Comunicación Social y Periodismo
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Ítem El papel de la mujer en el fútbol colombianoOsorio Toro, Manuela; Gómez Gómez, Valentina; Sáenz Rodríguez, Luz Elena; Sáenz Rodríguez, Luz Elena [0009-0007-4472-5539]This research aims to investigate the role of women in Colombian soccer. To the extent that women throughout history have been excluded from different social settings, one of them where it has been most marked is sport. Since, the media and the construction and dissemination of the football media discourse around the role of women is quite weak in our society. We recognize women as participants in daily activities, however, the media do not allow us to recognize them within the role of sport, much less allow us to recognize women soccer players outside the fields. That is why the following research problem is formulated: How to strengthen the contents of sports journalism, from the recognition of women inside and outside the sports arenas? For this, the research is assumed within the qualitative methodology, within the content analysis, disseminated in the written media. And thus transmute this type of publication that does not show the female soccer player to life stories that serve to have these references as inspiration for new generations who want to dedicate themselves to sport, consequently as a soccer player it works with any field, not only in sports the Colombian added value must be attributed to the natural person, but in this specific case we will focus on what is that added value to women through stories.Ítem Guaquitum : el territorio tiene memoria: comunidad afrodescendiente del Barrio Los Robles SoachaAngulo Arboleda, Karen Patricia; Bonilla Torres, Laura Gabriela; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila [0000-0001-5444-5118]The cultural practices of a community are those that keep the history of the territories alive; the loss of these as a consequence of displacements due to violence can lead to disinterest and ignorance of their ancestors. This monograph seeks to recover through collective memory, and social cartography, those practices that people from the Los Robles - Soacha neighborhood used to have, when they lived in Guapi, Quibdó and Tumaco, identifying those that they have brought with them and still practice. Although different visits were made to the place, only people from Guapi and Quibdó participated; mostly men over 30 years old and the specification of the practices that are maintained, such as the consumption of alcohol-based beverages and food, as well as hairstyles and the San Pachito festival, which, although they are traditions, were obtained, have lost historical weight and have become customary.Ítem Herramientas de postproducción audiovisual para una pedagogía digital de las ciencias socialesGiraldo Sepulveda, Juan Andrés; Riveros Solórzano, Hernán Javier; Riveros Solórzano, Hernán Javier [0000-0002-1185-7603]In the current technological context, the possibility of integrating audiovisual post-production software, specifically "COREl DRAW," into the teaching of social sciences is being considered. This research proposal addresses the needs of teachers for training in the use of this tool and explores its potential application in subjects such as geography, history, politics, and more. The aim is to leverage the possibilities offered by new digital media to enhance learning through visually appealing pieces, making it easier for students to comprehend content in the educational realm of social sciencesÍtem De la oscuridad a los escenarios : las actividades artísticas como potencializadoras de talentos en Madrid CundinamarcaEstepa Orozco, Juan Sebastián; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila [0000-0001-5444-5118]In Colombia, art has become a form of expression, which makes it possible to publicize the culture of societies; Not to mention that it has worked as a feasible solution to cope with many problems within the communities, since thanks to various artistic demonstrations people look for ways where they can show the reality in which they live. That is why it is important to make these artistic projects visible and to know what are those communicative practices used to publicize these initiatives and that have a greater reach within the community, focusing on the municipality of Madrid - Cundinamarca that in recent times have Managed a wide variety of events that seek to support different emerging artists in the municipality.Ítem Rol del radio periodismo dentro de la digitalización y la masificación de información en la emisora LAUD 90.4 FMCubillos Téllez, Veronika Lorena; Riveros Solorzano, Hernán Javier; Riveros Solorzano, Hernán Javier [0000-0002-1185-7603]Since its origin, the radio has been a means of communication of great importance among the society, reaching those people far from the cities, accompanying each one throughout the day. Transforming continuously to adapt and meet all the needs of listeners. Currently, the digital revolution has completely transformed the way we see and connect with the world thanks to the immediacy of the internet and social networks through different technological devices. For this reason, through this degree work, the characteristics of the university radio production and its programming will be recognized in the development of the emissions of the program Zona Escolar of LAUD 90.4 FM stereo. Evidencing the adaptation of this media to the new technologies.Ítem Prácticas comunicativas desde el barrismo social, como aporte a la creación del futbol por la paz.Hurtado Vega, María Yadira; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; 0000-0001-5444-5118The creation proposal arises from the interest in identifying the communicative practices that appear from the social barrismo, as a point of concentration of fans of different teams that have a passion for soccer. The audiovisual production of two chapters showing the construction of the magazine: "La paz necesidad nacional" by the team "Comunicaciones la nación", encourages people who have access to this creation to recognize the processes of construction of initiatives and communicative practices from the social barrismo, which contribute to the construction of a society that is transformed from the communication for good living, bearing in mind the diversity of thought and construction from this project.