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Ítem Diseño de optimización de la red matriz del acueducto del municipio de Albán Cundinamarca, mediante métodos metaheurísticos.Guiza Ojeda, Bryan; Pacanchique Pérez, Daniel Ricardo; Zamudio Huertas, Eduardo; Zamudio Huertas Eduardo [0000-0002-9698-5419]In this study, the design of an optimization method for the main aqueduct network in the municipality of Albán has been addressed. The approach was based on the implementation of metaheuristic algorithms in the C# software environment. The specific objectives of the study included the selection of a suitable approach to 5 optimize the aqueduct network, taking into account its particularities and restrictions. The implementation of this approach was achieved through the C# programming language, which allowed to accurately model and analyze the complexity of the water distribution network in the municipality. The metaheuristic algorithm was run on the Albán aqueduct network, and the results demonstrated the effectiveness of this approach in improving efficiency and reducing energy losses in the system. The comparison between the existing aqueduct network and the optimized one revealed significant differences in terms of costs and efficiency, supporting the feasibility of the proposed solution. In the context of engineering, this study provides an innovative perspective to address optimization challenges in municipal aqueduct systems. The successful application of metaheuristic algorithms programmed in the C# software language to solve design and efficiency problems in water distribution shows a promising path for more effective management of water resources in other locations with similar characteristics to Albán. Regarding recommendations, it is suggested to consider the practical implementation of the optimal solution in the Albán aqueduct network, in coordination with local authorities and engineering experts. Furthermore, keeping a constant update of the relevant data is essential to maintain the efficiency of the optimized system. Given the success of this approach in Albán, it would be beneficial to explore the possibility of applying similar methods in other municipalities facing similar challenges in managing their aqueduct network.Ítem Influencia del suelo blando en la vibraciones mecánicas en puente peatonales de Bogotá D.CAya Castaño, Juan Camilo; López Palomino, Paulo MarceloIn recent decades, the analysis of the dynamic response of pedestrian bridges has acquired increasing importance in structural engineering. Bridges, as crucial elements of infrastructure, must be designed to withstand not only static loads but also dynamic loads generated by pedestrians during their daily use. One of the key considerations is the soil-structure interaction (SSI), which refers to the influence resulting from the inertial interaction between the bridge structure and the properties of the soil on which it is built. This study focuses on the evaluation of the dynamic response of 3 pedestrian bridges in Bogotá considering the SSI on soft soils (SSI-SS) that make up the north-central geology of the City. To achieve this, the SAP2000 structural analysis software was used, with which detailed numerical simulations were carried out using SSI methodologies called impedance functions and direct analysis method for three types of dynamic loads. typical pedestrians. The main objective was to investigate how SSI in soft soil affects the properties and dynamic response of bridges to different pedestrian loads, in terms of fundamental frequencies, accelerations and displacements. This study points out that, for the sample structures, the SSI in the soft soils of the sample has a direct influence on the dynamic response and modifies the characteristics of the mode shapes without considering the SSI; This influence has greater relevance for the first modes of vibration.Ítem Implementación y evaluación de la viruta del cuero generada en el proceso de rebajado, para el diseño de un concreto hidráulico de f'c 210 kg/cm²Delgado ordoñez, Juan Paulo; Perilla Ibarra, Kevin Aldemar; Sánchez Cotte, Edgar HumbertoThis project investigates the feasibility of using leather shavings, a by-product of the leather trimming process, as a partial substitute for stone aggregates in hydraulic concrete production. The central problem it addresses is related to the improper management of leather waste and the search for sustainable solutions in concrete manufacturing, considering that leather shavings are discarded as waste, generating costs and environmental problems. The general objective of the project is to evaluate the mechanical properties and behavior of concrete with leather shavings, setting specific objectives that include the characterization of the material, the design of mixtures, the preparation and testing of specimens, economic and statistical analysis, and the discussion of results. The rationale lies in the need to address the environmental impact of concrete production and promote more sustainable practices, while encouraging knowledge generation and technological development in the field of construction and civil engineering. Ultimately, the project seeks to answer how the incorporation of leather shavings affects the mechanical properties of hydraulic concrete.