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Ítem Estrategia de enseñanza para la apropiación del conocimiento acerca de la importancia de la conservación de fauna endémica de Bogotá con población visitante del jardín botánico de Bogotá José celestino mutisVega Joya , Sofia Valentina; Ruiz Pacheco , Nelly Janneth; Ruiz Pacheco, Nelly Janneth [0000-0003-2395-5355]Teaching strategies can be defined as the teacher's own methodologies, making use of activities, resources and pedagogical tools, to ensure that the topics and concepts are learned by the students. In the teaching of science, one of the solutions proposed is environmental education as a strategy that allows raising awareness about a friendly relationship between man and nature, thus forming generations that promote development and sustainability. That is why, one of the actions that have the greatest strength within environmental education is conservation, due to the environmental deterioration that has occurred over the last decades, since when people get involved in environmental and conservation issues, taking into account that it affects their environment, it inspires a significant connection with nature, ensuring a fundamental mitigation, so it must be a process that is built on convincing and logical arguments about the importance of each of the natural resources. In addition, it is important to generate new spaces for training and learning for people based on innovative and simple methods where they can participate out of their own interest. Therefore, the objective of this work was to implement a teaching strategy for the appropriation of knowledge about the importance of the conservation of endemic fauna of Bogotá with the visiting population of the José Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden of Bogotá belonging to a child age range. The results obtained were organized according to the total correct answers for each session. In the diagnostic activity, three of the four groups obtained six correct answers, only the first group completed seven correct answers out of a total of eight. In the final activity, three groups obtained 100% of the correct answers and one group seven. In Stage 2 of the Diagnostic Activity, some of the children chose to write complete sentences such as “Taking care of animals and everyone”, “to protect animals” or even “taking care of plants”, signifying that they assume that conservation is protecting or caring mainly for animals or plants, a vision that is somewhat limited, only for a part of what makes up an ecosystem. In the final activity, the answers are much more complete, now with different factors that are considered within conservation biology. In conclusion, the design of a teaching strategy on the conservation of endemic fauna of Bogotá promotes curiosity and excitement in participants regarding nearby environmental issues, and also when implementing it with the child population visiting the JBBJCM, the interest of the participants in the proposed recreational activities and in the use of different living collections, as an unconventional space, was observed.Ítem Reconociendo nuestro territorio: una estrategia pedagógica para la enseñanza de la educación ambiental con el fin de incentivar el cuidado y apropiación del mismoSánchez Juisa , Eliana Milena; Ruiz Pacheco, Nelly Janneth; Ruiz Pacheco, Nelly Janneth [0000-0003-2395-5355]This work presents a pedagogical strategy of environmental education that managed to involve environmental education, the teaching of natural science concepts and the recognition and appropriation of the territory in school environments, which arose due to the lack of care for nature and the environment. environment that citizens have, as a result of the lack of knowledge about it and the importance that each organism plays in its habitat, therefore it is essential to generate environmental awareness from an early age, which allows the student to develop a sense of belonging to the environment. environment that surrounds it. As a result, the design of a pedagogical strategy for environmental education through the recognition of their own territory was a simple and didactic way of transmitting knowledge, in addition to allowing each student to be actively involved in their learning process; The above was carried out through an inquiry phase, a teaching material design phase and an implementation phase, where students actively participated in order to improve the relationship of the educational community with the environment that surrounds them. , in this case the school garden.