Recursos Educativos Abiertos
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Ítem Repositorio Software Innova, guía básica de usoGuevara Aragón, Ricardo José; Peña, Fernando OctavioA practical guide developed as part of the ACACIA project, co-funded by Erasmus+, is “Innova Software Repository, a basic user guide”. The Innova Repositories platform, which facilitates the collaboration and management of software projects in the university community, is designed to help users understand and use it. The guide, edited by Fernando Octavio Peña and written by Ricardo José Guevara Aragón, provides detailed instructions on how to register users, how to use the control panel, how to create and manage repositories, as well as how to create pull requests and issues. Appendices on additional tools are included and fundamental concepts such as releases, forks and commits are explained. The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Attribution Without Attribution License.Ítem Fundamento conceptual afectividadBravo Osorio, Felipe; León Corredor, Olga Lucia; Molano Caro, Gladys; Rocha Martínez, Rolando; Lopes Reis, Márcia; Centeno Bravo, Blanca Nevai; León Corredor, Olga Lucía; León Corredor, Olga Lucia [0000-0003-4373-8630]; Rocha Martínez, Rolando [0000-0002-9162-9861]; Lopes Reis, Márcia [0000-0002-0520-506X]; Centeno Bravo, Blanca Nevai [0000-0003-2391-238X]; Fontana Adasme, Paola [0000-0002-6153-4837]; Villanueva, Andrés; Castañeda Peña, Harold; Fontana Adasme, PaolaThe document “Fundamento Conceptual Affectivity” presents a comprehensive characterization of affectivity in university learning environments, as part of the ACACIA project co-funded by Erasmus+. Affectivity is defined not only as emotions, but also as an integral component in education, crucial for the socio-affective development of students. It details guidelines for the integration of affectivity at the classroom, institutional and family levels, highlighting the importance of the teacher-student relationship, inclusive teaching techniques and the creation of positive educational environments. The document also includes good practices based on psychological and pedagogical theories, emphasizing the importance of an integral education that promotes both the intellectual and emotional development of students.Ítem Plan estratégico de difusión y diseminaciónGallardo Echenique, Eliana; Molano Caro, Gladys; Roldán Flores, Mirta; Merino Rubilar, Cristian; Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle; Urbina Pizarro, Catherine; Rivera Lam, Mai ling; Espitia Zambrano, Pedro Enrique; Molano Caro, Gladys [0000-0002-5380-6484]; Merino Rubilar, Cristian [0000-0002-1156-2581]; Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle [0000-0001-9140-9319]; Rivera Lam, Mai ling [0000-0002-0513-0504]The ACACIA project has developed the “Strategic Dissemination and Dissemination Plan”, supported by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. The objective of this plan is to disseminate the activities and results of the Acacia CADEP both internally and externally. It includes comprehensive communication techniques aimed at providing participants with new opportunities. It stresses the importance of media relations to keep citizens informed about communication, culture, education and science. In addition, methods and routes are planned to achieve project objectives, allowing for better information management.Ítem Manual de Kinect Xbox ONESarraipa, Joao; Páez, John; López, Jennifer; Fino, Rafael; Sarraipa, Joao [0000-0003-3102-3179]; Páez, John [0000-0002-9452-6024]In 2019, a manual for the use of the Kinect Xbox ONE Kinect sensor, funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ program, was published in Bogota, Colombia, as part of the ACACIA project. According to the manual, the device has an AC 100-240v input, a field of view of 70o horizontal and 60o vertical and a sensor depth range of 0.5 to 4.5 meters. Using the SDK Browser program to activate and modify examples of functions, as well as installing the Kinect SDK-V2.0 development kit, are part of the instructions it provides on how to connect and configure the Kinect. It also explains how to use the Kinect_Innova program to collect and save data.Ítem Protocolo de articulación de módulosGutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle; León Corredor, Olga Lucía; Rodríguez Cortes, Oscar; Espitia Zambrano, Pedro Enrique; Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle [0000-0001-9140-9319]; León Corredor, Olga Lucía [0000-0003-4373-8630]; Espitia Zambrano, Pedro Enrique [0000-0001-8174-9694]The document “Module Articulation Protocol” was developed through the ACACIA project, which is co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ program. The objective of the protocol is to establish the necessary relationships and procedures between the CADEP Acacia modules in order to carry out inclusive and accessible educational activities. The procedures for internal and external articulation, including interaction with other external instances and entities, are described in this protocol. In addition, it focuses on the creation and adaptation of accessible content, technological innovation and the promotion of inclusive learning environments. The CADEP Acacia modules (Empower, Innovate, Cultivate, Support and Convene) work together to promote inclusive practices.