Comunicación Social y Periodismo

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  • Ítem
    Alternativas para mejorar el cubrimiento mediático en el fútbol colombiano
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Buitrago Cortés , Santiago Andrés; Sandoval Mora, Eliana
    This research focuses on proposing alternatives to improve media coverage of Colombian football, with an emphasis on promoting a more diverse, inclusive and equitable representation of all the actors involved. The study analyzes the perception of fans and sports journalists about the strengths and weaknesses of current coverage, as well as its impact on the visibility of categories such as women's and youth football. The main areas for improvement are identified and, in the end, specific recommendations are presented to diversify the media approach, increase its representativeness and meet the expectations of fans and key actors in Colombian football.
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    Los medios de comunicación en la generación de opinión pública: Procesos judiciales en los casos de acceso carnal violento a menores de edad en tres casos específicos de Colombia.
    Silva Cajamarca, Paula Daniela; Beltrán Riaño, Daniel Ernesto
    The research investigates the possible influence of the media of communication in generating public opinion on judicial proceedings on sexual violence against minors, three specific cases of sexual violence against minors are addressed high impact at national and even global level (as in the case of Yuliana Samboní) which open the doors of this research, let us precisely decipher whether the public opinion, social pressure and the power of the media have repercussions on something so important as a court decision to a child sex abuser. It analyzes how three major national media make full coverage of the news of three cases of sexual abuse of girls such as Yuliana Samboní, Angie Lorena Nieto and Génesis Rúa, are three cases that had great visibility and as these are many registered and unregistered cases in Colombia.
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    De la televisión y la radio a las redes: transmedia de los medios deportivos en Colombia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Calpio Veliz, David; Sandoval Mora, Eliana
    This paper focuses on investigating the ways in which traditional Colombian sports journalism has made its transition to digital platforms, focusing on social networks, and on how its content moves through them, based on a concept known as transmedia. Importance is given to the interaction with the user, since new technologies open doors so that information can be presented in a new relationship, which is more bidirectional. In view of this global scenario, Colombian journalism cannot remain in the past strategies of traditional journalism and must modify its content to adapt to new technologies.
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    Implicaciones de la minería y la resistencia dada a partir del campo de la comunicación comunitaria en la vereda San Jorge desde 2014
    Rivas García, Karen Geraldine; Martinez Toro, Kevin Alexander; Sáenz, Luz Elena
    Community resistance emerges when citizens have the freedom to exercise it. In the specific case of San Jorge, a village in the municipality of Soacha, the community faces the phenomenon of mining within its territory. This thesis aims to conduct an analysis based on qualitative data and documented theory to understand the background of San Jorge, focusing on the period from 2014 to the present. Special emphasis will be placed on the resistance processes that have taken place and how communicative mechanisms influence them. The general objective of this study is to analyze comprehensively how community resistance mechanisms, mediated by communication systems, affect the reinterpretation and empowerment of the identity of San Jorge, as well as its capacity to confront mining presence. Additionally, it is expected to deliver an audiovisual product that enables the farmers to recognize their struggle and the work they have done to defend their territory, encouraging them to be reflective and active in this process to keep the resistance alive.
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    Atentados a la infraestructura petrolera en Colombia: Transformaciones sociales derivadas del impacto al medio ambiente natural
    Chaparro Guerrero Sonia Lorena, Lorena; Beltrán Riaño, Daniel Beltrán
    The methodological work of the research allows to demonstrate and reinforce the theories of the importance of the environment in society and the interaction between individuals that is derived from the patterns of identity and the social fabric produced by social dynamics that vary according to changes in the environment. On the other hand, communication is identified as an articulating pattern in which collective agreements are processed, as evidenced in the results obtained in the interviews and documentary collection. Emphasis is placed on solidarity and unity as the main tool that reinforced the social fabric of the community and opened up new spaces for interaction and recognition of the other as part of the territory.
