Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil

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    La paz en el marco de la jurisdicción especial para la paz(JEP) percepción ciudadana
    Vanegas Forero, Katerín; Gómez Bonilla , Nancy
    This research reveals the perspective of Colombians regarding the Special Justice for Peace (JEP) and its actions towards its victims, placing all the media as a reliable source, which in turn form the public opinions of the vast majority of this population.
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    Análisis de las dificultades presentadas por las niñas de quinto grado del LIFEMA al gestionar y expresar sus emociones
    Escobar González , Vanessa; García Méndez, Daniela; Marulanda Hidalgo, Lynn
    This document exposes the accompaniment in the transition from fourth to fifth grade at the Mercedes Nariño Women's High School of Cundinamarca (LIFEMA). The main focus is to analyze and recognize the difficulties that students face in expressing and managing their emotions, underlining the importance of emotional education in the school environment. The content is structured in six chapters: the first addresses the problem; the second reviews previous research that highlights the relevance of the topic; the third presents the conceptual framework, including key concepts such as emotion, emotional education, emotionality, motivation, childhood and gender focus, with an emphasis on the female gender. The fourth chapter delves into the strategy of systematization of experiences; the fifth sets out the emerging categories of the process; and the sixth concludes with recommendations to promote practices that promote active and conscious participation in teacher training.
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    Oralidad: Una estretaegìa pedagógica al fortalecimiento de la alfabetización inicial desde la creaciòn de cuentos
    Arévalo Hurtado, Carol Tatiana; Rondón Guarnizo, Sara Gabriela; Lynn Marulanda Hidalgo
    This monographic thesis is developed from the problems evidenced mainly in the initial literacy processes of boys and girls in first and second grade at the Gabriel García Márquez school in the municipality of Soacha, thus identifying the need to intervene from methodologies that implement the different artistic languages ​​mediated mainly from orality for the strengthening of literacy and the possible solution of the basic problem.
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    IDENTI-TREN: VIAJAR PARA ENCONTRARNOS la memoria colectiva como estrategia para la construcción de identidades territoriales en niños y niñas
    Ovalle Cerón, Angela Patricia; Ramírez Cabanzo , Ana Brizet
    This research focuses on the design, implementation, and analysis of an educational proposal aimed at strengthening territorial identity in children. Through a series of activities based on project-based learning and the use of stories as narrative tools, children were guided in the process of exploring and exploiting their personal and cultural experiences. The study was based on key theories on collective memory, territorial identity and migratory resilience, showing how these activities will allow children to externalize their memories and integrate their individual experiences into a collective framework, thus reinforcing their sense of belonging to a community. The results reflect that the proposal is effective in its objective of building and strengthening territorial identity, but also underlines the importance of flexibility and the ability to adapt in the implementation of activities. In conclusion, the IDENTI-TREN booklet is presented as a valuable and significant tool in the educational context, especially in scenarios of cultural diversity, highlighting the need for a reflective and dynamic pedagogical approach that adapts to the realities and needs of children to achieve a lasting impact on their identity-building process.
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    Saberes y conocimientos tradicionales sobre las plantas en el territorio de tocaimita - una mirada desde el dialogo intergeneracional
    Lopez Castro, Laura Carolina; Martinez Montoya, Mellanie; Delgadillo Cely, Ingrid Sissy; Delgadillo Cely , Ingrid Sissy [0000-0001-5042-7254]
    The objective of this monograph is to present the investigative pedagogical experience that was carried out with boys and girls from Tocaimita – Usme in Bogota, city. Where was Taken into account the Educational Action Research process with a qualitative approach. Interventions were carried out focused on the rescue and valorization of traditional knowledge about plants, through intergenerational dialogues, based on the memory and experiences of subjects, promoting community ties and the cultural identity of the territory
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    Nuestros pasado en nuestro presente,pasantía psynfonia en contextos sociales y educativos
    (Universidad Francisco Jose de Caldas) Ariza Mogollon, Carol Dayana; Beltrán Jiménez, Harold
    Within this document, you will find a step-by-step description of the pedagogical work carried out under the guidelines of popular education, cartography, memory, and "sentipensante" education in different contexts, with a particular focus on the peripheral area such as Ciudad Bolivar. This work is centered on a personal pedagogical and educational interest in using social cartography, memory, and history as dynamic tools in spaces where childhood is present. In the development of this pedagogical project under the internship degree format, it became necessary to create spaces, such as the Psynfonia Integral Center, which allowed for alliances with other locations, enabling collaborative work for the internship project titled "Internship Proposal for Social and Academic Support with Boys and Girls at the Psynfonia Integral Development Center located in District 19."
