Ingeniería en Control
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Ítem Diseño e implementación de un control difuso de temperatura para etapa de calentamiento y enfriamiento de planta térmica del Grupo de Investigación IntegraNoguera Barahona , Jordan Camilo; Ramos Rodríguez , Oscar Eduardo; Porras Bohada, Jorge PorrasThis project contains a proposal for the reconditioning of a thermal teaching plant of the integra research group. The thermal plant has a heating and cooling stage. It is capable of raising and lowering the temperature of the coolant that flows through 2 exchangers located in the two stages. In this project, a diffuse temperature control was implemented for the heating stage and one for the cooling stage. These 2 controls work simultaneously, functioning or ceasing to interact in the process based on the temperature of the process and the temperature to be reached. If it is necessary to raise the temperature, the diffuse heating control operates and the cooling control is used at its minimum. This methodology is applied inversely when it is desired to lower the temperature of the process. To have a functional temperature control, modifications and adjustments were made to the temperature sensors and maintenance to the actuators, which guaranteed the correct operation of the plant.Ítem Complementación y documentación de la mesa de gestión de servicios tecnológicos en el plan estratégico de transformación digital con enfoque ITIL para el control y automatización de procesos en la Unidad Nacional de Protección.Ramírez Bejarano, Andrés Daniel ; Escobar Díaz, Andrés; Toledo Bueno, Carlos AugustoThe internship is developed within the framework of contract 1579 of 2023 between the Universidad Distrital and the National Protection Unit (UNP), whose objective is to promote digital transformation within the UNP. This contract seeks to improve efficiency in the fulfillment of the entity's mission by integrating all its technical and administrative activities with information technology (IT). A solution based on an integral service model is proposed, which includes several lines, among which service management stands out. This line integrates the service desk and service management, both implemented in accordance with the ITIL V4 guide. A large part of the internship activities are focused on supporting the technical operation of the different levels of attention of the service desk, preparing monthly reports as part of the contractual obligations, and collaborating in the documentation of two ITIL4 practices together with the ITIL managers.Ítem Diseño de un sistema de control y automatización para proyecto aerovía en Guayaquil, Ecuador(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Vargas Verdugo, Johan Mauricio; Ramirez Escobar, Jorge Federico; Alvarado Moreno, Alexander; Ramirez Escobar, Jorge Federico; Vargas Verdugo, Johan Mauricio [0009-0008-8651-0031]; Alvarado Moreno, Alexander [0009-0006-7087-1014]This article is part of a project design of a control and automation system implemented in the city of Guayaquil, in the new transportation system called Aerovia, it took place in 2022, with help from the Distrital University. Problem: A monitoring and control system is needed to visualize all the variables of the system, in order to verify the correct operation of all the systems and, in the event of any failure, to issue the respective alert and take immediate control actions. Objetive: To visualize in SCADA system the variables of each one of the stations of the Aerovia, in order to maintain the control and security of the whole system and guarantee the correct operation of each process involved. Metodology: PLC programming that allows to collect all the information of each one of the variables of the system, in order to send it to a SCADA that allows the operator to visualize the operation of each process. Results: The complete implementation of the 5 Aerovia stations in Guayaquil and a main control station called PMC, each one with its respective SCADA, allowing the operators of each station and the PMC to maintain constant monitoring of all the processes involved in the system, visualizing the different alerts and being able to perform control actions from the same SCADA.Ítem Sistema automático para pruebas de alto voltaje ac/dc, resistencia de aislamiento y conexión a tierra INDRACONTROLS S.A.SPeña Choachi, Manuel Esteban; Peña Niño, Sonya Daniela; Pérez Pereira, Miguel; Pérez Pereira Miguel [0000-0001-7487-2600]In an environment where safety and efficiency are fundamental pillars of the industry, INDRACONTROLS S.A.S stands out by offering specialized technical services in the area of automation and control. In this context, we have developed an innovative automatic system designed to perform AC/DC WITHSTANDING VOLTAGE, INSULATION RESISTANCE, and GROUND BOND tests. This system is intended to be implemented in motors, speed drives, and other components, allowing for a detailed observation of the inspected equipment's condition. During the internship at INDRACONTROLS S.A.S, we faced the challenge of addressing the growing need to ensure the safety and reliability of electrical equipment in the industry. The problem lay in the lack of a comprehensive system that would allow automatic and efficient AC/DC WITHSTANDING VOLTAGE, INSULATION RESISTANCE, and GROUND BOND tests. This issue was compounded by the connections between the main device, GPT-9804, and the different equipment under test, as each test requires a different connection. This deficiency not only posed a risk to worker safety and test result quality but also resulted in prolonged inspection times and high operational costs. In response to this challenge, we set out to create an innovative solution that would not only address the existing limitations but also optimize the inspection process to increase productivity. As a result, we developed a workstation specifically designed to streamline the required tests. This workstation is equipped with a variety of devices that significantly improve the efficiency and validity of each test, enabling faster and more accurate inspections.