Maestría en Educación para la Paz

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    Sumak Kawsay: una propuesta pedagógica para una educación para la paz desde la ética del buen vivir
    Pulido Rodríguez, Jasbleidy; Cristancho Altuzarra, José Gabriel; Cristancho Altuzarra, José Gabriel [0000-0003-4288-4361]
    This research is a pedagogical proposal carried out at the Ángela Restrepo Moreno IED School with tenth grade students from the town of Ciudad Bolívar. It focuses on the principles of good living or Sumak Kawsay, promoting the recognition of the ancestral Andean worldview in the daily lives of young people. It was a pedagogical project carried out during 2021-2022, in the context of teaching social sciences, in line with the Master's Degree in Education for Peace at the Francisco José de Caldas District University. Proposals on Sumak Kawsay in school environments were reviewed and concepts such as spirituality, community life, and the healing of territories were explored.
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    Narrativas de maestros en escuelas normales superiores: aportes sobre la formación docente en relación con la educación para la paz
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Esparza Tafur, Albert Leonardo; Cortés Salcedo, Ruth Amanda; Cortes Salcedo, Ruth Amanda [0000-0002-9555-9194]
    The research project aims to understand the meaning of the pedagogical practices of the teachers of the Higher Normal Schools assigned to the complementary training program on the teacher training in relation to peace education based on their narratives. In order to carry out the foregoing, the research has been organized into six linked parts, starting with the problematization of the object of study. Subsequently, the state of the art is configured from the review of specialized literature on the research trends carried out in the Higher Normal Schools between the years 2018 to 2023. The third part has addressed the category of peace education in greater depth, allowing the epistemic, theoretical and conceptual references to be collected. The fourth moment has to do with the methodological development of the research oriented under a hermeneutic qualitative methodology with a narrative approach using as an data collection technique the conduct of interviews with three teachers assigned to the complementary training program of Higher Normal Schools. During the fifth part, the results obtained were analyzed from the interconnection between the specific objectives that guide the research, taking as reference the Hermeneutic Narrative Research Proposal (HNRP) referenced by Quintero (2018). In the last part, as a conclusion, the scope of the general objective is realized in relation to the findings obtained together with the theoretical and conceptual references proposed.
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    ¿Perdonar? cuando lo han quitado todo. Un acercamiento al concepto de perdón, a partir de relatos de desplazamiento forzado
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Torres Chávez, María Angelica; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús
    The present proposal aims to generate spaces for reflection, understanding and appropriation of meanings in the face of forgiveness in the scourge of forced displacement as a consequence of the Colombian armed conflict, with the eighth grade students of the Nicolás Gómez Dávila district educational institution, as a class dynamic in District school institution, from the narratives contemplated in the literary work “Desterrados” of the writer and journalist Alfredo Molano and the booklet “Diez propuestas para el estudio de la historia reciente de Colombia con énfasis en el conflicto armado” of the Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición. At first, the need to address the peace process in the school institution was thought, one of the latent concerns of today with the peace teaching regulations in the country's schools, but in the arduous work of thinking about how to address the issue , the connection between the curriculum and current social dynamics arises: in eighth grade, whose population is the participant in this research, Colombian literature is worked on, a perfect justification to develop the proposal, in the mechanics of working on literature within the classroom, It is evident to propose works that are related to the topic to be addressed, that is where the work of Alfredo Molano intervenes as testimonial evidence of one of the aspects of the armed conflict in Colombia, which shows the result of the concept of forgiveness in collective construction of the group with whom this research is being worked. As theoretical references, Alfredo Molano is taken in the background, in the pedagogical component Alfonso Cárdenas Páez and Alejandro Castillejo, in the theoretical component to Galtung and Wiesenthal, Una nación desplazada: informe nacional del desplazamiento forzado en Colombia, of Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica and of course the document of the Comisión para el esclarecimiento de la verdad, la convivencia y la no repetición. “Hacia la paz territorial”. En: Hay futuro si hay verdad. among others.