Ítem Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil de carácter académico en dispositivos Android para realizar el cálculo de las estructuras para bocatoma lateral y bocatoma de fondoChivata Mendez, Mónica Marcela; González Rueda, Carlos Iván; Zamudio Huertas, Eduardo; Zamudio Huertas, Eduardo [0000-0002-9698-5419]This document details the process to develop a mobile application in the Android operating system, which calculates the design of water intake through lateral intake and bottom intake, based on input data entered by the user. It is important to clarify that data such as the design population, maximum net endowment, bar thickness, spacing between bars, among other data, will be requested. The process to design the application, first of all, consists of researching and collecting the necessary information to formulate the corresponding equations in an Excel workbook, and then creating a detailed flowchart of the application, in which the process can be appreciated. algorithm and process to be executed in a visual, structured and organized manner. Subsequently, we proceed to design the graphical and algorithmic interface through the use of the MIT App Inventor platform, through block programming. On the other hand, a user manual for the application will be provided, in order to provide the user with a support document where information is provided about the input data, calculated data, tables and illustrations. Finally, with the operation of this application, it seeks to solve the need of students and professionals to have a tool that saves time in calculations for this type of problem.Ítem Diseño y elaboración de un canal hidráulico a flujo libre monitoreado por sensoresGonzaléz Ramos, Brayan Hernán; Santos Rios, Andrés Felipe; Zamudio Huertas, Eduardo; 0000-0002-9698-5419This document summarizes both the feasibility in the design for the realization of a free-flow hydraulic channel with variable slope, and its subsequent manufacture in the laboratory, in order to strengthen the theoretical knowledge seen in subjects such as design and construction of channels, channel hydraulics, fluid mechanics, pipes and pumps, among others; allowing the student in a theoretical and experimental way, to visualize the phenomena and variable or measurable characteristics such as, for example, flow, pressure, velocity, flow height, friction and others, while, its installation in the laboratory is offered so that it can be used as a pedagogical and didactic tool in the learning of the line of channel hydraulics, allowing the teacher to have a tool that allows him to develop his teaching in a more dynamic way and to complement the theory explained in the classrooms. Regarding the physical characteristics of the experimental flume assembly: the support structure is composed of longitudinal metal profiles with metal crosspieces that stiffen its base and a rectangular flume of 2.50 meters long with a cross section of 2.50 meters. 50 meters long with a cross section of 0.30 meters wide and 0.25 meters high in 6 mm acrylic, including real-time measurement prototypes such as pressure sensors, which determine with a high degree of accuracy parameters required for the calculation of channels, and finally, acetate or acrylic accessories that alter the natural course of the fluid to study its properties.Ítem Análisis comparativo del flujo de agua en sistemas de tuberías a presión y del flujo de corriente eléctrica "desarrollo de modelos equivalentes para comprender su comportamiento"Beltrán Rodríguez, Wilmer Camilo; Ladino Moreno, Edgar Orlando; 0000-0002-7770-452XThe electric and hydraulic flow can be considered similar, so much so that through the hydraulic-electric analogy, the behavior of electric flow can be easily understood through examples or analogies of hydraulic systems. That is, electric flow is similar to hydraulic flow, voltage differential is akin to pressure difference between two tanks connected by a pipe, and electric resistance resembles a partially closed valve. However, while this analogy simplifies the understanding of electric flow behavior, the nature of these systems differs, and despite electric and hydraulic flow being considered similar by way of example, there are fundamental differences causing electric flow behavior not to be identical to hydraulic flow. Nevertheless, equivalent electric and hydraulic circuits have been successfully modeled using Microsoft Excel and Matlab's Simulink, yielding an expression facilitating the modeling of equivalent circuits.Ítem Diseño de aplicación web para el cálculo del tirante crítico en canales de sección compuesta utilizando el algoritmo de Blalock y SturmNieto Gallo, Sebastian Yesid; Vallejo Largo, Natalia; Zamudio Huertas, EduardoIn summary, this project is based on the creation of a web application that allows the user to calculate the critical depth in channels with a section composed of a specific geometry, considering a simplified use dynamic, where the user will be asked to enter hydraulic characteristics. and geometric such as the transported flow, the Manning roughness coefficient, the energy coefficient and the parameters related to the measurements of the channel sections: Base, slope, height from the bottom of the channel. The result calculated through the application using the Blalock & Sturm algorithm will mainly be the critical depth associated with a given flow (considering that there may be more than one critical depth for an intermediate flow in a compound channel). In addition, the program will also be able to calculate geometric and hydraulic parameters specific to the channel in question. All of the above in order to simplify the laborious calculations that involve the calculation of critical tension for a composite section, also providing the results of the calculation process and in this way generating significant help for professionals and those interested in the area of engineering and hydraulics.