Doctorado en Estudios Sociales
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Ítem Cuerpos y devenires monstruosos antes, para y después de la guerra: las mujeres de las extintas FARC-EP en su tránsito por la violencia y su llegada a la vida civilGarcia Ortiz, Doris Lised; Piedrahita Echandia, Claudia Luz; García Ortiz, Doris Lised [0000-0002-0532-4835]; Piedrahita Echandia, Claudia Luz [0000-0003-3525-1910]A visible element of the Colombian social reality is the existence of insurgent militias since the 1960s, and the growing involvement of female combatants in the armed confrontation between the state and the guerrillas for fifty years. In this panorama, it is difficult not to wonder how war, as the most visible phenomenon of the Colombian conflict, became a possible space for women, who constituted their existence in the midst of armed confrontation and some of them ended up being an important part of one of its actors: the former insurgent group FARC. The early 1990s saw the conclusion of a peace process that achieved the reinsertion of four armed groups (PRT, Quintin Lame, EPL and M-19), but did not end the armed conflict, and two groups that did not enter the negotiations grew exponentially during that decade: the FARC and the ELN. This period also marked the opening of the country to human rights issues, and another reality began to emerge: the increase in the recruitment of children into irregular armies. This basic framework of the conflict allows us to delve deeper into the deterritorialisation of the political and cultural locations travelled by the women who joined the insurgent groups in recent years, questioning the type of lines of flight or resistance that led them to join these armed groups and, once there, how the war was fought.Ítem Narrativa ficto crítica revisitada del cuerpo y su morfología cosmogónica en la danza de la conquistaArizmendi Bedran, Manuel Francisco; Riveros Solorzano, Hernan Javier; Riveros Solorzano Hernan Javier [0000-0002-1185-7603]The body has become one of the main elements of tension between power and resistance throughout history. Within this framework, in Colombia, there is a main case of study: the Dance of the Gameran Conquest, an expression that has occupied not only an important place in the historical order but also in the socio-cultural sphere, acting as an element of the interaction between territory, memory and the possibility of establishing conditions of resistance both in the geometry of the movements and in the nexus between a past time, located in a moment of tension before the Spanish presence and the challenges of a condition of permanent crisis as the present and the set of events that have shaped Gamero as a strategic scenario to make visible the ways in which corporeality can manifest itself with the power of movement and experimentation on the limits. By virtue of the above, this thesis is concerned with presenting a process of analysis based on the narratives, interviews and direct contacts with the territory in order to account for the conditions of the dance of the Gameran Conquest as a possibility of resistance to the historical conditions that have given rise to Gamero as a territory that resists both the Conquest and the attacks that, over time, have been established in the territory through the gradual emergence of Capitalism and its modes of existence. It is then a work in which, when inquiring about the rebelliousness of the bodies in movement, it also wonders about the ways in which dignity becomes part of that cosmogonic enclave that manifests itself in voices, music, dance patterns and in general, the strength of Gamero when resisting even beyond the limit of modern law. For this purpose, a fictocritical methodology is used to analyze the conditions of dance in its constitutive nature and its relationship with the stories and life histories that are linked to movement in a kind of continuum that makes visible that vision of existence and time that is entered through dance as a space of freedom from the tension to which the bodies are subjected both in the past marked by the Colony and in the present linked to capital. Thus, this thesis, while being an analytical and critical exercise, is also a tribute, a reconstruction of that form of resistance of the Gamerano that puts itself in dialogue with its history but at the same time with its future and that, in the end, presents the tension of those bodies that resist with the power of dance, the intense affections of the songs and the possibility of experimenting from that broken limit of a public space subverted by a body that frees itself by moving, by undoing itself, by participating in that inventive act that by dancing creates and by making creation, resists.Ítem La constitución de subjetividades éticas y políticas en la formación crítica de profesores de matemáticas: análisis arqueológico y genealógico de los discursos y prácticas de propuestas críticas para la docencia de la matemática en Colombia (2000-2015)(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Torres Duarte, José; Perea Acevedo, Adrián JoséThis research presents an archaeological and genealogical analysis that reveals the type of subjectivities of mathematics teachers that occur from the speeches of government organizations on critical training. The discourse is critically analyzed with the Foucaultian toolbox, not with the intention of creating a singular image that tells the truth about the critical thinking of mathematics teachers, nor how it should be formed in criticism, but we want, in terms of subjectivity, to show how what is at stake is the manufacture of a certain type of: The subjectivity of the teacher can do anything. In the same way, we want to show the discursive strategies that interweave the discourse used by government organizations to legitimize before the general public the agenda of changes that they "suggest" and subject all form of life to economic purposes, likewise, to make visible the devices that "force" giving the appearance of freedom.