Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Matemáticas

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    Educación matemática crítica y educación popular como enfoques para unas propuestas de enseñanza transformadora y emancipadora en el contexto del programa para jovénes y adultos de la IED Diana Turbay
    Rincón Piraquive , Jordy Javier; Camelo Bustos , Francisco Javier
    This report presents the experience surrounding the internship carried out at the Diana Turbay IED in Bogotá, in a weekend educational program for youth and adults. The teaching proposals are based on the theoretical approaches of popular education and critical mathematics education, the classroom scenarios seek to connect mathematical content with the students' prior knowledge, promoting a deep and relevant understanding. Framed in theories of Critical Mathematics Education and Popular Education, inspired by Freudenthal and Freire, the project aims to empower students and encourage their active participation in society. This report, structured in 15 sections, covers everything from the problems to the conclusions, with a focus on how the teaching of mathematics can be a tool to generate critical thinking and awareness about social transformation.
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    Uniendo caminos hacia la inclusión: enseñanza de las matemáticas con Niños con discapacidad visual del colegio República de China I.E.D.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Zabala Barrera, María Isabel; Galindo Martínez, Harold Stiven; Fonseca González, Jaime; Fonseca González,Jaime [0000-0002-5147-7912]
    This internship report documents the support provided to visually impaired students in the area of ​​mathematics at the República de China school. It describes in detail the process carried out with these students, highlighting the strategies, resources, activities and methodologies implemented to facilitate their learning. In addition, it reflects on the importance of adapting teaching materials and methods to guarantee an inclusive and equitable education for all students.
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    Etnoestadística: inclusión de las comunidades étnicas en la enseñanza de la estadística
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Gómez Valero, Danna Karina; Medina Moreno, Steven Alirio; Carranza Vargas, Edwin Alfredo
    Current mathematics education incorporates various practices that promote inclusion in the classroom, respecting the culture and daily life of students. It is crucial to investigate and examine the educational development and reason for existence of indigenous communities, recognizing their importance and influence on current populations, since they are the roots of said populations. Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that mathematics is developed in different environments, which implies that statistics, as a branch of mathematics, can also play a relevant role in diverse societies. Therefore, it is necessary to observe and analyze statistics from the perspective of ethno-education, with the aim of recognizing its importance and use in indigenous communities. The purpose of this monograph is to identify and determine the educational content of statistics that is currently taught in indigenous communities, focusing on the current state of its teaching, the foundation of its nature and the scope of these mathematical concepts in their cultural context.
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    Implementación de estrategias pedagógicas y recursos didácticos en la enseñanza de la matemáticas para estudiantes con discapacidad visual y/o cognitiva en el Colegio José Félix Restrepo I.E.D.
    Monguí Yopasá, Karen Johanna; Silva Zapata, Diego Alejandro; Fonseca González, Jaime; Fonseca González, Jaime [0000-0002-5147-7912]
    This is an internship report developed at the José Félix Restrepo I.E.D. in activities to support the teaching of mathematics for students with visual and/or cognitive disabilities. The use of resources and situations from the environment close to the student is presented, adapted to promote the development of some of the mathematical skills such as egg buckets and situations of trade and money. At the end of the experience, the students who participated in the activities were able to propose solution strategies to situations that involved the multiplicative structure in contexts of daily life; They established relationships between concrete, verbal and symbolic representations of mathematical concepts such as the natural number; and they manage to establish argumentation processes throughout the solution of problems.
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    Exploración del efecto de la interacción con un dispositivo mecatrónico con capacidad de expresión emocional durante la solución del juego matemático la escalera
    Cardenas Salazar, Diego Esteban; Paez Rodriguez, John Jairo
    This document explores the impact of a tool with emotional expression capabilities on students as the engage in solving mathematical game 'La Escalera'. To understand this effect, different concepts related to emotions have been explored: (Bonarini, 2016), problem-solving schemas (Marshall, 1995), learning trajectories (Clements and Sarama, 2004), and the design of a feedback-enhanced tool. The development of this tool starts with its modeling, the integration of electronic components and algorithms on Arduino and MATLAB platforms. The Arduino algorithm controls the electronic elements, simulating the game "La Escalera", and registers the movements done by a student as data. Additionally, the MATLAB algorithm processes the data collected by Arduino to generate a graph representing the problem's field and the student's learning trajectory. This integral approach allows a detailed understanding of a possible emotional and cognitive impact the tool may generate in students when facing mathematical problem-solving.
