Ingeniería en Control
URI permanente para esta colección
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Ítem Diseño e implementación de un sistema de control con conexión IoT y aplicación móvil para una máquina de inyección de plástico marca BattenfeldLeyton Losada, Diego Alberto; Delgado Ochoa, Jhonatan; Rojas Castellar, Luis AlejandroIn Colombia today the plastics industry has taken a lot of strength due to the daily use of products made of plastic, a large part of these products are manufactured by small and medium-sized companies where most of the machinery used in the process is operating with obsolete technology and little innovation. In supervision, these companies generally do not have access to quality automation due to the high cost of elements and labor, for this reason it is necessary to develop and implement innovation in low-cost technology in order to optimize resources and have better supervision. of process. The automation and start-up of a Battenfeld brand plastic injection machine for the company Mecaniplast located in Kennedy is presented, for its technological update it develops an App to carry out the supervision of units produced and operation time in real time of the process, thus optimizing the production process. Among the devices installed for technological adaptation there is a PLC, an HMI screen, an IOT microcontroller which interacts with the machine's PLC through the ModBus RTU industrial protocol and communicates over the internet with an app for monitoring the production. On the other hand, a PID position control system was designed and implemented for the closure of the mold, since it is required that it advance as quickly as possible but that it has a deceleration before reaching its end of travel so that it does not there is a sudden collision with the parts. As a result of the development of this project, it is possible to start up the plastic injection machine with a PID control system for the closure of the mold that provides greater performance and less wear of the mechanical parts. On the other hand, you get an application to monitor the production of the machine through the internet, which gives you a connection with the concept of the fourth industrial revolution.Ítem Análisis de la presión plantar en amputados transtibiales unilaterales mediante una metodología ETL: Un enfoque para la clasificación de estados angulares del encaje de la prótesisAbril Ramírez, Juan Carlos; Antonio Cifuentes, Javier Oswaldo; Luengas Contreras, Lely Adriana; Luengas Contreras, Lely Adriana [0000-0002-3600-4666]The problem that is sought to be addressed is the difficulty of analyzing data from pressure sensors. plantar in individuals with unilateral transtibial amputation, making determination of alignment difficult adequate angle of the prosthesis socket. In order to respond to the concern, databases obtained when the individual is in static standing position with different angular locations of the prosthesis socket, using a ETL methodology to clean, transform, load and analyze the collected data. Three classification models will be developed using machine learning techniques to determine the different anatomical states of the prosthesis. These models will be evaluated to select the one with the best performance using relevant metrics. The methodology to be developed will have an important impact in the field of biomechanics and engineering of prosthetics by providing a robust tool for sensor data analysis in segment prosthetics lower body.Ítem Sistema de control para el simulador sísmico dinámico del laboratorio de estructuras de la Facultad Tecnológica de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasGuevara Ospina, Andres Felipe; Galvis Alfonso, Oscar Ivan; Giraldo Ramos, Frank NixonThe catastrophic consequences of the earthquakes that have occurred in the world in recent years have prompted experimental studies to evaluate the seismic effects on structures. In addition, the performance of experimental studies has been encouraged in order to mitigate the effects of earthquakes on the structures. During the execution of the project, an evaluation of the mechanical designs is carried out and data is obtained from the vibrating table to carry out structural tests. First, the mechanical elements that allowed the movement of the table were selected, which was validated by means of simulation tools that allowed us to validate the dimensions of the table. Subsequently, movement tests and validation of the electronic part, connection of sensors were carried out. Subsequently, the tests corresponding to the movement and operation of sensors with the frequencies selected for the respective practices that are carried out in the structure analysis laboratory were carried out. The utility of this vibrating table, initially developed for the Francisco José de Caldas District University, is characterized by its versatility to carry out low-cost experimental tests that are aimed at the analysis and design of structures, subjected to different frequencies. Likewise, this device will contribute to the investigation not only of new materials, but also to the design and rehabilitation of resistant structures.