Maestría en Infancia y Cultura
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Ítem Imaginarios sobre salud mental infantil, de madres de niñas y niños con discapacidad psicosocial de la localidad de Tunjuelito en la ciudad de Bogotá(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Becerra Rojas, Angy Marcela; Marulanda Hidalgo , LynnThe research arises from the need to reflect on children's mental health, from an emphasis on history, imaginaries and social representations of childhood. Giving rise to the imaginary meanings instituted in the psyche, in our society and culture and the transformations, tensions and instituting meanings generated around the concept. The research focuses on the narrative of five mothers of boys and girls, who have been classified as having psychosocial disabilities, residents of the town of Tunjuelito in the city of Bogotá. The aim is to interpret the imaginary social meanings of children's mental health from their own childhood and those they have constructed by having a son or daughter with a psychosocial disability. From the qualitative interpretive methodological approach with ethnographic techniques such as observation, in-depth interviews and iconographic exercises. It was revealed that, when remembering their own childhood, the subjectivities and needs to narrate themselves in order to connect with their son or daughter are evident. This is constituted and constructed, with one's own maternal meanings, which transcend the ways of giving a place as a subject. Given the significance of psychosocial disability, feelings of ignorance arise, loneliness and sadness are evident from abandonment, state absences and our lack of concern as a society and culture. Unanimously, a single voice is heard inviting us to reflect on our capacity as a society and culture to make room for difference, diversity and the construction of social ties aimed at supporting boys and girls.Ítem Significaciones imaginarias sobre corporeidad infantil maestras y maestros de primaria(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Grosso Lara , Paola Andrea; Rodríguez Murillo , Daniela Esperanza; Rincón Verdugo, Cecilia; Rincón Verdugo, Cecilia [0000-0003-2516-0038]This research paper addresses the problem of children's corporeality in school, from the teaching experience in a public educational institution in which multiple situations are evident in the classroom and the different spaces, which directly affect the child's body, and which are the product of an instituted and institutionalized imaginary of the teachers who are in charge of the Primary grades, where this research is carried out. From this perspective, revealing the social imaginary meanings allows us to understand a particular school reality in order to interpret what happens in it, understand them and propose alternatives from the practices of the teachers themselves to transform them. The research was carried out from a qualitative methodology through the use of different research techniques such as classroom observation and interviews that yielded information that was analyzed, systematized and interpreted. Likewise, the research allowed us to identify four imaginary meanings present in the discourse and actions of primary school teachers, which are: the normalized and controlled body, the fragmented child body, the child's corporeality determining life experiences, and the body as a vehicle for learning.Ítem Representaciones sociales de género en la política de infancia y adolescencia 2018-2030: análisis del discurso y su implementación(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Gómez Cáceres , Ivet Stella; Flórez Rojas, Laura Nataly; Rincón Verdugo, Cecilia; Rincón Verdugo, Cecilia [0000-0003-2516-0038]This research aimed to uncover the gender social representations present in the National Policy on Childhood and Adolescence 2018-2030, with the purpose of identifying how this influences the formulation and implementation of programs and projects directed at children and adolescents. This was achieved through interviews conducted with a group of professionals who implement this policy in their work. The study sought to understand how gender identities are constructed, inequalities reproduced, and stereotypes promoted through this policy, with the goal of proposing recommendations to promote equal opportunities, combat discrimination, and foster equitable attention centered on the rights of children and adolescents. It emphasized the importance of promoting inclusive environments that respect gender diversity and ensuring the participation of children and adolescents in the development of public policies that directly affect their lives. Authors such as Denise Jodelet, Gerard Duveen, Martha Lamas, Marcela Lagarde, Alexander Hincapié, Tonucci, Lloyd deMause, Yves Mény & Jean-Claude Thoening, André-Noël Roth, and Gonzalo Ordoñez Matamoros were referenced, and a qualitative methodology was proposed based on documentary analysis and interviews to systematize these tools.