Especialización en Proyectos Informáticos

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  • Ítem
    Diseño de un prototipo web para la venta de productos agrícolas de pequeños agricultores
    Velandia Montaño, Cristian Andrés; Prieto Molano, Jeison Steven; Cárdenas Quintero, Beitmantt Geovanni; Cárdenas Quintero, Beitmantt Geovanni [0000-0003-0293-0036 ]
    At present, small farmers or peasants in some remote areas of the country base a large part of their work on selling their crops wholesale or retail within their towns or villages. Despite this great work carried out by them, sales methods within the country or large cities are carried out by third parties, this is due to a lack of knowledge of information technologies or because the cost-benefit ratio is not relevant to them, including other factors such as poor and non-existent access routes and marketing monopolies. One of the tools to provide a solution to the outsourced sales process is the use of information technologies with a sales model that will allow them to improve their commercial conditions without going through intermediaries. Therefore, the aim of this project is to design a prototype web application for making and managing direct sales of their harvested products to any person or company. The prototype application will allow them to upload photographs of each of their crops, descriptions of their products and the price that each farmer considers should be sold, and thus be able to improve their commercial conditions.
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    Metodología de elección de infraestructura nube o hosting local para un servicio web
    Alarcón Díaz, Juan David; Rincón Rojas, Edgar Jacinto; Rincón Rojas, Edgar Jacinto [0000-0002-2997-8075]
    In today's IT solutions market, there are different methods and providers for the virtualization, automation and implementation of IT solutions, whether assisted, autonomous or remotely managed. A company whose infrastructure and services outsourcing, needs to know the advantages and disadvantages of each environment. the advantages and disadvantages of each environment for an eventual implementation or migration of services, if necessary, in order to migration of services if necessary, to optimize its processes and have an efficient and always available technological platform.
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    Proyecto TI basado en IoT para implementación de estrategia en tecnología inalámbrica
    Romero Murcia, Guillermo Javier; Cardenas Quintero, Beittmant Geovanni
    This project focused on designing an automated system that allows communication between devices through a network, thus enhancing their efficiency and connectivity under the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). This system was implemented experimentally using IoT protocols and technologies with the aim of solving a case study located at the main door of a home, in which this case is analyzed through a scenario-based methodology, where the scenario that is implemented has specifically actors called things or devices, one device is a door and the others are networked televisions. The door has the function of capturing video (streaming, continuous download) and publishing it on the home's IoT network when someone comes to visit and rings the bell, making the decision to send the image locally to the nearest television that has detected the user, when the user is inside the home and via the Internet to the user's phone, when the system detects that the user is not inside the house. For this purpose, a source code based on the Python programming language was proposed, which was installed on some Raspberry Pi3 (RPi3) with a Raspbian Stretch with Desktop operating system, which will help to capture the video, display the video on televisions or screens and detect the person who is inside the house.
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    Estrategia metodológica para la migración del ERP a SAP en las franquicias de la compañía Locatel Colombia
    García Tovar, Carlos Orlando; Rojas Pardo, Rodrigo; Cárdenas Quintero, Beitmantt Geovanni; Cárdenas Quintero Beitmantt Geovanni [0000-0003-0293-0036]
    The headquarters of LOCATEL LCTL is located in the country of Venezuela, there its vertical software is SAP, as in the 60 stores that are distributed throughout this country. In Colombia is located a master that is in charge of the management of the brand through the franchises in the national territory, in this structure is handled a vertical software ERP developed to the measure. In order to be able to hegemonize and centralize Locatel Master Colombia with the parent company in Venezuela, the process of migration of the tool that is in Colombia by SAP is being carried out, for that reason all its franchises must implement the same software and this generates a change in processes, activities, computer systems and roles among others. Considering this situation, an investigation was carried out that determined a methodological strategy for the future to carry out this migration by the franchisee in an orderly way. For the construction of the methodological strategy, the PESI (Laudon & Laudon) and PMI methodologies were used.
