Especialización en Avalúos

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    Análisis de precios unitarios (APU) de vivienda rural para tipologías 2b y 3a - según manual de tipologías para avalúos catastrales masivos, IGAC en clima frio - (estudio de estudio municipios de Duitama y Sogamoso Boyacá)
    Huerfano Barbosa, Nelson Leonardo; Aponte Mejía, Juan José; Pérez Carvajal, Edwin Robert
    The report focuses on analyzing rural housing in Duitama and Sogamoso, Boyacá, cold climate regions in Colombia, with the aim of classifying them and performing a unit price analysis (APU) to understand construction costs. The aim is to identify and characterize the popular typologies of rural housing, considering architectural aspects, construction materials and dimensions. In addition, an analysis of unit prices of the necessary materials and resources is carried out, and the results are analyzed to understand the trends and variables that influence construction costs in the region. The report is structured into chapters that address the methodology, results, analysis and conclusions.
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    Cálculo del detrimento patrimonial por la privatización de la vía pública VLM-9.00-04 de la Urbanización Bosque de Rosa Blanca en Villavicencio – Meta, generada por el uso y goce exclusivo de propiedad privada.enerada
    Albornoz Marín, Angela Johana; Linares Parra , Jeferson Alexander; Acuña Carvajal, Hernando
    This project focuses on the evaluation of heritage detriment in public transfer areas, with a case study in the Bosques de Rosa Blanca urbanization, in Villavicencio. The research is based on the need to understand how private use of land that was originally intended for collective purposes can affect the asset value of properties and the finances of local authorities. The central problem lies in the not infrequent practice of developers who, after the constitution of areas for public space, omit the formal delivery of these to the corresponding municipality or district. Just like legal or natural persons, they affect public space through use and enjoyment as private property. This situation generates negative consequences for both property owners, who may experience a devaluation of their properties and the imposition of undue tax burdens, and for the local authority, which is deprived of significant income and faces obstacles in management and maintenance. of these areas, impacting future urban development. The main objective is to identify and examine methods for calculating the compensation value of public concession areas, analyze the impact of this calculation on property owners and local authorities, and suggest solutions to improve the current situation. The research methodology will combine quantitative and qualitative approaches, using current analytical and regulatory tools, such as Resolution: 620 of 2008 of the - IGAC, Resolution 1420 of 1998 and Law 1673 of 2013, among others. This project will contribute to the understanding of the dynamics between the private use of public spaces and its impact on collective heritage, offering a theoretical, conceptual and regulatory framework that allows professionals in the real estate sector, local authorities, developers and property owners real estate, make informed and equitable decisions in the management of public space and compensation for its improper use.
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    Análisis comparativo del costo de la hectárea del cultivo de hoja de coca en las regiones del sur de Córdoba y Pacifico - Nariño de Colombia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cifuentes Suesca, Iván Alexander; Cuervo Ramirez, Juan David; Torres Colmenares, Oscar Fernando
    In Colombia, crops for illicit use have been treated from different public policy approaches, especially coca leaf crops; however, a strong work of economic studies is required to establish bases for the generation of policies with a perspective of substitution. Among the most relevant studies found are those prepared by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in which the country has been divided by region and crops have been studied differentially, which is why From this degree work, the study of the costs involved in installing and sustaining one hectare of coca leaf cultivation in the south of the department of Córdoba and in the department of Nariño was carried out, analyzing which department generates the highest cost and which processes , inputs or others can generate the change in the cost found, additionally, soil conditions are studied in each study region through agrological classes and some crops that are suitable for possible subsequent implementation studies as substitution are mentioned.