Ítem Imaginarios de discapacidad sujetos y prácticas en instituciones educativas distritales de BogotáSalas Forero, Julian Armando de las; Rincón Verdugo, Cecilia; Rincón Verdugo, Cecilia [0000-0003-2516-0038]This research project emerges from the researcher's interest in unveiling the different institutionalized and institutional social imaginaries presented by some teachers from several educational institutions in the District of the city of Bogotá in relation to disability. During this research process, key conceptual categories are taken up such as: Childhood, Disability, Inclusive Education, Culture and Pedagogical Practice, key concepts to understand the social, educational and institutional reality of the population with disabilities. To carry out this research project, a research exercise was implemented in the light of qualitative research and the interpretative approach, according to the context in which the pedagogical practices of the teachers participating in the semi-structured interview implemented as an information gathering technique are developed. These interviews allowed the systematization, analysis and interpretation of the different imaginary meanings, of the instituted imaginaries, the institutional imaginary and the tensions that arise between the Public Policies of Inclusive Education and the pedagogical actions and practices that the teachers develop within the classroom. Finally, in the conclusions it was found that teachers who serve the population with disabilities must continue to be qualified and trained, in order to achieve greater access, permanence and transition of children with disabilities within the framework of a quality and equitable education.Ítem Yo soy una hermosa criaturaPachón Porras, Diana Catherine; Rincon Verdugo, CeciliaThe objective of this research was to establish the childhood imaginary present in the life of a young person with trans life experience in the city of Bogota Colombia, for this purpose (5) artistic creations (monologues, reflections, poetry) and a semi-structured interview were analyzed. The qualitative methodology was used due to the gender focus of the research and the aesthetic and artistic nature of the creations; in addition, we sought to establish the imaginary of childhood present in their growth process. A digital book was created with the artistic creations entitled "Yo soy una hermosa criatura". The analysis of the instruments allowed establishing the imaginary meanings of childhood, which were related to fear, hiding his identity and acting according to the feminine imaginary of Occidental society. The participant expressed the importance of the recognition of his trans life experience, since it allowed him to share his experiences, emotions and feelings so that society can understand how it impacted him. He wants childhoods with trans life experiences not to have to live a childhood like the one he had to live.Ítem Imaginarios sociales del conflicto armado: una construccion de niñas y niños desde el informe de la comision de la verdad(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Díaz Peña, Sharon Aixa; Triviño Roncancio , Ana Virginia; Triviño Roncancio , Ana Virginia [0000-0002-5257-938X]The development of the research proposal arises in the academic space of the Master's Degree in Childhood and Culture with an emphasis on History, Imaginaries and Social Representations of Childhood, seeking to know the social imaginaries about armed conflict in Colombia that are constructed by a group of children who are in contexts non-formal education, based on the teaching of history in Colombia incorporating the narrative of the Truth Commission Report (2020). For the development of this study, the theory of social imaginaries of Cornelius Castoriadis (1975) is taken as a reference; while this theoretical commitment allows boys and girls to be placed as subjects who create imaginary meanings in their social contexts (family, school, etc.), with which they give meaning to their realities and guide their social actions, empowering them as subjects with the capacity to agency and transformers; They are the ones in charge of managing and carrying out the commitment that our country makes today for peace. This is how the findings of this research reveal the creation of a paradigm around peace, which emerges within the framework of reflection on what it means to know the history of the country from the experience and paths that those who have gone through have gone through. been direct victims of the armed conflict, which allows us to recognize the thinking, feeling and acting of the different actors, which become social knowledge anchored to the historical memory of the country.Ítem Juego y desarrollo socioemocional en la primera infancia: significaciones imaginarias(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bohórquez Rojas, Emely Yisseth; Esquivel Fontalvo , Sindy Paola; Triviño Roncancio, Ana Virginia; Triviño Roncancio, Ana Virginia [0000-0002-5257-938X]This study aimed to interpret the imaginary meanings that four- and five-year-old boys and girls construct about play and whether these impact their socio-emotional development. Social imaginaries are defined as symbolic creations that structure social experience and mobilize actions. In this sense, the study considers that the construction of representations, ideas, desires, and feelings that children develop in relation to their experiences with play constitutes a tool for the development of socio-emotional skills. The search for these constructions led the research to be framed within the qualitative paradigm with an interpretative approach, suitable for describing, collecting, interpreting, and reflecting on the social imaginaries that children construct in their school experience. This involved developing a methodological strategy centered on educational ethnography. The data collection techniques included interviews, observation, and iconographic workshops, which allowed gathering information from the students' perspective to identify representations, desires, and feelings about play and its socio-emotional development. These categories, in the process of data analysis and interpretation, helped to account for the imaginary meanings, such as those related to paths of play, the game itself, and the bright social connections and intertwined emotions within play.