Ingeniería Topográfica
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Ítem Análisis del dimensionamiento de estructuras de pavimento flexible empleando los métodos de diseño racional (2002) y AASHTO (1993). Caso de estudio TMAP 20°, 25° y 30° CBenavides Franco, Angie Daniela; Rodríguez Cárdenas, Leydy Carolina; Rondón Quintana, Hugo Alexander; Rondón Quintana, Hugo Alexander [0000-0003-2946-9411]In Colombia, one of the most used pavement structures in road projects is the flexible type, which is composed of layers made up of selected materials that aim to withstand the loads imposed by traffic and reduce the pressures they generate in the road (natural terrain on which the structure rests). In the country, this pavement structure is sized using the method of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials - AASHTO (1993), which has as design variables the subgrade, traffic, reliability, serviceability, drainage conditions, among others. Another method that serves this purpose is the "Rational" method, which is a mechanistic method product of a study carried out by the Institute of Urban Development – IDU and Los Andes University (2002). Flexible structures designed by rational method tend to have greater layer thicknesses or dimensions compared to those obtained using the AASHTO method (1993). Therefore, the Rational method is of little use. The present research, an analysis of each of the design variables of both methodologies was carried out. The above, to identify the possible causes that generate that the AASHTO method (1993) reports pavement structures with smaller dimensions compared to the Rational method (2002). Then a phase of simulations was executed, where a sensitivity analysis of each of the design variables of both methodologies was carried out, to know the differences in the thicknesses of the asphalt layer. In the Rational method, the stress and deformation states of the pavement layers were calculated using the academic and free SOFTWARE DEPAV. The study was applied for structures subjected to areas where the average annual temperatures (WCMP) are 20°, 25° and 30°C. In addition to the results obtained from the simulations, a cost analysis was performed. A similar study, but with lower temperatures is being executed by other students in another degree project.Ítem Apoyo técnico en el análisis geoespacial de riesgos climáticos para el sector minero energético en la Oficina de Asuntos Ambientales y Sociales-Ministerio de Minas y EnergíaCasallas Chavez, Angie Natalia; Quintana Puentes, Robinson; Quintana Puentes, Robinson [0000-0002-3523-6203]The mining-energy sector has taken a pioneering role in climate change management at national and international scales, for being the first sector to adopt by resolution its Comprehensive Climate Change Management Plan for the mining-energy sector (PIGCCme), this comprehensive plan for management has an adaptation component, the objective of which is to incorporate climate risk management at the decision levels of the mining-energy sector, in order to reduce the impacts generated by climate variability and climate change on the mining industry, hydrocarbons and electric. During the last few years, technical-scientific entities such as IDEAM or the SGC have promoted and strengthened their analysis of information hand in hand with their sector heads, such as the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Mines, respectively. This has included the inclusion of maps at more detailed scales and analysis methodologies that address issues of interest such as natural geological and hydrometeorological threats. Likewise, there are initiatives such as the comprehensive climate change plan and the sector's DRM policy that take these approaches as inputs in order to support decision-making. Based on the analysis of the methodology carried out by the INERCO consultancy and the National University complemented by the adaptation component of the PIGCCme, a diagnosis is made in reference to the virtual susceptibility and prospective threat maps carried out in 2017, with the purpose of this diagnose and update geographic information, to support the calculation of vulnerability of the system within climate change scenarios. This project is based on analyzing the existing information by the affiliated entities on updated information on threats of natural origin and their exposure in the mining-energy sector, for which the generation of geographic inputs is the main object to address this type of analysis. which in turn serve in Risk and Disaster Management by the Ministry of Mines and Energy.