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Ítem Plan de negocio para la implementación de un sistema de centralización de eventos socio culturales en BogotáGonzalez Rojas, Diego Alejandro; Navarrete Lopez, Abel AntonioThe objective of this project is to present the business plan for the creation of the platform of an event promulgation company in the city of Bogotá. The platform aims to help the promulgation of both new sports projects, social, cultural and others that present themselves as those who are already part of the great industries in order to achieve a shared communication center between all existing communication and marketing platforms. There is also a evaluation using the PEYEA/SWOT matrices to identify the points where have strengths in the project against the competition in the market and demonstrating their viability through a financial analysis.Ítem Plataforma WEB de gestión de procesos e inventarios para la optimización de operaciones en una ensambladora de camionesMartinez Rey, Cristhian Martinez; Martínez, FernandoThe document is an internship report detailing the development of a software project, covering both the frontend and backend, as well as the use of agile methodologies for the organization of work. It begins with an introduction that establishes the context and the problem to be solved, followed by a justification that highlights the importance of the project for both the company and the intern. The objectives include the development of a functional solution that meets the needs raised. The methodology applied is based on agile development practices, such as daily stand-ups, weekly planning and sprints, with constant feedback to ensure the progress of the project. A detailed work plan is used, accompanied by a Gantt chart that shows the schedule of activities. Theoretical background and a reference framework are also provided to support the technical decisions made. The report describes the results obtained, highlighting the components developed: a functional frontend and backend, the deployment of the application, adaptability to future changes, and the implementation of security measures, such as the use of Amazon Cognito. Additionally, the database configuration, the technical documentation necessary for maintenance, and a user manual to facilitate the adoption of the system are included. The conclusions collect the lessons learned and challenges faced, while the recommendations suggest improvements for future projects. The document is complemented by bibliographies and appendices that provide additional details, diagrams and code examples, offering a comprehensive overview of the work carried out during the internship.Ítem Plan de negocios para el aumento de productividad de una finca ganadera en Choachí(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Santos Solorzano, Jonathan Andres; Cortés Garcia, Johan Daniel; Navarrete Lopez, Abel Antonio; Navarrete Lopez, Abel Antonio [0000-0002-4686-5611]The document in question aims to show the business plan to transform and improve livestock management in the Colombian countryside through software. The objective of this project is to generate greater profitability and optimal management of information and resources. livestock processes. In particular, it focused on the livestock of the Norwegian farm located in Choachí, Cundinamarca and has as its target population all the medium and small livestock farms in the country, in addition to seeking profitability and optimization, also that the farm is eco-sustainable, so it will be friendly to the environment.Ítem Desarrollo de integración continua y despliegue continuo para la gestión de prototipos de software en el portal de un grupo de investigación(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Fajardo Cardona, Neider Alejandro; Vega Alonso , Miguel Angel; Diosa, Henry AlbertoStudy for the implementation of agile methodologies, focusing on continuous integration and deployment, supported by the use of tools and technologies related to the software development industry, for project and content management of a research group.Ítem Plan de negocio para intermediación en reservas de servicios de belleza en BogotáMuñoz Molina, Bryan Felipe; Sanabria Aponte, José David; Navarrete Lópe, Abel AntonioIn recent years, the global beauty and personal care industry has seen significant growth, with Colombia standing out for its expanding market and diverse beauty services (BEJARANO, 2017). However, in Bogotá D.C., customers face challenges in scheduling beauty services, encountering tedious processes and long waits. The transformative power of technology and the internet in business (Thomas, 2019) presents an opportunity for a business model based on a web platform that connects beauty establishments with clients in Bogotá, facilitating service bookings and centralizing information. This approach is particularly appealing to digital nomads, whose lifestyle and need for efficient, accessible services make them an ideal audience (English, 2023). Developing this platform would require expertise in programming, web design, and cybersecurity, also providing a valuable tool for beauty professionals to promote their services. According to a business plan (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2011), this platform would act as an intermediary between clients and beauty centers, enhancing the efficiency of booking processes in hair salons, spas, and barbershops, and improving customer experience. Additionally, it would assist establishments in market positioning through a rating and review system, fostering business growth, increasing visibility, and attracting more consumers.