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    Estimación del valor comercial de los terrenos de la vereda La Sucia en Medellín mediante la evaluación y selección de algoritmos de inteligencia artificial
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Aranguren Chinchilla, Karen Yiseth; Pérez Carvajal, Edwin Robert
    Currently in Colombia, the figure of the Cadastre is being implemented with the so-called Multipurpose Cadastre, where it is defined as a public service; currently the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute is the governing body and the so-called cadastral managers are also enabled. The importance of maintaining a formed and updated cadastre gained strength after the peace agreement was signed in 2016 and the diagnoses presented in the CONPES documents 3859 of 2016 and 3958 of 2019, where it was identified that the National territory presents a delay in terms of cadastral information. This panorama leads to challenges for the national territory, with the methods currently proposed by the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute in the determination of homogeneous physical and geoeconomic zones, in these the value per square meter of land is defined in areas of similar characteristics, which although they give optimal results, the investment in resources and time is high. This is why there is a need to adopt methodologies that allow optimizing the variables of time and resources. This study aims to analyze 7 artificial intelligence algorithms, measuring their accuracy in determining the commercial value of the land located in the La Sucia area of ​​Medellín - Antioquia, through training the models, analyzing the results and predicting the value.
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    Comparación entre las zonas homogéneas físicas rurales generadas por el IGAC con métodos oficiales y las obtenidas mediante inteligencia artificial en Ataco (Tolima), Aipe (Huila) y San Carlos (Córdoba)
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Patiño Jara, Daniel Ricardo; Rivera Romero, Judy Jasbleidy; Pérez Carvajal, Edwin Robert; Torres Colmenares, Oscar Fernando
    This report addresses the comparison of the rural physical homogeneous zones developed by the IGAC as a government entity in charge of the production and management of geographic, cartographic, agrological and cadastral information in Colombia, in relation to those obtained through machine learning developed in the software. RStudio for the municipalities Ataco (Tolima), Aipe (Huila) and San Carlos (Córdoba); To this end, the methodology of generating rural physical homogeneous zones was used through the implementation of the C50 algorithm as a language code in RStudio and its respective validations; which allowed an analysis of the discrepancies found according to the variable that did not correspond to that determined by the IGAC.
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    Análisis de precios unitarios para la construcción de pozo profundo en el municipio de Yopal, departamento de Casanare
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Holguin Bermudez , Doris Maribel; Nuñez Pinilla , Adriana Gicel; Torres Colmenares, Oscar Fernando
    In the municipality of Yopal, Department of Casanare, Country Colombia, the construction of deep wells is required in the water supply for the region, due to the scarcity of natural surface water, so it has been made the calculation of Unit Price Analysis, which is essential as information of the costs of these constructions to have knowledge of the economic budget and thus avoid loss of money by inefficient planning and ignorance of the investment. A deep well is a special construction that must meet technical, legal, economic and environmental requirements that allow taking the necessary flow, reducing costs and being durable and permanent.
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    Análisis econométrico de precios hedónicos impacto de las variables de las áreas homogéneas de tierra en el valor de los bienes inmuebles rurales en Tenjo
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Alvarado Bernal, Gloria Andrea; Acuña Cubillos, Diego Nicolás; Pérez Carvajal, Edwin Robert
    The study will focus on collecting detailed information on the variables of the Homogeneous Land Areas-AHT, such as soil quality, accessibility, topography and other factors important to the rural real estate market. This data will be analyzed using econometric techniques to understand how they affect property prices in the Municipality of Tenjo, Cundinamarca. The hedonic pricing technique will be used, which allows you to examine specific details about a property and its attributes, such as its location, size, and land quality. By identifying patterns in this data, you can measure how each feature contributes to the final value of the property. This approach will give an accurate and quantitative understanding of which aspects of the land have the greatest influence on property values. By applying this analysis, more objective and data-driven assessments can be made about the rural real estate market in Tenjo.
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    Validación y análisis del uso del método Random Forest para la estimación del avalúo catastral de predios ubicados en zona rural del municipio de Tena, Cundinamarca (Vigencia 2021)
    Quintero Florez, Laura Daniela; Zabala Aya, Geraldine; Pérez Carvajal, Edwin Robert
    This project seeks to implement the Random Forest method of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the R Studio software that allows estimating the value of the cadastral appraisal of the properties located in the rural area of the municipality of Tena - Cundinamarca, from structured databases with the current information provided by the Cadastral Agency of Cundinamarca. With the results obtained, it is intended to observe the feasibility of implementing AI in the mass appraisal used in the cadastral processes.