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    Diseño del plan de contingencia para el área de desarrollo de software del Hospital Vista Hermosa I Nivel, basado en la metodología DRII
    Lizarazo Lozano, Jasbleidy; Galvis Rodríguez, José Gustavo; Arévalo Arias, Rocio; Palacios Osma, José Ignacio; Palacios Osma José Ignacio [0000-0003-4701-4373]
    The Vista Hermosa Hospital Level I E.S.E, is a government social enterprise which currently has a software development area, it creates and support different information systems, highly relevant to the organization, because of this is quite important to ensure the availability of services that this area provides, which can be affected to any contingency that impacts negatively physical, human or technological resources. In accordance to this, it has been decided through this project, design and propose a contingency plan based on the (DRII) Disaster Recovery Institute International methodology, which will be presents to the organization, as a tool that allows they be prepared to face in the most effective way, the interruption of critical processes and ensure business continuity in the area in question.
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    Modelo de pruebas basado en técnicas de usabilidad soportado en estándares y normas de calidad en proyectos de desarrollo software para la empresa SQDM
    Pastes Urbano, Lina María; Cardenas Quintero, Beitmantt Geovanni
    This research was conducted with the aim of generating a quality model that integrates elements to evaluate the usability of the software products delivered by the company SQDM and improve customer satisfaction. Evaluating the quality of software products is important for both the companies that develop them and the customers who receive them, since this validation process allows identifying whether the product meets the needs raised by the customer and presents the minimum conditions for its optimal functioning. An important aspect to evaluate during the quality process is the one referring to the usability issues of the product and it has become a fundamental point given that software products are increasingly present in people's daily lives and having usable software to improve the user experience: minimizing the need for technical support and reducing additional training. To carry out the work, a theoretical analysis of the models found in the state of the art was carried out with the aim of identifying the most representative elements on the measurement of usability. Once this information was identified, the model was developed based on a questionnaire that allows validating the usability characteristics that allow delivering an optimal product and improving the end user experience. To validate the model, an expert validation was carried out through a survey from which it was concluded that in their perception the proposed model will help improve the quality of the products. In addition, it was implemented during a test cycle, which allowed identifying, reporting and correcting errors associated with usability. With this research, it is planned to improve the quality processes that the company currently has by standardizing the application of usability tests.
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    Propuesta de un modelo de ejecución de pruebas enfocado a dispositivos electrónicos con mensajería base 24 para ATH
    Rojas Galindo, José Camilo; Roso Fonseca, Maria Teresa; Zamora Ortega, Sandra Viviana; Montenegro, Carlos
    Today there are companies (they can be in-house, that means they test their own developments or they can be providers which are human talent that function as tests factory) that are devoted to software testing based on different methodologies that are adaptable to several business areas, but electronic devices with Base 24 messaging require a special kind of testing, a deeper analysis which is not fully contemplated in the existent models. In this project we executed an analysis on the existing tests model from ATH, used for testing in such devices, in order to raise a proposal for a test execution model that contributes to an increased assurance, guided by the ISO 25000. This improvement was raised after conducting an inquiry and investigation with each of the areas and parts to be taken into account to find the advantages and disadvantages of the existing standard tests model. He sought to establish a proposal seeking a more effective, efficient and agile model to have the best results for testing such devices, achieving the goal which is to reduce the problems in Go-live.
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    Guía para la gestión de proyectos informáticos del área de recursos tecnológicos y aseguramiento de la información en la organización Terpel
    Cubillos Rodríguez, Elkin Joaquín; Flórez Mercado, Karen Patricia; Palacios Osma, José Ignacio; Palacios Osma, José Ignacio [0000-0003-4701-4373]
    The document presented below is the construction of a guide for the management of computer projects in the area of technological resources and information assurance in the organization Terpel, within which they were set as objectives; Analyze the current situation of the organization in project management, later, will define the flow of processes in this area, establishing the activities to be developed within each phase of the life cycle of a project according to the needs of the entity. This guide will become a tool to standardize the activities pertinent to project management, allowing to unify the processes and documentation that must be generated.
