Ingeniería Topográfica

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  • Ítem
    Implementación de la ingeniería topográfica en la coordinación, ejecución y procesamiento de información GNSS, topográfica y fotogramétrica para el proyecto de diseño e implantación de vivienda en el resguardo indígena ‘Puerto Zábalo y los Monos’ en el departamento del Caquetá
    Bedoya Herrera, Natalia Andrea; Guzmán Henao, Marvy Ximena; Maturana Córdoba, Zamir
    Geo Rumbo S.A.S. is a Colombian company dedicated to the development of activities and projects in the area of ​​topographic engineering and civil engineering. Its main focus is to create innovative and sustainable solutions applied to construction, land registry, agriculture and the environment. Within the framework of the application of the multipurpose land registry and in the management of territories in the field of topography, the application of technologies is at the forefront. In this context, Geo Rumbo S.A.S. is carrying out a topographic and photogrammetric survey project in indigenous communities located in the department of Caquetá in the Republic of Colombia. The objective of this study is to provide the indigenous community with the technical spatial knowledge of its territory necessary to obtain the information that allows an adequate location of the future homes that are intended to be built to guarantee adequate access to basic services and a good land interconnection between the same communities of the reservation and supply, commerce and communication areas with roads and sites of interest. Likewise, it seeks to preserve and enhance the sites that allow the continuity of the cultural identity of the community.
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    Procedimiento para la depuración y presentación de la información proveniente de las comisiones de campo realizadas para la actividad catastral del Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi
    Rodriguez Gonzalez, Sergio Oswaldo; Quintana Puentes, Robinson
    This work proposes, defines and applies a procedure for the purification and presentation of the information coming from the field commissions carried out for the cadastral activity of the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute, which is based on 2 phases: phase 1 where the information coming from each municipality is identified and organized and the phase 2 where the information is refined and analyzed in order to generate data that serves to define the collection of assertive information. The procedure was applied by reviewing and organizing the cadastral information existing in the files of the Agustín Codazzi Institute for the municipalities of Popayán, San Carlos, Gachancipá, Tocancipá, La Tebaida, Río Blanco, Villarrica, Arauquita, Paz de Ariporo, as indicated in each phase The data and results presented show how the refined information allows the correct information and incorrect information detected to be displayed by managers or other people interested in making decisions according to the recorded information, as well as allowing empty fields to be displayed. for missing information
  • Ítem
    Apoyar la ejecución de procesos de ingeniería y topografía, en las diferentes fases constructivas de edificaciones de propiedad horizontal
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Manjarres Villarruel, Cristian David; Lozano Espinosa , Edgar
    The development of building projects in the city of Bogotá has seen a significant boom in recent years, due to the need for uncontrollable expansion that the city presents. Consequent to the fact that the need for expansion is immediate and that the current boundaries of the city are non-developable areas, in many areas of the city, different construction companies have generated building projects for residential use; This great demand for building projects, in addition to the current metro works in the city, has required the presence of qualified surveyors to guarantee the quality and achievement of the different projects. The development of this internship consisted of carrying out engineering and topography work through visits to different works located in the city of Bogotá, presenting each of these different construction phases, which required specific activities that would allow us to know the behavior, progress, and positioning. of these; In addition to the visiting work, one of these works was appropriated, acting as the topography commission in charge of it. This report focuses on the review, control and verification of the different assigned works, detailing the collection of data, its analysis and finally the contribution provided as a surveyor to each of these in its different phases.
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    Levantamiento topográfico de aducción, conducción y alcantarillado del corregimiento de san Gabriel en Viotá-Cundinamarca y análisis de alternativas de diseño para la optimización del sistema de alcantarillado
    Sánchez Mora, Anderson Fabian; Naranjo Lasso, Danny Orlando
    San Gabriel is a district of Viotá that has recently been presenting processes of economic reactivation, population return and consolidation of the social fabric, as it was one of the districts of the Municipality of Viotá that suffered the most from the scourge of internal violence in the country and with the signature. The peace agreement provided the conditions for these processes to occur; However, to guarantee adequate reactivation and development, it is necessary to advance with public services infrastructure, therefore, GRUPCING SAS, a consulting company, will participate in the development of the township since it is currently in charge of the Viotá-San Gabriel aqueduct and sewage master plan. ; Topography plays an important role as it is the basis for the diagnosis, analysis of alternatives and detailed engineering designs of the town of San Gabriel, since the area will be georeferenced, a cadastre of the wells will be carried out, a survey of the sewage system, a survey of the adduction and conduction line and survey of the urban area, in order to have a base cartography for the designs. On the other hand, it is known that the topographic engineer is capable of carrying out the sewage design of a community and on this occasion GRUPCING gives the opportunity for a future professional to carry out a residual sewage alternative, of course with the supervision of a specialist in the area.