Ítem Apoyo tecnico para la construccion vial de Avenida Alsacia con Avenida Ciudad de Cali en la ciudad de BogotaHiguera Torrijos, Darien; Rincon Villalba, Mario ArturoThe degree work will be developed in the company CONCAY S.A with Contract IDU 1540 of 2018 in the city of Bogotá. Department of Cundinamarca, which will last approximately 12 weeks, starting from May 9, 2023 to August 1 of this year. The activities developed in the internship will be related to the operation of conventional topography equipment. , among them: total station and precision level. Drawing tools such as Civil 3D or AutoCAD will also be used to support decision-making for new pipes to connect with existing pipes, and create terrain models (Stockpiles). Topography activities will be carried out, such as: layout. of roads, bridge structures for the construction of roads, piles, piles, dice and pedestrian path, location of existing or new dry and wet networks, wax for excavation and levels of granular materials for the pavement structure, also the reading of plans of dry, wet, structural and road networks.Ítem Formulación de un plan de negocios para la creación de la empresa a Topoauto S.A.SLoaiza Alba, Sergio Andrés; Lizarazo Caicedo, Andrés Felipe; Lozano Espinosa, EdgarIn this project, we present the "Development of a Business Plan for the Creation of TOPOAUTO S.A.S." The primary goal of this initiative is to offer a comprehensive service portfolio, which includes the sale of state-of-the-art surveying equipment at competitive prices, along with accessories and specialized technical support.The establishment of TOPOAUTO S.A.S. is driven by a market need, particularly from engineering firms that require surveying equipment and accessories for their projects. The high demand for these products and the limited supply in regions outside major cities are key factors supporting the feasibility of this business, as detailed in the market analysis section of this project. TOPOAUTO S.A.S.’s target audience includes both individuals and legal entities needing to purchase surveying and engineering equipment. The company aims to establish itself as a market leader by offering high-quality products and services that meet the needs of its clientsÍtem Apoyar el desarrollo de las actividades para llevar a cabo los procesos de actualización catastral con enfoque multipropósito a nivel nacional en los municipios focalizadosRivera Romero, Judy Jasbleidy; Aldana Boutin, Rose MarieEste proyecto radica en la necesidad de la actualización catastral con enfoque multipropósito a lo largo del territorio colombiano en los municipios focalizados para la implementación política pública de catastro multipropósito. La pasantía desarrollara actividades necesarias en aspectos, tales como: catastrales, jurídicos y económicos en los procesos de actualización. La principal finalidad es el apoyo en diferentes labores como la consolidación y el análisis de los documentos requeridos con el proceso catastral, la generación de informes de seguimiento, construcción de insumos estructurales y aportes de información cartográfica para el estudio de las condiciones de los predios ubicados en el municipio.Ítem Levantamiento y diseño detallado de las obras civiles en la subestación eléctrica San Marcos 500kvJerez García , Helberth Jesus; Gamboa Acero, Juan David; Quintana Puentes, RobinsonThis monograph of degree work is the result of the work carried out in the internship process at the San Marcos 500 KV Electrical Substation located in Mulaló, municipality of Yumbo (Valle del Cauca), around the survey and detailed design of civil works using conventional topography and modern methods such as the use of drones, surveying with GNSS antennas by RTK method; in order to obtain a more precise product, which meets the regularities and technical requirements to develop a digitized design and the corresponding plans of the area in question, based on the expansion expressed in the third transmission plan of the National Planning Department of the Republic of Colombia, issued in the CONPES document of October 19, 1993; In this sense, an inventory of equipment and structures was provided throughout the study area, which will facilitate the expansion of the 500 KV patio, in addition to the planimetric and altimetric precision obtained for the geodetic points marked off.Ítem Análisis de los planes de contingencia volcánica en los municipios de Cajamarca Tolima y Armenia Quindío, que se encuentran en el área de influencia directa del volcán Cerro MachínBernal Vaca, Diego Andres; Ramirez Niño, Anderson Ricardo; Quintana Puentes, RobinsonThe Machín volcano, also known as Cerro Machín, Alto de Machín or the hoyo, is a volcanic caldera with an explosive probability of eruption. It is located in the central mountain range, in the Machín – Cerro Bravo volcanic complex, made up of volcanic structures of complex annular shape, from the set of relicts of interconnected pyroclastic rings, in the department of Tolima; It is the volcano with the greatest potential for damage in Colombia.That is why we seek to make a diagnosis of the current state of the Contingency Plans for the Cerro Machín Volcano of the municipalities of Armenia Quindío and