Ítem Redes de interacción de aves y plantas de la Reserva Umbral Cultural Horizontes, cerros orientales de Bogotá D.C. Un acercamiento a la importancia y conservación de las aves(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Franco Díaz, Angie Sofia; Giraldo Quintero, Gustavo; Giraldo Quintero, Gustavo [0000-0003-3573-4154]This work is carried out to determine the existing ecological interactions between birds and plants that inhabit the reserve areas of the eastern hills adjacent to the city of Bogotá, through the method of interaction networks since, with this, we can make an analysis of how the networks of interactions are structured and also what role the species are playing in the ecosystem. It also identifies different patterns of behavior of key species for the stability of interaction networks. The above, from observation and monitoring of birds and identification of plants associated with perching, feeding, agonistic behavior, and nesting activities of the birds of the reserve. Sampling was carried out during 3 months of the year, in which visits were made twice a week in the different sampling areas, where three observation points were distributed 50 meters from each other. For the analysis of results, the R study programs were used with the Bipartite, Network, and Vegan packages, used to graph interaction networks, and the PAST program to calculate the diversity indices and rarefaction curves. With this information, several analyses could be made on the structure of the interaction network where several patterns, such as nesting, modularity, symmetry, and low connectedness were evidenced. In addition to identifying it as a robust network in the face of the different disturbances that may affect the ecosystem, as well as finding key species such as the Colibri coruscans, Diglossa humeralis, Colibri cyanotus, and Diglossa lafresnayii which are essential for the permanence and maintenance of the entire community of birds and plants of the reserve.Ítem Diseño de una unidad didáctica para la educación en biología y la formación de ciudadanos críticos, una oportunidad para comprender la diversidad sexual y de género desde una perspectiva Trans.(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Fuentes Alfonso, Deisy Johana; Bejarano Velandia, Laura Catalina; Fonseca Amaya, Guillermo; Fonseca Amaya, Guillermo [0000-0001-8454-8804]This project reports the design of a didactic unit for biology education and the formation of critical citizens, being an opportunity to understand sexual and gender diversity from a Trans perspective, to involve biological contents in the formation of critical citizens respectful of sexual and gender diversity. The methodology of the project is established under design-based research. The most important results correspond to the design of didactic material for classroom intervention in favor of the development of critical thinking and the contributions in the training of research teachers. The degree work is articulated in the development of the Research Project Education in Biology and Construction of Citizenship: A Latin American Perspective,” institutionalized in the Research Office of the Francisco José de Caldas District University.Ítem Caracterización inicial de la diversidad y composición de murciélagos (Mammalia, Chiroptera) en dos cavernas de la vereda la Esmeralda, VilletaSalamanca Franco, Kevin Rodrigo; Sánchez Delgadillo, Cristian Mauricio; Mahecha , Oscar Javier; Mahecha , Oscar Javier [0000-0002-8682-0020]In this study, an initial characterization of bats was conducted, where alpha and beta diversity were estimated in two caves located in the municipality of Villeta, in the La Esmeralda village. A total of 459 individuals were recorded, belonging to 5 species. Different methods were used for direct and indirect sampling. Based on the analyses conducted, it was determined that the San Isidro cave maintained the highest species richness (5 species), Glossophaga soricina, Carollia perspicillata, Desmodus rotundus, Artibeus obscurus y Peropteryx macrotis Peropteryx macrotis, ,with G. soricina representing the highest abundance (177 individuals). Alpha and beta diversity were generated using Hill numbers estimation and Sorensen indices, revealing marked differences between the La Esmeralda and San Isidro caves in structural and altitudinal terms, indicating a significant difference in ecological parameters.Ítem Evaluación de técnicas de propagación en algunas especies de plantas de interés para la restauración de la reserva umbral cultural horizontes en Bogotá, Colombia(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) González Rubiano, Viviana Andrea; Giraldo Quintero, GustavoThe propagation of plant species focused on ecological restoration has been a widely studied topic over the last years, however, it represents an extensive field of study that still has much to be investigated. In the present work, the propagation methods of nursery and in vitro sowing were evaluated for the species Bejaria resionosa and Hypericum juniperinum, responding to the need of plant material for the recovery of the Natural Reserve of the Umbral Cultural Horizontes Civil Society. Sowing was carried out in different substrates for nursery planting. For in vitro planting, a written protocol was replicated for Hypericum juniperinum species and three different media were compared for Bejaria resionosa species. The results show the need for pre-germinative treatments for both species in nursery sowing, as well as the need for a cooling period of the seeds prior to in vitro sowing for Hypericum juniperinum species. In addition, an efficient protocol for the in vitro propagation of Bejaria resinosa species is established, with 90% germination.