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    Desarrollo de un aplicativo móvil para la captura de información cartográfica en terreno, haciendo uso de servicios en la nube como solución empresarial para VANTI S.A. ESP Colombia
    Gómez González, Ingrid Carolina; Barragán Zaque, William Benigno; Barragán Zaque, William Benigno [0000-0001-9851-7857]
    The development of a mobile application for Vanti S.A. ESP in Colombia focuses on capturing field-based cartographic information using cloud services. This internship project addresses the need for an efficient tool for the collection and processing of geospatial data, facilitating the management and updating of cartographic information in a precise and real-time manner. The solution includes the use of technologies such as GNSS and GeoPackage data formats, allowing effective resource management even in environments with limited connectivity. The system is implemented using the QGIS platform and its QField mobile extension, ensuring data synchronization through the cloud for a smooth and secure integration of field-collected information.
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    Actualización de la base de datos catastrales de las terminales aéreas de la Aeronáutica Civil
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bernal Morales , Natalia; Tiuso Ayala, Cesar Santiago; Aldana Boutin, Rose Marie
    Updating the cadastral databases of the Civil Aeronautics Air Terminals will improve the accuracy and reliability of the information, in order to reduce irregularities and facilitate the creation of expansion projects. This process will involve the verification of areas and boundaries, identification of topographic and cadastral irregularities, and topological errors. Providing transparency in the management of public real estate. To carry out the process, tools such as AutoCAD, ArcGIS, Excel, Google Earth Pro will be used, which allow digitization, georeferencing, coordinate transformation, among others. To solve the problem of outdated properties, the aim is to integrate and organize in a database the information provided in public deeds, certificates of freedom and tradition and geospatial information, verifying its veracity and reliability.
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    Apoyo en el plan de actualización de la red de alcantarillado sanitario en el corregimiento 1 del municipio de Soacha, Cundinamarca
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ramírez Rubiano, Paula Melissa; Quintana Puentes, Robinson
    Topographic engineering plays a crucial role in various projects, including those of social infrastructure that are carried out in public entities such as the Municipal Mayor's Office of Soacha. In this case, the Mayor's Office is working on updating the sanitary sewage system in Corregimiento I of Soacha, a project that seeks to improve the quality of life of the community and that highlights the importance of topography in the social sphere. The work of topography goes beyond the simple measurement and calculation of land. In this project, it becomes a key element for the precision and success of the work, ensuring the correct installation of the sanitary sewer network. However, this project is not limited to technical intervention, but is part of a comprehensive approach that seeks to address the needs of a historically forgotten community in terms of the environment and infrastructure. The surveyors of the Municipal Mayor's Office of Soacha, with the support of the available equipment, have developed comprehensive work in Corregimiento 1, articulated around a series of main activities: the planimetric survey, the collection of pipe quantities, the delivery plans and social work. In addition to core activities, surveying also supports other project-related tasks, such as reporting, attending meetings, and participating in community training activities. Topographic engineering is not limited to land measurement and calculation, but also becomes an instrument for social development. In the context of projects such as the Corregimiento I of Soacha, topography is integrated into a joint work that seeks to transform the reality of a community and build a more prosperous future for everyone.
