Tecnología en Gestión Ambiental y Servicios Públicos

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttp://hdl.handle.net/11349/2011


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  • Ítem
    Implementación de plan de gestión ambiental enfocado a residuos de riesgo biológico en la Veterinaria Pet City - Localidad de Fontibón Bogotá
    Rodríguez Niño, Juan Diego; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena; Parsons Delgado Astrid Ximena [0000-0002-7315-7469]
    Once the aspects related to the contamination of the hazardous solid waste generated at the Pet City Veterinary Clinic have been analyzed, we can observe that the clinic failed to comply with the environmental parameters, with the management of hazardous biological waste in the development of daily activities. , for example: hairdressing, surgery, nursery and laboratory studies, which affected the community of the Modelia neighborhood of Fontibón Bogotá. Due to the above, the need to implement an EMP was raised in which the appropriate way to organize the different types of waste produced within the clinic would be considered, generating a classification system by sections, taking into account that within each section different types of waste are produced and the importance of not mixing them, each of these must have their own containers and follow an evacuation route, in addition to special procedures to be finally disposed of through companies qualified for this work, whether they are special, hazardous or common waste. Given the objective of the study, which was the implementation of a PMA in a veterinary clinic, a mixed approach was used that was applied transversally, since the project contemplated an investigation and a sufficient regulatory framework, for which an investigation was carried out. of a descriptive type to know in detail the zones and the hazardous waste that are generated for the focus of the investigation. This work was designed under the methodological approach of the quantitative approach and as a study population we had 7 employees who work in PET CITY, likewise, we determined the hospital waste produced in the clinic according to its type and generation activities. Once the environmental management plan was implemented, an adequate way to organize the different types of waste produced was obtained, generating a waste classification system by sections of the clinic, taking into account that different types are produced within each section. of waste, each one of these has its own containers and an evacuation route was defined, in addition special procedures were established to be finally discarded through qualified companies.
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    Estudio del impacto ambiental del humedal La Vaca sector sur
    León Ortiz, Cristian David; Benavides Vásquez, Brayan Jesid; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena [0000-0002-7315-7469]
    This document is a research and innovation degree work, which aims to develop an environmental impact study in the wetland La Vaca south sector. This work seeks through methodologies used for EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) to make a diagnosis of the current conditions of the study site, the characterization of the impacts and their evaluation, then the proposal of corrective actions according to information previously collected and ending with the evaluation of the environmental management of the responsible institutions.
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    Propuesta de mejoramiento del sistema de acueducto de la vereda La Concepción en el municipio Quebradanegra, Cundinamarca
    Tautiva, Lizzeth Alejandra; Angarita Moya, Daniel Felipe; Agualimpia Dualiby, Yolima Del Carmen; Agualimpia Dualiby,Yolima Del Carmen [0000-0002-4262-954X]
    The purpose of this degree work is to present a proposal to improve the aqueduct system of the La Concepción village in the Quebradanegra municipality, Cundinamarca. Taking into account that in Colombia a large part of the municipalities do not have the administrative, operational, and financial capacity that can guarantee access to a water supply system suitable for human consumption. Initially, for the development of this study, secondary information is gathered to know the conditions of the work area. Following that, visits are made to the municipality to find out the conditions regarding the provision of aqueduct service. From the above-mentioned, it was evident that the collection, adduction, solid sedimentation, and water conduction units are in conditions that do not guarantee the quality of water suitable for consumption, on the other hand, the topographic state of the study area is a determining variable for the implementation of pipelines due to the high presence of landslides. Mainly, the population was made aware of different alternatives that can improve the quality and continuity of drinking water and basic sanitation services. The first alternative is the implementation of an aqueduct distribution network that has new units and new points for their location. The second is a rainwater use system that can supply each user during the days when there is no service, and, finally, the implementation of a homemade filter that improves the physical and chemical characteristics of the water.
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    Diseño de un plan de gestión de residuos sólidos en la Institución Educativa Distrital Jairo Aníbal Niño
    Silva Barreto, Valentina; Sanchez Blanco, Doribel
    The design of the Solid Waste Management Plan (PGRS) for Jairo Aníbal Niño educational institution aims to establish a comprehensive approach for the effective management of solid waste within the educational community. This document presents a thorough analysis of the types of waste generated, current waste management methods, and potential environmental and health impacts associated with solid waste. Specific strategies and measures are proposed for source reduction, reuse, recycling, and proper disposal of solid waste. Additionally, guidelines for environmental awareness and education within the institution are included to foster a culture of sustainable solid waste management.