Ítem Seguimiento a tramos de vía de bajos volúmenes con mezclas elaboradas con RAP provenientes de la UMV en la ciudad de BogotáRodríguez Orozco, Kevin Dailuber; Vargas Forero, Cristian Leonardo; Fernández-Gómez, Wilmar Darío; 0000-0001-6339-8050In the last twenty years, the study and use of Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in the construction and rehabilitation of pavements have grown due to its economic and environmental benefits. RAP contributes to waste reduction and decreases the demand for virgin materials. The focus of this thesis was the performance evaluation of RAP on a low-traffic volume road in the rural area of Bogotá. This road was treated with RAP sourced from the La Esmeralda production site of the Road Maintenance Unit (UMV). The recycled material underwent various tests, and a working formula was developed for its application on different roads. This phase was carried out in the initial stage of the research program. For the performance evaluation stage of the pavement under study, a road inventory system was employed, incorporating GPS receivers and high-definition cameras developed by the District University. During the evaluation, parameters such as pathologies, material quality, and construction processes were measured. The inspection compared these data with design standards, gathering information on construction and associated costs. The results contribute to understanding the behavior of RAP on low-traffic volume roads, providing a foundation for future decisions in the design and construction of sustainable pavements that promote the use of recycled materials in the road infrastructure of Bogotá.Ítem Validación y optimización de modelo CFD para canaleta Parshall a escala: enfoque experimental y numérico.Fuentes Ortegón, Henry David; Ardila Cruz, Ivan Mauricio; Ladino Moreno, Edgar Orlando; Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has had a great growth in recent years and has become an essential tool to solve complex engineering problems. One of the most important hydraulic structures is the Parshall flume, which functions as a gauging flume, used to measure flow rates in open channels. The general objective of this work is to perform a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model applied to a scaled Parshall flume, studying the flow behavior before the hydraulic surge originated in the flume. Different models will be established and compared with the data observed in the laboratory.Ítem Análisis de la iluminación y plan de mejoramiento con base en las normas Retilap en las edificaciones de la Facultad Tecnológica de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasPrieto Suárez, Ashly Natalia; Macias Gonzalez, Jesús Mauricio; Mena Serna, MiltonIn the current project, an analysis of the lighting will be carried out in the classrooms and laboratories located in the buildings of the technological headquarters of the Francisco José de Caldas District University. The main objective is to evaluate if the existing internal lighting satisfies the requirements established in the technical regulation of lighting and public lighting (RETILAP). The purpose of this evaluation is to identify possible areas for improvement in the spaces under inspection, in order to create more comfortable environments for users and ensure compliance with the lighting standards established by RETILAP.Ítem Desarrollo e implementación de un prototipo de estación hidrometeorológica automatizada con intervalos personalizados de toma de datosGaleano Reyes, Jeniffer Vanesa; Torres Rodríguez, Erick Camilo; Zamudio Huertas, Eduardo; monograph describes the development process of a prototype of an automated hydrometeorological station, which provides information on precipitation detection, air quality (CO2 in ppm), ambient temperature (°C), relative humidity (%) and wind speed (m/s). The sensors used in the prototype are properly calibrated. The elements and components follow the considerations of the Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM), which follows the recommendations of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The language used to create the programming of the prototype was Processing, from Arduino. Through the interface, users enter the time in seconds, with an interval from one (1) second to 36000 seconds, to measure climatic data. This is achieved through the prototype interface with which the user will interact, allowing him to adjust the time interval according to his specific needs, to expand the data acquisition possibilities. The information is visible on the prototype's screen and is transferred to the web platform via telemetry. The prototype's web page provides convenient access to hydrometeorological data and simplifies monitoring, eliminating human error by manually transcribing the data. This prototype drives the development of expertise in civil engineering fields such as hydrology and interdisciplinary disciplines such as electronics, fostering a broad and diverse approach to understanding climate and its measurements.Ítem Evaluación de la Adición de Escoria de Alto Horno en una Mezcla de Concreto de Peso NormalVelandia Comesaquira, Monica Fernanda; Amaya Clavijo, Jorge Andres; López Palomino, Paulo MarceloConcrete technology in civil engineering has led companies and professionals to investigate the properties of concrete, focusing on optimizing the mix. In this context, the addition of blast furnace slag in normal weight concrete will be evaluated, studying its compressive strength with replacements of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of fine granular material by blast furnace slag. This research seeks to mitigate the consumption of natural resources and the environmental deterioration caused by the excessive production of concrete. Methodologically, it includes the characterization of materials, petrography studies, mix design and compression tests, showing that the addition of slag does not significantly affect the compressive strength, except for a 10% replacement, where the strength increases by 10%. In addition, it was found that concrete density decreases with greater slag participation, affirming the convenience of using this industrial waste as fine aggregate and providing a basis for studying other concrete properties, such as durability.