Ítem Programa OpenCV Python para detección de vehículos en un cuadro de videoPérez Rozo, Juan Sebastian; García Diosa, Carlos Alberto; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon [0000-0001-8407-1831]Traffic congestion is a growing problem on Colombia's streets and highways Current transportation management systems are not sufficient to improve urban mobility. To improve urban mobility, it is necessary to implement transport management systems that are more comprehensive and take into account factors such as transport demand, road infrastructure, road safety, and environmental sustainability. These systems must use intelligent technologies to collect data, analyze it, and make decisions in real time. For this reason, the present project describes the development process of a program capable of detecting and tracking vehicles in a video frame, allowing the identification and analysis of vehicle movement patterns. The proposal will be developed using Python® software and OpenCv library which will be based on visual computing for image processing, will have a development time of 6 months with a cost of $ 20,800,000 which will be divided into the cost of personnel, equipment and software acquisition. It will be presented as a monograph.Ítem Aplicación basada en software para identificar y analizar imágenes de etiquetas nutricionales en empaques de frituras para revelar información sobre la composición nutricional y sus implicaciones en la salud(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Acuña Suabita, Karen Liseth; Rodríguez Ángel, Edison Camilo; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto [0000-0002-2323-0242]Currently, overweight is a public health issue. The main social factors influencing this are related to dietary habits associated with the consumption of packaged fried foods or foods high in fats and sugars, combined with sedentary behaviors. Therefore, it is necessary to raise awareness among the population about the perception and causes of diseases related to nutrition. [1] The information and appropriate tools to help people make healthy food choices are not sufficient. In this project, the development of an application is proposed to identify and analyze images of nutritional labels on snack packaging, to support nutritional awareness. The implementation is based on optical character recognition to capture the data from the nutritional tables that will be analyzed to provide the user with relevant information about the food they are consuming. This project offers an alternative that allows consumers to make informed decisions about their diet and reduce the rates of diseases associated with poor dietary habits.Ítem Medición de la eficiencia de un sistema generador de electricidad, basado en la implementación de hidrogeno verde obtenido mediante sistemas fotovoltaicosRodríguez Rodríguez, Luis Alberto; Espejo Mojica, Oscar Gabriel; Espejo Mojica, Oscar Gabriel [0000-0002-0920-4531]The excessive consumption of fossil fuels and their derivatives, along with their extraction on the planet over the past 100 years, has caused serious problems that are already irreversible in terms of the environment, which implies that we have our days numbered. That is why it is necessary to carry out an energy transition where it is possible to abandon or reduce dependence on these fuels and other energy sources that seriously affect the environment. Taking the above into account, the study of new alternatives for the generation of clean energy from different points of view is becoming increasingly urgent, which is why energies such as tidal energy, wind energy and solar photovoltaic energy emerge as the main sources of renewable energy. At the same time, other forms of generating clean energy are being studied, which is where the world is studying the generation of green hydrogen as a source of energy and fuel to replace current sources. Research in the field of renewable energy, both in the country and at the Francisco José de Caldas District University, Technological Campus, is advancing rapidly, which is why this project aims to assemble a system to measure the energy efficiency in power generated by a fuel cell which is powered by green hydrogen obtained through an HHO cell and another HH-OO cell. These cells operate with solar energy, so the power generated by the panel will be used as a reference against the power generated by the fuel cell after the process is carried out. To this end, the system has a data acquisition card that is capable of taking measurements through voltage and current sensors to check the