Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Inglés
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Ítem Tensiones, desafíos y desplazamientos en estudiantes Zenú en salones de EFLdel Río Rojas, Juliana; Peña Toquica, Laura Vanessa; Bonilla Medina, Sandra Ximena; Bonilla Medina, Sandra Ximena [0000-0002-6625-501X]Inside of ELT classrooms, the connection between culture and identity presents distinctive challenges, particularly for cultural-displaced indigenous students in Colombia. This research aims to explore two main questions: What challenges do indigenous displaced students encounter in EFL classrooms concerning culture and identity? What perceptions arise from these challenges in relation to EFL learning?. By actively listening to the voices of these students, this study seeks to comprehend their perceptions of reality and the expression, transmission, and preservation of their cultural heritage while engaging with the English language as a foreign entity. Drawing from indigenous research paradigms, Critical Race Theory, and TribalCrit, this study embarked on a comprehensive exploration. Through an extensive journey encompassing literature review, immersive experiences within the Zenú community, and methodological frameworks such as the "Talking Circle", we aimed to understand the narratives and perspectives of indigenous displaced students in formal education concerning their process of learning English. Our findings offer insights into the complex interplay between displacement, cultural identity, and English Language Learning, shedding light on the challenges faced by these students and advocating for more inclusive and culturally responsive teaching approaches. Findings revealed four interconnected threads (challenges) such as exploitation of indigenous knowledge, lack of government recognition, endangerment of traditional knowledge, and resilience of indigenous communities which weave together to form a comprehensive understanding of the complexities as a single braid.Ítem Explorando la relación entre el aprendizaje autorregulado y el rendimiento académico en el aprendizaje de inglés entre estudiantes de secundaria en Bogotá(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Palacios Hernández, Duvan Jair; Vargas Torres, Margarita RosaEffective self-regulated learning strategies have been identified as a critical factor influencing academic performance, particularly in the context of language learning. This study aimed to explore the relationship between self-regulation skills and academic achievement among 13 secondary school students in Bogotá, Colombia, who were learning English as a foreign language. A mixed-methods approach was employed, collecting quantitative data from questionaries, self-assessments, and academic reports, as well as qualitative insights through student interviews. The findings revealed a significant positive correlation between the use of self-regulated learning strategies and academic performance. Students who demonstrated proficiency in goal-setting, planning, self-monitoring, and self-evaluation techniques achieved higher grades, pass rates, and mastery in specific knowledge areas such as grammar and oral expression. Furthermore, the interplay between metacognition, cognitive skills, and motivational factors emerged as a crucial determinant of academic success. Students with strong cognitive abilities coupled with effective self-regulation strategies exhibited a distinct advantage in learning and classroom performance. The study also highlighted the pivotal role of intrinsic motivation and engagement in driving the effective application of self-regulation strategies. Students who displayed higher levels of interest, commitment, and appreciation for the value of learning English were more likely to employ self-regulated learning approaches, ultimately leading to better academic performance. Based on these findings, the study emphasizes the need for comprehensive pedagogical interventions that holistically address self-regulation skills, (meta)cognitive development, and motivational factors. Recommendations include explicit instruction in self-regulated learning strategies, integration of metacognitive practices, fostering intrinsic motivation, tailored cognitive support, continuous assessment and feedback, collaborative learning opportunities, and ongoing professional development for educators. Ultimately, this research underscores the importance of equipping students with self-regulation abilities, enabling them to take an active, strategic approach to their learning journey and maximizing their academic potential in language learning and beyond.