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    Oportunidades de las plataformas colaborativas en el desarrollo del sector de alojamientos: una perspectiva de innovación y colaboración
    Reyes Jiménez, Luis Mateo; Rodríguez Rojas, Luz Andrea
    The tourism sector in Colombia, as in other parts of the world, has faced significant challenges, including recovery from health and economic crises. However, these challenges together with digitalization have led to a notable transformation in the industry, revolutionizing the way travelers book accommodation, significantly impacting the economy and traditional tourism businesses. The evolution of traditional tourism in the digital age has been largely driven by the emergence and expansion of collaborative platforms. These platforms have facilitated the creation of innovative and personalized accommodation products, improving customer satisfaction. In this context, collaborative platforms stand out as a key driver to drive technological advances in tourism. This research focused on collecting and analyzing information from collaborative platforms in previous documents, such as books, articles and essays, through a documentary approach, with the aim of generating knowledge from the available information. This research was carried out in four phases: The first phase involved a statistical analysis of the reviewed documents to obtain an overview. The second phase sought to delve deeper into the ideas and concepts associated with collaborative platforms and their link to the collaborative economy, identifying differences and similarities. In the third phase, the collected data was analysed, including case studies on collaborative accommodation platforms. Finally, in the fourth phase, detailed conclusions were presented on the opportunities and challenges of platforms in the accommodation sector, along with recommendations that also served to define the evaluation criteria. These criteria are designed to ensure not only commercial success, but also to positively contribute to the sustainable and equitable development of the sector. In total, 91 documents on collaborative platforms in the accommodation sector were reviewed, providing us with a comprehensive overview of theoretical aspects and practical applications in this emerging field. These documents include conceptual studies, analysis of opportunities and innovations, as well as addressing challenges with possible solutions. In addition, case studies are examined that reveal key lessons, highlighting especially the impact and experience of Airbnb in the sector. Colombia, with its tourism and cultural potential, could significantly benefit from these findings by establishing a solid framework for the implementation of collaborative platforms and the adoption of regulatory measures that mitigate adverse impacts on local communities.
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    Optimización de los procesos y procedimientos del rea Legal del instituto de extensión y educación para el trabajo y desarrollo (IDEXUD) de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Benítez Cárdenas, Deyvid Alexander; Medina García, Víctor Hugo; Medina García, Víctor Hugo [0000-0002-0989-8676]
    The document presented below allows visualizing the work path and the results obtained during the development of the internship as a degree modality, meeting the current need of the Instituto de Extensión y Educación para el Trabajo y Desarrollo Humano, IDEXUD, in accordance with the stipulated in the Quality Management system of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, to seek through the creation, modification and implementation of procedural documents, their layout and improvements in key aspects, to standardize the activities carried out in the legal area and that they occur in parallel with the work of other areas of the institute, in order to make the actions within the area more understandable, tructured and effective.
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    Modelo de gestión del conocimiento para mejorar la calidad del servicio en empresas comercializadoras
    Cely Barrera , Andrea Natalia; Medina Garcia, Victor Hugo; Medina Garcia, Victor Hugo [0000-0002-0989-8676]
    This article presents the design of a knowledge management model to improve the quality of service in marketing companies specifically and as a case of use of shelled corn. To do this, it began with the definition of the key concepts, followed by the contextualization of the company, in which through a survey it was possible to define the customers’ perception of the service and the parameters of the initial management model of the company. company. Finally, with the information obtained and based on the GC-U Model (Rodriguez, 2015), the dynamic knowledge management model for the marketer and its evaluation indicators was designed.
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    Impacto en los servicios de cultura y deporte en la Facultad de Ciencias y Educación de la Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) González Martínez, Paula Alejandra; Paipa Bocanegra, David Santiago; Rodríguez Rojas, Luz Andrea; Rodríguez Rojas, Luz Andrea [0000-0003-0312-1177]
    This study, which adopts a descriptive and qualitative perspective, focuses on identifying the elements that exert a significant impact on the university community within the scope of the culture and sports programs offered by the institutional well-being of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, focused on the Faculty of Sciences and Education. Given the absence of previous research evaluating these services, the project has been structured in four fundamental stages: first, an exhaustive documentary review was carried out that highlighted the relevance of motivation in the academic performance and success of students; Next, a model was developed, which is based on three essential pillars: the analysis of the service offered, the quality of life experienced by users and the impact on academic performance. This model laid the foundations for a field investigation, in which the designed questionnaire was applied to a representative sample of the student population in order to validate the proposed model and collect data in a systematic and structured manner. Finally, in the last stage of the study, correlation analyzes were carried out between the data obtained and the relevant variables, which allowed generating significant results and conclusions that shed light on the effectiveness and impact of institutional well-being services in the university community.