Ítem Aspectos etológicos de Tremarctos Ornatus (oso andino) en condiciones de cautiverio (páramo Bordoncillo, Putumayo, Colombia)(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Castillo Bustos, Jecsel Camilo; Ramírez Ledesma, Kimberly Alejandra; Rodríguez Bolaños, Abelardo; Rodríguez Bolaños, Abelardo [0000-0002-2761-1712]Conflicts between humans and bears have led to Tremarctos ornatus being considered vulnerable. This species is valuable for the conservation of paramos and forests, making it crucial to commit to its conservation. To this end, Corpoamazonia, in collaboration with the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, implemented a protocol for the relocation and rehabilitation of the Andean bear in Putumayo. This involved two T. ornatus specimens, which were rescued as cubs by Corpoamazonia, managed at the Amazon Experimental Center (CEA), and kept in captivity by BioAndina in Guasca, Cundinamarca, for 7 years. In some cases, the conservation of wild species requires detailed and systematic behavioral studies, as well as the quantification of different behavioral patterns and their evolution. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the ethological aspects of Tremarctos ornatus in captivity, with rehabilitation purposes in the Bordoncillo paramo, Putumayo, Colombia. Enrichment strategies were implemented, and the individual and social aptitudes of these bears in response to habitat enrichment strategies were analyzed. During the ethological recordings, a total of 24 ethograms were obtained, documenting 20 behaviors. According to the obtained ethograms, the ethological assessment of the two Andean bear specimens, one male and one female, in response to the enrichment strategies, demonstrated an impact on their behavior. However, it was considered that the rehabilitation time was not sufficient for them to express all the wild behaviors necessary for their reintroduction. Additionally, the lack of isolation by the personnel in charge resulted in the enrichment impacts being less than expected.Ítem Colombia vuela, un libro ilustrado de avifauna colombiana para todosSánchez Calvo, Diego Alveiro; Mahecha Jiménez , Oscar Javier“Colombia Vuela", an illustrated book that documents the native birdlife of the Colombian regions: Orinoquía, Amazonia, Andean, Pacific and Caribbean-Insular. Its objective is to highlight five representative species of each region through detailed and precise scientific illustrations, accompanied by descriptions in an accessible language that emphasizes the biological uniqueness and ecological importance of each bird. Watercolor and colored pencil techniques were used for the illustrations, guaranteeing a faithful and attractive visual representation. The methodology included selection based on ecological criteria and compilation. of information from scientific and empirical sources to ensure the accuracy of the contents. This project aims to enrich ornithological knowledge and promote public appreciation and conservation of avian biodiversity in Colombia, acting as a bridge between the scientific community and the general public. interested in nature and environmental conservation.Ítem Descripción morfológica de la superficie lingual de Platyrrhinus infuscus bajo microscopía electrónica de barrido(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Becerra Díaz, Paula Andrea; Bravo García, Carlos Alberto; Rodríguez Bolaños , Abelardo; Rodríguez Saza , Freddy; Rodríguez Bolaños, Abelardo [0000-0002-2761-1712]; Rodríguez Saza, Freddy [ 0000-0001-9709-4258]This study describes the morphology of the tongue surface of Platyrrhinus infuscus from images obtained by scanning electron microscopy. The tissue was taken from a specimen in the collection of the Natural History Museum of the Francisco José de Caldas District University. Types of papillae were identified once within the 4 general classes recognized in the literature (circumvallate, fungiform in the shape of a triangle, circle and cusp, conical and filiform, giant tricuspid and bicuspid, horny, strictly filiform, finger-like, and bifid). The papillae present in the root zone are oriented laterally while the apex papillae are arranged towards the median zone of the lingual body. The topographic distributions of the papillae account for the path of food, the first papillae in contact with fleshy fruits, allow food fixation during the flight from their microstructures (mechanical papillae); keratinized papillae are associated with fruit retention and swallowing, while the posterior region with the presence of circumvallate and fungiform papillae describes an area with greater perception and sensitivity.Ítem Contribuciones del conocimiento etnobotánico local en el valle de Ubaté.