Maestría en Pedagogía de la Lengua Materna

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  • Ítem
    Desarrollo de la lectura inferencial mediante textos expositivos en estudiantes de grado noveno
    Moreno Ordóñez, Milton; Moreno Cardozo, Sandra Maritza
    This qualitative research focuses on the development of inferential reading using expository texts in ninth-grade students. The study is framed within the constructivist paradigm and employs action research methodology. It was conducted at Colombia Viva School as part of the research line in Language Pedagogy of the Master's program in Pedagogía de la Lengua Materna. The main objective of this study was to foster students' ability to make inferences in expository texts, enabling them to comprehend and analyze information beyond what is explicitly stated in the text. To achieve this, workshops were utilized to stimulate reflection, dialogue, and active knowledge construction, following the principles of the constructivist approach. Data collection strategies included participatory observation and field journals, which provided valuable insights into the development process of inferential reading comprehension in the students.
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    Los saberes ancestrales muiscas de Usme en el fortalecimiento de la oralidad desde el texto explicativo en estudiantes de ciclo IV
    Hincapié Flórez, Diana Marcela; Moreno Cardozo, Sandra Maritza
    The research The Muisca ancestral knowledge of Usme in strengthening orality from the explanatory text in cycle IV students, aims to enhance orality and the use of the explanatory text in different contexts of enunciation as well as the recognition of local knowledge of Usme, as part of the educational context, an essential element in the construction of individual and collective identities, locating itself in the socio-critical paradigm, the qualitative approach and the action research design to place the researcher in the reality of the participants.
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    Análisis de las prácticas evaluativas en lectura, escritura y oralidad: un camino hacia la reflexión sobre la evaluación en el aula
    Cárdenas Aguilar, Esther Julia; Torres Triana, María Fernanda; Pinilla Vásquez, Raquel
    Degree monograph in which it is proposed to characterize the practices of internal assessment of reading, writing and orality in the subject of Castilian language of cycle III to guide the reflection of teachers and influence the transformation of their evaluative practices . The research was carried out in two moments: in the first, we analyzed records of reading, writing and oral assessment practices in the classroom; In the second, a pedagogical intervention proposal was designed and applied aimed at generating reflection in teachers about authentic, democratic and formative evaluation.
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    Prácticas narrativas campesinas para el desarrollo de la experiencia literaria con mujeres de la vereda El Destino
    Castro Forero, Jhoan Sebastián; Sánchez Ávila, Nini Johanna; 0000-0002-1568-9264; Sánchez Ávila, Nini Johanna [0000-0002-1568-9264]
    This master's thesis presents the problem, design and implementation of the research entitled Farmers' narrative practices for the development of the literary experience with women from the village of El Destino. This research was carried out with the community of peasant women of the village of El Destino, which is located in the fifth district of Usme in the city of Bogota, at kilometer five, via San Juan de Sumapáz in the framework of the Master's Degree in Pedagogy of the Mother Tongue. The main purpose of this project was to consolidate the processes of literary reading experience in rural women between 40 and 60 years of age through the recognition of their own rural narrative practices in the field of rural literature and orality. Thus, six pedagogical and literary workshops were formulated and implemented under the socio-critical paradigm, with a qualitative approach and which responds to the action-research design. Among the findings, it was determined that each of the peasant literary and oral narrative practices developed by the participants during the course of the intervention led to the consolidation of the literary reading experience through the analysis of literary chronicles and songs of peasant tradition. In conclusion, this research process shows how the practices of reading, literature and orality can be worked and implemented in rural and non-formal education contexts.
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    Encuentros en voz alta: una experiencia para enriquecer la interpretación de textos desde la lectura literaria en educación preescolar y primaria
    Garzón Delgado, Andrea Marcela; Martínez Santamaría, María José; Osorio Ramírez, Eddy Janneth; Alonso Galeano, Nelson Arturo; Alonso Galeano, Nelson Arturo [0000-0003-2172-1408]
    The present research entitled 'meetings in aloud voice for enriching interpretation the text literature praised the importance of different intermediaries who enriched the text interpretation from narrative literature aloud reading use. This research was developed in children population in kindergarten and fourth primary level which belonged to two educational public institutions, such as, Jackeline school and Nueva Colombia School. The research methodology is based on qualitative framework, an interpretative paradigm, and an action research design. As a pedagogical implementation, a vertical workshop was applied, this workshop had eight (8) literary meetings which fostered love's reading, the collaborative work, the participation of the school community and a meaningful texts' interpretation. In conclusion, the obtained results were the assertive use of the own features of the aloud reading, the intermediary role as a bridge between the text and the reader which created an affective bond, the literature reading which triggers the imagination development and the meaningful adaptation of spaces were fundamental aspects for interpretation strengthening in kindergarten and primary level students.
