Tecnología en Construcciones Civiles

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttp://hdl.handle.net/11349/1922


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  • Ítem
    Optimización en la gestión del acueducto y alcantarillado en Mosquera, Cundinamarca
    González Echeverry, Lenny Camilo; Zamudio Huertas, Eduardo
    This report summarizes the activities carried out during the internship at the Mosquera Aqueduct and Sewer Company (EAMOS ESP), focused on improving the hydraulic infrastructure and sanitation of the municipality. Technical support was provided in the expansion of the Puentes Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), Phase II, to increase its capacity to 400 L/s and comply with environmental regulations. In addition, work was done on hydraulic sectorization and the installation of pressure gauges to improve the aqueduct network. Maintenance work was also supervised and administrative tasks were managed, highlighting the development of technical skills and their impact on municipal infrastructure.
  • Ítem
    Pasantía en apoyo logistico y tecnico a la supervisión de obras en impermeabilización de edificios.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ramírez Motta, Hellen Gissel; Villota Posso, Hernando Antonio
    During the time of the internship, there was the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in the theoretical stage of technology in civil constructions, such as the order of construction processes. At the beginning, some challenges were faced in adopting a normative criterion and learning the exact steps that must be followed in the waterproofing installation in order to perform the functions as an intern, however, thanks to the joint work with the business tutor, the issues were resolved. doubts, learn new things and strengthen previous knowledge. The initial tasks were simple, since at the beginning the emphasis was on knowing how the company works and learning the installation process. However, as the internship progressed, the apprentice was able to perform more precise analyzes of the activities and effectively accompany the waterproofing installers, ensuring correct installation. This allowed, through teamwork, to overcome the challenges that arose during installation, a process that requires extreme precision and care, since improper handling can lead to major problems in the future. At the end of the internship, it was clear how much had been learned, especially from being in charge of staff and supervising their work, an important skill for a future engineer. In addition, knowledge was acquired on how to properly manage work quantities, which will avoid cost overruns due to poor management.
  • Ítem
    Pasantia como auxiliar de laboratorio de suelos en la empresa Ingenieria y Laboratorio de Materiales S.A.S.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ordoñez Siatama, Adriana Carolina; Villota Posso, Hernando Antonio
    The following work consists of the final report of the internships carried out in the company “engineering and laboratory of materials S.A.S”, which had a total duration of 2 months or 198 hours, within which work was performed as a laboratory assistant. of materials in the areas of documentation, test traceability and monitoring thereof, whose functions consisted of the preparation of test protocols, documentary support and analysis for the feasibility of executing new tests in the company, in addition to the calculation of quantities of work of the different established activities of the company, the above for the area of ​​costs and budgets. Everything was developed jointly, interdisciplinary and parallel with respect to each of the different areas already mentioned.
  • Ítem
    Instructivo técnico para la construcción de tanque enterrado y piso de parqueadero en edificación de uso residencial
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Diaz Ortiz, Brahiam David; Mena Serna, Milton; Mena Serna, Milton [0000-0002-7377-2787]
    The following instructions were born with the need to show readers the learning obtained from the mistakes and successes that occurred in the construction of a parking lot and the construction of a buried tank in a residential building. The objective of the following instructions will be for the reader to establish the acceptance and rejection criteria for the execution of the construction activities of the parking lot floor and construction of the buried tank of the project carried out by the legally constituted company LONGIENERIA, where a methodology will be presented. similar to that carried out in the project, said methodology will present adjustments in compliance with the standards of each of the activities carried out, in addition to how the theory learned during the Civil Construction Technology degree is of vital importance so that each process and execution is the most appropriate for the activities carried out.
  • Ítem
    Pasantías en el área administrativa de la construcción empresa GSD Construcciones SAS
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Plazas Crespo, Diego Andrés; Sánchez Cotte, Edgar Humberto
    The development of the degree project was carried out in the modality of internships as an assistant of Civil Engineering in the administrative area. The aim was to apply the knowledge acquired during the cycle of Technology in Civil Constructions, develop new skills and evaluate the company's technical documents, activities that strengthened the company's professional skills during the learning time.
