Maestría en Educación

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    Brisas carnavaleras: el carnaval en la escuela
    Niño Pardo, Diana Carolina; Guzman Munar, Margoth; Guzman Munar, Margoth [0000-0003-0483-1920]
    "Brisas Carnavaleras: El Carnaval en la Escuela" is a research study that, through the systematization of the Brisas Carnavaleras experience, aims to identify the elements that constitute carnival as an experience in the school and the social context in which it takes place. It explores the forms of participation through which students engage in creating a collective identity and building community, thereby promoting teamwork. The research generates spaces that disrupt the everyday routine within their own environment, fostering a re-signification of the collective imaginary held by the local community regarding the institution. Furthermore, it proposes strategies for mobilizing actions that promote alternative forms of interaction between the educational community and the local community, encouraging the exchange of knowledge between the school and its context, and facilitating the generation of new knowledge and the creation of bonds between students and stakeholders in their environment.
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    Representaciones sociales sobre calidad de agua en estudiantes de ciclo II en la IED colegio rural el Curubital
    Gutiérrez Muñoz, Briddy Marixe; Bustos Velazco, Edier Hernán
    This research focused on the identification and characterization of the Social Representations (SR) on water quality in a rural school in Bogotá. For this purpose, the grounded theory method was used from a qualitative approach and an interpretative hermeneutic paradigm. The analysis was developed from the associative chart, questionnaire, qualitative interview, field diary, drawings and graphic supports. These instruments were analyzed within the framework of the categories of the processual (Araya, 2002) and structural (Abric, 2001) approaches and the three dimensions of SR information, field of representation and attitude (Moscovici, 1961) with the support of Atlas Ti® software. The data show that a central nucleus predominates where water quality converges as a globalizing aspect, demonstrating a synergy between the knowledge built and learned from school and families, which are diverse in their composition and origin. In the field of representation, the naturalistic and anthropocentric typology is privileged and there is evidence of a favorable attitude towards the conservation of water quality through participation in actions aimed at conserving water quality in the territory.
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    La Memoria procedimental: Armando el cubo de rubik
    Castillo Fajardo, Carolina; Reyes Roncancio, Jaime Duván; Castillo Fajardo, Carolina [0000-0002-0527-1219]
    This work is based on the understanding of the phenomenon of procedural memory based on the handling and assembly of the Rubik's Cube and the reflection on the way in which students link this learning with situations in their lives. The research is considered in the light of the qualitative paradigm and is based on Phenomenon-Based Learning. The results were obtained from an implementation module consisting of four stages, in each of which the proposed theoretical categories were identified: Authenticity, Learning Process, Procedural Memory, the subcategory Brain Functions and an emerging category that was analyzed throughout the research related to Emotions and their importance in the Learning process. The results obtained account for the focus group's learning about the brain functions involved in the development of different skills that can be evidenced through the handling and assembly of the Rubik's Cube and that promote the development of procedural memory, which are also present in other everyday situations. In the analysis of the results, the authenticity with which learning is generated in the classroom stands out, and on the other hand, the learning process, where they were able to reflect on some of the skills that are developed through the assembly of the Rubik's Cube, highlighting motor agility, attention, planning and execution. skills that are associated with procedural memory. Finally, it was concluded on the importance of implementing methodological strategies such as Phenomenon-Based Learning in the classroom, to promote meaningful learning for students, which is linked to their life experiences, in order to establish conceptual relationships between their system of ideas and new knowledge, thus promoting the understanding of the world around them.
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    Evaluación del recurso TIC "arduino para docentes Hands On" en el aprendizaje de física de estudiantes de grado décimo y undécimo
    Buitrago Palomino, Carlos Sebastián; Salamanca Bernal , Julián Andrés; Salamanca Bernal, Julián Andrés [0000-0001-8378-4215]
    From the physics and computer science research group of the District University (FISINFOR) seeks to promote the study of the production of educational resources oriented to research professors on the management and development of software infrastructures about scientific research to be used as resources in the teaching of physics. Among this, it has sought to develop resources of scientific and technological literacy (STL) oriented to teachers, with which the teaching of natural sciences in students can be improved, for this purpose it seeks to continue with the line of research on the development and improvement of STL resources. Observing a shortage of information on the evaluation of STL resources in teaching. With the objective of addressing this gap, a study is carried out focused on the evaluation of the Paternina resource oriented to the learning of physics through Arduino in tenth and eleventh grade students.
