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Ítem ESTANDARIZACIÓN DEL PROCESO DE LAVADO DE CANASTILLAS EN LA PLANTA BOGOTÁ DE IFCO SYSTEMS COLOMBIA SASNeira Avila, Angel David; Soto Sandoval, Cristian Camilo; Ospina Usaquen, Miguel Angel; 0000-0001-5335-1910This project shows how the use of tools and methods for the standardization of production processes is beneficial for the company IFCO SYSTEMS COLOMBIA SAS in its layette washing process at the Bogotá plant. Through a diagnosis, it is possible to understand each of the critical factors in the layette washing process, which allows determining their nature and behavior; This is how the problems to be solved in the research project are identified. It is in this way that the methods for the study and improvement of work come into play an important role for the development of activities in the layette washing process, because by achieving an organized system it is possible to contribute to relevant concepts for the organization such as efficiency, efficiency, efficiency and the appropriate use of resources.Ítem Plan de gestión de abastecimiento de repuestos de maquinaria pesada para el almacén de Servitrack Parts S.A.S.Manrique Martínez, Luis Felipe; Romero Duque, Gustavo AndrésThe purpose of this report was to generate a supply management plan for heavy machinery spare parts for the warehouse of the company Servitrack Parts S.A.S. To do this, initially an organizational diagnosis was carried out that showed the internal state of the company through tools such as interviews with the company manager and the application of the SWOT Matrix. At an external level, a market study was carried out, where competitors and their specialties in the sector were analyzed, complementing the analysis with the Kraljic matrix. Thanks to the applied analyses, the category of spare parts that should be focused on was determined to improve the company's distinction and provide the best service to customers by leveraging the other categories of spare parts existing in the warehouse. Additionally, an international analysis was carried out, in which the necessary processes and requirements for the import of spare parts were identified, providing a global supply perspective. As a conclusion of the project, criteria were established for the measurement and continuous improvement of the supply process, guiding the warehouse strategy by defining the mission and vision of the purchasing and sales area, in order to guide the growth and optimization of future business operations.Ítem Propuesta integral para establecer el área de talento humano en Insmatel Ltda.González Aldana, Angie Melissa; Romero, Gustavo Andrés; Romero, Gustavo Andrés [0000-0002-3194-9943]Insmatel Ltda. a small Colombian company dedicated to the telecommunications sector, a family business which has moved forward thanks to the empirical learning of its owners. The proposal to create a human talent area seeks to optimize the recruitment, selection and development processes of personnel, aligning human resources management practices with the company's strategic objectives. The integration of technological tools that facilitate human resources administration is recommended, such as candidate tracking platforms and software for training management. The proposal also mentions the importance of establishing a solid organizational culture that promotes employee motivation and commitment, through clear communication and recognition policies. With the creation of the human talent area at Insmatel Ltda. you will be able to strengthen your internal structure, improve job satisfaction and, ultimately, increase efficiency and competitiveness in the market.Ítem Documentación de un módulo del software Odoo (ERP) para la toma de decisiones en tiempo real en Serviasistimos S.A.S.Bermúdez Montoya, Karen Valeria; Malaver Merchan, Daniel Santiago; Olea Suarez, Doris MarleneThis thesis explores the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system at SERVIASISTIMOS S.A.S., a Colombian company specializing in technical services. The company faced critical challenges in data management, process standardization, and system integration, which affected its operational efficiency and the quality of service provided to its clients. Through a comprehensive analysis of internal processes and the identification of problematic areas, Odoo software was selected and implemented as the ERP system. This system was customized to meet the company's specific needs, aiming to centralize information, automate processes, and improve real-time decision-making. The implementation results showed notable improvements in operational efficiency, a reduction in rework, and greater control over critical information, facilitating the optimization of technician management and the billing process with insurers. The study not only demonstrates the effectiveness of the ERP system at SERVIASISTIMOS S.A.S., but also serves as a practical guide for other small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) facing similar challenges in managing their operations. The importance of technology as a catalyst for continuous improvement and competitiveness in the current business environment is emphasized.