Ítem Plan de negocio para plataforma de coworking en BogotáUrquijo Herrera , Helen Andrea; Martínez Vargas , Andrés Felipe; Navarrete López, Abel Antonio; Navarrete López, Abel Antonio [0000-0002-4686-5611]This project is a business plan for a digital platform that connects digital nomads and remote workers with coworking spaces in Bogotá. Its goal is to enhance the availability and accessibility of these spaces, facilitating a more productive and satisfying work experience. The platform allows users to search, compare, and book workspaces, including shared desks, private offices, and meeting rooms, promoting collaboration and creativity within the city's business community.Ítem Plan de negocio para la formación en talento TIC para adolescentes afrocolombianos en BojayáNiño Vargas, Jeisson Eduardo; Chaverra Correa, Leider Andres; Navarrete López, Abel Antonio; Navarrete López, Abel Antonio [0000-0002-4686-5611]The main objective of this document is to present a business plan for the creation of an innovative platform that transforms education and the development of technology skills for the community of Bojayá, located in the department of Chocó. To properly structure the business plan, a business model was designed using the Canvas methodology. The value proposition focuses on the integration of gamification strategies to enhance the efficiency and quality of technical evaluation processes, especially aimed at specialized engineering profiles. Likewise, a PEYEA/SWOT analysis was carried out in order to identify and evaluate the strengths and position of the proposal in comparison with other possible competitors. This analysis demonstrated high viability in both financial and market terms, thus consolidating its potential for successful implementation. The implementation of the platform is expected to educate young people in ICT skills, generating a positive socioeconomic impact in the Bojayá community and establishing strategic collaborations with local institutions and government support.Ítem Prototipo web para la automatización del proceso de gestión de equipos y condiciones en el plan de trabajo para el mantenimiento de las subestaciones del CTE Centro de ISA Intercolombia.Garzón Fonseca, Oscar Javier; Jaramillo Moreno, Beatriz ElisaThe main objective of this internship is to develop a web prototype that automates the process of creating work plans and the management of equipment and conditions within it. It highlights the fundamental role of ISA Intercolombia in the transportation of energy at a national level and the urgency of performing timely maintenance to avoid interruptions in the power supply, underlining the importance of operational efficiency in this sector. The objectives of the internship range from the design of queries to the SAP database to the implementation of an interface to load work plans into the SAP platform. The internship demonstrates a comprehensive approach in the planning and execution of the internship. The results obtained reveal that the prototype successfully achieved its objectives, integrating effectively with SAP and facilitating the management of equipment and conditions in the substation maintenance work plan. This constitutes a significant advance in the optimization of processes in the electricity sector. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of user feedback and raises the possibility of future improvements, highlighting the ongoing commitment to innovation and operational excellence.Ítem Plan de negocio para la identificación del perfil vocacional a estudiantes de educación media en Bogotá(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) García Cardozo, Dannyr Gustavo; Brito Planchart, Daniela Carolina; Navarrete López, Abel AntonioThe process of choosing a university career for students finishing secondary education faces significant challenges, such as identifying skills, affinities, and the lack of professional vocational guidance. This project proposes a business plan for the creation of EduSoft, a company focused on using artificial intelligence and data science to support decision-making in career selection. By implementing advanced technologies, EduSoft offers an innovative solution that helps students identify their areas of interest and strengths, providing personalized guidance. The PEYEA/DOFA analysis demonstrates the project's financial and market viability, highlighting its potential to improve vocational orientation processes in the education sector.Ítem Plan de negocio para plataforma integral de bienestar, seguridad y cultura local. Caso de estudio: Nómadas DigitalesVillabona Ulloa, Johan Alexander; Rincón Amaya, Johan Sebastian; Navarrete López, Abel Antonio; Navarrete López Abel Antonio [0000-0002-4686-5611]The "Business Plan for an Integrated Platform of Well-being, Safety, and Local Culture" proposes the development of a platform aimed at digital nomads who seek to work and travel across different parts of the world, with a particular focus on Bogotá, Colombia. The project addresses the key needs of well-being, safety, and cultural adaptation faced by these mobile professionals. The platform offers a comprehensive solution that combines personalized services to improve the quality of life and experience of digital nomads, facilitating their integration into local communities and promoting enriching cultural exchange. This plan includes an exhaustive market analysis, stakeholder identification, and the development of a sustainable business model.