(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ruiz Triviño, Ana Lucia; García Sánchez, Luis Carlos; García Sánchez, Luis Carlos [0000-0003-1215-7403]The study of ethnobotany makes it possible to develop interdisciplinary knowledge about the relationship between humans and flora, promoting a dialogue of knowledge. From this, the identification of the contributions of ethnobotanical knowledge towards biocultural diversity allows for the construction of a reflection that makes it possible to understand the way nature is understood, the relationships between actions and their consequences, especially in regions where deforestation, the transformation of ecosystems due to agricultural production and urban development predominate as a cause of the loss of biodiversity. In the case of this research, the aim is to categorise the most commonly used plants and characterise the biocultural relationships present in the ethnobotanical knowledge of the inhabitants of the municipality of Ubaté. Taking into account the above, a mixed research approach was proposed, carrying out a qualitative analysis through discourse analysis and a quantitative analysis through the analysis of ethnobotanical indices. It was found that the highest VU indices are between 0.35 and 1 and the highest RQZ index was 0.02. On the other hand, the biocultural relationships identified were medicinal, food, agroecological, ritual, cosmetic, domestic, ornamental and industrial, in which the great diversity of knowledge around ethnobotany could be evidenced. Those plants with the highest OU index belong to the medicinal, food and agro-ecological relationships, thus showing that the most important relationships that the inhabitants of the Ubaté valley have with plants, according to their local knowledge, refer to the uses they give to plants in their daily lives.Ítem Descripción histológica de la organogénesis en el desarrollo embrionario del pez Guppy Poecilia Reticulata(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) González Lozano, Daniela; Arias Pineda, Julián Yessid; Arias Pineda, Julián Yessid [0000-0002-2399-7953]Poecilia reticulata, is a species of the Family Poeciliidae, with a wide geographic distribution from South America, Central America, and South America. They are ovoviviparous fish. With sexual dimorphism, males have a copulatory organ called gonopodium and females have a spot in the abdominal region. Due to internal fertilization, the females of this species have a specific adaptation called superfetation, in which they maintain embryos of different stages in the abdominal region until spawning. The histological description of the embryonic development of Poecilia reticulata is necessary to understand fundamental aspects of the embryology, biology and reproduction of ovoviviparous fishes. This research study focused on the histological observation of organogenesis during the embryonic development of Poecilia reticulata, focusing on the development and detailed description of the characteristic organs of each stage, five embryonic stages were described histologically, using protocols with hematoxylin and eosin, achieving the observation of tissue and organ outlines. This description was carried out by means of the analysis under microscope of histological cotes assemblies made in the histopathology laboratory of the National University of Colombia. The main findings were the description of the swim bladder Where gas glands were observed and the presence of rete mirabile; and in the hepatopancreas, its pancreatic and hepatic components were recorded. This paper postulates the importance of organogenesis in Poecilia reticulata as a significant model for developmental biology, as well as its relevance to aquaculture and species conservation.Ítem Aportes al conocimiento sobre la percepción de plantas en grietas de muros, casas y aceras de dos localidades de Bogotá D.C.Ruiz Muñoz, Juan David; Ruiz Pacheco, Nelly Janneth; Ruiz Pacheco, Nelly Janneth [0000-0003-2395-5355]The perception of ruderal plants in urban environments is an important indicator of environmental awareness and the valuation of urban biodiversity. This pilot study investigated the perception of plants growing in cracks of walls, houses, and sidewalks in two localities of Bogotá, Colombia. A survey with 14 variables was designed and administered to 93 participants through in-person and virtual methods. Data analysis, conducted using the R programming language, revealed that most respondents recognize the ecological importance of these plants, albeit with varying levels of interest. A widespread confusion between the concepts of biodiversity and nature was identified. As part of the study, social media platforms were created to share photographic material and increase public awareness. The results provide a methodological basis for future, more extensive studies on the perception of urban flora and underscore the need to strengthen environmental education in urban contexts.