Ítem Análisis de condiciones de mezcla de látex en un proceso de inmersión de máquinas automáticas de guante doméstico para estandarización de especificaciones de proceso, enfocadas en la reducción de la merma(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ramírez Espitia, Jhon Alexander; Barrios Cano, Andrés Giovanny; Rincón Gualdron, Johan AlexanderThis document shows the work and development of the analysis of the immersion process of latex domestic glove in the company ETERNA S.A. The analysis carried out develops at the level of its mixing conditions. Initially, the household glove immersion process and a recognition of the initial status of the process, to become familiar with the conditions of the process and the key points to consider when giving direction to the analysis seeking the improvement proposal. The critical variables of the process are recognized, which can be intervene and that merit a deeper analysis, variables that may affect directly the indicators of the operation at the level of compliant or non-compliant product, The critical variables of the process are described, how they can affect the values. of loss of the process. Through historical data and data compiled through industry tools 4.0 at ETERNA S.A. about the critical variables, a deep analysis is done with lean Six Sigma tools on the Pareto of domestic glove references, where interprets the distribution of the data, the behavior of the variables with respect to the loss, a retrospective analysis is made with Control Letters and a proposal is formulated implementation of new release criteria and specification limits for critical variables for the latex mixture, as well as the proposed methodology to implement to keep said release parameters updated.Ítem Sistema tecnológico para la gestión de búsqueda de empleo para estudiantes de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasHernández Gómez, Deisy Katherine; Villalba Quintero, Brayan Alirio; Romero Duque, Gustavo Andrés; Romero Duque, Gustavo Andrés [0000-0002-3194-9943]The present project intends to elaborate the business plan for the creation of a virtual system that allows the contact of interested recruiters with students, interns and/or graduates of the careers of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, Technological Headquarters, providing a solution for the employment relationship of this community generating income from advertising, memberships and agreements that can be obtained with companies interested in publishing their offers. It is expected that this business plan initially encompasses the technological headquarters for engineering students and can be taken as a basis for technological solutions to address the unemployment problem in the student community of the District University.Ítem Planeación del sistema de gestión de calidad para la comercializadora Macani S.A.S con base en la Norma ISO 9001 – 2015(Universidad Ditrital Francisco Jose de Caldas) Rincon Verano, Edisson Eduardo; Cardona Perdomo, Luz DinedThis work is based on the need to guarantee compliance with standards, leading to continuous improvement in each of the processes of the company Macani S.A.S, giving rise to quality; To achieve this, it is necessary to take as a first step the creation and planning of a quality management system, which after future implementation would allow the company to be positioned more competitively within the baking industry and as a result increase credibility and trust. and attracting new and potential clients.Ítem Componentes temporales de la denuncia y captura policial en los municipios de Cundinamarca y Boyacá(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Sanabria Ortegón , Harold David; Rivera Casallas, Brayan Olimpo; Pinzón Rueda , Wilson Alexander; Pinzón Rueda , Wilson Alexander [0000-0003-4847-2085]A study is carried out of the criminal cases that occur in the national territory, referring to the complaints and arrests most incurred in the departments of Boyacá and Cundinamarca, for this the multiple linear regression model was executed with dichotomous variables and a study was carried out of the crimes and arrests obtained in these departments, according to the records of the National Police (2024), in order to estimate annual, monthly and weekly coefficients of the activities of complaints about crimes and arrests, to synthesize and be able to provide more data accurate and clear information that is easy to use for the general public. In Colombia, it is common to have information in the media about complaints made for crimes in major or more developed cities, since they are more renowned and have a large civilian population; on the other hand, in cities or municipalities with less renown or more Far from the main cities, knowing this criminal information through complaints and arrests generated is less accessible. This Project describes the behavior of complaints about crimes and arrests made in the public registry of the national police (2024), where some crimes were selected in the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyacá. Finally, through some linear regression techniques with dichotomous variables, the cyclical nature of the crimes presented in the 239 municipalities of Cundinamarca (116) and Boyacá (123) is evident.