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    Colombia y su conflicto armado. un análisis a dos informes: “basta ya: Colombia memorias de guerra y dignidad” y “hay futuro si hay verdad” (2012 - 2022)
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Castro Forero, Andrea Katherine; Diaz Soler, Carlos Jilmar; Diaz Soler, Carlos Jilmar [0000-0003-0944-3046]
    Colombia's recent history has been marked by a prolonged armed conflict, leaving deep scars on the social, economic, and political fabric of the country, not to mention the psychological effects, generating an intense need to understand its dynamics. In this context, the task of analyzing and understanding the dimensions of violence in Colombia has become a priority for different sectors of society, including academics, lawmakers, victims, and their families. To address this need, the Colombian state has organized several investigative commissions to explore the causes and consequences of the prolonged internal conflict and propose actions for its overcoming. This study focuses on analyzing two reports produced by government commissions: "Basta Ya. Colombia: Memorias de Guerra y Dignidad" produced by the Grupo de Mmemoria Histórica (GMH) in 2012, and "Hay Futuro si Hay Verdad" produced by the Comisión de Esclarecimiento de la Verdad y la No Repetición (CEV) in 2022. These documents represent attempts to document and propose ways to understand the multiple facets of violence that have ravaged the country, being products of a national effort to confront and discuss the history of violence in Colombia, making them primary sources to understand how the state and some sectors of society interpret the internal armed conflict. This investigative effort analyzes how these reports present their discussion on violence in the first decade of the XXI century, examining the historical contexts in which their discourses were produced, the analytical frameworks employed by researchers, and the methodological characteristics of each report.
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    Imaginarios de niños y niñas como sujetos de derecho en la comunidad educativa
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Alfonso Sabogal , Yisel Mayerly; Ferrer Franco , Yury de Jesús
    This research arises from the interest of recognizing the imaginaries of the educational community of boys and girls as subjects of law, for this objective a dialogue was established in three ways: boys and girls, parents and teachers, in order to establish imaginaries from each of the members that make it up and impact this community. The voices of boys and girls from the third grade of primary school were privileged, whose interpretation is sought if they are recognized as subjects of rights. On the other hand, listening to parents of this same grade allowed us to understand the place they gave their children in the home and its projection in places of socialization, to complement the interaction, primary teachers are called, who through their speeches allowed us to determine the role of boys and girls in school. Establishing educational action research as a methodology and as a tool, the workshop established the schedule that allowed the collection of information from the imaginations of the different actors of the educational community in order to recognize from each member the perspective of boys and girls as subjects of rights.
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    Derechos de la niñez : aportes de la educación artística para la construcción de paz
    Salazar Rivas, Lady Constanza; Quintero Mejía, Marieta; Quintero Mejía, Marieta [0000-0002-8001-4511]
    This document dives into the crucial analysis of the role of arts education in promoting children's rights and building peaceful environments. The research is situated in the global context, where violence persists, highlighting the imperative need to understand and enhance the transformative capacity of artistic education in the comprehensive education of children. The methodology adopted is qualitative, allowing a detailed exploration of children's experiences and perceptions in artistic activities and their connection with the development of a culture of peace. The research results emphasize the intrinsic importance of knowing children's rights and highlight artistic education as a beacon that illuminates the essential facets of said rights.
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    Emociones políticas: un camino hacia la construcción de una cultura de paz desde los jóvenes
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Moreno Leguizamón, Jeisson Alejandro; Amador Baquiro, Juan Carlos; Amador Baquiro, Juan Carlos [0000-0002-5575-1755]
    Abstract This research work seeks to analyze the predominant political emotions in young people belonging to the Generación V más collective and their possible contributions to the construction of a culture of peace. This collective carries out pedagogical volunteer actions in relation to the legacy of truth in the Colombian territory. In this case, four members of Generación V más Bogotá participate. To achieve the objective, multimodal content analysis techniques and semi-structured interviews were used as tools belonging to the qualitative approach. The results reveal that the young people of Generación V más mainly experience emotions such as hope, sympathy and love, which reinforce their commitment to the construction of a more just and peaceful society. These findings suggest that young people's political emotions, far from being obstacles, can be avenues for social transformation and for strengthening a culture of peace based on dialogue, inclusion and collective action. In conclusion, this research highlights the importance of understanding and adequately channeling the political emotions of young people as a tool for advancing towards the construction of a more peaceful and democratic society.
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    Memoria del pasado reciente y expresiones estetico comunicativas sobre la paz y la violencia en Colombia, en estudiantes de grado noveno de un colegio de Bogota
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Perdomo Garcia, Hector Andres; Amador Baquiro, Juan Carlos; Amador Baquiro, Juan Carlos [0000-0002-5575-1755]
    This research is takes place in a school located in the fourth district, Saint Cristóbal, in Bogota, Colombia, with ninth graders. The project sought to understand the students' perception of peace, conflict, and the memory of the recent past through their aesthetic communicative expressions. Likewise, this research sought to develop reflective educational practices through Action Research in the school. It was conducted through different narratives of the victims of the conflict and artistic creations of the students for understanding and reflection on the armed conflict in Colombia and constructing a peaceful society.
