Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil

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    Apropiación del juego, la literatura y el arte en las propuestas pedagógicas para los hogares comunitarios de bienestar
    Bernal Castellanos, Laura; García Rios, Diana Patricia
    This document contains the final report of the internship process developed at the Institute Colombian Family Welfare-Barrios Unidos Zonal Center, and introduces himself as result of the work carried out during the academic period 2022-3. It is worth mentioning that The internship was carried out within the framework of an inter-institutional agreement signed between the Francisco José de Caldas District University and the Colombian Institute of Well-being Family – ICBF – whose main purpose was support in counseling, from the área pedagogical, to the educational agents of the early childhood programs. To fulfill this formative commitment, a project called “Appropriation of the game, literature and art in the pedagogical proposals for the community welfare homes. The project was developed for almost three months, starting on September 28, 2022 and culminating on December 15, 2022, in the ICBF Barrios Unidos zonal center, specifically with the community modality. For this project, it is proposed and developed a didactic sequence, which in the course had some adjustments, responding not only to the interests of my training as an intern, but also to the interests of the zonal center of united neighborhoods and community mothers. For the construction of the project Appropriation of the Game, Literature and Art in the Pedagogical Proposals for Community Welfare Homes were taken into account the political, regulatory and operational documents established by the ICBF for the functioning of the community modality; Additionally, the project was nurtured not only with a pedagogical conceptual framework, advice from the pedagogical reference of the zonal center and the tutor assigned by the university, but also with the contribution received in the dialogues, requests and experience of community mothers. The project was implemented in different phases in which it went through a process of recognition, identification, conceptualization, application and adjustments according to the pedagogical proposals of community homes and the application of activities rectors in these. The construction and implementation of activities was carried out from a didactic sequence that was carried out in different meetings that facilitated the development and completion of the project. It is worth mentioning that this document was structured according to the following sections: objectives, work plan, results, analysis, evaluation and conclusions which are presented below.
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    El sentido de ser niño y niña: reflexiones sobre las infancias en torno a su construcción como sujetos sociales y de participación
    Manrique Cucaita, Laura Katherine; Beltrán Jiménez, Harold
    This research work is based on the importance and need to recognize and validate the voice of childhoods in each of the different contexts in which they move and build, promoting their participation and providing them with a safe space to do so. In this way, throughout the research, the role of adults in the ways in which children see themselves is critically questioned, from the construct of their subjectivity and interpretation of their daily life. As well as, around the two contexts in which the training and research practice was carried out during the years 2019 to 2021, the different significance that children construct about childhood are analyzed, identifying social imaginaries, factors of tension and the role played by each of the children in society.
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    Gestión de trabajo en apoyo a la formación de madres comunitarias y acompañamiento a los profesionales del Centro Zonal Tunjuelito ICBF, en el área de primera infancia
    Vargas Obando, Ashly Daniela; Huertas Hernández, Yeimy Paola; Sandoval Guzmán, Betty
    The purpose of this document is to systematize the pedagogical proposal of formative strengthening implemented with community mothers belonging to the community modality of the Tunjuelito Zonal Center. Bearing in mind that these community mothers are in charge of providing comprehensive early childhood care through their service units or community homes, it is considered essential to provide a training space through which knowledge that contributes to strengthening comprehensive care provided by them to early childhood. For this reason, an awareness and orientation work was proposed for community mothers around the incidence of effective communication in the processes focused on promoting behavior changes around the eating habits of the families of the service units (UDS) by through the implementation of training workshops developed in technical assistance spaces.
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    Cambiando mi mundo : orientaciones pedagógicas para los agentes educativos en el marco del trabajo en la educación inicial
    Sabogal Quintín, Francy Nataly; Barbosa Rodríguez, Laura Daniela; Sandoval Guzmán, Betty; Sandoval Guzmán, Betty [0000-0002-3325-6876]
    This report was developed by students of the Child Pedagogy Degree of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, which sought to implement experiences of recognition, creation and reflection for a better use of the tools available for children in the zonal centers and service units of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF). Taking into account the different elements that make it up, what we expected with the realization of the internship, was to obtain knowledge of the operation and ways of working of both the ICBF and the agencies that compose it, as well as to support community mothers and service agents in the development of pedagogical projects for early childhood, providing them with workshops and tools to strengthen the knowledge they already have from a conceptual and pedagogical base, while highlighting the role they play in society and with the children of the population of Bogota, highlighting the importance of play, literature, exploration of the environment and art.
