La dramatización como estrategia para el desarrollo de la oralidad en grado quinto
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The interest in analyzing orality as a category of educational contribution and comprehensive training has constituted a challenge today, since, from a pragmatic perspective, its adequate management and integration allows the configuration of actions where the exercise of the voice, the speech, communication and interaction between people is greater. Consequently, promoting their development through school work must be an indisputable objective, because if we work in the classrooms, and pay attention to their dimensions and characteristics, it will allow the development of human beings capable of reflecting on their own existence and the way they live. express oneself in it with words, conversation, speech, among others. In this sense, in this research orality is taken up as a complex set of elements that allow the development of skills such as speaking and listening, the expression of feelings, thoughts and ideas, and it is taken as the central theme of this approach, in the extent to which, located in the school environment, it allows us to investigate the current pedagogical practices that contribute to its development, and also integrates interdisciplinary strategies of value for educational processes. However, investigating this category requires a theoretical review and a tracing of the background that focuses on its study through the recognition of the needs, challenges and applications of orality from public policies, curricula and educational practices, susceptible all to be rethought. From the above, the role of orality in this investigative exercise and in its intervention is preponderant, since it gives rise to communicative scenarios where the exchange of voices and the awareness of what is expressed orally, the elements of the configuration, are significant. of formal speeches, etc., in addition to the kinesthetic, prosodic and paralinguistic resources that complete the sense and meaning of what is stated. As an initial point of development of the research, it is necessary to mention that it was developed with 24 fifth grade students from a private school in the city of Bogotá and was proposed within the framework of the Master's Degree in Mother Language Pedagogy at the Francisco José District University. from Caldas. The central objective was established to enhance oral language through the investigation and implementation of interdisciplinary educational strategies such as dramatization, and it was carried out based on participant observation in the institutional context where the intervention was developed. The person who made this observation was the language area teacher, who at the same time is the author of this research and who was also forced to reflect on her own pedagogical practices. According to the previous ideas, this document presents five sections, which provide the theoretical and methodological foundation of this research, and allow the analysis and presentation of the results obtained from the intervention proposal carried out in the educational context already mentioned and aimed at from the implementation of pedagogical and educational workshops. Ultimately, the general conclusions drawn from the investigative process are presented. The first chapter presents the aspects of foundation and approach to the research problem that arises from carrying out an ethnographic reading of the context and from the reflection on the questions that guide the investigation and the research objectives proposed to carry out the study and pedagogical intervention. The research background around the categories of orality and dramatization, which guide the object of study, is also visible. The second chapter relates the theoretical, pedagogical and didactic approaches around the research categories and their value in the educational processes of fifth grade students. These contributions and references correspond, from the category of orality, fundamentally to Abascal (1993, 2002), Alcoba (1999, 2000), Badía and Vilá (1996), Avendaño & Miretti (2006), Lomas (1999), Tuson, Et .al (1993), Poyatos (2017), Medina (1980), Ong (1982), Del Toro (2015), Escandell (1996). And from the dramatization category, emphasis is placed on Araque (2001), Berry (2006), Boal (2001), Cárdenas Páez (2003), Cervera (1996), Cárdenas (2010), Lomas, (1999) Eines & Mantovani (1998), Faure & Lascar (1981), Gabino (2011), García (1996), Laferriere (1999), Motos (1992). The third chapter establishes the methodological route of the research based on the consideration of the socio-critical paradigm and from a qualitative approach that is part of educational research. The action research design and its 14 characteristic elements are presented, in addition to the approach to the contextual aspects that dialogue with the theory taken up in order to carry out the intervention. Finally, the theoretical approaches that support the pedagogical workshop as an intervention instrument chosen for the research and that are found in the postulates of María Elvira Rodríguez Luna (2012) and Ezequiel Ander Egg (1991) are socialized. In the fourth chapter, the results of the implementation and pedagogical intervention and the analysis of the findings obtained are made visible. This analysis is carried out based on the results obtained in the field diaries or corpus, photographs, videos, work guides or evaluation guides. However, it is necessary to clarify that the analysis of results was linked to the development of the pedagogical intervention workshops, the participation of the students and the discourses resulting from this process. Finally, in chapter five, the conclusions of the research development process are presented, for which the fundamental categories selected and oriented from the understanding of orality as a determining aspect in people's lives are taken into account. , and dramatization as a valid interdisciplinary strategy for enhancing communication skills essential in society. In this sense, conclusions are established regarding the importance of the theoretical consideration of these mentioned categories for the development of orality; the indisputable validity of interdisciplinarity in formal and informal educational processes; and the importance of rethinking educational practices from teaching, institutional work and from public educational policies.