Ítem Análisis de factibilidad de emplazamiento de energía fotovoltáica y eóica en Colombia(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Amado Martinez, Eliseo; Montaña Quintero, HenryThere are projects, research, installations carried out in Colombia and the world, which show how this type of installation is profitable, helps to mitigate climate change and generates additional income by selling surplus energy produced. This is the case of the installation made in a single-family home in Albacete where they carried out a 4.5KW installation in solar panels, saving about 6 million pesos, more exactly 6,220,902 Cop about 1380 Euros, the surplus energy is valued in the invoice each month and are sold at the commercial price of energy, this type of installation can use a battery for self-consumption at night when the panels do not produce energy and thus the cost of consumption per KWh at night would be zero since it does not it would consume energy from the street, only the energy produced during the day that is accumulated in the battery[1]. In Colombia, saving and also receiving extra money with the installation of solar panels is viable since Colombia exceeds the world average in solar radiation by 60%. As of February 25, 2022, according to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Colombia has 10 large-scale self-generation projects and more than 2,500 solar projects with the capacity to generate 725.38 MWp [2]. The project located in the village of La Unión, on the road that connects Villavicencio with Acacías in Meta, has 20,520 solar panels that can generate 12.11 megawatts, this is equivalent to planting 6,900 trees. This project has a second phase which will add 7.22 megawatts for a total of 19.33 megawatts of installed capacity [3]. In Colombia it is important to know the wind speeds to obtain an estimate of the energy that can be generated in different regions of the country, as well as the average speed at different heights, an example of this is found in the central region of the department of Boyacá where 3 wind projects are installed, in Ricaurte, El Colibrí III wind farm and El Colibrí II wind farm where a maximum speed of 8m/s is estimated at a height of 10 meters, this allows these three facilities to generate 2% of wind power installed in the country with 290 MW.[4].Ítem Diseño y simulación de un convertidor para un generador lineal de baja potencia en MatlabEspinosa Alfonso, Juan David; Montaña Quintero, Henry; Montaña Quintero, Henry [0000-0003-0752-6315]The design and simulation of a converter for a low-power linear generator is proposed using the Matlab Power Toolbox as a contribution to the research project LOW-POWER WIND GENERATOR TOPOLOGIES. In this sense, a review of the different converter topologies used in linear three-phase signal generators to deliver regulated power in direct current was carried out, identifying the Buck converter as the most convenient for this type of generators, previously adding a necessary rectification stage. for conditioning the three-phase signal to the Buck converter. Subsequently, the control stage is implemented where the identification of the system is obtained for the design of the PI and PID controller and in this way three tuning methodologies are applied: self-tuning, Ziegler & Nichols and pole assignment. The most important considerations in the design and control of the Buck converter are the disturbances coming from the three-phase input signal such as noise or harmonics, which cause oscillations in the converter in the input voltage and an underdamped response in the output voltage, being the PI control by pole assignment as the most suitable to obtain a fast and stable response. Additionally, fuzzy control of three, five and seven linguistic variables is implementedÍtem Diseño e implementación de un enlace punto-multipunto de comunicación inalámbrica con LORA para la trans- misión de variables de proceso entre los sistemas de dosificación y enfriamiento de la planta pasteurizadora, con el fin de poder almacenar y monitorear la información de una base de datos en la nube bajo la arquitectura IIOTVelandia Arenas, Steven Alexander; Buitrago Anzola, Andrés Mauricio; Escobar Diaz, AndresIn this degree proposal we want to develop a point-to-multipoint wireless communication link based on the use of LoRa technology in order to be implemented and used in the transmission of process variables between the dosing and cooling systems located within the control laboratory of the technological faculty, in addition to this, that allows the storage, consultation, visualization and/or monitoring of data by IoT through a Cloud platform so that they can be used by students and the community in general that may become interested in them, taking into account that these data can be used to carry out different types of control in other processes within this laboratory of the faculty.Ítem Sistema de paletización mediante un brazo robótico para el proceso de pasteurización, con control PID de nivel de llenado, manejo de inventario y almacenamiento de la materia primaVaron Fisco, Andres Felipe; Bolivar Gonzalez, Lina Geraldine; Porras Bohada, Jorge EduardoThe project presented in the course of this document is focused on the design and implementation of an autonomous palletizing system, which will allow the completion of the production line of the pasteurization system of the electronic control laboratory. taking into account that the pasteurization process already implemented ended in the storage and refrigeration of the raw material; We proceeded to have this stage as the beginning of the project, therefore, it was necessary to implement a filling system for the raw material, which will be stored in a container previously marked by a barcode, which will be identified by the bars. reader, allowing the operator to show the availability of product in stock and the availability of empty containers, so that later with this information the operator can place the order, said order will be executed by the Mitsubishi MELFA RV - M1 robotic arm, which is in charge to collect, fill, weigh and store the product in its respective place to be available for distribution and marketing.