Maestría en Infancia y Cultura
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Ítem Historia de vida escolar de niños y niñas con discapacidad en el Colegio Aquileo ParraGuerra Ibague, Luz Marina; Valencia Vargas, Gina Paola; Tapiero Célis, Omaira; Tapiero Célis Omaira [0009-0006-0394-6987]The purpose of this work is to reconstruct the school life history of two students with disabilities who attended and finished their primary school at the Aquileo Parra IED School in day classes in 2022. For this purpose, a qualitative investigation was carried out, which allowed us to learn firsthand about the history of these two families from its conception to this moment. In addition, other important actors were involved, such as the teacher, the nurse, and three of their classmates. Also, file systematization was carried out. From the stories and the documentary review of their scholar time. medical and academic archives, the school life history of each of the children was reconstructed. The findings were analyzed based on the following categories: childhood, language, family, disability, and school.Ítem Saberes de niños y niñas sobre sus experiencias de paz y violencia en la escuelaPoveda Montaño, Ivi Andrea; Olaya Gualteros, Dixon VladimirThis research recognizes the importance of approaching childhood from a participatory perspective as an “Agency”, where their experiences and knowledge have a significance for their realities, contexts and relationships with others. The Narrative approach allows us to recognize the fundamental role of language that demonstrates their way of perceiving their reality, from the experiences and knowledge that the boy and girl have had and acquired as what happens to them and transforms them.Ítem Imaginarios sociales sobre infancia huérfana por conflicto armado en Colombia presentes en las políticas públicas 2011-2022Aragon Suarez, Lina Maria; Bastidas Santa Cruz, SandraThis research work immerses itself in the deep understanding of social imaginaries that surround girls and boys who are orphaned due to the armed conflict in Colombia. The study period covers from 2011 to 2022, focusing on the discourse of public child care policies. A methodology is adopted, supported by documentary analysis and discourse analysis, with a focus on in-depth interpretation of the data. The methodological framework highlights the relevance of documentary and discourse analysis to identify the social imaginaries present in public policies. Tools such as Specialized Analytical Summaries (RAES) and analysis grids are used to systematize the information and reveal changes and permanence in the imaginaries over time. The findings and interpretation of results are presented in the final chapter, providing an enriching understanding of how this problem has been addressed at a political level and how it has evolved in the period studied, revealing the imaginary meanings about orphaned girls and boys present. in the public policy discourse for comprehensive care for the population victims of the internal armed conflict.Ítem Representaciones sociales sobre escuela de niños y niñas en la pandemia COVID-19: perspectivas urbanas y ruralesGutiérrez García, Alba Lucía; Alarcón Amaya, Daniela Paola; Camacho, Johnattan Camilo; Corrales Mejía, María Cristina; Corrales Mejía María Cristina [0000-0002-9756-443X]This research work focused on investigating and analysing the way in which primary school students from rural and urban contexts perceived school from the experience of the pandemic, since, as teachers, we found that there were great implications for this sector of the population in terms of the new ways in which the fact of "being in school" should be assumed. The research had a qualitative-interpretative approach that allowed a critical understanding of the findings in the collection of information. This collection was carried out through techniques such as structured interviews, graphic supports and free association together with the associative letter proposed from the perspective of Jean Claude Abric. It was found that the pandemic made students perceive school as an institution that evidently continues to be normative and protagonist of the education process, but also a fundamental part of the care and social relationships that girls and boys seek and build in the face-to-face environment.Ítem Imaginarios sociales de ciudad por medio de la producción artística de niños y niñas y su incidencia en la configuración de nuevas ciudadaníasRodríguez Sánchez, Fernando Andrés; Triviño Roncancio, Ana Virgina; Triviño Roncancio, Ana Virgina [0000-0002-5257-938X]The following research proposal investigated to unveil the imaginaries of the city in the stories and drawings belonging to the boys and girls of the second grade of the George Williams School in the locality of Teusaquillo, in Bogotá. The object of study focused on the analysis of illustrations and images interrelated with the representation of the city and how they are linked to the experience in the construction of childhood and citizenship. Through artistic processes developed in workshops and creation laboratories, drawings, paintings, illustrations, stories and speeches made by the children were collected for a curatorial process seeking to unveil the imaginaries about the city inhabited by the children of the Colombian capital.