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    Análisis de la integración SIG, topografía y digitalización vectorial de imágenes para la gestión sostenible de la conservación y documentación de arte rupestre en el área arqueológica protegida Serranía de la Lindosa
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rodríguez Fernández, Diego Alejandro; Lozano Espinosa, Edgar
    Geographic Information Technologies and specifically sciences such as topography and techniques such as vector image automation are becoming key factors for documentation and sustainable management in disciplines that require innovative solutions and that preserve the national heritage. Such is the case as archeology and rock art in our country, specifically in the Serranía de la Lindosa, which requires for its documentation and preservation, the integration of information taken in the field through non-invasive technologies such as the application of laser scanners, GPS antennas, and the processing of the information obtained through specialized software in the office, creating three-dimensional models and graphic outputs, which can be analyzed without causing any kind of damage to the rock art pieces. In this way, this thesis demonstrates the methodology proposed for the processing of data for the conservation and documentation of rock art in the Corralite and Raudal panels, in the Lindosa mountain range.
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    Elaboración del diagnóstico (fase 1) para la construcción de una estrategia tic’s, en el marco del fortalecimiento del conocimiento del riesgo por remoción en masa, en el barrio San Antonio del municipio de San Bernardo Cundinamarca
    (Universidad Francisco Jose de Caldas) Munera Rodriguez, Gerardo; Baragan Zaque, William; Barragan Zaque William [0000-0002-8234-1874]
    The municipality of San Bernardo is located in the province of Sumapaz, southeast of the department of Cundinamarca on the Eastern Cordillera, which, within the system of mountain ranges, is the youngest in the country and whose evolution originated a diverse and complex geological structure characterized by numerous anticlinal and synclinal axes resulting from phases of folding that have been subject to intense differential dissection, originating various faults and fractures that directly affect mass removal processes. And the urban area of the municipality is not alien to this reality, with the San Antonio neighborhood being one of the most affected, where, for more than 10 years, different evidence of an active mass removal process have been manifested, such as displacement and settlement of the land, cracking in houses, lots and roads within the neighborhood. Since the last rainy season (2022), the evidence of this situation has increased, which has put the resident community on alert. Given the circumstances, this document contains the process that allowed an objective analysis of the general context of the community, identifying variables associated with the degree of exposure and the level of vulnerability of the community, based on technical accompaniment in the field and the acquisition of information, with free use spatial information collection tools. With the aim of diagnosing the community’s knowledge of the risk, planning appropriate strategies (from an ICT approach) for strengthening knowledge about the risk of mass removal.
  • Ítem
    Informe final "pasantía para la estructuración del departamento de ingeniería topográfica y residente técnico para crear una metodología de ejecución, cálculo y radicación final de los cortes de obra en la empresa Luis Ancelmo Rodríguez y CIA SAS"
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Florez Amézquita, Ana María; Lozano Espinosa, Edgar
    This report outlines how an audit was conducted to monitor excavation quantities and material supply in the PARQUE ZV-1 and ZV-5 project. This audit is carried out in accordance with the specifications and standards established by the construction company URBANSA S.A.S in contract 9250530, signed on August 31, 2023, with the company Luis Ancelmo Rodríguez y CIA SAS. After obtaining all the initial data from the project, the volume calculation phase was carried out to determine the excavation cuts, which are used to invoice for the activities carried out by Luis Ancelmo Rodríguez y CIA SAS A work plan was proposed using a process flow diagram to follow a step-by-step methodology and thus comply with everything thoroughly. This is done in order to obtain approval for the excavation cuts, meeting the maximum filing dates to keep us up to date and avoid delays in invoicing. Otherwise, the company will start facing financial difficulties. In total, during the student's internship, which lasted 384 hours according to the internal regulations of Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, 6 excavation cuts were filed.
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    Apoyo en labores de topografía aplicada en la fase preliminar de la construcción del cable aéreo San Cristóbal sur
    (Universidad Francisco Jose de Caldas) Balanta Calderon, Andrea Milena; Quintana Puentes, Robinson
    The competence and skills of the Topographic Engineer are essential in the planning and execution of construction projects. The ability to accurately measure and map the terrain guarantees the safety and success of works and infrastructure, while optimizing resources and costs. In the field of social projects, his work becomes even more important, since it contributes to the development of communities and the improvement of people's quality of life. Topographic engineering is a key driver in the transformation of public infrastructure and social progress. This document aims to present an internship proposal aimed at supporting applied topography work in the preliminary phase of the construction of the San Cristóbal Sur aerial cable, thus strengthening solid training in the application of topographic techniques and tools to address challenges in projects. of infrastructure. Based on this, support is provided for all topography activities such as field surveys (planimetric and altimetric), delivery of plans and reports and other needs that may arise during the preliminary phase of the San Cristóbal south aerial cable.