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    Creación de programa institucional de gestión integral de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos
    Mercado Pasachoa, Carol Juliana; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena [0000-0002-7315-7469]
    Consumption after consumption of electrical and electronic devices leaves the world full of waste that nobody takes care of since segregating and managing technological waste is not the most accomplished; According to estimates from the United Nations (UN), 130,000 tons of electrical and electronic equipment waste or e-waste are produced in Colombia (Monterrosa, 2018), since the social objective is to consume a new product and discard the obsolete one because it is the old version, it broke down, stopped working or because it is no longer compatible with your preferred accessory; This leaves tons of waste in landfills, in the world's large dumps, in the soil, rivers, and seas, contaminating these spaces and the surrounding biota. Triggering the entire incorrect management process until obtaining the starting point and getting to work from the sources of waste production solves the environmental damage generated for years since the rise of Electrical and Electronic Equipment products, for this an entity was contacted that is in charge of educating the population of the Colombian capital, the Politécnico Internacional and creating there the first link in management processes for the management of electrical and electronic equipment waste that allows the entity to be organized in such a way that no technological waste is desired inappropriately. This final report exposes the findings found when carrying out the "Integral Management Program for Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste" for the preparation of it, all previously structured data must be investigated and new data created based on what is evident from the visit the training spaces of the institution; showing a concise document in which all the information collected was enshrined and a management process capable of taking a step by step was elaborated based on it, to be executed by those involved within the institution who must understand and socialize said document to disseminate the information and avoid environmental impacts that could arise due to the incorrect handling of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
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    Caracterización y delimitación cartográfica de humedales en el municipio de Soacha Cundinamarca
    Ramirez Zambrano, Dyllan Fabian; Espinosa Garcia, Helmut; 0000-0001-9341-3995
    Wetlands are of utmost importance since they are a vital supply of fresh water and at the same time are essential for the conservation of fauna and flora. Currently, these water bodies are under constant threat due to different factors that respond to the accelerated demographic expansion that cities are experiencing and of which the municipality of Soacha is not indifferent. That is why the need and concern arises to create a community environmental education project, which aims to raise awareness among the habitants of the municipality about the importance of the conservation, preservation and care of the Wetlands. The relevance of the project lies in the fact that the search for citizen participation promotes the formation of a collective consciousness, which allows the creation of favorable factors for harmonious coexistence around wetlands and also generates the necessary conditions for decision making. regarding both immediate and future measures to be taken.
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    Análisis de factibilidad de la implementación de un lavadero portátil de vehículos con sistema a vapor en la empresa Samsa sas como estrategia para disminuir la huella de carbono
    García Calceto, Hellen Yizeth; Sanchez, Fernando
    Through this project it is intended to establish the viability of the company, having high quality standards, through innovative products and services of the highest quality. Where the steam washing system is a 100% ecological product and with minimal water consumption in the SAMSA SAS Company, it is a concept that seeks to break the paradigms in terms of adequate service and mainly care for the environment. .
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    Propuesta de actualización plan de manejo ambiental en el cementerio San Pedro de Usme
    Beltrán Lozada, María Camila; Orjuela Rodríguez, Jhoan Sebastian; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena; 0000-0002-7315-7469
    In the current context, the goal is to formulate a comprehensive proposal to update the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) that governs activities at the San Pedro de Usme cemetery. The central objective of this initiative is to minimize the environmental and social impacts arising from operations in this location. To achieve this purpose, substantial information has been collected, encompassing both reconnaissance visits and detailed analyses, in addition to secondary data compilation and the review of previous studies related to the cemetery. A crucial aspect of the adopted approach is collaboration with the local community, which has been incorporated through surveys and opinion analyses. This interaction allows for a more holistic understanding of the concerns and needs of residents regarding the cemetery and its surroundings. Once the phase of comprehensive collection and analysis is complete, the next step involves drafting a detailed document. This report will contain an innovative proposal to update the EMP, considering both regulatory aspects and strategies for the management and disposal of solid and liquid waste. The scope of the proposal is not limited to presenting technical improvements; it also aims to effectively identify and address the environmental issues that have arisen at the cemetery. A fundamental objective is to propose pragmatic and viable solutions that benefit both the site's administration and the surrounding environment. The updated proposal is intended to be robust enough to be directly implemented at the San Pedro de Usme cemetery, fostering a more sustainable and balanced management of the activities carried out there. In summary, this project aims to merge community participation, meticulous analysis, and proactive creativity to achieve a more environmentally and socially responsible cemetery.