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    Cultural English, una mediación para enseñar derechos a niños en territorio de post conflicto
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ramirez Herrera , Juan Sebastian; Quintero Mejía, Marieta; Quintero Mejía, Marieta [0000-0002-8001-4511]
    This study describes the contributions of Research and Action on the teaching of English with communicative purposes "Cultural English" to promote participation, action and transformation of the experience of the rights of children living in post-conflict territories in Colombia. It is worth mentioning that the research is carried out with the support of the IN-JU Huellas Foundation, who facilitated the connection with children in territories in Casanare and Córdoba, and thus, the scenario for the action. Participatory Action Research (PAR) seeks to contribute to the empowerment of vulnerable groups, so that they decide and manage their own change. In this experience, it sought to contribute to that change, by proposing in this work the objective of promoting participation, action and transformation of the experience of rights in children in post-conflict contexts, based on the use of communicative mediations in English. Consequently, in order to achieve the objective, a review of the context of the departments of Casanare and Córdoba and the human rights violations that have taken place there was made. At the same time, an educational strategy was proposed, which included the creation of spaces for collaborative learning about human rights with children in territories where even today, after the peace agreement, they are still vulnerable to violations of their rights.
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    Los manuales escolares y sus aportes en la educación para la paz
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Meneses Velazco, Oscar Uriel; Quintero Mejía, Marieta; Quintero Mejía Marieta [0000-0002-8001-4511]
    This work examines School Manuals as a source of information on Peace Education in the period from 1994 to 2022. Part of the 1991 Constitution and Education Law 115, which recognize peace as both a right and a duty. educational. The analysis covers several important milestones, such as citizen competencies, the Victims Law, the Peace Chair, the peace process and the “Embrace the Truth School” initiative.The study reveals that, although the various political and educational reforms have invested considerable effort in consolidating a proposal for peace education, the visible impact of these efforts has been limited. Although important progress has been made and a path to achieving peace has been outlined, it has not yet been possible to build a solid culture of peace.
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    Concepciones de justicia social y paz en niños y niñas de la escuela popular Minuto de Dios, Cazucá. Estudio de caso para la construcción de educación para la paz
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) García Acero, Diana Lucena; Garzón Chiriví, Omar Alberto; Garzón Chiriví, Omar Alberto [0000-0001-8476-6801]
    The present work is a reflective approach to the conceptions of social justice and peace as lived by the children of “Escuela Popular Minuto de Dios” located in Cazucá, Soacha, through the recognition of the child’s experience in key rights of which they are holders. This involves identifying the conditions of reality in which the children have grown up in contexts of vulnerability where the relational system to the adult world determines how life experience unfolds, and where the construction of subjectivity signifies the construction of reality. In this sense, children are positioned as fully developed political and social subjects capable of propositive agency within their contexts, placing their voices, eyes, and meanings in the interaction with their relational agents and oriented to think about possible futures different from the current and past histories. The research has a qualitative case study methodology, which centers around intersecting the experiences of boys and girls with the social worlds in which they live. The focus is placed on their relationships with adults, allowing them to visualize their voice and to see the potential that they deploy as social actors that not only interpret the social structures and processes around them but also have transformative agency for the construction of peace, which enables us to situate and understand childhood in the “Escuela Popular Minuto de Dios”.
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    Dispositivos de gobierno en las infancias subalternas en Bogotá (1991-2021)
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Gómez Garzón, Claudia Lorena; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco, Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    Childhood and childhood are considered fundamental axes in both theoretical and political reflections, since the last decades of the last century, that have socially and culturally transformed Colombian society, culminating in the 20th century and dawning in the 21st century. Resuming childhood in a new political order, which is based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) has directly influenced the entire political and cultural order regarding the child as a new subject. This investigative exercise exposes how Child Labor is beginning to be conceived as a “socially problematic situation” derived from a systematic and long-lasting armed conflict, since this phenomenon appears as one of the main vestiges of forced displacement, which is the most victimizing act. recurrent in Colombian childhood (Truth Commission, 2022); This situation must be assumed by the State, civil society and the family as co-responsible for guaranteeing rights. One of the conceptual and political pillars of the Master's Degree in Peace Education is to think about peacebuilding from the most plural and democratic scenarios; Girls, boys and adolescents are a main bastion to promote a democratic culture that is one of the main bases in building peace; Despite this, there is still a way to go to recognize its political impact, from which diverse, subaltern and non-hegemonic childhoods are its protagonists, not only from a protectionist approach, but from an approach that can contemplate the childhood and youth as political actors in peacebuilding. Hence the relevance of this investigative process.
