Maestría en Educación
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Ítem El análisis del clúster aplicado al área de la salud: Una experiencia con estudiante del SenaCastro Ropero, Jeymy; Rocha Salamanca, Pedro GerardoThis investigation arises as an answer to various findings which points the foundamental needed of statistician knowledge for any person who could enhance his personal, laboral, and social scopes. From this, it arises the purpose to describe the learning-teaching process of the cluster analysys with R-studio program, which is founded in the Theory of didactical situations, this one was implemented on the students of Health Management program of the SENA institute.Ítem Procesos de generalización y niveles de matematización de estudiantes de grado octavo en la iniciación al álgebra escolarRodríguez González, Edwin Alejandro; Aldana, Yimmy Andrés; Bohórquez Arenas, Luis Ángel; Bohórquez Arenas, Luis Angel [0000-0002-1340-9214]This research seeks to describe and determine the levels of mathematization through which students' productions pass when they perform tasks on generalization processes, this research is applied to students who are in the eighth grade and are starting the school algebra course, also the theoretical bases that allow the support of this research are found, starting from referents that focus the work on a theory of mathematics education which is the Realistic Mathematics Education. In addition, we recognize authors who worked on generalization actions, on the conceptions of generalization that allow outlining the work on pattern generalization tasks, and other authors who researched on the teaching of school algebra making use of generalization and the development of early algebra. This work being immersed in the field of education, the research is aimed at describing in a qualitative way some of the actions developed in a teaching-learning process, specifically the categorization of students' productions in order to recognize the level of mathematization achieved by each one and to describe how these generalization processes are.Ítem Reconociendo las emociones: caracterización de emociones desplegadas en la práctica docente de dos profesores de cienciasGomina Sanchez, Laura Vanessa; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos JavierThis research project, conducted as part of the Master’s Program in Education with an emphasis on Science and Technology Education at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, aims to characterize the emotions of two teachers used as case studies: a secondary school teacher and a university science instructor. The goal is to identify the emotions that emerge in their teaching practices and analyze potential similarities and differences between them. The study was conducted using a qualitative and interpretative approach, employing data collection instruments such as a semantic differential, a field journal, and a semi-structured interview. Through the triangulation of these instruments, it was found that the university instructor's emotions tend to be more positive compared to those of the secondary school teacher. This analysis was based on a set of categories, subcategories, and indicators, and the results suggest that in science education, it is crucial to explicitly incorporate emotions as a significant factor. Given their impact on teaching and learning, emotions are recognized as a key element in improving the quality of science education.Ítem Caracterización de los significados de las matemáticas en estudiantes de grado séptimo, bajo el contexto de la educación económica y financieraTous Plata, Roseli Lizeth; Bajonero Espitia, Nicolle Yaritza; Mancera Ortiz, GabrielThe objective of this research work is to characterize the meanings of mathematics that seventh grade students give when developing socially relevant activities from a context of economic and financial education, for which initially and as an important and relevant aspect of the research, The desires, expectations, dreams and illusions of the students investigated were investigated and from there proposals were generated to know the reason for their responses and to provide an introduction to a possible investigation. To develop the project, critical research was taken into account as a methodology in which through the cooperation, negotiation and deliberation of the participants, the theme was proposed to work on business projects that can be created for the benefit of the community of Facatativá, also from the desires, expectations and reality of each of the subjects, it was proposed to address each company using the modeling stages. Thus, based on the themes that arise in the class and the mathematical modeling, the researchers designed activities based on the “shark tank” program, which allowed students to create different business possibilities, describing economic and financial aspects that they consider important. for its operation. Based on the analysis of the videos taken by the researchers, the transcription of the dialogues from the sessions, analysis of some images and the proposal of categories of the meanings of mathematics by Skovsmose, Alrø and Valero (2008), the meanings were characterized. of mathematics that the seventh grade students granted when developing socially relevant activities from a context of economic and financial education, proposing emerging categories that are guided by the treatment