and actions for hydraulic and sanitary recovery, ecological restoration, property acquisition and permitted projects. according to the established uses in order to improve the quality of rivers, streams and wetlands, as well as hydraulic interventions and infrastructure that improve ecosystem services. Consequently, in this internship a study was carried out to determine the value of Protected Urban Land, through an agreement between the Cundinamarca Root Property Market and the Bogota Water and Sewerage Company to carry out appraisals in the cadastral sectors of Chucua de La Vaca I, La Cecilia, Villa del Mar and La Requilina Rural II. Thus, the urban protection land is not valued by any of the methods established in Resolution 620 of 2008. Given this, it was decided that in this internship the methodology of appraisers of the team of the sub-management of economic information of the Special Administrative Unit of District Cadastre (UAECD) to appraise protected urban land. Because of the above and to meet the proposed objectives, 3 phases were established in the methodology: In the first, the bibliographic review of Decree 555 of 2021 was carried out, specifically that related to the Main Ecological Structure, to have a theoretical basis of uses, characteristics and limits. In addition, the information of the study areas was described through the information provided by Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá (EAAB), what was observed in the technical visit and secondary sources. Likewise, the methodology for evaluating protected land used in the project was described, followed by the field visit, in which the particular characteristics of each property subject to evaluation are described and the information obtained from secondary sources such as topography, areas, boundaries, and uses. Next, taking into account that protected urban land has advantages at the location level because it is urbanized, we proceeded to prepare budgets based on the existing urban planning elements in the study areas, based on the unit values established in the magazine. Construdata edition 205 of 2023. In the second phase, a rural agricultural market was consolidated based on the locations of the cadastral sectors. On the one hand, Chucua de La Vaca I, La Cecilia and Villa del Mar are located to the west of the Capital District, so the chosen offers are in the municipalities of Tenjo, Bojacá and Facatativá; while the Rural Requilina II, is located to the south, so the market is located in the rural area of Bogotá and the municipality of Une. In addition, to refine said market, 4 constructive typologies were carried out, which represent the constructions of the offers found in the surrounding municipalities, in order to discount the amount of the buildings and obtain the value of the rural agricultural land. Based on the technical, legal, physical, economic and regulatory inputs of the appraised properties, the absolute income of the work areas was determined. In the first place, for the cadastral sectors in the west of the city, a value of $38,000 per square meter was obtained, which reflects the privileged location of these properties, since they are within consolidated sectors, with the necessary equipment and urban planning. for typical activities on urban land. Secondly, for the Cadastral Sector of the Rural Requilina II, a value of $13,000 per square meter was obtained, because, in contrast to the previous sectors, this is located at the southern limit of the city where the topography is not flat and therefore, sustaining agricultural activities is complicated. The last phase consisted of the compilation of the spatial and regulatory information of the properties subject to appraisal, as established in Decree 555 of 2021 and what was obtained in the project.Ítem Gestión del proceso valuatorio, control de calidad de la información y estructuración de una base de datos de los avalúos realizados por la compañía ingeniería legal para la Sociedad de Activos Especiales SAE S.A.SAlfonso Sanchez, Tania Carolina; Torres Colmenares, Oscar Fernando; Alfonso Sanchez, Tania Carolina [0000-0003-1466-7511]The purpose of this internship was to support the coordination of Legal Engineering in the management process of the appraisal process, information quality control and structuring of a database of appraisals made for SAE S.A.S., based on a methodology divided into six phases: Reception, Compilation of information, Application of valuation methodology, Control and quality, Delivery of products and follow-up, concluding in final documentation; where the intern, among other functions, carried out the structuring of the geographical base of the properties subject to appraisal for its subsequent assignment to the different experts of the firm, was in charge of quality control, as well as field work and subsequent distribution of the reports appraisals, and consequently uploaded the information to the SIGMA platform. Generating as a final product the commercial value of the properties managed by the special asset company, thus contributing to its mission and fulfilling the objectives of the internship. Concluding in the importance of determining the value of real estate in its particular geographical context and with its special condition of extinction of domain, generating the diagnosis and enlistment of these real estate managed by the Special Assets Society for its subsequent commercialization and saleÍtem Gestión catastral para el municipio de Popayán (Cauca) en el marco multipropósito: acompañamiento a procesos de actualización catastral en los ámbitos jurídicos y físicosFlórez Campos, Dayanna Alejandra; Caro Oliveros, Natalia Catalina; Rojas Jiménez, César AugustoIn this work, technical support activities were carried out in the legal and physical aspects at the Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC) in the Subdirección de Proyectos (Projects Subdirectorate). In the first place, the theoretical and normative framework will be presented where the concepts that it is necessary to take into account with the respective norms that mention them will be specified, secondly, the methodology of the work where the study area and the important characteristics of the municipality of Popayán are made known, then the description of the procedures that were carried out in the different phases of the work which were: Collection and analysis of the information where the Review and identification of cadastral inconsistencies, elaboration of diagnoses and recognition of indirect sources were carried out; the second phase was evaluation and correction of the data, that is to say the purification of cadastral information, interrelation between SNR and cadastre, and diligenciamiento in the cica; in the third phase, the quality supervision of the cadastral products, where the cartographic purification, the Dashboard and the legal study were carried out. Finally, the results obtained in each phase, the discussion of results and the conclusions and recommendations are presented.