Ítem Plan de negocios para digitalizar la prueba documental en los procesos judiciales en Bogotá utilizando blockchainLeón Junco, Fabián Enrique; Ortiz Gasca, Fabio Andrés; Navarrete López, Abel AntonioThis document outlines the business plan for the establishment of GEPDCOL, an innovative company whose main product is the eponymous application. This platform is designed for the digitization of documentary evidence used during judicial processes, facilitating secure and efficient management and access to these documents. By utilizing blockchain-based storage technology, GEPDCOL ensures the integrity and traceability of documents, significantly reducing the risk of tampering and enhancing trust in the information presented to authorities. With this solution, the aim is to optimize judicial processes, improve transparency, and expedite the administration of justice, thereby contributing to a more efficient and accessible legal system for all.Ítem Plan de negocios para la asesoría en el uso del cannabis medicinal en BogotáValderrama Gutiérrez, Juan Camilo; Reyes García, Andres Felipe; Navarrete Lopez, Abel AntonioThe document aims to present a business plan for advisory services in the use of medicinal cannabis in Bogotá, focusing on the development of a web platform dedicated to this topic. To properly structure the business plan, a model was created based on the CANVAS methodology, identifying key partners, channels, revenue sources, and value propositions, among other aspects. Additionally, a PEYEA/SWOT analysis was conducted to identify and evaluate the strengths and positioning of the proposal against potential competitors. The results indicate a high feasibility for implementation from both a financial and market analysis perspective.Ítem Definición del proceso de qa para la ejecución de pruebas de software de la oasBarón Rodríguez, Danilo; Daza Corredor, Alejandro Paolo; Alejandro Paolo Daza Corredor [0000-0002-3089-1233]The present work defines and justifies the approach of the degree project to qualify for the title of Systems Engineer by the student Danilo Barón Rodríguez, within the document the problem to be solved generated by the definition of the QA (Quality Assurance) process is developed. In order to justify the need and importance of the implementation of the project, the deficiencies of the current model of the software quality assurance process are described, additionally the advantages and benefits obtained by defining the QA process are determined, which seeks to minimize possible failures when deploying the applications developed in the systems advisory office. In the work, some basic concepts for the development of the project related to different referential, theoretical and conceptual elements are defined, such as: the current model of the OAS for carrying out quality tests, the description of the proposed methodology for carrying out the project (SCRUM), the main characteristics of the tools used, both in the preparation of test cases and in their execution, the incident report and their verification, as well as the step-by-step of the rigorous process starting from the histories of user and ending with the deployment of the software, among other elements that allow contextualizing the starting situation for the subsequent execution of the project. Likewise, the hardware and software tools defined for the successful completion of the project are proposed, the necessary human, technical, technological and institutional resources are determined, on the other hand, the economic resources of the project are established in a visualization of the project budget.Ítem Modelo para el análisis de datos y estimación de costos en el presupuesto de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasHurtado Hidalgo, Charles Andrés; Guerrero Urrea, Johan Sebastián; Espinel Ortega, Álvaro; Espinel Ortega, Álvaro [0000-0002-7747-7718]The purpose is to carry out a data analysis model and estimation of time series, examining the history of the evolution of the items since 2012 to analyze the operating expenses of the District University such as personal services and general expenses. With these data, it is proposed to carry out a projection of indicators with decision-making algorithms, generating statistics and graphs based on the results found. The implementation of the model will be carried out in software with a web interface programmed in Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, with a PostgreSQL database engine, in addition, it will be open to the integration of other university services and other tools that allow the feeding of the software database through a DTS (Data Transformation Services). In addition to the above, it lists and explains the operation of the application generated for the purposes and its location in a respective GITHUB repository where information can be considered if necessary.Ítem Plan de negocios para la gestión de boletas electrónicas usando tecnología blockchainBecerra Marquez, Paola Natasha; Avella León, Haner Sebastián; Navarrete, Abel AntonioThe event ticketing market faces enormous challenges, such as counterfeiting, resale at high prices, lack of transparency and management difficulties. In response, the present project proposes a business plan to develop an application focused on electronic ticketing management using blockchain technology. This platform seeks to address problems such as counterfeiting and excessive resale by implementing blockchain technology to securely record the issuance, sale and transfer of tickets. In this way, each ticket becomes a unique digital asset, eliminating the possibility of counterfeiting. In addition, smart contracts are established to regulate resale and ensure fair prices. The business model was developed using the Business Model Canvas methodology, highlighting the value proposition for organizers and buyers. The SWOT analysis conducted shows high financial and market feasibility, supporting the viability and growth potential of the proposed business. The market study confirms the innovation and effectiveness of the solution, and the implementation of blockchain technology offers greater security, transparency and efficiency in the sale of tickets.