Ítem Educomunicación: Construcción de pensamiento crítico en la educación media desde la educomunicación en el sur de BogotáGonzález Peralta, Ángela Sofía; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; 0000-0001-5444-5118Communication and journalism are present in all areas of life daily life, such as: political, social, cultural, scientific, even educational. However, Journalism is one of the main objectives that allows us to build bridges with the educational field; inform the public and work together with the community. It is because of that our job as journalists is to awaken opinion in society in such situations, areas, including younger people who, since they are not of legal age, are not takes into account in its criticism of political, environmental, social, economic, etc This proposal seeks to encourage the active and critical participation of young people from tenth grade at the educational institution Ciudadela Educativa de Bosa in terms of opinion public and promote a reflective exercise of historical memory through the communication education in a dialogic way, where through the classrooms you can generate conversations and discussions around the reality in which people are immersed the students. The project proposes to address current issues that are within the public agenda and in the daily life of the student community, based on the articulation of educommunication with the construction of critical thinking.Ítem Construcción de identidad territorial y cultural de la comunidad negra afrocolombiana residente en BogotáBocanegra Maldonado, Angie Stefany; Serna Córdoba, Neyder Yesid; Nocua, Diana Priscila; [0000-0001-5444-5118]The Afro-Colombian black community is a population with a presence in various territories of the country (urban-rural) revealing and preserving the awareness of cultural identity that distinguishes them from other ethnic groups of the Nation, for this reason in this creation proposal we want to show how it is the process of construction of territorial and cultural identity of the black Afro-Colombian community residing in the city of Bogotá, specifically in the town of Bosa, based on their communicative practices and the linguistic mechanisms that emanate from their daily life.Ítem Comunicación inclusiva: Una transformación en líneaCamacho Fetecua, Angelly Natalia; Saénz Rodriguez, Luz ElenaThis degree project addresses the problem of cyberbullying, a phenomenon that has an impact on students from different educational institutions and in general in a digital environment. The purpose of this research was to accompany the Sergio Foundation Urrego under the modality of investigative internship, which seeks to understand the dynamics cyberspace as a tangible variable in the construction of society. In this sense the purpose of the internship is the design and implementation of two (2) communicative pieces that serve the pedagogy and communication units of the Sergio Urrego Foundation by against cyberbullying. The beneficiary focus group of the two campaigns is the institution educational Liceo Normandia which has been accompanied in the foundation by these processes specifically in seventh to ninth grade.Ítem Relatos de vida a través de narrativa transmedia (academia diversa): Inclusión de periodistas e investigadores con discapacidad en espacios formativos de educación superiorCicua Castro, Angie Carolina; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; 0000-0001-5444-5118This research and creative proposal created a transmedia narrative, entitled: Academia Diversa, in a sub-branch derived from this, known as transmedia journalism and documentary. As final products were developed: Four (4) audiovisual capsules, three (3) podcasts and an interactive image about life stories of two central actors: journalists with disabilities (Abaín, journalism school for people with disabilities) and researchers with disabilities (three researchers from different universities in the country); in the contexts of higher education and professionalization of people. These three productions are based on the need to create narratives aimed at people without disabilities in the research, academic and educational fields, where their ways of understanding disability are questioned, with the aim of making visible the ways of life and feelings of people with disabilities who are part of the professional and academic environments in everyday spaces and in the social organizations in which they coexist. Making visible, among many other factors, that the inclusion of journalists and researchers with disabilities occurs from two aspects, from sharing values and dialogue with others, and technologies and infrastructures that allow adequate access to education.