Especialización en Gerencia de la Construcción

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  • Ítem
    Gestión del riesgo financiero para proyecto Glamping tipo colmena, en Jardín Antioquia, Colombia
    Fajardo Sánchez, Oscar Rodolfo; Lizarazú Cuadros, Alexander; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    Tourism development in the country is one of the most important axes that the government proposes to implement; today we usually see the construction of different tourism development projects in the different departments of the territory. Glamping is one of the many projects that are growing, which is why this monograph is developed based on a project of this type. Glamping is a project that comes from traditional camping or tents that have historically been used to have contact spaces with nature or change the city environment. The difference between Glamping and tents or camping is that Glamping is designed to offer an improved experience of comfort and with services that these tents do not have, these services are jacuzzi, catamaran nets, beds of excellent comfort among others, there is a wide variety of Glamping designs and models, therefore, further on Some of the models built or offered by the builder of the case study project will be mentioned. The project being studied is GLAMPING TIPO MENA, built by Engineer Oscar Fajardo, between July 2022 and November 2022, it is in the department of Antioquia, in the municipality of Jardín, and is at an approximate altitude of 1,718 meters above sea level in the area. rural, surrounded by large areas of crops and access roads to the door of the project. This project, as reported, presented a negative financial imbalance between what was budgeted and what was finally executed, which is why the monograph is oriented towards the management of financial risks for Glamping Tipo Colmena, because managing the risks in advance is possible to detect them, thus avoiding economic losses in the development of future projects. With this monograph, it is expected to present a sufficiently clear Financial Risk Management document for Beehive Type Glamping, where evidence is left of what type of financial risks affected the project, analyze them and plan a possible response to them.
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    Analisis de la linea base de costos empleando la técnica del valor ganado, mediante la herramienta Power Bi para el seguimiento y control de viviendas de interés social
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Leon Montaña, Laura Jineth; Avellaneda Sánchez , María Alejandra; Bernhard Rojas, Juan Sebastián; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    In civil works projects, the monitoring and control of the work is of vital importance since it allows the status of the project to be evaluated during its execution, facilitating the making of preventive and/or corrective decisions that are required to guarantee the success of the project. In this work, the analysis of the baseline costs of a social housing project (VIS) in the city of Bogotá was carried out. The analysis was carried out using the earned value methodology that made it possible to identify deviations during the execution of the work and measure performance in terms of scope, cost and time. Likewise, the Power Bi tool was implemented as a practical software that allowed the data obtained to be displayed graphically, where an interactive panel was generated with the S curve and the performance indicators of the social housing project (VIS) with the in order to analyze and compare what was planned with what was actually executed. The results revealed that the performance of the project was less than expected, since there were delays in the first six months, corresponding to activities such as piling, earthworks and foundations, which generated a significant change in terms of the final cost and time. determination. The initial cost of the project was approximately 22,983 million; as delays and additional costs were generated, the final cost of the project was approximately 29,290 million
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    Revisión de casos específicos de media alta complejidad del sector educativo aplicando metodología BIM.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Maldonado Pedraza, César; Rodríguez Moreno, Holman Yesid; Moreno Gómez, Daniel Felipe; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    This report details the application of BIM methodology, supported by Revit and Plexos software, in two previously developed medium-high complexity projects. It presents a comparative analysis of the development processes, focusing on budget, schedule, and scope. The report aims to guide the standardization and regulation of these processes for implementing BIM methodology in medium-high complexity projects. Additionally, it will develop methodological processes to create a compendium of lessons learned, which can be applied to similar projects in both private and public organizations.