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    La lectura en voz alta: el medio para la imaginación, creación y expresión
    Castañeda Pancho, Maira Daniela; Abril Perdomo, Julieth Tatiana; Torres Garay, Isabel Mercedes
    Then will be presented the internship report of the project proposal, "Reading aloud: the means for imagination, creation and expression", applied with the community mothers of CZ Ciudad Bolivar, which revolved around the importance and scope of reading aloud as a tool that favors the ability to imagine, create, reflect and innovate within the context of which it is part. This contributed to the critical, expressive and imaginative capacity of the participants, from the different workshops that were proposed; in this way, spaces were generated in which they were able to consolidate their creative skills, and explored new ways to address LBS with children.
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    Informe de pasantía: acompañamiento, intervención e innovación desde el componente pedagógico en el centro zonal (ICBF) Usme
    Días Mendoza , Yuli Sileni; Beltrán Patiño, Saidy Gineth; Torres Garay, Isabel Mercedes
    This document constitutes the final report on the development of the internship, carried out through the inter-administrative agreement to link as an Ad Honorem practitioner of early childhood education between the Francisco José de Caldas District University and the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF). The internship was carried out specifically at the Usme Zonal Center of the Bogotá Regional, through resolution No. 1076 of May 5, 2022. This document is descriptive and reflective in which, on the one hand, the tasks, accompaniments and tasks carried out during the internship period are reported as activities requested by the zonal center and, on the other hand, the internship project that was proposed and materialized autonomously by the interns in the zonal center as an innovation proposal. Finally, the contributions that the experience generated to the teacher training of the students of the Degree in Early Childhood Pedagogy and the contributions and suggestions that they deserve both for the District University and for Family Well-being are disclosed, in order that be taken into account for future agreements.
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    Expresividad infantil: aspectos importantes para el reconocimiento de los niños y niñas en primera infancia. Un acercamiento con docentes y agentes educativos para la construcción pedagógica dialogada
    Duque Luque, Laura Daniela; Ramírez Cabanzo, Ana Brizet; Ramírez Cabanzo, Ana Brizet [0000-0001-7240-6788]
    This work is part of the project Child Expressivity: Important aspects for the recognition of children in early childhood. An approach with educational agents for a dialogued pedagogical construction. This project consisted of the design and implementation of a sequence of theoretical-practical workshops that were developed with six associations of community mothers: Asociación Manitas Creativas, Asociación Ferias, Asociación Mundo del Mañana, Asociación Sonrisas, Asociación Bienestar Integral y Asociación Palmas that have an agreement with centro zonal Engativa.
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    Análisis de las dinámicas de formación de las y los licenciados en el ciclo de fundamentación y profundización de la LEI
    Bernal Fonseca, Sara Liceth; Plata Restrepo, Adrián Camilo; Hernández Vera, Daniel Camilo; Tapiero Celis, Omaira
    In the research internship "Analysis of the training dynamics of graduates in the foundation and deepening cycles" an investigation was previously carried out on the ethnographic exercise based on the work of the anthropologist and specialist in educational research Elsie Rockwell and the teacher Roberto Sampieri, this, in order to obtain the necessary bases to design and subsequently test 3 key research tools (Interview, survey and focus group), in order to identify from the analysis instruments: field diaries and data collection. data, a series of discourses and dynamics that occur within the groups of both foundation and deepening intervened, which in turn allowed us to modify and correct these tools that will serve as theoretical and practical support for future groups of interns whose purpose of research is the application of these tools and the analysis of dynamics and speeches that are given within the LEI.