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    Desarrollo e implementación de una aplicación para equipos móviles con sistema operativo Android orientada al cálculo y ajuste de poligonales cerradas mediante el método de mínimos cuadrados
    Nañez Muñoz, Carlos Eduardo; Cañón Buitrago, Elkin Darío; Cañón Buitrago, Elkin Darío [0000-0001-7899-5093]
    The project "Development and implementation of a mobile application to calculate and adjust closed polygonals using the least squares method on Android devices" has as its main objective to create a technological tool to facilitate the calculation and adjustment of closed polygonals, aimed at professionals and topographic engineering students. The application will be developed using Android Studio, taking advantage of its functionalities for Android devices. Mathematical algorithms related to the least squares method will be implemented to perform precise calculations and optimal adjustments in closed traverses. The project will include an analysis of user needs, technical specifications, development methodology, schedule of activities, necessary resources, estimated budget. The main objectives are to create a functional and easy-to-use application, incorporate efficient algorithms, design an intuitive interface, ensure compatibility with Android devices, efficiently develop the application, perform extensive testing and prepare detailed documentation. The justification of the project lies in improving efficiency and precision in topographic calculations, optimizing resources and time, improving accessibility and portability, applying theoretical knowledge, and raising the quality of topographic projects and studies. Results are expected such as greater competitiveness, accessibility, improvement in planning and facilitation of decision making. In summary, a significant improvement is sought in the efficiency, precision and quality of topographic work, as well as a better user experience and decision making in topographic engineering.
  • Ítem
    Levantamiento topográfico mediante Lidar de la zona destinada para la construcción del parque fotovoltaico tamarino, en Puerto Nare, Antioquia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Pachón Martínez, Laura Natalia; Quintana Puentes, Robinson
    Understanding the importance of properly engaging with the benefits provided by new technologies adopted in engineering, from the role of a Topographic Engineer, a project is proposed to expose the methodological processes and detailed description of the activities carried out during the execution of necessary work throughout the topographic survey using LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) methodology, conducted in the Tamarino project, located in the rural area of the municipality of San Carlos in Puerto Nare, in the department of Antioquia, specifically on the La Llanada property, which consists of approximately 500 hectares. This project focuses on conducting a precise and detailed topographic survey using LiDAR technology in the area designated for the possible construction of the Tamarino Photovoltaic Park, located in Puerto Nare, Antioquia. The project is fundamentally based on the collection of topographic data with the required precision and on providing data that enables a comprehensive understanding of the terrain, which will allow for accurate planning and design for the subsequent installation of the photovoltaic infrastructure. The process involves the use of a LiDAR system, which works by emitting laser pulses towards the ground and recording the time it takes for the signal to return, thus generating the necessary data for the subsequent creation of a digital terrain model. These data will be processed using specialized software to generate the contractual products necessary for the final analysis of the terrain conditions, which will be managed by the contractor IB VOGT; among the products obtained are topographic maps, digital terrain models, and digital surface models, contour lines, among others related and included in those mentioned. The described tasks will be carried out over a polygon initially defined by the contractor IB VOGT under the criteria stipulated internally by them.
  • Ítem
    Mejoramiento a la metodología de procesos lidar con enfoque topográfico implementados en levantamientos de estructuras de viaductos en Italia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ángel Martínez, Tiffany Liliana; Garcia Vivas, Cristian Camilo; Quintana Puentes, Robinson
    This thesis focuses on the application of vectorization techniques based on LiDAR technology for the generation of high-precision three-dimensional models. Vectorization has become a fundamental tool in various disciplines, including cartography, civil engineering, and land management, due to its ability to capture the geometry of objects and terrain in detail. This technical report shows the development of the internship, which was carried out under the supervision and review of Eng. Nicolas López. The interns presented technical contributions to improve the processes for handling LiDAR information at the facilities offered by the company GRS Colombia. The document presents the results obtained in each of the projects focused on road structures using LiDAR technology, where new methodologies were implemented to improve the products and quality of the results. First, the processes implemented by the company in the calculation and vectorization of the projects presented previously were studied, in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages of these processes and their results. Subsequently, effective methodologies are studied in terms of improving quality and reducing production time, which help to further reduce the disadvantages found and thus achieve reliable results. The final results are presented in the Civil3D software. In total, during the students' internship, which lasted 384 hours, according to the internal regulations of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, 3 projects of these characteristics were carried out. Finally, the results obtained by the interns and the recommendations are presented. Once this is completed, the work of the interns is considered finished.