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    Customer experience: ¿están las pymes de Bogotá preparadas para implementarlo y ser más competitivas?
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Valencia Urrea, German Andrés; Ortiz Matamoros, David Alejandro; Rodríguez Rojas, Luz Andrea; Rodríguez Rojas, Luz Andrea [0000-0003-0312-1177]
    In Bogotá, new companies are created every day; above all, micro, small or medium-sized companies, called "SMEs" or "MIPYMES", which face challenges with customers, who are the pillar of their livelihood. Therefore, companies are required to manage methods such as Customer Experience, a methodology focused on the customer and their emotions, with the objective of leaving a memorable memory in them and, based on this memory, building loyalty to the company and thus also recommending it to more people. The purpose of this document is to study the needs that can be met by the use of Customer Experience tools in SMEs in Bogotá. Applying descriptive research, it begins with a review of the bibliography related to Customer Experience at a national and international level; the most relevant variables of the subject are defined in order to design an instrument that allows us to measure how they manage Customer Experience in Bogotá and how necessary its implementation is in the competitive environment. The results obtained show that SMEs, although currently on the right track in this area, have shortcomings in their application and assessment, and therefore have room for improvement.
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    Impacto de los servicios de cultura y deporte de Bienestar Institucional en la facultad de ingeniería en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
    Becerra Reyes, Carlos Eduardo; Gómez Gómez, Luisa Fernanda; Rodríguez Rojas, Luz Andrea; Palacios Osma, Jose Ignacio; Rodríguez Rojas, Luz Andrea [0000-0003-0312-1177]; Palacios Osma, Jose Ignacio[0000-0003-4701-4373]
    Higher education institutions, through university well-being programs, seek to promote the comprehensive development and improvement of the quality of life of the educational community, through spaces for reflection and recreation. Given the need to measure the impact and quality of the services provided by university well-being in the area of culture and sports, this work aims to propose a model that allows measuring the impact of the culture and sports programs offered by university welfare of the Francisco José de Caldas District University to the members of the engineering faculty. For the development of the research, 4 phases were defined: First, a systematic review of the literature was carried out to establish the thematic axes of the research; Secondly, the variables to be taken into account in the approach of the model are identified, based on the characteristics and behaviors observed in the educational community of the institution. Afterwards, a pilot test of the model was carried out to validate it and in the last phase the results and findings of the study were determined, through the collection and analysis of data using the developed model. Finally, it was concluded which variables have an impact on the university community and some recommendations were made to align university well-being programs with the expectations of students.
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    Estudio del trabajo e implementación de herramientas para mejoramiento de procesos y procedimientos de la Especialización en Higiene, Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas​
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Alvarado Quiroga, Angye Melissa; Luque Moreno, Maria Fernanda; Real Florez, Guillermo Enrique; Umaña Villamizar, Flor de Maria
    The document presents a comprehensive study of the processes and procedures of the Specialization in Hygiene, Safety, and Health at Work at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. With the objective of developing a process manual, a methodology based on the Guide for the Development of Processes and Procedures of the Quality Management System, developed by the Superintendence of Notaries and Registry (2021), was implemented. A detailed and exhaustive analysis of each activity within the program was conducted, allowing for the identification and classification of processes into strategic, core, and support categories. Programming tools and the creation of updated databases were utilized to collect the required information and develop a visual tool in Power BI, aimed at establishing continuous improvement strategies. The project seeks to optimize administrative and academic management, ensuring efficient operation and an improvement in the quality of education offered.
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    Caracterización de la red logística del Banco de Alimentos de Bogotá
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cristancho Mora, Juan Jose; Bulla Marin, Dannett Valenttina; Rueda Velasco, Feizar Javier; Rueda Velasco, Feizar Javier [0000-0002-0109-9204]
    This project is carried out with the purpose of providing to the research community, related to graph theory and humanitarian logistics, with a referential framework on the characteristics and relationships of the nodes that interact in the last mile of the logistics network of the “Banco de Alimentos de Bogotá”. For this purpose, it was proposed to carry out a bibliographic search of the background of the “Banco de Alimentos de Bogotá”, and to complement it with field work in its allied foundations, the latter part using research tools such as surveys and semi-structured interviews. From these results, identify the possible existing relationships and diagram it in a representative graph. Three main components of the global network were identified and characterized, which are the “Banco de Alimentos de Bogotá”, the allied organizations and their relationship with the final beneficiaries (last mile). In the first of these, we identified several public and private companies that allow the management of the supply of products that will be offered to the organizations, a very important item that allows the continuity of the activities. Secondly, we identified that the organizations have their own network of contacts, which is much smaller but strategically focused according to the population served in each one of them. Finally, understanding the importance of this network, the relationships between organizations and beneficiaries are parameterized, allowing a better analysis of them. Opportunities for improvement are defined to allow the continuity of the research, contributing to the objective of reducing the hunger of the population of Bogota as students of Industrial Engineering.