Ítem Estado del arte del campo de estudios lenguaje y narrativas infantiles en la maestría en Infancia y CulturaCárdenas Álvarez , Liliana Marcela; León Nieto, Yulieth Paola; Moreno Parra, Jenniffer Andrea de Aranzazu; Bothert Ortíz, Karina ClaudiaThe present work reveals the results of a documentary investigation aimed at knowing the state of the art on the degree theses of the Master's Degree in Childhood and Culture that were registered in the research line Children's Language and Narratives from the year 2017 to the year 2023. For this purpose Finally, 53 documents were reviewed that, through Educational Analytical Summaries (RAE), made it possible to define the main categories of analysis such as Childhood, Culture and Language, and Children's Narratives, to reveal the different theoretical positions and trends that have consolidated each of the and researchers during these years. In this way, being informed about the academic contributions of graduates, offering future researchers a perspective that allows them to understand the origin and potential destination of new research. The results of this research reveal significant experiences in various aspects. Consequently, this state of the art allows us to know and glimpse the voices of children and adolescents through their stories, writings and different ways of participating in research, focusing on them as active subjects in a society that generate changes from their different perspectives. contexts and cultures. Likewise, the need for various investigations to emerge within the Investigative Line is highlighted, thus allowing the continuity of the work and generating greater contributions to the field of Childhood and Culture.Ítem Imaginarios sociales de los niños y las niñas sobre educación físicaHerrera Pardo, Susan Andrea; Triviño Roncancio, Ana Virginia; Triviño Roncancio, Ana Virginia [0000-0002-5257-938X]This research on the imaginaries of boys and girls regarding physical education focused on the voices of elementary school students at Colegio Distrital Almirante Padilla. The objective was to understand how boys and girls perceive and give meaning to physical education based on their experiences and educational practices. The study followed an interpretative paradigm, a qualitative approach, and employed a participatory action research strategy. The research utilized workshop sessions, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis. During the workshops, an iconographic creation was used to unveil the imaginary meanings that boys and girls associate with physical education. The theoretical framework was constructed around four interconnected categories, allowing for the identification of these imaginary meanings and their impact on educational practices. Consequently, the experiences of boys and girls were fundamental in shaping this framework and in creating an innovative educational booklet. From the research line of Childhood, Culture, and Development at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, and with an emphasis on history, imaginaries, and social representations, there is an interest in contributing to the understanding of childhood by recognizing the importance of listening to and making visible the voices of children and adolescents. Their capacity to transform and improve their lives is central to the research question: ¿ What are the social imaginaries regarding physical education held by boys and girls in the C branches of Colegio Distrital Almirante Padilla in Usme, with the purpose of creating a booklet that contributes to the transformation of physical education pedagogical practices? To answer this question, the study draws on Castoriadis's (1975) perspective, which considers imaginaries as infinite and fundamental elements within individuals, influenced by culture and capable of reproduction, persistence, or transformation, thereby altering social life. This approach allowed us to explore the realities of boys and girls—their ways of doing, feeling, and thinking—related to physical education classes and their expectations.Ítem El rol de la familia y del docente en el desarrolllo de la creatividad de los niños de grado primero de primaria de la Institución Educativa Distrital San José de CastillaLópez Ramírez, Margarita; Corrales Mejía, María Cristina; Corrales Mejía, María Cristina [0000-0002-9756-443X]The present investigation accounts for a problem evidenced around the establishment of relationships between children and adults (parents and teachers) in the first grade of the I.E.D San José de Castilla and its repercussions on the development of creative potential. To this extent, analyzing the daily interactions between the main actors reveals the presence of adult-centric precepts that define the type of relationship they establish, the discourse that emerges, the perceptions and experiences of each one, and that allows us to show how they can influence in children's creativity. The qualitative research with a design of educational ethnography allows to demonstrate through the interaction of parents, students and first grade teachers the elements that go through these relationships, what impact it has on the creativity of the children and how they capture