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    Estimación del valor de terreno de predios rurales con actividad económica industrial y agropecuaria mediante modelos econométricos, caso de estudio: municipio de Tocancipá-2022.
    Pacanchique García, Leidy Paola; Romero Flórez, Angela Viviana; Torres Colmenares, Oscar Fernando
    The rural appraiser must know and implement new methodologies that allow him to optimize time and reduce expenses, one of these being econometric models, a methodology that helps in the systematization of the real estate valuation process, which takes into account the intervention of different explanatory variables. referring to the uses that exist and the specific characteristics that must be implemented in this type of soil. In the present work, the municipality of Tocancipá is taken as the study area, taking into account that an important economic growth has been developed in the rural area, where it is intended to determine the value of the land for two large activities according to its use allowed by the current P.O.T being these: areas of industrial activity and areas of agricultural activity, said process is carried out through the elaboration of two hedonic price models, generating a methodology that allows optimizing the valuation process, analyzing the impact of the different variables, the resulting models and their level of confidence in reality.
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    Cálculo de costos de restauración ambiental para predios en calidad de deforestación en el municipio de Sopo – Cundinamarca, mediante la aplicación de la "Guía de la valoración económica ambiental", emitida por el Ministerio de Ambiente
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Audor Facundo, Brayan Stiven; Bermúdez Téllez, Sebastián; Pérez, Edwin Robert; Torres, Óscar
    This degree work, through a review of the environmental economic valuation guide, issued by the Ministry of the Environment of Colombia, selects and applies a practical methodology to determine the costs of environmental restoration of a deforested property in which developments are being carried out. currently livestock activities generating land use conflicts within the Pionono Protective Reserve in Sopo – Cundinamarca.
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    Límites legales al acceso a la información catastral en el marco del catastro con enfoque multipropósito. Propuesta regulatoria. Proyecto de investigación
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Vallejo López, Jhonier Alquiber; Parra Martínez, Cinthya Vanessa; Acuña Carvajal, Hernando
    The degree project entitled "Legal Limits to Access to Cadastral Information in the Framework of the Cadastre with a Multipurpose Approach" analyzes the categories of information managed by cadastral managers and the valid restrictions for access to said information. The study identifies the different types of information (public, semi-private, private, reserved, classified) and evaluates the limitations imposed on users and taxpayers for access. Based on these findings, a regulatory framework is proposed for the Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi, with the objective of standardizing the regulations applicable to all cadastral managers in Colombia, guaranteeing a balance between the right of access to information and data protection and other legal restrictions.
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    Estimación del detrimento patrimonial en zonas de cesión públicas generado por el uso y goce como propiedad privada en la localidad de Kennedy de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. caso de estudio: localidad de Kennedy, UPL 14 patio bonito, barrio Osorio III conjunto residencial Tabatinga etapa 1 Kra 90A 4 55.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Nieto Puentes, Rocio Amparo; Rivas Pava, Lia Jannett; Acuña Carvajal, Hernando
    The planning, management and organisation of urban space are crucial for the sustainable expansion of cities, as they provide a steady and equitable growth that improves the standard of living of their inhabitants. Spatial planning is the process of carefully allocating land for residential, commercial and recreational uses, among others, with the aim of directing the improvement of the territory in the short, medium and long term, while taking into account the preservation of heritage. Especially in rural and ecological areas, the POT attaches great importance to avoiding the degradation of the ecosystem and to establishing a balance with its capacity and productivity. However, the effective implementation of these regulations is sometimes compromised, as evidenced in cases where areas of cession are not adequately handed over to the municipality and are used in a manner inconsistent with their original public purpose. This raises concerns about enforcement and the impact on community welfare. This report analyses a specific case in Bogotá, assessing the legal and economic implications of the improper occupation of public concession areas by private entities. It details the relevant Colombian and district legal framework, and documents the process of gathering information to support the possible irregularities identified. In addition, an assessment of property detriment is made, using economic valuation methodologies to support the need for compensation by the Conjunto Residencial Tabatinga Etapa 1 in Kennedy.