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    Justicia transicional y construcción curricular en educación para la paz: aportes de docentes, decisores de política educativa y expertos
    Alba Rubi, Maria Alejandra; Amador Baquiro, Juan Carlos; Amador Baquiro Juan Carlos [0000-0002-5575-1755]
    The research process has the objective of understanding the possible contributions of transitional justice on curricular construction in peace education in the Colombian context, from the points of view of teachers, educational policy makers and experts in this type of justice. To this end, a research problem is posed, where the implementation of transitional justice in Colombia is examined, focusing on its historical evolution from the armed conflict to the recent peace agreements. Consequently, all this allows us to explore the legal and regulatory framework that has allowed the implementation and the mechanisms created within the framework of transitional justice. In this order of ideas, this research investigates the integration of the peace class in the Colombian school curriculum, as a key educational instrument for reconciliation and the construction of a culture of peace. For this reason, the importance of addressing transitional justice as a cross-cutting issue that promotes critical reflection on the history and social development of the country is highlighted. In accordance with the above, it is adopted to employ a qualitative approach, whose methodological strategy includes the use of semi-structured interviews as the main tool, designed to facilitate deep and meaningful communication. In this way, participants can freely express their views and experiences. Likewise, the relationship between transitional justice and peace education in Colombia is addressed, emphasizing the importance of an educational curriculum that promotes critical thinking, democratic participation and ethical commitment to peace. Finally, the need to address the causes of conflict, state responsibility and the promotion of reconciliation through education is highlighted. In this sense, it is proposed to develop a comprehensive curriculum that responds to the needs of the historical, social, cultural and political context, which encourages empathy and understanding of the rights of others to form active citizens in the construction of a just and fair society. peaceful.
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    Narrativas sobre reincorporación de excombatientes de las FARC-EP: experiencias de firmantes de paz en el ETCR Juan Carlos Castañeda, Carrizal-Remedios, Antioquia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Amado Rabé, Magda Johanna; Quintero Mejía, Marieta; Quintero Mejía, Marieta [0000-0002-8001-4511]
    Understanding what reincorporation is within the framework of the Final Peace Agreement with FARC-EP. Analysis and reflection from an academic perspective about experiences of communities of ex-combatants immersed in the Peace Process. Narratives of people who have lived the notion of what reincorporation implies, giving it meaning through the way they have experienced it in their territories.
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    Subjetividades en la enseñanza de la memoria del pasado reciente en estudiantes del colegio el ensueño IED en el contexto de las ciencias sociales y la cátedra de paz.
    Prieto Arias , Cristhell Andrea; Lara Castiblanco , Dora Marcela; Ferrer Franco , Yury de Jesús; Ferrer Franco Yury de Jesús [0000-0001-5015-5172]
    This research focuses on understanding the transformations in the subjectivities of eleventh-grade students at Colegio El Ensueño IED regarding the Colombian armed conflict through the teaching of recent past memory within the field of social sciences. Tools from the approach of memory pedagogy will be implemented, which in turn will allow for the development of peace education with an emphasis on restorative justice, truth, restoration, and guarantees of non-repetition. This study aims to address current educational needs through a contextualized curriculum that promotes meaningful learning. The subjectivities developed by the students will be analyzed through methodologies that include the analysis of memories, testimonies, historical documents, and multimedia resources, promoting active participation of the educational community. The research aims to establish educational practices that integrate the memory of the recent past into school contexts, promoting a culture of peace in line with the recommendations of the Truth Commission. Furthermore, the study will explore the role of educators in mediating and facilitating discussions about historical memory, with the goal of providing them with effective pedagogical strategies to address sensitive topics. By creating a safe and supportive learning environment, teachers can help students navigate the emotional and cognitive challenges associated with confronting traumatic events. The findings of this research will contribute to the development of educational practices that support the formation of a critical and empathetic citizenry capable of contributing to the construction of a more just and peaceful society.
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    La ética del cuidado en la construcción de culturas de paz
    Jiménez Villegas, Lina Ivonne; Quintero Palomino, Milena; Quintero Mejía, Marieta; Quintero Mejía, Marieta [ID 0000-0002-8001-4511]
    The research exercise allowed us to understand the narratives about the ethics of care in the construction of cultures of peace in the boys and girls of the María Cano Educational Institution, aspects and characteristics of the relationships that are interwoven in the students through their drawings, writings and experiences regarding the care of self and the care of others.
