Maestría en Investigación Social Interdisciplinaria

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    Niñas y niños víctimas del conflicto armado potencia creadora y vínculo social, narrativas de nuevos mundos.
    Monroy Caicedo, María Camila; Castiblanco Roldán, Andrés; Castiblanco Roldán, Andrés [0000-0002-7272-0133]
    The armed conflict in Colombia has left approximately 9,720,863 victims, of which 1,861,433 are children between the ages of 0 and 17, who have been exposed to loss and high levels of violence. This situation creates within them a vast range of meanings through which they experience and understand the world. However, drawing from their subjectivities, understood as the capacity to create new meanings and new ways of narrating themselves in the world, they are able to foster the creation of new bonds. This highlights their creative power and imagination, as seen through their narratives, which are expressed through their own sociolinguistic codes. These emerge from cultural languages and open the possibility of constructing new worlds through the stories of children.
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    La pandemia y sus ficciones: análisis de los procesos de subjetivación en cuatro novelas de epidemia y su vigencia en la pandemia del covid-19
    Gómez Escárraga, Diego; Gòmez Hernando , Jairo Esteban
    This research paper analyzes the subjective processes exhibited by the main characters of four novels set in the context of an epidemic, namely: "A Journal of the Plague Year" by Daniel Defoe (1722), "The Plague" by Albert Camus (1947), "Blindness" by José Saramago (1995), and "Nemesis" by Philip Roth (2010). Once the subjective processes of the characters are understood, the aim is to contrast which of these subjective processes, evidenced in the novels, were experienced by people during the COVID-19 confinement in Bogotá. For this purpose, a socio-hermeneutic methodological proposal was developed focusing on discourse analysis, taking into account both personal or micro-social contexts and macro-social processes that allow understanding the motivations and discourses that give meaning to the actions of characters and individuals. To constitute a discursive corpus enabling discourse analysis in characters and individuals, a questionnaire was developed, answered by the characters through the use of textual quotes from the novels and by individuals through interviews. This resulted in a socio-hermeneutic analysis of each novel, identifying subjective processes such as exile or the absence of a future, negative religious subjectivation, and syncretism, among others. Additionally, an analysis of the interviews was conducted, revealing similarities and differences between the subjectivity of the characters and individuals who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    El conflicto y su referencia en la escuela: una revisión de la literatura investigativa (2013-2023)
    Arango Gómez, Martha Cecilia; Castiblanco Roldán, Andrés Fernando; Castiblanco Roldán, Andrés Fernando [0000-0002-7272-0133]
    Social conflict is a complex topic that arouses interest in many disciplines of knowledge and particularly in the educational field, closely related to coexistence and peace. It is for this reason, that the purpose of this documentary review article is to identify how the issue of conflict is addressed in educational institutions from the perspective of four journals with a recognized trajectory in education from 2013 to 2023. 101 articles were selected that had the word conflict in the title, abstract or keywords. After reading the abstracts and analysing them, 8 articles were selected that had a direct relationship with the approach to the issue in the classroom or in the school, resulting that the articles reviewed, they agreed with the importance of working on conflict in educational institutions, that the percentage of articles that report experiences in classroom is small with respect to the total number of articles and for the span of a decade. There is also a tendency to use the term conflict as a synonym for violence or armed confrontation and therefore the need to consult the theoretical-conceptual frameworks when these topics are brought to the classroom. Finally, it is recommended to create a cross-curricular subject with the same rigor as other areas of knowledge, where conflict is conceived not as a temporary event but as structural and structuring element of society.
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    Democratizar la gestión pública una alternativa eficaz para combatir la burocratización de la lucha contra la corrupción en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
    Sierra Bejarano, Jorge Luis; Pérez Gómez, Clara Inés; Pérez Gómez, Clara Inés [0000-0003-2640-0881]
    This research aims to identify alternatives from the exercise of social citizenship to overcome the influence of social relations of bureaucratic domination in the fight against corruption within the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, in order to transform the processes of bureaucratization of the anti-corruption policy.