Ítem Biorreactor Automatizado para la Fermentación Controlada de CaféHernandez Moya, Juan Sebastián; Bermúdez Luna, Yeison Stiven; Delgadillo Gómez, Eduardo AlbertoEven though the coffee is the base product of Colombia, its processing from harvesting to the final product is a traditional and little-industrialized process, even though there are already advances and studies that prove the improvement of the product. In the case of the fermentation phase, it is evident that carrying out this process controlling the variables that intervene in it, represents an improvement in the quality of the cup and a decrease in physical defects. In the absence of an affordable tool for the coffee producer that facilitates data recording and carrying out a successful and replicable fermentation, this project is based on developing a prototype of an automated Bioreactor for coffee fermentation, which allows to visualize, control and monitor the variables involved in the process, in order to provide technological assistance to the coffee producer to carry out a controlled fermentation and improve the quality of the product. The solution developed is a robust and reliable device that allows, in addition to the continuous recording of data during the fermentation process, a real-time visualization of the sensors and actuators, which make it easier for us to control the variables of temperature, pressure, PH, brix degrees. and alcohol in the parameters and desired adjustment values.Ítem Desarrollo de un algoritmo de aprendizaje computacional para el control de movimiento del robot EmergeRodríguez González, Natalia; Montes Fonseca, Yeyffer Arbey; Pedraza Martínez, Luis FernandoThis thesis presents a motion control algorithm for the Emerge robot based on computational learning, for this purpose a motion control algorithm was developed implementing deep learning using the TensorFlow - Keras library in the training of neural networks for chain, L-type and block or quadpod morphologies; the second motion control applied for the comparison of the developed technique were the motion tables following the technique of (Morantes et al., 2020) applying it for the three morphologies previously mentioned. To elaborate the local controller of the robot, a Raspberry PI 3 was implemented together with an Arduino Uno, two ultrasonic sensors and two voltage regulators, one for the power supply of the Raspberry and the other for the power supply of the sensors and the Arduino. With this work, a new technique for motion control in modular robots is incorporated by applying artificial intelligence and opening the field of study in this control technique for these robots in the morphologies chain, ELE and block type, as well as improving the displacement times and the offset angle with respect to the origin in the Y axis in the three morphologies with respect to the comparison technique; the application of multilayer neural networks in the motion control of modular robots is also validated.Ítem Automatización y control de una cámara de hermeticidadVásquez Villalba, Juan David; Calderón Pulido, Henry Duan; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon [0000-0001-8407-1831]In this project, the automation of a leak detection chamber for packaging and bottles will be carried out in order to guarantee the quality of the products that are subjected to the test. The automation of the camera will be carried out through a PLC (Programmable Logic Programmer) and its visualization will be through an industrial screen.Ítem Sistema de monitoreo exterior doméstico con accesibilidad programable integrado a la nubeHerrera Rodríguez, Diego Fernando; Serrano Franco, Cristian Camilo; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon [0000-0001-8407-1831]The current technology has had a great advance in the last decades, this advance has made it possible to increasingly the acquisition of sophisticated systems by common people, which have facilitated the development of the activities of daily life of the same, since the use has been so wide that has been given to technologies that have managed to generate a great impact in multiple fields. To the use of these technologies in domestic environments is called home automation, this set of techniques has been one of the most growing and diverse, home automation systems mainly seek to offer comfort, safety, accessibility among others. Home automation has managed to couple the daily use of simple household elements such as light bulbs, windows, doors, alarms, air conditioning and even garden irrigation systems centralizing the use of these elements, so way that provides great benefits in terms of comfort, safety, energy savings, entertainment among others. Bearing in mind that security and accessibility are fields in which very useful advances have been made, and considering that in the realization of activities covered in these fields there are certain limitations, it is sought provide flexibility and ease in aspects such as monitoring environments while no one is present, security systems integrated into home automation, such as surveillance cameras and motion sensors movement, they can be programmed to detect any unusual activity and send alerts to owners or security companies in real time. In this way, it is possible to improve the security of places such as the home or buildings by detecting possible intrusions or incidents of early and take the necessary measures, the development of these systems is done with the purpose of supervising objects or areas of high interest to restrict their use or access, knowing who has arrived without being close to the entrance and other aspects that on several occasions prevent guaranteeing safe and comfortable environments for the development of daily activities for users permanent of a place.