Cajamarca Tolima, in the event of a possible eruption of the Cerro Machín Volcano, according to law 1523 of 2012 "the which adopts the national disaster risk management policy and establishes the National Disaster Risk Management System.” Analyzing the strategies and protocols established by municipal mayors, which seek to mitigate possible threats such as floods, mudslides, electricity outages, contamination of drinking water and forest fires, etc., that may endanger human life, having keep in mind that; According to experts, its eruption could affect at least one million people in 4 departments of the country; but at the same time it is difficult to measure the social, environmental, economic and cultural impact, because there is no history of recent eruptions that would allow us to measure the impact that a possible volcanic eruption would generate. The different communities and social organizations do not want a new catastrophe like Armero to be repeated and that, at the time of emergency, all State agencies act in an organized manner and that decisions that save lives are made in time. In 1991, the Pinatubo volcano, in the Philippines, considered the twin of the Cerro Machín volcano, made one of the most explosive eruptions in the world in recent years, a million people were saved from dying because decisions were made in time. The inhabitants of Machín wish to suffer the same fate as the Filipinos. (Ramirez, 2023)Ítem Incorporación de la gestión del riesgo en suelo rural en el proceso de planificación territorial de los departamentos de Cundinamarca, Norte de Santander, Cauca y BoyacáRodriguez Bonilla, Duvan Felipe; Quintana Puentes, RobinsonColombia is a country with recurrent events associated with mass movements, floods and torrential floods due to different climatic, topographic and social variations, among others. In order to prevent the possible effects of these events, it is necessary to analyze the territory within the framework of the law to understand its dynamics and thus formulate the necessary action plans to address possible emergencies that may occur. The analysis is focused especially on rural land, understanding that these are the areas where they occur in greater proportion, but for their analysis, according to current regulations, they are the ones that require the least requirements and level of detail in terms of cartographic inputs. Twenty-two municipalities were analyzed that were prioritized in agreement No. 719 of 2020 between the Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) and the Ministerio de Vivienda, Ciudad y Territorio (MVCT), these municipalities are included in the project "Actualización del mapa nacional de amenaza por movimientos en masa, escala 1:25.000" led by the SGC. Based on the technical recommendations documents prepared by the SGC and MVCT experts, general recommendations were generated that can be replicated and scalable to other municipalities that are in the process of diagnosing their Land Use Plan (POT) or that share technical characteristics that allow them to guide decision making focused on proper risk management.Ítem Apoyo a la dirección de investigación y prospectiva del Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi en la elaboración de material académico relacionado con los sistemas de información geográfica para la realización de cursos virtuales orientados a la gestión catastral del paísGómez Mape, Astrid Carolina; Quintana Puentes, RobinsonThis degree work exposes the methodology and the results obtained from the elaboration of the academic material of basic cartography, in which the implementation of geographic information systems (GIS) is addressed. The purpose of the academic material carried out is that in the future it will be part of the virtual and autonomous courses offered by the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute (IGAC) and that are oriented to the cadastral management of the country, seeking to be a didactic tool aimed at people who They want to know about the subject and that they show their interest in understanding and understanding about it, becoming a support that responds to most of their concerns.Ítem APOYAR EN LA ELABORACION DEL PLANO RECORD, MEDIANTE LEVANTAMIENTOS TOPOGRAFICOS, PLANOS E INFORMES TECNICOSBetancourt Martinez, Nicolas; Quintana Puentes, RobinsonThe evolution of cartographic production has enabled access to new technologies through automation, contributing to the development, execution, and final products of cartography. The goal is to provide the community with a base map from which new projects—whether in roadways, hydraulics, or civil works—can be developed. In this context, entities such as the Bogotá Water Supply Company (EAAB) and private companies like APF Ingeniería S.A.S. ensure the reliability of the topographic and cartographic products created. The purpose of this internship project was to carry out and verify all the necessary phases to produce a quality product, approved by EAAB-ESP, within a methodological work plan spanning ten to twelve weeks.