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    Estudio de viabilidad para integración de información clínica de los laboratorios de los hospitales de la localidad de Usaquén en Bogotá
    Pérez Rebolledo, Luis Guillermo; Gutiérrez Molina, Raúl Eduardo; Montenegro Marín, Carlos Enrique; Montenegro Marín Carlos Enrique [0000-0002-5570-5097]
    The project aims to conduct a feasibility study to establish the conditions necessary to unify information between the entities providing district health of the town of Usaquén regarding concerning information: clinical laboratory, clinical history and track evolution of results in patients, for which a model pose to characterize the requirements regarding centralized storage of information with connections in star topology to the central node for managing the process of clinical laboratories of the District Department of Health, in order to perform a survey of requirements that will be the basis for implementation and implementation of the integration of information through the use of technological information and communication that allow the management and integration of information centrally and high availability in addition to optimization and process efficiency within clinical laboratories.
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    Prototipo de una solución de inteligencia de negocios para el análisis del comportamiento de la cartera del sistema de la protección social
    Arévalo Saavedra, Danelly Desiree; Quintero Muñoz, Rubiela; Meza Álvarez, Joaquin Javier
    Given the benefits of business intelligence systems and the need of the sub-directorate of integration of parafiscal contributions to provide analytical, reliable and fast information with attractive visual formats that facilitate its understanding and visualization, this project proposes the construction of a prototype business intelligence solution that characterizes the strategic variables that answer three business questions of the sub-directorate of integration of parafiscal contributions of the Management Unit of the Management Unit of parafiscal contributions. This project proposes the construction of a prototype Business Intelligence solution that characterizes the strategic variables that respond to three business questions of the sub-directorate of integration of parafiscal contributions of the Pensioners and Parafiscal Management Unit, in order to facilitate the analysis of the behavior of the portfolio of the Social Protection System. The solution will be a strategic support tool to allow users to analyze data, monitor the critical variables of the three business questions to be answered, identify trends and business perspectives to transform them into effective decisions. Therefore, the solution must allow the interrelation of the elements used by the sub-directorate in the daily management, for the generation of a scorecard that facilitates the taking of actions aimed at maintaining low levels of portfolio in the General System of Social Protection, facilitating its measurement, control and representation within the three business questions posed.
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    Modelo de procesos utilizando BPM, para empresas con base en cadena de abastecimiento
    Beltrán Jamaica, Diego Alejandro; García García, Luis Carlos; Cárdenas Quintero, Beitmantt Geovanni; Cárdenas Quintero Beitmantt Geovanni [0000-0003-0293-0036]
    Through a structured model of processes and taking into account that companies in the logistics sector need to guide their processes reliably, where the quality of their operations is guaranteed; the objective of this project is to develop a model based on BPM that will guide the different operational processes of the company Logytech Mobile, a company dedicated to providing logistic services since 2008, and thanks to its constant growth, its know-how -how have increased their degree of complexity. During the development of this project the creation of the process model was based on BPM (Business Process Management), a specialized tool for process modeling that starts with the information gathering, followed by a business model that allows the approach of the requirements and then an analysis and design of the proposed model. With the previous business model was established that the company Logytech Mobile needs to improve and unify its operating processes, which will allow the different sectors of the company to be linked to corporate strategies and goals raised in the beginning of their economic activity. Finally, in order to provide process modeling solutions, the creation of documents as guides for the study will be implemented by unanimous decision of the company as well as its possible implementation.
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    Metodología para Aseguramiento de Calidad en Proyectos de Software Realizados con Teletrabajo: Caso Newscycle Solutions
    Sánchez Forero, Rodrigo; Romero Villalobos, Oswaldo Alberto; Romero Villalobos, Oswaldo Alberto [0000-0001-8308-3128]
    Due to its high percentage of customers around the world, Newscycle Solutions uses teleworking in order to be more efficient, productive and profitable in order to meet customer expectations and objectives. As teleworking is a form of work in which project teams do not have direct contact or are physically located somewhere to detail objectives, requirements or deliverables, it has been evidenced that it is the clients who finally find inconsistencies and functional failures in the products that are delivered, generating complaints that affect the credibility and good name of the company. The document presents a methodology that assures the quality of the software projects that are made through telework, so that the company Newscycle Solutions reduce complaints and improve day by day.