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    La constitución de la subjetividad política del vendedor informal: caso Suba
    Torres Escobar, Luiter; Gómez Esteban, Jairo Hernando
    The present research was of a biographical-narrative nature, emphasizing life stories with the purpose of characterizing the constitution of the political subjectivity of informal vendors in the public space of the Suba locality in Bogotá, in relation to their profession and the experiences they have had over the years, assuming a plurality of perceptions about politics and its effects on their lifestyles. The research process was built from the elements that make up public policy regarding informal vendors and the use of public space. It was necessary to develop the theoretical framework based on three fundamental categories for the present study, namely: political subjectivity, public space, and lifestyles. Similarly, in-depth interviews were conducted to account for the research categories in life stories. In this case, the analysis matrix proposed by (Quintero, 2018) was used to systematize and analyze the information.
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    Paisaje lingüístico de la plaza de mercado Bogotana (PLIMEBO): una aproximación desde la socionomástica comercial a la plaza de mercado del 20 de Julio
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Sanabria Suárez, Michael Alexander; Castiblanco Roldán, Andrés Fernando; Castiblanco Roldán, Andrés Fernando [0000-0002-7272-0133]
    The linguistic landscape of the Bogota market square (PLIMEBO), as intended to be presented in this research, seeks to propose an initial approach so that certain urban contexts, such as marketplaces or exchange sites, are seen as epicenters of significance for the study and understanding of social, cultural, and linguistic dynamics. That is why it aims to recognize the linguistic landscape (LL) and commercial socionomastics from the market square as elements that enrich the approach and understanding of phenomena in the city. For this reason, and based on some interdisciplinary references, a multimodal methodology is proposed based on the triangulated analysis of images and collected data; this, through direct observation, photographs, and socionomastic records that seek to approximate the understanding of the market square. Through this approach, it is expected to obtain an overview that allows an approach to PLIMEBO from a sociolinguistic context and its influence, as a sense of place, through the role of commercial signage in the PL of the 20 de Julio Market Square.
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    Las resistencias socioambientales de colectivos de jóvenes en busca de transformaciones alternativas a las afectaciones provocadas por el Relleno Sanitario Doña Juana y al inconsistente e inadecuado manejo de residuos que se da en el barrio La Aurora, localidad de Usme, Bogotá
    Arévalo Morales, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Gómez, Clara Inés; 0000-0003-2640-0881
    The text deals with the socio-environmental and eco-political dynamics related to garbage dumps or landfills, from their creation to the present. It highlights how the Industrial Revolution and consumer capitalism have exacerbated the generation of waste, affecting both locally and globally. The responsibility in waste management is discussed, both by public institutions and the population, and the need to rethink current practices to promote a more sustainable relationship with the environment is mentioned. Emphasis is placed on the importance of addressing these problems from approaches such as Political Ecology and social resistance, especially in urban contexts such as Bogotá, Colombia, where the focus of the research is located. The role of young people as agents of change is highlighted and the implementation of new collective practices is proposed to address the socio-environmental problems associated with garbage dumps.
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    Representaciones sociales sobre sexualidad y derechos sexuales y reproductivos en docentes y estudiantes de grado undécimo del Colegio Bilingüe Maximino Poitiers
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rodríguez Pachón, Bayron Andrey; Díaz Gamba, Wilson
    The present research aims to examine sexual education, its challenges, and the way it is addressed in educational institutions in Colombia. It focuses on the analysis of a private school in Bogotá, employing a qualitative approach and a methodology that involves students and teachers from the Bilingual Maximino Poitiers School as the study population. In this analysis, the social representations of the participants were explored and contrasted with their perceptions regarding the implementation of strategies related to sexuality and sexual and reproductive rights. The existing issues surrounding this topic were identified and analyzed considering categories utilized in social research and theory, adopting a perspective grounded in the social sciences.
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    Devenir máscara: improvisación teatral, configuración de otras formas de existir y procesos de desubjetivación
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Navarrete Guzmán, Nidya; Piedrahíta Echandía , Claudia Luz
    The text addresses the phenomenon of desubjectivation in the context of theatrical improvisation, highlighting how this process challenges traditional notions of individuality and proposes an exploration of multiplicities of expression and experience. It focuses on the resistance of women from Bogotá to conventional forms of subjectivity, as well as their ability to challenge and transform political reality through theatrical practice. The importance of language as a tool for experimentation and the construction of new forms of relationship and interaction is emphasized, as well as for the visibility of shared experiences that defy pre-established gender roles.