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    Propuesta de actualización del programa de uso eficiente y ahorro del agua (pueaa) para el acueducto del municipio de San Juan de Rioseco y el centro poblado de Cambao
    Montes Barbosa, Alejandro; Agualimpia Dualiby, Yolima del Carmen
    The update of the program for saving and efficient use of water (PUEAA), in the municipality of San Juan de Rioseco, aims to renew said document as regulated by Law 373 of 1997, and in this way, generate a contribution to the sustainability of the water resource in the municipality of San Juan de Rioseco, located in the department of Cundinamarca. A fundamental concept for the development of this project is based on the water sustainability of the territory, in this sense, the current problem due to the outdatedness of the PUEAA in the municipality is identified and, in this way, it proceeds with its modification based on in the planning guide proposed by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca (CAR), and visits to rural areas and the urban area of the municipality, recognizing the importance of the water supply for the sustainable development of the territory.
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    Formulación de un plan de saneamiento y manejo de vertimientos (PSMV) para el barrio Quintas de la laguna ubicado en el municipio de Soacha
    Capera Moreno, Caren Daniela; Espinosa García, Helmut; 0000-0001-9341-3995
    Humedal Neuta in the municipality of Soacha, has an extension of 30 hectares with its round area and is one of the wetlands that is in the best state of conservation in the Savannah of Bogota. The main problem affecting the water body is the unregulated dumping of domestic sewage generated by the Quintas de la Laguna neighborhood. The neighborhood Quintas de la Laguna has wrong connections in the sewer system, so permanent sewage enters the body of water Humedal Neuta. Based on the determinants for the formulation of a Plan of Sanitation and Management of Dumping (PSMV), the project seeks to propose alternatives to wastewater management and contribute to the conservation and reduction of negative environmental impacts generated by domestic liquid discharges.
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    Apoyo al seguimiento del desempeño ambiental de la operación del sistema Transmilenio
    Martínez Bonilla, Alejandra; Sánchez Sánchez, Fernando
    It will be based on the management of the environmental performance of TransMilenio's operation and the different transport system concessionaires, specifically in the aspects of energy efficiency and waste management. During the internship, assistance will be provided in the consolidation and presentation of data related to the energy consumption and waste generation of the different concessionaires in the system. The main objective is to contribute to the identification of opportunities to favor the correct reporting of information associated with energy efficiency and waste management, through the evaluation of data reported by the concessionaires. An important aspect is the identification of atypical data (information deficiencies) with the support of visual elements and proactive communication of this information to the concessionaires. Atypical data will be highlighted and communicated for review, adjustment, or correction, and collaboration with the concessionaires will ensure the quality and accuracy of the information. This internship represents a valuable opportunity to gain practical experience in corporate environmental management and contribute to a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility
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    Propuesta de proyecto educa, recicla y concientiza
    Vaquiro Morales, Fabian David; Moncada Cañon, Carlos Stiven; Sánchez Cuartas, Martin
    In summary, the project aims to tackle the lack of environmental awareness related to the management of usable solid waste in educational institutions and provide valuable insights for public awareness, and the promotion of more sustainable practices in current society. The project was implemented in the classrooms of the school "Institución Educativa Vida Nueva" in the Municipality of Soacha, creating a new space within the classes that allows for socializing and rewarding proper solid waste separation. To achieve this, support tools such as matrices and diagrams were used, allowing for the implementation of an environmental project under regulatory guidelines that provide assurance of compliance with established objectives and the reliability of results through the collaboration process between the institution and environmental managers. It is estimated that this project will significantly contribute to global efforts to preserve the environment and reduce pollution. Additionally, there is an aspiration for its integration into the "Proyecto Ambiental Escolar (PRAE)" as an intrinsic activity of the institution.