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    Cielos de Colombia: Representaciones externas de los estudiantes de sexto grado sobre constelaciones del zodiaco desde la perspectiva de la astronomía cultural
    Diaz González, Johana Paola; Bustos Velazco, Edier Hernán; Bustos Velazco, Edier Hernán [0000-0003-0072-8598]
    The research aimed to elucidate the external representations, both linguistic and pictorial, constructed by sixth-grade students concerning constellations and zodiac constellations during activities rooted in cultural astronomy. Employing a qualitative-interpretative methodology within the hermeneutic paradigm and content analysis, a sample of 20 students from a bilingual school in Suba, aged 12-14, engaged in contextualized concept cartoons, Stellarium observations, and cultural stories from the Kogi and Sikuani peoples. Three analytical categories emerged: Modern, anthropological, and astrological approaches, revealing the evolution of student representations from viewing zodiac constellations as random elements to recognizing their scientific and cultural significance. Methodological analysis highlighted the substantial expansion of linguistic and pictorial representations through cultural astronomy activities, demonstrating enhanced learning through simulations, discussions, and questions. The use of contextualized concept cartoons inspired inquiry skills and facilitated exploration of novel concepts, supported by Stellarium. The transdisciplinary approach of Cultural Astronomy provided students with diverse perspectives, fostering knowledge beyond the science curriculum. The study established connections between seemingly distant topics, bridging stars with students' lives and intertwining scientific concepts like ecosystems with celestial movements. Ultimately, the research concluded that students' linguistic external representations shifted from astrology and modern thought towards a partial alignment with astrological and cultural perspectives.
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    Afectaciones del conflicto armado en Colombia sobre la escuela en la producción académica de posgrado de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas entre 2011 a 2019
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Rodríguez Bravo, Érika Lorena; Angulo Noguera, Yamilet; Angulo Noguera, Yamilet [0009-0007-5510-2898]
    This document is the result of a research exercise of the Master's Degree in Education with Emphasis on Intercultural Communication, Ethnoeducation and Cultural Diversity. Its central objective was to analyze the discourses present in the postgraduate academic productions of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, prepared between 2011 and 2019, in relation to the effects that the armed conflict in Colombia has generated on the school. From the reading and analysis of around ten master's and doctoral thesis documents, the discourses and practices that have been configured in the school to confront the armed conflict are realized. These discourses can be classified into two types: on the one hand, the pedagogical practices of resistance and on the other, the practices that homogenize, silence or evade the conflict
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    La enseñanza de las ciencias mediadas por actividades de ciencia escolar y su impacto en el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento y de actitudes positivas hacia el aprendizaje de la química
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Sierra Molina, Ivanna Daniela; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos Javier; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos Javier [0000-0001-8640-0803]
    This research project explores attitudes towards chemical knowledge among ninth grade students at Colegio CIEN, focusing on how school science activities that promote thinking skills affect these attitudes. This study is framed within the Science Didactics, providing an in-depth analysis of the interactions between teaching, learning, and student perception in the context of chemical education. The central research problem specifically investigates what attitudes are evidenced in students when they participate in activities designed to explicitly develop critical and analytical thinking skills. The general objective is to demonstrate the attitudes that develop in these students during school chemistry classes, focused on reflections about scientific knowledge and its impact on daily life. Methodologically, the research adopts a qualitative paradigm with a qualitative approach, using collection instruments and techniques such as Likert-type surveys called the Science Attitudes Protocol (PAC), field journals, and focus group interviews. Regarding the latter, data collection was conducted in two separate sessions due to logistical constraints, involving four students selected based on their responses in the surveys and their participation in the classes. The findings reveal that teaching strategies such as problem-based learning and cooperative learning not only facilitate the understanding of chemical concepts but also stimulate intrinsic motivation and interest in the subject. Students showed an increase in participation and a deeper engagement with the content when these techniques were implemented. A significant correlation was observed between the implementation of these strategies and the perception of the relevance of chemistry in the students' daily lives, contributing to a more profound and meaningful learning. In conclusion, the thesis demonstrates that teaching activities that integrate the development of critical thinking skills and effective peer collaboration can significantly improve students' attitudes towards chemistry. Future research could further explore the affective and cognitive dimensions of these teaching strategies, as well as their long-term impact on scientific education.