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    Herramientas de la inteligencia artificial para el desarrollo de actividades didácticas en estadística
    Quiroga Perez, Paula Sofia; Torres Castro, Karen Lorena; Rocha Salamanca, Pedro Gerardo; Rocha Salamanca, Pedro Gerardo [0009-0008-6673-9760]
    This work, in the form of a monograph, will explore the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in statistics education, highlighting its potential to design innovative and personalized didactic activities. As we advance in the age of information and technology, AI has proven to be a powerful tool in transforming various fields, including education. This document focuses on how AI can facilitate more effective and dynamic learning in the field of statistics, providing an education that is more interactive, motivating and adapted to the individual needs of students. A review of the fundamental concepts of AI, its historical evolution and its impact on education will be offered. Definitions and perspectives from various experts will be highlighted, underlining the importance of AI in personalizing learning and improving educational feedback.
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    Ruralidad y multigrado : un quehacer docente más allá de las 4 paredes
    Romero Orjuela, Julián; Castro Cortés, Claudia Cecilia; Castro Cortés, Claudia Cecilia [0000-0002-4224-2580]
    This document is an internship report developed in the Gabriela Mistral school, located in Valle del Cauca. It presents concepts such as Interest Centers, Comprehensive Training and Reading of Context. It relates what were my rolles at the school, the way to bring to the comunity closer, what activities I did with the students, which were the challenges that I had to face, etc. It broaches how work, particulary, the rurality in this school and the way how families are part of the teachind and learning of the students. It details how is the structure of the behaviors inside of it and different ways we can face by a multigrade classroom where are fourth and fifth grade. This internship looked for contribute to the reducing of educational achievement lacks that exist in our rural territories by strengthening the ties between school – comunity, the developed of my abilities as a mathematics teacher, and the diverse skills of the students. It tells of the diferent tools to be in a rural zone, read it, understad it and plan for, with and from the educational comunity, linking the academic knowledge with recreation, sport, interest, life projects, looking for improve the learning environments.
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    Explorando la geometría a través del arteterapia: Propuesta para superar el miedo en el aula
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ipus Becerra , Diego Andrés; Guzmán Cárdenas, Emma Gabriela; Carranza Vargas, Edwin Alfredo
    The main theme of this work is overcoming the fear of mathematics through art therapy. However, it is crucial to first understand what fear truly is. As Ana Pablos (2022) defines it, "Fear is a necessary reaction for survival because it manifests automatically in the face of danger." Based on this perspective, the fundamental aim of this work is to analyze and investigate how fourth-grade students learn numbers through art and an affective network (Universal Design for Learning – UDL). This is grounded in the idea that, according to Gómez Chacón (2011), in his book "Emotional Mathematics: Affects in Mathematical Learning," “A second category refers to the beliefs of the student (and the teacher) about themselves and their relationship with mathematics; it has a strong affective component and includes beliefs related to confidence, self-concept, and the causal attribution of academic success and failure” (McLeod, D.B, 1989b cited in Gómez Chacón, 2011, p.23). Therefore, the affective component becomes important as it is what allows establishing a relationship between the student and mathematics. Likewise, according to Gómez Chacón (2011), "the affective domain includes attitudes, beliefs, appreciations, likes and dislikes, emotions, feelings, and values" (Krathwohl, Bloom, and Masia, 1973, cited in Gómez Chacón, 2011, p. 22), which frames the present research intention. Additionally, our intention is to incorporate art therapy into the classroom, as it helps center, organize, and build self-confidence, thereby reducing the stress and anxiety that can cause fear. During the sessions, the goal will be to identify a general fear of mathematics and address it through art. Furthermore, it is important to mention that our aim is to use art to somehow overcome or reduce the various fears generated in math class. It is worth highlighting that, according to Marian Rojas (2018), "it is not about eliminating fear, but about knowing that it exists and learning to manage it correctly." This is where the following thesis proposal arises. Finally, this study seeks to make a significant contribution to the field of early education and mathematics teaching. By better understanding how emotions and the affective network influence number learning in childhood, the goal is to design more effective pedagogical strategies focused on the emotional well-being of children. It is also hoped that the results obtained will be useful for teachers, educational institutions, and policymakers in improving classroom pedagogical practices. The research will provide a solid foundation for fostering a positive and enriching learning environment where emotions are meaningfully integrated into the educational process.