power production delivered by the panel and that 44111generated by the fuel cell, volumetric flow to check the production of hydrogen made by the HHO and HH-OO cells and thus be able to have a relationship between hydrogen production against power generated. This entire system has a visualization on an OLED screen while most of the variables will be monitored through the Matlab ThinkSpeak IOT platform, which allows us to have real-time visualizations while collecting data for later analysis. The research carried out in this thesis demonstrated the feasibility of generating DC voltage from green hydrogen produced by a solar panel. The efficiency of the system, although not optimal, opens the door to the implementation of this technology in renewable energy applications. It is recommended to continue researching the optimization of the system to improve efficiency and explore the application of this technology in different scenarios.Ítem CNC para control de movimiento utilizando motores de paso y motores trifásicos con variador de velocidadRodríguez García, Nataly; Vergara Torres, Santiago; Porras Bohada, Jorge EduardoThe technological boom in the industrial area raises high-scope research in areas of generalized control and motion control. In the Colombian industry, a substantial change is clearly observed between its processes, periodically updating and designing new technology to be implemented in production lines. production, manufacturing systems, among others. This is why this area is of great importance in engineering, since hundreds of designs involve the basic principle generating any type of movement and stipulate parameters intended for correct mobility in physical terms. Given this circumstance, the understanding of motion control becomes substantial in the national industry, for this reason, the research and manufacture of a device that meets the technical conditions in the understanding of motion control is proposed, considering feedback circuits by pulses and actuators (stepper motors and three-phase motors).Ítem Prototipo de sistema de control de acceso utilizando tecnología RFID(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Gutiérrez Díaz, Esteban Ricardo; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon [0000-0001-8407-1831]During the internship at HBM Technologies, we identified several goals and challenges that we had to face and overcome in this process, which was to design and integrate the prototype of an attendance automation system with RFID technology into its School Management system; This automation system had the characteristic that it had to be a system that processed information in the shortest possible time, and that the cost of this prototype was a differential factor in the market that made it unique. Faced with this challenge, with the skills and knowledge we acquired throughout our training at the Francisco José de Caldas District University, we presented, integrated, developed and implemented an innovative solution that would optimize the process of collecting attendance information, in addition to providing a scalable system, which will pioneer the following reforms and implementations that the company HBM Technologies wants to make its School Management system. As a result, a prototype of an attendance automation system with RFID technology was developed, which is a robust, scalable system that will improve the efficiency and implementation of new functions in the SIGEE application of the company HMB Technologies.Ítem Plan de negocio para una empresa de productos eléctricos y electrónicos por inyecciónMolina Mesa, Diddier Mauricio; Montaña Quintero, Henry; Montaña Quintero, Henry [0000-0003-0752-6315]The present is an era marked by technological advances and the growing dependence on electrical and electronic products, the need arises for innovative companies that not only address market demands, but also introduce efficient and sustainable solutions. The electronics and electricity sector is experiencing rapid changes, driven by constant technological evolution and the demand for more efficient solutions. Injection as a manufacturing method offers significant advantages in terms of precision, speed and versatility, crucial aspects to remain competitive in a dynamic and demanding market. Conduit terminal connectors are essential components in electrical and telecommunications installations, they are widely used in industrial environments, being essential for machinery control installations, in residential and commercial automation systems, they contribute to organizing and protecting cables used for intelligent systems , in telecommunications, facilitate the distribution of network cables and fiber optics. Additionally, in security systems, such as surveillance cameras, and in traffic control and signaling systems, Conduit Terminal Connectors ensure a secure connection. In renewable energy projects, such as solar or wind farms, they are used to connect and protect power cables. The specific choice of Connector depends on application requirements and local regulations. Due to this trend, this degree project focuses on the development of a business plan for a company specialized in the manufacturing of electrical and electronic products using the injection technique.