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    Análisis de modelos de madurez en gestión de proyectos en empresas de la construcción, perspectivas a nivel nacional e internacional
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Grueso Vásquez, Cristian Camilo; Sotomayor Aldana, Emi Jaison; Rodríguez López, Juan Alejandro; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    Currently, all sectors of the construction industry face multiple challenges arising from the shadows of economic recession and global instability resulting from macroeconomic phenomena such as the effects on logistics chains that resulted from the Covid Pandemic or the war in Ukraine and Israel, which have generated an increase in the costs of raw materials, equipment and even the cost of labor due to the impact of inflation on the economy, the economy has also experienced difficulties that have generated a significant drop in the GDP associated with construction, it is also necessary to highlight the reduction in investment due to the high interest rates that have occurred in recent months. All of the above leads to a reduction in the profit margins of construction companies, therefore, it is essential that companies in the country apply project management methodologies to optimize their processes, for this it is imperative that companies be able to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, since only in this way can improvement plans be formulated that are efficient for each organization. This self-assessment is carried out through maturity models in project management. Keeping in mind the importance of maturity models in project management, this study addresses, through a bibliographic review, the analysis of some of the most outstanding maturity models that are currently used at a national and international level, which includes Also some considerations of perspectives in which some of these methodologies and their form of application are evolving. Now, to go one step beyond the theory, in the last section of this degree work, the review of 38 studies on the perception of the degree of maturity in companies PYME of the city of Bogotá in Colombia is included, which have have been prepared within the framework of degree projects from multiple universities during the last 10 years, with which some considerations are given of the relationship between the bibliographic review and the level of application of the different project management tools in our country.
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    Desarrollo de una base de datos para obtener los códigos del sistema de clasificación omniclass aplicándolos a un modelo de estructura de una edificación bajo la metodología bim en revit
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) OrtÍz Martínez , Juan Francisco; Moreno Robayo , Diego Yahir; Bohórquez Neira , Angélica; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    Omniclass is a classification system specifically designed for the construction industry, widely recognized for its specialized focus on Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology, as well as its prominence as the most widely used system worldwide in this field. Its development dates back to the year 2005, under the initiative of the Omniclass Development Committee (OCCS). This document focuses on the comparison and unification of the Omniclass classification system in the specialty of structures, carried out between two housing construction companies in the city of Bogotá. The primary objective is to establish a consolidated and uniform database. This process is justified by the need to identify and highlight the existing differences in the Omniclass system between two companies of similar nature. To achieve this purpose, a procedure is proposed that involves the exhaustive collection of relevant information, followed by a detailed comparison phase to determine both similarities and disparities between the classifications used by both construction companies. Subsequently, a macro will be developed in Microsoft Excel to allow the creation of a unique classification for structures, based on the findings obtained. As a final step, the resulting classification will be applied to a building structure model in Revit software. This approach aims to facilitate the generation of accurate and reliable quantity tables, derived from a coherent and unified classification, which will contribute to efficiency and precision in construction project management.
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    Desarrollo de un prototipo de aplicación móvil para el seguimiento y programación de actividades en obra mediante el uso de la metodología de valor ganado
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Blanco Rincón, José Otoniel; Prieto Pérez, Mauricio; Santana Bohórquez, John Carlos; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    In the dynamic world of construction project management, evaluating performance and progress is essential to ensure success and efficiency in the execution of any project. One of the concepts widely recognized and used for this evaluation is the Earned Value Management (EVM), a technique that incorporates scope, time and cost to measure the status of a project in terms of value delivered. Until recently, calculating Earned Value required the use of complex and often expensive software, which limited its accessibility for many professionals and project teams. However, with the rise of mobile technology, a new frontier in project management has opened, offering the possibility of accessing powerful instruments in the palm of our hand. In this sense, the need arises to develop a mobile application that allows project managers to quickly and accurately calculate the management indicators established by the Earned Value technique for their projects. This degree project emphasizes the conceptualization, design, development and execution of said application, with the objective of providing a practical and effective tool that facilitates informed decision making and improves the control of projects in real time. Throughout this work, the theoretical foundations of Earned Value, its importance in project management and the key characteristics that must be considered to prepare a sketch of a mobile application for its calculation will be addressed. In addition, the application development process will be presented, from the definition of requirements to implementation and testing in real environments. Therefore, it is expected that this work will contribute to the advancement of the field of project management by offering an innovative and accessible tool that allows professionals to make informed and efficient decisions in the pursuit of the success of their projects.