Ítem Implementación de un sistema de tutorías de Inglés basado en la metodología 'enseñar para aprender' a través de micro clases para mejorar las habilidades comunicativas fomentando la permanencia académica de los estudiantes del programa 'Jóvenes a la U' en la Universidad Distrital ‘Francisco José de Caldas’ del pregrado Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en Inglés(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Betancourt Castro, Dayhana; McNeil Fernández, Alejandro; McNeil Fernández, Alejandro [0000-0001-6525-216X]This study analyzes the implementation of a tutoring system as a pedagogical strategy at the Universidad Distrital ‘Francisco José de Caldas’, focused on reducing student dropout rates in the ‘Jóvenes a la U’ program, particularly in the Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages with an emphasis on English. The ‘Teach to Learn’ methodology was used through the implementation of micro-classes. During the process of applying and integrating the tutoring system, risk factors such as economic challenges and lack of motivation in developing communication skills in English were identified. To understand the impact of these factors on academic retention at the university level, qualitative methods such as participant observation and unstructured interviews were employed. The results show that the tutoring system promoted academic continuity and contributed to the development of future strategies to improve retention rates in higher education within this undergraduate program.Ítem Pasantía Jóvenes a la U: las tutorías como mecanismo para la motivación y permanencia universitaria en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Sosa Cuevas , Gimena Sosa; McNeil Fernández , Alejandro; McNeil Fernández, Alejandro [0000-0001-6525-216X]This report presents the activities and outcomes of an internship conducted as part of the "Jóvenes a la U" program at Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. The internship aimed to strengthen students' English skills through personalized tutoring. Through initial diagnostics, the design of pedagogical strategies, and result evaluation, significant improvements in students' linguistic competencies and confidence were observed. The tutoring sessions proved to be an effective tool for fostering motivation and academic retention, highlighting the importance of personalization, teacher support, and the use of diverse resources.Ítem Implementación de un enfoque de derechos humanos por medio de la enseñanza del inglés en territorios de posconflicto con la Fundación In-Ju Huellas(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Morales Flórez, Diego Felipe; Quintero Mejía, Marieta; Quintero Mejía, Marieta [0000-0002-8001-4511]The development of this pedagogical proposal arises from the In Ju Huellas Foundation with the purpose of promoting the knowledge and experience of Human Rights through various cultural, social, educational and popular experiences by children and young people in communities in territories where their rights have been violated for decades due to the Colombian internal armed conflict. The contexts that convene this project are the departments of Meta, Arauca and Cordoba, territories characterized by the presence of armed conflict, poverty, unsatisfied basic needs such as education, health, food and work. Through a course based on the teaching of English as a foreign language with a human rights approach called “Cultural English”, we seek to foster in children and young people a sense of belonging to their community, so that they can embrace their own identity and recognize themselves as citizens with rights that must be respected and valued, regardless of their nationality, race, socioeconomic level or affiliation to a social group, among other factors. All this is proposed and carried out through a dynamic, playful and enjoyable English learning experience, which in turn responds to the request of the community within the foundation to learn this second language.Ítem Manual de moda para incrementar pensamiento creativo y la motivacion intrinseca de estudiantes de 7 grado(Universidad Francisco Jose de Caldas) Angulo, Karol Lorena; Vargas Torres, Margarita RosaThe idea of this case study is to describe the steps followed in developing a Fashion Design Handbook. The handbook enhances students’ intrinsic motivation and creative thinking using fashion design learning activities. To start this process, the author took into consideration Colombia's English learning rights which are called the Basic Learning Rights (Derechos Basicos de Aprendizaje in Spanish, DBA), which were established and suggested in 2014 by the Ministry of Education. This DBA was created to enrich the educational quality in this country. That is why Colombian teachers’ must be informed of the skills suggested here to create their materials and lessons. Understanding the research phenomenon made for this project. To think about materials and their precise use is necessary because it can affect the student's motivation (Gorham & Millette, 1997; Slavin, 2013). In that sense, language teachers have to look for the making of innovative activities and materials. The idea is to implement art elements in the classes that can engage, motivate, and develop creativity (Saienko & Olisko, 2019). So, the tasks proposed in this project contain art elements such as drawing and performing arts. These tasks aim to improve creativity and language skills as well as other skills of the 21st century. This qualitative case study is also made to supply English teachers with suggested innovative and creative material with tasks taken from the Fashion Design discipline to teach English and to apply it in the learning environment. Fashion Design Handbook to Increase Seven Graders’ Creative Thinking and Intrinsic Motivation. The end goal of this study is to