Ítem Afectaciones principales derivadas de la urbanización ilegal en Bogotá, del predio llamado “Country Club” y de la actividad mayorista del centro de la ciudad de Bogotá, con respecto al ordenamiento territorialHernández Gutiérrez, Julian Mateo; Marroquín Triana, Andrés Felipe; Quintana Puentes, RobinsonThe territorial organization, urban mobility, heritage management, environmental evaluation and land use are some examples of dynamic events that affect the projection of a society at different levels. As stated by Soria and Valenzuela (2015). Guided by this sustainability, the present work seeks to establish reflections on the problems related to the social dynamics that evolve to the territorial ordering in the city of Bogotá. With these it is intended if it is possible to generate solutions adaptable to our local environment and its particular characteristics. Also, with the help of these reflections, a precedent will be given for future studies on the subject that contribute to the improvement and advancement of the territory. To carry out this project, a bibliographical review was carried out with related research, which allowed obtaining a broad overview of the topics to be dealt with and thus conceptualizing a line of work.Ítem Generación de productos cartográficos para el municipio de Jericó y La Pintada, AntioquiaLamprea Góngora, Mayra Alejandra; Quintana Puentes, Robinson; Quintana Puentes, Robinson [0000-0002-3523-6203]The objective of this degree work under the internship modality is to generate basic cartography for the municipalities of Jericó and La Pintada in the department of Antioquia with a focus on cadastral updating processes and multipurpose cadastre. The above is proposed based on the delay of this aspect for the country, thus affecting the development process and territorial planning, which is why the government of Antioquia through the company Geomática Ingeniería SAS, a company that is dedicated to generating, manage and analyze cartographic information, providing strategic and profitable solutions through a portfolio of services which are focused on the quality of good service in aerial photography, LIDAR, satellite images, conventional topography and in all sources of geo-referenced information with consultancies on everything related to the geomatics area. (Geomatics) will be in charge of creating the cartographic products.Ítem Apoyo en la revisión técnica de estudios, diseños y componentes topográficos en proyectos de infraestructura vial desarrollados por el Instituto de Infraestructura y Concesiones de Cundinamarca – ICCUBernal Vargas, Cristhian David; Vargas Vargas, Wilson Ernesto; Vargas Leyton, Gustavo AlfonsoThe objective of this degree work under the internship modality is to support the review of studies, designs and topographic components of the different construction and improvement projects of the road network belonging to the department of Cundinamarca, the above is proposed based on the mobility problems faced by different municipalities in the department due to the poor condition of the roads currently, which hinders internal and external trade in the department and the connection between the municipalities. Starting from this fact, the government of Cundinamarca, through the Institute of Infrastructure and Concessions of Cundinamarca – ICCU, advances the different infrastructure projects that comply with the public development policy contemplated in Plan 500, which aims to improve the road infrastructure of different provinces of the department, a total of five hundred kilometers of secondary roads in Cundinamarca are intended to be intervened.Ítem Apoyo a las actividades de la subdirección de planificación de infraestructura del Invias, enfocadas a bases de datos y SIGCanchala Ruiz, Cristian Steven; Rivas Diazgranados, Mariam; Rivas Diazgranados, Mariam [0000-0002-6792-3630]The purpose of this report is to present the experiences and activities carried out during the internship period at Invias (National Institute of Roads). The report will focus on the different tasks and responsibilities performed by the student in training, with a focus on supporting the infrastructure planning Subdirectorate, specifically in the area of Studies and designs and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) of the entity. This was carried out through different activities that were carried out so that the objectives set before the start of the practices could be met. Throughout this report, the problems and different applications that are presented are explained, and how appropriate solutions were provided to these. The knowledge acquired during the development of the activities is detailed and how these led to the presentation of effective solutions. In addition, a broader