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    Emisoras de paz: un espacio de pedagogía, información, participación y reconciliación después de la firma del acuerdo de paz entre el gobierno colombiano y las FARC-EP en el año 2016
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rivera Ortega, Daniela; Borja Orozco, Miriam Glidis
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of Peace Broadcasters in Colombia, as a tool for information and pedagogy, and as a space for participatory communication for the construction of peace and reconciliation in the country, after the signing of the Acuerdo Final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera in 2016. In order to do this, we first analyzed how Peace Broadcasters contribute to the establishment of peace and reconciliation in the post-conflict context in Colombia, through pedagogy and information on the progress of the Agreement. Secondly, the discourse implemented by the Peace Broadcasters was characterized and contrasted with that of other regional broadcasters in order to find similarities or differences in the way peace contents are developed in the regions affected by the conflict. And thirdly, we inquired about how spaces for dialogue and collective participation are built through the Peace Broadcasters in communities impacted by the armed conflict in Colombia. This research adopts a descriptive qualitative approach, the analysis was carried out based on two research techniques: content analysis and discourse analysis. Among the main findings were: 1. Peace Broadcasters dedicate a significant proportion of their programming to discuss issues directly linked to the Peace Agreement; 2. Peace Broadcasters in some programs maintain a discourse around the idea of peace, unlike regional broadcasters that showed variability in the intensity and orientation of their discourses on peace; 3. Peace Broadcasters lack spaces for active public participation as generators of exchange of ideas.
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    El ejercicio de la participación política desde las experiencias de tres mujeres líderes de la Mesa de Participación Efectiva para las Víctimas en la localidad de Suba
    Ovalle Gutiérrez, Fanny Patricia; Ramos Cuncanchún, Francisco
    The research is developed around the political participation of women leaders in Colombia, specifically those who are part of the Victims Effective Participation Boards in the Suba area, Bogotá. Through in-depth interviews and content analysis, the challenges and achievements of these leaders in the construction of public policies are explored. Their role in the reconstruction of the social fabric in communities affected by the armed conflict is highlighted, as well as their struggle against gender discrimination and violence. Obstacles to the consolidation and visibility of their work are identified, such as the need to join efforts to protect and recognize female leaders, factors that affect the political participation of victims, as well as inconsistencies between discourse and practice.
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    El espanto del horror y la persistencia de la esperanza: un análisis hermenéutico de la obra días y noches de amor y de guerra de Eduardo Galeano
    Alfonso Vergara, Carolina; Borja Orozco, Mirian
    In this master's thesis, a hermeneutic analysis of the work Dias y Noches de Amor y de Guerra by Eduardo Galeano is presented facing the messages contained on the sociopolitical and cultural processes experienced during the Uruguayan dictatorship (1973-1985), which emerged in the midst of the violence of the regimes imposed in Latin America during the second half of the 20th century in the framework of Operation Condor. The foregoing enables us to see how political positions, messages of denunciation and disclosure are transmitted in literary language against the established systems through systematic repression, abuse of power and violations of Human Rights.
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    Habitantes de calle en Bogotá: formas de vida a través de sus trayectos territoriales
    Cely López, Edith Tatiana; Pérez Gómez, Clara Inés; Clara Inés Pérez Gómez [0000-0003-2640-0881]
    The purpose of this research project is to identify and interpret, from a theoretical and methodological perspective, the body-territory relationship paradigm of homeless people in Bogotá, Colombia. In addition, this research allows to explore, from the experience of homeless men, women and transgender, the importance of daily actions, the kinds of interactions they have, the way they build their identity and territory, their practices as vulnerable population, as well as their perception regarding material and symbolic elements they encounter, the relationship between rules and regulations and the collective actions that exclude them socially and the knowledge and skills they develop to survive in a context as poorly understood as living in the streets.