Ítem Estudio del comportamiento de una muestra de suelo arcilloso para el uso en sub-rasantes por medio del ensayo cbr utilizando caucho molido de neumático en diferentes porcentajes y distintos diámetrosOspina García, Michael Jefrey; Suarez García, Oswaldo; Rondón Quintana, Hugo Alexander; Rondón Quintana, Hugo Alexander [0000-0003-2946-9411]The study focuses on the evaluation of the behavior of a clayey soil sample when incorporating recycled polymer (recycled tire rubber grains - GCR) at three different dosages (5%, 10%, and 15% by mass). The soil samples were classified as CL (low-plasticity clay) under the Unified Soil Classification System (SUCS) and A-6 under the AASHTO system. These soils are composed of inorganic clays with low to medium plasticity and have a maximum CBR of 7.4%. The research aimed to assess the potential for using GCR as a soil improvement material for road construction. The study revealed that the addition of both fine and coarse GCR did not significantly improve the CBR results, with a decrease in percentages observed at various addition levels. Consequently, it was concluded that GCR may not be suitable for enhancing the performance of this type of expansive soil.Ítem Plan de negocios para DP Diseño & Consultoría S.A.SSalamanca Fuquen, Paola Andrea; Villota Posso, Hernando AntonioThe main objective of this document is the execution of a business plan for a company oriented to the provision of integral design and consulting services in the areas of Structural, Hydrosanitary, Architectural, Budgeting, Geotechnical and BIM in construction projects in the city of Bogotá, which will be named DP Diseño&Consultoría S.A.S. The business idea will be analyzed through the study of information corresponding to the service to be offered, how the market will be entered in competition, what will be the plan to sell to future customers, why use the services to be offered, how much financing is required. Similarly, this document will develop a set of studies to determine the feasibility of the creation of the business idea, through which we will seek to find the feasibility and break-even point at which economic growth will occur.Ítem Prototipo de máquina para realizar ensayos de flexión en vigas a escalaBeltran Martinez, Angie Michell; Lagos Bolivar, Yeison Mauricio; López Palomino, Paulo MarceloThis document outlines the description, justification, and proposal for a project aimed at designing and constructing a prototype of a machine for conducting bending tests. The prototype will consist of a metallic structure capable of withstanding the loads and stresses generated during the test. It will operate on the principle of a hydraulic press, similar to that used by a hydraulic jack, to apply pressure to the beam under testÍtem Evaluación de alternativas para mejorar el nivel de servicio en la intersección vial entre la Avenida Caracas y la Avenida Ciudad de VillavicencioPérez Pintor, Sergio Daniel; Pulido, Cristian Andrés; Velandia Rodríguez, Carlos HerbertyThe intersection between Avenida Caracas and Avenida Ciudad de Villavicencio is a crucial point for the mobility of families residing south of Bogotá, however, empirical evidence allows establishing that the level of service in the sector in question is not the same. adequate, in terms of vehicular flow speed and structural conditions of the pavement, which, generates that travel times are increased and therefore the quality of service of said intersection decreases; Therefore, the main objective of this project is to establish geometric design alternatives that allow improving the quality of the service of the intersection under study, for the above, initially, a mobility study will be developed, in which the volumes will be obtained traffic traffic during peak hours, and then, by means of digital systems, perform a traffic flow modeling and calculate the level of service that prevails at the study intersection. Then, the possible causes that generate the traffic flow have low speeds will be established and later a model will be made with geometric alternatives different from the current ones with the purpose of increasing the level of service and quality. Finally, a series of conclusions and synthesis will be presented that will be established from the results obtained from the empirical methods and the theoretical-digital experimentation used during the development of the project, based on the above, it will be concisely established if the results meet the proposed objectives.Ítem Propuesta de plan de negocio para la creación de una empresa de diseño y construcción de cubiertas verdes en la ciudad de Bogotá D.CMora Cantor, Juan Pablo; Bernal Bastidas, Ingri Johana; Mayorga Morato, Manuel AlfonsoEnvironmental problems are an issue that is becoming increasingly important worldwide, both for the health of human beings and for the environmental balance that must be maintained to avoid depleting natural resources. For this reason, actions have been taken in order to mitigate the damage to the environment caused by human activities. The construction sector is one of those that has the most negative impact on the environment in each of the different branches of civil engineering, since the projects are directly related to the environment in one way or another, for decades They have developed projects that do not take any type of consideration with the effects they may have on the environment, affecting ecosystems irreversibly in the most critical cases. This has meant that since the 90s the authorities have given greater importance to these effects and as a consequence today projects are carried out in which the sustainable construction methodology has been implemented through different certifications such as (EDGE, LEED , CASA, BREEAM, VERDE, among others) that confirm that the project is environmentally friendly and seeks to reduce the impacts that the