Licenciatura en Física

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  • Ítem
    Análisis Relativista del comportamiento de micro-naves con velas solares para su divulgación e implementación en el aula mediante metodología "Peer-Instruction".
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Florez Sabogal, Sara Isabela; Avila Ruiz, Johan Leandro; Talero Lopez, Paco Hernando; Talero Lopez, Paco Hernando [0000-0002-8439-4603]
    This thesis presents an analysis of the behavior of micro-ships with solar sails powered by direct energy systems, applying the principles of special relativity. The research focuses on how these ships, propelled by radiation pressure, can reach relativistic speeds (around 20\% of the speed of light) and the physical and energetic implications of such movement, which include the use of direct energy systems, such as electromagnetic radiation emitters that can be located in facilities on the Earth's surface, and pointing many of these emitters to generate enough power to cause acceleration. To do so, fundamental concepts such as time dilation, space contraction, kinetic energy and relativistic momentum are reviewed, analyzing their relevance in the context of large-scale space explorations, such as the Starshot project, which proposes sending micro-ships to nearby star systems such as Alpha Centauri.The study also addresses the didactic implementation of these concepts using the "Peer Instruction" methodology, a pedagogical approach based on peer instruction, which facilitates collaborative learning and the development of critical thinking in students. The goal is to make relativistic phenomena accessible and understandable for physics students, connecting theory with practical applications through the analysis of concrete cases such as solar sail micro-craft.Finally, a micro-class is proposed that adapts these concepts to the classroom, using evaluation metrics such as Hake's Gain Factor and Bao and Redish's Concentration Factor to measure the impact on student learning. The study concludes with recommendations on the feasibility of integrating these concepts and methodologies into the teaching of modern physics.
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    Termometría de fluorescencia para hipertermia con nanopartículas: Relación entre la intensidad de fluorescencia y la temperatura de un fluoróforo
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Garzón García, Carlos Alejandro; Herreño Fierro , César Aurelio; Herreño Fierro, César Aurelio [0000-0003-2394-4322]
    Therapeutic hyperthermia is a promising technique for cancer treatment that uses controlled temperature rise to kill tumor cells, but its application presents challenges in terms of accuracy and temperature control. Fluorescence-based thermometry has gained attention for its ability to make precise and localized measurements, especially in combination with plasmonic nanoparticles. The objectives of this work were to understand the physics related to temperature-dependent fluorescent phenomena, to determine the most appropriate fluorescence thermometry methods for measuring the temperature of nanoparticles inside cells, and to implement a mathematical model to quantify the temperature of nanoparticles based on the fluorescence intensity of a fluorophore. The methodology included a review of the physics of fluorescent phenomena, various methods of fluorescence-based thermometry, and the development of a mathematical model based on Lindblad's master equation. The results established a quantitative relationship between temperature and decay rates in two-level fluorescent systems, demonstrating that increasing temperature increases the Planck distribution function, which translates into an increase in the total transition rate, directly affecting the quantum yield and excited-state lifetime of fluorescent molecules.
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    Determinación de cinética de crecimiento de Pseudomona Aeruginosa por mediciones de impedancia eléctrica
    Rubio Camacho, Hades Sofía; Ortiz Salamanca , Henry; Rodríguez, Hernán
    Impedance spectroscopy is a technique for characterising electrochemical systems. The fundamental approach of all impedance methods is to apply a small-amplitude sinusoidal excitation signal to the system under investigation and measure the response, which may be current, voltage or other signal of interest. This non-invasive method, together with the ‘lab on a chip’ technology of microelectronic devices, makes it possible to study microelectronic devices, makes it possible to study microscopic systems, requiring only a small amount of sample. For the development of the the fabrication of microelectronic devices and their implementation to determine the growth kinetics of the bacterium Pseudomonas pneumoniae. growth kinetics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria in BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) culture broth. The interest in this particular species of The interest in this particular species of bacteria lies in the fact that it is considered to be the most frequent cause of nosocomial, respiratory and urinary infections worldwide, being able to develop resistance mechanisms that make it immune to antimicrobial drugs. This effort was made possible thanks to the interdisciplinary collaboration of the Thin Films and Nanotechnology research groups at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and the Materials and Minerals and Materials and Minerals and High Mountain Biodiversity research groups of the Universidad Distrital.
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    Elaboración de un recurso computacional para la enseñanza del algoritmo cuántico de Grover
    Martin Rojas, Daniel Mauricio; Salamanca Bernal, Julián Andrés; Salamanca Bernal, Julián Andrés [0000-0001-8378-4215]
    In the current educational context and the importance of searching effective teaching strategies, an educational software has been made for the Grover’s algorithm teaching. Quantum computation is an important field of huge interest, with numerous algorithms, among which Grover’s algorithm is one of the most mentioned. As a quantum algorithm, it is understandable that its comprehension is not easy due to the complexity of this discipline. For this reason, a graphical user interface for its teaching was made. This technological tool is designed to help both the teacher and the student, optimizing the effort and the time required for the learning of the algorithm. The software includes different important conceptualizations and a simulation showing the step by step development of the algorithm through different visualizations and multiple cases. Additionally, it has been evaluated as a high-quality software, obtaining a ‘very high’ rating. This work details about the development process of the interface and other important aspects of its creation.