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    Laboratorio de narrativas transmedia mediante el taller de escritura creativa y colectiva en el aula virtual
    Botero Herrera, Angie Stephany; Alonso Galeano, Nelson Arturo; 0000-0003-2172-1408; Alonso Galeano, Nelson Arturo [0000-0003-2172-1408]
    The research titled Laboratorio de narrativas transmedia mediante el taller de escritura creativa y colectiva en el aula virtual, has as general objective to strengthen the creative writing skills of students of a private school. By implementing a didactical strategy based on trans media narratives. Having that as the main basis, the theoretical frame was built, taking into account authors like: Levy (2007), Kollock y Smith (2003), Vouillamoz (2000), Jenkins (2003), Molas (2018), Jaramillo (2019), among others. The methodological framework had as pillar the virtual ethnography; starting from qualitative approach, hermeneutical paradigm and research- action investigation. As a result, a transmedia narrative lab was implemented; as a writing skills workshop, aiming to promote creative writing. As a conclusion, an important scenario and agenda were consolidated to strengthen the creative narrative experiences for students, including platforms and virtual aids used as tools to improve the educational system
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    Al peguntarte ¿me entiendes? Cualificación docente en el diseño de preguntas para instrumentos de evaluación en la comprensión lectora
    Zárate Hernández, Heidy Geraldine; Borja Orozco, Mirian Glidis
    The research called for the qualification of a focal group of teachers of the Colegio Instituto Técnico Industrial Pilot I. E. D associated with students of the fifth grade of elementary school and the development of their reading comprehension. The research work proposed a pedagogical scaffolding around a proposal for understanding, theorizing and conceptualization in the construction of items that constitute the basic unit of any assessment instrument, taking into account methodological strategies such as cooperative work, Evidence Based Model and pedagogical workshop in relation to the teachers participating in the research. In conclusion, the research contributes to the analysis of the questions so that they are considered under a referential, exemplifying and theoretical framework, and in its formulation has strong conceptual elements, considering the item as a pedagogical tool for teachers.
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    Construyendo voces: fortalecimiento de la oralidad mediática a través del podcast
    León Patiño, Ingrid Julieth; Sánchez Ávila, Nini Jhoanna; 0000-0002-1568-9264; Sánchez Ávila, Nini Jhoanna [0000-0002-1568-9264]
    This research arose from the recognition of a didactic of orality, which has been worked in a fragmented way, due to the lack of knowledge on its dimensions and its own characteristics. Thus, the strengthening of formal and media orality was sought in eighth grade school students using podcasts. For this, the work was based on the sociocultural approach to language, as well as on a qualitative methodology, the critical paradigm, the design of research-action through a didactic sequence. This allowed students to develop oral and technological skills and, active decisionmaking in real communication spaces, being fundamental aspects for the creation of their own voice. In such manner, it is evident that the current investigation contributed to the construction of a pedagogical proposal that made the oral discursive appropriation in the students possible, which lead to direct implications regarding how they situate themselves in the world and do participate in it as part of their citizenship education.
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    Escritura poética: una perspectiva estético-literaria en ciclo III
    Vallejo Montañez, Karen Yulieth; Vargas Manrique, Pedro José; 0000-0002-1596-8706; Vargas Manrique, Pedro José [0000-0002-1596-8706]
    This research arises from the need to give value to poetry within the school environment, making it more visible to strengthen the creative processes of secondary school students of an IED located in the southwest of Bogotá, through the writing of literary intent, starting from the foundations of literary education. For this purpose, the postulates of authors such as Lomas (1999), Colomer (2014) and Mendoza (2010) were considered. On the other hand, it develops from the hermeneutical paradigm starting from the Vasilachis (2006) statements and a qualitative approach according to Flick (2004). The results obtained allow us to establish that poetic writing is essential within the processes of writing with literary intent in school as it addresses feelings and emotions that teenagers sometimes do not manage. Therefore, writing becomes a means to express in a cathartic way everything they feel, and poetry becomes a liberating experience.