encourage English teachers to create authentic materials based on a topic of interest to potentialize different educators’ abilities. At the same time, raising learners’ motivation and creative skills is a relevant topic of educators' interest to have better educational qualityÍtem El poder de las emociones en la adquisición del lenguajeGaleano Quintana, Luisa Fernanda; Posada Ortíz, Julia Zoraida; Posada Ortíz, Julia Zoraida [0000-0001-8919-5286]This project, developed at a private school in Suba, Bogotá, aimed to teach emotional education in English through games to primary school students. The document highlights the importance of emotions in learning, especially in acquiring a new language, showing how emotional management improves motivation and academic performance. It includes theories on emotions and emotional education, along with a pedagogical intervention based on games. The results show improvements in students' interaction with English and their peers, fostering a collaborative and empathetic environment.Ítem GENDIV: Pieles anamorfas - concientización de las personas del ámbito educativo sobre experiencias seguras y autorreconocimiento.Moreno Díaz, Erika Nayely; Moreno Goyes, Jhon Fredy; Ubaque Casallas, Diego FernandoThis research paper emerges from the narratives and experiences lived in our daily lives (two individuals whose enunciations differ from what normativity proposes); Fredy, a Marica person, and Erika, a bisexual woman, who seek from their teaching to create spaces that contribute to the field of gender identities to develop an experimental device that raises embodied-critical awareness using unconventional art and their own bodily scars. This research aims to locate the connection of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) due to prejudice with the educational field in English language training spaces and the dichotomous limitations that affect it. Then, it examines how from our narratives about our gender identities (using the experimental device) they link with the skin and bodies of the participants so that they simultaneously manifest and enunciate their gender identities from their dissent with their Other narratives. The results suggest creating critical awareness regarding the possibility of giving voice to students with gender identities and reducing GBV by allowing an exploration and empathetic identity visibility from my body to others', as well as promoting spaces where gender identity issues materialize in other teaching devices.Ítem El sistema archivo-repertorio en las prácticas pedagógicas de enseñanza de segundas lenguas y la construcción del currículo ILUD(20-05-24) Agudelo Murcia, Johan Daniel Santiago; Garzón Duarte, ElianaThis report describes an internship conducted at the Instituto de Lenguas de la Universidad Distrital (ILUD) to analyze its history and trajectory in the teaching of second and foreign languages. The research was carried out using the archive-repertoire system and other information collection instruments, with the aim of contributing to the curricular update of ILUD. The results of the internship are presented in this document, including the objectives, methodology, findings, conclusions, and recommendations.Ítem Una propuesta de educación virtual con enfoque en derechos humanos: una herramienta para la justicia social desde la enseñanza del inglésArias Luque, Luna Sofía; Quintero Mejía, Marieta; Quintero Mejía, Marieta [0000-0002-8001-4511]The internship report titled "English Language Teaching with a Human Rights Approach: A Tool for Social Justice" presents the compilation of the internship experience carried out in virtual English Language classes through the teaching of human rights that was carried out during the year 2023 at the IN-JU HUELLAS foundation. This foundation works with educational programs with boys and girls. and young people in conflict and post-conflict zones, moreover it recapitulates the most outstanding pedagogical findings concerning the focus of the internship and proposes a new cycle according to the experience and nature of the project.Ítem Beyond standardized english: Review of englishes from 20th century independent countries (Audiobook).(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cruz Cuervo, Valentina; Tapias Rodriguez, Wilson Alejandro; Rivera Granados, Diego Andrés; Vargas Torres, Margarita RosaThe presented proposal handles the post-colonial process of the adoption of English as the official national language and its cultural practices contrasted with standardized English. A filter was applied to find 10 countries that were former British empire and settler colonies and achieved their independence in the twentieth century (Being the exception of San Andres & providence islands as a national reference of multicultural and language diversity). This was to analyze the standardization of Englishes that have developed their own cultural practices. This phenomenon is Linguistic Imperialism by Robert Phillipson. Philipson (1992). English teaching has been characterized by a linguistic approach, a stereotypical image of what the correct use of the language is, and how it should be taught. The audiobook produced as an outcome of this graduation project is a way to counteract stereotypical images of marginalized countries and hegemonic views of language.