Tecnología en Gestión Ambiental y Servicios Públicos

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttp://hdl.handle.net/11349/2011


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    Reforestación del Humedal Santa Ana ubicado en la comuna 1 del municipio de Soacha, Cundinamarca
    Alzate Niño , Laura Camila; Espinosa García , Helmut
    The Santa Ana Wetland in Soacha, a key ecosystem for local biodiversity, has been affected by urbanization and lack of official recognition. Environmental organizations joined forces for its restoration and protection, relying on Law 99 of 1993. The project was developed in three phases: research to identify problems, statistical analysis to establish an environmental baseline, and practical actions such as reforestation and environmental education. These initiatives encouraged community participation, ensuring the long-term sustainability and protection of the wetland.
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    Banco de datos experimental para el equipo hydrology apparatus p6530 experimentos 6, 7 y 8
    Feliciano Melo, Diego Felipe; Espinosa García, Helmut; Espinosa García, Helmut [0000-0001-9341-3995]
    The Hydrology Apparatus P6530 is an equipment which is used for educational practices, is designed to perform small-scale tests that demonstrate basic physical hydrological processes, this equipment has a manual which has the training of the equipment which specifies the description, calibration, adaptation and accessories of the equipment along with the eleven hydrology experiments that have been developed by students of technology in environmental management and public services in the modality of internal internship degree in the environmental modeling laboratory since the supplier did not deliver a database of the expected results of the experiments. The document intends to continue experiments 6, 7 and 8 through the internal internship to be developed in the environmental modeling laboratory of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Bosa Porvenir). These experiments correspond to 6). Dewatering of an excavation site using a curtain wall and groundwater extraction. 7.) Drainage of a reservoir. 8). Hydrology of an island. From the development of the experiments, databases will be implemented where the results obtained will be evidenced with numerical records and additional graphs, recommendations will be given for the efficient use of the equipment and the report of the behavior of the equipment
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    Análisis de factibilidad de dos manantiales ubicados en la finca la Esperanza en el municipio de Ubalá Cundinamarca, como fuente de abastecimiento de agua potable de una comunidad cercana
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Lesmes Beltrán, Carol Daniela; Parsons Delgado , Astrid Ximena; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena [0000-0002-7315-7469]
    The supply of drinking water has been a problem since the beginning of time in areas far from the urban area which do not have an efficient provision of the public aqueduct service. For the particular case of the project, it was decided to investigate the case of the municipality of Ubalá, Cundinamarca, Vereda San José, specifically located in “Finca la Esperanza” which is a territory surrounded by multiple water sources from which the owners of the farm and the owners of other nearby lands are supplied with the resource through a hose system, taking into account the work carried out by the authors (Borja Bernabé Crespo & Gómez Espín, 2015) Through which the drinking water supply system through wells was proposed to satisfy the needs of the Community and springs for the Cartagena region which suggests that it is a fairly efficient alternative to meet the needs of the users who require this service, on the other hand we have that in Colombia it is very rare to take care of natural resources such as water resources. (Valencia Medina, 2017.) As the author of the text relates, in Colombia it is common that the measured use of water resources is not taken into account since, as has been seen in “La Plata huila”, the decrease in flow has been largely due to the expansion of the agricultural and livestock frontier, resulting in an increase in pollution, which leads to a decrease in the flow of the few existing springs, in the resolution issued by the Ministry of Social Protection, Ministry of the Environment, Housing and Territorial Development
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    Actualización del plan de manejo ambiental en el campo de perforación y extracción de petróleo Castilla-Chichimene en el departamento del meta
    Pulido Sierra, Diego Alejandro; Espinosa Garcia, Helmut; Helmut Espinosa Garcia [0000-0001-9341-3995]
    The environmental management plan, in the Castilla Chichimene oil drilling and extraction field located in the Castilla la Nueva municipality (Betania, Las Violetas, San Agustín, Turuy, Cacayal, Caño Grande and Sabanas del Rosario villages) in the department of The goal was to define a series of programs and projects aimed at reducing, preventing, controlling, correcting, mitigating or compensating for the negative impacts that the execution of the project may be generating. However, a review was carried out in order to know how well it is being fulfilled and what observations should be made to improve the existing PMA.