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    Diseño de un dashboard para toma de decisiones alrededor de los costos de no calidad en empresa de fertilizantes
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Sosa Naranjo, Julian Camilo; Rodriguez Rojas, Luz Andrea; Rodríguez Rojas, Luz Andrea [0000-0003-0312-1177]
    Business intelligence in the agro-industrial sector enhances performance through process monitoring and control, resource management, and decision-making with updated information. In fertilizer production, efficient cost management based on data is crucial for competitiveness. A dashboard is proposed for making effective decisions, identifying and controlling costs related to lack of quality and overconsumption. The development is structured into four phases: diagnosis, definition of requirements, dashboard design, and validation with stakeholders. The need for a tool to record non-conformity cases in products is highlighted. The results offer a valuable solution for controlling and monitoring non-quality costs, expanding the perspective beyond raw materials and direct labor.
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    Plan de negocios para Outta Clothes S.A.S
    Chicuasuque Rodríguez, Jose Luis; Mosquera Córdoba, Jorge David; Real Flórez, Guillermo Enrique
    This thesis project focused on developing a business plan for Outta Clothes S.A.S., a company dedicated to the manufacturing and marketing of clothing. The main objective of the project was to analyze the commercial and financial viability of the company, as well as to establish operational, marketing, and management strategies that would enable its positioning in the market.
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    Diseño de un metamodelo para la selección automatizada de materiales usando gráficos de Ashby en el desarrollo de un nuevo producto
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Salcedo Rodríguez, Diego Alejandro; Tristancho Ortiz, Julián Alfonso; Tristancho Ortiz, Julián Alfonso [0000-0002-1471-1052]
    The selection of materials based on mechanical strength criteria is one of the most important stages in the design process, as an inadequate selection can directly affect the performance, durability, and economic viability of a product. Currently, there are various methods available to guide designers in selecting a specific material, taking into account the requirements of the developing design; methods range from the traditional approach, where the designer's experience is the main criterion for selection, to methods that use CAD and CAE programs to simulate the design under various scenarios and determine the most suitable material. However, the latter method involves significant use of computational resources and time because the designer must conduct a simulation for each available material to analyze the behavior of each one and thereby evaluate which is most appropriate for the design in question. Therefore, this work proposes a metamodel that allows the designer to save computational resources and time through a method where a standard parameter is obtained from finite element analysis of a single material. This parameter adjusts to test conditions, thereby providing approximate values of maximum Von Mises stress for a list of materials to be analyzed. This tool advises on material selection by providing predictions of maximum stresses for all available materials with only one finite element analysis execution. The first chapter of this document discusses the motivation behind its creation, the reasons for the research, and the objectives set forth. The second chapter provides context on the importance of materials throughout history, methodologies for designing a new product, methods used in material selection, and the definition and significance of metamodels. The third chapter presents the models and metamodels of Ashby's traditional method for mechanical strength criteria, as well as the model and metamodel for material selection based on finite element analysis results. At the end of this chapter, a model and metamodel are proposed to provide designers with approximate global information on the most suitable material to meet mechanical strength requirements based on estimated maximum Von Mises stresses. These values are estimated using specific proposed parameters derived from a single finite element analysis simulation. Finally, the limitations of the proposed metamodel are presented along with conclusions and bibliographic references.
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    Desarrollo aplicativo para el área de indemnizaciones e inventarios
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Riveros Araque, Daniel Alejandro; Real Florez, Guillermo Enrique
    Operaciones Nacionales de Mercadeo (Open Market) Solistica is a company offering comprehensive 3PL logistics solutions. It includes a Risk Management and Insurance department, along with a National Compensation and Inventory Coordination team responsible for compensating various clients for occurrences during the execution of operations in various lines of business, including Transportation, Storage, and Conditioning. An application has been developed to manage the various events processed by the Risk and Insurance Administration, National Coordination of Compensation, and Inventories departments. This application facilitates the recovery of funds within an average period of 30 days, thereby positively contributing to portfolio turnover and cash flow. The development of this project was divided into four stages. Firstly, a mapping of the current process was conducted, determining average processing times for the Risk and Insurance Administration, National Compensation Coordination, and Inventories areas. Secondly, the processes requiring the most time were identified. Subsequently, a proposal for an application was developed, outlining objectives, stakeholders, and requirements. Finally, the fourth stage involved the development of the application for managing the various events processed by the Risk and Insurance Administration, National Coordination of Compensation, and Inventories areas. The initial mapping identifies an opportunity for improvement in the collection and management of information, which directly impacts the subsequent processes involving the Risk and Insurance Administration, National Coordination of Compensation, and Inventories areas. Based on this assessment, a proposal is put forward to develop an application that aligns with the objectives and strategies of these areas.
