Maestría en Ingeniería Industrial
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Ítem Diseño de un modelo de asignación de recursos compartidos en el sector de las telecomunicaciones a través de gestión de proyectosCasallas Vargas, David Estiven; Méndez Giraldo, Germán Andrés; Méndez Giraldo, Germán Andrés [0000-0002-0223-3575]The research is focused on the design and structuring of a model for the allocation of shared resources, both work and non-consumable resources, for the development and control of projects in telecommunications companies. The structure is based on the criteria, procedures and simultaneous scheduling algorithm defining the allocation and dispatch rules, the above, in order to establish the efficient use of the resources required in telecommunications services supply projects, taking into account the management times and end customer service levels.Ítem Metodología de diagnóstico de desarrollo sostenible en las zonas rurales de Colombia, mediante un modelo simuladoGonzález Velasco, Michelle Nathalie; Méndez Giraldo, German Andrés; Suárez Roldan, Carolina; Méndez Giraldo German Andrés [0000-0003-0885-2518]; Suárez Roldan Carolina [0000-0003-1933-1363]Public policies for the development of rural areas have been ineffective, since they do not fully respond to the particular needs and dynamics of these territories in Colombia. It is important to carry out diagnoses aimed at rural territories, since they provide clear knowledge of their current conditions. A diagnostic model of sustainable development in rural areas of Colombia is presented, which starts by defining the variables of sustainable development, then it is represented by a causal model that allows integration through fuzzy logic with the continuous simulation model, carried out with VBA (Visual Basic for Application). The importance values of the dimensions of sustainable development are determined, that is, how much economic, productive, environmental and social development weighs respectively. Likewise, the four output variables that correspond to the individual qualifications of the economic, social, productive and environmental dimensions are obtained. From this, the integral qualification of Sustainable Development for the 98 rural municipalities of Colombia is defined.Ítem Propuesta metodológica para la etapa de pre inversión de alianzas público privadas en Colombia. Caso sector educación – Infraestructura Bibliotecas EscolaresPérez Cristancho, Sonia del Pilar; Calderon, María Eugenia; Calderón, María Eugenia [0000-0002-1867-0083]The methodological proposal for the pre-investment stage of infrastructure in libraries in the country contributes to look again at the models of economic and public policy, so it is not a question of creating a new one but of critically interpreting PPP models and their development, through After their evaluation, they can be restructured and have a more radical appreciation of their role in contributing to the national Education project.Ítem Propuesta para el uso de Blockchain en un caso de estudio con sistemas de Industria 4.0Méndez Furque, Sandra Milena; Rodríguez Molano, José Ignacio; Rodríguez Molano, José Ignacio [0000-0003-2581-277X]The propose for use the Blockchain in a study case with a Industry 4.0 system, arises due to the results of new research and technological innovations. The Blockchain or also known as blockchain, revolutionizes the traditional transactional processes as they are known today, initially its field of action that presents it to the world is the field of cryptocurrencies. However, the application of this technique does not stop there. Fields of application have been explored in different areas ranging from health, government, administrative, financial and even manufacturing, among others. For this reason arises the intention to deepen on the subject starting from the present proposal, which begins from a research act, to identify possible techniques and tools to implement this purpose, generating a representative and approximate model of a system that contains devices that can establish communication with an Internet platform, that adds a second component known as the Internet of Things (IoT), not without first performing the due processing of the information, being ready to be marked with a unique value that identifies it within its system, with a time stamp and a registered value, concatenated with each other, as a result of applying Blockchain technology. The integration of the above described is achieved, as a possible proposal to be implemented in real life systems, reaching to solve issues of resource availability for the manufacture of products; the early identification of failures within a manufacturing process; without leaving aside the improvement in the use of raw materials and response times to the different operations within the process.Ítem Aproximación a un modelo multiagente para domiciliarios urbanosSilva Aparicio, José David; Álvarez Pomar, Lindsay; Álvarez Pomar, Lindsay [0000-0002-8818-0901]Context: There is a need to understand why fast-food couriers cluster in specific points of a city (Bogotá in this case) due to the rise of shared economy applications such as Rappi, Uber Eats,, and other fast-food delivery apps. Additionally, there is an interest in comprehending the key factors influencing the emergence of these clusters. Method: Information was collected from primary sources and subsequently refined using statistical methods and expert systems, identifying the relevant variables that allowed for the formulation of a model and ultimately determining the appropriate simulation methodology for this case. Results: In contrast to the initial hypothesis that the primary motivation for couriers to gather in specific city points was to maximize the number of orders (income), factors such as safety, convenience, and above all, friendship, proved to be decisive for these agglomerations. Conclusions: The homogeneity of general characteristics among the population working as couriers turns out to be a crucial factor in explaining the emergence of clusters in specific city points.