Ítem Sistema de clasificación del cacao en la prueba de corte implementando procesamiento digital de imágenesCastañeda Pabón, Daniel Eduardo; Calderón Vega, Harold Yesid; Pérez Pereira, Miguel Ricardo; Pérez Pereira, Miguel Ricardo [0000-0001-7487-2600]Cocoa cultivation in Colombia is fundamental in the country's agricultural development, with thousands of families depending on this activity. The process of obtaining and selecting the cocoa bean consists of several crucial steps to ensure the quality of the final product. In particular, the cut test, which classifies the beans according to their color and degree of fermentation, is a key stage. This test is carried out manually by experts, which limits the objectivity and consistency of the results, affecting the producers and the quality of the cocoa. The dependence on the experience and skill of an expert in the classification of cocoa in the cutting test generates inconsistencies and difficulties for producers. Furthermore, the lack of accurate feedback up to the marketing stage especially affects small producers. The need then arises to find a solution that automates the determination of cocoa quality in this test, improving the consistency of the results and providing early and accurate feedback. This will require the design and construction of a prototype system based on artificial vision, which captures images of cut cocoa beans and processes them using parameters established by the NTC 1252:2021 standard. The proposed solution consists of developing a prototype system that uses artificial vision to automatically determine the quality of cocoa in the cutting test. This system will capture images of the cut grains and process them using an algorithm based on parameters established by the NTC 1252:2021 standard. The aim is to standardize quality control processes, improve the consistency of results and provide a comparison with the opinion of human experts. The design will include a structure that allows stable image capture, taking into account lighting changes. The estimated cost of the project is around $400 with an execution time of six months. The implementation of this solution has the potential to improve efficiency and quality in the classification of cocoa in the cutting test, benefiting both producers and the industry in general.Ítem Control difuso de pH tipo Mamdani e implementación de control PID de temperatura para el proceso de fermentación del reactor multipropósitoGarcía Rios, César Andrés; Gallo contreras, Johana; Porras Bohada, Jorge EduardoThis document details the development of a project focused on the control of essential variablesin the fermentation process, with an emphasis on temperature and acidity levels. Through a fusion of theoretical conceptualization and practical tests, the basic infrastructure of the plant was designed and built. Subsequently, the sensors involved were characterized.Ítem Sistema de monitoreo de vibraciones por medio de modelos de mantenimiento predictivo 4.0 PHM y sistemas inerciales con el propósito de diagnosticar el estado y salud de activosSierra Riaño, Jose Dumar; Otalora León, Miguel Ángel; Delgadillo Gómez, Eduardo AlbertoIndustrial rotating machines such as induction motors require constant maintenance in order to extend their productive and operational life as long as possible. Nowadays, there are several maintenance concepts, one of which is predictive maintenance, which is planned and systematic with the objective of preventing failures, minimizing the risk of corrective maintenance. With the rise of new technologies, the concept of Maintenance 4.0 has been created, which is the evolution of preventive maintenance. This is based on the use of Industry 4.0 technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Digital Twins, among others. The main concept is to optimize maintenance processes by using real-time digital tools and data analysis to provide an accurate diagnosis of the state of the machine, motor, or asset being analyzed. The state monitoring is carried out through sensors such as accelerometers for the case of vibration analysis in motors. Many rotating machines vibrate due to the rotational movement of their internal components. Components such as stator, rotor, bearings, and contactors may have faults and be responsible for malfunction or damage to a motor, generating atypical vibrations. Motors are susceptible to noise and abnormal vibrations generating imbalance that can cause problems in the motors such as misalignment, shaft breakage, imbalance, cavitation or turbulence, clearances, bearing problems, and even asset destruction. Therefore, this document presents an alternative solution based on Maintenance 4.0 capable of analyzing, detecting, and predicting damage to rotating machinery through vibrational data analysis using machine learning. In addition, the design of an electronic system for data acquisition is carried out.Ítem Generación de gemelo digital de un aula inteligente para el monitoreo de CO2, temperatura y radiación UV orientado a la prevención del covid-19 y otras patologías asociadas al medio ambiente empleando tres nodos basados en la tecnología NB-IOTChate Barajas, Jose Luis; Rojas Corredor, Jonathan Steven; Fonseca Velásquez, Aldemar; 0000-0002-7904-4676; Fonseca Velásquez, Aldemar [0000-0002-7904-4676]The project contributes to the advancement of IOT research at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, arising from the growing need to obtain data and instrumentation that provide access to valuable information for its subsequent analysis and, of course, decision-making based on it, as well as the construction of models that can be used in the development of smart cities. In this case, three nodes based on the use of NB-IOT technology are employed, implemented in a classroom of the Technological Faculty of the Universidad Distrital, which will be in charge of the acquisition and transmission of environmental variables, which will be processed in the Cloud using the concept of digital twins, and finally the treated information will be visualized in a website. The project will be carried out through the research modality and will have a duration of six (6) months, whose total value will be $ 11,012,600 COP.Ítem Creación de una aplicación web para automatización de procesos administrativos en gimnasiosPinilla Gonzalez, Andrés Felipe; Bernate Real, Harry; perez pereira, Miguel Ricardo; 0000-0001-7487-2600The present work consists of the development of a web application carried out under the internship modality for the company HBM Technologies.. It consists of provide an easily accessible means of consulting and monitoring information on training in the gyms of Bogotá city, within the functionalities that were requested by the company, the coverage of administrative tasks is proposed such as attendance record and class assignment. Through a database no-relational with connection to the cloud through programs such as visual studio and Angular and Ionic frameworks.