Comunicación Social y Periodismo
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Ítem El Soft Power en el cine extranjero: Capacidad para estructurar imaginarios de ColombiaRodríguez Alarcon, Óscar Camilo; Fernández Ocampo, Zharick; Beltrán Riaño, Daniel Ernesto; Beltrán Riaño, Daniel Ernesto [0000-0002-4407-3178]Cinema allows to bring the public closer to realities that may be physically distant, therefore, the seventh art is considered a vital tool of persuasion used to legitimize ideas and transmit imaginaries. In this order of ideas, the monograph is based on the theory of Soft Power, which consists of attracting from the conviction having a clear objective, consequently, this theorization is appropriate to show how from the framework of international cinema, imaginaries of Colombia are projected, exploring in turn, the denominations with the result the country is cited from external references.Ítem Comisión de la Verdad: Un análisis de la percepción entre estudiantes universitarios mediada por las fuentes de información consultadasArdila Lizcano, Miguel Angel; Pérez Prieto, Juan Pablo; Beltran Riaño, Daniel ErnestoThis study aims to determine how recurring sources of information among university students about the Truth Commission can shape characteristics in their perceptions. In addition, it seeks to evaluate the students' perception of the Truth Commission based on the knowledge acquired and identify the attitude they adopt towards this institution. This was carried out through a detailed analysis of the sources consulted, the knowledge acquired and the attitude expressed, in order to obtain a complete understanding of how these factors influence the overall perception of university students regarding the Truth Commission.Ítem SkatesosFranco Olaya, Diego Alejandro; Rodríguez Bayona, Joan Sebastian; Nocua Caro, Diana PriscilaSkatesos, is a Creation-Research project based on an audiovisual proposal that allows us to show the habits and interactions that are generated in the process of appropriation of the most representative public spaces of the city of Bogotá for the “Skateboarding” community and the impact of these practices both on the skate community and on the public space that surrounds it. For this, a tour divided into 3 chapters was carried out, where the places of use of this community are made visible, in addition to developing a qualitative methodological strategy based on the techniques of semi-structured interviews with volunteer actors found in the places visited.Ítem La interacción comunicativa en la posible revictimización de las víctimas del conflicto armado residentes del municipio de Pachavita (Boyacá)(Universidad Francisco Jose de Caldas) Hoyos Salazar, Lisbeth Vanesa; Beltran Riaño, Daniel ErnestoThe present degree work in Social Communication and Journalism at the Francisco José de Caldas District University seeks to expose a problem that has been occurring over the years in the population of victims of the armed conflict in Colombia, which seems to have been addressed from different perspectives. points of view such as psychological and social but not from the one that concerns us; the communication branch focused on communicative interaction. From the language approach, I am interested in showing the role that the communicative interaction between the state and the victims plays in their possible re-victimization. All of this was developed with a proposal that belongs to the modality of audiovisual creation and innovation, in a documentary format that aims to demonstrate the results obtained from this research, this modality allowed me to highlight the topic mentioned above in a clear, concise way that allows the viewer to be sensitized. It is also important to mention that all this took place in the municipality of Pachavita, located in the department of Boyacá where, although there is no presence of armed groups outside the law, 9 families displaced from other recognized parts of the country are sheltered. currently as victims in the single registry of victims. The results of this research are achieved from investigations, the study of the legal framework since Law 1448 of 2011 that protects the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia and finally the collection of testimonies from the affected people about experiences when legally recognizing this population.Ítem Elementos y dinámicas que constituyen al video streaming como una apuesta de comunicación digital actual en la categoría Just Chatting.(Universidad Francisco Jose de Caldas) Ayala Gonzalez, Nicolas David; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; Nocua Caro Diana Priscila [0000-0001-5444-5118]The current dynamics of digitality pose a horizon full of new challenges for current communication, this text seeks to identify the current state of a communication mechanism in a state of rage, video streaming. The objective of this work is to expose the main dynamics that surround streaming video today, analyzing its main characteristics and the implications within digital communication that its use brings, through the analysis of its appearance and development as an emerging medium of interactive communication.