Ítem Tiempo de luna: comunicación para la educación menstrual, perspectiva del Cabildo Indígena Muisca de SubaValdiri Mancera, Ana María; Nocua Caro, Diana Prisilia; 0000-0001-5444-5118Menstrual education and the different worldviews of indigenous communities regarding the topic have not been sufficiently explored from the field of social communication and journalism. Although we find sufficient information from diverse fields of knowledge, which explain menstruation from the biological and physiological aspects of the woman's body, the absence of the importance of the sociocultural discourses that surround it, which mostly appeal to menstruation, is evident. as a process of disease, dirt and impurity. These narratives violate women and even more so the girls and adolescents who begin this process; in addition to omitting ancestral knowledge and practices that can give another sense and meaning to menstruation. Therefore, the following work began the approach to the research process from communication with a differential gender approach in menstrual education based on the recognition of the legacies and traditions of the Muisca indigenous community in the Suba council and its perspective regarding this matter. This research effort was proposed from a social critical methodological approach with a historical hermeneutic perspective. Accordingly, the pedagogical and investigative creation process was situated from a qualitative perspective, based on the following reflection question: What contributions from the menstrual perspective of the Muisca indigenous council of Suba can be considered in the narratives of menstruation in adolescents of the town of Engativá? This inquiry guided the work investigative, in which it was proposed to identify the perceptions of girls and adolescents regarding menstruation, through the analysis of the experiences of indigenous women of the Muisca council of Suba, recognizing the contributions of their experiences to promote educational processes with a differential and intercultural approach. . One of the central goals that guided this research was to create, based on the findings and references on the subject, a pedagogical booklet on the menstrual perspective of “Tiempo de Luna” aimed at adolescents aged 15 to 17 at the Liceo el Gran Virrey school in the town of Engativá. Finally, this pedagogical booklet served and will serve girls and adolescents in search of other explanations, meanings and perspectives of their menstruation, clarifying doubts or acquiring new knowledge thanks to the Muisca indigenous community that is part of the Colombian territory and, in particular, from other women. Likewise, it seeks to give recognition to the worldviews of the Muisca community, forgotten by Western society, which give us other ways of recognizing ourselves, telling ourselves and being part of nature.Ítem El papel de la comunicación en la construcción de la Política Nacional de Enfermería de Colombia.Rodríguez Aguirre, Javier Steven; Beltrán Riaño, Daniel Ernesto; 0009-0006-8117-5030The work is a systematization of experiences of the members of the National Technical Council of Nursing about the process of creation and formalization of the National Nursing Policy of Colombia, in order to shape and understand the role played by communication in the construction of the first national policy aimed exclusively at the nursing profession in Colombia.Ítem Difusión de expresiones culturales periféricas en BogotaCorrea Cubillos, Daniela; Parra Moreno, Lina Alejandra; Nocua Caro, Diana Prisilia; 0000-0001-5444-5118A digital communication proposal was built, called Surreal Plan, dedicated to cultural diffusion on Instagram and Facebook, and aimed at inhabitants between 18 and 34 years old from the towns in the south of Bogotá who reside in Kennedy, Ciudad Bolívar, Bosa and San Cristobal. This exercise was aimed at supporting the decentralization of the city's cultural media offering, with the diffusion of cultural expressions from peripheral areas of the capital as its axis. The content revolved around the activities, goods and services of artistic and social projects, as well as community initiatives and cultural meetings. All of the above understood as manifestations of Bogotá's cultural diversity.Ítem Prácticas comunicativas y relación con el territorio: Kumpania Rrom de Puente Aranda, BogotáCeballos Calderón, Andrea Estefanía; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; 0000-0001-5444-5118The communicative practices of the Kumpania Roma of Bogota, specifically in the locality of Puente Aranda, reveal the richness and complexity of the Romani people and their experience in a space full of dualities such as the city. The Romani people have developed particular forms of expression that transmit traditional knowledge, stories, language and art that constitute a fundamental part of the zakono rromanó and that, at the same time, resist the ignorance and discrimination of the gadyo society. Nowadays, the benefits of the communicative formats and digital tools have attracted the attention of the gypsies, who have decided to articulate with educational institutions and the National Government, to promote proposals that reinforce the oral tradition and ensure that it is not replaced, as it has been the backbone of the collective memory of the Romani people.Ítem Análisis de las transformaciones en la producción de contenido para radio comunitaria: Estudio de caso Mi Bosa EstéreoAmaya Bejarano, Laura Alejandra; Romero Rodríguez, Laura Camila; Saenz Rodríguez, Luz HelenaCommunity radio stations, having a local perspective, usually have a deficit of both economic and technical resources, which is why they seek strategies to survive. One of these strategies is to use content with a commercial focus; based on entertainment and show business. So there is a transformation in the content grid, handling community content but also commercial content. Can they coexist? Can a community station handle commercial content without losing focus? These are the questions that are intended to be resolved in this work, through the case study of the Mi Bosa Estéreo station, where it is proposed to analyze the change that its contents have evidenced, from an established time, likewise it seeks to demonstrate the repercussion that this means has in the inhabitants of the seventh locality, BosaÍtem Fútbol femenino : una mirada hacia las narrativas y experiencias de las jugadoras profesionales en ColombiaLancheros Herrera, Lizeth Adriana; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila [0000-0001-5444-5118]The purpose of this project is to present the results of the research process carried out from the internship degree modality, which is focused on the line of Research of "Communication, urban culture and citizenships". The proposal is based on carrying out a research process aimed at recognizing the dynamics through which women who play women's soccer experience a series of experiences that are part of their daily lives, which are expressed through various narratives, which are evidenced by carrying out an internship with Minuto de Adición, a digital communication medium.