it both in speech and in action. The investigative exercise realizes that there are elements of childhood that adults bring and keep in mind in the formative processes of children, some corresponding to norms and values and others to ways in which they themselves went through their childhood. These elements affect the creative potential of children in various ways and are related to autonomy, the invisibility of children as conscious and active subjects and the need for protection and continuous care by adultsÍtem Significaciones imaginarias sociales sobre infancia antes de la pandemia y en postpandemia de un grupo de maestros y maestras de un colegio privado de BogotáVallejos Bautista, Katheryn Milena; Rincón Verdugo, Cecilia; Rincón Verdugo, Cecilia [0000-0003-2516-0038]On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic, which significantly affected education in Colombia. Quarantines were implemented, and educational institutions were closed, necessitating a transition to online education. This shift generated challenges for students and educators, altering social imaginaries of childhood and rapidly integrating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into the educational process. The study focuses on the new imaginaries of childhood that emerged in the post-pandemic period, observed in a private school in Bogotá, particularly concerning the social relationships of first-grade students. The research adopts a qualitative approach based on educational ethnography, utilizing interviews and focus groups for data collection. The findings highlight a lack of deep connection with ICT and changes in the imaginary significations of childhood during the pandemic.Ítem Relatos y saberes de crianza de cuatro familias de la invasión El Pedregal, al sur de Bogotá(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Olarte Rojas, Sandra Patricia; Araujo Montilla, Ximena Yomar; Moreno Cardozo, SandraThe objective of this research is to understand the stories and knowledge of upbringing of four families of the Pedregal invasion, in the locality of Usme south of the city of Bogotá. This is a qualitative study, with a narrative research design that analyzes the parenting stories of these families. The perspectives of fathers, mothers, grandmothers, girls and boys are considered, covering the period of time between 2022 and 2024. The analysis of these stories is carried out through provocative workshops, which seek to explore the experience of parenting from the perspective of each individual. These workshops are configured as a scenario for valuing the voice of children and their caregivers, thus allowing a deeper understanding of family dynamics and the knowledge transmitted in the context of upbringing.Ítem Voces de niñas y niños desde los saberes que construyen a través de su interacción con los videojuegos de estrategia en su vida cotidiana.Beltrán Espitia, Henry; Molano Madrigal, Angie Jazminne; Saavedra Galindo, Ingrid Marielly; Concha Ramírez, Diana; Concha Ramírez Diana [0000-0002-0770-0216]Boys and girls combine and integrate into their daily lives the experiences that allow them to build knowledge through the interactions they have with their environment and school is a fundamental place to enhance these interactions. Hence, it is the task of educational contexts to promote a pedagogy that facilitates the recognition of this accumulation of knowledge of girls and boys from their voice and own experience. The intention is to ensure that they can use their knowledge in an innovative, creative and attractive way, both at school and in their daily lives. Consequently, this research set out to analyze the knowledge that girls and boys aged 11 to 13 at the José Antonio Galán IED school build through interaction with strategy video games in their daily lives. Case studies were used as a method to understand the perspectives and knowledge that boys and girls acquire through electronic games; Likewise, learn from their stories and experiences. The results allowed us to better understand their knowledge, discernment, perception and logical abilities to describe their environment. Finally, it is concluded that the knowledge that the girls and boys of 11 and 13 years old, from the José Antonio Galán IED school build through interaction with strategy video games in their daily lives, show a different interpretation of traditional childhood, with a surprising ability to reflect and express emotions. Likewise, girls and boys reveal their knowledge about how they feel and establish relationships with others.Ítem La infancia a través de la historia de vida de siete Madres Tránsito: Imaginarios sociales de InfanciaAguilar Barbosa , Johan Steven; Méndez Miranda , Edith Dayan; Marulanda Hidalgo , LynnThe research examines the role of community mothers in childcare in Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá, for over thirty years, focusing on the social imaginaries of childhood of seven women through their life stories. Social imaginaries evolve with social changes and challenges, representing a collective consensus on the interpretation of the world and the organization of social relations. The study seeks to recognize and analyze the life stories of these women to identify similarities, differences, conflicts, and factors of change in the construction of social imaginaries about childhood. It also aims to highlight the contribution of these women to early education, valuing their participation in social and workspaces that have benefited hundreds of girls and boys in