project may generate against the environment as far as possible. One of the aspects that several of the sustainable construction certifications request is the aspect of green roofs in the structure, this aspect is used in order to reduce air pollution in the environment, to combat the greenhouse effect in the structures and to recover spaces of flora and fauna endemic to the area. For the year 2021, Colombia ranked 72nd out of 118 countries classified in the ranking of: “country with the worst air quality” according to the IQAir organization, for this same year in Bogotá an average annual concentration of PM2.5 of 13.7 ug was obtained. /m3, this being more than double the value recommended by the WHO (5 ug/M3), due to poor air quality, it was determined that out of every 100,000 inhabitants in the city of Bogotá, 41 deaths per year are attributable to prolonged exposure. of PM2.5, due to these levels of pollution, Bogotá currently ranks 3rd in cities with the poorest air quality in Colombia. Understanding this panorama, the business idea is proposed in order to generate a solution for both companies interested in incorporating the sustainable construction methodology into their structures; as well as for the contribution to the mitigation of environmental deterioration.Ítem Estimación del índice de resiliencia de un tramo de la red vital del acueducto de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C bajo los efectos de movimientos sísmicosMelo Cuevas, Cristian Alexis; Buitrago Poveda, Greidy Steller; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge ArturoThe resilience index in recent decades has been the subject of research to address the various problems that occur in societies undergoing modernization and optimization. Its implementation in different aspects of society has shown that the research of this index obtains results in an effective way, estimating a value of the situation in general, easily understandable and that can be used for decision making in favor of the improvement of society and ecosystems. However, the available literature about aqueduct lifelines is limited. This degree project seeks to create a first approximation to the resilience index in pipelines of great importance, using a methodology that involves deterministic elements easy to compare and replicate in other contexts and works. The Tibitoc - Casablanca line of the main network of the Bogota aqueduct, which is one of the largest pipelines in the country, was studied. The analysis focuses on four fundamental aspects (robustness, redundancy, management capacity and recovery), where it is analyzed from different areas (technical, social, economic, logistic and political), determining how the pipeline is affected by the application of seismic loads, how the population and surrounding activities are potentially affected at the time of a failure and how the management of the city's risk control by the authorities in charge are able to mitigate the vulnerabilities presented.Ítem Análisis tridimensional de la ejecución de dos excavaciones profundas en la ciudad de Bogotá d.c., empleando elementos finitosAldana Martinez, Jhon Ricardo; Kevin Julián, Pachón Solano; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge ArturoThe objective of this work is to carry out the three-dimensional modeling of two excavations that were made in soft soils in Bogotá. With these models, an analysis of the geotechnical behavior of these excavations was attempted. Additionally, the obtained results were compared and verified with two-dimensional models of the same excavations. This work aims to validate the three-dimensional models and promote the use of this type of numerical modeling in geotechnical design. The analyzed buildings consist of several levels above the ground and up to three basements each. However, they differ in their geometries, sizes, use of the building, and variation in location, which allows analyzing different stratigraphic profiles that delineate the type of soil found in two specific areas of the city of Bogotá. The displacement results observed during the construction stages were obtained through geotechnical instrumentation and were compared with the results obtained from the three-dimensional modeling. The three-dimensional models were based on geotechnical information obtained through instrumentation and field measurements. Some parameters were modified within the three-dimensional modeling to adjust the behavior and make it similar to the results obtained through instrumentation. Finally, the results of the three-dimensional modeling were compared with the two-dimensional models, showing some differences in terms of displacements. The two-dimensional modeling differed from the field measurements, while the three-dimensional modeling showed a better fit and allowed analyzing the structure in its entirety, including the entire geometry of both buildings. This validates the application of these models in geotechnical designs and provides guidelines for their use in future construction projects.Ítem Evaluación comparativa del método de optimización de la curva de la Tarántula vs métodos de optimización de Fuller, mínimos cuadrados y Shilstone en un diseño de mezcla de concreto normal de 21 mpaMelo Torres, Cristian Alberto; Vanegas Ramírez, Aldair Rikker; Mena Serna, Milton; Mena Serna, Milton [0000-0002-7377-2787]The granulometric optimization method known as the tarantula curve, is a procedure that theoretically poses better benefits than conventional aggregate optimization methodologies since it allows the mixture to develop an ideal gradation which causes greater adhesion between aggregates, making the concrete has fewer voids and greater stability in its fresh state, greatly improving the ultimate resistance, workability at the time of pouring and providing a superior quality texture in the finish.