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    Tejiendo historias : narrativas que fortalecen el concepto mínimo común múltiplo en comunidades e instituciones rurales
    Pineda Marín, Laura Vanessa; Muñoz Gutiérrez, Juan Sebastián; Castro Cortés, Claudia Cecilia; Castro Cortés, Claudia Cecilia [0000-0002-4224-2580]
    The study of the Least Common Multiple (L.C.M.) is crucial in mathematics, especially in rural communities where educational resources are limited. This research explores both the theoretical foundations of the C.C.M. and its practical applicability in rural agriculture, identifying specific challenges in these settings. The use of pedagogical narratives is proposed to improve understanding of the CMM, transforming abstract concepts into identifiable situations. The research seeks an inclusive and effective teaching, developing mathematical skills and fostering critical reasoning among rural students.
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    Estructura del laboratorio de didáctica de las matemáticas de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas para la formación de profesores de matemáticas
    Parra Murcia, Cristina Isabel; Cabezas Mesa, Nicolas David; Castro Cortés, Claudia Cecilia
    This research arises from the need to characterize the Laboratorio de Didáctica de las Matemáticas of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, through a structural design that allows taking advantage of its physical and academic space. To do this, different national and international educational laboratories were analyzed, which made it possible to find successes and failures in the laboratory that the Universidad Distrital has today. For the development of the research, some units of analysis were generated, product of the construction of the state of the art, the theoretical framework and the fieldwork in which different laboratory managers were interviewed and dialogued. As a result, a call is made for the logo and slogan of the laboratory, designs are built with word clouds, the timeline of the constitution of the Mathematics laboratory of the Universidad Distrital and a proposal for the physical and academic structure of the Laboratorio de Didáctica de las Matemáticas [LDM]. As a recommendation, it is suggested to establish a network of laboratories that contributes to strengthening the teaching profession from the constitution of community of practice and research.
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    Una aproximación a las matemáticas en el aula regular, a niños, niñas y adolescentes en el programa de inclusión de grado sexto y séptimo: oportunidades en medio de la diversidad.
    Rincón Bernal, Jenniffer Lyzeth; Torres Duarte, José; Torres Duarte, José [0000-0001-9208-4843]
    This report shows the progress of the degree work in internship modality, which was carried out at the Colegio Técnico José Félix Restrepo I.E.D. of the locality of San Cristóbal Sur, with the student population of the inclusion program of the institution, for the academic period 2023-3. The development of the internship took place in four phases; such as the exploration phase where a recognition of academic, emotional, social, cultural and family competencies of students with visual impairment (blind and low vision) was carried out, a phase of theoretical construction in which the Curricular Guidelines (MEN, 1998) and the use of categories in the design, construction and analysis of school reinforcement and specialized accompaniment were used; phase of transformation of the school experience in terms of the adaptation of a playful teaching-learning environment generated from the school reinforcement and the specialized accompaniment in mathematics; phase of elaboration, this consists of the revision, verification, analysis and support of the proposal designed for the internship agreement “Opportunities in the midst of diversity” subscribed between the Universidad Distrital and the Colegio Técnico José Félix Restrepo I.E.D.