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    Implementación de programa de educación ambiental enfocado en la identidad territorial y calidad del aire en la comuna uno de Soacha en el Ecoparque Urbano Aireate
    Gutiérrez-Almanza, Nicolle; Sanchez Blanco, Doribel
    The municipality of Soacha in commune 1, there is an environmental project led by the municipal environmental corporation called Caminando el Territorio which has an urban ecopark in the sector called "Airéate" which seeks to contribute to improving air quality through community participation in its care, all of this seeking to contribute to improving the air quality of the public space, located in the Share neighborhood next to the Las Arenosas park in the municipality of Soacha, maintaining the commitment, the perseverance of the citizen and the maintenance that Airéate has carried out by the same community, where we are guided by carrying out workshops at the institution, focused on the aspects: Air quality, intervention in public spaces, nature-based solutions, environmental awareness, basic concepts of ecology, environmental sustainability, sustainable solutions, recipes for biofertilizers and pesticides, organic fertilizers, community irrigation, survey and environmental management discussions for the educational institution, with the purpose that at the end of the research monograph, data on the students' perception of these learning spaces and territorial identity are obtained, identifying the learning, possible solutions to these spaces and how they are related to these educational projects. participatory urbanism for the benefit of society. The monograph focuses on encouraging correct recovery, awareness and sensitization among students through the implementation of an environmental education program, where workshop processes are carried out, learning basic concepts of air quality and territorial identity of the municipality. , demonstrating how the 144 students evolve through this training process on which the monograph will focus.
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    Apoyo en el desarrollo de actividades de gestión ambiental participativa en el humedal Neuta
    Carrion Valencia, Carlos Anthony; Sanchez Sanchez, Fernando; A-015-24
    The Neuta Wetland is located northeast of the municipality of Soacha Cundinamarca. This is one of the ecosystems that is in the best state of conservation due to the high social and environmental participation promoted by the SEMILLAS DE LA TIERRA DEL SOL (SETIS) corporation, a work team made up of the board of directors; Mr. José Gutiérrez, volunteers, interns, interns and actors of the grassroots process in the Neuta wetland who, led by its director Camila Carrillo, have been in charge of leading activities such as research processes, organic agriculture, light-growing and composting course, walks and territorial reconnaissance and other tasks related to the careful maintenance and conservation of this strategic and biodiverse ecosystem that provides a series of ecological and social functions to the environment and the planet.
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    Propuestas de implementación para un manejo adecuado de los residuos sólidos en zonas veredales
    Bravo Nuñez, Daniela; Martinez Moreno, Tatiana; Sanchez Sanchez, Fernando
    Throughout the document, it will be evident how rural areas of Colombia have been vulnerable regarding the waste management sector, especially in rural settlements, leading them to adopt inappropriate practices in terms of solid waste disposal, directly impacting the environment and the health of these communities. Through various theses and articles, this issue can be observed in rural settlements across different departments of Colombia, where efforts have been made to address it through environmental awareness and didactic strategies aimed at promoting proper waste management and disposal. Therefore, in this monograph, we implement a methodology consisting of various crafts, aimed at providing a different approach to the management and disposal of solid waste.
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    Diseño de PGIRS (Plan de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos) en la Institución Gimnasio Mabel Condemarín
    Trujillo, Maria Juliana; Córdoba, Nathalia; Sanchez, Doribel
    This project was aimed at formulating a comprehensive solid waste management plan at the Mabel Condemarín Gymnasium institution. Proper solid waste management is essential not only for preserving the environmental surroundings but also for promoting ecological awareness within the educational community and, simultaneously, reducing contamination and negative impacts on public health. The process commenced with a thorough diagnosis encompassing the identification and analysis of issues related to solid waste generation and management within the institution. Field visits were conducted, and workshops were organized with staff and students to gather relevant information regarding their prior knowledge of solid waste management and their current practices. These visits and workshops provided a deeper understanding of the situation and allowed for the identification of critical areas requiring intervention. Particular attention was givento ecological points, collection points, and the institution's infrastructure, as these aspects play a fundamental role in waste management. Based on the diagnosis and analysis, improvement proposals were generated that addressed both internal waste management within the institution and community awareness. A strategic roadmap was developed to tackle these issues and promote a change in attitude towards solid waste management. The implementation of this comprehensive solid waste management plan was carried out progressively and in a participatory manner, involving teachers, administrative staff, and students. Practices for waste reduction, reuse, and recycling were promoted, as well as proper waste disposal. Environmental awareness became a critical component of the process, as the goal was to instill a strong environmental consciousness among members of the educational community
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    Propuesta de formulación del plan de manejo integral de residuos sólidos para el Conjunto Residencial Nuevo Recreo. (Etapa 1)
    Sánchez Rodriguez, Karen Liliana; Corredor Gutierrez, Maria Fernanda; Sánchez Blanco, Doribel
    The purpose of this project lies in the Proposal for the Formulation of a Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan (PGIRS) specifically designed for the Nuevo Recreo Stage 1 residential unit, located in the town of Bosa. The essence of this project focuses on the optimization of processes related to the separation and final disposal of solid waste generated in this community. The main objective is to encourage a culture of source separation among residents, which in turn will reduce the amount of solid waste sent to landfill daily. With the implementation of this PGIRS, it is hoped that the community has knowledge of environmental education and that the administrators of the complex achieve notable environmental benefits in the future, such as reducing the load on the landfill and the possibility of recovering recyclable materials. The project methodology is divided into several stages that include collecting information, carrying out a diagnosis, evaluating and, finally, formulating programs with monitoring. The approach of the methodology is aimed at creating a comprehensive solid waste management program with the purpose of preventing, mitigating and progressively controlling environmental impacts.