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    La dramatización como estrategia para el desarrollo de la oralidad en grado quinto
    Saavedra Correa, Marly Zuli; Sánchez Ávila, Nini Johana; 0000-0002-1568-9264; Sánchez Ávila, Nini Johana [0000-0002-1568-9264]
    The interest in analyzing orality as a category of educational contribution and comprehensive training has constituted a challenge today, since, from a pragmatic perspective, its adequate management and integration allows the configuration of actions where the exercise of the voice, the speech, communication and interaction between people is greater. Consequently, promoting their development through school work must be an indisputable objective, because if we work in the classrooms, and pay attention to their dimensions and characteristics, it will allow the development of human beings capable of reflecting on their own existence and the way they live. express oneself in it with words, conversation, speech, among others. In this sense, in this research orality is taken up as a complex set of elements that allow the development of skills such as speaking and listening, the expression of feelings, thoughts and ideas, and it is taken as the central theme of this approach, in the extent to which, located in the school environment, it allows us to investigate the current pedagogical practices that contribute to its development, and also integrates interdisciplinary strategies of value for educational processes. However, investigating this category requires a theoretical review and a tracing of the background that focuses on its study through the recognition of the needs, challenges and applications of orality from public policies, curricula and educational practices, susceptible all to be rethought. From the above, the role of orality in this investigative exercise and in its intervention is preponderant, since it gives rise to communicative scenarios where the exchange of voices and the awareness of what is expressed orally, the elements of the configuration, are significant. of formal speeches, etc., in addition to the kinesthetic, prosodic and paralinguistic resources that complete the sense and meaning of what is stated. As an initial point of development of the research, it is necessary to mention that it was developed with 24 fifth grade students from a private school in the city of Bogotá and was proposed within the framework of the Master's Degree in Mother Language Pedagogy at the Francisco José District University. from Caldas. The central objective was established to enhance oral language through the investigation and implementation of interdisciplinary educational strategies such as dramatization, and it was carried out based on participant observation in the institutional context where the intervention was developed. The person who made this observation was the language area teacher, who at the same time is the author of this research and who was also forced to reflect on her own pedagogical practices. According to the previous ideas, this document presents five sections, which provide the theoretical and methodological foundation of this research, and allow the analysis and presentation of the results obtained from the intervention proposal carried out in the educational context already mentioned and aimed at from the implementation of pedagogical and educational workshops. Ultimately, the general conclusions drawn from the investigative process are presented. The first chapter presents the aspects of foundation and approach to the research problem that arises from carrying out an ethnographic reading of the context and from the reflection on the questions that guide the investigation and the research objectives proposed to carry out the study and pedagogical intervention. The research background around the categories of orality and dramatization, which guide the object of study, is also visible. The second chapter relates the theoretical, pedagogical and didactic approaches around the research categories and their value in the educational processes of fifth grade students. These contributions and references correspond, from the category of orality, fundamentally to Abascal (1993, 2002), Alcoba (1999, 2000), Badía and Vilá (1996), Avendaño & Miretti (2006), Lomas (1999), Tuson, Et .al (1993), Poyatos (2017), Medina (1980), Ong (1982), Del Toro (2015), Escandell (1996). And from the dramatization category, emphasis is placed on Araque (2001), Berry (2006), Boal (2001), Cárdenas Páez (2003), Cervera (1996), Cárdenas (2010), Lomas, (1999) Eines & Mantovani (1998), Faure & Lascar (1981), Gabino (2011), García (1996), Laferriere (1999), Motos (1992). The third chapter establishes the methodological route of the research based on the consideration of the socio-critical paradigm and from a qualitative approach that is part of educational research. The action research design and its 14 characteristic elements are presented, in addition to the approach to the contextual aspects that dialogue with the theory taken up in order to carry out the intervention. Finally, the theoretical approaches that support the pedagogical workshop as an intervention instrument chosen for the research and that are found in the postulates of María Elvira Rodríguez Luna (2012) and Ezequiel Ander Egg (1991) are socialized. In the fourth chapter, the results of the implementation and pedagogical intervention and the analysis of the findings obtained are made visible. This analysis is carried out based on the results obtained in the field diaries or corpus, photographs, videos, work guides or evaluation guides. However, it is necessary to clarify that the analysis of results was linked to the development of the pedagogical intervention workshops, the participation of the students and the discourses resulting from this process. Finally, in chapter five, the conclusions of the research development process are presented, for which the fundamental categories selected and oriented from the understanding of orality as a determining aspect in people's lives are taken into account. , and dramatization as a valid interdisciplinary strategy for enhancing communication skills essential in society. In this sense, conclusions are established regarding the importance of the theoretical consideration of these mentioned categories for the development of orality; the indisputable validity of interdisciplinarity in formal and informal educational processes; and the importance of rethinking educational practices from teaching, institutional work and from public educational policies.