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    Narrativas de memoria del pasado reciente de educadores líderes y educadoras lideresas sindicales de la ade: ruta de autocooformación por la paz en el territorio sur
    Barreto Slamanca, Dary Jacqueline; Neva Rodríquez, Luis Eduardo; Arias Gómez, Diego Hernán; Arias Gómez, Diego Hernán [0000-0002-0116-0896]
    In this research exercise, the proposal is to investigate the narratives of memory of the recent past of union leaders of the ADE to propose a process of self-training of leaders in the southern territory as a contribution to the construction of peace in Colombia. The process was developed during three years, with the aim of understanding the standing categories in the narratives of 17 leader educators about the memory of the recent past in the southern territory, strengthening self-cooformation through design of a route for greater empowerment of union leaders of the ADE that support peace processes. The exercise was proposed from a qualitative-hermeneutic perspective. in five categories: self-training, peace education, edge pedagogy, social, political, pedagogical and union leadership, and memory of the recent past. In the first instance, some guiding questions were established for carrying out through online interviews with 17 leading educators, who work or they served as leading educators in the southern territory. Subsequently, each leader, with the answers to the questions, built a narrative, which served as input for the analysis and interpretation, the same was done with the focus group made up of two leaders and a female leader of the 17 participants. Next, it proceeded to analyze the information obtained. The findings are presented based on the five categories mentioned: self-training, peace education, social leadership, pedagogical and union, memory of the recent past, and edge pedagogy. This exercise was carried out in Colombia, Bogotá, within the framework of participation in the ADE union (District Association of education workers of Bogotá) affiliated with FECODE (Colombian Federation of Workers of the education )Y CUT (Unitary Central of Workers of Colombia); was developed by two membera of the Tulpaz Funama Network, who are academic coordinating teaching directors, union activists from the ADE and militants from FUNAMA (Magisterial National Force).
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    Narrativas de firmantes de paz acerca de la verdad y la justicia en el sistema integral de verdad, justicia, reparación y no repetición
    Silva Cruz, Viviana Andrea; Amador, Juan Carlos; 0000-0002-5575-1755
    This master's thesis dives into the analysis of the narratives of peace signatories, focusing on their perceptions and experiences in relation to justice in the framework of the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (SIVJRNR). The main objective is to unravel the individual interpretations and perspectives of the protagonists involved in peace processes, specifically with regard to transitional justice. The research is based on a methodology that combines qualitative analysis of the narratives of peace signatories, in-depth interviews and documentary review. It addresses the analysis of key concepts within the SIVJRNR and explores how these concepts are manifested in the signatories' personal stories. This study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the implementation of justice in peace processes, highlighting the importance of considering individual voices in the construction of truth and reconciliation systems. It also provides a valuable basis for future research in the field of transitional justice and peacebuilding.
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    Educación popular y ciudadanía: el caso de las cartillas del Movimiento Político de Masas Social y Popular del Centro Oriente de Colombia (MPMSPCOC)
    Avellaneda Larrota, Oscar Humberto; Díaz Soler, Carlos Jilmar; Díaz Soler, Carlos Jilmar [0000-0003-0944-3046]
    This research approaches the idea of citizenship and its connotation in the political field from the perspective of "popular ways of life"; in other words, from the ways of assuming and participating in the political context promoted by social movements, specifically in the case of the Movimiento Político de Masas Social y Popular del Centro Oriente de Colombia (MPMSPCOC). This approach to the notion of citizenship is generated from the discourse analysis applied to the document "Life Plan", in addition to the fourteen educational booklets that constitute the Regional Educational System, defined as the experience of popular education promoted by the organization in the region. The research also gathers the background, structural characteristics, articulation possibilities and objectives of the organization to finally present the main conclusions on the way the question of citizenship is assumed by the movement.
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    Una maestra en San Vicente del Caguán: aportes para la comprensión de realidades de la educación rural en zonas de pos-conflicto
    Morales Navarrete, Mónica Patricia; Garzón Chiriví, Omar Alberto; Garzón Chiriví, Omar Alberto [0000-0001-8476-6801]
    This research constitutes an autoethnographic study conducted by a practicing teacher in San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá, an area characterized by its social and political complexity. The aim is to challenge entrenched stereotypes about this municipality and contribute to a more precise and hopeful vision of its community. In this context, the thesis focuses on exploring the learning experiences of a teacher working in a rural school in the Alto Palermo area, with the purpose of building educational alternatives for peace in a post-conflict environment. It adopts a methodological approach inspired by Jorge Larrosa's perspective, which emphasizes the importance of experience and narrative in the process of knowledge acquisition. This methodology enables understanding reality from the researcher's perspective, acknowledging the subjectivity and uniqueness of their experience. In summary, this narrative study seeks to contribute to the understanding of the realities of peace education in post-conflict areas through the teacher's lived experiences and reflections on the ground.