Ingeniería Ambiental
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Ítem Propuesta de lineamientos para una guía nacional de modelación numérica y transporte de contaminantes en el suelo de aguas residuales no domésticas tratadas, de acuerdo al marco normativo ambiental vigenteRico Torres, Dhaily Zalenny; Salazar Torres, María Lucía; Mejía de Alba, Martha Isabel; Martha Isabel Mejía de Alba [0000-0001-9438-9026]The soil resource is increasingly vulnerable to contamination, either by natural or anthropogenic agents, causing great concern due to its importance and the lack of knowledge regarding how a contaminant behaves when it enters the soil. That is why, in this work, the guidelines for a national guide for numerical modeling and transport of pollutants in the soil of treated non-domestic wastewater are proposed, according to the current environmental regulatory framework. The foregoing was carried out through three phases: the definition of the general aspects on the modeling of pollutants in the soil, taking into account the soil baseline, groundwater baseline, discharge disposal system, mathematical model of the soil resource, main components of the modeling, description of the variables to model, advantages and limitations of the modeling and modeling methods; as well as the determination of nine essential phases for the selection of the criteria to be used in the modeling of pollutants in the soil for treated non-domestic wastewater discharges, in which the modeling protocol, goals and objectives of the study, studies and information gathering, conceptual model formulation, model code selection or development, model calibration, model validation, sensitivity analysis, and scenario simulation; and finally, the identification of case studies in which these guidelines would be applied, taking into account the Policy for Sustainable Land Management - PGSS, the projects, works or activities that generate non-domestic treated wastewater to the ground, the permit of dumping to the ground and the environmental evaluation of the dumping, the last two, according to Decree 1076 of 2015. However, the existence of shortcomings in the application of the proposed guidelines continues to be observed, due to gaps in the Colombian regulatory framework regarding the physicochemical and microbiological conditions of groundwater, as well as the lack of existing models for the characteristics of our soils., as well as a definition of land use, taking into account the discharges that it may receive.Ítem Apoyo a la revisión documental y técnica de las metodologías de ACV (análisis de ciclo de vida) Y HDC (huella de carbono), en el acompañamiento del estudio técnico de impactos ambientales sobre bolsas tradicionales de compra hechas a partir de PEAD (polietileno de alta densidad) y PP (polipropileno), para la comercializadora SEMPT “Sempiterno” de CDMX – MéxicoLópez Fino, José Álvaro; Lozano Barrero, Carolina María; Cortes Guzmán, OscarThis internship was proposed as a support for the "Sempiterno" SEMPT on the revision of the methodologies, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Carbon Footprint (Cf) as environmental management and evaluation tools. Due to their wide range of usefulness, they have been successfully applied by other organizations and industries in the search to quantify part of the impacts, from the generation of emissions and waste, resulting from the processes for obtaining, for example, the PEAD (High Density Polyethylene) and PP (Polypropylene) bags. Finally, we sought to compare the results documented in different bibliographic references both nationally (Mexico) and internationally, which allow establishing a panorama for future product alternatives that can replace the use of these bags.Ítem Sistematización de la base de datos del proyecto de agricultura urbana y periurbana del Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis (JBB), para elaborar productos cartográficos mediante herramientas SIGGaleano Sánchez, Miguel Andrés; Figueroa Fernández, AlbertoThis project updated the directory of orchards 2023, building twenty-one (21) specific maps and one (1) general map of the city of Bogotá, updating and organizing information concerning the exact locations of each of the urban orchards and peri-urban areas, the contact information such as the name of the orchard, the telephone number and the direction, and correlating the products and services generated in each locality according to the ICBF Colombian Food TableÍtem Evaluación del proyecto PRO-CIÉNAGA sobre la recuperación del Complejo Delta Estuarino de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta y su vigencia en el contexto actualOcampo Montufar, Valentina; Rincón González, Daniel Felipe; García Valbuena, César Augusto; García Valbuena, César Augusto [0000-0002-5899-4955]The Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM) is a Delta-Estuary ecosystem complex, of great ecological importance for the services it provides, however, it