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    La actividad investigativa en niñas y niños en la Escuela Pedagógica Experimental
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Piñeros Carvajal , Natalia Carolina; Angulo Noguera , Yamilet
    In this documentary theoretical research, the traditional approach is questioned educational system where students rarely carry out real investigations, limiting themselves to search for information without going deeper. The research seeks to understand how boys and girls of the Experimental Pedagogical School carry out research activities. It is discussed about Whether learning is best promoted through teaching or learning, with emphasis on importance of giving freedom and autonomy to students to foster their ability investigative. The need to observe and allow students to lead their own learning, asking your questions and conducting meaningful research. HE recognizes the role of the teacher as facilitator and mediator in this process. By prioritizing the student research, based on their own interests and concerns, is promotes an active and participatory learning environment that encourages autonomy, creativity and motivation to learn. In conclusion, classroom research presented as a powerful tool to transform education and make the Learning is meaningful and stimulating for all students.
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    Constitución del pensamiento ambiental en la Escuela Pedagógica Experimental
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Urueña Luna , Diana Katerin; Ángulo Noguera , Yamilet
    This paper addresses the constitution of environmental thinking (EP), and raises the question: what pedagogical, epistemological and cultural criteria emerge in the activities of the Experimental Pedagogical School for the constitution of the EP in this educational scenario. The reflection on the civilizational and environmental crisis, the ontological features and principles that are at the base of the EP and the concern about how, from our role as research teachers, possible scenarios are made possible to contribute to the search for solutions and promote other ways of thinking, living and inhabiting guide the constitution of the theoretical-methodological referents of the research carried out. The document presents eight sections, in the first one the context of origin and justification of the work is presented, it is specified on the interaction with the physical, natural and sociocultural environment; the consequences of environmental problems; thematization and conceptualization on environmental thinking (EP) and the commitment of the teacher. In the second, the background, in the third, the conceptual referents. The fourth chapter presents and addresses the aspects related to the civilizational and environmental crisis; the cultural imperatives presented in the economic model; the relationship between North-South, South-North and South-South thinking; the ontological perspectives on the environment; the views associated with environmental thinking and the ethical-political commitment of the teacher. The fifth chapter presents the methodological procedure; the sixth chapter describes the context of the Experimental Pedagogical School (EPE), the methodology of the Open Totality Activities (ATAs), the work around classroom projects and the lines of work around the environment. The seventh chapter presents the voice of the students and teachers in the garden and farm project. The eighth chapter presents the reflections and finally, the bibliographical references. As a contribution of the research, we bet on thinking that from school we can contribute to the transformation of our actions, ways of living, inhabiting our territories and ways of relating to our environment when the epistemological, pedagogical and cultural aspects are taken into account in the experiences that are fostered in and from the school context. Reflecting on the visions, thoughts, projects and activities that have been carried out in different instances (academic, classroom, school) to talk about environmental thinking, are a bridge that enables a social transformation, enriching our thinking, world views and the way we relate to the environment, to learn to live together (community-nature, being-environment, humanity-planet) abandoning the anthropocentric view and thinking that we have established in our society (Western thinking).
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    Guardianes de la tierra: Fortaleciendo el pensamiento reflexivo a través de la ecoformación en los niños del aula multigrado del Liceo Campestre Harvard.
    Cagua Solórzano, Judy Andrea; Beltrán Jimenez, Harold; Beltrán Jimenez, Harold [0000-0002-6698-4319]
    This research work aims to implement strategies based on eco-training to strengthen reflective thinking in a group of 10 boys and girls in a multigrade classroom of the Liceo Campestre Harvard in Suba, Bogota. Through sessions designed to encourage reflection on the care and preservation of the earth, in which the students' initiative to call themselves “Guardians of the Earth” arose, motivated by concern about the negative impact of human actions on the planet, they decided to reuse solid waste to create toys, culminating in a “mini fair” with their creations. The activities included explorations about nature, creation of informative posters and the consolidation of the “Guardians of the Earth” project, thus promoting awareness and awareness of the environment. The activities included nature explorations, the creation of informative posters and the consolidation of the “Guardians of the Earth” project, thus promoting awareness and action towards the preservation of the earth among the children and the active participation of their families.
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    Incidencia del aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera en la expresión oral de los niños y niñas de jardín 2
    Niño Jimenez, Luisa Fernanda; Gordon Diaz , Maria Fernanda; Marulanda Hidalgo, Lynn
    This project is mainly focused on knowing what impact learning English as a foreign language has on children's oral expression. For this, we focused on the perspective of different authors who helped us understand how both the mother tongue and a second language are developed and learned. In the same way, these authors provide us with information that allows us to understand the different stages that these processes have and how, despite everything, each child does it differently. To put these theories into practice, we proposed a methodological path, which allowed us to better understand what each of the authors tells us, because thanks to the different tools and instruments used in this research, we were able to clarify some doubts that arose throughout it.