vision is provided to show how these activities significantly support the achievement of the goals established by the National Highway Institute. To carry out these activities, a deep understanding of several fundamental aspects was required. This included familiarization with the Single Document Inventory Format (FUID) and the Project Control Sheet, understanding the purpose of this and what it represents to carry out this activity, as well as understanding the monitoring matrix of the Subdirectorate and its role, crucial in the area, as well as the updating of accident reports for subsequent loading into the Road Information System application known as "HERMES 2", understanding the purpose or impact that the application seeks to generate and knowing the great contribution that is done with this work. Furthermore, it was essential to understand the operation of the study application called "HERMES", since through this system it was possible to respond to various applications, which is why it was essential to learn how to feed and continually improve this system to ensure the generation of a more solid and reliable consultation system. Finally, time was dedicated to learning how the Intelligent Bridge Management System (SIGP) works, which contributed to the strengthening and development of this application.Ítem Control topográfico para la validación de áreas en zonas comunes y locales comerciales del Centro Comercial Santa Fe en Bogotá: proceso constructivo dentro de una propiedad horizontalCamacho Duran, Catherine Andrea; Quintana Puentes, RobinsonThe topographic engineer plays a crucial role in area validation across various contexts, including horizontal property. Their expertise is essential for conducting accurate and reliable measurements of both the land and the structures designed for the project. Implementing advanced measurement techniques and using specialized equipment are key to obtaining precise data on the dimensions and characteristics of the areas to be validated. In this context, this document aims to present the methodology employed in monitoring and controlling the construction process of the Food Gardens project at the Santa Fe Shopping Center in Bogotá. This methodology is designed to ensure compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements established during the design phase within the horizontal property.Ítem Apoyo en las actividades topográficas para el levantamiento de la infraestructura de acueducto y alcantarillado en la localidad de Suba, en la ciudad de BogotáÁlvarez Payares, Wendy Jhuranny; Osorio Baquero, IsmaelThis report details the internship carried out in the field of cadastral mapping for water supply and sewerage networks in two sectors of Autopista Norte, Bogotá. The topographic procedures outlined in the NS-030 standard of the Bogotá Water and Sewerage Company were followed, highlighting planimetric and altimetric surveys, as well as a detailed inspection of wet networks. The precise application of GNSS techniques was essential for positioning and identifying issues in the sewerage network. The conceptual framework addressed current regulations and topographic methods, emphasizing the efficient use of codes and field portfolios. The report underscores the acquired skill in handling topographic equipment and highlights compliance with regulatory standards, contributing significantly to the technical and professional training of Surveying Engineering students at the university.Ítem Idea de negocio para la creación de la empresa Geoedificar S.A.S, empresa de prestación de servicios fotogramétricos, mediante tecnología RPAS y teledetección con énfasis en la productividad de la agricultura en ColombiaSoache Rodríguez, Edwin Duwan; Rincón Gonzales, Paula María; Lozano Espinosa, EdgarGEOEDIFICAR S.A.S. will specialize in providing advanced topographic services to the agricultural sector, utilizing cutting-edge technologies and innovative methods to address and monitor the challenges faced by farmers in their daily work. The company will adapt to current needs for resource optimization and efficient land use, offering customized and effective solutions. This document first outlines the business approach that the company will adopt to meet the requirements set by the Chamber of Commerce for business creation in Colombia. Secondly, it presents a feasibility analysis that assesses the viability of the business, considering the topographic services targeted at the agricultural market. This analysis supports the company's ability to operate in a constantly evolving market, leveraging the opportunities presented by advancements in topography.