  • Ítem
    Modelo multivariado predictivo sobre la resistencia del concreto
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Torres Ortega, Bleymer Santiago; Moreno Contreras, Laura Fernanda; Villota Posso, Hernando Antonio; Villota Posso, Hernando Antonio [0009-0007-4584-5540]
    This monograph presents a study on the implementation of a multivariate regression model to predict the 28-day compressive strength of concrete, using MINITAB software and a pre-adjustment model through Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The primary objective is to identify the contribution of various predictor variables to the compressive strength of concrete, improving model accuracy and reducing multicollinearity issues. Initially, the relationships and behaviors of the variables are identified in a statistically traditional manner, conducting one-to-one relationships to be compared with the existing correlations among all these variables. Additionally, this approach includes response surface and contour plots that reveal the optimal values and behaviors of the variables in relation to compressive strength, yielding comparable results. A multivariate regression model is then developed using all the original variables from the dataset, which captures the general relationships between these variables and the compressive strength of concrete. However, this approach faces significant challenges due to the high correlation among the predictor variables, complicating interpretation and reducing model accuracy. To address these limitations, PCA is applied as an adjustment method, achieving effective dimensionality reduction and model simplification. PCA allows for the identification of linear combinations of variables that explain most of the variability in the data, highlighting the 3 importance of factors such as the water/cement ratio (W/C), Maximum Aggregate Size (MAS), and plasticizing admixtures. The results show that the model adjusted using PCA not only improves the interpretability and robustness of the model but also provides an effective tool for predicting concrete compressive strength, in contrast to multivariate regression models that encompass greater variability but suffer from multicollinearity issues and difficulty in accommodating new data. This approach can serve as a foundation for future research and practical applications in the field of civil engineering, offering a solid method for optimizing concrete mix design.
  • Ítem
    Pasantia interna en la oficina de infraestructura "proyecto interconexión" Etapa 1
    Ortiz Cañon, John Sebastian; Ruiz Hoyos, Andres Felipe; Esquivel Ramirez, Rodrigo Elias; Esquivel Ramirez, Rodrigo Elias [0000-0002-6048-7098]
    Final document corresponding to the internship as a degree modality in the Infrastructure Office of the Francisco José de Caldas University performing the positions as engineering assistants for the interconnection project in the Technological Faculty, where topography and budget costs activities were developed.
  • Ítem
    Pasantia interna en oficina de infraestructura como auxiliares de ingenieria civil etapa 2
    Roncancio Roa, Juan David; Campos Castañeda, Branyan Jair; Esquivel Ramirez , Rodrigo Elias; Esquivel Ramirez, Rodrigo Elias [0000-0002-6048-7098]
    The Universidad Distrital in its compliance with a high level of education, provided the opportunity along with the infrastructure office to some students to develop an internship of technological profile in which they applied knowledge in the area of topography and costs and budgets.
  • Ítem
    Propuesta de pasantías en “Instalar Sabogal SAS” para la modalidad de grado por pasantías
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Sabogal Cañón, Jibran Daniel; Velandia Rodríguez , Carlos Herberty
    The purpose of an internship program is to offer students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings, establishing a crucial connection between academia and the business world. This experience helps students develop analytical skills and solve problems efficiently, while fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, essential for economic growth. Internships allow students to become future entrepreneurs or businessmen, providing new perspectives and boosting the economy. Therefore, it is essential that universities promote internship degree programs as an option that is equally valid and important as other modalities, such as monographs. During my internship, I observed several operational and organizational problems in the company, despite its experience in remodeling and civil works. I noticed a lack of structure in the assignment of tasks, a chaotic communication and information management system, misinformation, confusion, loss of data and errors in the interpretation of plans, which caused project failures. I also observed disorder in the quotes and the absence of standardized formats. For this reason, I decided to focus on two key areas to improve the company's efficiency.
  • Ítem
    Informe de pasantía como auxiliar de ingeniería civil en la Empresa Constructora Larami S.A.S.
    Páez Torralba, Laura Sofia; Villota Posso, Hernando Antonio; Villota Posso, Hernando Antonio [0009-0007-4584-5540]
    This report details the activities carried out during the internship period, carried out at CONSTRUCTORA LARAMI SAS, in the area of Civil Engineering. The internships lasted 245 hours and took place between February 5, 2024 and March 22, 2024. Their fundamental objective was the application of the theoretical knowledge acquired during the degree in a real work context, in addition to promoting the development of practical and professional skills in the field of civil engineering.
  • Ítem
    Informe pasantía, auxiliar de ingeniería civil en Apoyando Servicios S.A.S
    Camargo Peñaloza, Jhonathan Daniel; Pinzón Lopéz, Hector Alfonso
    This report is intended to show the work in which the student participated throughout of his period as an intern in the company Supporting Services SAS, agreed in the contract of apprenticeship signed on February 8, 2021 and completed on August 6 of the same year. The activities carried out within the company will be described, the respective evidence of compliance with the hours and objectives set out in the proposal before start this internship. The activities carried out and the participation will be specified in detail of the student within them. The purpose is to demonstrate the knowledge acquired by the student in his elective period and apply it in practice. Finally, an analysis will be carried out where what has been learned and the experience will be concluded acquired throughout the period of the internship by the student, being evaluated by the tutor business and later by the teaching director, likewise, the products, scope and impacts of the work carried out, ending with the conclusions. It can be highlighted in the participation of the intern during his practical period, the performance and contribution provided to the company Supporting Services, always with the accompaniment of the tutor company that guided and oriented him from the beginning with the activities to be carried out.