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    Reconocimiento de la soberanía alimentaria en los niños y la niña de las familias Villalba y Caldera: a partir de la ecopedagogía en las concepciones sobre alimentos y alimentación
    Villalba Caldera, Eva Sandrith; Ruiz Gutiérrez, Lindy Marcela; Castro Montaña, Jhonn Edgar; Castro Montaña, Jhonn Edgar [0000-0002-1198-6771]
    This work consists of a research project, which seeks to contribute to the recognition of food sovereignty, to empower people with alternatives and initiatives of their own where food is valued beyond access to food, the recognition of peasants and of real alliances that guarantee autonomy and the value of their own are indispensable. For this reason, the initial conceptions of food and feeding of the child are taken into account to give meaning to new situations, also, through ecopedagogy can be analyzed and reflected on the actions of each one, and the incidences both in the present and in the future. The research is based on a qualitative method and as a methodology the systematization of experiences, from which it is possible the construction of knowledge, the promotion of critical sense to contribute to new transformations where the present realities are recognized.
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    Co-construyendo Identidades desde la diferencia : una posibilidad dentro de los proyectos heterogéneos de la EPE
    Novoa Ortiz, Lisney Tatiana; Angulo Noguera, Yamilet; Angulo Noguera, Yamilet [0009-0007-5510-2898]
    This research work originates from the research internship conducted at the Corporación Pedagógica Experimental, whose purpose is to train teachers in investigative environments. The novelty of this study lies in its phenomenological and alterity approach to understanding the educational phenomenon at the Escuela Pedagógica Experimental, specifically in heterogeneous projects. From this perspective, the initial interest of the research has evolved towards exploring the potential of these projects, highlighting difference, alterity, diversity, and singularity. This approach is based on educational and philosophical theoretical foundations, as well as interviews and observations of the learning environments conducted at the school. The development of this work represents the first phase of grounded theory, utilizing open coding based on sampling and observation. The aim is to generate categories from the feelings and knowledge of teachers and students, allowing for the revelation of the relevance of heterogeneity in the school and contributing to coexistence among many possible worlds.
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    Una apuesta por la implementación de una educación alimentaria y nutricional en el Liceo Femenino Mercedes Nariño
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Pira Gómez, Laura Daniela; Morales Martinez, Kesly Dayana; Castro Montaña, Jhon Edgar; Delgadillo Cely, Ingrid Sissy; Delgadillo Cely, Ingrid Sissy [0000-0001-5042-7254]
    This research was developed within the framework of a district educational institution in the city of Bogotá, in order to reflect on everyday life based on the eating practices of each of the participating girls, thanks to the identification of a latent problem there in terms of the relationship with food and the learning of the girls, it led to the creation and implementation of educational strategies thus managing to bring them to the Strengthening the critical attitude, this process implied the involvement of themselves, the authors, the educational community and the family, producing a joint work and a greater impact than expected, thus bringing with it the understanding of what refers to food and nutrition from a pedagogical perspective both at the local level, national and worldwide.
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    Una educación ambiental con enfoque de género hacia un empoderamiento femenino de las niñas de 7 a 10 años del LFMN para la construcción de un camino hacia una conciencia ciudadana.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Martínez Leal, Luz Dary; Quitora López , Leidy Valentina; Marroquin Fierro, Rafael
    This research mentions an educational experience towards female empowerment and the construction of a path towards citizen awareness through environmental education with a gender focus, this took place in a female IED with childhoods between 7 and 10 years old, specifically with 3rd and 4th grade, where the empowerment existing in all of them is studied and how this can be unified for the identification and solution of problems that arise in their most immediate contexts, from here strengthen their thoughts and citizenship so that later it can be carried into through their daily life not only in the school context but also outside of it, in addition, the appropriation of inner power, the power of and the power with, was sought with this, so that in this way they continue to be/participate in their own decisions, your environment and your life.
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    Promoción de la conciencia ecológica en niños y niñas a través del diseño, creación y validación del juego de mesa “El mundo de Olinguito”, basado en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible.
    Pardo Jerez, Alix Katherine; Camacho Ojeda, Sindy Julieth; Torres Garay, Isabel Mercedes
    The objective of this degree project was to create a board game called “The world of Olinguito”. This work was created with the purpose of promoting the ecological awareness of boys and girls taking into account nine objectives of sustainable development. This creation includes the complete design and research process of the mechanics and dynamics, all of this reflected in the final prototype. The world of Olinguito is a game with the theme of resource management; It is conceived as an original game where players can test the way they solve problems and make decisions. In the same way, they will have the possibility of innovating and demonstrating their knowledge about sustainable development, starting from the creation of their own strategies to guarantee the well-being of their community and the preservation of ecosystems. Keywords: ecological awareness, board game, creative process, sustainable development.