Ítem Corporalizaciones de artistas contra-capacitistas hacia la reconfiguración de una nueva política de vida: un análisis arqueológico-genealógico del dispositivo capacitismo en Colombia entre 1991 y 2022(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bermúdez Jaimes, Gloria Isabel; Pinilla González, Jairo RicardoThis thesis proposes lines of reflection for the construction of a new form of governmentality that breaks the relationship between truth, power, and the subject established by ableism, and recognizes the emergence of other forms of existence that claim difference, moving away from mandatory bodily ability as an affirmation, rather than a lack, in the creation of new meanings for shared life and the emergence of a politics of multiplicity. The problematic axes of the research are: the inquiry into the ableism apparatus as a life policy that produces subjectivities outside mandatory bodily capacity, and its manifestation in forms of governmentality in Colombia; the emergence of the crip subject as a global event challenging ableism; and anti-ableist artistic practices as lines of flight for constructing new forms of organizing difference and establishing new communal bonds. From Foucault's critical perspective, the ableism apparatus is interrogated through an archaeological-genealogical analysis of disability regulations in Colombia between 1991 and 2022. This analysis makes visible the production of the ableist subject in Colombia, and how its power effects create a specific existential condition called a person with a disability, whose subjectivity responds to the notion of a pre-constituted, free, and autonomous subject, typical of the requirements of economic and political liberalism and the democracy of the majorities. Finally, through the antagonism of strategy, the subjective tensions arising from this mode of subject production and its ideal identity based on mandatory bodily capacity versus a critical-creative approach that, through art, aesthetic experience, and activism, claims its bodily difference as a potentiality and resists its normalization are revealed.Ítem Diversidad sexual en ColombiaNieto Ramírez, Andrés Camilo; Piedrahíta Echandía, Claudia Luz; 0000-0002-0407-0087Desire as a potency in the becoming-monster serves as an academic and practical invitation to explore concepts such as bodies, subjectivations, rhizome, becomings, life, potencies, CsO, and monsters within the philosophy of difference, drawing on authors like Nietzsche, Deleuze, Guattari, and Irigaray. The research aims to illuminate the experiences of LGBTIPQ individuals who have navigated both biological and political realms amid the complex context of COVID-19 in Bogotá, Colombia, between 2020 and 2023. It presents narratives of diverse lives that reveal compositions and agencies allowing them to resist the impositions of capitalism and the market regarding what it means to be an "accepted, desired, and valued diverse sexual person." The document is premised on the notion that LGBTIPQ identities have been silently trapped by the insidious concept of "masculinity," from which there was a significant effort to escape during the 1990s in the struggle for rights, equity, and freedom.Ítem Cartografías e imágenes de la memoria: una ruta hacia el análisis de los procesos de recuerdo y olvido de los habitantes de la zona rural de Ciudad BolívarRodríguez Arévalo, Diego Mauricio; Reina Rodríguez, Carlos ArturoThe various nuances, transgressions, and projections that memory establishes in the spaces, uses, objects, and daily practices of the inhabitants of the rural area of Ciudad Bolívar are analyzed through the image. This is understood as a mental and graphic tool that triggers processes of remembrance and forgetfulness, capable of generating cartographies and narratives that reveal the specific ways in which this community constructs its memory. The process by which an image transforms into memory, and how this memory subsequently finds expression and sharing through narration and other devices, enables the development of a research proposal that creates the necessary settings and tools to reflect on memory and its management by the community. Based on this, the objective of this research is to analyze the images that shape the processes of remembrance and forgetfulness among the inhabitants of the Pasquilla village. The aim is to design and develop a cartography that illustrates the various manifestations of memory through narration, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of how this community preserves and transmits its history.