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    Creación o adaptación de recursos didácticos que vinculen contextos de las aulas rurales
    Torres Sánchez, Sonia Alejandra; Torres Duarte, José; Torres Duarte, José [0000-0001-9208-4843]
    The present report is the result of the teaching-learning process mediated in each of the classroom interventions developed over a period of approximately three months, at the Juan Crisóstomo Osorio Educational Institution, Antonia Santos Rural School branch, located in the La Meseta hamlet belonging to Aranzazu, Caldas. This was done through the linkage with the Viva la Escuela program, led by the Ministry of National Education. The focus was on the use of didactic resources that allowed for the mediation of the mathematical knowledge addressed. For the development of the educational proposal, the particularities of the classroom were taken as a starting point, since it was a multigrade classroom, in addition to the individualities of each of the eight students belonging to said institution. During the interventions, the group was divided into three in order to divide the grades to facilitate the understanding of the mathematical knowledge addressed in the school reinforcements, with preschool as one group, second grade as another, and fourth and fifth grades as a last group. However, when linking the interactive groups, mathematical activities were built around heterogeneous groups, so the lower grades were considered for the most part as a basis for developing these activities. This means that the level of complexity of the activities rotated was based on these grades.
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    Aportes para la formación crítica de estudiantes de la zona de reserva campesina de Sumapaz
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Melo Gutiérrez, Edna Rocío; Torres Duarte, José; Torres Duarte, José [0000-0001-9208-4843]
    The present work was developed in town 20 of Bogotá, specifically in the Peasant Reserve Zone, the objective was to analyze the design and management of a learning environment that would allow contributing to the critical training of students who live in that territory based on the Critical mathematics education. Involving the rural dynamics of the territory, students' daily life situations and mathematical thinking. The type of methodology used was qualitative in nature, which was developed in three moments: diagnosis, implementation and evaluation. Obtaining as a result that the elements that must be taken into account for the management of a learning environment: The voice of the participant, the interests of the participants, the historical, social and cultural location of the context, communication, the linking of ICT , teamwork and the voice of the community.
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    Estudio de un modelo determinista SI (Susceptibles-Infectados) para el comportamiento del VIH en una población sexualmente activa de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
    Arteaga Pastuzan, Jasmin; Méndez García, Ana María; Carranza Vargas, Edwin Alfredo
    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) remains one of the greatest threats to public health worldwide, especially in vulnerable populations. public health threats worldwide, especially in vulnerable populations. HIV transmission is multifactorial HIV transmission is multifactorial and is influenced by a variety of social, cultural and behavioral factors that may vary by gender and sexuality of the behavioral factors that may vary according to the gender and sexuality of the people involved. The objective of this study is to analyze the situation of HIV infection in a sexually active population of the Universidad population of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (UDFJC) and to develop a simulation model for the simulation model (Susceptible-Infected) to predict the behavior of the virus in the university. virus in the university. To achieve this purpose, an exhaustive survey was carried out among students, faculty and staff of the students, faculty and administrative staff, in order to assess their level of knowledge about HIV, their HIV knowledge about HIV, their sexual protection practices and their attitudes towards HIV prevention. prevention of the virus. Thus, with this research, we seek to obtain a clearer perspective of the current situation of HIV infection in the studied population, as well as to project its evolution in the future. of HIV infection in the population studied, as well as to project its evolution in the future (a few years). (a few years). It also aims to better understand the factors that influence the spread of the virus within the university. The creation of an IS simulation model will make it possible to make predictions about the behavior of the virus in the university. predictions about the behavior of the virus in the university, taking into account various variables that influence its spread. that influence the spread of the virus. On the other hand, this work also addresses the importance of sex education in the prevention of HIV and highlights the imperative need to HIV prevention and highlights the imperative need for more effective prevention programs within the university setting. within the university setting. The research aims to make a significant contribution to the understanding of the factors to the understanding of the factors that influence the spread of HIV in universities, as well as to the universities, as well as in the implementation of effective measures to prevent its transmission. In this regard, the creation of the SI model adapted to the educational needs discussed The creation of the SI model, adapted to the educational needs discussed since 2022, plays a fundamental role in promoting a more solid and evidence-based