Ítem Herramienta basada en software usando servicios de computación en la nube de Amazon Web Services para almacenar y gestionar información histórica del estado de salud de una persona con enfermedades crónicas de forma remotaPrieto Gómez, Edison Giancarlo; Pita Alarcón, Carlos Enrique; Hernández Martínez, Henry AlbertoThis document presents the development of a remote, real-time health monitoring software tool for individuals with chronic diseases such as hypertension, asthma, or kidney disease. The implementation is carried out by continuously sending data fromsensors connected to a patient to a digital platform built on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. This alternative allows medical personnel to be aware of the patient's health status to take relevant actions, improving patient comfort and satisfaction, and reducing hospitalization rates and the saturation of medical centers.Ítem Herramienta de caracterización y visualización geoespacial del crecimiento de cultivo frutales en Colombia: aplicación web de selección de fruta y su clasificación cartográficaArévalo Otálora, Jhon Alexander; Guamán Rodríguez, Cindy Vanessa; Hernández Martínez, Henry AlbertoClimate change has significantly impacted the horticultural sector, reducing agricultural production in Colombia. The Ministry of Agriculture has made agricultural municipal assessments available, but the visualization of data on its portal does not facilitate comprehension. Therefore, it is proposed to implement a cartographic tool that shows the growth of fruit crops in the country, using a historical database from 2007 to 2018. This will allow farmers to better plan their crops, considering climate changes and improving their performance.Ítem Sistema de información climática para caracterizar de forma aproximada el comportamiento de 5 variables mediante una técnica de aprendizaje automático en el área de influencia de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José De Caldas Facultad TecnológicaLázaro Mejia, Yarokxy; Carrillo Romero, Cristhian David; Hernández Martínez, Henry AlbertoThe document provides a detailed analysis of an innovative weather station that combines environmental data collection with advanced IoT technology and machine learning to predict weather conditions in the influence area of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, Technological Faculty. It presents a system that not only captures real-time data but also utilizes machine learning algorithms to interpret and forecast weather events. This interdisciplinary project demonstrates an integration of telecommunications engineering and control and automation engineering, showcasing the feasibility of low-cost and highly efficient weather stations for informed decision-making in various sectors such as agriculture, disaster management, and urban planning. The project stands out for its sustainability-focused design, employing devices such as the ESP32 microcontroller, known for its processing power and low energy consumption, Hall effect sensors to measure variables such as wind speed and direction, as well as precipitation. Google's Firebase platform plays a significant role in storing and analyzing the collected data, enabling real-time access and processing that are crucial for meteorological accuracy. Additionally, ESP-NOW technology is used to create cohesive and reliable networks between the sensors and the monitoring center. The project is justified not only for its educational and scientific value but also for its potential to improve everyday life and environmental management within the university community and its surroundings. With a futuristic vision, the document explores future innovations and trends, including deeper integration of IoT and machine learning, which could further transform weather analysis and prediction accuracy. The methodology includes the development of a remotely connected prototype weather station to a database and the use of preprocessing techniques and exploratory data analysis to predict atmospheric phenomena. Three machine learning algorithms are compared using statistical indices such as MSE, MAE, and efficiency index, and a detailed analysis of the collected data is provided to understand the relationships between different climatological variables such as temperature, humidity, wind direction and speed, and precipitation. The work emphasizes the importance of compliance with technical and quality standards and competence in the development and operation of weather stations, concluding with a discussion on the relevance of research for technological development and innovation in the region.Ítem Desarrollo de un simulador de movimientos basado en un generador central de patrones para un robot modular tipo cadena en entornos sin obstáculos, caso de estudio Robot EmergeGalvis Gomez, Javier Libardo; León Patiño, José Andrés; Hernández Martínez, Henry AlbertoThe ability to adapt to a certain environment or task is the main advantage of modular robots, allowing them to have a wide range of applications in all industries. The EMERGE modular robot is a tool that has been developed since 2016 by universities and institutes, both local and foreign, and is currently being further developed by the GIDENUTAS research group at the Francisco José de Caldas District University. Simulators are an interactive tool to understand the operation of any process and developing a modular robot simulator greatly helps this objective. Currently, a simulation tool has been developed in MATLAB, but it does not have the necessary scope due to licensing issues. In the following document, an investigation was carried out on current modular robot simulators, a description of all the elements used from the operation of the EMERGE modular robot to the development environment and libraries used, the development methodology where the design is described. of the WEB application and finally, the results obtained where we determine the correct compliance with the development of an EMERGE modular robot simulator in a WEB development framework that allows it to be deployed on a server, facilitating the understanding of the technology and its easy access.