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    Estimación del detrimento patrimonial generado por el uso y goce como propiedad privada de un área de cesión pública en la localidad de Teusaquillo de la ciudad de Bogotá Caso de estudio: UPL Teusaquillo Urbanización Paulo VI: Cra. 57 bis # 57 b 16
    Segura Pulido, Jairo Alonso; Acuña Carvajal, Hernando
    An area of ​​public transfer is identified in the city of Bogotá, irregularly occupied as private property, and an estimate of the patrimonial detriment to the city as a consequence of this event is made based on the legal regulations and the valuation methodology.
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    Estimación del Valor en Pie de Diez (10) especies maderables para la zona de Antioquia, Colombia.
    Pineda Triviño, Juan Manuel; Martínez Martínez, Sara Bibiana; Torres Colmenares, Oscar Fernando
    In this degree project, a table of estimated standing values of ten (10) timber species marketed in the department of Antioquia was prepared, based on information collected in the field and on the internet from sawmills, timber marketing companies and regulatory agencies. Throughout the document, the species under study will be presented, highlighting the physical characteristics, uses and quality of the wood. Subsequently, the information collected from sawmills and timber traders will be presented, and statistics will be used to calculate the value of the standing tree of each species. It is important to note that the calculations of the value of the standing tree are purely associated with the costs of timber harvesting (financial values), and do not take into consideration environmental costs or factors.
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    Utilizacion de tecnologias de agricultura de precision en avaluos de cultivos de habichuela larga lago-azul en el municipio de caqueza en el departamento de cundinamarca
    lopez velasco, camilo andres; rodriguez mayorga, julian enrique; Torres Colmenares, Oscar Fernando
    This monograph deals with the use of precision agriculture technologies for the evaluation of crops focused on the cultivation of long beans-Lago Azul on the municipality of Caqueza Cundinamarca with which it is intended to demonstrate an improvement and greater determination of variables such as with the use of drones for counting plants and crop rows, digital elevation models for the slope of the land, NDVI studies (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) to observe the vigor and state of the crop which cannot be determined from the traditional way.
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    Valuación de inmuebles asociados a la industria de curtiembres del municipio de villapinzón (cundinamarca) utilizando el proceso analítico jerárquico (ahp - analytic hierarchy process)
    Beltrán Ballén, John Fredy; Torres Colmenares, Oscar Fernando
    This study addresses the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) methodology developed by Professor Thomas L. Saaty and its application in the valuation of real estate associated with the tannery industry, given that in valuation practice it has been found that as a result of the dynamics economic and environmental problems associated with this industry, the owners of the real estate have abandoned the business and/or invested economic resources in the physical adaptations of the real estate for its operation within the framework of the law, additionally, it is possible to observe that it is not easy to apply traditional valuation methods given the particular characteristics of real estate and the little or no real estate market with the same characteristics of the real estate object of this study, therefore it is necessary to use valuation alternatives that allow achieving greater transparency and equity, as addresses Law 1673 of 2013 ("By which the activity of the appraisal is regulated dor and other provisions are dictated”).
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    Valuación rural de zonas de ronda hídrica por el proceso analítico jerárquico – ahp para el trazado de la intercepción de aguas de las quebradas La Cañada Y Tonchala, En El Municipio De San Cayetano Norte De Santander
    Orjuela Ortiz, Juan Pablo; Mendoza López, Diego Francisco; PÉREZ, EDWIN ROBERT
    This report describes the valuation of water patrol zones applying the AHP methodology, necessary for their acquisition in the tracing of the interception of water from the La Cañada and Tonchala streams, in the municipality of San Cayetano Norte de Santander. This methodology makes it possible to guarantee the homogeneity of the data, establishing explanatory variables and subvariables that guarantee the typification of the properties and allow the isolation of market values ​​for properties with particular characteristics.