Ítem Red colaborativa de pequeños agricultores para promover el uso de tecnologías de la información en la comercializaciónSuárez Susa, Liza Bibiana; Álvarez Pomar , Lindsay; Álvarez Pomar, Lindsay [0000-0002-8818-0901]The agricultural sector has been characterized by a technological lag that has hindered the use of information systems that could facilitate collaborative relationships for product marketing. However, beyond the technological gap, the supporting organizational infrastructure appears to be the key to reaping the benefits derived from effective technology utilization. This project will address the study of collaborative networks, focusing on a rural area in the Department of Antioquia, Colombia. This will be achieved through expert analysis and agent-based simulation, with the goal of designing strategies to enable their implementation and thus promote the use of information technologies in marketing.Ítem Modelo de programación de la producción con cancelación de trabajos en sistemas open shop mediante algoritmos meméticosBlanco Cañon, Angie Lizeth; Álvarez Pomar, Lindsay; Rojas Galeano, Sergio Andrés; Blanco Cañon, Angie Lizeth [0000-0002-2638-7667]; Rojas Galeano, Sergio Andrés [0000-0002-5062-2487]Within combinatorial optimization, machine scheduling is one of the most relevant problems to solve, which allows companies to make decisions on operations management, specifically in the definition of a schedule that dictates the order in which process the activities corresponding to a set of jobs on a set of machines. This research proposes a memetic algorithm in which an iterated local search method will enhance a metaheuristic developed by the authors called FLW. The metaheuristics is based on agents and considers different mechanisms for exploring and escaping local optima that have shown efficient results in continuous domains. The application is carried out in the open shop scheduling problem with the minimization of the makespan as objective function, additionally the algorithm will contemplate the possibility that a job can be canceled and that a job enters the system at any moment of the construction of the solution.Ítem Desarrollo de un modelo de satisfacción del cliente basado en herramientas de diseño de producto y marketing emocionalGuayacán Conde, Juan Sebastián; Sáenz Blanco, Fabiola; Sáenz Blanco, Fabiola [0000-0003-0040-1296]This research presents the development of a customer satisfaction model based on product design tools and emotional marketing applied in a Colombian company that produces and markets food products; For this, a model is proposed based on three components: Functional, emotional and economic. The validation of the proposed variables was carried out from structural equations, for their subsequent verification through the Kano Model and multilayer perceptron neural networks.Ítem Diseño de un método que calcule la capacidad de una avenida teniendo en cuenta las características y fenómenos del comportamiento vehicularLópez Tibaquirá, Laura Alejandra; Álvarez Pomar, LindsayRoad capacity is defined as the maximum number of vehicles per unit of time that can reasonably be expected to pass through the section of an avenue, in one direction or in several directions under specific traffic conditions (MathCad, 2000); however, the variables associated with vehicular behavior such as the presence of bicycles, motorbikes, aggressive drivers, separation, parking lots and bus stops are not considered in the different measurement methods. These variables can be related to those that generate loss of capacity in production systems. This research proposes a method that calculates the capacity of an avenue taking into account characteristics and predominant phenomena in vehicular behavior. Initially, the main concepts and methods of calculating road capacity and production are compiled, relating the two, to later design a method that calculates road capacity; and finally, through a case, the predominant dependent quantitative relationships between road capacity and vehicular behavior are simulated, as well as the relationship between the calculation of road capacity and production, in order to verify the application of the formulated method . The week between the methods used to calculate the production capacity and those used to calculate the road capacity, allows us to observe that some variables associated with vehicular behavior arise from the real capacity of the roads. The calculation of the road capacity must consider the vehicular behavior in order to differentiate between the installed capacity of a road, the available capacity and the used one.Ítem Efecto de asimetrías de capacidades logísticas en la sostenibilidad de la cadena de suministro de alimentos perecederosMaya Trujillo, Tatiana; Orjuela Castro, Javier Arturo; Orjuela Castro Javier Arturo [0000-0001-7857-5064]Given consumer trends and constant changes in the market, the customer pays more attention to aspects related to the food they are buying. A greater awareness in consumption has generated that sustainability becomes a fundamental part of the management of food supply chains. For this reason, it is necessary to study the behaviors that can influence sustainability. This research focuses on determining how the asymmetries of existing logistics capacities affect, at the inter-link level, the sustainability of the perishable food supply chain, seen from the three dimensions (social, environmental and economic). This document deals with the frame of reference in which the research originates and on which the problem statement, its justification, hypothesis and objectives are made, as well as the exhaustive development of each one of these objectives, in which It mainly seeks to define the relationship between asymmetries of logistics capacities and the sustainability of the chain, both at the conceptual level and at the level of representation, through an optimization model that covers the configuration of the chain by optimizing performance measures related to the three dimensions of sustainability, in the same way the model represents three asymmetries of quantitative and qualitative capacities between two links in the chain and the effect of these on the performance of the chain is analyzed.