Ítem En las Artes Escénicas de la ASAB: Un recorrido histórico desde el 2006 hasta el 2022Bernal González, Andrés Camilo; Sáenz Rodríguez, Luz ElenaThis document seeks to present the generalities of this proposal of degree work in the modality of internship, belonging to the research line of ``Journalism and new local and community reality`` of the Social Communication and Journalism career. This project was carried out in the Faculty of Arts ASAB, with the purpose of highlighting the history and trajectory of what we know today as the Faculty of Arts ASAB, whose horizon has been framed in transforming society through art, emphasizing the history of the Performing Arts curriculum project since 2006. To fulfill this purpose, to honor and celebrate the 30 years of history of the faculty, it has been decided to carry out, jointly with the Faculty of Arts ASAB and IDARTES, the creation of a special edition book along with a great communicative proposal that compiles the best moments of these thirty years. Prior to this book, during the year 2022 we seek to develop a magazine that will serve as a preview of the aforementioned book, showing the processes that the different curricular projects, and in this specific case, the Performing Arts program, have been developing. The information gathered to nurture both products, in addition to various coverage of events held at the headquarters of the Faculty of Arts ASAB, was collected during the months of July to December and both the book and the magazine will see the light in the course of the year 2023.Ítem Comunicación para el buen vivir : visibilización de las experiencias e identidades de las mujeres que habitaron calle en BogotáCaro Leguizamón, Heidy Dahiana; Rodríguez Ramírez, Karen Juliana; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila [0000-0001-5444-5118]Based on this proposal for a photographic gallery and hand in hand with the theory of Communication for Good Living, we sought to provide a different lens to the communicative scenario, betting on telling stories from another place: one that goes beyond instrumentalism, that manage to sustain us under the understanding of the other as an own extension. Through the conceptualization of terms such as Identity, Experience, City, Good Living and Communication for Good Living, we carried out a transforming exercise that generated ruptures in the discourses that are woven through the concept of street dweller and that led us to understand other ways of inhabiting the city. For the above, this research proposed to know and analyze the life dynamics of women who lived on the streets in the City of Bogotá and the way in which they modified their identity. All this, through their own stories and experiences.Ítem El freestyle rap como herramienta pedagógica para enseñar figuras literarias en la lengua españolaRoncancio Hernández, Nicolás Enrique; Gutiérrez Ospina, Sergio Nicolás; Riveros Solórzano, Hernán Javier; Riveros Solórzano, Hernán Javier [0000-0002-1185-7603]Analysis raises the need to change conventional teaching methods, especially in the teaching of the Spanish language. Although there have been technological advances and new methodologies, it is still considered that current approaches have not evolved sufficiently and are not efficient enough. It highlights the importance of practice in education and how the lack of practical opportunities limits the ability to teach, especially in large groups of students. This becomes even more relevant when considering the presence of students with non-neurotypical conditions, which require more interactive pedagogical strategies. It is proposed the use of audiovisual materials as a pedagogical tool to facilitate the teaching of rhetorical figures in the Spanish language. It is mentioned that audiovisual media, such as videos and online content, can capture the attention of students and help in understanding the topics. However, the importance of carefully selecting the material and using it as a complement, not a replacement, to traditional teaching is emphasized. In addition, the relationship between rhetorical figures and rap freestyle is explored. It highlights how rap uses rhetorical figures such as alliteration and rhyme in a creative way and how freestyle rap can serve as a pedagogical tool to teach rhetorical figures and encourage ingenuity and creativity in students.Ítem Practicas comunicativas para la incorporación de enfoque diferenciales desde las perspectivas de las mujeres negras en la industria cosmética colombianaAngulo Pinzón, Paula Daniela; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila; Nocua Caro, Diana Priscila [0000-0001-5444-5118]This document shows the importance of implementing a communication strategy that recognizes and includes the diversity of black women within the cosmetics industry. For the development of this work, the needs of black women and the gaps that exist in the products currently offered by cosmetic companies were first identified, there the use of a broader catalog for black skins was evidenced, in addition to ignoring the realities of the black communities and especially the women who are part of them, on the other hand, the main concepts on which the development of the project would be based were selected, a work plan was designed detailing the tools and methods that would be used to collect the information and present the results. During the internship process and the work itself, variables arose that gradually nurtured its development, resulting in a sample of one of the many ways in which the inclusion of black communities should be seen, beginning in this case with women. black.
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