Ítem Relación de comunidades de hongos formadores de micorrizas arbúsculares con diferentes coberturas vegetales de la reserva forestal protectora bosque oriental de bogotá.Chavez Rojas, Pablo Emilio; López Botía, FavioThe events that occurred in the last century with respect to the degradation of the living conditions of human beings, a product of their relationship in consumption and production with nature, have undermined ecosystems worldwide. Soils are not alien to these transformations, millions of hectares of land used for agriculture are daily degraded by different factors, having a high cost for human food. With this context, the Cerros Orientales maintain the trend of soil degradation, the history of ecological changes is related to the changes in production and consumption that occur within the landscape of Bogotá. This research, therefore, seeks to find the relationships that determine the behavior of the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (HFMA) in the face of different variables belonging to a sector of the Protective Forest Reserve Bosque Oriental de Bogotá that allows identifying the differences between fungal communities. For this, a field and laboratory phase was carried out. In the field phase, soil and root samples of native plants were collected. In the laboratory phase, spore counting, determination of the physical characteristics of the soil, determination of colonization percentages, species identification and analysis of the types of diversity (Alpha, Beta and Gamma) were performed. The variable that determined the amount of spores was the change in height, but not the type of plant cover, which may be due to the limitation of nutrients with respect to the altitudinal gradient. The colonization percentages had a different behavior, where what determined the change was the type of host, rather than the height at which it was found, although the intensity of colonization was related to the height. There is a relationship between increased diversity of (HFMA) with respect to increased diversity of host plants, the diversity of fungi was not determined by height. Acaulosporaceae, Glomeraceae and Gigasporaceae were the families that most dominated in the research area. Acaulosporaceae was the family with the most individuals, with two genera Acualospora and Claroideoglomus. The variable that determines the sporulation behavior of (HFMA) is the change in height that affects the solubility of the nutrients in the soil. The taxonomic groups that are more resistant to disturbances are those that will have a dominance in the landscape. Meanwhile, what determines the diversity and percentage of colonization is the type of vegetation cover, in this case the Native forest. The importance of this study lies in determining the behavior of mycorrhizae for future restoration projects of the Native forest as a way to increase the resilience of the Cerros Orientales.Ítem Contribución al conocimiento de la biofluorescencia en mariposas Ithomiini (Nymphalidae: Danainae): aportes a su historia evolutiva.(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cuitiva Arias, Angie Carolina; Mahecha Jiménez, Oscar Javier; Mahecha Jiménez, Oscar Javier [0000-0002-8682-0020]Butterflies have developed strategies to communicate by means of light, chemicals, sounds and vibrations, which in turn reduce the probability of attack and play an important role in sexual selection. Within these communication mechanisms, fluorescent patches present in various living organisms, including butterflies, have been studied. This phenomenon, known in the field of biology as biofluorescence, can provide information on the physiological state of individuals, forms of interspecies communication and defense strategies against predators. However, aspects related to biofluorescence in butterflies are in general less studied than those of other groups and although some research is presented, the information tends to be scarce or presents data with some inconsistencies that lead to a biased interpretation about the extent of biofluorescence. This makes it difficult to determine a precise origin and to contribute to the evolutionary history of biofluorescence in species such as the ithomiines, which are important because they model the Batesian and Müllerian mimicry complexes through the aposematic signals they exhibit. For that reason, this work arises with the objective of contributing to the knowledge of biofluorescence in species of Ithomiini butterflies (Nymphalidae: Danainae) in Colombia. This was done through an exhaustive review of the presence of the phenomenon in species of the tribe Ithomiini found in entomological collections and collected in the field. With the data obtained, the phylogenetic reconstruction of the character was generated through specialized software and subsequently the mimetic rings were classified according to the incidence of biofluorescence in the species that conformed them. This led to generate new records of biofluorescent species and identify that biofluorescence occurs as a parallel homoplasy, present in different wing patterns with yellow coloration. In addition, the observations led to propose a more cohesive grouping of mimetic rings in the tribe Ithomiini.