Ítem Inocencia, dependencia y fragilidad: hacia una hermenéutica reflexiva de los imaginarios del cuerpo de la niña en la literatura infantil latinoamericanaHernandez Ordoñez, Nadia Johanna; Perea Acevedo, Adrian José; Perea Acevedo Adrian José [0000-0002-1832-9838]Inhabiting the world as a girl implies accepting and learning a series of social norms and dispositions. that determine possible actions in everyday life. These social provisions are supported by the imaginaries that historically are configured as true and that constitute the place that these they must occupy and likewise characterize the role attributed to them. That is why this work aims answer the question of how to make visible the configuration of the girl's body imagination present in Latin American children's literature based on the reflective hermeneutics proposal as a bet that allows us to recognize the encounter that exists between the reader and the text to reconfigure one's own experience and the way of narrating oneself. To do this, the concepts of social imaginary are addressed. in its two aspects of ideology and utopia, that of pre-understanding and that of narrative identity, which allow understand and analyze the relationships between the imaginaries present in the works and the appropriation that could occur in a child reader. For this reason, a set of works written by Latin American authors whose main characters are girls or are designed for children are analyzed. a female audience. For its development, a methodological approach has been selected from the ontological-political proposal of Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics, having as the interpretative axis of the text the relationship explaining and understand, which correspond to the two moments necessary to consolidate the process of interpretation. From there, as a product of the experimental exercise, the design of a analytical tool that contributes to research in social studies and that, recognizing the character aesthetic of literary texts, allows us to account for the configuration of various imaginaries present in them.Ítem Territorios indígenas, formas otras de vida, resistencia y derecho. Los nasa: una conversa conversada y por conversarGarcía Parrado, Andrés Augusto; Useche Aldana, Oscar; is the ancestral method through which the Nasa people of southern Colombia transmit their knowledge and worldview. Around the Tulpa (fireplace), where they have historically shared their way of life, a fictional literary narrative is recreated. In this narrative, various characters—representing the diverse voices of the Nasa people—tell their history from pre-Hispanic times to the present. This narrative constructs a historical account of their imaginaries, forms of resistance, relationship with the territory, and autonomy as a people. The literary narrative is complemented by an academic analysis that critically and analytically supports the reader throughout most of the document. This is not intended as an explanation of one by the other but as the coexistence of two perspectives for understanding and interpreting realities, always placing the Nasa conception of life at the center of the analysis. Both documents (the narrative and the analysis) explore discussions on the asymmetrical coexistences of legal systems, where the dominated are subject to a legacy of colonialism and a weak legal pluralism. This opens up possibilities for understanding the relationship with the territory and the resistance against a hegemonic and oppressive social and legal system. Thus, in a disruptive manner, the trajectory of the conversation—both the discussed and the yet-to-be-discussed—is developed intertextually.Ítem Armero adentro: Geografías de la ausenciaAguillón Lombana, Angélica; Serna Dimas, Adrián; Serna Dimas, Adrián [0000-0002-0180-0945]The results of this research work are condensed in the ethnonovel that you are about to begin reading. I sincerely hope that this text helps you collect little pieces of the town's daily life that the disaster has not completely managed to steal from us, but Also, that you can recognize the dimension of the catastrophe in the life that was left. In the end, I also hope to add to the account of my life some tears, some sighs and, hopefully, several smiles that arise from some memory that springs up when reading these leaves that we Armerites have been detaching from the tree of life itself.Ítem Neoliberalismo en el campo colombiano: ser campesino (colono) en el siglo XXIPolo Buitrago, Sandra Milena; Serna Dimas, Adrián; Serna Dimas, Adrián [0000-0002-0180-0945]This work develops this premise: the class struggle is a theoretical principle fit to understand consistently the history of the rural communities in Colombia. In this work a concrete case is studied: that of the communities settled into the watershed Losada-Guayabero, in the Colombian Amazon, among the departments Caquetá and Guaviare. This case stands on the illegal situation of the communities because their settlement into the Natural National Parks Tinigua and Picachos. The right- wing governments (From Alvaro Uribe government until Ivan Duque’s one) have dealt with this case as a national security case, i. e., by means of the use of military operations against the communities. The communities, despite this kind of treatment, remain settled in the watershed up to the present. This study treats two aspects: on the one hand, the theoretical analysis and conceptual discussion on the realm of the cultural studies; on the other hand, the analysis of the speeches uttered by the relevant actors of the case, i. e., the peasants and the senior officials. Besides this analysis, the elements of the laws ruling the issues on the environmental conservation are studied also, because these laws prop the behaviour of the governments. On this line of study, this work treats two main concepts, namely: the concept of peasantry and the concept of settler. These two concepts are fundamental to the study of both the laws that rules the agrarian issues and the peasant communities settled beyond the agrarian frontier, particularly those settled into the Natural National Parks. In essence, this work aims to use this case study as an example to reinforce the importance of the concept of class struggle as a fit tool for the sociological analysis of the development of the peasant communities. Peasantry is a class in decay because the policies of the contemporary capitalism, thus the difficulties that stumble a definition of the concept of peasantry acquire expression both trough aspects of theoretical difficulties, and through the way in which these communities are considered by the agrarian laws that reduce the peasant at the level of a mere agrarian worker.