  • Ítem
    Atentados a la infraestructura petrolera en Colombia: Transformaciones sociales derivadas del impacto al medio ambiente natural
    Chaparro Guerrero Sonia Lorena, Lorena; Beltrán Riaño, Daniel Beltrán
    The methodological work of the research allows to demonstrate and reinforce the theories of the importance of the environment in society and the interaction between individuals that is derived from the patterns of identity and the social fabric produced by social dynamics that vary according to changes in the environment. On the other hand, communication is identified as an articulating pattern in which collective agreements are processed, as evidenced in the results obtained in the interviews and documentary collection. Emphasis is placed on solidarity and unity as the main tool that reinforced the social fabric of the community and opened up new spaces for interaction and recognition of the other as part of the territory.
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    Comunicación, arte, transformación social y espacios comunitarios en Kennedy
    Chavarro Cubides, Laura Fernanda; Gonzales Aldana, Wuendy Daniela; Beltran, Daniel Ernesto
    This proposal aims to establish the relationship that exists between art and communication within community spaces as a network that is woven in favor of social transformation through different expressions, allowing the recognition of their transforming role and the impact they have within their communities. For this purpose, it is necessary to make a theoretical review that will address concepts that will allow to specify the subject and approach these spaces to work with the community, in this case in Kennedy.
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    Información futbolística en redes sociales: ¿una aproximación al periodismo o al entretenimiento?
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Alzate Medina, Julián Esteban; Sandoval Mora, Eliana
    Over the years, the way in which sports information is presented has varied, not only in its content, but also in its format and ease of access, with the arrival of social networks and digital media. Likewise, the majority of people use digital channels for their entertainment, which disperses the objective that we may have as communicators of being able to inform with our content, and not just entertain. Therefore, this research focuses on finding the keys to changing the way the audience understands the products shown so we can practice journalism correctly
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    Estereotipos de belleza en el K-pop: influencia del fenómeno en el estilo de vida de sus seguidores
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Julio Ibáñez, Geraldine; Contreras Castañeda, Brandon Esneyder; Casas Ortiz, María Camila; Riveros Solorzano, Hernán Javier; Riveros Solorzano,Hernán Javier [0000-0002-1185-7603]
    "Estación K-pop" is a Creation-Research project aimed at identifying the beauty stereotypes present in the K-pop industry and how they influence its followers. To achieve this project's objective, a conceptual approach and a deeper understanding of the K-pop industry are proposed through a historical overview of the genre, an analysis of its industry's production dynamics, and interviews with fans. The research and analysis will be reflected in a transmedia dissemination product designed to inform, engage, and comprehensively highlight how this genre is not only limited to music but also how its operation as a cultural product impacts its followers in terms of practices, habits, and self-perception.
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    El impacto de la enseñanza de los géneros periodísticos en los últimos niveles de educación media
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) González Ibáñez, Juan Manuel; Sandoval Mora, Eliana
    The present research is carried out with the interest of demonstrating if there is a positive or negative impact at the moment of including the teaching of journalistic genres in the last grades of the educational institutions, in order to analyze if there is an improvement in their capacity of analysis, critical reading, writing and oratory, in addition to improving their media literacy. In order to follow up this process, we will enter the workshop "Communication and audiovisual media" of the Colegio Ciudadela Educativa de Bosa I.E.D., which is directed to tenth and eleventh grades, to recognize if the implementation of these topics is feasible.
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    Creación de un conjunto de datos para el entrenamiento de un modelo de aprendizaje automático capaz de detectar noticias falsas de Colombia escirtas en español desde la perspectiva del periodismo de datos
    Pérez León, Camila Andrea; López González, Brayan Arnulfo; Riveros Solorzano, Hernán Javier; Peña Reyes, Ana María
    Fake news represents a problem that is increasingly difficult to manage. Social networks and constant exposure to information make the task of determining the difference between true and false news a task impossible for humans to perform. In this context, it is necessary to adopt new technologies in the journalist's work; Artificial intelligence is a very useful tool. This project focuses on developing a data set of fake news written in Spanish that can be used to train a machine learning model capable of accurately classifying news. Creating a fake news dataset in Spanish is a significant challenge due to the need to guarantee the quality and representativeness of the data that allows training an effective model. For this, the bases proposed by data journalism will be available, this being an area where the knowledge of the journalist and data sciences converge.