and discourse of the students in this context. For this reason, we highlight that the emerging categories are born from the students' experiences when developing the modeling environment and fall into the meanings of mathematics from the context of economic and financial education, so in another context we are not sure of that arose in this way, with which we consider that recognizing the subjects who participated in the project allows us to go beyond the formality of the research, the other is important because it allows me to be and see myself. Students can give meaning to mathematics as an opportunity, a difficulty, an instrument, a form of criticism and a necessity for real life seen from the common and particular aspects of this research. Finally, by developing the research, findings regarding economic and financial education as a context for the development of socially relevant activities designed to strengthen society from the classroom are evident; on the other hand, the relationship between reality, the foregrounds of the participants and the meanings they can give to mathematics when working in a modeling environment.Ítem Construcción y diseño de prácticas sustentables basadas en los principios de la química verde aplicadas en el Colegio Brasilia Usme IED en el contexto PRAEHernández Flórez, Ronald Fernando; Muñoz Albarracín, Liz Mayoly; Muñoz Albarracín, Liz Mayoly [0000-0002-7486-8166]This project arose from the need to support the school environmental project PRAE through the implementation of practices aimed at preventing excessive waste production and the use of clean technologies. These practices were built upon the principles of Green Chemistry and sustainability, topics of growing importance for environmental conservation in recent decades. In the school context, addressing this concern from a perspective of prevention, efficiency, and sustainability is particularly relevant. The project's goal was to collaborate with the students of the environmental guardians group at Brasilia Usme IED school. These students applied practices designed based on the mentioned principles and made a contribution to the institutional PRAE. Their work consisted of identifying everyday actions that could be transformed into sustainable practices, which helped prevent the production of harmful waste for the environment and promote the adoption of clean and environmentally friendly technologies. This project was conducted using a qualitative research approach, as it allowed us to analyze the dynamics of the school reality. Additionally, an action research design was employed, which involved intervening in the educational institution and working directly with the group of student guardians. To obtain and analyze the results, we used the focus group strategy, and the primary data collection instrument was field journals. All of this aimed to promote environmentally responsible practices in the school context, fostering student participation and their commitment to environmental care and conservation of the surroundings.Ítem Usando la realidad aumentada en el diseño de escenarios para potenciar procesos de visualización y la matematización de fenómenos para constituir el objeto matemático de derivada como razón de cambio por medio de la experimentaciónOtero Barrios, Jorge Aníbal; Páez Solano, Cesar Enrique; Narváez Ortiz, Deissy MilenaTeaching is a social practice that requires research and innovation. For this reason, different methodological strategies have been developed that include particular didactic materials, problem solving and the use of technologies. The latter, linked to certain knowledge and skills. The following work offers an innovative technological alternative for the teaching of mathematics through the design of different digital scenarios in 2D, 3D and Augmented Reality (AR) in the GeoGebra software that allow students to live a unique experience of interaction and exploration that , thanks to the transition between platforms, enhance mathematization and visualization processes and constitute the idea of the ratio of change.Ítem Formación de docentes para la observación del cieloGuataquira Ramirez, Jose Efrain; Castiblanco Abril, Olga Lucia; Castiblanco Abril, Olga Lucia [0000-0002-8069-0704]The teaching of astronomy in basic and secondary education in Colombia is not established as a fundamental or exclusive subject, unlike other natural sciences, for this reason, several of its contents are addressed from other subjects of natural sciences or social sciences which teachers from different areas of knowledge assume. Additionally, during the professional training of both bachelors and other areas that concern education or science, astronomy does not appear as a subject in the curricula either, so teaching this science to students is a challenge, which is commonly solved by following step-by-step instructions, workshops, and content that have been repeated from one generation to another. Astronomy is included in the nation's education standards and allows expanding or enabling the development of multiple skills, and situations of technological and cultural interest, among other aspects. So the results of a training methodology for teachers related to the learning and teaching of astronomy are presented through the Diario del Cielo strategy, used in other countries and which has been adapted to Colombian context. In this strategy, tools and practical exercises were developed, giving rise to dialogue spaces that were evaluated through discourse analysis to generate recognition of multiple factors, among which the following stand out: the ideas and knowledge that teachers have in each exercise, the methodology applied in each activity and the transformation of the discourses evidenced through the conversations. Generally determining the expansion or change of knowledge and ideas of astronomy and at the same time the validation of the method used during the research in this exercise of teaching and learning of astronomy in practicing teachers in Bogotá.