Ítem El rol de la juventud en el campo colombiano(Universidad Francisco Jose de Caldas) Torres Almonacid, Valentina; Beltrán, Daniel ErnestoIn Colombia, the shortage of young workforce in key sectors such as agriculture and industry has emerged as a growing concern. This phenomenon is attributed to various factors, including migration to urban areas in search of economic opportunities, lack of access to education and technical training in rural areas, and the persistence of violence in certain regions of the country. This trend poses significant challenges for the sustainable development of the country, as the lack of generational turnover threatens the productivity and competitiveness of key sectors of the economy. Effectively addressing this issue requires policies and programs that promote education and training for youth in rural areas, as well as measures to improve security conditions and employment opportunities in these regions.Ítem La radio como constructora cultural de la música popular en los estratos 1, 2 y 3 del sur de Bogotá durante la pandemia del COVID-19 (2020-2021)(Universidad Ditrital Francisco Jose de Caldas) Ramírez López, Juan Sebastián; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; Nocua Caro Diana Priscila [0000-0001-5444-5118]This monograph presents an investigative analysis that has as its main point the radio media and its importance for the consolidation of popular music in the strong years of the pandemic (2020-2021). Through a historical journey that covers the evolution of the genre at the national, regional and district level; and an analytical observation of the musical styles and stations most listened to during the years mentioned by residents of the neighborhoods of Bosa, Kennedy, San Cristóbal, Ciudad Bolívar, Usme and Sumapaz, towns in the south of Bogotá, this research demonstrates the importance of radio for the establishment of sociocultural processes in a given context and their consequences within the Colombian music industry.Ítem Importancia de la comunicación digital en el proceso de divulgación científicaSilva Estupiñan, Dayan Vanessa; Riveros Solorzano, Hernán Javier; Riveros Solorzano, Hernán Javier [0000-0002-1185-7603]Within the technical developments that emerged some information and communication media, which fulfilled mediating functions in the processing of human, social and cultural processes of communication. Communication technologies, together with the developments achieved in information technologies, made possible what would later be the computerization and mediatization of culture. This study seeks to identify the way in which, through digital communication, science can be mediated and disseminated by the network. In the process of developing this research, the theme was modified, considering it within the field of scientific dissemination through digital platforms, as a communication strategy tool; Know-it-all, it will be a page within one or several networks, which seeks to build a model of scientific dissemination that appropriates the communication processes of science, encouraging collaboration and active participation in the creation of content, influencing the resignification and recontextualization of the same message with Internet users.Ítem Análisis del contenido presente en los discursos mostrados por las narrativas del videojuego Call of Duty 4 Modern WarfareReyes Useche, Nicolás Esteban; Beltrán Riaño, Daniel ErnestoIn this monograph, an analysis of mixed qualities was conducted regarding the content of the video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, released in 2007. The research aimed to prioritize understanding which messages were being transmitted or intended to be transmitted through the discourses and algorithms of the video game.Ítem Periodismo digital y educación sexual: Contribuciones a los procesos pedagógicos sobre salud sexual y reproductiva con enfoque de género en BogotáGonzález López, Angie Ximena; Nocua Caro, Diana; Nocua Caro, Diana [0000-0001-5444-5118]The purpose of this research was to contribute to the development of new communicative dynamics that promote the construction of sexual and reproductive education practices with a gender approach, which are not only closer to women, but also useful for the great diversity of populations that may be interested in them; and that can incorporate all the tools that digital journalism puts within reach for the production and dissemination of the production and dissemination of informative and educational content.Ítem Afronarrando: Incorporación de un enfoque étnodiferencial en el programa de comunicación social y periodismo de la UD(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Marimón Cardona, Andrea Carolina; Castro Rodríquez, Adriana Zayira; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila [0000-0001-5444-5118]Faced with the need to incorporate a differential ethnic approach in the academic field of social communication and journalism, this thesis investigates the experiences and perspectives of Afro-Colombian students of social communication and journalism at the Francisco José de Caldas District University, highlighting the vital importance of advancing towards authentic communication that represents ethnic diversity to challenge stereotypes and models perpetuated by mass media over time.