has been affected by different pressures, evidencing a drastic loss of mangrove cover and the fishing resource, affecting the environmental services it provides and the quality of life of local communities. In this sense, the PRO-CIÉNAGA rehabilitation project (1992-2001) sought the recovery of this complex through different strategies, but, although its actions proved to be effective, its results did not achieve permanence over time in the state of the CGSM. . Given this scenario, this work aims to evaluate the actions of the PRO-CIÉNAGA project on the Estuary Delta complex of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta and its validity in the current context. For this, the study was proposed from the ecology of the landscape that, through the DPSIR model, the CONESA environmental impact assessment methodology and the analysis of change in coverage, evidencing the increase in mangrove coverage, raised as indicators of the state of the CGSM, related to PRO-CIÉNAGA and the slowdown of this process at its end, likewise, the main pressures and their impacts for the generation of strategies were identified; concluding that, although the PRO-CIÉNAGA project had positive results, mainly on mangrove forests, various pressures have contributed to the slowdown of the process, therefore, it is recommended to adopt measures for follow-up and monitoring, the incorporation of the communities in the process of reforestation and care, as well as the use of in situ measures to reduce salinity in critical situations.Ítem Diseño e implementación del PGIRS del comedor de cadetes y alférez de la Escuela General Santander (Hernado Bonet)Pachón Molina, Uriel Andrés; Zúñiga Vargas, Pier PaoloThis degree work in internship mode is oriented to give solution to the environmental problems associated with the economic activity exercised by the company (Hernando Bonet cadet canteen) as well as the whole process of diagnosis of the same and the different measures taken for its minimization through the development of education programs and waste collection through the design and implementation of a PGIR (Program of Integral Management of Solid Waste).Ítem Formulación de un manual de tecnologías apropiadas para su incorporación en el marco del macroproyecto plan maestro socioambiental Ecobarrio La Esmeralda (PMSAE)Poloche Arango, Carolina; Quintero Rodríguez, Isabel Cristina; Espinosa García, HelmutIn the context of the Macroproject Master Plan for the Socio-Environmental Ecobarrio La Esmeralda (PMSAE), this document aims to develop a manual of appropriate technologies. The purpose is to guide the dynamics related to the relevance and subsequent implementation of these technologies in the experimental unit of Ecobarrio La Esmeralda, considering techniques and communication methods that are easily accessible and compatible with the digital tools available in everyday life. To achieve the goal of this monograph, we investigated the conditions of the study area, identifying appropriate technologies already integrated into the experimental unit of Ecobarrio and suggesting additional technologies based on criteria such as feasibility, complexity, adaptability, cost, maintenance, and lifespan, as well as the specific characteristics of the study area. This manual provides technical and technological information that is clear and accessible to the residents and visitors of Ecobarrio La Esmeralda. It also serves as a starting point to encourage and support other communities undergoing sustainable transformation who wish to adopt the vision proposed by the Ecobarrio framework, improving environmental relationships and conditions, reducing impact on the natural environment, and making the most of the resources offered by the surrounding area.Ítem Apoyo, revisión, corrección y seguimiento de los PGIRS de los municipios de Simijaca y San Antonio del Tequendama, en el acompañamiento del grupo de gestión de residuos sólidos de la Secretaria del Ambiente de la Gobernación de CundinamarcaCardenas Olarte, Juan Jose; Moreno Moreno, Carlos HernandoCurrently, the PGIRS (Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan) is a fundamental planning tool that is also mandatory for the municipalities and departments of Colombia, which is why it is essential to have these updated and in accordance with current regulations (Resolution 754 2014), for this the Secretary of the Environment of the Government of Cundinamarca, provides advice to the municipalities that require it for the correct updating and implementation of the PGIRS in the territory. Therefore, the objective is to provide technical support in the formulation, updating, implementation and monitoring of the PGIRS of the municipalities of Simijaca and San Antonio del Tequendama, in coordination with the solid waste group of the Government of Cundinamarca, using the methodology of research, action and participation, emphasizing knowing the perspective of the different actors related not