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    Construyendo soberanía alimentaria: el rol de la educación popular en la problematización de las relaciones con el alimento de los niños, niñas y adolescentes del hogar AmaneSer
    Sánchez Rojas, Jeniffer; Chilito Amorocho, Jeimy Viviana; Torres Garay, Isabel Mercedes
    The present research work entitled “BUILDING FOOD SOVEREIGNTY: the role of Popular Education in the problematization of the relationships with food of the children and adolescents of the AmaneSer Home”, revolves around the systematization of the experience carried out in the framework of the pedagogical practice of the Nature, Memory and Power deepening line, belonging to the curricular project of the Bachelor's Degree in Childhood Pedagogy of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, between the years 2021 and 2023.
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    Sistematización del balance de vivencias y prácticas de 2022 y 2023
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Parada Riaño, Erika Julieth; Ramirez Cabanzo, Ana Brizet; Ramirez Cabanzo, Ana Brizet [0000-0001-7240-6788]
    The report presents the results of the internship of the Experiences and Practices Committee of the Degree in Early Childhood Education of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, during the academic periods of 2022 and 2023-3. It is organized into five chapters: 1. Frame of Reference: The objectives, justification and conceptual references are defined there, highlighting the experience as an investigative process that contributes to training. 2. Work Plan: The approach used to meet the objectives is detailed, including the stages of each activity and relevant findings, as well as surveys of teachers and students about their experiences and practices. 3. Analysis of the Results Obtained: The learning, skills and new perspectives acquired are analyzed, as well as their impact on pedagogical practice. 4. Evaluation and Fulfillment of the Internship Objectives: There, the fulfillment of the objectives, individual achievements and the impact of the pedagogical experiences on the development of skills are evaluated. 5. Learning, Conclusions and Recommendations: Learning is summarized and recommendations are offered to improve the functioning of the Committee, in order to optimize the experience of future interns. The report concludes by highlighting how this experience has enriched the intern's training as a child pedagogue and proposes suggestions for the continuous improvement of the program.
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    Canciones para hacer la diferencia: la influencia de las rondas infantiles en la deconstrucción de las prácticas racistas
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Perlaza Dorado , Laura Valentina; Marroquín Fierro , Rafael
    Thinking about a fair school for everyone, without a doubt, is a job that is indispensable in the Colombian educational system, not only does it seek to be fair in the area of ​​responsibility, but rather to provide the same opportunities to everyone who converge in these spaces regardless of their sociocultural construction and ways of identifying themselves before society. This commitment to curricular justice is created from the spaces where knowledge about what we consider important is founded; it is from the work in the classroom and with children where all those cultural fabrics that have historically been silenced by others can be given new meaning. exact knowledge. It should be noted that for some time now we have been facing much more diverse spaces, understanding that migration brought with it new practices, ways of relating and ways of seeing the world in. where we coexist.
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    El juego como expresión de la cultura desde las voces de los intereses en el Agroparque los Soches
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Ángel Cuervo, Paula Sofía; Silva Buenaño, Fabiola Andrea; Ramírez Cabanzo, Ana Brizet; 0000-0001-7240-6788
    The purpose of the monograph is to make visible the importance of peasant children, vindicating their knowledge, traditions, and social construction. For this purpose, a pedagogical project called "The game as an expression of the peasant culture from the children's voices of Agroparque the Soches" was generated, this is established from three main nuclei: game, identity, and narratives from which the results of the research were generated and made it possible to frame the processes of peasant culture. The analysis of this information was done by means of a systematization, and concluded with a reflection on quality education and the importance of it being situated and always under construction.
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    Los juegos ancestrales como estrategia, desde relatos biográficos, para la valoración de sí y el reconocimiento del otro en Agroparque los Soches
    Gómez Uribe, Alexander; Ramírez Valencia, Astrid; Ramírez Valencia, Astrid [0000-0002-3025-5982]
    The game is, by excellence, a child’s experience. During play, boys and girls share their own identity, as they put into action manifestations of the culture, they have subjectivized, such as: beliefs, ways of coexistence, ways of interrelating, ethics towards others, among others. The children of Agroparque Los Soches play and, to that extent, the ancestral or traditional games they play are used to execute a pedagogical strategy in which they play and expose through biographical stories the experiences lived during the game, in order to promote the reflection of themselves as valuation and the other as recognition of the other, sides of the same coin of cultural identity.