Ítem Plan de negocio para la implementación de un sistema de centralización de eventos socio-culturales en BogotáMartinez Blanco, David Santiago; Gonzalez Rojas, Diego Alejandro; Navarrete Lopez, Abel AntonioThe objective of this project is to present the business plan for the creation of the platform of a company for the promulgation of events in the city of Bogotá. The platform aims to help the promulgation of both new sports, social, cultural and other projects that are presented as well as those that are already part of large industries in order to achieve a shared communication center between all existing communication and marketing platforms. An evaluation is also carried an evaluation through the PEYEA/DOFA matrices to identify the points where the project has strengths in comparison to the competition in the market and demonstrating its viability through a financial analysis.Ítem Diseño e implementación de prototipo basado en Blockchain para verificación automática de requisitos de grado en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasGómez Almeyda, Santiago; Pava Díaz, Roberto Albeiro; Gómez Almeyda, Santiago [0009-0004-8281-0978]; Pava Díaz, Roberto Albeiro [0000-0003-0440-892X]The present work introduces an advanced solution for the District University, emphasizing the authentication and verification of the digital identity of the students through the blockchain technology. Using Decentralized Identifiers (DID) and the issuance of verifiable credentials, identity management with a high degree of authenticity, autonomy and security is ensured. The protection and decentralization of essential documents for degree requirements, backed with IPFS encryption, is noteworthy. Following the W3C guidelines in DID, interoperability is achieved, and with the Veramo tool, this interoperability and standardization in the field of digital identities is reinforced.Ítem Plan de negocio para la intermediación de enseñanza por ambientes gamificados para estudiantes de secundaria en la ciudad de BogotáRamirez Arango, Anggiu Vanessa; Pineda Velandia, Jordy Esteban; Navarrete Lopez, Abel AntonioThe document aims to present the business plan for the creation of a web platform for virtual classrooms, which supports the learning process in eighth grade high school students through gamification in the city of Bogotá. For a correct structuring of the business plan, a business model was created based on the canvas methodology where the value proposition focused on making use of gamification strategies as an innovation mechanism in conventional academic practices, in order to help in student motivation and growth in their academic performance. On the other hand, it is possible to demonstrate the PEYEA/SWOT analysis where the strengths and positioning of the proposal were identified and evaluated compared to other possible competitors.Ítem Plan de negocio para la intermediación en la contratación de médicos veterinarios a domicilio en la ciudad de BogotáLópez Silva, Yira Alejandra; Suárez Sánchez, Jeasson Alfonso; Navarrete Lopez, Abel Antonio; Navarrete Lopez Abel Antonio [0000-0002-4686-5611]The following document contains the business plan for the creation of a for-profit company, structured mainly in a software system developed with the objective of being implemented in the home veterinary care management process; The proposed system is born from the current need to innovate in the sector of veterinary services and products, which was modified by digital nomads and the change in the way of doing work from anywhere. Through a friendly and intuitive system, both veterinarians and pet-owning clients can establish direct contact to specify and provide veterinary services, thus allowing greater confidence and agility in the care process, thanks to the use of the Software as a Service model. The business plan was proposed through the use of a CANVAS model, giving it added values that make us differentiate ourselves in the market and providing reliability in the service offered; A market study is carried out with an analysis of supply and demand, likewise the elements that make up the SWOT and PEYEA matrix have been identified and analyzed, to solidify the projection of the organization, added to this the financial analysis was carried out with a five-year projection, where the necessary resources are quantified to begin the production of the software, the release to commercial platforms; Additionally, the primary components, relationships and values for the structure of the organization are reflected.Ítem Diseño de una aplicación utilizando modelos de optimización orientados a la productividad en la multinacional Essilor LuxotticaLópez Gaona, Juan Nicolás; Martínez Rodríguez, Fernando; Martínez Rodríguez, Fernando [0000-0002-2016-0787]The objective of the project was to use optimization models in areas specially described to achieve a change and with this to evaluate various data with which they will work and expose so as to achieve an advantage when designing the application. The method that was used is the waterfall model that covers several important concepts, with the SCRUM model that allows more accurate data and information management in this project. The processes were carried out in person, making it possible to locate areas of vital importance which were going to be affected. So the data was the closest to reality, allowing a simpler plan design and with great precision.