Colombia for decades. Community mothers, also known as transit mothers, have been essential in early childhood care, especially in areas neglected by the state. The implementation of policies and laws to protect childhood and labor rights of this group led to a transition between 2012 and 2015, where many of these women formalized their work with grassroots operators created by Community Mothers and non-profit associations of the same entity qualified in child and community work. The document focuses on the development of research on the social imaginaries of childhood of seven transit mothers in Arborizadora Alta, City of Bolívar, and their implications in everyday practices. It recognizes the work of these women in vulnerable territories and their contribution to the development of their communities and Colombian society. The theoretical constructs used in this research invite us to explore social imaginaries about childhood based on the life history construction of these women, who have played roles as community mothers and are currently recognized as "transit mothers." These imaginaries represent the foundations from which they have identified their contributions to the care and protection of girls and boys in Colombia for over thirty years.Ítem El taller del chisme para escuchar los relatos de los niños y las niñas en la escuela sobre su experiencia en la vida cotidiana. Práctica reflexiva de una maestra.Emayusa Bustos, Alba Magnolia; Concha Ramírez, Diana; Concha Ramírez, Diana [0000-0002-0770-0216]This research investigates the use of gossip as a pedagogical tool in a workshop designed with different dynamics such as Relatos y Garabatos, Chismeando Ando and Compartiendo Experiencias, created to listen and value the children's stories about their daily experiences at school. Traditionally, gossip has been viewed negatively; however, this research proposes an innovative approach, considering gossip as a means to foster communication, empathy and the development of social skills and teaching-learning interaction in the educational context, the project was conducted through the Pedagogical Action Research approach, which stands out as a powerful methodological framework to observe and reflect on one's own practice bringing value to teaching and transforming practice from my perspective as a teacher.Ítem Narrativas de niños y niñas migrantes : Imaginarios sociales sobre ser en el mundo citadino(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Correa Cerro, Evelyn del Rosario; Triviño Roncacio, Ana Viriginia; Triviño Roncacio, Ana Viriginia [0000-0002-5257-938X]The purpose of the research project is to understand, through the narratives of migrant boys and girls, the social imaginaries about being in the city world. At the Tibabuyes Universal Educational Institution, migrant children from the Atlantic Coast from municipalities and townships offer a look at the migratory experience and its process to the construction of the migrant population in a city environment through observation, interview, narration and iconography that they are participants in the project. To achieve this process, we are based on four categories that will appear throughout the research process: Social imaginaries, construction of being and culture in the city, childhood experience and migratory process. To carry out the research, a qualitative methodology was used, including techniques such as observation, interview, iconographic records and narratives, sources of information that allowed them to identify their representations, desires, affects, feelings, to reveal the social imaginaries of being in the city world of the migrant population. Social imaginary meanings were found such as: the magical world of games, urban boys and girls, fantastic friends and fear of the city.Ítem Representaciones sociales sobre Síndrome Down: acercamiento a las narrativas de las niñas y los niños, y la promoción de prácticas inclusivas en el aulaGuerrero Martínez, Yennyfer Johana; Moreno Tocora , Andrea Lorena; Triviño Roncancio, Ana Virginia; Triviño Roncancio, Ana Virginia[0000-0002-5257-938X]The present study focuses on amplifying the perspectives of three girls and three boys in the first grade at Santa Luisa School regarding Down syndrome, specifically through their interaction with a peer with Down syndrome in an inclusive school setting. Conducted as part of a Master's degree in Childhood and Culture with an emphasis on the History, Imaginaries, and Social Representations of Childhood, the research aims to understand the social representations that these children have constructed about this condition. It seeks to give voice to their knowledge, concepts, doubts, ideas, feelings, and practices fostered through the relationship established in the school environment. In this context, it becomes crucial to investigate the social representations that children develop in relation to Down syndrome, understanding that social representations are human constructions that guide the actions and understandings that individuals have of their social world, as well as the shared beliefs and knowledge within a community. The methodology employed is qualitative and phenomenological, utilizing records of participatory and non-participatory observations through field notes, semi-structured interviews, and drawings created by the participating subjects. The approach was designed to allow the children to express their viewpoints without restrictions or adult influences, recognizing both individual and group discourses. The aim was to promote institutional inclusive practices based on empathy, respect, and the recognition of differences, highlighting the potential of childhood to positively influence these processes.