educational and preventive approach. and based on real data; in this way, it is expected to have a positive impact on the reduction of HIV infections in the the reduction of HIV infections in the university community. It also aims to promote a culture of awareness and responsibility regarding sexual health, contributing to the creation of a safer and healthier environment for all members of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Additionally, it is necessary to mention that the mathematical process carried out in this work began once the relevant variables of the problem were identified and the relationships between them were defined. Then, equations, formulas and mathematical models were constructed to represent the relationships between the variables. Thus, the process of mathematization in an investigation of HIV infections in the UDFJC can be summarized in the following steps: Identification of relevant variables: In the first instance, the crucial variables of the problem were identified, such as the total population of the university, the HIV transmission rate, the recovery rate, as well as the mortality and undetectability rates. 2. Definition of the relationships between the variables: subsequently, the relationships between the variables are defined, such as the infection rate depending on the transmission rate and the proportion of susceptible and infected persons in the population. 3. Creation of a survey for the university population: A survey was designed to collect information on age, sex and general knowledge about HIV transmission and prevention in the student community. Systematization of the survey data: A process of organization and analysis of the data provided by the survey was carried out in order to obtain relevant information about the population studied. 5. Creation of the mathematical model: A deterministic mathematical model of the SI type is constructed, which describes the dynamics of HIV transmission in the university population, based on the relationships identified in the previous step and the analysis of the data provided in the survey described above. The model describes how the population evolves over time, taking into account the interaction between susceptible and infected individuals. 6. Model validation: The validity of the model is verified by comparing the model results with empirical data, such as the number of HIV cases reported in Colombia. 7. Analysis of results: The results of the model and the behavior of the virus for each of the related variables are analyzed. Conclusions and recommendations: From the analysis of the model results, fundamental conclusions were obtained and specific recommendations were formulated for the prevention and control of HIV at the university. In summary, the mathematization of the dynamics of HIV infection at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas by means of a deterministic IS model allows the rigorous analysis of the spread of the virus and the evaluation of different prevention and control strategies. Detailed information on this process will be presented in the course of this work.
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    Apoyo a estudiantes con discapacidad mediante el uso de recursos didácticos enfocado a la enseñanza de las matemáticas en el Colegio Técnico José Félix Restrepo I.E.D.
    Quiroga Bohórquez, Saúl David; Zuluaga Ruíz, Tania Julieth; Fonseca González, Jaime; Fonseca González, Jaime [0000-0002-5147-7912]
    The document is the report of work of degree in modality of internship that sought to contribute to the process of inclusive education that is carried out in Technical College José Félix Restrepo I. E. D., particularly in supporting the teaching of mathematics by students with disabilities at this institution. We report the theoretical and practical references that were considered for the internship, an analysis of actions carried out in the institution to support the inclusion process and the emerging reflections of the interns' practice.
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    El consumo de cigarrillos. Perspectivas frente a la matematización y concientización del fenómeno
    Navarrete Ruiz, Juan Pablo; Bermúdez González, Carlos Daniel; Forero Poveda, Alberto; Forero Poveda, Alberto [0000-0002-0452-7876]
    Over time, cigarette consumption has emerged as a significant determining factor in the development of pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. This concerning trend has been accentuated, especially among young people aged 16 to 18, according to data from the Ministry of Health in Colombia. Therefore, a meticulous study has been carried out at the Faculty of Sciences and Education of the Francisco José de Caldas District University in Bogotá. The primary purpose of this research has been to analyze tobacco consumption as a determining factor in health deeply and rigorously, using rigorous statistical methods. The fundamental objective of this study is to raise awareness in the community about the dangers associated with tobacco consumption, based on the results and developments obtained through various research methods. To conduct this research, both stochastic and deterministic approaches have been used to analyze relevant variables in this issue, such as body mass index, age, tobacco consumption, and participation in sports activities. In addition, software tools have been developed to support and facilitate awareness of this phenomenon. The results obtained provide a perspective based on mathematical modeling, allowing for a more precise and in-depth understanding of the real impact of tobacco consumption and its consequences on health. This study contributes to expanding knowledge on the subject and promoting awareness of the importance of addressing tobacco consumption among the young population.