Ítem Análisis de la coordinación de actores en la distribución de ayudas de la respuesta logística humanitaria de última milla desde el enfoque de análisis de contenidoSamantha Julieta, Garzón Garcia; Rueda Velasco, Feizar Javier; Rueda Velasco, Feizar Javier [0000-0002-0109-9204]Natural disasters imply a disturbance in society dynamics, in which multiple social, environmental and economic impacts occur. The cycle of humanitarian operations involved in disaster management contemplates phases prior to the event called mitigation and preparation, as well as response and recovery subsequent phases. The response phase is understood as the operational stage in which the community faces the immediate and short-term effects of the disaster. In this scenario, demands arise to meet urgent requirements for the rescue, search and evacuation of people, as well as the quick supply of basic goods such as food, water, shelter and medical services. To attend to these demands, multiple supply chains with a diversity of actors are suddenly activated in the field creating a socio-technical system, i.e., a social network that makes and executes technical decisions for supply flow. These systems are handled by humanitarian logistics and have been characterized as complex, highly uncertain and with multiple challenges, among which the actor’s coordination stands out as one of the most influential factors in improving the effectiveness of response systems. The purpose of this document is to explore the coordination of actors in humanitarian logistics, in particular, the distribution of last-mile aid, considered as the cumulative effect of decision-making in the last link of the supply chain, where the final delivery of aid is made to the victims or demand points. This exploration is done through a mixed approach, with a methodology that begins with the collection of empirical data from four study cases of real events, which collected 191 press articles, 68 reports, 47 communications, 17 videos and 5 external investigations. Sources analysis was addressed through the content analysis technique aimed at the characterization of decision criteria used for the distribution of last-mile humanitarian aid, which is analyzed from the relationships between the attributes included in the analysis: (i) disaster, (ii) type of actor, (iii) publication time and (iv) detailed rule for aid assignation. From the data, the Multiple Correspondence Analysis ACM is proposed as the statistical technique to identify the attributes correlations. Results show a greater correlation between the type of actor and the type of rule used for the distribution, as well as between the type of disaster and the type of distribution rule. These findings allow to make conclusions and recommendations for further research that considers how the nature of the actors involved leads them to make decisions around a preferred set of rules for aid distribution and how these preferences impact the aggregate or global behavior of the response.Ítem Modelación del problema del empleo y desempleo en el ámbito rural, involucrando dinámica de sistemas y la integración con simulación basada en agentesTovar Tovar, Paola Andrea; López Santana, Eduyn Ramiro; López Santana, Eduyn Ramiro [0000-0001-7670-7756]This paper seeks to model the dynamics of employment and unemployment in rural areas, making use of two widely used methodologies for the simulation of social phenomena: agent-based simulation and system dynamics. The intention is to collect the variables and/or agents that directly or indirectly affect the dynamics of the labor market and model its characteristics and interactions. Finally, it seeks to propose and evaluate strategies or policies that improve the conditions of this sector in terms of employment and life's quality.Ítem Diseño de una estrategia metodológica para la optimización del programa de fomento a la innovación y el desarrollo tecnológico del SENA red TecnoparqueAtencio Zambrano, John Jader; Saby Beltrán, Jorge EnriqueThe purpose of this research is to design a methodological strategy to optimize the program to promote innovation and technological development of the SENA1 Red Tecnoparque2, which specifies: management, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, identification and implementation of external factors. , which influence the work of the program and a sustainable and long-term vision of it, focusing specifically on the application of methodologies, understood as the dynamics of soft systems, strategic intelligence and the results chain. As a result, it is evident that this type of methodologies working together allows the finding of comprehensive answers for research and development processes. Additionally, it is recognized that the processes depend almost exclusively on the SENNOVA Management, consequently this is the main actor.Ítem Incidencia de los sistemas de trazabilidad en la reducción del efecto látigo en la cadena de suministro de alimentos perecederosOtero Díaz, Jeysser Johan; Orjuela Castro, Javier Arturo; 0000-0001-7857-5064; Orjuela Castro, Javier Arturo [0000-0001-7857-5064]Traceability system (TS) is part of safety and quality assurance strategy in the perishable food supply chains (PFSC). TS plays an essential role in supporting food logistics system. The TS can provide precise real time information about products and to contribute to alleviate the bullwhip effect. However, the mistakes planning of TSs can influence on bullwhip effect along PFSC. This paper explores strategies for mitigating the bullwhip effect on supply chain performance through a simulation model. A simulation model was developed to assess performance measures in PFSC such as inventory, transport, loss of food, and shortages.