Ítem Apoyo para el desarrollo del capítulo aforos, caudal líquido y sólido del proyecto: estudio de dinámica fluvial en 3 km asociados a las flautas de vertimiento de la estación Acacías en el río Guayuriba. CIGMAP S.A.SClavijo Pérez, Javier Mauricio; Cepeda Rendón, José MiguelThe project study of fluvial dynamics in 3 km associated with the flutes of Acacías station in the Guayuriba river department of Meta, is conceived from the need to know the geometric and dynamic characteristics as input for the realization of hydrological modeling, water and sediments necessary for the assessment of the impacts generated by the dumping of water from the Castilla station on the Guayuriba river, therefore, different activities were developed such as: Hydrotopography, photogrammetry, liquid flow and solid Flow. The sampling processes carried out were, liquid capacity by means of hydrometric measurement with the TT SERIE MFPRO equipment which works from electromagnetic sensors that allow to quickly identify the flow speeds, vertical integrated samples for obtaining suspended sediments using the isokinetic sampler US DH-48. The bottom-load sampling carried out to determine the sediment transported in the river bed by means of the sampler BL-84, from there the different inputs are obtained which must be digitized in databases for analysis, calculation and identification of factors involved in the dynamics of lotic ecosystems, this work will try to establish the relevant factors according to what was found in the state of the art with respect to the sampling procedures addressed in the project, the organization, purification and identification of the elements of the solid and liquid flow measurement chapter seeking to establish the results of those procedures. The development of a manual of procedures for the sampling of integrated verticals and the sampling of bottom load according to the procedure performed by the company CIGmap SAS in the project, in addition to issuing graphic and alphanumeric information that allows defining the parameters for the modeling of the project, therefore, determine its erosive impact and the decision-making by the client.Ítem Influencia de la sal en asfaltos y mezclas asfálticas : revisiónCaicedo Durán, Cristhian Roberto; Rondón Quintana, Hugo Alexander; Rondón Quintana, Hugo Alexander [0000-0003-2946-9411]Asphalt mixtures and asphalts are part of the pavements in road infrastructures, the road safety of these depends on their composition and maintenance if necessary. Among the options, it exists from throwing the substance directly on the pavement for an autonomous melting effect. However, there are investigations that show how salt affects asphalt and its mixtures through laboratory tests, evidencing its influence and consequences. In Colombia there is road infrastructure in the coastal areas, this implies the environmental effects of the area such as salt in the wind and seawater, affecting the asphalt or the mixture and therefore reducing the service time of the structure. The purpose of this project lies in the exercise of investigation of publications regarding the effects of salt in asphalt mixtures and the asphalt surface, particularly seeking emphasis in coastal areas with warm climates (salt from wind and seawater), thus generating a compilation document with recommendations for future phases of study.Ítem Apoyo a la realización, revisión, control y verificación de los levantamientos topográficos realizados en el Municipio de Funza Cundinamarca para el desarrollo del diseño de redes pluvialesCalvo Aguilar, Edwin Javier; Martin Urrego, Juan Carlos; Naranjo Lasso, Danny OrlandoIn the municipality of Funza, Cundinamarca, it is planned to design and subsequently execute new civil works for the management of rainwater in 2 sectors of the municipality. Said activities entail topographic studies to raise all the details with accuracy, complying with the established precision standards, since a network of points with precise results will lead to efficient studies and designs and later benefits for the community as users of sewerage services. This report describes the methodology developed step by step to obtain the topographic information corresponding to the location of the 15th street section from Carrera 6 to the discharge in the Ciénaga del Gualí wetland, Carrera 2B section between streets 21 and 25. This procedure was carried out in five fundamental stages: 1) Georeferencing of six vertices through the global positioning system (GNSS). 2) Geometric leveling of the vertices by means of an automatic topographic level, linked to the Geodesic network of the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute (IGAC) and to the network of the Municipal aqueduct, sewerage and toilet company. 3) Detailed topographic survey by means of a total station, which is presented clearly and precisely, describing the conditions of the terrain at the planimetric and altimetric level of the vertices. 4) Orthomosaic generation through the use of unmanned aerial vehicle (DRON). 5) Calculations and preparation of topographic plans. The Gauss Krüger central origin coordinate system is used to collect information.