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    Voces arcoíris, la voz de los niños de ciclo I a través del libro álbum
    Gutiérrez Pinzón, Melitsa; Herrera Jiménez, Sandra Milena; Montenegro Pardo, Sonia Edith; Sánchez Ávila, Nini Johana; 0000-0002-1568-9264; Sánchez Ávila, Nini Johana [0000-0002-1568-9264]
    In the present investigation entitled Voces Arcoíris, la Voz de los Niños de Ciclo I a través del Libro Álbum, the planning, design and implementation that was carried out in three official educational institutions of the city of Bogotá are exposed: IED Almirante Padilla, from the place of Usme, IED Instituto Técnico Industrial Piloto from the place of Tunjuelito and IED Campestre Monte Verde from the place of Chapinero. The purpose of the work was to generate an aesthetic, literary and creative encounter with the album book, promoting planned, organized and evaluated scenarios where orality has an intention and a specific communicative purpose. For this purpose, the development of a planned didactic sequence was carried out on the bases of the socio-critical paradigm, with a qualitative approach that responds to the action research design. This analysis allowed the development of listening and conversation processes through the mediation of the album book.
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    Relatos orales cotidianos: un análisis del dispositivo pedagógico fuera de la escuela en un grupo de personas de la ciudad de Bogotá
    Jerena Piña, María Angélica; Garzón Camacho, Angie Katerine; Baquero Másmela, Pedro; 0000-0002-6142-3387; Baquero Másmela, Pedro [0000-0002-6142-3387]
    The following investigation is carried out in the city of Bogotá between streets, diagonals, races, avenues and transversals, through 9 subjects named here as: authors of everyday stories, we allow ourselves to approach the understanding of the construction of everyday life from the biographical methodology. narrative, thus putting the following categories into an important dialogue: daily life, orality, performance, daily oral stories and pedagogical device. Giving the possibility then to formulate the question about the daily oral stories and their possibility of acquiring a pedagogical meaning. At the end of our investigation we were able, among several conclusions, to identify the pedagogical device as a mechanism of cultural reproduction that can be found inside and outside the school context, endowing from here to daily life, including teaching work in it, important reflections, learning and knowledge.
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    Soy lo que leo: una experiencia literaria en ciclo I
    Morales Jiménez, Erika Alejandra; Sánchez Ávila, Nini Johanna; 0000-0002-1568-9264; Sánchez Ávila, Nini Johanna [0000-0002-1568-9264]
    The present research work compiles the literary experience carried out with students of cycle I in a school in the city of Bogotá, a place where the frontiers of imagination were expanded through fantastic literary worlds that were characterized through the understanding of elements typical of children's narrative, through the album book, whose main characteristic is intertextuality and makes it the indicated element for the mediation of the literary experience. The importance of promoting literary spaces free of academic weight where reading resumes its aesthetic role is evident, since children's literature allows naming the world, creating bridges between the subject and the context, allowing them to inhabit the real world and the world of fantasy.
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    Aveki: la narración en el territorio indígena como espacio para la identidad y la otredad
    Ardila Morales, José Miguel; Sánchez Granados, Segundo Efraín; Montoya Castillo, Mario; 0000-0001-6347-384X; Montoya Castillo, Mario [0000-0001-6347-384X]
    This project aims at recognize the Ambiká Pijao indigenous community located in Comuneros neighborhood in the locality of Usme where the identity and the otherness set in motion in what is denominated as Speech Circles. The problem we are interested in showing is the worsening of this community’s cosmovision, the collapsing of the territory, the memory and the identity, which origin is linked to forced displacement form their original territory and the contextual change of the knowledge. To re-contextualize their culture, we come up with the podcast to recover their cosmovision by means of narratives, life’s stories, observations and interviews in which we make visible their territory, traditions and knowledge experiences, as well as their identity and otherness construction, the memory preservation and their struggle to maintain themselves in the urban context.
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    Diseño de ambientes de aprendizaje accesibles y afectivos que favorezcan la formación en escritura en los ciclos I y IV
    Martínez Soler, Cindy Katherin; Calderón, Dora Inés; 0000-0003-1187-6668; Calderón, Dora Inés [0000-0003-1187-6668]
    This written work is the result of the investigation entitled "Design of accessible and affective learning environments that favor writing training in cycles I and IV". The research was interested in the conceptualization and analysis to develop a design for an accessible and affective learning environment that contributes to the training of writers in different district institutions of Bogotá, based on workshops. The analysis, characterization of the context of the students and institutions, the didactic adaptations and the design of the activity system were taken as the basis for the design of the environment. Finally, the results of the accessible and affective learning environment were analyzed and presented.