Ítem Sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo bajo los parámetros del decreto 1072 de 2015 y la resolución 0312 del 2019 en Soldtormec SAS(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Gamba Vásquez, Nicolás; Rojas Barrios, Suri Shaday; Mayorga Morato , Manuel Alfonso; Mayorga Morato, Manuel Alfonso [0000-0003-1477-0252]The following degree project aims to develop a design for Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) for SOLDTORMEC S.A.S, devoted to manufacturing accessories for the oil industry. This will be carried out in compliance with the decree 1072 of 2015 and the resolution 0312 of 2019. Initially, the current situation of the company is evaluated, identifying 71% compliance with the minimum standards of OSHMS, categorized as “Moderately Acceptable”. From that point on, a detailed improvement plan is proposed that encompasses the identification and risks assessment, implementation of preventive measures, staff training, documentary records and appoint of responsibilities, among other key aspects. Subsequently, a strategic platform with mission, vision, polices, values and principles for SOLDTORMEC SAS is posed. A defined organizational structure and a standardized process diagram are proposed. As a final part, it presents conclusions on the importance of an effective OSHMS to guarantee workplace safety, regulatory compliance, and continuous improvement. Recommendations are provided for the annual update of the system and the commitment of all hierarchical levels of the organization in its successful implementation.Ítem Medidas implementadas por el sector aeroportuario para enfrentar la pandemia por Covid 19(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Castillo Silva, Juan David; Riveros Suárez, José Leonardo; Pinzón Rueda, Martha Edith; Pinzón Rueda, Martha Edid [0000-0002-7228-5207]2020 was impacted globally by the SARS-CoV-2 or COVID 19 virus, which according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is a respiratory disease that emerged in mid-December 2019 in Wuhan, China. This virus was characterized by its rapid spread worldwide, causing the death of more than 14.9 million people between 2020 and 2021. Precisely, to control the spread and effects of the virus, governments implemented different mitigation strategies, firstly, following the guidelines issued by the WHO and secondly, implementing measures such as isolations, quarantines, border closures, remote work in organizations, constant health checks. The airport sector was one of the sectors most affected by these measures; this document describes the measures taken by Colombia, the city of Bogota, the airport sector and their effects on the development of its operations.Ítem Relaciones causales entre el flujo logístico, población y captura policial en Colombia 2010 a 2019Anzola, Cristian; Pancha, Andres; Pinzón, Alexander; Mendez Pinzon Alexander [0009-0009-4531-8948]There are different variables that affect the processes that at first we think are given by themselves, the Granger causality technique is a procedure that determines the existence of a bidirectional, unidirectional causal relationship or the absence of causality, based on analysis time series statistic. That is why the present investigation began with the compilation and organization of the databases that contain the information of the variables to be studied (births, deaths, tolls, captures, air traffic to and from Colombia), which were structured for the period of time 2010 to 2019 and organized on a monthly basis; After this, the Granger test was performed for each of the variables. Finally, it was possible through the application of the selected method to determine the state of each variable compared to the others, obtaining the causal relationships that provide the reader with an easy understanding of how, in terms of Granger, a process can or cannot cause another over time. without at first glance these two have a direct thread.Ítem Mejora de procesos de costura en pequeñas empresas del sector de la confección a través de software para métodos y tiempos. estudio piloto en el barrio la Alquería de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Godoy Parra, Dayan Lorena; Godoy Parra, Kevin Steven; Romero Duque, Gustavo Andrés; Romero Duque, Gustavo Andrés [0000-0002-3194-9943]The project will focus on the sewing process in small businesses in the La Alquería neighborhood, emphasizing the standardization of sewing operations. Small garment businesses in the neighborhood will be characterized to identify opportunities for improvement in their processes. Additionally, a pilot study focused on time and motion analysis will be conducted, in which the impact of implementing the " light" software in two small garment businesses located in the same area will be evaluated. The implementation of the software or any strategy in other companies is not considered due to time constraints, learning curve, changes in production methods, and associated costs. The purpose is to explore the feasibility of adopting such tools and to document a methodology that serves as a guide for improving the sewing process in small garment businesses located in the La Alquería neighborhood that have similar characteristics.