Ítem Impactos de la política de convenios de asociación en la garantía del derecho a la educación inicial en Bogotá D.CMora Silva, Juan Carlos; Rincón Verdugo, CeciliaA historical, descriptive and interpretive tour of the main public policy initiatives implemented by the governments of Bogotá D.C and the Secretary of Education in the last 12 years, in compliance with the constitutional mandate to guarantee the initial right; The modality of agreements with private operators or strategic allies is located as a milestone in the implementation of said policies. This model of education contracted with different operators, especially the Compensation Funds (COMPENSAR, COLSUBSIDIO and CAFAM) has been the scene of multiple tensions that have prompted the analysis of the various impacts that, in terms of pedagogy, teacher training, investment of resources and progress in coverage has meant the development of this modality of service provision through the execution of projects.Ítem Estado del arte: prevención del abuso sexual en menores de edad en Colombia entre 2010 - 2021García Navarro, Jaidy Lorena; Rincón Verdugo, CeciliaThis research proposes to establish how the strategies that have been implemented for the prevention of sexual abuse in minors in Colombia have been conceptualized and understood and adequate. The time frame is located in the period of abuse from 2010 to 2021. It should be said that this work starts by recognizing that sexual abuse is a form of abuse against children and adolescents that affects their psychological and social development. Due to this, this population is taken as the focus of study, even more so taking into account the large number of reported cases of sexual abuse involving children and adolescents, an alarming number according to institutions such as the District Secretariat of Bogota Health. A state of the art is proposed for this work for which a documentary review is carried out from three categories: childhood, sexual abuse and prevention. Being a state of the art, the methodology used is part of the qualitative approach since it allows an analysis of the notions found in the different documents. The search is aimed at the idea of prevention of sexual abuse in minors in the regulatory and academic framework and the documentary research technique is based on the systematization of the documents found in academic journals, repositories and regulatory documents published by different state entities. For this reason, the documents will be classified as normative, academic and as preventive proposals. It is analyzed, in the same way, in the material under investigation, the different conceptions about childhood, sexual abuse and prevention. Regarding the exhibition, it should be noted that the documents consulted show an interest in the legal and educational sectors in proposing strategies to prevent sexual abuse. It is also found, as a second major conclusion, that the family environment is where the phenomenon of abuse occurs most frequently, which is why prevention should be considered from the institution of the family.Ítem Significaciones imaginarias sobre violencia intrafamiliar de niñas y niños en tiempos de pandemiaGuillen Sánchez, Giovanni; Triviño Roncancio, Ana Virginia; Triviño Roncancio, Ana Virginia [0000-0002-5257-938X]The objetive of this research work is to interpret the imaginary meanings of domestic violence that boys and girls build in times of pandemic, this project had the participation of 17 boys and girls between 9 and 12 years of age of the fifth grade C, afternoon shift at the La Estancia district school, San Isidro Labrador, in town 19, Ciudad Bolívar. For the development of this exercise, it was delimited from a qualitative perspective and from an interpretive scope and as a model of phenomenology, using techniques such as the structured interview, the inductive tables (iconographic workshop), graphic supports (cartographic workshop), the previous techniques were taken from the theory proposed by Abric that served as a methodological reference to carry out the investigation. It is worth mentioning on the other hand that the imaginary meanings about intrafamily violence that children create are sheltered under the theory of social imaginaries proposed by Castoriadis, where they are approached from some aspects such as the affections, desires and feelings that intrafamily violence raised in the health emergency caused by covid 19 in our country.Ítem Y si viene la paz: diálogos, relatos y saberes de guerra y paz de niños y niñas de 4 a 8 años, en una escuela rural de Argelia, CaucaSaavedra Urrego, Yady; Hernández Rodríguez, Daniel ArturoThis research, framed in a qualitative methodology, explores the narratives of a group of boys and girls from EI. El Diviso, Las Pilas headquarters in the municipality of Argelia – Cauca, in southwestern Colombia; Through different techniques and instruments, it seeks to identify the students' knowledge about war and peace. "And if Peace comes" arises from the need to name and understand the war that children in this municipality have experienced. Through dialogues, stories and graphic expression, the boys and girls narrate their experiences and occurrences regarding the scourge they live daily, war, as well as present their ideas regarding such an elusive issue, Peace. Through narrative research, we seek to answer the question: ¿What is the knowledge of boys and girls about war and peace at IE El Diviso—Las Pilas campus? For this, some categories were identified, including knowledge, its typology and natures, which allowed understanding and elucidating the knowledge that is built and woven by children in the aforementioned community.