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    Los gonzitos : semillas de vida. Una experiencia de innovación que busca visibilizar a la primera infancia y promover la emancipación de docentes de educación inicial a través de la educomunicación
    Ramírez Murcia, Johanna Rosmery; Martínez Alfonso, Julieth Jimena; Ramírez Cabanzo, Ana Brizet; Ramírez Cabanzo, Ana Brizet [0000-0001-7240-6788]
    This article derives from the analysis of the systematization of the experience of Los Gonzitos: Semillas de Vida, led by teacher Lina Fernanda Sanchez, a graduate of Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. This experience was developed at the Gonzalo Arango District Educational Institution in Suba, Bogota, Colombia. Methodologically, qualitative research and systematization of experiences were approached; in the development of this research the emerging categories found were: The podcast as a teaching and learning strategy through educommunicative processes; Family and school in early education for the construction of intercultural fabrics and the visibility of childhood as a transforming agent of children's participation. Finally, it is highlighted how the dialogue of practicing teachers enriches the training of early childhood educators, since it allows opening a space for deconstruction and reconstruction, empowerment and visibility of both the work and the scope of early childhood teachers and their importance for society; so that educational and pedagogical practices for children can be rethought.
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    Leer para crear (2023) : fortaleciendo las habilidades lectoras en niños y niñas de segundo grado del Colegio Carlos Arturo Torres, hacia la creación literaria y expresión plástica a través del reconocimiento de la riqueza de la fauna colombiana
    Parra Enciso, Maria Camila; Marulanda Hidalgo, Lynn
    Reading out loud had a great role, being the first approach of the boys and girls to books by the teacher in training, in addition to other proposed strategies, such as: reading in pairs, groups and reading from the story strategy engine. The proposal was nourished with the use of experiences accompanied by plastic expression, imagining beyond and thus entering the minds into the world of books, resulting in creations that demonstrate the importance of motivating the great inventive capacity that children and girls. From the conflicting interests: animals and drawing, were the best bridge to motivate the pleasure towards reading, integrating a variety of areas, it became feasible to discover other perspectives towards it, so much so that it was possible that, by knowing children's books and strengthening reading, gave way to the creation, together with the boys and girls, of our own riddle book Who could it be? Riddles about the Colombian fauna where we collect all the learning and contributions in a wonderful physical material that shows where we can take education once it is transformed with the participation of boys and girls
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    Informe final de pasantía entramado de emociones: una contribución a las prácticas de las madres comunitarias en el marco de la educación emocional
    Melo Cuzaria, Michel; Fernández Jutinico, María del Socorro; Fernández Jutinico, María del Socorro [0000-0002-0884-1133]
    The purpose of this report is to present the experience of the internship as a degree modality, carried out at the Colombian Institute of Child Welfare (ICBF), in the Usaquén area center. The internship began in September and ended in December 2022, with a total duration of 386 hours, in which the activities indicated in the inter-institutional agreement and the implementation of the pedagogical project "Lattice of Emotions: A Contribution to the Practices of Community Mothers in the Framework of Emotional Education", which was developed with the community mothers of the "Mafalda" children's community home, where different pedagogical actions of strengthening, reflection and learning about emotions were carried out. The experience allowed gaining important elements for professional praxis, contributed to improve personal aspects and, above all, made it possible to meet people with human warmth who left their mark.
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    Mubasuca: un camino hacia muysccubun. “Sistematización de una experiencia pedagógica que potencia la resignificación de la cultura Muisca con el nivel 6 de la Escuela Pedagógica Experimental”
    Caita Sepulveda, Maria Camila; Delgadillo Cely, Ingrid Sissy; Delgadillo Cely, Ingrid Sissy [0000-0001-5042-7254]
    The following work aims to capture the importance of the Muisca culture in the educational context, since it is possible to perceive an invisibility and little identity of the ancestral memory on the part of the children. Over time, it is seen how the language of colonization permeates, leaving aside in everyday life the ancestral roots of our origins. Stuart Hall (2014, p. 12) defines cultural identity as the fact that: “identities are built through difference, and not outside of it: they are a product of exclusion, subject to the games of power.” It is clear how in school there has always been a dominant identity that permeates the subjects who relate in this context and that prevails over others, establishing itself as unique, true and unquestionable.