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    Cálculo de la huella de carbono de la sede Palacio de la Merced facultad de artes ASAB Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas 2022-2023
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Diaz Ruiz , Yuliani; Garzón Saldaña, Maira Alejandra; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena [0000-0002-7315-7469]
    The calculation of the carbon footprint of the Palacio de la Merced headquarters, ASAB Faculty of Arts, of the Francisco José de Caldas District University is a comprehensive process that seeks to quantify and evaluate the environmental impact of the activities carried out. Through this analysis, the greenhouse gas emissions associated with energy consumption, solid waste production, and the daily operation of the institution are examined in detail. This study not only makes it possible to identify the main sources of carbon emissions, but also provides a clear view of the magnitude of the environmental impact generated by the Palacio de la Merced headquarters. In addition to its importance for internal environmental management, the calculation of the carbon footprint also serves as an educational and awareness-raising tool within the university community. By engaging students, faculty and staff in this process, greater awareness is fostered about the interconnection between our actions and the environment, as well as the crucial role we play in mitigating climate change. Ultimately, calculating the carbon footprint of the Palacio de la Merced headquarters is not only an environmental assessment exercise, but also a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. By taking concrete steps to reduce our carbon emissions and promote more sustainable practices, the university demonstrates its leadership in the fight against climate change and its commitment to a greener, more sustainable future.
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    Actualización del plan institucional de gestión ambiental piga para el Colegio Alfoso Lopez Michelsen (ied)
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Gomez Cubillos, Jeisson Javier; Cutiva Celis, Yuri Mayerly; Sanchez Sanchez, Fernando; Sanchez Sanchez, Fernando [0000-0002-1038-3055]
    This document contains the update of the Institutional Environmental Management Plan (PIGA) for the Alfonso López Michelsen School, District Educational Institution. This process was carried out with the active participation of the entire educational community, comprehensively analyzing and evaluating the various components that make up the PIGA, through the review of documentation provided by the school's directives, field visits and collection of first-hand information, in order to contrast and validate different perspectives
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    Propuesta de transición de una fuente de energía convencional de un equipo de ordeño a energía solar fotovoltaica
    Páez Páez, Juan Camilo; Angarita Sánchez, Laura Vanessa; Ladino Peralta, Rafael Eduardo
    Historically, dairy farming has employed the manual method to extract milk from certain dairy animals. Despite being a practice free of contaminant emissions, it is laborious and consumes considerable time, leading to fatigue and stress in the animals. Over the years, mechanical milking equipment has been implemented to assist in this process. This has led to significant benefits, such as time savings in the milk extraction process per animal, as well as ensuring hygiene and preventing damage to the product, thereby reducing losses. However, in the early stages of implementation, these devices operated solely on gasoline or diesel, resulting in the emission of contaminants, including carbon monoxide and other greenhouse gases. Therefore, the use of photovoltaic technology to power milking equipment proves to be a highly beneficial alternative, especially for small producers. The environmental and economic advantages are a significant draw, particularly for small-scale milk producers. This approach streamlines work for farmers, promotes greater and more efficient production, and reduces carbon footprint.
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    Impacto de las energías renovables, eólica y solar en el departamento de La Guajira
    Perdomo Alcázar, Laura Valentina; Ladino Peralta, Rafael Eduardo
    This document explains how these renewable energy sources are transforming La Guajira, and the impact they are having on the environment and local communities. From reducing carbon emissions to creating employment opportunities, the benefits of this transformation to renewable energy are numerous. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of sustainable energy in La Guajira.