Ítem Diseño e implementación de actividades ludicopedagógicas sobre estrategias de restauración ecológica, como fortalecimiento al programa de educación ambiental del Jardín Botánico de Bogotá(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Garcia Rodriguez, Juliana; Ruiz Pacheco, Nelly Janneth; Ruiz Pacheco, Nelly Janneth [0000-0003-2395-5355]In Colombia, most ecosystems have been degraded due to anthropogenic actions such as illicit crops, inappropriate land use for agricultural activities, mining, and the introduction of invasive species, which have affected ecosystem services such as water supply, food, climate regulation, among others. However, in Bogotá, the importance of ecological development has been recognized as a strategy to solve the environmental and social problems facing the city. It seeks to promote a harmonious relationship between nature and human activities through programs and projects aimed at restoring, recovering or rehabilitating degraded areas and preserving existing ecosystems. Therefore, community participation has been included in these issues through environmental education and awareness raising through playful and pedagogical activities such as the one presented in the following work whose objective is to design and implement playful-pedagogical activities on ecological restoration strategies to strengthen the environmental education program of the Botanical Garden of Bogota and also to create awareness in people for the care and conservation of ecosystems.Ítem Ensamblaje de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en dos arroyos del piedemonte llanero en la ecoreserva ASA, Acacias - MetaValderrama Gomez, Daryl Alexey; Garcia Garcia, Alexander; Garcia Garcia, Alexander [0000-0001-9905-003X]Aquatic macroinvertebrates (AMI) are one of the most studied biological groups in Colombia, but their knowledge remains limited in the Orinoquia and the Llanero foothills, in aspects of diversity, ecology and biology. This study focused on the Bijao and NN channels of the ASA La Guarupaya Ecoreserve, in Acacias, Meta. The objective was to determine the composition and spatiotemporal structure of AMI and their relationship with environmental variables. A monthly sampling with a multihabitat approach was carried out and environmental variables were measured from December to May. 11,746 individuals, 70 families and 146 genera were collected. The most abundant families were Chironomidae (Diptera); Leptophlebiidae, Baetidae and Leptohyphidae (Ephemeroptera); Elmidae (Coleoptera); and Polycentropodidae and Hydropsychidae (Trichoptera). Regarding the space-time structure, a differentiated MIA assembly was found between streams, with the months of transition towards high waters being where the greatest abundance and richness of taxa was presented, with dissolved oxygen and flow as the environmental variables with the greatest influence on the AMI. The greater availability and types of microhabitats of the Bijao channel compared to the NN channel allowed for a greater abundance and richness of taxa in one channel compared to the other. This supply of microhabitats increased during the transition periods towards high waters, mainly in the stream. NN, while in the periods of receding water and low water, brought with them a reduction in flow, and, therefore, a lower availability of microhabitats, but also lower values, for example, in dissolved oxygen. These results highlight the diversity of AMI in the Llanero foothills and the heterogeneity of the aquatic ecosystems in the region, while the ASA La Guarupaya Eco-Reserve is established as an important area for the conservation of aquatic ecosystems and their fauna, in an area impacted by anthropic activities such as the municipality of Acacias and the middle basin of the Orotoy River.Ítem Diversidad de briófitos epifitos presentes en un bosque secundario del predio de la franja Vianí, CundinamarcaDelgado Serna, Ingrid Tatiana; Cadena Gutiérrez, Juan Esteban; Tijaro Orejuela, Mery Helen; Niño Galeano, German Antonio; Tijaro Orejuela, Mery Helen [0000-0002-2519-066X]Several studies have been conducted in Colombia to understand the effects of deforestation on the taxonomic diversity of epiphytic plants, but few are focused on non-vascular plants, such as bryophytes. The exploration of all the diversity of secondary forests is key to the promotion of environmental care of these ecosystems and to limit projects to expand agricultural or agronomic territories. The municipality of Vianí in Cundinamarca has sub-Andean forests, which have been strongly threatened by anthropic activities such as livestock and agriculture. Since there are no records for the region in relation to brioflora, the need arises to know the diversity of these species, which serves as a basis for implementing conservation and environmental education projects. The main objective of this work is to determine the diversity of species of epiphytic bryophytes in the La Franja site located in the Vianicito district of the municipality of Vianí, Cundinamarca. At the methodological level, the identification, collection and determination of samples of species of epiphytic bryophytes present in four strata of 35 phophytes distributed in 7 hectares, selected according to the methodology of Gradstein (2003) and Johansson, (1974)composition and alpha diversity analyses were performed. 