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    Repertorios de activismo digital en la defensa de territorios con proyectos de infraestructura y extractivismo: los casos del golfo de Tribugá y el páramo de Santurbán
    Rodríguez Romero, María Alejandra; Wilches Tinjacá, Jaime Andrés; Wilches Tinjacá, Jaime Andrés [0000-0002-4425-9394]
    This research aims to characterize the repertories of digital activism in defense of territories affected by infrastructure and extractivism projects, taking as study cases the Gulf of Tribugá and the Paramo of Santurbán in the period 2019 to 2020. his research uses a qualitative type of methodology. Jeroen Van Laer and Peter Van Aelst’s typology of a new digitalized action repertoire was taken as a method of analysis which indicates a classification of social movement’s action forms through digital tools, considering the role of the internet to the creation or modification of this kind of initiatives and the risk implied by its execution. This research was carried out from the use of two research techniques: semi-structured interviews made to leaders of the Gulf of Tribugá and the Paramo of Santurbán social movements; and content analysis of the information extracted from Twitter. The results show how digital technologies allowed the transformation of the ways of understanding, practicing, and organizing citizenship around common dissatisfactions. Also, it shows the complementarity between on-line actions of social movements and those ‘real’ actions in the off-line dimension. Digital activism initiatives do not imply the disappearance of traditional social movements actions, on the contrary, they do complement and ease their implementation.
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    Configuración de territorios en resistencia a la expansión urbano rural de la comunidad campesina de la vereda de Quiba en Ciudad Bolívar
    González Terreros, Diana Carolina; Pérez Gómez, Clara Inés; Pérez Gómez, Clara Inés [0000-0003-2640-0881]
    This research work seeks to analyze how the territory is configured in resistance to urban-rural expansion based on the resistance practices of the peasant community of the Quiba village in Ciudad Bolívar (CB), with a decolonial approach that seeks to highlight the voice of the peasant communities, identifying the main dynamics of expansion from the urban to the rural, the problems that it brings with it, and the resistance bets of the peasant communities to protect the territory. This research is aimed at highlighting the voice of peasant communities in resistance to the expansion of the urban to the rural.
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    Los maestros en el sindicato. Crisis, luchas y posibilidades para la reconfiguración en el movimiento sindical en la ADE-BOGOTÁ
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Acosta Riaño, Yurany; Pérez Gómez, Clara Inés
    The present qualitative research had a socio-historical focus. It aimed to identify those aspects present in the platform: Dreams, Education, and Rebellion (SER, in Spanish), which make possible alternatives to the union crisis in the District Association of workers of education (ADE, in Spanish). All above-mentioned, starting from the configuration of the teacher's community in movements and their endurance. Those who bet for new syndicalism reconfigure the action, the identity, the culture, and the pedagogical perspective of the magisterial syndicalist.
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    Reconfiguraciones narrativas del territorio a partir de los procesos de expansión urbana en el humedal la Chucuita, Soacha. un acercamiento al territorio interdisciplinar
    Heredia Benavides, Luisa Fernanda; Wilches Tinjacá , Jaime Andrés; Wilches Tinjacá Jaime Andrés [0000-0002-4425-9394]
    The city of Soacha, has been under an accelerated process of urban expansion; which has implied a strong impact on the ecological sustainability of the city, being the water bodies one of the most affected environmental factors, and together with this, the inhabitants of the housing projects configure diverse readings about their environment. The objective of this proposal is to propose the study of the territory as an interdisciplinary structure that allows analyzing the narrative reconfigurations that have emerged from urban expansion, through the case study of the La Chucuita Wetland, located in the Ciudad Verde Housing Macroproject in the northeast of the municipality; where the community, the institutions referenced from the theory of elites and the territory are protagonists of the narratives that emerge in this context. Through interviews, the analysis of the regulations involved in the emergence of the housing project and social mapping, the characterization and interpretation of these narratives is carried out under the approach of narrative ethnographies. As a main result, it is intended to demonstrate that the territory proceeds from different entries as a scenario of social action, that is, an actor who asks about his relationship with the land, nature, society, power, legitimacy and normativity, leading to dialogues that at different scales denote conceptual contributions from different perspectives, and that unfold spheres of knowledge trying to elucidate this relationship.