Ítem ¡Yo soy azul! La imitación y el aguante en barras bravas de BogotáCastro Lozano, John Alexander; Torres Carrillo, Alfonso; Torrs Carrillo, Alfonso [0000-0002-0619-8594]The general objective guiding the research was: Interpret the participation in the festive and the permanence in the violent, among the supporters grouped in the “barras bravas”, as forms of socialization for the constitution of memory, the configuration of identity and the emergence of new ways of being together, enabling the conformation of a social subjectivity in the context of football. In this aspect, this research was developed with supporters in Bogotá –grouped in Blue Rain and in Comandos Azules Distrito Capital, CADC–, those who exhibit festive expressions and violent behaviors, inside and around the Nemesio Camacho “El Campín” stadium; before, during and after the matches played by Millonarios Fútbol Club. In the development of the research work, the external perspective was taken into account and, in addition, the internal position, that is to say, imitation is the “etic” point of view and “el aguante” is the “emic” position. Imitation and “el aguante” allow us to understand the socialization among the supporters (subjects) in the “barras bravas” (social groups). Imitation is the conceptual reference, category of analysis proposed by Gabriel Tarde and “el aguante” is the empirical referent, constituted from the practices and the narrations of the supporters in the “barras bravas”. And in relation to the approach and the methodological orientation, ethnographic fieldwork was used since it allows us to be there (inside and outside the stadium) with the supporters in the “barras bravas”. This work is the result of the research carried out in the line of “Subjectivities, differences and narratives” of the Doctorate in Social Studies of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.Ítem Juventudes por el derecho a la ciudad: Trayectos de las resistencias territoriales juveniles en el suroriente de Bogotá.Cortés Navarro, Luisa Fernanda; Useche Aldana, Oscar JoséThis dissertation, inscribed in the line of Power, Politics and Collective Subjects of the PhD on Social Studies of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. It analyzes and recognizes the territorial resistances for the Right to the City in the southeast of Bogota, emphasizing the role played by young people as community energizers. It intends to recognize the strategies of collective action present in the multiple generational contexts through which this exercise of resistance to the socio-spatial order has passed and its incidence in the territorial diagramming of the city. This journey through three generations, between 1970 and 2020, invites to understand the urban-popular territory and to organize it from close, experiential and affective referents, establishing narrative identities that constitute an essential part of the living memory of the southeast of the city.Ítem Análisis arqueológico y genealógico del dispositivo proyecto de excelencia docente 2010-2018: sujetos en resistencia y reconfiguración de las relaciones de poder en contextos de aulas vivas del departamento de BoyacáPlata Santos, María Eugenia; Pinilla González, Jairo RicardoTeaching in Colombia is a practice that has been the subject of heated debates and different conditions that have made visible a field of tensions and conditions in which, together with the legal, normative and social frameworks that surround what teachers do, different factors have emerged that constitute forms of governmentality, devices and practices in which complex relations with the government become visible, educators, as well as the possible actions that could lead to the construction of different governmentalities, in which it is possible to account for the possible opposition between the model of excellence and the reaffirmation of life as a bet of other devices constituted as craftsmanship of relationships and that are the basis of other modes of government in the educational context. Given this situation, the present doctoral research starts from the questioning of the archaeological and genealogical analytical possibilities about the project of teacher exclusion in the period 2010-2018 as well as the tools to propose a different governmentality based on experiences of resistance in Boyacá. In this sense, we seek to trace in the educational discourses of the 2010-2018 period the process through which the excellent teacher device has been consolidated, which implies a certain governmental configuration of education and educators. To develop the research process, this document is organized in three chapters that seek to account for the diagnostic, methodological and analytical phases of the research exercise. Chapter one presents the elements of the context that make up the strategic order in which the event of an excellent teacher takes place. It outlines the central aspects of the critique of the device and points out the most important