Ítem Acceso libre a la información del ordenamiento territorial en Colombia: Caso de estudio puesta en marcha del geoportal Colombia OT, con información normativa, técnica y cartográficaPeñaloza Ulloa, Daniel Felipe; Castro Ortega, Carlos Hernán; Castro Ortega, Carlos Hernán [0000-0002-5039-3848]This degree work proposes a theoretical analysis around the concept of geoportal and exposes the technical processes of information categorization carried out for the development of Colombia OT, the most ambitious technological project in terms of Territorial Planning in Colombia carried out by the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute (IGAC). Geoportals are the historical result of the desire to keep geographic information correctly stored and organized for later deployment. National and international examples show the paradigmatic transformation in archival matters that has been taking place in entities (mostly governmental) that generate, process and provide geographic information. Colombia OT was not only thought of as a geoportal, but also as a repository on which those national territorial planning guidelines are stored, along with the products resulting from the territorial management carried out by subnational territorial entities, taking into account variables such as interoperability, regulations and diversity of formats. Colombia OT aims to be a technological solution based on the advancement of information technologies and the principle of participation established by territorial planning in Colombia.Ítem Análisis multitemporal del Índice de Valoración Predial (IVP) entre los años 2020 a 2022 para las ciudades de Medellín y Montería, y formulación de propuesta para el mejoramiento de la integración de la información de los avalúos puntuales entre el IGAC y la Unidad de Restitución de TierrasMolina Quiroga, Angie Carolina; Torres Villalba, Gisell Dayanara; Torres Colmenares, Oscar Fernando; Quiroga Vaca, Henry; Molina Quiroga, Angie Carolina [0000-0002-2296-5175]This internship aims to build a characterization model that allows defining the variables involved in the change of the property variation index between the years 2020 and 2022 for the cities of Medellín and Montería. It was developed within the Valuation Subdirectorate of the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute, for which a methodology divided into four phases was implemented: induction, execution, performance, and closure. This methodology encompasses activities such as data acquisition, information refinement, IVP calculation, quality control, and various statistical, graphical, and analytical outcomes, fulfilling the proposed specific objectives. Ultimately, the Property Valuation Index is obtained for the studied cities, along with an analysis of the presented multi-temporal variation and the characteristics influencing the results. The impact of physical and economic attributes of properties, the influence of valuation, and budget assurance in the territory are highlighted. On the other hand, satisfactory results are presented for the third specific objective in relation to support activities through the preparation of appraisal reports.Ítem Desarrollo de una interfaz SIG sobre aplicación móvil para la georreferenciación y actualización de catastro de usuarios para la empresa de gas natural “Alcanos de Colombia S.A. E.S.P.” en los municipios de Ibagué y GirardotGaona Guerra, Edison Javier; Marin Calle, Angie Tatiana; Torres Colmenares, Oscar Fernando; Marin Calle, Angie Tatiana [0000-0001-8983-9205]The present work addresses the georeferencing and updating of the natural gas user cadastre for Alcanos de Colombia S.A E.S.P. in the municipalities of Girardot (Cundinamarca) and Ibagué (Tolima) in Colombia, with the aim of improving the efficiency and quality of the service provided by the company. The main purpose of the study is to georeference the properties and recover spatial information of current users, as well as identify potential users. To achieve these objectives, an exhaustive methodological process divided into five phases was carried out. Phase I consisted of collecting geographic data and identifying properties in the selected municipalities. In Phase II, the spatial information of the current users of Alcanos de Colombia S.A E.S.P. registered in their database was recovered. Phase III focused on cross-referencing the previous information to homogenize the data and thus proceed to locate potential users. In Phase IV, through the development of the GIS interface on a mobile application, potential users were tagged and georeferenced, and current users were validated. Finally, in Phase V, the data was consolidated in the Geodatabase. The percentage distribution of current and potential users classified as actual sales and future sales revealed that the majority are in strata 2 and 3 in both municipalities. This indicates a need to focus on specific strategies to address the needs and demands of these strata, considering their socioeconomic characteristics. The final results obtained revealed a total of 266,044 georeferenced properties, with 46,712 located in Girardot and 219,332 in Ibagué. The spatial information of 210,425 current users was recovered, of which 178,698 belong to Ibagué and 31,727 to Girardot. In addition, 55,619 potential users were identified in the surveyed municipalities, with 40,634 from Ibagué and 14,985 from Girardot.