Ítem Modelo de gestión de conocimiento de las comunidades educativasGuevara Bolaños, Juan Carlos; Cavanzo, Gloria Andrea; Rodríguez, Yeimy; Guevara Bolaños, Juan Carlos [0000-0001-9580-0374]Organizations operate within a globalized world, characterized by recent levels of complexity, constant development of new products and services, competitiveness, innovation, and rapid changes due to the evolution of knowledge and technological advances, which require a broader and more collaborative interaction both internally and externally. In this context, organizations have required the definition and adoption of new strategies that allow them to achieve greater flexibility to face the conditions of their environment. Most of these strategies are aimed at giving greater weight to the management of their intangible resources, including knowledge, and at achieving capabilities to manage it adequately, facilitating its management, generation, dissemination, use and storage.Ítem Fenómeno de bajo rendimiento académicoBravo Osorio, Felipe; León Corredor, Olga Lucía; Castiblanco Carrasco, Armando; Castañeda Peña, Harold; Centeno Bravo, Blanca Nevai; Merino Rubilar, Cristian; Rojas, Eva; Lobos Figueroa, Juan Pablo; Abello Camacho, Diana; Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle; Villanueva, Andrés; Rocha, Rolando; León Corredor, Olga Lucía; León Corredor, Olga Lucía [0000-0003-4373-8630]; Castiblanco Carrasco, Armando [0000-0002-6805-8239]; Centeno Bravo, Blanca Nevai [0000-0003-2391-238X]; Merino Rubilar, Cristian [0000-0002-1156-2581]; Abello Camacho, Diana [0000-0003-0045-1242]; Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle [0000-0001-9140-9319]; Rocha, Rolando [0000-0002-9162-9861]; Laguna Laguna, Odalye [0000-0001-7631-6595]; Molano Caro, Gladys; Méndez, Jaime; Villanueva, Andrés; Laguna Laguna, Odalye; Pardo Mojica, CaterineThis material is the result of the work by the Cultiva team, responsible for constructing a methodology for designing Accessible Learning Environments with Affection, within the framework of the ACACIA Project - Center for Cooperation for the Promotion, Strengthening, and Transfer of Good Practices that Support, Cultivate, Adapt, Communicate, Innovate, and Welcome the university community -. This project was funded by the Erasmus+ Capacity Building program of the European Union (2015-2018) and carried out by a consortium of 11 universities from Latin America and 3 from Europe. The purpose of the project is to foster university integration through the design and validation of a system of Centers for Support and Professional Educational Development (CADEP) in Latin America, through intra- and inter-institutional cooperation in the production and development of educational and technological resources, and the generation of socio-affective promotion strategies for populations at risk of university exclusion. The phenomenon of low academic performance is one of the four phenomena that the CULTIVA module of the CADEP Acacia has selected as a high priority to reduce university dropout rates and to energize strategies that enable university professors and students to improve the quality of teaching and learning in professional training processes in higher education institutions. It is expected that what is organized in this document will serve as a factor for continuous review and updating in the module, as well as a resource for the didactic training of university professors and a source for the development of observation instruments for the phenomenon in each university.Ítem Modelo conceptualGuevara Bolaños, Juan Carlos; Quijano, Adriana; Cavanzo, Gloria Andrea; Espitia Zambrano, Pedro Enrique; Guevara Bolaños, Juan Carlos [0000-0001-9580-0374]; Cavanzo, Andrea Gloria; Quijano, Adriana [0000-0002-0393-5616]The ACACIA project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ program, has created a framework called Conceptual Model V2. In Latin America, Centers for Support and Professional Educational Development (CADEP) are established and validated to promote university integration. These centers aim to improve educational quality, inclusion and accessibility through knowledge management, pedagogical innovation and the use of educational technologies. The document explains the structure and operation of the model, which includes the integration of technological systems and process management. In addition, theoretical concepts such as the systemic approach and the methodologies applied to the design of the model are discussed. It seeks to provide a framework through a series of iterations and validations.