Ítem Imaginarios sociales sobre primera infancia y la participación infantil de los artistas comunitarios del Programa Nidos del Instituto Distrital de las Artes - IdartesÁvila Aldana, Robinson; Triviño Roncancio, Ana Virginia; 0000-0002-5257-938X; Triviño Roncancio, Ana Virginia [0000-0002-5257-938X]This document seeks a realistic approach to the imaginaries of boys and girls in early childhood that the Community Artists of the Nidos - Art in Early Childhood program have within the framework of Artistic Experiences and their incidence in the participation forms of boys and girls from the localities of Suba and Usaquén, in the city of Bogotá. Childhood has been understood as a social and historical category, which varies from moment to moment, as well as the concept and the instituted practices of participation of boys and girls, which in the tradition of educational institutions have been conditioned by the adults' gaze and ideas. In order to change these realities, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), in its article 12, establishes as the right of children the possibility of expressing opinions and that their opinions are taken into account when deciding on matters that affect or interest them. Behind this article there is a clear requirement for adults to validate, promote and encourage child participation in the different spaces of life, however, it must be recognized that in terms of child participation, it is also conditioned by what adults consider boys and girls are, due to the ways in which they are signified, the way in which we consider them to be minors or subjects with abilities, determines to a large extent the forms and spaces for participation that we offer them in society. 11 For this reason, I consider it is important that the reflection and problematization around this topic focus on adults, because boys and girls, in the middle of their honesty and spontaneity, express the desire to share with sensitive adults who are ready to listen, especially those in that verbal language has not yet arrived or is barely emerging because they are dedicated to living in the other 99 languages, as expressed by Malaguzzi (1920 - 1994). These boys and girls are part of what we know today as early childhood, specifically from 0 to 6 years of age. Within the permanent artistic and cultural offer provided by the District for children from 0 to 6 years old, is the Nidos - Art in Early Childhood program, a program that is part of Idartes. The Nidos program, formerly known as Tejedores de Vida, was born as a pilot in 2012 with the first meetings between children, their caregivers and community artists, around the languages of art and openness, to engage with the community in their own contexts. From then on, its objective has been to guarantee timely and quality access for early childhood children and their caregivers to artistic and cultural practices, promoting the enjoyment, creation, appreciation and appropriation of the various possibilities offered by the languages of the arts, through the Artistic Experience concept, as required by the artistic-pedagogical perspective that has been built over the years of work of the program, its human talent and the contributions of the communities. The present investigation is based on the references of Roger Hart, Cornelius Castoriadis, Francesco Tonucci and the investigations developed by the Nidos program, in order to understand the social imaginaries of community artists around early childhood and child participation. For this reason, this research is qualitative and interpretative, where scientific knowledge arises from 12 everyday life, those subjective and intersubjective realities of the subjects in interaction, of which the researcher and his intentions begin to be a part. This analysis made it possible to identify how community artists' meanings, both instituted and instituting, promote the participation of boys and girls, through the diverse and countless ways of expressing their ideas, opinions, knowledge, tastes and interests.Ítem Pintando y danzando memoria y relatosZuñiga Silva, Liliana; Romero Patiño, CarolinaThis research work is possible thanks to different studies that have focused on observing resilience in childhood as a source of information to strengthen and develop processes through different artistic manifestations. A constant dialogue was established between childhood, resilience, art, empathy, storytelling, and memories. This research took place in the Colegio de la Bici educational institution, which is in the seventh town of Bosa, in the official Argelia neighborhood, operating on a single day and offering mixed education from preschool, basic and academic secondary, with approximately 1000 students and 45 teachers and administrators. Research carried out in Artistic Education-dance classes, directed by the present researcher with a degree in basic education with an emphasis on Artistic Education, in fourth and fifth grades, with boys and girls between 9 and 12 years of age. The methodology of this research is based on a logographic approach, where its main axis main axis is narratives and memories, placing them as an aid of art to achieve resilience, with a qualitative cut and thus, a phenomenological investigation that allowed visualizing the reality of each participant through their experiences and how they relate individually to the world, as well as showing the need to give importance to empathy in the classroom. For the above, the following question was raised: How do the boys