Cuerpos y devenires monstruosos antes, para y después de la guerra: las mujeres de las extintas FARC-EP en su tránsito por la violencia y su llegada a la vida civil
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A visible element of the Colombian social reality is the existence of insurgent militias since the 1960s, and the growing involvement of female combatants in the armed confrontation between the state and the guerrillas for fifty years. In this panorama, it is difficult not to wonder how war, as the most visible phenomenon of the Colombian conflict, became a possible space for women, who constituted their existence in the midst of armed confrontation and some of them ended up being an important part of one of its actors: the former insurgent group FARC.
The early 1990s saw the conclusion of a peace process that achieved the reinsertion of four armed groups (PRT, Quintin Lame, EPL and M-19), but did not end the armed conflict, and two groups that did not enter the negotiations grew exponentially during that decade: the FARC and the ELN. This period also marked the opening of the country to human rights issues, and another reality began to emerge: the increase in the recruitment of children into irregular armies. This basic framework of the conflict allows us to delve deeper into the deterritorialisation of the political and cultural locations travelled by the women who joined the insurgent groups in recent years, questioning the type of lines of flight or resistance that led them to join these armed groups and, once there, how the war was fought.