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    Determinación de la huella de carbono en la Universidad Distrital sede Bosa Porvenir vigencia de 2022-2023
    Malagón Acevedo, Luis Enrique; Arévalo Alfonso, Cristian Andrés; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena; Parsons Delgado,Astrid Ximena [0000-0002-7315-7469]
    The central purpose of this degree project is to analyze and estimate the carbon footprint of the Francisco José de Caldas University at its headquarters in Bosa (Porvenir) during the period 2022-2023. To achieve this objective, a set of crucial actions has been developed, with a particular emphasis on the identification of the main sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These sources of emissions cover areas such as energy consumption, fuel use, waste management (including both usable and non-usable waste), as well as the use of paper in the university environment. During the research process, the data collected was compared with the previous results obtained in similar projects carried out at the nursery headquarters of the District University. The findings revealed a significant increase in carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions relative to the 2016 nursery carbon footprint assessment.
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    Caracterización de tecnologías apropiadas para el aprovechamiento de agua lluvia en el sector doméstico y comercial en el marco de las prácticas de la cátedra del agua UDFJC- caso de ecobarrio La Esmeralda, en la ciudad de Bogotá
    González Hernández, Erika Tatiana; Vanegas Cáceres, Carlos Andrés; Espinosa García , Helmut; Espinosa García, Helmut [0000-0001-9341-3995]
    This internship seeks to characterize the management of rainwater harvesting in the domestic and commercial sector of the eco-neighborhood La Esmeralda, this through an approach associated with the integrated management of water resources (IWRM) exposed in the framework of socio-educational practices of the water chair of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (UDFJC). Initially, a compilation of information on the status of rainwater harvesting was carried out through a thorough bibliographic review and direct consultations with the community of the eco-neighborhood La Esmeralda, as well as the observation and analysis of the study area. This made it possible to formulate a diagnosis of the climatic dynamics, infrastructure of rainwater harvesting technologies, and to establish how the idealized model of a system for the use of this water resource would be integrated. Subsequently, the technical, economic and technological criteria to implement a rainwater harvesting model were established, required for technology transfer, through a guide-type communicative instrument, oriented to the knowledge and learning associated with rainwater harvesting.
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    Propuesta de implementación de un sistema fotovoltaico para el suministro eléctrico de una vivienda unifamiliar urbana en la ciudad de Bogotá, localidad de Suba
    Roa Soracá, Catalina; Ladino Peralta, Rafael Eduardo
    This work exposes the process to formulate, design and dimension a domestic solar photovoltaic system capable of supplying a significant percentage of the electrical energy coming from fossil and non-renewable sources by alternative energy sources with less negative environmental impacts and which are key tools for the energy transition currently needed.
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    Cálculo de la huella de carbono para la sede Aduanilla de Paiba de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas vigencia año 2022-2023
    Peñuela Buitrago, Santiago Andres; Bobadilla Tavera, Luis Gabriel; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena [0000-0002-7315-7469]
    This project focuses on the calculation of the carbon footprint for the Aduanilla de Paiba headquarters of the University Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, which involves measuring and evaluating the total greenhouse gas emissions associated with the activities and operations of the headquarters. , as a crucial step towards promoting environmental sustainability in the educational environment. The carbon footprint represents the total greenhouse gas emissions generated by human activities; therefore, its measurement provides essential information to understand and mitigate environmental impact.
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    Educación ambiental como apoyo a proyectos de agricultura urbana ejecutados por el Jardín Botánico de Bogotá
    Grillo Manrique, Danna Valentina; Espinosa García, Helmut; Espinosa García, Helmut [0000-0001-9341-3995]
    The José Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden of Bogotá in the technical-operational sub-direction of the urban agriculture line in articulation with the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas allows the realization of an internship as a degree modality to opt for the title of Technologist in Environmental Management and Public Services. Based on this, the following work entitled "Environmental education as support to urban agriculture projects implemented by the Botanical Garden of Bogota" is developed. Initially it is supported by the process of historical analysis as a way of storing information of the activities that are carried out during the visits to the gardens, also methodological instruments are used as field notes and observation "in situ" in the works within the locality of Bosa, so that important data can be collected in the recommendations and suggestions given to the gardener. This made it possible to identify the key aspects that can enrich the urban agriculture program from the perspective of sustainability, which made it possible to create an infographic as an explanatory image that highlights and disseminates the environmental benefits of the application of urban agroecological practices, in such a way as to reach another type of population where participation and promotion are part of the success factors.