and girls of the District Educational institution, the Colegio de la Bici, express and manifest resilience practices in the face of adverse situations? Which allowed using the stories and life narratives of different boys and girls, to recover experiences and capture them through the scenery of the dance, a tribute that results in resilience. For the data collection, different instruments were designed, such as written and narrative autobiographies, as well as dance autobiographies, photographic ethnographies, drawing, conversations, surveys and interviews, and field notes, in a population of 160 children, who are distributed in four groups of forty students, the information found in the different tools was classified, highlighting four cases where the main categories of analysis and various problems were identified, such as abandonment, evil physical and psychological treatment, forced displacement and ab senses due to loss. Then stories of resilience were co-created through different artistic expressions, strengthening empathy in the classroom. Having, as well as a conclusion, that children have social responses and adaptation when they share their story, in turn changes the perception of them in the classroom. And sensitizes those who listen to them, forming empathy and improving interpersonal relationships. The work carried out from Artistic Education allows the creation of resilience processes, manifested in workshops and staging, improving academic conditions and moods, when parents, caregivers or teachers are interested in the physical and psychological state of children.Ítem El miedo infantil, narrativas que muevenGutiérrez Gil, Diana Marcela; Hincapié Tobón, Nohora Liliana; Parra Mejia, Erika Yesenia; Rojas Ricardo, Cindy Alexandra; Tapiero, OmairaThis research is part of the emphasis on language and children's narratives. Language, discourse and knowledge research group of the Francisco José de Caldas University, where the objective was to identify the cultural relations of the fears of the children who attend the castle of the arts through their stories. It was developed under a qualitative approach of ethnographic cut, taking field work as a research technique, from there, several instruments were implemented, highlighting the field diary as the main element for the understanding of the phenomenon and compilation of speech samples. It was carried out in five proposed phases, which were: phase 1: choice of field, where the field of work was defined, delimiting the objectives, background collection and consultation of theoretical sources. Phase 2: Neutralization of ethnocentrism and sensitization of estrangement, where information was collected and the diverse reality was understood. Phase 3: Entry to the field and study of the phenomenon, making the recognition of the territory, adoption of the roles and the elaboration of the proposal for the work to be developed in the arts castle with the base population of the research. Phase 4: Work table and field diary, implementing the workshops and recording field diaries. Phase 5: Identification of taxonomic categories, findings and conclusions. This research was developed based on the question: What are the fears faced by the children who attend the Castillo de las Artes in their daily and family environments? As a result, important contributions were found regarding the fears faced by the children, identifying from there taxonomic categories that evidenced in the stories the possibilities of encounter from an anthropological point of view, through the places, situations and institutions that intervened in the recognition of such fears. The exercise exalted the field work and an academic domain that will contribute to the line of epistemological research possibilities, thus deepening the view of children's fears.Ítem La atención y la motivación desde las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes de tercer grado en el colegio Germán Arciniegas IEDBuitrago Celemín, Yenny Carolina; Alba Zaque, Jimmy Alejandro; Cepeda Robelto, Belkis Smith; Corrales Mejía, María Cristina; 0000-0002-9756-443X; Corrales Mejía, María Cristina [0000-0002-9756-443X]The project "Attention and motivation from the pedagogical practices of third grade teachers, afternoon session of the German Arciniegas I.E.D School", was developed with the purpose of analyzing how teachers understand and incorporate, in the development of their pedagogical practices, the processes of motivation and attention of students. Directed from qualitative research with a phenomenological design, it was carried out with eight students between the ages of 8 and 9 who were given diagnostic workshops as data collection instruments and three teachers, two full-time and one provisional, who provided information through a focus group and diagnostic workshop. After analyzing the information, it was found that teachers understand motivational processes as behaviors that, due to their impacts, are appropriated and apprehended from an early age, that are enriched and projected over time, demarcating horizons for the crystallization and implementation of projects. Regarding the attention, they express that it is incorporated into environments in which the character and state of mind of the teacher, the surprise of the new, the space and its variations, as well as the didactics and learning strategies, take part. Empathy and affect are identified as the main drivers and incident factors to capture and maintain both motivation and attention. These elements establish bases that favor the teaching process, generating an environment in which students feel safe, valued, and participants in the learning process.