Ítem Control de inventarios para repuestos remanufacturados estudio de caso en el sistema integrado de transporte público – SITP en la ciudad de Bogotá(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Hernández Calderón, Duvan Santiago; Ramírez Gómez, Yaritza Alejandra; Romero Duque, Gustavo Andrés; Romero Duque, Gustavo Andrés [0000-0002-3194-9943]This case study focuses on designing an inventory management system for remanufactured spare parts in Bogotá's Integrated Public Transport System (SITP). The goal is to establish proper inventory control through the application of information systems, starting with an analysis of the current processes for recording and tracking remanufactured spare parts used in the SITP, aiming to identify their limitations and opportunities for improvement. The project seeks to enhance existing inventory processes by developing an information system that allows real-time traceability of remanufactured spare parts. Additionally, it aims to design a measurement system based on KPIs for inventory management. It is important to emphasize that this project will not include the implementation of the inventory control system due to the complexity, associated costs, and time required for its execution, especially considering the environment of the integrated public transport system. Therefore, the project will be limited to presenting recommendations aimed at optimizing the traceability and inventory control of remanufactured spare parts for future contexts.Ítem Plan de mejoramiento de los procesos del área de margarinas en Oleofree SAS.Guayara Tovar, Laura Vanessa; Sandoval Lizarazo, Karen Lorena; Pachecho Garcia, RobinsonThe implementation of methodologies such as ean manufacturing can boost the operational efficiency of organizations by focusing on waste reduction and operations optimization. In addition, since continuous improvement is a fundamental pillar, this methodology promotes constant adaptation and problem solving in all areas, which is represented in significant benefits for organizations that adopt it. In this opportunity, the specific case of OLEOFREE S.A.S. is presented, which seeks to identify and address the critical points in the margarine area through the implementation of tools associated with Lean Manufacturing, such as Value Stream Mapping (VSM), 5S and TPM.Ítem Efectos de las medidas para controlar la propagación del Covid-19 en Bogotá, en el autoservicio Grupo Comercial Mercados la Sabana S.A.SPimentel Pimentel, Andrés Saín; Pinzón Rueda, Martha Edith; [0000-0002-7228-5207]This project aims to show the effects of measures to control the spread of Covid-19 in self-service “Grupo Comercial Mercados la Sabana S.A.S.” located in the town of Kennedy place in the city Bogotá , outlining measures to control the spread of Covid-19 as of March 11, 2020 and know how they have faced it according to the restrictions and national and district measures to mitigate the spread, taking into account the environmental conditions that the consumer has perceived and the change of life that the pandemic of the Covid-19 in the year 2020.Ítem Plan de negocio para la elaboración de cuero a través de micelio de los hongos bajo parámetros de economía circular(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cárdenas Prieto, Laura Camila; Galindo Narváez, John Alexander; Romero Duque, Gustavo Andrés; Romero Duque, Gustavo Andrés [0000-0002-3194-9943]A study was developed to formulate a business plan for the creation of a substitute material for animal leather. The fundamental purpose of the project is to address the problem of soil and water pollution that is currently produced by the tannery industry. The replacement material in question will be obtained from fungal mycelium, that is, the roots of fungi of the Pleurotus ostreatus species that, when combined with an appropriate substrate, create fabrics with properties noticeably similar to leather, in terms of durability, flexibility, shine and malleability. This resource is mainly aimed at manufacturing companies committed to sustainability, especially those dedicated to the production of clothing items, such as jackets and pants. The key activities, resources and partnerships that are necessary to carry out the project are designated, with a particular focus on the acquisition of bioreactors and technological infrastructure as physical resources. On the other hand, in order to develop financial leverage for the project, three main sources of income were identified: the direct sale of the material, the use of platforms through strategic alliances and the acquisition of patents for intellectual utility. Additionally, in the analysis of the macro and micro environment of the project, opportunities were identified within the sector, especially in relation to the growing demand for sustainable products. Finally, the production process was designed, specifying the materials and equipment necessary for its implementation and the financial results were projected over a 5-year horizon, where the first years showed a negative cash flow. However, starting in the third year, a recovery with a positive rate of return was anticipated. In summary, the project proved viable in the long term.