Ítem Modelo de gestión y distribución de recursosGuevara Bolaños, Juan Carlos; Rodríguez Mendoza, Yeimy Paola; Cavanzo Nisso, Gloria Andrea; Guevara Bolaños, Juan Carlos [0000-0001-9580-0374]; Rodríguez Mendoza, Yeimy Paola [0000-0002-7709-0273]; Cavanzo Nisso, Gloria Andrea [0000-0002-8631-3459]This document presents a resource allocation and management model for the sustainability of the ACACIA Center, a university initiative funded by the Erasmus+ program. This model focuses on collaboration and efficient use of resources to support and improve academic and professional practices. The ACACIA project, supported by 10 universities in Latin America and 3 in Europe, seeks to reduce student dropout rates and foster university integration and modernization through the creation of Support and Professional Educational Development Centers (CADEP). These centers offer the university community a variety of services using technological and didactic resources using an integrated system of modules. The document addresses sustainability through collaboration.Ítem Manual de impresora 3D CREATOR PROSarraipa, Joao; Páez, John; López, Jennifer; Fino, Rafael; Sarraipa, Joao [0000-0003-3102-3179]; Páez, John [0000-0002-9452-6024]As part of the ACACIA project, funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ program, a practical guide to using the Creator Pro 3D printer was published in 2019 in Bogota, Colombia. The printer uses fused filament fabrication (FFF) technology with two nozzles. The guide provides instructions for calibrating the platform, turning on the printer and generating documents in the .x3g format, which are required for printing. It also includes information on setting up the printer, the printing process and loading files into the SD memory. It also explains how to remove printed parts after printing and where to find more information.Ítem Crear presentaciones atractivas: Técnicas y comunicaciónHernádez Ortiz, Eduardo; Ruíz, Nelson; Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle; Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle [0000-0001-9140-9319]This Guide is intended to explain how to generate effective and impactful presentations. Answer the question: What makes an effective PowerPoint presentation? Result of the ACACIA project (561754-EPP-1-2015-1-CO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) co-financed by the Erasmus+ program ACACIA: Cooperation Centers for the Promotion, Strengthening and Transfer of Good Practices that Support, Cultivate, Adapt, They communicate, innovate and welcome the university community.Ítem Guía de innovación accesibleSarraipa, Joao; Marcelino-Jesus, Elsa; Zamiri, Majid; Artíficie, Andreia; Jiménez Castro, Helena Patricia; Páez Rodríguez, John Jairo; Sarraipa, Joao [0000-0003-3102-3179]; Marcelino-Jesus, Elsa [0000-0003-2398-5132]; Zamiri, Majid [0000-0002-0140-3253]This document describes the contents of deliverable E.3.3.2 "Guidelines for innovation in the creation of accessible applications and/or devices. In particular, it is aimed at defining innovation, its types, life cycle and how it influences the creation of accessible applications and devices. This document is very useful for the development of innovative products to meet customer needs and how innovation plays a key role in the transformation of educational processes.Ítem Fenómeno contingencias institucionalesCalderón, Dora Inés; Lopes Reis, Márcia; Reina Zambrano, Juanita; Merino Rubilar, Cristian; Calderón, Dora Inés [0000-0003-1187-6668]; Lopes Reis, Márcia [0000-0002-0520-506X]; Reina Zambrano, Juanita [0000-0001-5373-8621]; Merino Rubilar, Cristian [0000-0002-1156-2581]; Laguna Laguna, Odalye Yanet [0000-0001-7631-6595]; Molano Caro, Gladys; Méndez, Jaime; Villanueva, Andrés; Laguna Laguna, Odalye; Pardo Mojica, CaterineThe work “Institutional Contingencies Phenomenon” is a project funded by the Erasmus+ program and carried out by a group of universities in Latin America and Europe. This report examines the institutional consequences that have an impact on socio-cultural and academic stability in higher education institutions. It characterizes the phenomenon, identifies emergency indicators and provides tools for assessment and activation in the Cultiva Module. Four main problems are identified: desertion, low performance, didactic tension and institutional risks. The focus is on institutional management and organizational culture, analyzing how these elements affect teaching and administrative practices in higher education institutions (HEIs). A theoretical basis, risk indicators and intervention strategies are included in the proposal.