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    Estrategias para fomentar el uso y desarrollo de sistemas de información basados en software libre
    Muñoz Castillo, Sandra Cristina; Álvarez, José David
    The present work sought to solve the question about how to promote the use and development of information systems based on free software in Colombia, since with the domain of free software tools people have greater possibilities to improve their quality of life and therefore it is necessary to expand its study in the educational sector that will result in its massification at the corporate level. The work consists of three chapters, the first chapter contains the introduction, justification, problem approach, objectives, scope and limitations and the frame of reference, the second chapter contains the methodological design and the third chapter is the development of research under the quantitative research approach, making use of descriptive statistics, where a diagnosis is made of the current situation of software development in the country and the training that the developers are receiving in their secondary and undergraduate education, as well as of the environment in which they will perform upon graduation, leading this study to obtain suggestions for improving the quality of education in the area of ​​computer science. The document concludes with suggestions that can be implemented as strategies to promote the use and development of information systems based on free software in Colombia.
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    Prototipo de realidad aumentada en la capacitación de personal para maquinaria especializada en industrias metalmecánicas
    Bernal Torres, Jenny Vanessa; Medina Garcia, Victor Hugo; Medina Garcia Victor Hugo [0000-0002-0989-8676]
    Training personnel in the use of specialized machinery represents a business challenge that requires constant investment of time, money, and personnel, whether internal or external. This is done to ensure proper use of machines and tools in the production process and minimize the likelihood of operational errors. Currently, the training process involves the intervention of an instructor or department head who guides employees in using the machinery. This proposal aims to provide operators with interactive and dynamic instructions on machine usage and key processes through mobile devices. This project focuses on the application of Augmented Reality (AR) in personnel training for the use of specialized machinery. By harnessing the benefits of AR technology, self-training and self-learning are encouraged among employees. Metalmecanical industries may include specialized machinery such as 3D printers, machining centers, milling machines, lathes, industrial robots, CNCs (Computer Numerical Control), laser cutters, welding and painting equipment, among others. These machines often require constant updating and training. Taking into account the above and considering that learning curves for each individual tend to be different, the goal is to reduce the gaps in technical knowledge among operators, promoting a more homogeneous training methodology. This is achieved without limitations on instructor availability or additional costs, as a technological tool is always accessible.
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    Plan de mejoramiento para la gestión de solicitudes sobre los sistemas de información administrados por la Oficina Asesora de Sistemas de la Universidad Distrital
    González González, Eduar Francisco; Pinzón Amado, Iván Gustavo; Jaramillo Moreno, Beatriz Elisa
    Currently, organizations establish processes or adopt methodologies for managing the life cycle of an IT (Information Technology) service, which are a set of good practices that provide a basis for developing processes that support the delivery of services. These methodologies, when initially implemented, are clear and timely, but over time and in accordance with the dynamics or growth of the business model, they must be adjusted, refined or updated according to the improvement opportunities that have been identified and thus seek continuous improvement of the particular area. The Technology and Information Advisory Office - OATI has defined procedures for managing the life cycle of IT services, but it has been shown that, in accordance with the evolution and development of each information system to provide more complete coverage in the The organization's procedures have increased the burden on the area, which means that the times for the end user are affected. That is why the objective of this project is to analyze the process of demand management and resolution of cases of support for the information systems managed by the Technology and Information Advisory Office of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, identifying the shortcomings. and opportunities for improvement in the management of the claim from the filing of the case, through the process until reaching its solution, to design a strategic guide where guidelines and guidelines are defined that help good practices focused on the operation of the service, resulting in a proposal to improve the management of requests by providing particular standards according to the current growth of the area
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    Diseño de un prototipo basado en Iot y lógica difusa para la clasificación de aguas grises de lavado en un hogar en Bogotá
    Hernández Ruiz, Catalina María; Gaona García, Paulo Alonso; Gaona García, Paulo Alonso [0000-0002-8758-1412]
    The environmental topic has acquired great relevance in recent decades due to multiple changes, events and alerts that have generated a stream of research around the world. The analysis of the activities of different organizations and groups has made it possible to identify that through improvements in habits and lifestyles, positive environmental behaviors can be generated, such as saving and reusing energy and water. Gray water can be used after being treated; it is commonly used to spray gardens, wash facades, and refill cisterns, among others. Although they contain organic and inorganic matter and microorganisms, they have a low content of fecal matter, which makes them suitable for reuse in daily activities in the same place. The following proposal proposes the design and implementation of a prototype based on IOT and fuzzy logic for the analysis and classification of wastewater from the washing activity, applying as a case study a household in Bogota. The design of the proposed prototype requires the analysis of a series of phases which include the understanding of the configuration of the household water system, the classification of the outputs between gray and black water, as well as the collection and analysis for its classification and subsequent treatment. It is expected that through this prototype, different types of water will be categorized to identify those related to washing, and thus proceed with their treatment and recycling.
