Licenciatura en Educación Básica con énfasis en Ciencias Sociales

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  • Ítem
    Fortalecimiento de habilidades de pensamiento en contextos rurales: un proyecto en la sede Campobello (Garzón-Huila, Colombia)
    Chavarriaga Torres, Sergio Andrés; Fajardo Mora, Nestor Ricardo; Fajardo Mora, Nestor Ricardo [0000-0001-8892-7959]
    The internship report describes the actions carried out during the internship at San Antonio del Pescado School, Campobello branch (Garzón-Huila, Colombia). The main objective was to strengthen students’ spatial and logical-mathematical thinking and reading and writing skills to reduce their learning gaps. The internship was divided into three phases: integration with the institution and context analysis, formulation and implementation of the intervention, and collection of information and experiences from the students. During the intervention, challenges were overcome through collaborative work with a fellow practitioner, and tools requested by Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) were designed, integrating inputs from Social Studies, Physical Education, and Arts. Activities included creating dreamcatchers, floats, models, and a mural, as well as organizing reading circles and literary gatherings. The interdisciplinary approach enriched the educational focus, and access to didactic resources was crucial for the success of the activities, fostering a sense of ownership among students toward their study materials.
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    Fortalecimiento de habilidades de pensamiento en contextos rurales: un proyecto en la sede Campobello (Garzón-Huila, Colombia)
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Chavarriaga Torres, Sergio Andrés; Fajardo Mora, Néstor Ricardo; Fajardo Mora, Néstor Ricardo [0000-0001-8892-7959]
    The internship report describes the actions carried out during the internship at San Antonio del Pescado School, Campobello branch (Garzón-Huila, Colombia). The main objective was to strengthen students’ spatial and logical-mathematical thinking and reading and writing skills to reduce their learning gaps. The internship was divided into three phases: integration with the institution and context analysis, formulation and implementation of the intervention, and collection of information and experiences from the students. During the intervention, challenges were overcome through collaborative work with a fellow practitioner, and tools requested by Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) were designed, integrating inputs from Social Studies, Physical Education, and Arts. Activities included creating dreamcatchers, floats, models, and a mural, as well as organizing reading circles and literary gatherings. The interdisciplinary approach enriched the educational focus, and access to didactic resources was crucial for the success of the activities, fostering a sense of ownership among students toward their study materials.
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    Informe pasantía, Desierto de la Tatacoa, Observatorio Astronómico “Cazadora de Eclipses”, Astronomía Cultural
    Gordillo Moreno, Luis Fernando; Garzon Chirivi, Omar Alberto; Garzon Chirivi, Omar Alberto [0000-0001-8476-6801]
    This report describes the activities carried out during the internship at the "Cazadora de Eclipses" Astronomical Observatory, located in the Tatacoa Desert. The primary objective of this experience was to disseminate astronomical knowledge in an engaging and pedagogical manner, targeting both visitors and the local community. The initiative emphasized the importance of Cultural Astronomy by integrating concepts such as cosmogony, cosmology, and the diverse worldviews specific to the region. The internship involved astronomy outreach, the use of astronomical tools, dialogue with the local community, and the collection of information on cultural astronomy. These activities faced challenges related to communication, transportation, time, and connectivity, which were overcome through the support and collaboration of the community. The exchange of knowledge with locals and the integration of disciplines such as physics and social sciences significantly enriched the process, highlighting the relevance of the latter in astronomy education. This experience demonstrated how interdisciplinary dialogue and interaction with local communities can enhance the appropriation of scientific knowledge in diverse cultural contexts.
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    La configuración de territorios posibles: camino en construcción por la acción colectiva
    Gómez Alarcón, Arawitza; Palau Pulido, Andrés Camilo; Castillo Hernández, Adriana Esther
    The title of this research is: “The configuration of possible territories: a path under construction through collective action”; and seeks to investigate the ways in which the political actions of the Friends of Tiquiza Citizen Oversight are influenced by the territorial ties that have been built in the configuration of the Tíquiza village of the municipality of Chía, Cundinamarca1 as a possible territory. The research seeks to provide, from the framework of the systematization of experiences, an interpretation of the way in which the meanings of those who are part of the Friends of Tiquiza Citizen Oversight are constructed through the configuration of their links with the territory, their organizational motivations and the way in which these constitute support to influence the way in which the inhabitants think about the planning of the territory. With the implementation of a pedagogical mediation proposal, we sought to reveal the meanings that have allowed the organizational experience of the Veeduría to effectively influence decision-making around the organization of the territory they inhabit and defend. This strategy for the recognition of one's own knowledge and the assemblage of social knowledge materialized in the holding of discussion sessions, field trips and interviews carried out with the people who make up the Veeduría in which it is evident that the organizational motivations . They are closely linked to the territorial ties that they have established with the village and its inhabitants.