Ítem Propuesta modelo de formación en generación de adaptaciones para docentes y personal técnico del ámbito universitarioRodríguez de Salazar, Nahir; Monroy Martín, Bertha Esperanza; Daza, Berny Alejandra; Espitia Zambrano, Pedro Enrique; Monroy Martín, Bertha Esperanza [0000-0002-6086-7269]; Espitia Zambrano, Pedro Enrique [0000-0001-8174-9694]This proposal of formative model exposes the foundations that allow re-signifying the mission of the university institution in society and analyzing the turn that it must assume in the face of the demands of student groups that break with the profile that has historically been enrolled in it. Thus, it is pertinent in the formative processes to place fundamentals related to inclusive education, diversity and difference, to then raise the reasons that lead to the preparation of teachers both in inclusion and in a field as specific as technological adaptations, which are a fundamental contribution to education because they facilitate student-teacher interaction and make possible access to information and knowledge for people with disabilities or functional diversity. Likewise, the model foresees analyzing this contribution based on the relationship between technology and higher education, and then focusing on the contributions to the education of deaf and blind people.Ítem Software sistema Eyes TrackerEspitia Zambrano, Pedro Enrique; Espitia Zambrano, Pedro Enrique; Espitia Zambrano, Pedro Enrique [0000-0001-8174-9694]INNOVA is one of ACACIA's packages. One of INNOVA's services is to promote the use of technology in research processes linked to learning. INNOVA services require technological tools and their use requires technological skills. Unfortunately, most professors and researchers do not use technological tools because they do not have technological skills. To reduce the low use of technologies, INNOVA developed friendly computer programs so that the latest technology tools, such as EyeTracker, are used by teachers. Thus, EyeTracker is a hardware for eye tracking. The contribution of the software in the INNOVA module was to develop a free access code so that it is only necessary to connect the device to the computer and obtain plain text data of the pupil's behavior in situations, for example learning.Ítem Plataforma tecnológica de gestiónAlvarado Rodríguez, Braian Estiven; Espitia Zambrano, Pedro Enrique; Espitia Zambrano, Pedro Enrique [0000-0001-8174-9694]The ACACIA project, which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ program, has produced this document called “Management Technology Platform”. The purpose is to provide technical and practical guidelines for the COLABORA ACACIA and GESTIONA ACACIA platforms. It includes detailed instructions on how to access and use these platforms, making them useful tools for project management. In several areas, ACACIA supports the university community and focuses on cooperation and strengthening good practices. The manual provides a comprehensive guide for users of these technology platforms, addressing topics such as login and password recovery, user configuration, case management and activity monitoring.Ítem Fenómeno deserción en CultivaCalderón, Dora Inés; Blanco Vega, María de Jesús; Ayala Cardona, Jaime Alberto; Merino Rubilar, Cristian; Espinoza Reátegui, Esther; Rivera Lam, Mai ling; Centeno Bravo, Blanca Nevai; Aragón Gutiérrez, Mibsam; Laguna Laguna, Odalye; Alfonso Novoa, Gabriela; González González, Jeison; Lopes Reis, Márcia; Reina Zambrano, Juanita; Calderón, Dora Inés [0000-0003-1187-6668]; Blanco Vega, María de Jesús [0000-0001-8773-1188]; Merino Rubilar, Cristian [0000-0002-1156-2581]; Rivera Lam, Mai ling [0000-0002-0513-0504]; Centeno Bravo, Blanca Nevai [0000-0003-2391-238X]; Laguna Laguna, Odalye [0000-0001-7631-6595]; Alfonso Novoa, Gabriela [0000-0002-6997-8563]; González González, Jeison [0000-0002-9026-4928]; Lopes Reis, Márcia [0000-0002-0520-506X]; Reina Zambrano, Juanita [0000-0001-5373-8621]; Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle [0000-0001-9140-9319]; Fontana Adasme, Paola [0000-0002-6153-4837]; Ayala Cardona, Jaime Alberto [0000-0002-4744-6590]; Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle; Fontana Adasme, Paola; Molano Caro, Gladys; Méndez, Jaime; Villanueva, Andrés; Pardo Mojica, CaterineThe work “Desertion Phenomenon in Cultiva” is a project funded by the Erasmus+ program and created by a group of universities in Latin America and Europe. This report analyzes the phenomenon of attrition in higher education institutions, identifying emergency and risk indicators and providing tools for the assessment and activation of the Cultiva Module. Attrition is defined as the continued departure of students before completing their studies due to a variety of academic, socioeconomic and personal factors. Teacher didactic competencies, self-efficacy, evaluation systems, teacher-student interaction and the emotional climate in the classroom are some of the factors that influence attrition. In addition, it examines various aspects of the student, such as academic history, study habits, motivation and activities.