only to the formulation of the PGIR but also those who are directly involved in its execution (population of the municipality, professional recyclers, administrative staff of the mayor's office, etc. ), resulting in a series of files (document of observations and recommendations of the PGIRS, social inclusion program of professional reclaimers and updated database) that will help improve the treatment of solid waste. In the PGIRS of the municipality of Simijaca, the disparity in the execution of programs stands out, underlining the need to strengthen strategies in the rural area. In San Antonio del Tequendama, the evaluation reveals challenges in the Lawn Cutting and Tree Pruning program, contrasting with the success of the Recyclers Inclusion program, which suggests improving the dissemination of information. On the other hand, visits to associations in several municipalities show the importance of consolidating associations of recyclers to increase collection capacity in addition to being able to participate in projects for the delivery of safety kits, motorcycle freighters, compactors, among others. Finally, it is highlighted that file management plays a crucial role, providing structure, access and preservation of information, contributing to organizational efficiency and transparency, especially in a digital business environmentÍtem Generación de insumos técnicos que aporten a la actualización de los instrumentos normativos relacionados con el manual de evaluación de estudios ambientales y los informes de cumplimiento ambiental (ICA)Sanz Pérez, Emily Tatiana; Murad Pedraza, José Alejandro; Murad Pedraza, José Alejandro [0000-0003-4211-2601]The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development as the governing body for the management of the environment and renewable natural resources, through the Sectoral and Urban Environmental Affairs Directorate, according to article 19 of Decree 3570 of 2011, has the function, among others, of proposing and apply the methodologies and technical criteria for the evaluation of environmental studies, and the follow-up and monitoring of environmental licenses and other environmental authorizations that are required. In order to comply with the regulatory requirements and in order to carry out an effective and timely evaluation and follow-up of the projects, works or activities, the ministry's work team has been carrying out a series of updates to the support instruments of the environmental licensing process. ; Within this framework, the objective of this paper is to generate technical inputs that contribute to updating the Environmental Studies Evaluation Manual based on the formulation of a proposal for evaluation criteria, taking into account the technical characteristics of the variables and parameters of each environmental component, as well as the regulatory requirements and the implications of the different values that the variables and parameters can take on the environmental viability of projects subject to an environmental license. On the other hand, to identify, based on sampling and statistical analysis of the information provided by the different Regional Autonomous Corporations, the patterns in the periodicity of the request for delivery of the Environmental Compliance Reports -ICA in order to provide inputs for updating regulations and the establishment of a format for the processing and reporting of ICAs, a fundamental tool for environmental authorities to have timely and periodic information when exercising their monitoring and control functions.Ítem Transformación de residuos orgánicos sólidos, con larvas de insectos, aplicación de la metodología en un pequeño productor avícolaGrueso Vasquez, Carlos Gilberto; López Chaparro, Andrés Felipe; Gutiérrez Malaxechebarría, Álvaro Martín; Gutiérrez Malaxechebarría, Álvaro Martín [0000-0002-2306-1610]In this document realized the evaluation of the feasibility of carrying out the treatment of organic waste, chicken manure, by a small poultry producer with the technology based on the feeding of the larvae of the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens). To evaluate the feasibility, we built a state of the art, in addition to selecting 6 technological alternatives of possible application. For its evaluation and selection, the we used AHP methodology in order to select the best alternative using 6 criteria, some climatological based mainly on the cycle of life of the MSN (Humidity, Temperature, Sunlight), the associated costs, efficiency and the opinion of the small producer. After the selection of the technology that best suits the conditions present in the orchard, we realized the application of the project out in pilot form.