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    Interculturalidad en la escuela: proyecto de aula para fortalecer la identidad cultural de niños y niñas de grado tercero del colegio el minuto de dios ciudad verde
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) León Vásquez, Gloria Janeth; Pinzón Ramírez, Maritza
    Interculturality in school: Classroom project to strengthen cultural identity based on intercultural dialogue with 3rd year children of the CMDCV: an educational investigation to strengthen cultural identities based on intercultural dialogue in 3rd year boys and girls of the “Minuto School of God Green City”, Soacha-Cundinamarca; whose objective seeks: Strengthen the identity constructions of 3rd year CMDCV children, through a pedagogical proposal (classroom project), which promotes intercultural dialogue, respect for diversity, titled: “Interculturality in the Minute of God”. This research was carried out from the framework of interculturality in the school context to build on values and on the values of the subjects, opening paths for the construction of children's own identity, where the family-school interrelation is fundamental for personal reaffirmation. the appreciation of the environment, the promotion of active respect for diversity and the prevailing need to build bridges of dialogue from the interculturality of children in the school environment. This is why, with a view to making up for the non-curricular insertion of interculturality in the institutional PEI arises the need to apply the Pedagogical Proposal, learning and training in values, recognition of cultural identity, the horizon of meaning that each child enunciates from their being, their ancestral knowledge, their thinking , customs from their experiences with others, which was building a bridge for intercultural dialogue, enriching and giving value to cooperative learning and the construction of school environments closer to the reality of each boy and girl who participated and, above all, to the pedagogical reflection that arises from this initiative.
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    Historietas conceptuales contextualizadas, una estrategia didáctica para comprender el territorio como construcción social: caso estudiantes de grado noveno de la institución Liceo Luther King.
    Falla Falla, Ana María; Bustos Velazco, Edier Hernán; Bustos Velazco, Edier Hernán [0000-0003-0072-8598]
    The present work exposes the proposed research within the qualitative paradigm and under an interpretive approach with the main purpose of developing two Contextualized Conceptual Comics (HCC) and implementing them as a didactic, motivating, contextual and reflective strategy, enabling the discussion and understanding of the territory as a social construction. by the ninth grade students of the Liceo Luther King (LLK) educational institution, located in the town of Kennedy, in the city of Bogotá. Furthermore, seeking through the proposed situations to identify and establish the relationship, implications and ideas they have about the territory of which they are part, they build, appropriate and transform.
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    Influencia del uso de mnemotecnias en el aprendizaje de los 12 pares craneales
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Diaz Beltran, Hanny Vanessa; Ruiz Pacheco, Nelly Janneth
    This research arose from the need to implement classroom strategies for learning the 12 cranial nerves with eighth-grade students at a school in Bogotá. This led to identifying the influence of mnemonics as innovative strategies in the learning of cranial nerves of the Peripheral Nervous System in eighth-grade students at Colegio San Vicente IED. The purpose of implementing these resources focused on three principles: facilitating the understanding of the 12 cranial nerves through simple associations, motivating students to use mnemonics as innovative and easily accessible strategies, and stimulating their imagination during the learning process. Regarding the methodology, the research followed an interpretive paradigm with an action-research approach, employing an interest group strategy. Six instruments were used for data collection, and the analysis was conducted with the help of MAXQDA® software. Unlike traditional strategies, this methodology incorporated creative and personalized elements that facilitated the long-term retention and recall of the 12 cranial nerves. This novel approach not only motivated the students but also optimized their ability to remember complex information through simple mental associations with greater meaning. Thus, the categories of analysis included the effectiveness of mnemonics, motivation in learning, memory in learning, content comprehension, and the promotion of imagination. Regarding the results, these were collected, categorized, and analyzed based on the interpretation of the students' discourse. It was concluded that mnemonics can influence students' learning when linked to factors such as motivation, understanding, imagination, memory, and the ease of use of these resources. Similarly, some recommendations highlight the importance of continuing to use mnemonics in the classroom to improve the retention and comprehension of complex concepts.