Ítem Diseño e implementación de un sistema de control con conexión IoT y aplicación móvil para una máquina de inyección de plástico marca BattenfeldLeyton Losada, Diego Alberto; Delgado Ochoa, Jhonatan; Rojas Castellar, Luis AlejandroIn Colombia today the plastics industry has taken a lot of strength due to the daily use of products made of plastic, a large part of these products are manufactured by small and medium-sized companies where most of the machinery used in the process is operating with obsolete technology and little innovation. In supervision, these companies generally do not have access to quality automation due to the high cost of elements and labor, for this reason it is necessary to develop and implement innovation in low-cost technology in order to optimize resources and have better supervision. of process. The automation and start-up of a Battenfeld brand plastic injection machine for the company Mecaniplast located in Kennedy is presented, for its technological update it develops an App to carry out the supervision of units produced and operation time in real time of the process, thus optimizing the production process. Among the devices installed for technological adaptation there is a PLC, an HMI screen, an IOT microcontroller which interacts with the machine's PLC through the ModBus RTU industrial protocol and communicates over the internet with an app for monitoring the production. On the other hand, a PID position control system was designed and implemented for the closure of the mold, since it is required that it advance as quickly as possible but that it has a deceleration before reaching its end of travel so that it does not there is a sudden collision with the parts. As a result of the development of this project, it is possible to start up the plastic injection machine with a PID control system for the closure of the mold that provides greater performance and less wear of the mechanical parts. On the other hand, you get an application to monitor the production of the machine through the internet, which gives you a connection with the concept of the fourth industrial revolution.Ítem Análisis de la presión plantar en amputados transtibiales unilaterales mediante una metodología ETL: Un enfoque para la clasificación de estados angulares del encaje de la prótesisAbril Ramírez, Juan Carlos; Antonio Cifuentes, Javier Oswaldo; Luengas Contreras, Lely Adriana; Luengas Contreras, Lely Adriana [0000-0002-3600-4666]The problem that is sought to be addressed is the difficulty of analyzing data from pressure sensors. plantar in individuals with unilateral transtibial amputation, making determination of alignment difficult adequate angle of the prosthesis socket. In order to respond to the concern, databases obtained when the individual is in static standing position with different angular locations of the prosthesis socket, using a ETL methodology to clean, transform, load and analyze the collected data. Three classification models will be developed using machine learning techniques to determine the different anatomical states of the prosthesis. These models will be evaluated to select the one with the best performance using relevant metrics. The methodology to be developed will have an important impact in the field of biomechanics and engineering of prosthetics by providing a robust tool for sensor data analysis in segment prosthetics lower body.Ítem Sistema de control para el simulador sísmico dinámico del laboratorio de estructuras de la Facultad Tecnológica de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasGuevara Ospina, Andres Felipe; Galvis Alfonso, Oscar Ivan; Giraldo Ramos, Frank NixonThe catastrophic consequences of the earthquakes that have occurred in the world in recent years have prompted experimental studies to evaluate the seismic effects on structures. In addition, the performance of experimental studies has been encouraged in order to mitigate the effects of earthquakes on the structures. During the execution of the project, an evaluation of the mechanical designs is carried out and data is obtained from the vibrating table to carry out structural tests. First, the mechanical elements that allowed the movement of the table were selected, which was validated by means of simulation tools that allowed us to validate the dimensions of the table. Subsequently, movement tests and validation of the electronic part, connection of sensors were carried out. Subsequently, the tests corresponding to the movement and operation of sensors with the frequencies selected for the respective practices that are carried out in the structure analysis laboratory were carried out. The utility of this vibrating table, initially developed for the Francisco José de Caldas District University, is characterized by its versatility to carry out low-cost experimental tests that are aimed at the analysis and design of structures, subjected to different frequencies. Likewise, this device will contribute to the investigation not only of new materials, but also to the design and rehabilitation of resistant structures.