Ítem Tejer el curriculo a varias manos y hasta donde nos de la lanaSerrador Pardo, Janneth Rocio; Corrales Mejia, Maria Cristina; 0000-0002-9756-443X; Corrales Mejia, Maria Cristina [0000-0002-9756-443X]The present investigation analyzes the reality of the initial cycle in the Gabriel García Márquez school, in relation to the elaboration and implementation of the curriculum and, above all, with the aspects related to the role that the child's voice plays in this process. Thus, a work of observation, analysis, reflection and co-construction was carried out on the curricular design and the role that children play in these dynamics. As a result of this investigative process, a curricular fabric remains that allows to energize and put into dialogue as many guiding documents as the daily practice of the teachers and the participation of the children in the design of the different pedagogical experiences that are proposed for the work with Early Childhood.Ítem La evaluación en primera infancia: comprensiones, realidades y posibilidades de transformación en el Colegio Ofelia Uribe de Acosta IEDChacón Rivera, Monica Patricia; Marín Monsalve, Paola Andrea; Corrales Mejía, Maria Cristina; 0000-0002-9756-443X; Corrales Mejía, Maria Cristina [0000-0002-9756-443X]The following research aims to make an analysis of the assessment processes implemented by the early childhood teachers of the Ofelia Uribe de Acosta School, contrast them with public education policies and determine their relevance in the promotion of capacities and qualities, in favor of the integral development of boys and girls. Within the framework of ethnographic research and a qualitative approach, a documentary analysis is carried out at the ministerial and institutional level, followed by the implementation of the semi-structured interview addressed to teachers and teaching managers and, of course, involving children and parents through participation in workshops and participant observation by the researchers. Among the findings found, the knowledge that teachers have of public policy that goes against their pedagogical work due to institutional requirements or their traditional practices, the concern of parents for the academic performance of their children and the emotions generated in the boys and girls to be evaluated are particularly highlighted. In conclusion, the assessment processes in initial education must resume the intentions of the public policy focused on the integral development of boys and girls through the implementation of different strategies and the pertinent adjustments in the institutional components, emphasizing the promotion of qualities and capacities not subject to a quantitative note.Ítem El rol de la familia y del docente en el desarrolllo de la creatividad de los niños de grado primero de primaria de la Institución Educativa Distrital San José de CastillaLópez Ramírez, Margarita; Corrales Mejía, María Cristina; 0000-0002-9756-443X; Corrales Mejía, María Cristina [0000-0002-9756-443X]The present investigation accounts for a problem evidenced around the establishment of relationships between children and adults (parents and teachers) in the first grade of the I.E.D San José de Castilla and its repercussions on the development of creative potential. To this extent, analyzing the daily interactions between the main actors reveals the presence of adult-centric precepts that define the type of relationship they establish, the discourse that emerges, the perceptions and experiences of each one, and that allows us to show how they can influence in children's creativity. The qualitative research with a design of educational ethnography allows to demonstrate through the interaction of parents, students and first grade teachers the elements that go through these relationships, what impact it has on the creativity of the children and how they capture it both in speech and in action. The investigative exercise realizes that there are elements of childhood that adults bring and keep in mind in the formative processes of children, some corresponding to norms and values and others to ways in which they themselves went through their childhood. These elements affect the creative potential of children in various ways and are related to autonomy, the invisibility of children as conscious and active subjects and the need for protection and continuous care by adultsÍtem La expresión y gestión de emociones de niños y niñas entre 3 y 4 años de edad a través de los lenguajes artísticos para fomentar la participación infantil.Cubides González, Lina María; Corrales Mejía, Maria Cristina; 0000-0002-9756-443X; Corrales Mejía, Maria Cristina [0000-0002-9756-443X]The research started from the interest in understanding the expression and management of emotions in early childhood, and its incidence in child participation, using artistic languages as a methodology of communication and expression, the problem lies in the fact that while theoretical reason has been privileged , the existential and, therefore, human, ethical, moral and emotional aspects of the development of boys and girls have been neglected, without taking into account that learning is mobilized through emotional and motivational aspects that pursue the intentions of the subject, and that it should be considered as the central axis of the development of knowledge and the empowerment of