Ítem Diseño de una secuencia de enseñanza y aprendizaje desde la integración de la física y la química para la comprensión de la hidrofobicidad y la conductividad eléctrica en los textiles inteligentesAngarita Ardila, Diana Milena; Pantoja Cabrera, David Enrique; Muñoz Albarracín , Liz Mayoly; Muñoz Albarracín Liz Mayoly [0000-0002-7486-8166]This work, built within the framework of nanotechnology, grounded in Chemistry and Physics, sought to generate a didactic proposal designed for teaching, from an integrative perspective in a study context that serves as a mechanism for generating attention and motivation for the learning of natural sciences. The main objective of the work was to construct a teaching-learning sequence (TLS), mediated by the progression of the modeling competence and based on the integration of the physical and chemical knowledge that must be considered for science club students to understand the properties of electrical conductivity and hydrophobicity exhibited by smart textiles, materials that are part of the spectrum of study of nanotechnology. For this purpose, the assumed research position was qualitative research, from a hermeneutic approach, based on the observation, appropriation, and understanding of the situations developed in the science club, based on the four structures of intellection: Horizon, circular, mediation, and dialogue. The single case study method was used for evaluation. The results obtained from the application of the TLS showed that the use of both physical and chemical models and theories allowed for a better understanding of the studied properties of smart textiles, as evidenced by the use of representations, both graphical and written, that the student made to respond to the proposed situations, leading to a progression in the student's competencies, mobilizing their knowledge from their own ideas and conceptions towards a more structured knowledge regarding the electrical conductivity and hydrophobicity of textilesÍtem Un acercamiento a los vectores de la ética comunitaria y sus repercusiones en la forma de pensar matemáticamente: una experiencia con estudiantes de grado terceroRey Ayala, Nataly Andrea; Vergel Causado, Rodolfo; Vergel Causado, Rodolfo [0000-0002-0925-3982]This work focused its gaze on determining and documenting the repercussions of the vectors of community ethics in the ways of thinking mathematically, based on what emerges in the processes of objectification and subjectification from the OT raised by Radford, it must be taken into account that These processes occur in the interaction of the teacher and students in the activity to turn the mathematical object into an object of consciousness and thought. One of the important elements for the development of this research is community ethics and its three corresponding vectors (responsibility, commitment to joint work and care for the other); since this was the basis that allowed the identification of forms of human cooperation when addressing specific tasks, as mentioned by Radford (2021), the ethics that OT is interested in formulating is reflective and critical in nature; there an important role is played by what Marx (1988) called "human capacities" in which human relationships and individuals in their historical-cultural contexts are confirmed. It is here where different forms of alterity arise (recognition of the other, not in romantic terms of agreeing with the other). Based on the above, tasks based on the use of geometric patterns were designed and implemented, these were observed within of the activity, since it is considered as the space in which the movement of human interactions is guaranteed. Finally, the contributions of the research and the results of the same, gave inputs to demonstrate the repercussions in the ways of thinking mathematically, when the vectors of community ethics are configured within the activity.Ítem La lectura y la escritura: una discusión desde los artículos publicados en revistas indexadas (2006-2021)Munar Moreno, Ángela Katerin; Díaz Soler, Carlos Jilmar; Díaz Soler, Carlos Jilmar [0000-0003-0944-3046]Reading and writing have become study objects of great interest because they play an important role in the circulation and preservation process of the humanity cultural heritage. The interest in this topic has induced a lot of questions. As a foreground, reading and writing are associated to language in order to set the first questions that leads to establish a theoretical perspective. From this point of view, papers that have been published in indexed journals between 2006 and 2021, are inquired. Taking it as support, this research project aims to identify and analyze the reasoning ways assumed by the discussion on reading and writing, collected in these papers, to establish reflection elements to problematize these study objects and to perceive some aspects of their teaching.