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    Trayectoria hipotética de aprendizaje de patrones aritméticos con números enteros, para estudiantes en situación de discapacidad intelectual
    Devia Ávila, María Angélica; León Corredor, Olga Lucía; León Corredor, Olga Lucía [0000-0003-4373-8630]
    The focus of interest of this work is to design a Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (THA) of the arithmetic patterns of integers that will be incorporated into a teaching trajectory in the classroom for students with intellectual disabilities, contributing to the teaching processes and learning mathematics. In this way, THAs support the development of mathematical knowledge and foster a richer understanding of how children learn mathematics. For teachers, they are tools that allow a structured way to look at the learning of a mathematical concept, considering the generalization process and integers as concrete concepts to work on; For the first, it is considered as a significant and comprehensive learning process in the field of pattern formulation, as mentioned by Schoenfeld (1992), mathematics reveals hidden patterns that help to see and understand the world from different perspectives; and the second, according to Cid, Godino and Batanero (2004), the difficulties that arise when manipulating and understanding integers are due to the events that the mathematical community had to accept them. On the other hand, inclusion is addressed from a perspective of mathematical education for all, creating a space where students as a whole interact to generate meaningful learning experiences, based on the differences that each human being has and their ways of seeing. and understand things (Paredes and Sanabria, 2015). Finally, the research methodology to be worked on is Design research, through the use of teaching experiments, with which hypotheses are generated, reaffirmed and changed, allowing the generation of significant learning experiences in mathematics (Rinaudo and Donolo, 2010).
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    Conocer reflexivo en acción: explorando las características en un ambiente de aprendizaje sobre una situación económica financiera
    Leal Carvajal, Javier Esteban; Manrique Cuesta, Sandra Yamile; Camelo Bustos, Francisco Javier; Camelo Bustos Francisco Javier [0000-0002-8627-4816]
    This master thesis aims to identify the characteristics of reflective knowing in the context of an economic-financial situation developed in a learning environment, using a socio-critical perspective. It focuses on key concepts such as critical mathematics education, mathematical literacy, mathematical modeling and, specifically, the characteristics of reflective knowing (thinking about the other, practice with mathematics, collectivity, and critical and mathematical reading). To achieve this purpose, a work is carried out with students in the ninth grade of high school, who are between 15 and 16 years old, where a financial economic situation is constructed. The context, the situation developed, what could have happened and the production of data are presented through the situations and processes of the research from the critical perspective proposed by Skovsmose and Borba (2004). The information is collected through audio recordings, field notes and presentations made by the students, and then analyzed in light of the characteristics of reflective knowing. As a result of the analysis, we identified some indicators that suggest whether the characteristics of reflective knowing are developed in the learning environment in relation to the financial economic situation, highlighting some as constant and transversal, while others are more superficial and ephemeral. Finally, as a consequence of the research, the possibility of deepening the proposed indicators in other types of learning environments is open.
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    La escuela por el territorio: resignificación del territorio en las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes de Ciencias Sociales
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Chávez Susa, Germán; Moreno Lache, Nubia; Moreno Lache, Nubia [0000-0003-3069-8350]
    The present work entitled The school for the territory: resignification of the territory in the pedagogical practices of the teachers of social sciences, aims to contribute to the reflection and resignification of the territory from the pedagogical practices of the social science teachers of the Fernando Mazuera school of the locality de Bosa in the city of Bogotá, with a group of tenth grade students from the College, The purpose is to assume the territory as an articulating axis of knowledge, feelings built in the school, in the family, in the neighborhood and the locality. As a result of the geographical, social and historical processes and starting from the reality that the students live and inhabit; expressed in the dialectical school-territory relationship, which underlies the social and collective construction of the territory. For this, four moments are proposed in the methodological development of the research methodology. The first seeks to identify the relationships that occur in the school, the second to make the concept of territory visible by teachers, students and family then approach the territory from cognitive mapping, as part of pedagogical practice in teaching and learning. of the social sciences in the end, the development of a toolbox is proposed as a pedagogical and didactic strategy that contributes to the redefinition of the territory in the school, framed from the Communego.