Ítem Estado del arte diseños didácticos accesiblesRodríguez Reina, Nahir; Alfonso Novoa, Gabriela; Calderón, Dora Inés; Arias Muñoz, Luz Mery; Calderón, Dora Inés; Alfonso Novoa, Gabriela [0000-0002-6997-8563]; Calderón, Dora Inés [0000-0003-1187-6668]; Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle [0000-0001-9140-9319]; Merino Rubilar, Cristian [0000-0002-1156-2581]; García Martínez, Álvaro [0000-0002-3597-6252]; González González, Jeison Alexander [0000-0001-5703-3821]; Centeno Bravo, Blanca Nevai [0000-0003-2391-238X]; Rivera Lam, Mai ling [0000-0002-0513-0504]; Arellano Johnson, Marcela [0000-0002-8147-8780]; Jara Campos, Roxana [0000-0002-0595-9371]; Díaz Ortegón, John Alexander [0000-0001-7792-3434]; Bejarano Martínez, Milady Tatiana []; Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle; Merino Rubilar, Cristian; Galvis Peñuela, Rosalba; García Martínez, Álvaro; González González, Jeison Alexander; Peña, Fausto; Centeno Bravo, Blanca Nevai; Rivera Lam, Mai ling; Arellano Johnson, Marcela; Jara Campos, Roxana; Sicuamia Pineda, Gloria; Díaz Ortegón, John Alexander; Molano Caro, Gladys; Méndez, Jaime; Villanueva, Andrés; Pardo Mojica, Caterine; Bejarano Martínez, TatianaThe results of a study conducted between 2010 and 2015 that focused on the research and creation of accessible instructional designs for teacher training are presented in the document “State of the Art of Accessible Instructional Designs”. This initiative funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ program aims to promote university integration through the creation of Centers for Support and Educational and Professional Development (CADEP). In order to allow students with diverse needs to stay, accessible educational designs must consider technological, affective and epistemological aspects. The ACACIA project, involving 11 universities in Latin America and 3 in Europe, aims to reduce student dropout and promote inclusion through strategies and materials.Ítem Sistematización de Vocabulario Académico en Lengua de Señas Colombiana(Maestría en Educación-Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Garay Porras, Diana Xiomara; Ortega Franco, Diego Fernando; Rodriguez Pinto, Claudia Patricia; López Leguizamón, Hugo Armando (Colaborador); Caldas Espitia, Ángela Rocio (Colaborador); Castro Pinto, Juan Manuel (Colaborador)This document is the systematization result of deaf student inclusion experience of the Master's Degree in Education of the District University "Francisco José de Caldas". It takes, as a frame of reference, the deaf people linguistic and cultural diversity bearing in mind the need to build new technical vocabulary in Colombian Sign Language (LSC), in order to answer back to the conceptual demands of the post-gradual level. Likewise, it describes the process of deaf students, their teachers and the interpretation service around of 50 academic terms compendium, recorded on video. This for, to answer back to the deaf people communicative needs from the recognition of their language gestural-viso, articulating for each one of them the established sign, as well as the definition and bibliography from which it was constructed. All this, for the sake of improving the diffusion and consolidation linguistic planning exercise of the deaf community in the field of education.Ítem Pautas para la creación de soluciones didácticas accesibles y que atienden al estado afectivo del alumnoGarcía Martínez, Álvaro; Bravo Osorio, Felipe; Rodríguez Reina, Nahir; Lobos Figueroa, Juan Pablo; Merino Rubilar, Cristian; Castiblanco Carrasco, Rodulfo Armando; Muñoz Albarracín, Liz Mayoly; Morales Silva, Tatiana; Ayala Cardona, Jaime Alberto; Centeno Bravo, Blanca Nevai; García Martínez, Álvaro [0000-0002-3597-6252]; Castiblanco Carrasco, Rodulfo Armando [0000-0002-6805-8239]; Muñoz Albarracín, Liz Mayoly [0000-0002-7486-8166]; Morales Silva, Tatiana [0000-0002-9119-4562]; Ayala Cardona, Jaime Alberto [0000-0002-4744-6590]; Centeno Bravo, Blanca Nevai [0000-0003-2391-238X]; Merino Rubilar, Cristian [0000-0002-1156-2581]; Molano Caro, Gladys; Méndez, Jaime; Villanueva, AndrésDocument, developed by the ACACIA project and co-funded by the Erasmus+ program, aims to create accessible educational solutions that accommodate the emotional health of students. It recognizes the needs of students with disabilities and other vulnerable groups to end discrimination and exclusion in higher education. Cultiva has developed models and content for educational environments that consider the emotional factor. Theoretical bases and practical standards are offered for the creation of educational guidelines that improve educational quality and reduce attrition. The objective of the proposed rules is to adapt to various contexts, which will allow each educational institution to create its own solutions that are didactic and easy to use.