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    Impacto de los servicios de derechos humanos y equidad de género de bienestar institucional en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
    Moreno Ospina, David Sebastián; Hernández Vásquez , Nella Patricia; Rodríguez Rojas , Luz Andrea; 0000-0003-0312-1177
    The institutional well-being area of ​​the Francisco José de Caldas District University has a human rights and gender equity team (EDHEG), which offers services to prevent human rights violations, including a specific service for cases of gender-based violence (GBV), since the 2022-2 period. However, a mechanism has not been established to measure the impact of these services on the university community. This study seeks to develop a model to measure this impact, focused on the GBV service. A systematic literature review was conducted to define key variables and design an impact model, in addition to developing a specific instrument to validate it. Using SPSS software, a detailed analysis of information was carried out using descriptive statistics to identify patterns and relationships between dimensions such as academic or work performance, sociodemographic characteristics, quality of life, and perception of benefits received. The findings allowed us to identify significant correlations and propose improvements to offer an integrated service aligned with university life.
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    Caracterización de la población docente en la facultad de medio ambiente y recursos naturales de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
    Santacruz Cardona, Cristian Daniel; Espinel Fagua, Yohany Alexander; Rodríguez Rojas, Luz Andrea; 0000-0003-0312-1177
    Characterizing populations within university settings is crucial for understanding the social, economic, and cultural realities of the human groups they comprise. The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas acknowledges the importance of developing characterizations of its teaching staff to enrich internal processes and enhance decision-making. With the aim of improving the motivation and satisfaction of faculty members, as well as addressing specific unidentified needs, descriptive research is conducted to characterize teachers, focusing on the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources. This research is grounded in a systematic literature review to identify key variables and develop suitable data collection instruments. Descriptive statistical techniques and data visualization tools are applied to analyze the gathered information and create detailed profiles of the teaching staff. The analysis of faculty populations seeks to understand the relationships between teachers' sociodemographic characteristics and opportunities for enhancing educational quality and workplace well-being. Through this investigation, the aim is to enhance institutional welfare services aimed at faculty members, thus contributing to both quality of life and educational excellence within universities.
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    Implementación de un modelo de inteligencia de negocios para el análisis, apoyo en la toma de decisiones y en la detección de patrones para los servicios de la oficina de bienestar universitario de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Murillo Claver, Santiago; Forero Castro, Nicolas Felipe; Vargas Hernández, Cesar Asdraldo
    This project consists of the implementation of a business intelligence model for OBU's health services. Throughout the execution of the project, several processes were carried out addressing emerging needs, such as the development of a platform for data collection, the creation of an ETL to standardize information and the creation of a database that would later be used in the creation of a dashboard for the OBU in Power BI. The team overcame obstacles such as not having access to specific equipment and not being able to hold socialization sessions with OBU employees as often as necessary, but still managed to create internal solutions and modify the model to fit the center's needs. These initiatives laid the groundwork for proposing an improvement to the quality of service and user experience at the OBU.
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    Diseño metodológico de un sistema integrado de gestión en la empresa R&C Business Consulting S.A.S
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ángel, Lina María; Vargas Hernández, César Asdraldo
    In an ever-changing business environment, R&C Business Consulting S.A.S. faces the challenge of strengthening its operational and strategic structure to improve service quality, manage risks effectively and ensure data security. To this end, it focuses on designing an integrated management system that complies with ISO 31000, ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standards. This project presents the results of an internship at the company, highlighting the key steps, resources required and benefits obtained, as well as the importance of the involvement of senior management and the entire team in risk management, quality and information security, responsibilities that directly impact the success and reputation of the company.
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    Modelo de planeación de la producción en la empresa Heaven's Fruit SAS
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Salamanca Ramírez, Daniel Eduardo; Manrique Lopez, Karina; Manrique Lopez, Karina [0000-0001-5573-9978]
    This thesis addresses the development of a production planning model for the company Heaven's Fruit SAS. The main objective is to propose a model for the production planning process that supports the company's operational processes. The project is exploratory in nature as, based on the information collected at different stages, the planning process is designed, and key indicators for analyzing the company's productivity are defined. Three main stages are proposed for the development of the project: diagnosis, model development, and measurement. The results indicate that implementing the production model supported by an IT tool has an impact both operationally and strategically for the company. It is concluded that, according to the obtained indicators, the company is incurring direct labor cost overruns in the products; however, this model achieves improved productivity in the plant.