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    Análisis del discurso multimodal de Canal Capital frente a los habitantes de calle
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Céspedes Blanco, Juana Valentina; Camelo Castro, Pedro Eduardo; Beltrán Riaño, Daniel Ernesto
    This research proposed for the degree project as students of Social Communication and journalism focuses on the construction of a multimodal discourse analysis tool, used for the analysis of the news related to the phenomenon of street dwellers in Bogota between the period of time between January 2012 and December 2019, presented by the district media Canal Capital, period corresponding to the mandates of mayors Gustavo Petro (Bogota Humana) and Enrique Peñalosa (Bogota Mejor Para Todos). This study aims to identify patterns and trends that demonstrate how a narrative is constructed from the language and images presented on screen regarding street dwellers, as well as the structure of the news, in order to determine whether there were informative biases in the way of presenting information about this particular population. Taking into account the fundamental role of the media in the construction of public opinion and, likewise, the configuration of social imaginaries through theories that, as a final objective, intend to contribute to the reflection on the media representation of street dwellers so that, in this way, it can serve as a basis for future research and the implementation of communication strategies that are governed under the good living and the transformation of meaning.
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    Análisis de la estrategia de comunicación ejecutada en el proyecto de infraestructura vial IDU-1653-2020 adelantado en el sector de Patio Bonito
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Urbano Rocha , Daniel Stiven; Laguna Pozo , Juan David; Beltran Riaño , Daniel Ernesto
    Communication strategies in public entities are a fundamental aspect in Social Communication studies, since they allow us to understand how information of public interest is transmitted and how the capital district relates to its different audiences. This degree work presents a case study on the communication strategy of a high-impact road infrastructure project in Bogotá: the adaptation of the Transmilenio trunk along Ciudad de Cali Avenue, group 4, between Villavicencio and Manuel Cepeda Vargas Avenues, corresponding to contract IDU-1653-2020. The research analyzes the influence of this strategy on the inhabitants of the Patio Bonito neighborhood, investigating its formulation, the tools used, the implementation process and the impact generated in the community. The study is based on an analysis of previous documentation, complemented by the analysis of the strategic formulation and the review of the evidence of its application in the affected population. Based on this, we seek to identify strengths, weaknesses and possible opportunities for improvement in the communication of public infrastructure projects in public institutions.
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    Dopaje y ciclismo: construcción de la opinión pública en los medios de comunicación
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Arias López, Anderson Elián; Beltrán Riaño, Daniel Ernesto
    This monograph analyzes how the media constructs the public opinion about the phenomenon of doping in colombian cycling during the period 2019-2023. Through a content análisis of three representative digital media, the study categorizes information trends based on formats, strategies and discursive approaches. The findings reveal differences in the treatment of doping cases and certain gaps in the presentation of information. Therefore, this study contributes to the discussion on the resposible coverage of this phenomenon, which impacts one of the most representative sports in the country.
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    Futsal femenino, deporte que promueve la creación de tejidos sociales e identidad en la localidad de Bosa
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Jara Londoño , Lesly Tatiana; Sáenz Rodríguez, Luz Helena
    This degree project explores how women's indoor soccer contributes to the construction of identity and social fabric in the town of Bosa, Bogota, more specifically in the neighborhood of Brasilia. The project focuses on making this sport discipline visible through the second edition of the university magazine “AHORA” and the creation of a comic strip as a tool for communication and visibility of the social fabric that is created around the sport, where its main protagonist is a street vendor who lives around futsal without the need to practice it. Women's futsal emerges as a space for inclusion, where players and their communities develop bonds of solidarity and belonging. Despite its transformative potential, this discipline faces challenges such as lack of media visibility.