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    Bondades del uso de la tecnologia NTRIP (Networked Transport of RTCM vía Internet Protocol) en el municipio de Vélez-Santander priorizado por el IGAC en la construccion de estaciones CORS
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Lancheros Porras, Valery Divana; Aldana Boutin, Rose Marie
    The main objective of this internship project is the creation and dissemination of an informative document aimed at communities, with an emphasis on Vélez, Santander, a municipality prioritized by the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute (IGAC) for the installation of CORS stations. The implementation of the NTRIP (Network Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) technology seeks to facilitate access to accurate and updated geospatial information, essential for areas such as education, territorial planning and precision agriculture. The project methodology is structured in four phases: bibliographic review, practical exercise, preparation of a manual and dissemination. In the first phase, research will be carried out on the NTRIP technology and its applicability in Colombian rural contexts, adapting the methodology to the specific needs of the communities. Subsequently, a field test will be carried out to validate the effectiveness of the technology in real conditions, which is expected to show significant improvements in the accuracy of geospatial data. Despite challenges such as limited technological infrastructure in rural areas and the need for technical training for users, the results are expected to demonstrate a positive impact of NTRIP on the access and use of geospatial information by local communities. Finally, a clear and accessible manual explaining how to implement NTRIP on an Efix C5 GNSS receiver will be developed, in order to socialize the benefits of this technology. This project will contribute to the development and social cohesion of rural communities, facilitating access to updated geospatial information, thus improving the productivity, quality of life and competitiveness of inhabitants. Ultimately, it is expected to provide a valuable resource that enhances the capacity of communities to take advantage of technological advances for the benefit of their socioeconomic and territorial development.
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    Generación de un modelo BIM de construcción, a partir de un modelo BIM de diseño, datos e información de georreferenciación de pilotes obtenidos en campo para el proyecto urbanización Hacienda el Bosque - Guayacán manzana 20
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Jiménez Timón, César Arturo; Quintana Puentes, Robinson; Quintana Puentes, Robinson [0000-0002-3523-6203]
    Building information modelling (BIM) in infrastructure construction provides a technical and collaborative platform that improves efficiency, reduces errors, optimises design and enables decision making based on solid data, contributing to more successful projects in terms of cost, quality and time. It also integrates information from various sources and project phases, simplifying data, documentation and change management, ensuring consistency and accessibility at all stages of the project. The problem is identified by the lack of data contained in the BIM model of previous design, there is only a conceptual, functional and geometric representation of the planned structure (piles), there is no detailed information of each modelled element or the process that will be performed on site, therefore, there are limitations in the identification and solution of specific problems that may arise in construction. To address this problem, a set of data integrated into the model is proposed to make the project life cycle much more efficient. The main objective is to generate a construction BIM model based on a design BIM model containing data and information with attributes of the contained elements (piles) that are collected on site, in order to represent the planned infrastructure in a detailed and accurate way, with a constructive approach, for the coordination and management of the work. The projection of the expected results comprises the integral development of the construction BIM model based on previous modelling (design) which is complemented by a series of attributes and extensive traceability data in each of the project phases managed in a common data environment
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    Inspección tuberías de poliducto y gasoducto en la vereda San Felipe
    Caro Moreno, Carlos Eduardo; Quintana Puentes, Ronbinson
    Topography is fundamental in the construction and development processes of any work. Therefore, its application covers a wide variety of essential tasks for the surveyor, both in the field and in the office. As a future topographic engineer, I have focused on acquiring and developing knowledge in the use of various topographic equipment, including theodolites, levels, total stations, GPS, georadars, echo sounders and drones in all their categories. To achieve this goal, I began working as a technical support assistant in a company that is dedicated to the sale of topographic equipment and the execution of projects specialized in georadar studies. This experience has allowed me to develop both my theoretical and practical knowledge in the use of all this equipment. In order to demonstrate the knowledge acquired, I present one of our recent field projects, in which the visualization of gas and water pipes was carried out through a private property in the department of Tolima, this study was carried out with the union of two technologies such as GPS equipment for the location of control points and georadar for visualization of foreign elements in the terrain apart from the visualization of the pipes that we wanted to locate.