2060 bryophytes were recorded in 98 species and 28 families of mosses (42 species, 22 families) and liver (56 species, 6 families). Two new records were found for the department of Cundinamarca and one for Colombia. The species Porella leiboldii was recorded, which is found in The red book of bryophytes as a vulnerable species. There was a dominance in the abundance and diversity of species by hepatics, especially in the families Lejeuneaceae with 22 species and Plagiochilaceae with 17. The most diverse moss families were Calymperaceae with 6 species and Amblystegiaceae with 5. As a conclusion the work represents a first record for the bryophyte diversity of the area, as well as an invitation letter to sample unexplored areas for this flora.Ítem Nativas vs invasoras: propuesta pedagógica sobre la educación de plantas invasoras y la protección de plantas nativas de BogotáMartínez Rivera, Sebastián Camilo; Ruiz Pacheco, Nelly Janneth; Ruiz Pacheco Nelly Janneth [0000-0003-2395-5355]Implementation of a pedagogical proposal for teaching in unconventional spaces regarding invasive plants and the care of native plants, making use of different strategies such as learning through play, among others. In the same way, a learning contrast is made in unconventional spaces in student and family populations.Ítem Comparación histológica de hoja y tallo de Solanum phureja variedad Colombia y líneas mutantes presentes en un cultivo del Municipio El Rosal-CundinamarcaCamargo Dueñas, Nicol Steven; Tíjaro Orejuela, Mery Helen; Tíjaro Orejuela, Mery Helen [0000-0002-2519-066X]The potato is one of the most significant crops in Latin America and ranks third globally for human consumption after rice and wheat. Approximately 1.4 billion people consume potatoes regularly, with global production exceeding 300 million metric tons (International Potato Center, 2021). In Colombia, potatoes are the second most important food crop after rice, cultivated in nine departments and at least 300 municipalities, primarily in Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Nariño, and Antioquia. Given its economic importance, it is crucial to promote research to improve cultivation and production processes. Mutation induction is a technique used to enhance the morphological and physiological traits of plants, increasing their resilience to various abiotic stresses. This research aims to describe the morphological and physiological characteristics of protective and conductive tissues in the leaves and stems of samples produced through mutation induction, to identify any variations, and to understand how these variations help plants adapt to environmental conditions. The samples are from a crop in El Rosal, Cundinamarca, a region favorable for potato cultivation due to its climate and soil conditions.Ítem Una evaluación de los potenciales efectos del cambio climático sobre la Distribución Nymphargus Ignotus (Lynch, 1990) (Amphibia, Anura, Centrolenidae)(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Sandoval Barbosa, Francy Johanna; Mahecha Jimenez, Oscar Javier; Mahecha Jimenez, Oscar Javier [0000-0002-8682-0020]Anthropogenic climate change threatens global biodiversity as climate is one of the driving factors behind its reorganization. Amphibians, especially anurans, have shown alterations in their diversity and distribution patterns due to this issue. This study assesses the potential effects of climate change on the distribution of Nymphargus ignotus (Lynch, 1990), an endemic glass frog from the Western Cordillera of Colombia, under two future scenarios from the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the IPCC (2021): SSP1-2.6, with low CO2 emissions reaching 0% by 2070, and SSP3-7.0, with CO2 emissions doubling current concentrations by 2100. The preliminary results described here project a significant reduction in the potential distribution area of the species under the most critical trajectory by 2050. Considering the low dispersal rates of anurans and other additional pressures such as habitat loss and fragmentation due to mining and agriculture, it is pertinent to continue evaluating the threats faced by N. ignotus, whose populations are gradually decreasing. Additionally, it is necessary to consolidate information on distribution ranges, population monitoring, and fundamental aspects of the natural history of N. ignotus to incorporate more complex analyses into these models. It is recommended that future research includes proper model parameterization to avoid biases and overestimations. This would allow for the anticipation and development of timely conservation strategies that could maintain the species in its least concern category.