Ítem Análisis de factibilidad de emplazamiento de energía fotovoltáica y eóica en Colombia(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Amado Martinez, Eliseo; Montaña Quintero, HenryThere are projects, research, installations carried out in Colombia and the world, which show how this type of installation is profitable, helps to mitigate climate change and generates additional income by selling surplus energy produced. This is the case of the installation made in a single-family home in Albacete where they carried out a 4.5KW installation in solar panels, saving about 6 million pesos, more exactly 6,220,902 Cop about 1380 Euros, the surplus energy is valued in the invoice each month and are sold at the commercial price of energy, this type of installation can use a battery for self-consumption at night when the panels do not produce energy and thus the cost of consumption per KWh at night would be zero since it does not it would consume energy from the street, only the energy produced during the day that is accumulated in the battery[1]. In Colombia, saving and also receiving extra money with the installation of solar panels is viable since Colombia exceeds the world average in solar radiation by 60%. As of February 25, 2022, according to the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Colombia has 10 large-scale self-generation projects and more than 2,500 solar projects with the capacity to generate 725.38 MWp [2]. The project located in the village of La Unión, on the road that connects Villavicencio with Acacías in Meta, has 20,520 solar panels that can generate 12.11 megawatts, this is equivalent to planting 6,900 trees. This project has a second phase which will add 7.22 megawatts for a total of 19.33 megawatts of installed capacity [3]. In Colombia it is important to know the wind speeds to obtain an estimate of the energy that can be generated in different regions of the country, as well as the average speed at different heights, an example of this is found in the central region of the department of Boyacá where 3 wind projects are installed, in Ricaurte, El Colibrí III wind farm and El Colibrí II wind farm where a maximum speed of 8m/s is estimated at a height of 10 meters, this allows these three facilities to generate 2% of wind power installed in the country with 290 MW.[4].Ítem Diseño y simulación de un convertidor para un generador lineal de baja potencia en MatlabEspinosa Alfonso, Juan David; Montaña Quintero, Henry; Montaña Quintero, Henry [0000-0003-0752-6315]The design and simulation of a converter for a low-power linear generator is proposed using the Matlab Power Toolbox as a contribution to the research project LOW-POWER WIND GENERATOR TOPOLOGIES. In this sense, a review of the different converter topologies used in linear three-phase signal generators to deliver regulated power in direct current was carried out, identifying the Buck converter as the most convenient for this type of generators, previously adding a necessary rectification stage. for conditioning the three-phase signal to the Buck converter. Subsequently, the control stage is implemented where the identification of the system is obtained for the design of the PI and PID controller and in this way three tuning methodologies are applied: self-tuning, Ziegler & Nichols and pole assignment. The most important considerations in the design and control of the Buck converter are the disturbances coming from the three-phase input signal such as noise or harmonics, which cause oscillations in the converter in the input voltage and an underdamped response in the output voltage, being the PI control by pole assignment as the most suitable to obtain a fast and stable response. Additionally, fuzzy control of three, five and seven linguistic variables is implementedÍtem Diseño e implementación de un enlace punto-multipunto de comunicación inalámbrica con LORA para la trans- misión de variables de proceso entre los sistemas de dosificación y enfriamiento de la planta pasteurizadora, con el fin de poder almacenar y monitorear la información de una base de datos en la nube bajo la arquitectura IIOTVelandia Arenas, Steven Alexander; Buitrago Anzola, Andrés Mauricio; Escobar Diaz, AndresIn this degree proposal we want to develop a point-to-multipoint wireless communication link based on the use of LoRa technology in order to be implemented and used in the transmission of process variables between the dosing and cooling systems located within the control laboratory of the technological faculty, in addition to this, that allows the storage, consultation, visualization and/or monitoring of data by IoT through a Cloud platform so that they can be used by students and the community in general that may become interested in them, taking into account that these data can be used to carry out different types of control in other processes within this laboratory of the faculty.