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    La interacción del maestro de física con el contenido didáctico en formato video (youtube)
    Sanabria Peñuela, Deivid John; Castiblanco Abril, Olga Lucia; Castiblanco Abril Olga Lucia [0000-0002-8069-0704]
    This research focuses on examining the interaction between physics teachers and educational YouTube videos, with the aim of understanding their use in the school environment and how teachers utilize them in teaching physics. Employing a qualitative approach and the focus group method, data were collected directly from teachers selected for their experience in teaching physics, especially at the high school level, regardless of whether they have worked in public or private institutions. The data were obtained through focus group sessions, and the transcriptions were analyzed using the atlas.ti program to explore the teachers' experiences, perceptions, and practices concerning the use of videos. This analysis was conducted by creating categories and categorical indicators, facilitating a deep understanding of how teachers employ YouTube videos in their pedagogical practices, with particular attention to the educational environments they face, to precisely understand their interaction with YouTube videos. Before implementing the focus group sessions, instrument validation was conducted with members of the GEAF research group on physics teaching and learning, ensuring the reliability and relevance of the instruments used. Additionally, an exhaustive review of the specialized literature on teacher training, physics didactics, and the integration of educational technologies was performed, providing a solid theoretical framework for analyzing the findings. This review identified best practices and contemporary theories supporting the integration of technological tools in physics teaching, highlighting the importance of continuous and updated teacher training that fosters critical reflection and effective integration of these tools in teaching.
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    Historia mítica y memoria ancestral muisca en el parque arqueológico de facatativá: recuperación de la identidad desde la narración oral
    Arias Romero, Ricardo; Guzmán Munar, Margoth; Guzmán Munar, Margoth [0000-0003-0483-1920]
    The purpose of the following study is to reconstruct the mythical story of the Muisca Culture, in the place called Parque Arqueológico de Facatativá, that allows the identification of elements that contribute to the identity of the different narratives. Narratives that are part of the material and spiritual culture of the territory, which are fundamental to the understanding of the intercultural relations that are woven in this sacred place. For this, four Circles of Word are developed, in which the identification and recognition of symbolic elements is explored, as well as the ancestral memory and factors that make the territory a place of intercultural character. This investigation is of great importance, in the first instance, for the Muisca Culture because marks another step in the vindication of the spiritual character related to territories that are considered sacred. In a secondary instance, it is important for the academic context, because it is proposed from the hermeneutic-phenomenological analysis, to highlight the work of protecting the Muisca ancestral memory carried out by the Sabedores and Sabedoras (knowledge keepers/cultural bearers), as agents of social, ethnic and cultural transformation. Keywords: narrative, interculturality, mythical history, intercultural education, ancestral pedagogy, ancestral memory.
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    Tejiendo educación propia, reparando el territorio: saberes campesinos que re-existen en la asociación de campesinos y campesinas de la Europa, Ovejas – Sucre.
    Rodríguez Rodríguez, Andrés Ignacio; Ramírez Fernández, Maritza; Ramírez Fernández, Maritza [0000-0002-2845-6566]
    The territorial conflict evident in the rural territory known as La Europa in the municipality of Ovejas, department of Sucre, Colombia, is framed within the issues surrounding land disputes in the Montes de María, which historically have been part of the process of shaping territories in this subregion of the Colombian Caribbean. This area has been characterized by various struggles led by the local peasantry for land access, which currently involves defending the territory in spaces where armed conflict has torn apart the social fabric, leading to forced displacement, land usurpation, and consequently, the loss of the cultural universe that the territory holds for the local peasantry. Considering the above, this work aims to reflect on the educational process specific to the Association of Farmers of Finca La Europa, through peasant knowledge as a contribution to the symbolic reparation of the territory from a pedagogical perspective of re-existence, as a result of the integration of community needs related to the educational sphere. Through a collaborative action research approach, it creates its own educational spaces and instances that contribute to the organizational structure of the farmers in this rural Montemariano sector.
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    La pedagogía para la paz: una apuesta para afrontar las manifestaciones violentas en los conflictos escolares con los niños y las niñas
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Triana Diosa, Diana Marcela; Sandoval Guzmán, Betty; Sandoval Guzmán Betty [0000-0002-3325-6876]
    The present research focuses on the characterization and analysis of the interactions of second grade students at the “Colegio Lluvia de Bendiciones” and its implications in the management of school conflicts, which are permeated by violent demonstrations as forms of communication naturalized in this school context. From this, the design, execution and evaluation of a critical and reflective pedagogical proposal is evident, from pedagogy for peace, in order to generate significant experiences in this school environment that would allow addressing school conflicts from different means peaceful coexistence in the communities. The results of the research provided compelling evidence about the importance of recognizing the problem of violence in society from the educational field and its contribution to eliminating it and building peaceful coexistence from the training of critical subjects of their reality. In addition to this, the need to strengthen the links between family and school as social institutions that establish close cooperative and collaborative relationships in search of the same goal, a peaceful society, is reaffirmed
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    Estrategias de enseñanza del concepto de reacción química en un profesor de química experimentado
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Salazar Morales, Maricel; Reyes Roncancio, Jaime Duván; Reyes Roncancio, Jaime Duván [0000-0002-9229-1196]
    This research work is framed under a perspective where teaching strategies are not only part of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) (Grossman, 1989; Carlsen, 1999; Magnusson, Krajcik, & Borko, 1999), but also closely related to its other components. Indeed, the strategies a teacher uses during the instruction of chemical reactions should be based on a solid understanding of related concepts, methods, theories, the ways knowledge is produced, the lifestyles of scientific communities, and the current debates in the field of chemistry. Similarly, the fact that the teacher must make decisions about how to teach, what activities to conduct with students, or how to present the content implies using their knowledge of educational theories, learning models, etc. In this way, teaching strategies are configured as a practical projection and implication of the underlying philosophy of a teaching model that is implicitly formed by the teacher. Likewise, these teaching strategies are also affected by the context in which they are developed. The operating norms or guidelines of the institution, the profile of the students, and other contextual aspects influence their selection and adaptation.