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    Generación de herramientas de análisis para la realización de cartografía de avalúos que se realizan por la entidad en las unidades comuneras de gobierno 8 y 9 del municipio de Cartagena de Indias
    Triana Ladino, Fabio; Reyes Gómez, Iván Andrés; Reyes Gómez, Iván Andrés [0000-0002-6878-0504]
    The analysis, study and application of one of the most complete models for our country, known as LADM_COL, was carried out. The conceptual structure of this model is composed of three main packages: Party, Administrative and SpatialUnit, and a Surveying sub-package. In addition, through the classes (Party, RRR, BA_Unit and SpatialUnit), the representation of information related to each territorial entity is facilitated, detailing the existing relationships between these entities and people, either in terms of rights, responsibilities or restrictions (RRR). In addition, there will be the opportunity to perform procedures such as knowledge, calculation and presence at the study site, as well as the updating of values for the entity in charge of property tax collection. This also involves capturing photographs of exemplary properties, selected both as a sample, along with conducting a more detailed survey. In addition, there will be the support of multimedia material to enrich the visit; however, this material should not be heavier than the survey.
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    Caracterización de la red de infraestructura logística como insumo para desarrollar el análisis de transporte en la región central
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Olaya Castañeda, Diego Alejandro; Maturana Cordóba, Zamir; Aya Rodríguez, Jorge Eduardo
    Bogotá and the departments of Boyacá, Tolima, Meta, Huila and Cundinamarca are the departments governed by the special administrative and planning region (RAP-E). Due to the extension of the region and the dynamics of each department, it is of vital importance to know, describe and analyze the networks that make up the transportation and logistics infrastructure in order to promptly address any problems that may eventually arise. The deficiency of road infrastructure reflected in roads in poor condition, insufficient load capacity, high traffic volumes, poor coordination between private companies, government entities, public service providers, among others, hinder the optimal response of control agencies to incidents such as: landslides, accidents, avalanches, etc. Therefore, developing a characterization of the logistics infrastructure network in the central region and analyzing the transportation networks could facilitate strategic planning for future scenarios, improving the interconnectivity between the commercial sectors of the departments, identifying the transportation structure, evaluating its performance and capacity to meet the needs of the region, allowing the identification of costs, loading and unloading capacity, existing infrastructure and traffic flow. Consequently, having all the information systematized will allow the visualization of the elements involved in the logistics infrastructure, such as transportation modes, logistics corridors and specialized logistics facilities.
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    Coordinación, actualización y generación de cartografía temática aplicando topografía convencional y tecnología RPAS, para el proyecto de adecuación en la planta física de la empresa Coca Cola, en la ciudad de Barranquilla
    Castiblanco Martínez, Ulises Alfonso; Rivas Diazgranados, Mariam; Cardona Giraldo, Sócrates; Rivas Diazgranados, Mariam [0000-0002-6792-3630]; Cardona Giraldo, Sócrates [0000-0003-1209-5097]
    This project seeks to show the results obtained through the implementation of all the knowledge that was acquired during the university career, briefly explaining the different activities that were carried out both in the field as in the office, how they were prepared and their respective results, from the field reconnaissance until the delivery of the results to the client, we will talk a little in depth of each of these, and what the coordination process was like, updating and generating thematic cartography applying conventional topography and RPAS technology, for the adaptation project in the physical plant of the Coca company queue, in the city of Barranquilla. In addition, the current regulations for data collection were evident. geographic areas and the comparison of emerging technologies such as RPAS and its comparison with conventional topography methodologies that seeks to generate a analysis and a discussion about how this impacts engineering projects at the time to obtain geographical information in a practical way and with good precision.