  • Ítem
    Pasantía en supervisión y control de obra
    Buitrago Poveda, Greidy Steller
    Supervision of construction processes, with the support of professionals, guided in the calculation of quantities of work using software calculations, for the quotation and purchase of the same. Organization of personnel and programming of work.
  • Ítem
    Auxiliar de ingeniería en el área de licitaciones
    Ortegón Acosta, Andrés Felipe; Sánchez Cotte, Edgar Humberto; Sánchez Cotte, Edgar Humberto [0000-0001-7370-8745]
    Degree work carried out as an internship performing the position of engineering assistant in the bidding area at the company Secoam Ingenieria, performing functions such as searching and organizing the necessary documents to be able to present the required documents in public bidding.
  • Ítem
    Propuesta de pasantías en la empresa Cusezar para el apoyo en la gerencia de entregas y post ventas.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Parra Riveros, Laura Alejandra; Felizzola Contreras, Rodolfo
    This document outlines the progress and results achieved during the internship conducted as part of the degree program at Cusezar Company. The internship was undertaken by student Laura Alejandra Parra Riveros, enrolled in Tecnología en construcciones civiles, within the Delivery and After-Sales department. The activities were conducted under the supervision of the mentor assigned by the company and were successfully concluded within the agreed-upon timeframe by both parties
  • Ítem
    Emprendimiento para conexión de servicios de remodelación: obreroamigo
    Ayala Marentes, Johan Fabian; Castro Poveda, Angelica Jurany; Edgar H., Sánchez Cotte
    This business idea is an innovative proposal to address the opportunities in the home remodeling market in Bogota D.C. This idea responds to the constant demand in today's society for efficient and reliable solutions for remodeling projects. It is in this context that the idea of creating a web platform was born: ObreroAmigo, which will be designed as a bridge of trust, connecting those seeking skilled labor services with workers who are qualified and verified, as users will get to expose their projects, where qualified personnel can submit their proposals for this service, in addition the user can navigate through detailed profiles of each of the workers, which includes their experience, reviews and qualifications; providing a comprehensive solution to the needs of customers, while providing an effective means for freelancers to increase their visibility and employment opportunity. Taking into account how ObreroAmigo is designed, the differential factor with respect to similar companies, will be initially that ObreroAmigo will only focus on the area of remodeling, which will provide advantages with respect to the others, since a great part of the resources will be focused on the continuous improvement of the remodeling services provided, In addition, ObreroAmigo seeks to provide an attractive and reliable environment for all types of customers, whether they require a service or those who provide the service, for the latter the platform will have certain requirements to ensure that service providers are qualified to perform the activities requested. The detailed analysis of requirements and financial sources for ObreroAmigo reveals a solid strategy focused on customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. From the criteria for qualified workers to the various revenue streams, each aspect has been addressed with the clear objective of establishing a leading platform for remodeling services. Specific requirements for skilled workers have been identified, ensuring the quality and reliability of the service offered. In addition, a strategic plan has been designed to attract and retain both workers and clients, with rating and review systems, time management tools and assistance to optimize their performance. In financial terms, various sources of revenue have been established, such as percentages of project profits and fees for additional services, recognizing the importance of resources such as the website and human talent to the success of the business. The comprehensive focus on financial requirements and sources provides a solid foundation for ObreroAmigo's success in the remodeling services market. By prioritizing quality and customer satisfaction, the platform is positioned to excel and generate long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships. In short, ObreroAmigo not only seeks to connect people with skills and projects, it seeks to change the way remodeling needs are addressed in our society. It is a commitment to trust and creating opportunities for all involved. This business model seeks to position itself in a society that seeks to drive efficiency, ease and constant improvement in a sector that is fundamental to the development of today's society.
  • Ítem
    Simulación de la variación de nivel y temperatura de la masa de agua superficial de la zona occidental del humedal de techo como insumo para su reconfiguración.
    Amaya Martinez, Edwar Sneider; Cely Pedraza, Luiyin Camilo; Zamudio Huertas, Eduardo; Segura Bolívar, John Alexander; [0000-0002-9698-5419]
    The demand for urban infrastructure has resulted in expansion and occupation of the soil of essential ecosystems for the quality of life unfavorable from the context environmental. In turn, it causes an invasion of rural areas; bodies of water and different ecosystems. The Roof Wetland is an ecosystem affected by this phenomenon, which is why that it is considered essential to carry out interventions to study a reconformation hydromorphological and test methods of fluid mechanics in order to conserve species of the ecosystem and generate an ecohydraulic optimization. measure the temperature of the wetland water body in different areas will allow generating a distribution simulation of the temperature of the mass of water in the area in order to know its conditions with in order to generate inputs for a reconformation of the ceiling wetland.