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    Apoyo al Jardín Botánico de Bogotá con los procesos de asistencia técnica y formativa en agricultura urbana.
    Gomez Rios, Gisell Nathalia; Espinosa García, Helmut; Espinosa García, Helmut [0000-0001-9341-3995]
    The Botanical Garden of Bogotá is responsible for the comprehensive management of the city’s green cover. Therefore, since 2004, the JBB has included urban and peri-urban agriculture from different perspectives that involve collaboration with the city’s gardeners in operational aspects, as well as the appropriation and dissemination of knowledge, and the promotion of this practice in family, community, school and institutional settings, thus contributing to educational and cultural formation, food security and environmental sustainability with respect to AU, generating and strengthening community gardens for this purpose. According to agreement 605 of 2015, “which formulates the guidelines to institutionalize the program of agroecological urban and peri-urban agriculture in the city of Bogotá”, urban agriculture seeks to use spaces around the city of Bogotá or its surroundings for the production of food from home or community gardens, this in order to respond to specific food needs and food insecurity. Therefore, the Botanical Garden of Bogotá creates the Urban Agriculture program, through which it contributes to learning processes and community work. Even though Bogotá has a great diversity and abundance of food, research indicates that most of the products available on the market are not accessible, healthy or sustainable. In addition, the use of inappropriate methods at different stages of the food chain carries risks and consequences for the environment and human health, which poses a considerable challenge for the creation of a food-conscious citizenship. (CONPES 09, 2019)
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    Diseño sistema fotovoltaico para laboratorio de servicios públicos en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas sede Bosa Porvenir
    Leiton Peña, Lizeth Paola; Martinez Molina, Jeffry Santiago; Ladino Peralta, Rafael Eduardo
    That is why the main purpose of this degree work is to design a photovoltaic solar energy system for the public services laboratory of the Bosa Porvenir headquarters, for this purpose a study was conducted within the same where the equipment that adapts to the photovoltaic system already existing in the laboratory were known, also knowing the efficiency and maximum capacity of energy production with which this system has, also a study of adaptability of the equipment to be connected to the system based on the unitary power of each equipment is performed.
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    Fortalecimiento en el programa de participación ciudadana y de gestión ambiental en el territorio ejecutados por la subdirección educativa y cultural del jardín botánico de bogotá
    Martinez Sanchez, Any Carolina; Prieto Betancourth, Liseth Alejandra; Sanchez Sanchez, Fernando; Fernando Sanchez Sanchez [0000-0002-1038-3055]
    The program of citizen participation and environmental management in the territory of the Bogotá Botanical Garden that is developed in the territory of the localities of Bogotá, for the satisfaction of user requirements and the support of community environmental initiatives.
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    Apoyo al Desarrollo de Actividades que Fortalezcan la Gestión Ambiental de Industrias Alimenticias Valenpa SAS
    Parra Cetina, Jeimmy Katherine; Céspedes Briñez, Yuranny; Sánchez Sánchez, Fernando
    TThis document is the final internship report for the Technology in Environmental Management and Public Services program at Universidad Distrital. The internship was conducted at Industrias Alimenticias Valenpa SAS in Soacha, Cundinamarca, focusing on enhancing the company's environmental management. During the internship, the environmental aspects and impacts matrix was reviewed and updated using the EPM methodology to identify significant impacts. As a result, environmental records were updated, additional environmental management measures were proposed, and goals and indicators for environmental programs were established. The primary objective was to promote environmental awareness, encourage responsible practices, and improve the organization’s environmental performance.
