Inocencia, dependencia y fragilidad: hacia una hermenéutica reflexiva de los imaginarios del cuerpo de la niña en la literatura infantil latinoamericana
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Inhabiting the world as a girl implies accepting and learning a series of social norms and dispositions. that determine possible actions in everyday life. These social provisions are supported by the imaginaries that historically are configured as true and that constitute the place that these they must occupy and likewise characterize the role attributed to them. That is why this work aims answer the question of how to make visible the configuration of the girl's body imagination present in Latin American children's literature based on the reflective hermeneutics proposal as a bet that allows us to recognize the encounter that exists between the reader and the text to reconfigure one's own experience and the way of narrating oneself. To do this, the concepts of social imaginary are addressed. in its two aspects of ideology and utopia, that of pre-understanding and that of narrative identity, which allow understand and analyze the relationships between the imaginaries present in the works and the appropriation that could occur in a child reader. For this reason, a set of works written by Latin American authors whose main characters are girls or are designed for children are analyzed. a female audience. For its development, a methodological approach has been selected from the ontological-political proposal of Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics, having as the interpretative axis of the text the relationship explaining and understand, which correspond to the two moments necessary to consolidate the process of interpretation. From there, as a product of the experimental exercise, the design of a analytical tool that contributes to research in social studies and that, recognizing the character aesthetic of literary texts, allows us to account for the configuration of various imaginaries present in them.