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    Identidades- Muiscas, Reconstrucción y Resignificación de Prácticas Culturales: Narrativas del Cabildo de Suba
    Carvajal Pardo, Rafael; Gómez Esteban, Jairo Hernando
    This research aims to identify the various processes of reconstruction and redefinition of the Muisca identities of the Suba council of the city of Bogotá from the biographical narratives of some of its members (communal members); The selected subjects are part of the traditional authorities of the community as well as active agents within the multiple resistances, initiatives and practices regarding the fronts of protection and claim of rights of this urban indigenous community in relation to the institutional dynamics of the State in areas local and national. In the process of searching for information on research for purposes, the concept of "identity" stands out as a singular field for the cultural study of indigenous populations, both in Colombia and in other places in Latin America; however, the very notion of "indigenous ” (born in the territory) is questionable as this categorization became a general pattern for indigenous communities in Latin America, an example of this are the indigenous communities located in cities, for the purposes of this research the Muiscas of Suba de la city of Bogotá precede the city, that is, they originate from the territory, or as they assume "raizales" are roots of the land in which they lived ancestrally), in this way it is necessary to distinguish between being raizal and being indigenous, for Therefore, the concept that is proposed is that of identities, worked among many others by Stuart Hall and Eduardo Restrepo, since the plurality and the difference of the community members in the face of the social dynamics of the city are the basis of the projection of critical communities. , reflexive and introspective in cultural and ontological terms, which allows us to contemplate identities in temporary notions: what we were, what we are and what we will be. Likewise, the present investigation is exposed under basic methodological axes; participant observation as a technique, biographical narratives as a strategy and hermeneutics as an interpretation process, likewise a triangulation was carried out between narratives and all the records obtained from the application of the research instrument during the field work, the above has a study process in hermeneutical terms. Among the results, the reconstruction and redefinition of the Muisca de Suba community in the city of Bogotá stands out from 4 foundations: identity. The individual and community objectives that the subjects have are linked by participation and strong collaboration in the needs of the Muiscas of Suba from the spaces generated both by the council and outside of it, that is, the council is an end and not a means for the reconstruction and redefinition of the community. Ethnicity. The conception of assuming themselves more than indigenous as "raizales" that is, as the root of the territory, since they have never left the territory despite the vicissitudes of history so that the city came to them "they were invaded" to that extent there is an important redefinition of Muisca identities in the current town of Suba in the city of Bogotá. Territory. It is necessary to emphasize the fact of the convergence of the spaces mentioned by the interviewees as well as their meaning and place within the Muisca cosmogony and culture within these places or spatialities are the ecosystems and bodies of water found in the territory, the above means the transcendence of the territory in the consolidation and strengthening of the Muisca identities of the indigenous people of Suba in accordance with the community initiatives of the council in political, cultural, educational, territorial and spiritual terms. Ideology and memory. The community members have vehemently criticized the historical violation of territorial, cultural, and social rights in the Suba Muisca community, as well as the effects on representative ecosystems of the community, such as wetlands, bodies of water, and places of payment for which resistance and community struggle is the way to strengthen the community being the identities the fundamental pillar.
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    ¿Quién soy en un mundo de migraciones? Análisis de los elementos constitutivos de las subjetividades en niñas y niños migrantes por medio de sus autobiografías
    Mahecha Oviedo, María Fernanda; Gómez Esteban, Jairo Hernando
    The present research recognizes and characterizes as an object of study migrant children who need to be recognized as subjects able to understand and relate within a social phenomenon that encompasses the political, economic, cultural forms, individual and collective identities and subjectivities that are printed in the stories and experience lived during these displacements. Therefore, in this work is problematized about the construction of subjectivity in Venezuelan migrant children present in the Colombian territory, using autobiographical narratives as a methodological tool to develop a hermeneutic analysis of the ways in which girls and boys give meaning to their experiences and reflect on them.
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    Los maestros en el sindicato. Crisis, luchas y posibilidades para la reconfiguración en el movimiento sindical en la ADE- Bogotá
    Acosta Riaño, Yurany; Goméz Perez, Clara Ines; Gómez Pérez, Clara Inés
    The present qualitative research had a socio-historical focus. It aimed to identify those aspects present in the platform: Dreams, Education, and Rebellion (SER, in Spanish), which make possible alternatives to the union crisis in the District Association of workers of education (ADE, in Spanish). All above-mentioned, starting from the configuration of the teacher's community in movements and their endurance. Those who bet for new syndicalism reconfigure the action, the identity, the culture, and the pedagogical perspective of the magisterial syndicalist.