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    Análisis del plan de gestión de tiempo y costo en la rehabilitación de alcantarillados con CIPP (Cured In Place Pipe) en Bogotá según el PMBOK 6ta edición
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Puello Briceño, Arturo; Valencia Patiño, Camilo Andrés; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    The project proposes the analysis of the schedule and cost management plan executed in a sewer rehabilitation project in the city of Bogotá through technology CIPP, the application project took place exactly in the Claret and Inglés neighborhoods of the town of Tunjuelito, with the development of this project it was possible to detect improvements in the planning and execution processes following the good practices of the PMBOK 6th edition, we are generating a cost management plan in which all the activities to execute are applied and a schedule management plan the activities of the intervention of a section that requires rehabilitation by the CIPP method.
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    Gerencia del costo del uso de cenizas volantes para cimentaciones de vivienda tipo VIS en la vereda el Verganzo del municipio de Tocancipá
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ibáñez Ardila, Jeisson Andrés; Torres Baquero, Jonnathan de Jesús; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    This work evaluates the possibility of using fly ash for foundations for VIS type projects between 5 to 6 stories, as it is important for this type of projects the factors of time, cost and scope become determining factors when executing them. For this reason, it is analyzed how far the scope can go and how it can be defined thanks to the practices of the PMI, it is conceived to analyze the use of fly ash under the triple restriction (scope, time, cost). The alternatives used in the scope of the project are presented, the calculated costs that allow us to choose fly ash as an alternative and the estimated time under the pert method and with this show the agreement of the triple restriction that allows us to choose this alternative. It has been used under the judgment of experts to analyze the behavior of fly ash under adverse weather conditions such as rain and to which most of the foundations are exposed, as these are works that must be carried out in the open.
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    Análisis comparativo del método de gestión del valor ganado según estándares internacionales: PMBOK séptima edición, ISO 21508 y ANSI/EIA 748 - D
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rincón Cardozo, Juliana; Gil Castillo, Jhefferson; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    The main objective of this degree work is to carry out and subsequently present to the reader a comparative analysis of the earned or known value management methodology in its acronym in english as EVM (Earned Value Management) according to the PMBOK guide 7th edition, the ANSI/EIA 748D standard and the international standard ISO 21508:2018. The development of the document is an exhaustive search of documentation (publications, theses and national and international articles) referring to the object of study this in order to carry out a collection and classification that would allow the possibility of choosing among these those that have greater clarity and a better overview of research and with this inform the reader a clear perspective of the methodology of the earned value taking into account that although the standards meet objectives similar have different approaches to the topic, in their levels of detail and in the orientation of their concepts.
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    Aplicación de los grupos de procesos de inicio y planificación de la guía PMBOK 6 durante la etapa de pre-construcción del proyecto carcelario para sindicados en el municipio de Arauca
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Chávez García, Camila Andrea; Suarez González, Cristian Jhair; Castro Bonilla, Juan Pablo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    In the SIXTH section of Unified Sentence 122 of 2022, (SU 122 of 2022) it says: "...To order the territorial entities that have inspections, stations, police substations, URIs and similar centers under their jurisdiction to, within four (4) months following notification of this ruling, guarantee that persons deprived of their liberty in these places they have the minimum conditions of food, access to bathrooms, ventilation and sufficient sunlight; as well as separation between men and women, as well as between minors and adults…” (Constitutional Court, 2022) For this reason, the National Government, headed by the Ministry of Justice and public entities such as the USPEC, INPEC, the national planning department and the ministry of justice, prepared a guide of Guidelines for the construction of prisons for unionized persons that indicate the minimum requirements of habitability, this in order to establish a technical orientation for the construction of transitional prisons throughout the national territory. The scope of this degree project is the application of the process groups of the initiation and planning stage of the PMBOK 6 guide during the pre-construction period of the prison project for unionized persons in the municipality of Arauca. The tools and concepts suggested by these process groups will be used in order to develop a practical tool for the municipality of Arauca. This tool will be designed to establish a clear process guide for the initial planning and development of similar projects in Colombia. This work is framed within the context of the problem of prison overpopulation at the national level, which affects prisons, URI and police CAI, due to the insufficiency of prison infrastructure in the country.