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    Propuesta para la implementacion de un plan de contingencias ambientales en el Cementerio Central de Bogota D.C.
    Ayala Clavijo, Ivonne Juliana; Caicedo Marroquín, Jaider Steven; Parsons, Astrid; Sanchez, Fernando; 0000-0002-7315-7469
    Located at 20th Street, No. 24-80 in the city of Bogotá, the Central Cemetery of Bogotá was built in 1832 to accommodate burials in the fields adjacent to the city's churches. Due to its age, the cemetery has some potentially dangerous sections in terms of infrastructure, environmental conditions, and the social context surrounding the area. Issues such as the state of the tombs, withering vegetation, the presence of vectors like pests that affect the condition of the cemetery's elements, and the serious environmental difficulties in the area pose a risk to the integrity of both the grounds and the visitors and employees of the site. To address these concerns, the implementation of a contingency plan is proposed as a preventive tool for analyzing threats in the environment, using indicators that encompass potential emergencies and how to respond to potential health, safety, and environmental risks.
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    Diagnóstico de la problemática ambiental por residuos sólidos en el barrio Carimagua Sector I ubicado en la localidad de Kennedy en Bogotá D.C.
    Avila Florez, Maria Camila; Morales Pardo, Heiver Arley; Sánchez Blanco, Doribel
    Bogotá generates 6,300 tons of solid waste per day, and only approximately 15% of this amount is recycled. Clearly, this is an issue that should concern all citizens of the capital, as according to UAESP (Urban Environmental and Public Services Authority), it is possible to recycle up to 70% of the solid waste generated by the citizens of Bogotá. This problem arises from various factors, but in this current work, we will address one specific issue, which is the use and management of the garbage containers placed throughout the city. This is reflected on a daily basis in varying degrees in each neighborhood of the city. Therefore, we will conduct an analysis of the solid waste problem, taking into account the use and management of waste containers in the Carimagua first sector neighborhood. This neighborhood is an average one with a population of stratum three, featuring a commercial sector and being located near major city thoroughfares such as Avenida Boyacá and Primera de Mayo. To do this, we will conduct a quantitative and qualitative research model using primary and secondary sources, with the aim of obtaining a diagnosis of this issue as the end result.
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    Guía de prácticas y procedimientos para el equipo hydrology apparatus P6530
    Orozco Montoya, Edith Johanna; Díaz Castiblanco, Rubén Esteban; García Espinosa , Helmut; García Espinosa, Helmut [0000-0001-9341-3995]
    The Hydrology Apparatus P6530 is an educational experimental unit specifically designed to allow students and teachers to carry out small-scale tests that demonstrate basic physical hydrological processes, it has an instruction manual where the general guidelines and description of the equipment are presented, and it also exposes 11 experiments which can be developed adjusting different variables. The purpose of this document is to account for the development of the internal internship developed in the environmental modeling laboratory of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources of the Francisco José de Caldas District University. The methodology of this study is descriptive and experimental, which is developed in 5 phases. Three experiments proposed in the instructions were carried out, corresponding to 3) Groundwater flow in an unconfined aquifer, 4) Groundwater extraction from an unconfined aquifer, and 5) Interaction of depression cones, to generate a database containing the record of the results obtained. From the development of these experiments, a database was obtained that provides numerical and graphical records of the experimental procedure proposed in the instructions for the Hydrology Apparatus P6530 equipment provided by Cussons Technology and a guide to practices and procedures for future experiments, which can be found as an annex to this document. Finally, the development and analysis of the other experiments that have not been developed and are part of the instructions are recommended.