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    Implementación de plan de gestión ambiental enfocado a residuos de riesgo biológico en la Veterinaria Pet City - Localidad de Fontibón Bogotá
    Rodríguez Niño, Juan Diego; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena; Parsons Delgado Astrid Ximena [0000-0002-7315-7469]
    Once the aspects related to the contamination of the hazardous solid waste generated at the Pet City Veterinary Clinic have been analyzed, we can observe that the clinic failed to comply with the environmental parameters, with the management of hazardous biological waste in the development of daily activities. , for example: hairdressing, surgery, nursery and laboratory studies, which affected the community of the Modelia neighborhood of Fontibón Bogotá. Due to the above, the need to implement an EMP was raised in which the appropriate way to organize the different types of waste produced within the clinic would be considered, generating a classification system by sections, taking into account that within each section different types of waste are produced and the importance of not mixing them, each of these must have their own containers and follow an evacuation route, in addition to special procedures to be finally disposed of through companies qualified for this work, whether they are special, hazardous or common waste. Given the objective of the study, which was the implementation of a PMA in a veterinary clinic, a mixed approach was used that was applied transversally, since the project contemplated an investigation and a sufficient regulatory framework, for which an investigation was carried out. of a descriptive type to know in detail the zones and the hazardous waste that are generated for the focus of the investigation. This work was designed under the methodological approach of the quantitative approach and as a study population we had 7 employees who work in PET CITY, likewise, we determined the hospital waste produced in the clinic according to its type and generation activities. Once the environmental management plan was implemented, an adequate way to organize the different types of waste produced was obtained, generating a waste classification system by sections of the clinic, taking into account that different types are produced within each section. of waste, each one of these has its own containers and an evacuation route was defined, in addition special procedures were established to be finally discarded through qualified companies.
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    Estudio del impacto ambiental del humedal La Vaca sector sur
    León Ortiz, Cristian David; Benavides Vásquez, Brayan Jesid; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena; Parsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena [0000-0002-7315-7469]
    This document is a research and innovation degree work, which aims to develop an environmental impact study in the wetland La Vaca south sector. This work seeks through methodologies used for EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) to make a diagnosis of the current conditions of the study site, the characterization of the impacts and their evaluation, then the proposal of corrective actions according to information previously collected and ending with the evaluation of the environmental management of the responsible institutions.
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    Propuesta de mejoramiento del sistema de acueducto de la vereda La Concepción en el municipio Quebradanegra, Cundinamarca
    Tautiva, Lizzeth Alejandra; Angarita Moya, Daniel Felipe; Agualimpia Dualiby, Yolima Del Carmen; Agualimpia Dualiby,Yolima Del Carmen [0000-0002-4262-954X]
    The purpose of this degree work is to present a proposal to improve the aqueduct system of the La Concepción village in the Quebradanegra municipality, Cundinamarca. Taking into account that in Colombia a large part of the municipalities do not have the administrative, operational, and financial capacity that can guarantee access to a water supply system suitable for human consumption. Initially, for the development of this study, secondary information is gathered to know the conditions of the work area. Following that, visits are made to the municipality to find out the conditions regarding the provision of aqueduct service. From the above-mentioned, it was evident that the collection, adduction, solid sedimentation, and water conduction units are in conditions that do not guarantee the quality of water suitable for consumption, on the other hand, the topographic state of the study area is a determining variable for the implementation of pipelines due to the high presence of landslides. Mainly, the population was made aware of different alternatives that can improve the quality and continuity of drinking water and basic sanitation services. The first alternative is the implementation of an aqueduct distribution network that has new units and new points for their location. The second is a rainwater use system that can supply each user during the days when there is no service, and, finally, the implementation of a homemade filter that improves the physical and chemical characteristics of the water.