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    Análisis comparativo de los modelos de medición de madurez en gestión de proyectos
    Ariza Garzon, Emily Nataly; Lombana Pineda, Nelson Giovanni; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimeserto Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    This research work focuses on the analysis and comparison of maturity measurement models in project management applied to the social housing sector (VIS). Models such as OPM3, CIM3, CP3M, CMMI, ISO 21500 and KPMMM are examined, evaluating their characteristics, approaches, advantages, disadvantages, qualification levels and opportunities for improvement, identifying key variables used in each model and their applicability in the context of VIS housing construction
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    Análisis del grado de madurez en la gestión de proyectos en una mediana empresa de construcción en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.
    Roncancio Cabrejo, Nancy Viviana; Correa Mora, Ana María; Cubillos Rojas, José Luis; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    The study aimed to evaluate a medium-sized construction company's project management maturity in Bogotá, D.C., using the ISO 21502 standard as a benchmark. Surveys were conducted across different hierarchical levels, revealing a medium-low maturity level and signaling the need for substantial internal practice improvements. Consideration of the company's growth conditions led to the selection of ISO 21502, a flexible standard accommodating organizational specifics. Tailored construction sector surveys pinpointed areas for enhancement. The findings informed an action plan focusing on standardizing processes. This work underscores the significance of implementing optimal project management practices to elevate maturity levels and efficiency in construction.
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    Integración de Lean Construction y PMBOK VI edición en la etapa de ejecución de proyectos
    Castellanos Osorio, Sergio Andrés; Falla Muñoz, Daniel Fernando; Gómez Zárate, Fabián; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    This work corresponds to a bibliographic review monograph that seeks to better understand how Lean Construction and the PMBOK structure work together to improve project management by exploring how they are integrated throughout the execution stage of the construction project.
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    Análisis de riesgos financieros a través de la implementación de la guía del Project Management Institute. Estudio de caso: Centro de distribución logístico en Palmira - Valle del Cauca
    Ramírez León, Jorge Andrés; Ortiz Ramírez, Diego Fernando; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    The analysis of financial risks in the construction sector has become a fundamental part of the development of infrastructure projects. In Colombia, the structuring of projects associated with risk management has been directly linked to the planning and establishment of possible financial events that positively or negatively affect the life cycle, regardless of the relevance of components such as magnitude, influence and social impact. The content of this document develops the financial risk analysis focused on a real project, with a particular focus associated with the execution stage in the construction of a logistics distribution center in Valle del Cauca. Applying the guidelines established in the PMBOK guide, 6th edition, which establishes the foundations for project management established by the Project Management Institute, specifically in the management of risk associated with projects with a financial focus.
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    Implementación de los lineamientos del PMI enmarcados en la guía PMBOK 6ª edición en la etapa de construcción de la Casa de la Cultura, localizada en el municipio de Acacías, Meta
    Romero Guevara, Natalia; Alférez Chica, Nathali Paola; Rey Agudelo, Esnel Genaro; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    This monograph, focused on a case study, aims to solve a practical problem in the field of construction project management in the public sector. It proposes to address the implementation of the guidelines established in the sixth edition of the PMBOK during the execution stage of a specific project: the construction of the House of Culture of Acacias, Meta. This project also promises to contribute to solving practical and concrete problems for a variety of stakeholders, including communities, companies, and public entities. The implementation of good project management practices based on PMI can increase the probability of project success, which benefits communities by enabling them to access benefits faster, businesses by improving their competitiveness, and public entities by reducing costs and accelerating project completion.