Ítem Apoyo al seguimiento y ejecución del componente estratégico del PMA del distrito de conservación de suelos-TibaitatáAlbornoz Forero, María Alejandra; Moreno Gutiérrez, Jaime AlbertoThe Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation – AGROSAVIA has the Tibaitatá Research Center which is located in the municipality of Mosquera – Cundinamarca, Its area is declared as a Soil Conservation District by the Corporation Autonomous Regional of Cundinamarca – CAR through Agreement No. 020 of 2008, this account with an Environmental Management Plan which was approved in 2011 by the CAR through the Agreement 016 of September 16, 2011 and was later updated in 2022 by filing CAR 20221047944 dated 06/13/2022. The degree work as an internship modality was carried out based on the component strategic plan of the Soil Conservation District Environmental Management Plan, focusing on five (5) projects corresponding to: “Monitoring, quality control and characteristics of the soil”, “Management and proper management of waste”, “Control of water use and quality”, “Management of discharges” and “Inventory of natural resources”. This report summarizes the results. obtained during the internship, evidencing the progress in the execution of the activities established in the Environmental Management Plan.Ítem Apoyo al diagnóstico ambiental y evaluación de la gestión de los residuos industriales del subsector económico de restaurantes y establecimientos de comidas preparadas, en el municipio de Soacha CundinamarcaEspitia Basallo, Jeiner Paola; Espinosa Garcia, HelmutRestaurants and prepared food establishments are part of the tertiary sector where the largest workforce in the country is located, producing waste that requires appropriate management since inadequate waste management can generate contamination in soil, water and air. . The restaurant economic subsector is one of the ones that generates the most movement in the municipality of Soacha. Therefore, it seeks to support the carrying out of an environmental diagnosis for the subsector. Implemented in four phases. First, secondary information collection; second primary information from sampling, considering the databases provided by the Soacha environment secretary, Survey 123 was used as a technological tool for information collection; The third phase is the environmental evaluation, where the data is consolidated and the environmental characterization is prepared, identifying impacts and implementing the adjusted Arboleda matrix. The fourth phase proposes alternative solutions to the problems encountered. As a result, it was found that the majority of establishments, 98%, are type 2 businesses, mostly classified as microenterprises. One of the most problematic waste is used cooking oil ACU since there is a high lack of knowledge about the existing regulations and the alternatives for managing this waste, not all the managers who are in charge of collecting the waste are endorsed by the regional autonomous corporation. CAR, only one establishment is registered with the competent authority. The ACU affects more than the entire soil component. Another component that is affected by this type of businesses is the atmospheric component, directly the air, since many restaurants are fixed sources of atmospheric emissions. In 37.69% of the establishments they do not separate waste adequately, it is also the case that only 126 establishments have grease traps. In conclusion, environmental education is necessary in the sector in general, through an exhaustive review of the managers who are not registered with the CAR and finally the competent environmental authority taking measures to reduce the amount of waste in the landfill. sanitary, as well as avoiding possible discharges and contamination in water and soil that affect strategic ecosystems. It is recommended to follow circular economy processes such as oil recirculation in biodiesel transformation.Ítem Elaboración del plan de negocios para la empresa Texeco S.A.S, destinada a la remanufacturación de productos y materiales procedentes de la industria textil, en el municipio de Ibagué - TolimaArias Medina, Juan José; Zuñiga Vargas, Pier PaoloThe principal objective of this document seeks to refer to the restructuring and consolidation of an already established company, located in the municipality of Ibague, department of Tolima, concentrated on administrative feature, the marketing and production system, the latter two are expected to play a more important role in the consolidation of the company in the market, besides, it develops a financial study and an environmental impact study. This is hold up by the tools obtained in the training process as an Environmental Engineer at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. This is how the business plan of the company is established, based on the commercialization of products that arise from the recycling of textile materials under the framework of the circular economy, this in order to determine the economic, commercial and environmental viability of the project.