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    Distintas estrategias en la enseñanza de la lectura y la escritura: nuevas perspectivas de representación iconográfica en aulas de segundo y tercer grado de primaria
    Hurtado Sánchez, Paula Tatiana; Galindo Martínez, Paula Natalia; Angulo Noguera, Yamilet; Angulo Noguera, Yamilet [0009-0007-5510-2898]
    This paper gives an account of the pedagogical and research process developed in the District Educational Institution Liceo Agustín Nieto Caballero, in the second and third grades of primary school. This project aims to link images and iconographic resources to the processes in which children are going through in relation to learning to read and write. To this end, the difficulties in the acquisition of the linguistic code were identified, in addition to designing a pedagogical proposal focused on the analysis and reflection of iconographic resources, enabling the reinforcement of reading and writing processes; Finally, the interpretations and creations made by the children were analyzed.
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    Tejer encuentros: un camino de posibilidades, para el fortalecimiento de los procesos educativos de niñas y niños en una escuela rural de Boyacá a través de actuaciones basadas en el aprendizaje dialógico mediante el voluntariado
    Ballesteros Espitia, Catalina; Castro Montana, Jhon Edgar
    The current report presents the internship experience as a volunteer in the first cohort of the “Viva la Escuela” program as a teacher in training for the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Pedagogy at the UDFJC. The program in question arises as a commitment by the MEN to address the lags and learning gaps in various populations, mobilizing university students to rural schools in the country. The experience that took place for this writing took place in the department of Boyacá - municipality of Santa Rosa de Viterbo, in the Villa Nueva school located in the recognized village with the same name, 50 minutes (walking) from the municipal center of the territory where is the IE Casilda Zafra of which the school is a part. The volunteering was carried out in person full time for 3 months, with 40 hours for week within which the multigrade classroom was accompanied through different activities to improve and strengthen the educational processes of children in an academic and framework school coexistence based on socio-emotional well-being and dialogic learning. The implementation of strategies was carried out through Succesful Educational Actions -AEE- within the framework of the program and also other activities organized and proposed in the autonomy and responsibility of the volunteer typical of pedagogical work in educational institutions such as planning, realizaron and evaluation class, design of didactic activities, construction of materials and management of resources, permanent support in all learning and teaching processes. In this way, the document presents, first contextualization of the program and the internship, the proposals and objectives, following the analysis of results from the activities developed focused on 3 educational actions that are: dialogic gatherings, interactive groups and extension of time. Learning. Finally, the evaluation, reflections and recommendations.
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    Pedagogía de la luz: una posibilidad para la promoción del desarrollo integral a través del arte y la literatura como actividades rectoras de la primera infancia
    González Julio, Paula de Jesús; Torres Garay, Isabel
    This report arises from the project carried out as a degree modality during the internship of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Pedagogy at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas with the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF), developed in eight Service Units (UDS) and Community Welfare Homes (HCB) of the ICBF. Initially, it addresses the importance of creating educational environments mediated by the Pedagogy of Light, integrating art and literature as guiding activities for Early Childhood. A proposal aligned with the technical, political and curricular referents for early education, as well as with the State Policy for Comprehensive Early Childhood Care (Law 1804 of 2016). Among the objectives of this proposal was included the creation of spaces where children could explore, learn and develop in a comprehensive manner, through educational experiences based on light environments. In addition, it sought to provide accompaniment to community mothers and educational agents, facilitating the construction of dialogues to plan strategies that would promote the development of children. The report goes on to summarize the experience in first person, highlighting the creation of pedagogical proposals, rich in materials, tools and sensations, aimed at exploration, observation and the creation of sensitive spaces, inspired by the postulates of Loris Malaguzzi (1968), regarding his concept of the classroom as a third teacher and his approach to the Pedagogy of Light. The project also recognizes children as autonomous subjects, protagonists of their own development, capable of transforming their environment and those around them. Finally, some conclusions about the scope of the internship process and reflections about it are presented.