antecedents for the present research. Chapter two proposes the development of an archeological and genealogical research inspired by the work of Foucault, about the elements that give rise to and consolidate the policy of the excellent teacher for Colombia (2010-2018), making visible its functioning as a biopolitical device of security and control. This analysis will allow us to propose specific tactics of resistance to the governmental strategy of teaching excellence. Chapter three, on the other hand, deals with the practices that serve as a foundation and starting point for the development of the constitutive elements of the analysis on which the research process is based at a propositional level, in order to consolidate the conditions that allow to propose a different governmentality that emerges within the collective actions that have life as the main axis for an action different from that of the framework of excellence. Finally, the conclusions make visible the points that synthesize the characteristics and conditions that support a different proposal of government of oneself and others: the craftsmanship of relationships.Ítem Subjetividades políticas del movimiento estudiantil universitario colombiano del siglo XXI. Sus prácticas en las temporalidades de la latencia y de lo contenciosoVargas Torres, Margarita Rosa; Montoya Castillo, Mario; Montoya Castillo, Mario [0000-0001-6347-384X]The purpose of the research is to understand how the Colombian university student movement enables the constitution of political subjectivity that disputes the social order. The analysis focuses on the resistance practices of the movement as it is considered in this research that it is through these practices that university students express and produce political subjectivity. The practices of resistance in relation to the imaginary, the identity or the memory, are not conceived only as actions or activities captured empirically, but are seen through the narratives of the subjects in their historicity understood as the articulation of the present, the utopian past and future involved in the political actions of university students and, as such, constitutive of the political subjectivity of the student movement. The thesis that I propose in this work is that the subjectivity that is forged in latency is like a breeding ground, it is something that is moving, that is boiling, it is not there yet, but it is! And…, when it bursts in, when it becomes visible, when it becomes an object of observation, it is because it has been constantly being built and that puts us in an idea of a dynamic subject, very close to the logic of life experience, of what moves us. The dimension of latency involves elements that are of a cognitive-conceptual order, also affective-emotional elements and, importantly, aspects of a contextual order that reflect the political and economic conjunctures of social dynamics.Ítem Las brumas de la memoria. Del recuerdo y el olvido a la recuperación de la vida cotidiana de Falan (Tolima).Hernández Moreno, Manuel Andrés; Reina Rodríguez, Carlos ArturoIn Colombia, the information available regarding studies of memory and daily life is limited; because most research focuses on historical memory, that is, those that have to do with the relationships that occur in the context of conflicts, especially studies that have to do with violence, leaving aside side the works that assume the daily life of the communities as a central axis. Furthermore, a good part of the reconstruction work on the past of the municipalities in Colombian territory rescues an official History, which narrates some events and characters important to its population, ignoring the everyday stories, of its people, of their personal relationships. and the construction of meanings in their daily life, which enhances the daily life that surrounds them, and which has become part of their own historical development.Ítem Emergencias, acontecimientos y resistencias en CRIC, zapatistas y CAM 1994-2014. 20 años de lucha del movimiento indígena latinoamericanoTorres Puentes, Wilson Javier; Martínez Montoya, Orlando; Insurgencia - México; Revoluciones - MéxicoThis thesis aims to present the social situation of three indigenous peoples and their political organizations, around what José Julián Martí Pérez (1853-1895) called "Our America". They are the peoples gathered under the initials of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN), the Cauca Regional Indigenous Council (CRIC) and the Arauco-Malleco Coordinator (CAM), whose territories geographically correspond to Mexico, Colombia and Chile respectively. It addresses their histories as ancestral peoples and their evolution in resistance, past and current struggles, as well as the organizational forms that have allowed political action in pursuit of their interests. In this sense, the research focuses and emphasizes the analysis of three basic aspects called: "Emergencies, Events and Resistances". These concepts surround the investigative nucleus, emphasizing the organic and social life of the relevant aspects in the formation of their culture, as Mapuches (Chile), Zapatistas (Mexico) and Nasa (Colombia) peoples, in their political and mobilization actions that lead to a latent state of confrontation, between communities and societies that connote situations of tension manifested in the struggle for the recovery of what was lost and the generalized violence on the part of the States that affects: spaces, territories, roots, culture, identity and in especially, the idea of repudiation of submission.