Ítem Análisis comparativo de la incidencia de la estructura organizacional de una asociación de recicladores y una empresa de gestión de residuos aprovechables, en la utilidad operacional, en el marco del servicio público de aseo en su actividad de aprovechamientoVelásquez Melo, William; Bohórquez Arévalo, Luz Esperanza; 0000-0001-8401-3471; Bohórquez Arévalo, Luz Esperanza [0000-0001-8401-3471]The main objective of the proposed research is to understand and analyze the organizational dynamics, in addition to making an approximation to the cost structure of existing recycler associations in Bogotá, within the framework of the public cleaning service in its utilization component. There are environmental, governmental, commercial, and internal customer requirements for these recycler associations, which force these organizations to seek different organizational alternatives that adapt to their operational and administrative conditions. It seeks to validate through a simulation based on system dynamics, the financial viability of the organizational structure proposed by the Special Administrative Unit of Public Services UAESP, determining the cost structure and the equilibrium point to correctly guarantee the operation, compared to the provision of the public cleaning service in its utilization component for the city of Bogotá D.C. - Colombia.Ítem Analítica de datos para importaciones y exportaciones de Colombia a partir de datos abiertosGaray Leal, Hector Arturo; Ordoñez Salinas, Sonia del CarmenIn this work, analytical and business intelligence techniques are applied to open data on imports and exports from Colombia and a real-time tool is created - subject to updating the information provided by the virtual sites used - on the trade balance. Open data sources on Colombian imports and exports are analyzed and managed; The indicators and KPIs to be taken into account are determined, the appropriate analytical techniques are proposed to model and project time series that allow to raise the indicators and KPIs, find relationships and patterns from the data previously extracted; the development of a prototype of a BI tool on the trade balance is proposed that allows managing the indicators, relationships and previously defined patterns, in real time and from the open data extracted, updated, added, analyzed and standardized automatically.Ítem Modelo de gestión y transferencia de conocimiento mediante estrategia pedagógica de empresas simuladas. caso centro de comercio y servicios Sena Regional RisaraldaBonilla Cely, Sandra Milena; Medina García, Víctor HugoThis document provides a model for improving and strengthening the educational training processes from management strategies and modern teaching methods, which streamline and make the learning process more efficient facing with the changing world of work and at the same time contributing to the competitiveness of micro, small and medium enterprises " mipymes"Ítem Diseño de una estructura organizacional empresarial integral nodal basada en el fomento del uso de las fuentes de energía limpia como solución a las necesidades energéticas del municipio de Acandí en el departamento del ChocóMancipe Contreras, Efraín; Umaña Villamizar, Flor de MaríaThe need to contribute you to the Colombian population with limited resourses, fom the University to solve the problems caused bay poor electrical service in isolated zones such as: gaps in health services,Ítem Monitoreo electrónico en la evaluación del tiempo máximo de mantenimiento de postura estática.López Carreño, Diana Karina; Gaona Garcia, Elvis EduardoTaking into consideration the correlation between adopted positions as part of a work activity and the occurrence of bone-muscle disorders, the employer-employee shared responsibility to review working conditions becomes a principle. This assessment serves as an anticipation measure to ensure work related health and safety. Since organizations evaluates risks based on injury’s reports and workers complains, the working condition analysis uses a quantitative ergonomic risk assessment of said conditions. Thus, based on sustained working positions as ergonomic risk factor and existing ergonomic assessment methods centered on expert observations, monitoring systems to invasive physiological responses and subjective perceptions of discomfort, we monitored the superficial muscle activity responses and upper body mobility within a the Maximum Holding Time of static position, validating the results through the integration of a technological capture system and the consistency between the results and the individual body characteristics.Ítem Sistema basado en reglas para determinar el campo de aplicación de la simulación en el Sistema de Salud ColombianoHernández Bernal, Laura Natalia; Méndez Giraldo, Germán Andrés; Méndez Giraldo, Germán Andrés [0000-0003-0885-2518]The Healthcare System in Colombia has been the source of numerous issues generated by the inequality in access to health services that the Colombian population has, the poor provision of health services, corruption and others, situations that are widely known that have been occurring in recent years but it is not possible notice the change of this. In this context, this research aims to offer a window in the academic field to address some of the challenges of the Colombian Health System through simulation techniques. These techniques provide robust tools for the improvement and decision-making process, which means that their evaluation is faster and cheaper than carrying out such experiments on the real system. The simulation paradigms used in this research are discrete simulation, continuous simulation and agent-based simulation, techniques that have specific characteristics in their state variables, the interactions between them and their performance measures, which leads to facing the challenge of deciding which is the best technique to use. In this sense, the present investigation intends to design a Rule-based system through interaction with the user, allows determining which is the most appropriate simulation technique to address the problem of interest to the user and indicates the main performance measures, variables, causal relationships and/or behaviors.