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    Hacia la concreción del sistema de posgrados de la Facultad de Ciencias y Educación-Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas: pasado y presente de su estructura 1997-2021
    Ceballos Moreno , Sebastian; Calderon , Omer
    The report presents the results of the internship exercise that analyzed the experience of a specific level of university education (postgraduate education) and the attempts to organize it into a System, an action carried out by the Faculty of Science and Education of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. The proposed analysis uses the Documentary Case Study (EDC) to collect sets of institutional educational documents aimed at consolidating such a structure (a matter that has not yet come to fruition). As an unprecedented exercise to the initiatives included for the 1997-2021 time range, a reference group was considered: the SUE Capital District Chapter, in the perspective of recognizing other modes of organization and processing of postgraduate training, emphasizing the analysis in the fields of education and training identical to those subscribed by the Faculty. In this line, four experiences of postgraduate training in the public sphere are described in order to give a sense of identity and particularity to an eventual Postgraduate System by revealing its most relevant organizational forms. The actions carried out are focused on thematic lines and axes of analysis that will serve as a contribution to the concretion of the Postgraduate System of the Faculty of Sciences and Education of the University (hereinafter, SP-FCE-UDFJC), recognizing the attempts of its implementation, and acquiring -in addition- its differential status by having considered the selected reference group. Key words: university, educational strategies, formal education, educational articulation, postgraduate, documentary case study (CDS).
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    Narrativas sobre convivencia escolar en estudiantes de grado octavo de la I.E.D. Policarpa Salavarrieta, Bogotá D.C.
    Romero Aguirre, Cesar Armando; Bermúdez Ramírez , Alberth Esteban; Betancourt Godoy, José Javier
    This research gathers the narratives of the 803rd grade students at Policarpa Salavarrieta School regarding their school coexistence, exploring their interpretations of peer relationships, forms of everyday violence, and the conflicts they face. Based on a pedagogical project, five activities were selected to analyze the students' perceptions of themselves, their classmates, and the contexts of school conflict. The study examines how students experience and reproduce various forms of violence, as well as the strategies they use to resolve conflicts either peacefully or violently. The research also delves into the metaphors and analogies that students use to represent school coexistence, highlighting their critical and creative abilities to reflect on these issues. The potential of students to advance in conflict resolution is emphasized, as is the importance of fostering their development through innovative pedagogical approaches. The findings suggest the need to continue exploring coexistence dynamics in educational settings, particularly in vulnerable populations.
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    “Yo Sí Te Creo”. Una herramienta para la accesibilidad a la justicia y la problematización del uso de la alienación parental
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Restrepo Rojas , Angie Lorena; Jiménez Muñoz , Jhon Alexander; Castillo Hernández, Adriana Esther
    This paper examines how parental alienation, a refuted theory, is used in the Colombian legal system to obstruct access to justice in cases of child sexual violence, affecting mother complainants. Through the Yo Sí Te Creo Collective (YSTC), these women seek to transform a legal culture that favors aggressors and limits the protection of minors, prioritizing credibility. The objective of the study is to systematize how the collective addresses parental alienation and improves access to justice for victims of domestic violence. It reveals how mothers turn their experiences into tools to challenge and change the patriarchal justice system, creating support networks that question the legal culture that minimizes sexual violence.
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    Propuesta para la enseñanza de la historia de Colombia en estudiantes de grado 7° del colegio Nicolás Esguerra de Bogotá en el periodo 2024-1
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Galvis Villarreal, Fabián David; Molano Camargo, Frank; Molano Camargo, Frank [0000-0001-9409-2468]
    The text is a conceptual and practical approach to constructing a proposal for teaching Colombian history. It addresses current needs in light of Law 1874 of 2017, advancements in historiography and pedagogy, and the recommendations of the Advisory Commission for the Teaching of Colombian History (CAEHC). This proposal is applied in the context of Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra, an official educational institution, for the first semester of the 2024 school year.
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    La cámara oscura como estrategia pedagógica para dar luz a la construcción de escenarios de paz.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Alfonso Camacho , Julián Camilo; Liscano López , Patricia Inés
    The following research job was carried out in the modality of creation, direction or interpretation and was developed with the National Movement of Victims of State Crimes. We made an audiovisual production that resulted in the short film called "Memories of struggle, fights for memory" which served as a means to identify different types of state criminality, as well as claims, struggles and actions for the memory of the victims. The research approach is based on the pedagogical practice and its ethnographic record in field diaries, which included the critique of the mass media images since they seek to make the struggles for collective memory invisible in contrast to the use and production of images by alternative expressions from the Mexican revolution, which we highlight. To generate experiential approaches to photographic records, cinematographic technique and generate reflections and bridges in relation to the struggles for memory, we generated some workshops with camera obscura and sample viewings of documentary segments which was a basis for producing the construction, the joint design of the documentary with a view to socializing it as a critical alternative in educational settings. In addition to criticizing the production of images in contemporary times, the investigative work proposes to make a critique of the affective regime underlying the cultural industry that affects daily life and educational settings, specifically, images that refer to recent history and how the expressions of social mobilization and struggles of the victims of state violence in Colombia are shown. In this way, we seek to highlight the possibility of more than being spectators, being able to be producers of them from a critical look at audiovisual discourses, their structure, and the possibility of learning social science knowledge from manifesting one's own images. and generate them collectively.