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    El lado que nadie ve sobre las estafas y el periodismo de inmersión como el mejor aliado
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Peña Angulo, Karen Sofía; Sandoval Mora, Eliana
    The present study externalizes immersion journalism as a journalistic line that is booming in development as a tool to unmask reality, based on listening and analyzing the problems that victims of scams in Colombia have been involved in. seeks to expose this poorly documented social problem and also look at how people can be helped so that they do not fall into this type of fraud and for those for whom it was too late to find a way to achieve justice. All of the above is exposed in the development of an innovation research product - audiovisual chronicle type creation.
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    La ética periodística en la malla curricular de Comunicación Social y Periodismo en la Universidad Distrital
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Jiménez Guerra, Oscar Fabián; Sandoval Mora, Eliana
    Journalistic ethics has been present as a model of critical analysis regarding journalistic work as a social responsibility with audiences. However, in the academic field it has been methodically limited as a series of steps, mostly theoretical (deontological codes), without mediating the experience as an action that nurtures ethics and our conception of it. For this reason, the purpose was to design a course on journalistic ethics for undergraduate social communication and journalism where its teaching and learning is contextually and integrally approached, from the critical pedagogy, around the commitment and social action.
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    Ciberfeminismo: el papel del movimiento feminista dentro de las redes sociales (Instagram y TikTok): hitos y retos
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas) Moreno Pinzón, Laura Sofía; Beltrán Riaño, Daniel Ernesto
    This study explores the role of social media within feminism, considering how these platforms have become part of the public space where public opinion is shaped. Social media has served as fuel for social movements, offering a space for direct action, raising awareness, debating motivations, informing the public, and connecting individual voices to the collective. However, it also raises questions about the flaws and challenges within these virtual spaces, which often replicate a patriarchal worldview, hindering the full participation and creation of women’s spaces online. To guide this research, the central question was formulated: What is the role of the feminist movement on social media? The investigation utilized a qualitative approach, analyzing the most popular feminist content on TikTok and Instagram in Colombia. This included reviewing the agendas of these platforms and observing how they have called for political and social transformation. Additionally, the study considered who engages with this content and how virtual activism translates into real-world action. The aim of this research was to understand the emerging field of cyberfeminism, its challenges, achievements, and impact. As a result, the study leads to the creation of a podcast titled Netianas, which continues to explore these themes.
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    Inteligencia artificial y la construcción de narrativas en los contenidos periodísticos automatizados
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Lozada Rodríguez, Angel David; Sandoval Mora, Eliana
    The following paper analyzes the narrative components produced by Artificial Intelligence (AI) within automated and non-automated informative and 'evergreen' content in Colombia. The background of the algorithm in journalistic work and its content is not new for several countries; For this reason, various media agencies have acquired AI's in agreements with technology companies whose databases are located in these same countries. As a result, different informative content, especially of little textual content such as news and reports based on statements or quantitative data, have framed the production agenda. This research covers the relationship between the media and their impact on readers, their types of content and forms of presentation.
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    Percepción de las exposiciones museográficas sobre la violencia en Colombia desde las redes sociales
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rincón Gacharná, Luisa Fernanda; Beltrán Riaño, Daniel Ernesto
    Museums have played an important role throughout history as cultural entities that collect stories and memories which shape the social identity of a city or country. The narratives and content displayed are fundamental in creating social imaginaries, which transform into social representations and perspectives shared by members of society. The topics covered in these exhibitions are diverse, but given the social, political, historical, and academic weight of museums, their responsibility increases when addressing current issues, especially in a country with a history marked by violence, such as Colombia. In this context, it is relevant to question the role of museums in shaping audience perceptions of exhibitions focused on violence, focusing this analysis on the digital social media platforms of museum institutions. These platforms have become a key medium for information exchange in recent times, thanks to their immediacy and ability to engage with the public, which poses a challenge for creating content adapted to these new forms of communication. Social media breaks down temporal and spatial barriers, making it essential for museums to adapt their content in a participatory way when promoting exhibitions. This becomes even more significant when addressing sensitive issues, such as the recent violence that has marked Colombia.