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    Informe final de pasantía interacción con el entorno nacional e internacional de la Licenciatura en Educación Infantil
    Ríos Molina, Yisel Lorena; Mojica Ríos, Lyda
    This report describes the results obtained as a result of the activities carried out within the framework of the degree work modality of the Francisco José de Caldas District University called Internship, as established in agreement 038 of July 2015. This internship is part of the Self-assessment and Accreditation process of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education, particularly in relation to factor 7 “Interaction with the National and International Environment” of the LEI during the 2022-3 academic term.
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    Impacto social de la licenciatura en educación infantil
    Morales Palacio, Ana María; Beltrán Jiménez, Harold
    The evaluation of the social impact of the LEI (Bachelor of Early Childhood Education) program is established in order to carry out the relevant processes in the qualification of the program at the higher education level. Therefore, this document aims to present the results obtained in the research on the evaluation of the social impact of the LEI Program, belonging to the Francisco José de Caldas District University, through the occupational performance of the graduates (2007 period to 2023). ) in Bogota. It is concluded that the social impact of the program has been very positive and significant, due to the relevance, relevance and applicability it has in the environment where the graduates have worked.
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    Resignificación del espacio en el que transitan los NNA del Centro Zonal Kennedy (ICBF) y acompañamiento a las madres comunitarias en su proceso pedagógico por medio de la creación de una cartilla pedagógica de fácil comprensión
    Clavijo Saavedra, Maria Paula; Marroquín Olaya, Laura Valentina; Torres Garay, Isabel Mercedes
    This document takes into account two proposals, the first arises from the needs reflected in the technical assistance visits to community homes, since it was possible to show that a percentage of community mothers have little appropriation of the pedagogical concepts required in the operating manual. Regarding the learning environments, the planning, the pedagogical proposal, the follow-up of development and the qualitative scale, established by the ICBF, which allows us to trace at a theoretical, reflective and descriptive level what was evidenced throughout the study. internship and the second moment accounts for a process of construction of a space that is intended for children and adolescents (NNA) in the Kennedy zonal center.
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    Resignificando los saberes de la multidiversidad de infancias que podemos encontrar en “Tocaimita Usme”, por medio de la Literatura y el Juego
    Delgado Suarez, Brigette Katherine; Ordoñez Tapiero, Kelly Johanna; Ramírez Cabanzo, Ana Brizet; Ramírez Cabanzo, Ana Brizet [0000-0001-7240-6788]
    In Colombia, the Ministry of National Education has as an Early Childhood Education Proposal, working under 4 pillars that help the integral development of children in Early Childhood, despite this, this educational proposal does not reach all corners of our country, which is why this project is developed under the guidance of these 4 pillars, in the Tocaimita neighborhood; Working with a community that is made up of Afro and Mestizo populations, which are located in one of the outskirts of the city of Bogotá, our problem question is: How to give new meaning to the Knowledge of the multidiversity of childhoods that we can find in the Tocaimita neighborhood in the town of Usme through Literature and Play as guiding activities of Early Childhood Education?; giving the possibility of giving value and importance to those customs and ancestral knowledge that each boy and girl can contribute to society.
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    Entre palabras y títeres: un camino hacia la exploración de las obras teatrales creadas por niños y niñas para el fortalecimiento de las relaciones interpersonales
    Lugo Bonilla, Daniela Camila; Pulido Mantilla, Camila Andrea; Angulo Noguera, Yamilet; Angulo Noguera, Yamilet [0009-0007-5510-2898]
    This monograph covers the research carried out during the years 2022 and 2023 at the Colegio Liceo Nacional Agustín Nieto Caballero, with the objective of strengthening the interpersonal relationships of students through the recognition of themselves and others through literature and art. After identifying problems such as verbal aggression and deficiencies in writing, the question is raised about the influence of the puppet plays created by fifth grade students on interpersonal relationships. The research combines theoretical contributions from various authors with training practice, using the research-action creation method, where imagination is the main educational instrument. The resulting pedagogical proposal seeks to foster empathy, respect, cooperative work and positive interpersonal relationships among students through experiences mediated by literature and puppet theater.