Ítem Trayectorias reales de aprendizaje del número y de la escritura en español en población infantil en riesgo de abandonoGuezguan Medina, Zulma; León Corredor, Olga Lucía; León Corredor, Olga Lucía [0000-0003-4373-8630]This research paper shows the results obtained in the articulation relationships between the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory of number and writing in Spanish in children at risk of abandonment and the evolution of the Real Learning Trajectory of number and writing. in Spanish, in learning environments, addressed under "the category of "Learning environment" as a place for school learning and as a didactic product is incorporated into the didactic environment category" (Calderón and León, 2016, p. 13). The context for the research is delimited by the results of research on the problems to understand what children read and write in their early childhood and their first grades of schooling, there are relationships with the so-called "learning disorders" as they can be dyslexia and dyscalculia; Dyslexia is based on showing a reading level below what it should be due to age, eloquence and comprehension, dyscalculia impairs the acquisition of mathematical skills, disturbance of numerical reasoning processes and attention. This research is carried out with apprentice boys and girls, specifically the child population at risk of abandonment, this population is characterized by the lack of guidance necessary to carry out their tasks and clear up doubts regarding topics addressed in classes, relying only on the teaching of the teacher.Ítem Diversidad lingüística dialectal y diálogo intercultural con estudiantes de grado quinto, en el colegio Bosanova IEDEnríquez Díaz, Érika Elizabeth; Guzmán Munar, Margoth; Guzmán Munar, Margoth [0000-0003-0483-1920]The purpose of the following research was to recognize the dialectal diversity that children bring to the classroom, through intercultural dialogue, with Fifth grade students, at the Bosanova IED school, afternoon shift. This proposal arose from the reflection on the pedagogical practice of the teacher-researcher in the teaching of Spanish, in which there had been a tendency towards a purist vision of the language, ignoring the dialectal varieties of the students, as speakers of Spanish. Talking about language implies talking about culture, for this reason, the work had a decolonial and emancipatory perspective, since in the school we have the duty to decolonize our practices and reveal possible prejudices and symbolic violence that are reproduced in the school, regarding the difference that is not usually natural in our classrooms, especially if we talk about dialectal diversity in the Spanish classroom. Thus, this study had a qualitative approach with a critical, social and emancipatory paradigm; it was developed from action research, through the implementation of workshops, and the collection of information was done through field diaries, semi-structured interviews, and workshops, as instruments. Consequently, the pedagogical proposal and the intercultural dialogue contributed to show the dialectal linguistic diversity and to naturalize its presence in the classroom from the sociolinguistic conscience; Linguistic attitudes and symbolic violence that some students have been subjected to inside and outside the school were also evidenced. Finally, this experience enriched the learning of Spanish as First Language (L1) and the reflection on decolonizing practices in the classroom, by the teacher.Ítem Usme Centro y Alfonso López: territorios locales barriales con vocación turísticaRincón Alonso, José David; Rodríguez Pizzinato, Liliana Angélica; Rodríguez Pizzinato, Liliana Angélica [0000-0003-1414-936X]This work shows the results of the research on the tourism potential of the urban and rural territory of Bogotá, the result of different socio-cultural and historical dynamics. In these dynamics, the emergence of local neighborhood tourism scenarios is observed, taken as geosymbols by the community (Lombana, 2018). In search of understanding the practices of inhabitants and visitors who, located in the neighborhood territories with a recreational, cultural or economic intention, from the representative qualities identified in their daily life in the perspective of community tourism. The educational possibility of thinking about the neighborhood territory makes it more valuable for its inhabitants, who become transformers of it, recognizing the historical characteristics of phenomena and actors present in the territory, which contribute to address questions about the environment, showing broader perspectives of the territory (Castellanos, 2012 and Araya and Gonzales, 2011). This helps to understand the idea of the territory as a living classroom to integrate the community into an educational process, in which it is the protagonist and responsible for it. The research question is posed as: "How is the local neighborhood territory configured by the community of Usme Centro and Alfonso López based on scenarios of interest with tourist potential in the area?" with the objective of understanding that territory based on scenarios with tourist vocation expressed by the communities that inhabit it. Specifically, it seeks to characterize cultural, historical, social, and economic elements that show local neighborhood identity references, recognize local neighborhood scenarios made visible by the community with tourist potential, and produce cartographies locating the geosymbols found in the local neighborhood territory.