Ítem Imaginarios sobre infancia con discapacidad; una mirada desde los cosntructos familiares de cuatro madres de la IE Ricaurte(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Quitián Marín , Cindy Lorena; Marulanda Hidalgo , LynnThis research arises from the need to unveil the imaginaries of childhood with disabilities that four mothers from the educational institution Ricaurte in the municipality of Soacha have constructed, based on the analysis of their life experiences and how this has determined practices of attention and care for this population. For this, the research takes up fundamental concepts for its understanding such as childhood with disabilities, public policies directed at the population, caregivers, and the practices they carry out for boys and girls, all from a perspective focused on the social rights approach. To do this, a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach was implemented, in which the aim was to understand the realities of the participating subjects in order to analyze childhood with disabilities as a social phenomenon which has historically faced multiple barriers that have made it difficult for them to enjoy the fulfillment of their rights on equal terms, leading to the constant feeling of overprotection by the caregivers due to the fear of violation. For this, the research had four moments: the first was the analysis of the problem under which the interest was focused, the second was a documentary and conceptual tracing, in which, from a historical perspective of childhood with disabilities, an attempt was made to understand its development. In a third moment, the application of instruments to the participating population, which finally allowed gathering the necessary information to unveil the imaginaries of childhood with disabilities.Ítem Historias de vida de niñas y niños de la unidad de protección integral San Francisco modalidad internado - IDIPRON: Un recorrido exploratorio de sus experiencias a través del sonido resonante de sus relatos(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Culma Huérfano, Camila Andrea; Galindo Urrego, Sandra Milena; Rodríguez Rincón, Johanna; Concha Ramírez, Diana; Concha Ramírez, Diana [0000-0002-0770-0216]This research is situated within the framework of the Master's program in Childhood and Culture at the Francisco José de Caldas District University, specifically in the emphasis on Language and Children's Narratives. Its primary objective is to explore and understand the life stories through the accounts of the lived experiences of six (6) girls and one (1) boy residing in the District Institute for the Protection of Childhood and Youth (IDIPRON), particularly in the Integral Protection Unit (UPI) - San Francisco, Cundinamarca, under the internado modality. This study adopts a qualitative approach, allowing for a holistic analysis of the context and interpersonal relationships that emerge from their social environment. Throughout the research, four analytical categories are established to guide the development of the work: Childhood, narratives, experience, and life stories. Additionally, a narrative approach is incorporated, which, through the implementation of a sequence of workshops, facilitates access to the accounts of the children, revealing life stories that reflect the influence of language and culture. For data collection, various methodological techniques and instruments were employed, such as participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and field diaries. These tools allowed for comprehensive documentation of the characteristics, dynamics, and experiences lived by the children, both in their lives prior to and during their arrival at IDIPRON. "Finally, recognition is given through a book that collects the artistic works developed throughout the research and some of their narratives, which reflect their experiences and life stories."Ítem Una infancia a través de la filosofía en las bibliotecas públicas(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cadena Castrillón, María Fernanda; Bothert Ortiz, Karina Claudia; Bothert Ortiz, Karina Claudia [0000-0002-2622-9220]This qualitative research deals with philosophy with children in public libraries and is carried out from a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach. To guarantee the right to learn to philosophize from childhood is the reason that gives rise to this project, which seeks to expand the possibilities of implementing philosophy with children, from the consolidation of communities of inquiry in non-formal educational spaces. With this purpose, research is conducted on how philosophy is carried out with children in public libraries, the conditions of possibility for its development are identified and methodological elements for its implementation are specified, while the worlds of children are unveiled from their discursive productions generated in a philosophical experience. Therefore, the systematization of experiences of a reading club focused on philosophizing is carried out, with the aim of analyzing the discursive productions and contributing to the field of childhood studies, from a broader and more careful cultural sphere, which allows the construction of open and sensitive spaces for children's participation from a philosophical perspective, within the framework of public libraries.