child participation. Some of the conclusions and findings of the research correspond to the fact that the ability of three and four-year-old boys and girls to recognize, express and manage their emotions is essential for their emotional and cognitive development. Artistic languages are useful tools for children to express and manage their emotions in a creative way, which allows them to develop skills that will be useful in their daily lives, such as emotional expression, since artistic activities offer a creative and nonverbal, emotional self-awareness Because by exploring different emotions in art, children can develop a greater understanding of their own emotions, engaging in artistic activities can help children understand the emotions and perspectives of others, which that fosters empathy and social skills. Problem solving in everyday life situations, self-esteem, confidence, non-verbal communication, creativity and innovative thinking.Ítem Mi colegio un laberinto por explorar: re-conocimiento y apropiación del espacio escolar por parte de los niños y niñas del grado 202 JM del Colegio Class IEDForigua Orjuela, Luz Stella; Romero Patiño, CarolinaThis research work was carried out from the dialogue and interaction as a classroom teacher with the boys and girls of grade 202 of the Class IED school of campus B, morning session, with the purpose of reflecting on the recognition and appropriation of the school space, after having experienced a period of confinement due to the COVID 19 pandemic from the year 2020. Starting from the dynamics developed and observed inside the classrooms when returning to school after confinement, it was possible to understand the importance of the act of re-knowing the school space in the process of construction and expansion of interpersonal relationships. with others, others and with the space itself, generating possibilities of expression, interaction and participation from the approach, exploration and appropriation of the places that are inhabited par excellence in the school.Ítem Recetario de tradiciones y costumbres: Expresiones interculturales de niños y niñas en la escuela.Arias González, Ximena; Restrepo Zapata, Dora Helena; Romero Patiño, CarolinaThis project was born from the different intercultural expressions in the classroom of boys and girls of indigenous, afro-descendant and foreign origin who have migrated to Bogotá. As music and plastic arts teachers, we find that these expressions find little value in the school environment as they are overshadowed by a dominant culture. This process leaves no room for the cultural expressions that migrant children bring with them as part of their roots, and places them in situations in which their right to the development of free personality, freedom of expression and respect for differences is violated. Based on the interest of making visible and putting into dialogue the different voices and narratives of boys and girls from different places, we developed creative laboratory-type experiences with two groups of children from public institutions in Bogotá, Camilo Torres and José Asunción Silva, in these, we shared different cultural expressions and experiences through art and music, and based on the results obtained, we co-created a series of video-capsules. These collect expressions of memory, identity and cultural tradition that were present in the classroom but were not voiced in traditional school spaces.Ítem ¡Nosotros también queremos! prácticas corporales de los niños y las niñas del grado Jardín de la IED Juan Francisco Berbeo y sus aportes hacia una transición armónica a la básica primariaGuevara Urrego, María Alexandra; Rivera Ruiz, Nelsy Alejandra; Romero Patiño, CarolinaThe transition from initial education to primary education is an important moment in the lives of boys and girls. During this time, they experience significant physical, emotional, and intellectual changes. Body practices play an important role in this transition, as they allow children to explore the world around them, learn to communicate and interact with others, and develop their identity. The objective of this study was to analyze the bodily practices of the boys and girls of initial education of the IED Juan Francisco Berbeo, with the purpose of proposing some reflections that allow facilitating a harmonious transition of the boys and girls towards primary basic education. The study was carried out through a methodology with a qualitative approach, which included a series of pedagogical experiences with the children of the Kindergarten grade, interviews with the teachers and the children of primary school, about the bodily practices of this school year. . The results of the study show that the bodily practices of children in initial education are diverse and rich, since it was observed that they enjoy a variety of physical activities, such as running, jumping, dancing, playing and exploring their environment. These activities allow them to develop their motor, cognitive and social skills. The results of the study also show that initial education teachers have a positive vision of body practices. The teachers consider that body practices are important for the integral development of boys and girls. The teachers also consider that body practices can help boys and girls prepare for basic primary education. The research concludes that bodily practices are a key factor for a harmonious transition from initial education to primary education, as well as the inclusion of games as a pedagogical tool.