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    Re-existir, existiendo: sistematización de experiencias de vida trans en la fundación Grupo de Acción y Apoyo a Personas Trans (GAAT) en Colombia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Serrato Álvarez, Lizeth Viviana; Camacho Téllez, Jeison Herley; Camacho Téllez, Jeison Herley [0000-0002-3672-7194]
    This research analyzes how the trans life experiences of the base team of the Fundación Grupo de Acción y Apoyo a Personas Trans (GAAT) in Colombia allow their lives to be recognized as valuable, challenging heteronormative norms. Based on the concepts of "weeping" by Judith Butler and "desubjective" by Michel Foucault, it explores how these experiences dismantle oppressive structures and create spaces of resistance and re-existence. Using a qualitative methodology, experiences are critically collected and analyzed. The research seeks to make the trans community visible and humanized, providing a solid theoretical framework and practical resources to promote their recognition and rights in Colombian society.
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    El sentido de la enseñanza de las Ciencias Económicas en la escuela.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Sánchez Vallejo, Juan Camilo; Salamanca Montoya, Tania Yulieth; Blanco Suárez, Jorge Orlando; Blanco Suárez, Jorge Orlando [0000-0002-2961-4511]
    This research arises from the cycle of pedagogical innovation of the Bachelor's Degree in Social Sciences at the Francisco José de Caldas District University. This includes the documentary review process, by teachers in training, which seeks to reveal the meanings and perceptions about the Economics discipline in the Colombian school. For which a case study is carried out at the Gimnasio Caceres School in the town of Bosa, Naranjos neighborhood; in which the discourses, curricula, contents and perceptions of the 11th grade economics subject are analyzed, in order to determine how the meaning of economics is constructed in school. Finally, a pedagogical proposal is made which is focused on building a critical sense of the economy in school.
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    La educación por ciclos una oportunidad de disminuir la brecha social presente en las zonas más vulnerables de Colombia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Castellanos Jiménez , Andrés; Molano Camargo , Frank; Molano Camargo, Frank [0000-0001-9409-2468]
    This document presents the internship developed at the CEDID Ciudad Bolívar school in the first semester of 2024, which aimed to generate successful educational processes for populations in vulnerability and social inequality, seeking to highlight the importance of these processes within the training of teachers in social sciences. Identifying how historical, social, economic and political processes have shaped the current context.
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    Informe final prácticas escuela popular colectivo Jak Fundación Bogotá futuro “A son del barrio “
    Ruiz Velásquez , William Steven; Cabrera Quiceno, Juan Carlos; Liscano López, Patricia Inés; Liscano López, Patricia Inés [0000-0003-1729-3930]
    The project is based on popular education, which emphasizes community participation and horizontal dialogue to address social problems. The concept of territory as a space constructed by social interactions is also explored, and recent history is considered as a necessary approach to understanding current reality and promoting social transformation. Football and other activities are used as tools of resistance and empowerment, allowing young people to express themselves and reflect on their environment. The methodology used is Participatory Action Research (PAR), which involves participants in all stages of the investigative process and seeks a critical and transformative change in society.
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    Desarrollo de conciencia histórica en IED Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rojas Aldana, Laura Tatiana; Hernández Montaña, Sebastián Leonardo; Molano Camargo, Frank; Molano Camargo, Frank [0000-0001-9409-2468]
    This internship report is part of the pedagogical research project “Contagions of the Past and Lessons for the Future: Exploring the Role of Socializing Agents in Shaping Historical Consciousness of Historical Epidemics” developed at IED Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra. The internship aims to strengthen the processes of Historical Consciousness within the teaching-learning framework of historical thinking in the field of school social sciences, linking the relevance of past-present-future relationships with the cognitive and social structure of the student in order to identify the nature of the social and cultural rationalities involved in the construction of historical meanings. In this sense, the work revolves around three axes: historical consciousness, historical epidemics, and socializing agents.