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    Modelo de un sistema de gestión de indicadores de desempeño mediante el cuadro de mando integral para proyectos de tecnología de información
    Rodríguez Hurtado, Claudia Liliana; Torres Rodríguez, Laura Marcela; Cardenas, Beitmantt
    This project presents a model for management of indicators to the EVA area (Experiences of added value), based on the balanced scorecard (Kaplan and Norton), which facilitates the control of its activities within the organization. Being an area created recently in BANK CORPORATION, it requires pertinent indicators and corresponding documentation formally established to the bank; therefore, the need arises to formalize and quantify the management carried out in it and that allows control over time and resources of its processes aligned with its strategic objectives.
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    Modelo de ecosistema digital para mesas de servicio de tecnologías de la información en entidades financieras
    Yoinó Pajoy, Ferman Felipe; Guerrero Olmos, Yulied Paola; Rincon Rojas, Edgar Jacinto; Rincon Rojas, Edgar Jacinto [0000-0002-2997-8075]
    A service desk is the single point of contact between an IT team and the different users of an organization, it is where IT-related requirements and incidents are centralized and managed according to a standard adopted by the organization, but being aligned to a standard very possibly does not guarantee that the care and management of the services is provided correctly. This project is focused on designing a digital ecosystem model for IT service desks in financial entities that facilitates the automation of tasks, acceleration of processes, reduction of centralization and response times, generating greater productivity and cost reduction, quality management of services and a better customer experience.
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    Diseño de un portal de autoservicio para la automatización de procesos en el área de Recursos Humanos
    Angarita Buitrago, Natalia de los Angeles; Hernandez Cepeda, Oscar Javier; Jaramillo Moreno, Beatriz Elisa
    The management of personal information, working hours, vacations and career plan, together with requests for certificates and reimbursement of expenses, have become an increasingly complex task for companies, because the time available for the management of these by the employees in charge is inversely proportional to the amount of them. A portal is proposed for the automation of processes in the area of human resources through self-service in order to provide information technology services, optimize time and monetary resources. It also increases user satisfaction through automated process management. To carry out this project, a set of software design methods and techniques will be used in order to ensure that the analysis, planning and modeling of the system are of quality and allow to obtain the desired product.
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    Sistema de gestión y aplicación de evaluación de desempeño laboral en las organizaciones
    Jiménez Ávila, Edwin Fabián; Prada Quintana, Yaxon Yovani; Medina Garcia, Víctor Hugo
    Currently carrying out job performance evaluations is a frequent activity within organizations, since they allow knowing the performance and productivity of each of its members in order to implement improvement plans focused on business objectives and be able to carry out personalized feedback. to each collaborator, for this reason the need arises to add value to this type of evaluations to change the perspective of them and that they do not become one more process without relevance. This project focuses on the development of a prototype for a job performance evaluation management and application system, which allows integrating the stages that make up the process of applying job performance evaluations, such as: planning, execution, review, decision making and feedback in order to centralize their development and optimize their results. One of the long-term objectives of the implementation of the proposed system is to generate trust in this tool, both in the collaborators and in the administrative part of human resources, as a strategic ally in the performance evaluation process that supports professional development and making decisions which conclude in the fulfillment of the organization's objectives and increased productivity.