  • Ítem
    Pasantía de apoyo de actividades del Grupo de Investigación en Prevención y Atención de Desastres GIDPAD adscrito al proyecto curricular de Tecnología en Construcciones Civiles e Ingeniería Civil de la Facultad Tecnológica
    Páez Gamboa, Mary Estrella; Pineda Jaimes, Jorge Arturo; [0000-0002-0953-9745]
    In Civil Engineering, concepts such as threat, risk, resilience and vulnerability have taken on great relevance since they are part of the different stages of execution in an infrastructure project, as well as the GIDPAD Disaster Prevention and Attention Research Group attached to the Curriculum Project of Technology in Civil Constructions and Civil Engineering of the Technological Faculty, seeks to favor the social appropriation of knowledge by directing its lines of research towards these four concepts, having as one of its objectives the strengthening of basic and applied interdisciplinary scientific research, focused on the prediction and mitigation of natural and anthropic risks in all infrastructure projects. Therefore, for the development of the internship, a work plan focused on the search for information was developed that would allow the scope of the premises established in the strategic plan of the research group. On the other hand, with the purpose of guiding said work plan, the terminology of the recognition model of research, technological development or innovation groups of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MinCiencias) was consulted in order to know the recognition criteria. and measurement that are currently being implemented, taking into account that it has the challenge of positioning itself as a group of excellence recognized in the medium term as a center for the generation of new knowledge applied to threats, risks and resilience in Civil Engineering projects. In the same way, in the present work the activities that were carried out during the internship in the GIDPAD Research Group and in the framework of the research project "assessment of the risk on structures and other elements of the urban environment and estimation of their level of risk" are described. resilience to the incidence of settlements caused by tunnels and deep excavations in some sectors of Bogota”, aimed at generating educational content in order to promote knowledge of risk.
  • Ítem
    Trabajo de grado en la modalidad de pasantía como asistente en oficina de despacho de la secretaria de desarrollo en la alcaldía municipal de CÁQUEZA - CUNDINAMARCA
    Méndez Guerrero, Andres Felipe; Velandia Rodríguez, Carlos Herberty
    The Municipal Mayor's Office of the Municipality of Caqueza in the department of Cundinamarca, has offered the opportunity to the student Andres Felipe Mendez Guerrero to carry out the internship as a degree option for the technology program in civil constructions of the Francisco José de Caldas District University, acting as professional support in the Secretariat of Territorial Development and Infrastructure.
  • Ítem
    Pasantía para el apoyo en la construcción del edificio Oruga 94 mediante cimentación, estructura y obra gris en Bogotá D.C.
    Valenzuela Bolaños, Laura Camila; López Palomino, Paulo Marcelo
    Given the high population growth and the need to acquire a house day by day more places are needed for the construction of houses, the importance of the buildings lies in the fact of having our own space in which we can develop all our skills in a safe space. Something fundamental in a building are the foundations, because they will be the bases of the structure that will also provide firmness and rigidity to the structure avoiding stability problems in the long term, this process must be governed with the stipulated standard for its correct operation. For the correct design and execution of the work, it is necessary to carry out a supervision, controlling the progress of activities, monitoring the amount of materials to be used and the correct execution of the work; and thus avoiding possible irregularities, whether economic, structural or in the duration of the work. During the execution of the works, problems related to the control of the work can occur, to avoid them, it is necessary to carry out a correct supervision of the work in the mooring of the irons, in properly calculating the amount of steel and concrete to be used, without lacking material and without wasting it, finally, the chronogram of the activities to be carried out must be well managed, so that these do not cross and are carried out as the work progresses. In the area of civil works, communication between the people who interact in all the phases for the execution of an infrastructure project is of utmost importance, having an adequate way of expressing ideas with respect and clarity facilitates the work within the site, preventing misunderstandings and inconveniences at the time of carrying out the assigned tasks.
  • Ítem
    Pasantía en apoyo para labores en el mejoramiento y mantenimiento de vías terciarias en el municipio de San Pablo de Borbur – Boyacá
    Peña Macias, Esteban Alejandro; Mena Serna, Milton
    This report aims to document the process undertaken during my internship at CONSTRUCTORA PAIS SAS, with the goal of gaining professional experience and obtaining the title of Civil Construction Technologist. The report comprehensively covers the proposed and executed activities, both on-site and in the office. Through these activities, I was able to demonstrate the skills acquired during my academic training and gain extensive knowledge from interacting with professionals working within the company.