Ítem Inventario de ciclo de vida para el material de empaque y/o envase usado por un socio comercial y apoyo a las actividades de aprovechamiento de Ekoplanet S.A.S ESPRozo Sánchez, Julián Fernando; Lozano Barrero, Carolina María; Cruz López, David Samuel; Cruz López, David Samuel [0000-0002-6037-7913]The purpose of this internship work is the preparation of the life cycle inventory for the packaging material and/or packaging used in one of the partner companies of Ekoplanet S.A.S ESP, which can be used as an input in the formulation of strategies for the prevention, reduction and/or mitigation of potential environmental impacts based on the evaluation of the ICV. As well as the constant support to the collection, selection, storage, use and final disposal system of the company Ekoplanet S.A.S ESP, thus guaranteeing compliance with its environmental objectives, current environmental regulations and facilitating environmental education to its commercial and residential customers.Ítem Apoyo en el proceso de reporte de los Indicadores de Calidad Ambiental Urbana (ICAU) desarrollados en el periodo (2018-2021) para diez municipios priorizadosMotta Huertas, Jeymi; González Vanegas, Valentina; Bernal Suárez, Néstor Ricardo; Beltrán Viracachá, Jenny Pilar; Bernal Suárez, Néstor Ricardo [0000-0003-0926-7935]The present work arises in the process of continuous improvement and evolution of the Urban Environmental Quality Index towards a proposal that considers each of the UEQUI. It seeks the construction of a methodology that allows improving the process of consolidation, processing, verification, completeness and analysis of the data reported by the environmental authorities for the period 2018-2021 in accordance with the updates generated in UEQUI methodology. This exercise required a contextualization process regarding the regulatory and public policy framework under which the UEQUI universe is located; It was materialized through the generation of several methodological synthesis tools, the design of a data organization guide and the implementation of a pilot exercise that required the application of a prioritization method to prioritize those municipalities that have greater continuity in the reporting of information, in order to generate a representative historical and statistical analysis. These elements are expected to become useful tools to continue the process with the other municipalities that report the indicators.Ítem Consolidación, análisis y documentación del estado del arte sobre tipos y metodologías de bioindicadores usados en la evaluación del impacto de la calidad del aire a nivel local e internacional, para su potencial articulación en la actualización del Índice Bogotano de Calidad del Aire y Riesgo en Salud (IBOCA)Beltrán Ramírez, Cristhian Camilo; Tíjaro, Mery HelenResearch was conducted on the state of the art of air quality bioindicators in different parts of the world, from which the methodologies used to carry out each of the studies were obtained, as well as the materials, equipment and techniques used, an estimate of costs associated with each one of the investigations and an inventory of species with potential for bioindication. Subsequently, the agroclimatological characterization of Bogotá city was carried out by means of maps generated with official cartographic information and the ArcGis® program, and finally a methodology based on weighting of environmental factors was implemented to determine which of these bioindicator species were suitable for the city environment; thus, 17 species with a "very high" classification of pertinence of use were proposed in order to consider their inclusion in the update of the Bogotá Air Quality and Health Risk Index (IBOCA).Ítem Apoyo técnico en la revisión, formulación, corrección, implementación y seguimiento de los PGIRS de los municipios de Apulo y Albán, con el grupo de residuos sólidos de la Secretaría de Ambiente de la Gobernación de CundinamarcaBernal Medina, Luis Guillermo; Parsons Delgado, Astrid XimenaSolid waste is one of the largest environmental and health problems in terms of its massive increase and occupation in landfills without proper treatment for recovery, reuse and/or energy use, due to this, each municipality must consider a Management Plan Integral Solid Waste, in which its legal structure, implementation and adjustment or update will be evidenced and analyzed in the case in which each one requires it.Ítem Formulación del plan de manejo ambiental para el cultivo de trucha arcoíris (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) en la Granja Piscícola “San Isidro” y para el restaurante “Salem Fish” en la Vereda El Cedro del municipio de Pitalito-HuilaÑañez Núñez, Julian David; Mancipe Castellanos, Karen Daniela; García Valbuena, César AugustoThe environmental management plan (EMP) is a document that details and compiles the set of activities, which, as a result of the environmental evaluation, are aimed at prevention, mitigation, correction or compensation from the environmental impacts and effects generated by the project development. The EMP also contemplates follow-up plans, monitoring and the occupational health and safety plan for this particular project. Through this planning tool, the purpose is to implement alternative prevention and mitigation measures mainly for all the environmental impacts generated in the different processes carried out by the “San Isidro” fish farming project, which is dedicated to breeding and production of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), as well as the “Salem Fish” restaurant, through the application of environmentally appropriate technologies and techniques that in turn allow achieving sustainable development of the project as a whole to guarantee harmonious coexistence between the activity production and the conservation of natural resources.