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    Incidencia de la inadecuada planificación del alcance, costo y tiempo; en un contrato de obra pública de conservación de infraestructura vial en Bogotá
    Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Edwin Aníbal; Gaitán Vega, Jhonatan Stivens; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    When it comes to infrastructure projects for the public sector, success is sought through the specific achievement of objectives related to the proper use of public resources, within the deadlines and criteria specified by the contracting entity. This success depends on project management in terms of planning, organization, monitoring, and control of variables that influence execution. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the current state of the project being carried out under the construction contract No. 1711 of 2020, signed between the Urban Development Institute (IDU) and the CHI019 Consortium as the contracting company. The project aims to "preserve vehicular bridges in the city of Bogotá D.C." Although the contract is still in progress and within the established contractual period, it has numerous shortcomings that have hindered its optimal development. These deficiencies include, for example, the overestimation of the physical target value by the IDU, delays in the timely delivery of diagnostics and designs by the contractor for the bridges to be intervened, errors in the planning of the cost and time baseline caused by the overestimation of the works by the entity, and compliance with the entity's requirement to deliver a Detailed Work Plan (PDT), which was done with very low budgetary precision. Lastly, changes in the project scope that had to be modified during project execution. Following a detailed analysis of the project, the Earned Value Management (EVM) project management tool was employed. This tool provides quantitative parameters on the project's performance based on the planning, revealing cost and time deviations. This allowed for quick and effective decision-making to provide solutions for improving the project's conditions. The deviations encountered were discouraging, predicting the project would end with cost overruns and exorbitant losses outside the established deadlines. Therefore, project management tools such as Crashing and Fast Tracking were applied to intensify and expedite the project, respectively. This approach allowed for an exploration of ways to improve project conditions and achieve its termination in the best possible manner. In the end, the alternatives presented in this thesis were delivered to the executives and managers responsible on the part of the contracting company. These alternatives serve as options to successfully complete the project, meeting the objectives and scope set by the contracting entity. This approach aims to avoid negatively impacting the company and demonstrates the beneficial use of project management tools in enhancing project execution.
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    Análisis de riesgos en un proyecto de optimización de redes de acueducto y alcantarillado. Caso de estudio barrio Porvenir Río y Villa Lady, Mosquera
    Infante Molina, Camilo Andrés; González Castellanos, Hansel Stiven; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    This monograph focuses on an aqueduct and sewer network installation project in the assignment phase, using a risk analysis approach based on the parameters established in the PMBOK guide. To this end, crucial information is gathered through historical facts, background information and relevant literature, with the objective of performing a more accurate and informed analysis in the selection of significant risks for the project in question. Subsequently, a qualitative analysis of the identified risks is carried out, using the probability and impact method, the importance of which is highlighted in the development of this document. After this phase, we proceed with the quantitative analysis of the risks, implementing the Monte Carlo method with the support of the Crystal Ball tool. This comprehensive approach allows a well-founded evaluation of the possible risks associated with the project. Finally, the respective analysis of the results obtained will be carried out, leaving this document as working material for similar case studies or projects of the same nature.
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    Análisis financiero de tecnologías de construcción sostenible implementadas en acreditación EDGE para proyectos de vivienda en la ciudad de Bogotá
    Vargas Cardona, Jan Stevens; Gutiérrez Galindo, Leidy Viviana; Steer Vargas, William Leonardo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    This document presents an analysis of three construction projects in Bogotá that have, in their design phase, the EDGE sustainable construction certification and the incorporated technologies that pursue the certification already mentioned in each of them . A scenario is proposed where these technologies are not used but where traditional technologies are used that offer greater profitability per unit purchased from the executor of the work and a cost comparison is made that shows the relationship between that scenario and the one where there was incorporation of technologies. sustainable. All this focused on presenting data that allows investors in housing projects with a certification option to choose to execute them using the results shown here; It was found that the percentages of cost overruns if a budget that does not involve sustainable technologies is taken as a basis vary depending on the type of project, showing more favorable results for VIS projects.