Ítem Phonic rhymes: an early literacy approach to develop oral reading fluency in efl students by means of systematic phonics(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Marin Parada, Angie Melissa; Sanchez Zambrano, John Alejandro; Montero Londoño, Yanneth CristinaThis mixed action research proposal inquiries about the impact in oral reading fluency of using nursery rhymes based on systematic phonics aimed at developing oral reading fluency in EFL fourth graders from a private school in Bogotá. The importance of this study lies in the lack of literature related to systematic phonics to teach English to Spanish speakers; moreover, the National Bilingual Plan is not considering either pronunciation or phonics in their suggested curricula which makes teachers of English neglect the pronunciation of the English language at the early learning process. By means of oral reading fluency tests, questionnaires and observations, the researchers determined there were areas of opportunity regarding focus on reading in the English classes of a private school in Bogota. They designed and implemented nursery rhymes based on systematic phonics along with other total physical response activities and tested the oral reading fluency skills of the students again. The findings indicate that, overall, there was no significant improvement in the oral reading speed of the students, but there was a significant increase in accuracy.Ítem Tutorías de inglés como propuesta pedagógica para estudiantes del Programa Jóvenes a la U en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasYanquen Chaves, Karen Michel; Jirón Popova, Mirna; Jirón Popova, Mirna [0000-0002-0648-5964]This report details the processes, strategies, methodologies, results, and conclusions of an internship carried out in 2023, which involved academic tutoring with students from the Jóvenes a la U program at the Francisco José de Caldas University. The objective was to strengthen the knowledge of LLEI students in the scientific-disciplinary component of their degree and their communication skills in English through tutoring. The internship included characterizing the students' learning difficulties, designing and conducting tutoring sessions, and evaluating their effectiveness.Ítem Breaking barriers: Exploring Colombian culture to strengthen english communication skills(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Santos Pacavita, Angie Lineth; Olaya León, Alba del Carmen; Olaya León, Alba del Carmen [0000-0001-8103-9748]The integration of cultural content in English language teaching is widely recognized as essential for developing students' communicative competence and intercultural awareness. This study explores the impact of incorporating Colombian cultural elements into English language instruction at the Instituto de Lenguas of Universidad Distrital (ILUD). A series of multicultural workshops were designed and implemented, targeting students at varying levels of English proficiency. These workshops combined language practice with cultural exploration, focusing on Colombian traditions, music, and dance. The findings reveal that students not only improved their language skills but also gained a deeper appreciation for their own culture and its place in a global context. This study suggests that integrating Colombian cultural content in language teaching can significantly enhance students' engagement and learning outcomes, offering a more holistic approach to language education.Ítem Tutorías de pares cercanos en estudiantes del programa Jóvenes a la U de la Licenciatura en Lenguas con Énfasis en Inglés de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasRincón Gordillo, Isabel Sofía; McNeil Fernández, Alejandro; McNeil Fernández, Alejandro [0000-0001-6525-216X]This report details the internship carried out during the second academic term of 2023, which consisted of academic tutoring for students in the "Jóvenes a la U" program, who were taking their first academic courses. Under the supervision of the Academic Vice-Rectory, four students from the Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Languages with an Emphasis in English (LLEI) were selected to participate in this initiative. The activities included characterizing the students based on their learning difficulties, implementing tutoring as a pedagogical strategy, and evaluating the impact of this strategy on their academic performance. Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to assess the students' progress and the overall internship. This report provides a detailed analysis of the processes, strategies, and outcomes of this experience, as well as an examination of the benefits obtained by the participating students.