Ítem Apoyo y acompañamiento en la ejecución del sistema de gestión ambiental según ISO 14001 para los procesos de tubosistemas y geosistemas en la empresa Mexichem ColombiaMorales Sanabria, Sharon Vanessa; Zúñiga Vargas, Pier PaoloThis report intends to present the results of the execution of the Environmental Management System in the company Mexichem Colombia through management programs, legal regulations, impact assessment, environmental indicators, monitoring, environmental education and communication with interested parties through the internship period, effectively applying the knowledge and tools of environmental engineering.Ítem Apoyo técnico en el desarrollo del análisis de ciclo de vida (ACV) para el proceso de elaboración de una cubierta arquitectónica galvanizada y una cubierta arquitectónica galvanizada pre-pintada para la Empresa Casostenible S.A.S.Ruge García, Julieth Valentina; Zúñiga Vargas, Pier PaoloThe country is currently directing its efforts on climate change issues towards reducing greenhouse emissions, identifying challenging targets and establishing strategies for their implementation through sectoral road maps and climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. The construction sector is one of the most highly impactful in the face of climate change, specifically buildings account for about 7% of emissions nationally, so it is essential to act on the basis of real and verifiable results. Thus, companies in the sector are implementing the realization of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for their products, so that among products with equivalent functional characteristics it is possible to choose the one that generates the least environmental impact and encourages the companies that produce them to improve their processes to improve their environmental performance in front of their customers. The purpose of this document is to present the Life Cycle Assessment carried out on a galvanized architectural covering and a pre-painted galvanized architectural covering, visualizing the differences in environmental performance in the different impact categories defined by the methodology of the Spanish Standard UNE-EN 15804:2012 + A2 for construction products with special emphasis on Global Warming Potential (GWP), where it was found that the process of painting the architectural covering generates an increase of 320 kgCO2eq per ton of product. When comparing this product with products of similar functionalities such as clay roofs and polyurethane-steel it was found that the value of GWP is notoriously higher due to the processes of extraction of steel, transportation to the country and its processing in plant, which would indicate that in terms of sustainability of the buildings could be replaced by other products with lower environmental impacts especially in modules A1-A3, however it is noteworthy that analyzing Modules C and D end of life, the potential for reuse and recycling of the products in this analysis is greater than products of similar characteristics, so that in their end of life they can return to the production process, avoiding the extraction of virgin raw materials of primary origin in mines.Ítem Análisis de la viabilidad del reúso de las aguas de producción generadas en la extracción de petróleo en ColombiaZambrano Velasquez, Karen; Monroy Sierra, Karim Osmara; Moreno Gutierréz, Jaime Alberto; Moreno Gutierréz, Jaime Alberto [0000-0002-0754-513X]The management and disposal of production water in the oil industry have drawn attention due to the large volumes of fluid generated in this activity, which can lead to environmental impacts associated with inadequate disposal due to its composition. It is worth considering that, despite the existence of an alternative such as reuse, which contributes to reducing water stress due to demand, other methods are more frequently employed for the disposal of production water, such as disposal, where the production water is injected into a deep underground formation to dispose of it in a confined aquifer, mechanical evaporation, or surface discharge of water. Therefore, it is pertinent to analyze the conditions under which the reuse of production water is carried out in Colombia, which hinder its wider utilization as a disposal strategy.