Ítem Diseño de un protocolo de gestión de información de personas afectadas por un desastre naturalPachon Cuellar, Julian Felipe; Rodriguez Galindo, Jonathan CamiloThe purpose of this work is to propose an information management protocol for people in extreme situations such as disasters; through the implementation of RFID technology (radiofrequency identification); in order to obtain “the traceability of the people”, including from a logistic scope the traceability as the capacity to identify the aspects in any phase of the productive process, as well as the detail of its components; in the same way to follow up throughout the supply chain. This in order to optimize the response time at the location of all the people involved in the disaster and thus find their loved ones; This will provide the information to the disaster supply chain for the allocation of resources. This project investigates different sources of information, the concept of humanitarian logistics, in addition to the state of the art of these concepts, a diagnosis of the EDAN guide is carried out in addition to interviews with the bodies responsible for victim care points in a disaster and in this way determine strengths and weaknesses of the risk management system currently used in Colombia, in order to propose a logistic information protocol through RFID technology, this information protocol will be proposed as an annex to the EDAN guide (Evaluation of Damages and Needs Analysis).Ítem Plan estratégico para la panadería y pastelería Croisspan N°1.Ramírez Contreras, Javier Eduardo; Urquijo Palacios, Ingrid Johana; Romero Duque, Gustavo Andrés; Romero Duque, Gustavo Andrés [0000-0002-3194-9943]The purpose of this paper is to develop a strategic plan for Croisspan No. 1 Bakery and Confectionery, a company engaged in the manufacture and marketing of traditional bakery products. In the first stage, an analysis of the company's current situation was carried out, as well as an external analysis. The collection and analysis of this data allowed us to identify strengths and areas for improvement within the organization. Based on the information collected in the first phase, it is possible to continue to the second phase, where the mission and vision were established, which are focused on offering the customer a warm experience that can be enjoyed with friends and/or family accompanied by a delicious product made with quality inputs. Subsequently, the strategic objective of the Croisspan N°1 Bakery and Pastry Shop was formulated, which seeks to expand its portfolio in the pastry line for the following years in order to generate greater recognition in the sector in which it is located. In order to achieve the strategic objective, key strategies were identified, among which are: simplification of processes and digital marketing. Finally, we proceed to continue with the third phase, which generates a socialization of the findings identified within the organization from the initial phase, also, the proposal of the strategic plan is shared according to the information collected.Ítem La importancia de la implementación de prácticas de la economía circular en Gricol SAHernandez Tiga, Leidy Alejandra; López Blanco, Karen Helena; Mayorga Morato, Manuel AlfonsoThis project shows the importance of implementing circular economy practices in the Foundry department of Gricol SA as an efficient strategy for waste management and the use of resources in the industrial sector. In this context, information was collected based on documents where the current waste management practices in the Foundry department were identified and said data was analyzed to establish critical variables of the subprocesses in this sense. Subsequently, the circular economy methodology was applied to reduce waste in this department and an action plan was proposed to implement these waste utilization opportunities.Ítem Plan de negocios para la empresa empanadas la mona EU en la Ciudad de BogotáDávila Ramírez, Carmen Alicia; Magin Díaz, Laura Lorena; Mayorga Morato, Manuel AlfonsoThe Business Plan for the Company Empanadas La Mona EU in the City of Bogotá, is a project that seeks to establish an adequate business plan for the company through strategic planning and management tools, which ultimately allow the growth of the business and its subsistence in a sector as competitive as food.