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    Identidad territorial mediada por prácticas sociales ambientales escolares
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Muñoz Prada, Angélica; Reyes Roncancio, Jaime Duván; Reyes Roncancio, Jaime Duván [0000-0002-9229-1196]
    This research communicates the results and analysis of a research process focused on determining the contributions of environmental social practices in the construction of the territorial identity of fourth grade students of the Ciudad Latina educational institution in the municipality of Soacha. Through the territorial intelligence approach, where the Territorii Method contributed to the articulation of lived, real and dreamed territories, as essential elements to unravel the territorial identity of students and thus identify, re-symbolise, provide meaning and define environmental social practices mediating and generating school environmental senses of identity towards the territories. The research methodology was epistemologically based on constructionism, and was based on a qualitative approach with an action research perspective in the educational field. Three research stages were developed that allowed us to advance in the understanding of the interpretations of the territories for the students and to externalise the meanings that they attribute to some practices executed in the framework of the real territory; this allowed us to recognise the identities that characterise their relationships with the territory and in this way implement learning situations that empowered the children in their territories, turning them into critical agents of change. Thus, it is possible to configure the territory of the Ciudad Latina neighbourhood beyond the processes of deterritorialisation as a space for re-signifying territorial identities through harmonious, fair and sustainable school environmental social practices led by the voices of the children as fundamental actors. In summary, it is concluded that the contribution of school environmental social practices to the territorial identity of students in this territory arises through collective constructions where the views, experiences, actions, opinions and expectations of children are fundamental to generate a sense of belonging to a context marked by hegemonic territorial dynamics.
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    Conocimiento didáctico del contenido en la enseñanza del ADN
    Ortiz Amador, Cindy Rocío; Reyes Roncancio, Jaime Duván
    The purpose of this research was to characterize the didactic knowledge of content (PCK) of the researcher teacher focused on four axes, namely: pedagogical orientation, pedagogical strategies, ADN curriculum, and students' ideas, based on the postulates of Park and Oliver (2008). The concept of CDC stems from the premises set out by Shulman (1986) and his collaborators with the term Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) at Stanford University. The term has been reconfigured by various authors into a bidirectional construction that explains the way in which teachers transform their own knowledge how teachers transform their own disciplinary knowledge into teachable knowledges. This is only accessible through the complex interaction of the teacher's disciplinary, practical and pedagogical knowledge. practical and pedagogical knowledge that he/she develops in practice.This is a self-reflective study in search of the resignification of the teacher's work based on the participatory action observation approach.The participatory action observation approach. The class recordings and annotations of the comments of the class recordings and annotations of the comments of the experiences within the virtual classroom dynamics became the information analysis by categories in the identification of didactic knowledge for the teaching of DNA, a process that was assisted by the DNA, a process that was aided by the use of the Maxqda plus 2020 program. The results were grouped according to the methodological phases developed by the teacher, which were: inductive, observational, and inductive, observational and descriptive. In these phases, the teacher's efforts to be objective concepts that the integrates hierarchically and provide structure and support in it pedagogical and didactic discourse.In it pedagogical and didactic discourse. The organization of the teacher's teaching was mainly guided by questions, which allowed it to open the construction of a dialogue with their students and to enrich it PCK with their ideas, expressing constructivist ideas expressing traits of constructivism located in social and cultural terms.