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    Elaboración de las zonas homogéneas físicas y geoeconómicas del corredor vial la palma- arcabuco en los municipios de gambita santander y arcabuco boyacá
    Quiroga Velasco, David Ricardo; Quiroga Velasco, Jesus Leonardo; PEREZ, EDWIN ROBERT
    The project to be carried out consists of studying, analyzing and applying the technical procedures to elaborate the Physical Homogeneous Zones and the Geoeconomic Homogeneous Zones in the road corridor that connects the corregimiento of La Palma and the municipality of Arcabuco located in the departments of Santander and Boyacá, this in order to establish the values of the land and to serve as a reference for the projection of the road infrastructure which is projected to pave in a short term what was agreed between the Governors of both departments in the month of September of the year 2020. For this, will follow all the normative and technical procedure exposed within the methodology used by the Agustín Codazzi Technical Geographical Instinct under the parameters for this type of massive valuation, taking into account that they will be prepared for a strip of land parallel to the axis of the road corridor that will be the basis for the negotiation of the properties affected by the project. These are necessary to establish an approximate reference to the value of the strips of land to be acquired by the concessionaire that is going to develop the paving. In accordance with this, the investigation of the concepts that will be used and a practical methodology are established where the planned procedure is described, for the acquisition of data and the determination of the value of the land in the study area.
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    Propuesta de cálculo del efecto plusvalía para el plan parcial de renovación urbana San Pascual en Cali
    Jiménez Avilés, Angela María; Ninco Ninco, Laura Geraldine; Acuña Carvajal, Hernando; Jiménez Avilés, Angela María [0000-0001-7217-3048]
    This monograph presents the calculation of land value capture at San Pascual urban renewal proyect in Cali, Colombia, included in the recovery operation of the center of the city of Cali, known as Ciudad Paraíso.
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    Análisis y valoración del sobrecosto en la construcción del proyecto mirador del Jardín P.H. Medellín Antioquia
    Urrea Gómez, Pedro Alexander; Benavides Cuta, Diego Fernando; Acuña Carvajal, Hernando
    Construction is one of the riskiest sectors of the economy, as many variables influence the viability of projects, especially those related to time and costs. In developing countries, there is a higher variability in delivery times and cost imbalances. The literature mentions that internationally, countries like India, Egypt, and Turkey experience the greatest variations in costs and delays in delivery times (Lozano et al., 2018).When construction projects are presented, it's crucial for companies to develop the capability to identify internal and external factors that affect construction performance. Planning is essential from the initiation stage to the delivery stage because if these factors are not taken into account, financial imbalances can occur during the execution of the project (Cárdenas & Hernández, 2006). In Colombia, affordable and social housing is primarily developed and marketed by private construction companies for households with lower incomes, regulated according to Colombian legislation (Fleischer & Hurtado, 2022). For this research, the Mirador del Jardín project in Medellín, Antioquia, was chosen as the study object. The apartments in this project, classified as priority interest, are destined for beneficiaries of the solidarity fund of the military and police housing development agency, within the Type III housing delivery category, which is intended for military personnel who have experienced a loss of work capacity. During the development of the Mirador del Jardín project, the contractor experienced a financial imbalance and delays in deliveries. Therefore, this research focuses on the analysis and assessment of cost overruns in the construction of the Mirador del Jardín residential project in Medellín, Antioquia. The aim is to determine the possible factors that affected the project, using valuation methodologies outlined in Resolution 620 of 2008 and other knowledge acquired during the specialization in Appraisals at the Francisco José de Caldas District University. The analysis seeks to provide tools to analyze the possible causes of cost overruns and delays in property deliveries, based on the general hypothesis that the derived cost overruns result from a lack of analysis by the contractor and that the project's development is based on a comprehensive contract in which all design and execution studies were required to be conducted.