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    El mundo del origami, otra manera de sentir las matemáticas
    Sánchez Mamian, Brayan Andrés; Solano Marín, Paula Andrea; Gil Chaves, Diana; Gil Chaves, Diana [0000-0003-3872-1105 ]
    This document presents the internship report entitled "The world of origami, another way of feeling mathematics" performed at the District Educational Institution "College Republic of China" during the period 2023-1; which highlights the development of a classroom project focused on teaching geometric concepts for the third grade of primary through origami as a tool to facilitate their understanding. In addition to reinforcements in mathematics and accompaniments within the classroom to students with functional diversity and with it, the difficulties presented, the strategies that were carried out for their improvement and the progress they had throughout the class sessions.
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    Estudio descriptivo de los trabajos de grado aprobados en el proyecto curricular LEMA (Licenciatura en Matemáticas) en el periodo comprendido entre 2018-1 Y 2022-1
    Benito Pinzón, Bairon Steven; Mancera Ortiz, Gabriel
    According to agreements 027 of 1993 and 038 of 2015 of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, students seeking to obtain a university degree are required to submit a degree project following certain parameters. This study aims to carry out a descriptive analysis of the degree works approved in the curricular project LEMA (Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics) between 2018-1 and 2022-1. The research approach involves the interpretation of data, generation of hypotheses and conclusions to answer the question of the characteristics and trends observed in these papers. The study is based on information provided by the Bachelor of Mathematics curriculum project and seeks to update previous research conducted in the periods 1989-1997 and 1997-2000. Data were collected and analysed by means of descriptive files, and the results seek to provide an overview of the production of degree works in the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics at the UDFJC.
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    Orientación de procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje de las matemáticas a población en condición de discapacidad del Colegio OEA I.E.D
    Contreras Clavijo, Karen Yiseth; Castaño Mesa, Jhon Eddier; FONSECA GONZÁLEZ, JAIME; Jaime Fonseca Gonzales [0000-0002-5147-7912]
    A work that contemplates the veracity and application of experiences and practical- theoretical knowledge learned in the process of professional training at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas; from the modality of internship as degree work, which allows the training of inclusive teachers, because in agreement with educational institutions such as the Colegio OEA I.E.D, the commitment to support the training process of students with disabilities and promote inclusion is accepted. The work will be to implement a work plan, which allows the understanding of mathematical content to students with visual impairment, and thus guide teaching and learning processes while receiving a theoretical and practical training, since students are in a regular classroom, where they do not have the continuous and immediate advice needed by the teacher, to develop their logical-mathematical skills.
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    Propuesta de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la noción de simetría estadística, en las distribuciones de frecuencias para estudiantes de grado once.
    Mateus-Aguilera, Leidy Nataly; Rocha Salamanca, Pedro Gerardo
    This monograph falls within the field of statistical education and its main purpose is to show the classroom project called "Teaching the notion of statistical symmetry, in frequency distributions for eleventh grade students" and its components such as theory and methodology used to design, manage and validate the project. Here is collected the research work carried out in 2011, at the Robert F. Kennedy School with the course 1101 Day Afternoon, whose object of study was the teaching of the notion of statistical symmetry including the preliminary notions up to the identification of the form of frequency distributions, among other pedagogical inferences related to the use of statistical and natural language. The research methodology was of a mixed type since it considered qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques based on the reconstruction of the learning environment in the ethnographic perspective; On the other hand, among the aspects to be highlighted, reflections are made on the teacher's trajectory, the student's knowledge attained and the relationship between these and knowledge; concluding with the validation of the proposal.