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    El enfoque de la inclusión en la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales como posibilidad para el fomento de la empatía y del dialogo en el Colegio Alejandro Obregón I.E.D
    Sanabria Ardila, Juan Felipe; Liscano López, Patricia Inés; Liscano López, Patricia Inés [0000-0003-1729-3930]
    Colombian society not only reflects an absence of a culture of dialogue or respect, discrimination, rejection, and segregation have become ingrained as a culture of their own. Educational institutions are a clear example of this, as they foster the coexistence of multiple young individuals who exhibit differences among themselves, and a heterogeneous environment without such a culture has a high potential of being a hostile and violent space. This proposal aims to develop concepts such as diversity, normality, discrimination, among others, through the very contents of social science teaching, and the knowledge and experiences of students themselves, in order to denaturalize violent behaviors that have been normalized and replicated in everyday life, while fostering a different culture that promotes positive changes in the school environment. The development and results of this pedagogical intervention will be reflected in a digital platform consisting of the multiple works and reflections that arise
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    Fortalecimiento de las habilidades del pensamiento histórico a partir de pasantía en el área de museología del ICANH
    Ramírez Suárez, Chiesie Juliana; Molano Camargo, Frank; Molano Camargo, Frank [0000-0001-9409-2468]
    This final internship report includes the systematization of the pedagogical project carried out in the internship Strengthening of historical thinking skills from internship in the area of museology of ICANH. The experiences collected within the framework of the internship carried out from the accompaniment to the itinerancy of the exhibition Journeys, exchanges and claims from the management of the public and educational mediation carried out during the course of the exhibition in order to strengthen the skills of historical thinking are compiled.
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    Descripción, catalogación y publicación del archivo histórico y periodístico de Bogotá (1810-1910) del Centro De Documentación de Ciencias Sociales al Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José De Caldas.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Joven Rojas, Juan Fernando; Torres Camelo, José Leonel; Escobar Rincón, Liliana del Pilar; Escobar Rincón, Liliana del Pilar [0000-0002-9495-2613]
    This report presents the internship of description, cataloging and publication of 1200 documents from the Historical and Journalistic Archive of Bogotá (AHPB) in the Institutional Repository RIUD. These documents are essential to understand the configuration of Bogotá during the 19th century in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres. The objectives of the work include the identification of the AHPB, the analysis of historical content and the publication of the documents. The document delves into the main categories: budgetary administration, political and territorial organization, penitentiary system and politics and education. In addition, the need to preserve the historical material of the city and guarantee its accessibility for graduates, researchers and other interested parties is analyzed, highlighting the importance of these resources for academic and professional development.
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    Informe de pasantía : la apropiación del territorio como lugar de enunciación mediante el audiovisual con estudiantes de primaria del Centro Educativo Rural La Colonia, Sede Portachuelo (Bochalema, Norte de Santander)
    Vivas Motivar, Harold Stevenson; Fajardo Mora, Néstor Ricardo; Fajardo Mora, Néstor Ricardo [0000-0001-8892-7959]
    The present document of systematization of experiences evidences a pedagogical exercise in the framework of the Viva la Escuela program with students of the Centro Educativo Rural La Colonia, Portachuelo, which although its main methodology is the systematization of experiences, it is based on a sequence of processes that are executed in order to involve, review and develop three types of audiovisual tools (Film Forum, creation of murals and production of Video Letters) developed during three months of internship in rural schools. This proposal is based on the sensitization of the educational, teaching and general community of the Portachuelo trail, municipality of Bochalema, Norte de Santander, thus identifying categories on identity, territory, lived space, school as a center of knowledge and memory as a reproduction of knowledge.
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    El patrimonio en la alfabetización y la infancia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Arenas Martínez, Karen Nathalie; Garzón Chivirí, Omar Alberto; Garzón Chivirí, Omar Alberto [0000-0001-8476-6801]
    The conception of heritage from the school has been elaborated through the recognition of symbolisms and patriotic images, however, for children who are in their literacy process, this can be understood from their senses. Therefore, in accordance with the curriculum, we sought to develop for first grade children of the Antonio Villavicencio School a conception of heritage from the literacy process, making use of the recognition of previous notions about heritage through language and which elements are key to such definition. Finally, it is evident through the school the importance of the diverse contexts that students inhabit, of what they inherit and adopt as part of themselves and bring to the classroom, and how vital these foundations are at this stage of development, since they are just beginning to identify their mother tongue.
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    Representaciones sociales de la política y lo político en estudiantes de 11° del colegio Andrés Bello IED
    Rodríguez Arévalo, Natalia Patricia; Blanco Suárez, Jorge Orlando; Blanco Suárez, Jorge Orlando [0000-0002-2961-4511]
    This monograph aimed to analyze and intervene the social representations (RRSS) from politics and the political in students of 11th grade. The student is recognized as a political subject, with critical pedagogy being the ideal pedagogical perspective, and problematization was chosen as an strategy. RRSS are the category of analysis and their treatment was carried out through workshops, in which information was collected and analyzed by the IAE Action-Research Education. This analysis concludes that it was possible to transform the elements that made up the RRSS and it allows its critical analysis to be strengthened. It also made possible to investigate the role of problematization as a tool in political formation processes.