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    Producción escrita, experiencias significativas en primera infancia
    Arenilla Mahecha, Carina; Sandoval Diaz, Hedi Jazmín; Vargas Manrique, Pedro José; 0000-0002-1596-8706; Vargas Manrique, Pedro José [0000-0002-1596-8706]
    This research entitled Written production, significant experiences in early childhood arises from the interest of the researcher teachers to promote writing acquisition processes from experiences and situations that are meaningful for early childhood students; and in turn, to generate a pedagogical reflection on the importance of teaching and using writing from a sociocultural perspective in the classroom. The pedagogical proposal was developed from a didactic sequence aimed at the production of short texts such as the letter and especially the anecdote, in order to achieve the acquisition of writing, considering Ferreiro's (2006) proposal. In the analysis of the results, achievements were reached in which the progress of the students interms of knowledge of the characteristics and structure of the short story and the writing of these with a social purpose is highlighted.
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    Desarrollo de la lectura en el discurso visual del cómic con estudiantes de séptimo grado
    Bossa Rojas, José Alejandro; Vargas Manrique, Pedro José; 0000-0002-1596-8706; Vargas Manrique, Pedro José [0000-0002-1596-8706]
    This work is located in the gap found in public policies in relation to the analysis and interpretation of iconicverbal texts in the area of language formation and in the research background that reflects the few studies carried out on the comic as a narrative mechanism. Its purpose is, therefore, to determine the effects of a microcurricular design oriented towards the analysis of comics in the visual reading processes of elementary secondary students. The pedagogical transformation actions were based on categories such as Language and Curriculum Perspective, Visual Education, Representation Processes, Visuality, Language and Culture, the Reading Process, Multimodal Texts and the Semiotic Discourse of Comics. The methodology is framed in the interpretative paradigm, with a qualitative approach and from the method of action research. As a didactic setting, the Didactic Sequence was chosen and multimethod strategies were adopted for the collection of information. The analysis of qualitative data was done on the basis of three main categories (Visual Education, the Reading Process and the Semiotic Discourse of the Comic) that, together with the respective subcategories, account for the fulfillment of the objectives set and allow to define the conclusions that close the developed process.
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    Desarrollo de la literacidad crítica desde el texto artístico Relicarios en ciclo VI
    Padilla Carrero, Astrid Soley; Alonso Galeano, Nelson Arturo; 0000-0003-2172-1408; Alonso Galeano, Nelson Arturo [0000-0003-2172-1408]
    The reflections exposed in the paper entitled Development of critical literacy from working with artistic texts are based on the results of the research process that sought to develop critical literacy (specifically reading) from artistic texts such as the artwork Relicarios with cycle VI students of the model for out-of-school youth and adults, also known as education by cycles. For this purpose, the categories critical literacy and semiotics of the artistic text were developed theoretically. Then, the intervention proposal was designed through a didactic sequence that shows a way of approaching artistic texts -such as the installation- at the sight of six subcategories in which processes and tasks of critical literacy and semiotics of art intersect.
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    Narración de historias de vida para el fortalecimiento de procesos orales en estudiantes de grado jardín, segundo y cuarto de educación
    Buitrago Correa, Aliet; González Barrera, Gloria Patricia; Triana Otálora, Ruth Consuelo; Alonso Galeano, Nelson Arturo; 0000-0003-2172-1408; Alonso Galeano, Nelson Arturo [0000-0003-2172-1408]
    It is evident that in educational institutions it is assumed that orality is developed in a natural way and there is a lack of strategies for its teaching and evaluation. It is necessary to provide and strengthen tools for more effective oral communication in students in kindergarten, second and fourth grades. It is therefore necessary to work on informal communication to transform and develop formal orality, in which the specific components of oral competence are appropriated and put into practice. This research is framed in the qualitative paradigm, with educational action research design which in dialogue with the narrative biographical method allows the construction of life stories where the voice of the students is the protagonist. The workshop was implemented as the main methodological strategy, which was carried out in 6 sessions that allowed the achievement of the proposed objectives.
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    La empatía en la enseñanza de los procesos de lectura de textos argumentativos con docentes en primaria
    Lozano Josa, Nidia Feniver; Maldonado García, Miguel Ángel
    This research, titled "Empathy in Teaching Argumentative Text Reading Processes with Primary School Teachers," is a qualitative study framed within the research line of Language Pedagogy from the Master's program in Pedagogía de la Lengua Materna. The study was conducted at La Estancia San Isidro Labrador I.E.D school in Ciudad Bolívar, with a group of primary school teachers from the afternoon session. The main objective was to explore the relationship between empathy and the teaching process of argumentative text reading from the teachers' perspective. The research spanned over a two-year period, employing the pragmatic paradigm with an action research design, involving workshops as interventions with corresponding strategies and data collection instruments, such as informal interviews. The aim was to transform the pedagogical practices of the participating teachers and the researcher herself. Keywords: Empathy,