Ítem La labor de las periodistas con visión de género en Colombia(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Aranguren Ibáñez, Jessica Alejandra; Beltrán Riaño, Daniel ErnestoSince 1941, in Colombia, women have opened spaces in journalism and communication despite the obstacles encouraged by gender gaps, stereotypes and discrimination. At the moment, this project is an approach to new journalistic narratives that professional women have carried out; the visibility of journalism with a gender focus as a diverse and important tool for women's communication processes.Ítem Visibilización de las personas trans en los medios de comunicación en la prensa digital durante los juegos olímpicos tokio 2020Bautista Osorio, Luis Enrique; Beltran, Daniel ErnestoTrans people are part of our society in all areas of daily life, professionally, educationally and especially in the sporting field. Considering that the LGBTIQ+ Plus population represents 1.6% overall in Colombia (DANE, 2021). They have always been a social group that has received all types of criticism, attacks and marginalization, ignoring and depriving them of spaces due to their gender identity status within our society. Leading to the transphobic impact with hetero-normative and patriarchal guidelines, being a strong weight whose consequence falls on denying the process of integration of Trans people in sports disciplines. In which, the associated media replicate discriminatory discourses in their news under the umbrella of impartiality and making it impossible to construct identities and respect for them.Ítem Cuerpos hablantes: aproximaciones a la expresión corporal de los presentadores de noticiasPeña Peña, Juanita Stephany; Beltran Riaño, Daniel ErnestoHuman beings create symbols from their corporeality, this is because the body tends to be a territory of meanings, formations and mediations. The kinesthetic character creates identity and in turn interacts with society, from the vision of individuals immersed in a community. Therefore, non-verbal communication is an omnipresent phenomenon with broad power, which in Mehrabian's theory (1980) is debated as "non-verbal communication is part of 55% of communication." Now, the newscast as a macrosocial scenario corresponds to the forms of the communicative channel creating discourses from the scenic formation of verbal communication, so, the immersion in the scene takes for granted the omnipresent utility of persuasion in the manufacture of news, often ignoring the forms of implicit communication that have a wide scope and they occur in two ways. Therefore, the present project aims to analyze the kinesthetic incidence of the news presenter. At first glance, it is understood that the non-verbal communication channel never dies, it always communicates even in moments where a formal interaction has not been established; however, in televised newscasts, the vast majority of presenters adopt the implicit form of body gestures, as a means to persuade the audience; This does not mean that the audience is influenced by these gestures all the time, but there is an omnipresent and implicit relationship that plays a relevant role in how the news is assumed and how the kinesthetic training of the presenter and his need to influence it, this manages to be successful or not when interacting with the audience.Ítem Análisis del discurso sobre la fundamentación científica en la toma de decisiones del concejo de Bogotá en el proyecto de acuerdo 802 de 2021 sobre el índice de calidad del aire IBOCA(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cardona Morales, Ingrid Daniela; Beltran Riaño, Daniel ErnestoThe present Degree Project II in the modality of monograph, within the curricular project of Social Communication and Journalism. It uses as main methodology, the analysis of the critical discourse, focused on the first debate carried out in the Council of Bogotá to the AGREEMENT 802 OF 2021 "By which guidelines are established for the formulation of the methodology for the evaluation and adjustment of the intervals of the Bogotá Air Quality Index IBOCA, and other provisions are issued" (Bogotá, 2021). The main objective of the research is to examine the development of the scientific and investigative discourse during the debate. The research will identify the types of arguments supported by scientific foundations through the political discourse, and how this is permeated to position the political position of the councilors. It seeks to understand the structures, strategies, and ideologies of the debate, in order to interpret how the councilmen use arguments and rationales to support their positions on the approval, denial, or modification of the draft agreement. The study also aims to make visible the problems related to the flexibility of air quality monitoring in the capital district, supported by research and scientific evidence presented in the debate. It analyzes how the discourse was developed and managed during the COVID-19 pandemic, prioritizing the protection of public health to ensure air quality and promote social justice.