Ítem Subjetividades femeninas emergentes en los grupos sociales del barrismo en la ciudad de BogotáGómez Pérez, Nemias; Piedrahita Echandía, Claudia LuzSince its inception, football, understood as an influenced mass phenomenon, has been related to the masculine and violence, for which the participation of women in the barra brava and social barrismo is expressed through passions related to gender roles. that predominate in this sport. In addition, the construction of territories in soccer organizations confronts a masculine culture and allows culturally a collective action that flaunts the symbolic in the exercise of power that makes it legitimate. Thus, the results of the research sought to answer the questions: how could a critical perspective on the emergence of subjectivities and the construction of female territories serve as an analytical tool for the processes of women's participation in the GSB? What conceptualizations of subjectivity and territory can address the experiences and common senses installed in the social groups of the barrismo? What are the different forms of participation of women in football within the social groups of the barrismo? And what are the practices carried out by women in the social barrismo that contribute to the emergence of female subjectivities? This doctoral research addresses the problem in relation to the territory in football and proposes a conceptual invention of social groups of the neighborhood (GSB) from what was lived and reworked by women and breaks into the leadership revealed in the organization. In this sense, it describes the territories that women configure in football, the social groups of the barrismo and the barra bravas, to understand, from the conceptualizations of Deleuze and Guattari (2002), Butler (2001) and Fraser (1997), the construction of territory, gender and subjectivity. The research methodology was critical ethnography which, according to Restrepo (2016), allows us to delve into the usual dynamics that take place in a cultural practice, in this case, soccer. Based on the field work and the stories of the participating women, they were classified as follows: 1. women makers —who are soccer workers, soccer players and professionals, among others— 2. women social baristas who are members of different NGOs, players and mothers, mainly and 3. brave women.Ítem La acción y el tiempo en la obra de Paul Ricoeur : hacia una política de la historicidadBravo León, Luis Fernando; Serna Dimas, AdriánThis research has as a fundamental theme the dialectical relationship between action and time. This relationship becomes important to the extent that it starts from an action located in a here and now, but is framed in a time horizon in which the past that has happened and the future to happen play significant roles. Roles that allow establishing a horizon of discussion about memory and its complex interaction with history, remembering is an exercise in which the past, the present and the future are compromised in the possibility of opening or closing the joint action of the communities historically configured. In this context, our purpose is to argue that the work of Paul Ricoeur provides crucial elements to understand the dialectical dynamic between action and time, which can be taken as a basis for the development of a policy of historicity. This research has an inclined theoretical interest and explores the emergence of other interpretations, from the dialectic of action and time, that release the possibility of thinking about a policy of memory beyond the well-known places that anchor it to monumental history.Ítem Performatividad y cuerpos docentes en educación superior: una aproximación desde el espacio biográficoBaquero Másmela, Pedro; Martínez Posada, Jorge EliécerThis doctoral thesis in Social Studies deals with the study of the discourses and practices that the market ideology generates and promotes in the educational system. It analyzes the discursive mechanisms and resources and of educational governmentality in the university sector, and bets on the study of its manifestations in the teaching subjectivities of the higher level of education, substantially supported by the concept of educational performativity proposed by the sociologist Stephen Ball (1997 , 2003, 2007) and the theoretical methodological proposal of Leonor Arfuch on the biographical spaceÍtem Biopragmática : la cuestión de la vida en la relación cuerpo – texto – tecnología en algunas prácticas de producción de cuerpos por modificación de código genético-algorítmicoRiveros Solórzano, Hernán Javier; Perea Acevedo, Adrián JoséThis doctoral research proposes biopragmatics as a conceptual, methodological and resistance proposal before the processes of construction of life forms in advanced capitalism. To achieve this objective, he performs a critical analysis of the context of biotechnological developments and analyzes the practices of grinding in biohacking and transgenic art in bioart. The thesis has two parts that correspond to two investigative phases: diagnosis and proposal. In the first, the context, evolution and problematization of the research are presented, and in the second, the concept of life expressed in biopragmatics, the methodological fictionalization produced as a tool for the analysis of the practices under study, and the conceptualization of a form of resistance raised as a result of the analytical process, and the elements of an audiovisual product that synthesizes the concepts and findings of the investigative process and is presented as a creative and experimental proposal resulting from the thesis.