Ítem Construcción de conocimiento escolar con enfoque CTS acerca de la combustión en la IED Miguel Antonio Caro de Funza (Cundinamarca)Hernández Rodríguez, Carlos Alberto; Fonseca Amaya, Guillermo; Fonseca Amaya, Guillermo [0000-0001-8454-8804]The University's research line "Biology, teaching and realities" (BER) propose an educational research project. This project seeks characterization of school knowledge from the perspective of relations between Science-Technology-Society (STS) regarding the construction process of students about school knowledge of combustion in the framework of chemical changes. This document contains the problem's statement and gathers the conditions and motivations for the proposed research. It leads to the system of questions that guide the study, then the targets are displayed. The theoretical framework is in the order of the contributions of the didactics of science, the didactics of chemistry, the school knowledge, and the theoretical framework closes with considerations of the STS approach in the proposal. It then presents the systematic literature review process to obtain background information on the teaching of combustion with an STS approach. The exposition shows the methodological aspects that guide the development of research stages, from the paradigmatic positioning to the instrumental level under the parameters of educational research methodology. In the following stages, the validation of the information collection instruments, the results, and the analysis presented, where the communications of the participating students are interpreted with the content analysis technique based on the categories of the project to derive curricular orientations for the science area of the institution in which the project was developed and ends with the internal validation of the work.Ítem Aportes de las investigaciones que sobre afectividad y educación se encontraron en las bases de datos Redalyc, Springer link, Scielo, Taylor & Francis y en estudios de posgrados de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional y la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (2011-2020): un estado del arteSánchez López, Yuliana; Mojica Ríos, LydaThe document presents the research developed in the emphasis of Intercultural Education, Ethnoeducation and Cultural Diversity of the Francisco José de Caldas District UniversityUDFJDC-, as a graduate work to choose the title of Magister in Education and whose purpose was to consolidate the academic contributions made about the construction of affectivity and its relationship with education, analysing research published in the Redalyc, Springer Link, Scielo and Taylor & Francis databases, and in the post-graduate repositories of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia and the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas during the period between 2011 and 2020: a state of the art.Ítem Un ambiente de aprendizaje que promueve la afectividad, reconozca el contexto de los estudiantes de grado quinto en la construcción y resolución de problemas multiplicativos para generar interés por las clases de matemáticasHerrera Cruz, Berto Julio; Gil Chaves, Diana; Gil Chaves, Diana [0000-0003-3872-1105]The master's degree work developed in the research modality, which is presented, arises due to the lack of interest that fifth grade students have in mathematics classes. This problem has been addressed from different aspects that are taken into account in learning. of mathematics, one of these is the emotional, Muriel and Murcia (2017) affirm that, at a higher level of emotional intelligence, the greater the learning and the educational processes are optimized (Barrier and Mendoza, 2021; Lozano, 2018). The teaching device of the workshop is implemented as a strategy for the design and implementation of a learning environment with fifth grade students for the mathematics classroom where works on some aspects of the multiplicative structure, based on problem solving, which integrate the affectivity and social context of the students with the purpose of generating in the students interest in learning mathematics. The approach of this research is qualitative, descriptive, in which a case study is constituted, that facilitated the understanding and analysis of the phenomenon of the design and implementation of the learning, since it allowed us to delve deeper into some particular aspects, using as instruments for data collection, the field diary, the interview, and the production of the students.