Ítem Arquitectura Big Data para edificios inteligentes basada en herramientas Open Source enfocada en la gestión energéticaPrieto Macana, Mario Sebastian; Delgadillo, Eduardo AlbertoThe development of people's lives around technology and the evolution of technology have led to the massive generation of information. It involves millions and millions of data coming from terminals, sensors, and social networks that have driven applications capable of leveraging this information to offer better services and improved living conditions. These improvements rely on the analysis of information. However, traditional techniques for managing and analyzing information have become insufficient and obsolete in the face of the immense amount of data. This is where Big Data emerges as a solution for managing large quantities of data. In this case, the problem to be solved is establishing a Big Data architecture for the production, consumption, storage, presentation, and analysis of information generated by energy consumption in a smart building context, using open source techniques and tools. To address this, a Big Data architecture is studied and developed using open source tools. For the solution, a measurement ingestion system is implemented to collect measurements of interest such as voltage, current, and power communicated through the Modbus RTU protocol to a microprocessor. The microprocessor is responsible for making the information available in real-time using the real-time streaming platform called Apache Kafka. Once the information is available, it can be accessed from a system based on the Linux operating system, where it will be stored in SQL and NoSQL databases, graphically represented, and statistically analyzed. The expected impact is to create a reference source regarding open source Big Data systems. The system consists of a measurement system connected to a microprocessor that sends and makes the information available. The data will be accessed from a computer that stores the data and will be graphically represented and analyzed using open source tools focused on Big Data.Ítem Plataforma virtual para la realización de prácticas de laboratorio de automatización de procesos robotizados usando el brazo robótico Mitsubishi Movemaster RV-M1 guiadas de forma remotaUrueña Herrera, Thomas Felipe; Martínez Romero, Rafael Steven; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto [0000-0002-2323-0242]This project proposes the application of a telepresence platform that allows executing a manipulation and control system for carrying out remote laboratory practices that allow the use, management, and analysis of the characteristics of the robotic arm mitsubishi movemaster rv-m1 guided in a way and locally, the robotic arm was acquired by the District University a few years ago and which is not currently being used in the best way In this document, a description of the project implementation methodology will be made using different tools between hardware and software that will allow the creation of an integration of a control and telecommunications system, in this case a Raspberry pi 3 model b will be used. + which will allow you to manipulate the data and all the necessary characteristics to control the robotic arm both locally and remotely, for your part, the application of the robotic arm will be represented in a pedagogical environment through laboratory practices that will expose its adaptation in automation of industrial processes. This device will have WIFI wireless communication from the district university networks, it will also use the MQTT protocol which will allow communication and sending data to a cloud server with the support of the Heroku platform. All this will be represented in a dynamic and interactive way through a graphical interface developed in Node-RED and accessible from anywhere in the world. encouraging the active participation of student teachers and researchers and improving the student experience with the Mitsubishi move master RV-m1 robotic arm.Ítem Metodología para medir la homogeneidad de un equipo de laboratorio en la empresa JpinglobalCumaco Pesca, José Nicolás; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto [0000-0002-2323-0242]This document presents the development of a methodology to determinate the homogeneity inside of the equipment developed by the company JPInglobal automatically in the development of the test and validations. For this, a datalogger prototype is developed that allows the acquisition and processing of the PT100 sensors, in a development PCB, as well as the sending of data to the network, to be store in a NoSQL database called Firebase, through ESP32, achieving a subsequent analysis of the information, to determinate characteristics of the equipment, such as stability, control, variation, and others. This development facilitates the acquisition of data, the storage of information, the analysis and approval of the tests for the validation of the equipment.Ítem Dispositivo para adquisición y generación de datos para el protocolo de comunicación ARINC 429Patiño Garzón, Jair Edilson; Mosquera González, Oscar Wilman; Camargo Casallas, EsperanzaARINC 429 is a specification that defines how avionics equipment and systems should communicate with each other, which are interconnected by twisted pair cables. The specification defines the electrical data, characteristics and protocols, which are used. ARINC 429 employs a unidirectional data bus standard known as Mark 33 Digital Information Transfer System (DITS). Messages are transmitted at a bit rate of 12.5 or 100 kilobits per second to other system elements, which are monitored by the message bus. Transmission and reception are through separate ports so many cables may be needed on aircraft, which use numerous avionics systems.