Ítem Repercusión de las fakes news en la opinión pública colombiana sobre el paro nacional del 2021 vistas en Facebook y TwitterOsorio Junca, Yuly Natalia; Beltrán, Daniel ErnestoThis research analyzes the impact of fake news on Colombian public opinion during the 2021 National Strike. During the investigation, it was observed that fake news does influence the opinions of users, despite this, they did not manage to change positions. existing on unemployment. Although new opinions emerged, including criticism and opposition, they did not reach sufficient strength to dominate public discussion. Despite attempts at sabotage on social networks, the majority opinions remained consistent over time, reflecting the continuation of the mobilizations and support for the strike.Ítem El papel de la mujer en el fútbol colombianoOsorio Toro, Manuela; Gómez Gómez, Valentina; Sáenz Rodríguez, Luz Elena; Sáenz Rodríguez, Luz Elena [0009-0007-4472-5539]This research aims to investigate the role of women in Colombian soccer. To the extent that women throughout history have been excluded from different social settings, one of them where it has been most marked is sport. Since, the media and the construction and dissemination of the football media discourse around the role of women is quite weak in our society. We recognize women as participants in daily activities, however, the media do not allow us to recognize them within the role of sport, much less allow us to recognize women soccer players outside the fields. That is why the following research problem is formulated: How to strengthen the contents of sports journalism, from the recognition of women inside and outside the sports arenas? For this, the research is assumed within the qualitative methodology, within the content analysis, disseminated in the written media. And thus transmute this type of publication that does not show the female soccer player to life stories that serve to have these references as inspiration for new generations who want to dedicate themselves to sport, consequently as a soccer player it works with any field, not only in sports the Colombian added value must be attributed to the natural person, but in this specific case we will focus on what is that added value to women through stories.Ítem Guaquitum : el territorio tiene memoria: comunidad afrodescendiente del Barrio Los Robles SoachaAngulo Arboleda, Karen Patricia; Bonilla Torres, Laura Gabriela; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila [0000-0001-5444-5118]The cultural practices of a community are those that keep the history of the territories alive; the loss of these as a consequence of displacements due to violence can lead to disinterest and ignorance of their ancestors. This monograph seeks to recover through collective memory, and social cartography, those practices that people from the Los Robles - Soacha neighborhood used to have, when they lived in Guapi, Quibdó and Tumaco, identifying those that they have brought with them and still practice. Although different visits were made to the place, only people from Guapi and Quibdó participated; mostly men over 30 years old and the specification of the practices that are maintained, such as the consumption of alcohol-based beverages and food, as well as hairstyles and the San Pachito festival, which, although they are traditions, were obtained, have lost historical weight and have become customary.Ítem Herramientas de postproducción audiovisual para una pedagogía digital de las ciencias socialesGiraldo Sepulveda, Juan Andrés; Riveros Solórzano, Hernán Javier; Riveros Solórzano, Hernán Javier [0000-0002-1185-7603]In the current technological context, the possibility of integrating audiovisual post-production software, specifically "COREl DRAW," into the teaching of social sciences is being considered. This research proposal addresses the needs of teachers for training in the use of this tool and explores its potential application in subjects such as geography, history, politics, and more. The aim is to leverage the possibilities offered by new digital media to enhance learning through visually appealing pieces, making it easier for students to comprehend content in the educational realm of social sciencesÍtem De la oscuridad a los escenarios : las actividades artísticas como potencializadoras de talentos en Madrid CundinamarcaEstepa Orozco, Juan Sebastián; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila [0000-0001-5444-5118]In Colombia, art has become a form of expression, which makes it possible to publicize the culture of societies; Not to mention that it has worked as a feasible solution to cope with many problems within the communities, since thanks to various artistic demonstrations people look for ways where they can show the reality in which they live. That is why it is important to make these artistic projects visible and to know what are those communicative practices used to publicize these initiatives and that have a greater reach within the community, focusing on the municipality of Madrid - Cundinamarca that in recent times have Managed a wide variety of events that seek to support different emerging artists in the municipality.
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