Ítem Elementos de ficción como mediadores pedagógicos que aporten a la construcción del concepto de adaptación biológica en estudiantes de quinto de primaria de la IED El PorvenirPreciado Rincón, Lady Estefania; Ruiz Pacheco, Nelly Janneth; Ruiz Pacheco, Nelly Janneth [000-0003-2395-5355]The following proposal links elements of fiction with the teaching of biological adaptation. seeking to contribute to the construction of the concept in fifth grade students of the IED El Porvenir, through the implementation of a didactic sequence that is motivating, within the framework of qualitative research, under the Action Research methodology. This topic is interesting and innovative to the extent that its implementation in the initial years of schooling corresponding to primary school is limited and is not deepened in secondary school (Barros, Fuentes, and Rivadulla, 2021), its treatment being important as it provides . to the consolidation of the future understanding of evolutionary theory, the living and its relationship with the environment, to the extent that the student is made aware not only of the survival characteristics of individuals but also of the incidence of environmental changes and its possible effects, promoting critical positions towards the world around them (Bruckermann, Fiedler and Harms, 2021). From the analysis of various instruments, it is possible to show that there is progress in the description of morphological, physiological and ethological characteristics, being related to elements of ecosystems and aspects such as survival and reproduction, despite presenting obstacles to learning.Ítem Uso de retroacciones didácticas en DGPad-Colombia para producir aprendizaje por adaptación relativa al sistema de representación numérica con valor posicionalRodríguez Sarmiento, Sergio David; Martínez Peña, Cristian Camilo; Acosta Gempeler, Martín Edwardo; Acosta Gempeler, Martín Edwardo [0000-0003-1002-069X]This proyect has the purpose of showing the effects that the incorporation of a sequence of autonomous activities designed in the dynamic geometry software DGPad-Colombia has on learning. It is intended to analyze how the design works to produce adaptive learning related to the positional value numeric representation system. We conducted a preliminary analysis of the base ten numbering system, as well as its didactic implications in learning, pedagogical implications in its teaching and cognitive implications related to possible obstacles, errors and difficulties. At the same time, we make a theoretical section on learning by adaptation from the perspective of the Theory of Didactic Situations and the role of the digital tool in the production of knowledge in the subject-medium interaction, as well as the introduction to the concept of automation of didactic management from the possibilities offered by the software. We propose an a-priori analysis in which we make a description of the design, as well as of the possible actions that students can execute in the interaction and, therefore, their respective feedback, possible interpretations and validations. We present the description of the pilot conducted with two pairs of students. We expose a synthesis of the interaction that students have with each proposed task and an analysis on the learning by adaptation and the sample of the automation of the didactic management in the sequence. Finally, we formulate a series of conclusions and recommendations that seek to give continuity to the research in future works and interventions using digital technology.Ítem Diseño de una unidad de enseñanza potencialmente significativa para el concepto de agujero negroPadilla, Juan Nicolás; Cardona Rodríguez, GiovanniThe following research proposal aims to design and implement a Potentially Meaningful Teaching Unit (UEPS) for the learning of the astronomical object black hole in the classroom. Building upon the eight (8) sequential aspects proposed by Moreira (2005, 2011, 2014) for the construction of a UEPS that aims to lead to a re-signification of the concept of black hole, it is guided by the perspectives of meaningful learning proposed by Moreira (2005, 2011, 2014) and Camino (2011, 2021). Through an inventory of general concepts (IGC) about the concept of black hole, the methodological and didactic strategy used for teaching the astronomical concept aims to be validated. The UEPS was implemented with secondary school students. The success of the PMTU implementation process was analyzed using two instruments: 1) Formative evaluation of students' understanding of the concept of black hole, documented in the design and model of the UEPS as the final sequential steps in a qualitative manner. 2) At the end of the UEPS implementation, the conceptual gain achieved by the students regarding the concept was evaluated using the Bao and Redish (2011) statistical measure. This statistical evaluation reflects the students' mental state or model and their conceptual evolution, allowing for a quantitative validation and evaluation of the design of the PMTU for the concept of black holes.Ítem Prácticas pedagógicas de egresados : desde una perspectiva sociopolítica de la educación matemáticaCastro Orjuela, Diana Carolina; Camelo Bustos, Francisco Javier; Camelo Bustos, Francisco Javier [0000-0002-8627-4816]This research is shown as the progression of the research process of the Master's Degree in Education of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in its Emphasis in Mathematics Education, based on the characterization of the educational practices of the graduates who are developing their theses taking into account a sociopolitical perspective of mathematics education, in order to identify continuities or disagreements. Thus, theoretical documents of Critical Mathematics Education (CME), philosophical aspects and pedagogical support, as well as the guidelines and parameters established by the Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia (MEN), were taken as references among others. The methodological perspective of the research is bounded in the qualitative paradigm, which it made possible to generate a rigorous and detailed analysis of data, capable of supporting our final finding statements.