Ítem Promover la conciencia de género en los profesores de las aulas de ELT en los YMCA English Fun Clubs(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bautista Orrego, Johan Camilo; Méndez Rivera , Pilar Esther; Méndez Rivera, Pilar Esther[0000-0001-9284-4611]This internship paper reflects on and implements pedagogical practices aimed at overcoming barriers faced by individuals of diverse sexes and genders in public school academic spaces. Several pedagogical proposals were developed to create safe and supportive environments for identity development within classrooms, through an analysis of the gender concept from various authors and contemporary, decolonial perspectives, which integrate English Language Teaching (ELT) as a crucial agent in redefining what it means to be a woman or a man. Teachers from a complementary education program in the municipality of Soacha were significantly impacted. This work was conducted as part of a program that supported over three thousand students in various public schools in 2023, in collaboration with the YMCA Colombia organization.Ítem Using games to teach spanish as a foreign language in one-on-one sessions with young learnersAnaya Barajas, Claudia Lizeth; Ramírez Valencia, AstridThis research explores games as a teaching strategy used by private tutors to teach Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) to children between the ages of eight and eleven in Istanbul, Turkey. A case study was conducted through observations, diary entries, and interviews in order to examine the effect of games in private SFL tutoring. The data obtained were analyzed using the inductive approach proposed by Creswell (2012) in order to understand the information from the point of view of private SFL tutors. The results suggest that although children enjoy games in private classes, the level of interest varies depending on the type of game and the student's learning style. In addition, attitudes towards the growth of Spanish teaching and learning in Turkey were identified, as well as the reasons and consequences of being a SFL tutor in that country.Ítem Fortalecimiento de la enseñanza del inglés a través de la arteterapia en estudiantes hospitalariosSanta Malaver, Karen Gabriela; Vásquez Eslava, María Alejandra; Carrillo Cruz, Carlos EnriqueThis paper addresses the need for emotional management intervention for hospitalized students who often experience negative emotions derived from hospitalization, such as sadness, fear, confusion, anger, etc. This dissertation employs needs analysis, student artifacts, observations, field notes, and semi-structured interviews in an action-research design. The pedagogical intervention will consist of twenty-four sessions of 60 minutes. The activities will be related to emotional management through English language teaching by applying art therapy methods: sculpture, painting, clay modeling, self-portraits, readings, etc. Hence, this study aims to strengthen English Language Teaching through non-traditional methods, specifically art therapy, in students-patients to contribute to their well-being and recovery during their stay at the hospital. The findings suggested that learning English by using this non-traditional method is more interesting, calming, and generally better for participantsÍtem Cambio de paradigmas sobre los problemas al hablar: percepciones de un grupo de estudiantes hispanohablantes de EFL(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Baquero Tolosa, David Esteban; Valencia Hernández, Juan Pablo; Olaya León, Alba del Carmen; Olaya León, Alba del Carmen [0000-0001-8103-9748]Making mistakes is natural when learning a new language, but, for many learners, it is a source of frustration and enough reason to prevent them from learning. As undergraduate students of a BA in TEFL and current teachers at an English institute, we aimed to analyze the processes our learners go through when Speaking English, especially those related to their mother tongue. Through an analysis of collected data in the form of audio recordings from real classes, we drew the most frequent mistakes made by our participants. Data gathered showed not only the influence of the learners’ native language in their performance but also the way they coped when struggling during a conversation. Understanding the role of the learners’ native language helped us conclude that struggles in the learning process are not hindrances but opportunities to learn. Overall, we can see how a balance between mistakes and coping strategies sets the foundation for an ideal language-speaking development in EFL learners.Ítem Círculos de literatura para preparar la lectura inferencial de los egresados de la escuela secundaria para la prueba nacional de egresoDevia Zamora, Johan Sebastian; Flautero Pineda, Mary Durley; Olaya, Alba; Alba Olaya [0000-0001-8103-9748]Last year, the school under observation obtained low scores in the English section of the standardized exit test, specifically in the inferential reading part. This exam plays a role in higher education access. This study aims to determine to what extent students perceive that implementing a literature circle helps them improve inferential reading in the test called Prueba Saber 11. This document reports an inquiry on the implications of the literature circle as an extracurricular activity. Action research is the type of study conducted through public records, surveys, and questionnaires (mock tests)—the project’s structure chains with task-based learning (TBL) as the methodology for the implementation. As the project was not successfully applied, the theoretical background suggests a positive relationship between inference reading skills and didactic strategies such as literature circles.