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    Identificación de criterios para aplicar sostenibilidad en la etapa de planeación de proyectos de infraestructura vial en Colombia, bajo la guía PMBOK sexta edición
    Laverde Acevedo, Julián Alejandro; Aguilar Castañeda, Catherine Gisella; Mendivelso Pérez, Miguel Ángel; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    Road infrastructure is part of the great pillars that drive the economic development of society; because it allows the circulation, transportation and movement of communities, generating accessibility and greater competitiveness of nations. Over the years, road infrastructure has faced different challenges and challenges, which has allowed it to be in constant evolution and change in order to adapt to each of the needs of the surrounding environment and align with growth and development. international; In Colombia, in 1992, road Megaprojects began with what are called first-generation roads within the framework of national development plans. The study of highway projects internationally during the last decades has allowed us to analyze each of the economic, environmental and social criteria which make up the concept of sustainability. The large metropolises where the largest amount of production is concentrated have chosen to implement new methodologies so that their processes are developed more efficiently and in this way contribute to the reduction of environmental impact with the aim of conserving and caring for the environment. As indicated by Aponte Páez, (2007): Urban planning focused on the present and future of the city concept has generated a series of needs where it seeks to interrelate environmental, social and economic factors, which makes these projects have a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach. Colombia, due to its geographical and topographic characteristics where we find three large mountain ranges, diversity of thermal floors, fauna and flora, has faced large highway projects that have allowed it to include planning models for its implementation. Currently, these types of projects are evolving to what we know as fifth generation roads (5G) where, through public-private concessions, important engineering works are sought to be launched, mitigating the environmental impact with the reduction of emissions. carbon dioxide to the environment, in addition to the sustainable financing of the project through green bonds that allow the environment to be compensated for the impact caused by the intervention and execution of the project. By nature, these types of projects are characterized by their breadth and complexity in the execution stage, therefore, they require correct planning at the beginning of the project life cycle; The PMBOK guide, sixth edition, is one of the tools that allows us to focus and direct projects in each of the process groups with the objective of clarifying and breaking down each area of knowledge involved. The ten areas of knowledge are immersed in project planning, from project integration management to project stakeholder management; In this way, the twenty-four processes must be specified, returning partial deliverables that approve and enable the process and in this way continue with the group of execution processes.
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    Análisis de costos para un proyecto de vivienda de interés social en Bogotá según guía PMBOK
    Fuentes Dallos, Victor Alfonso; Lugo Gómez, Yonatan Alexander; Herrera Naranjo, Carlos Fabian; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    The objective of this degree work is to carry out a cost analysis for a social housing construction project called Parque Primaveral in the city of Bogotá, using as a frame of reference the Guide to the Fundamentals for Project Management (Guide to the Project). PMBOK) from the Project Management Institute (PMI). To carry out this analysis, the earned value technique (Earned Value Management - EVM) widely described in the PMBOK Guide will be applied, which allows evaluating the performance of the project in terms of cost and time. Specifically, the study will focus on the analysis of the foundation and structure activities for all of the project's towers, taking into account that these chapters are framed within the critical path and represent close to 60% of the direct costs. Based on the EVM methodology, schedule and cost performance indices will be calculated, as well as their variations and forecast indicators, in order to characterize the variations with respect to the budget and schedule initially planned in the project. Subsequently, these deviations will be compared in relation to all the project units, to contextualize the results obtained and finally, based on the calculated indices, recommendations and lessons learned will be proposed that can contribute to knowledge in the effective management of housing projects. social interest in the city of Bogotá. Although the project has a well-defined scope and is based on a standard methodology such as EVM, some limitations are expected related to the reliability and transparency of the data, the possibility of extrapolating the results, the experience required in EVM and comparability with other projects.