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    Aplicación de la metodología de diagnóstico sectorial del grupo ARCOSES en el sector de fabricación de productos de la refinación del petróleo
    Murcia Abadia, Juan Pablo; Jurado Llamuca, Juan Sebastian; López Santana, Eduyn Ramiro; López Santana, Eduyn Ramiro [0000-0001-7670-7756]
    In recent years, Colombia has modernized its main refineries, allowing it to increase capacity and consequently the production of barrels per day, managing to place Colombia in 18th place in the ranking of oil exporters (Ángela Reyes Haczek, 2022). Therefore, the present investigation carried out a characterization of the manufacturing group "Manufacture of Petroleum Refining Products" through the application of a methodology designed by the ARCOSES research group of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, in order to serve as an input for the planning of public policies and the execution of specific actions of the different related actors. The execution of this work was carried out around 10 components: General aspects; value chain; competence; macroeconomic factors; human capital; companies; Research, development and innovation; medium environment; regulations and, finally, problems, opportunities and prospects. Likewise, and for the purposes of addressing its methodological development, it was divided into five phases: the first consisted of the search for background information, where the diagnostic methodologies already carried out in the sector under study were inquired about, in the second and Third, the search and classification of data and information was carried out according to the variables linked to the components of the guide methodology; and in the last two phases the information obtained was produced and consolidated.
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    Diseño de un plan de implementación y expansión de energía solar y eólico en el municipio de la Peña-Cundinamarca
    Bello, Stevan; Perez, Juan; Rodriguez, Luz
    The impact of renewable energies on the Colombian economy and culture is significant and promising. Economically, the adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, has created new investment and employment opportunities in the country. The construction and operation of solar and wind farms have stimulated the local industry, generating jobs in the installation, maintenance, and operation of these infrastructures, as well as in the manufacturing of associated components and technologies. Furthermore, the generation of clean and sustainable energy reduces dependence on imported fossil fuels, decreasing vulnerability to fluctuations in oil and gas prices, which benefits Colombia's economic stability. From a cultural perspective, the transition to clean energy has fostered greater environmental awareness and sustainability within Colombian society. Environmental education has been promoted, leading to a cultural shift towards conservation and respect for the natural environment. This change is reflected in increased citizen participation in clean energy initiatives and the adoption of more eco-friendly practices. The issue addressed relates to the lack of access to energy for the residents of La Peña and the need to find an energy system that is efficient, sustainable, and has minimal environmental impact. The objective is to design a renewable energy implementation plan using linear programming as a supportive tool, considering factors such as energy efficiency, sustainability, and climatic conditions. The research is based on data collection, the formulation of a mathematical model, and the evaluation of the feasibility of implementing the plan in La Peña, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods. The study concludes by identifying solar energy as the most efficient option to meet the energy demand of the region, proposing the installation of a solar park. Additionally, an implementation plan is presented, detailing activities, responsibilities, costs, and an analysis of internal and external factors. This research is innovative in its approach to using linear programming to address the production of different types of renewable energy while meeting criteria for costs, emissions, and timelines, providing sustainable and efficient solutions to meet the energy demand in La Peña.
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    Modelo estratégico basado en indicadores de gestión y rendimiento para la medición, seguimiento y control de proyectos de inversión de RAP-E Región Central
    Castañeda Niño, Paola Andrea; Cárdenas Quintero, Beitmantt Geovanni; Cárdenas Quintero, Beitmantt Geovanni [0000-0003-0293-0036]
    This project aims to create and implement a strategic model in the RAP-E Region Central company that allows the traceability of each indicator according to the needs of each stakeholder. For that, as a first step, the areas of interest for which the instrument would add value were identified and after that, the characterization and definition of each indicator related to the projects that manage the aforementioned areas was carried out. Afterwards, the creation of the indicators life sheet instrument was carried out, for which sessions were held jointly with the person in charge of sessions of the RAP-E's planning office, the purpose of these sessions was to learn about the entity's needs in terms of project follow-up. In response, the tool developed and implemented allows us to identify the basic information for each indicator, as well as to keep a graphical follow-up of the behavior of each indicator, taking into account the goals and tolerances established by the entity. Finally, socialization and awareness sessions were held on of the process carried out with the entity, and the information of each indicator in the instrument was filled in