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    Una introducción a la evolución dinámica de las táuridas
    Torres Torres, Giovanni; Deaza Rincón, Pedro Ignacio; Deaza Rincón, Pedro Ignacio [0000-0002-0841-1424]
    This monograph is titled "An Introduction to the Dynamic Evolution of the Taurids" and aims to study, analyze, and interpret the dynamic evolution of ten objects from the fragment swarm known as the Taurids. The objects, ordered from smallest to largest MOID (Minimum Orbit Intersection Distance), are: 1993 KA2, 2001 QJ96, 2019 YM, 2019 GB, 1995 FF, 2003 QC10, 2020 DV, 2019 BJ1, 2006 SO198, 1996 RG3, and their progenitor, Comet 2P/Encke. The methodology involved exploring and documenting the orbital dynamics of the Taurid fragments, as well as developing and configuring a code in the Python programming language, based on REBOUND, to graphically explore the time-domain variations of the semi-major axis, eccentricity, and inclination of their orbits. The code was run for 50, 100, 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000 years, respectively, for all the fragments, including Comet 2P/Encke, and the resulting dynamic evolution graphs were obtained. This work analyzed in detail the dynamic evolution graphs of the fragment with the smallest MOID, fragment 1993 KA2. It was observed that its orbital elements vary cyclically over long-time intervals, and these variations appear to be predictable over time. Given these results, it is unlikely that a perturbation will occur that forces the fragment to significantly change its orbit, and therefore, it cannot be stated with certainty that these fragments pose an immediate threat to Earth. Moreover, the model presented in this work is highlighted as it is suspected that within the Taurid swarm there are objects whose mass would be significant and have not yet been studied. In these cases, the model presented in this work is a great tool for detecting their potential hazard. Cases like those of Tunguska and Chelyabinsk remind us of Earth's vulnerability in in timely determining disturbances in the orbits of fragments that have yet to be cataloged.
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    Síntesis y caracterización de nanopartículas de oro para el tratamiento hipertermia mediante resonancia de plasmón superficial
    Chitiva Martínez, Karen Daniela; Herreño Fierro, César Aurelio; Herreño Fierro, César Aurelio [0000-0003-2394-4322]
    In this work we present experiments on the synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for technological applications. The synthesis was carried out in the Chemistry laboratories of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, using the chemical reduction method. Subsequently, different spectroscopic techniques, carried out in the laboratories of Universidad América (UV-VIS hyperspectroscopy), Universidad Antonio Nariño (UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy) and Universidad Distrital (spectroscopic ellipsometry) were used for their optical characterization. Finally, morphological characterization was intented by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) at the Universidad del Bosque laboratories. The results of these experiments provided valuable information for the potential use of these AuNPs in medical hyperthermia therapies.
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    Del papel a la práctica: reconocimiento del aprendizaje en zonas rurales vinculando un acercamiento a los fenómenos ópticos de la luz a través del programa Viva la Escuela del Ministerio de Educación Nacional
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Caceres Reyes, Daylin Vanesa; Arcos Martínez , Fabio Omar; Olaya, Alba del Carmen
    The report presents a comprehensive analysis of the experience framed within the internship of the "Viva la Escuela" program of Colombia's Ministry of National Education, focused on improving education in rural areas. This program seeks to provide rural primary school students with educational and socio-emotional tools that promote their holistic development, enabling them to effectively integrate into their communities. The internship took place at the Ecológico San Francisco Educational Institution, located in Cómbita, Boyacá, over an approximate period of three months. During this time, different pedagogical strategies were implemented in alignment with the program's general and specific approaches, aiming to foster experimental learning, particularly around the optical phenomena of light, adapting them to the specific characteristics of the rural environment. To this end, the recognition of the Escuela Nueva educational model was fundamental in the structuring of activities, facilitating not only the meaningful acquisition of knowledge by the students but also the professional development of the volunteer through managing the challenges characteristic of the rural context. The objectives of the internship were centered on providing students with an approach to the sciences through observational and experimental activities, promoting not only the understanding of scientific concepts but also the development of critical thinking, creativity, and scientific vocabulary. The report is divided into the following key global sections. First, it addresses the legal framework supporting rural education in Colombia, citing essential laws such as the General Education Law (Law 115 of 1994), Decree 1860 of 1994, Law 715 of 2001, and the National Development Plan 2022-2026, among others. Additionally, it highlights essential aspects of the Escuela Nueva educational model and the "Viva la Escuela" program, which form the central axis of the internship. Subsequently, the territorial and social context of the municipality of Cómbita, Boyacá, is described, including its educational trajectory and demographic and economic characteristics. Furthermore, a detailed analysis is provided of the Ecológico San Francisco Educational Institution, its branches, and its educational community. The report continues with a description of the parameters of both the planning and structuring of activities, both directly related to the Successful Educational Activities (AEE), as well as the pedagogical strategies implemented by the volunteer, presenting a detailed overview of the actions inherent to the program and those developed outside the territory in collaboration with other entities through a timeline. Finally, the results obtained are evaluated, analyzing not only the impact on the academic performance of the students but also their socio-emotional development and understanding of scientific concepts. The report concludes with a reflection on the importance of science education in rural areas, the effectiveness of the "Viva la Escuela" program, and the relevant recommendations considered by the volunteer for future educational interventions in this environment.
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    Enseñanza de las ciencias naturales con énfasis en el área de la física para la preparación de la prueba ICFES saber 11 a comunidad adulta en base a la andragogia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Vega Suarez , Diego Esteban; García Sánchez , Luis Carlos; García Sánchez, Luis Carlos [0000-0003-1215-7403]
    This document presents the internship report of the proposal for a pre-ICFES Saber 11 preparatory course for adults seeking to improve their academic skills and results in higher education entrance exams. The educational context and a specific program for adults wishing to resume their studies are analyzed. The methodology included the participation of adults, adults with a medical diagnosis and adults with a normal standard enrolled, followed by a comparative analysis of their results before and after the course. The importance of educational programs adapted to the adult population and their potential to improve inclusion is highlighted. The results show a significant increase in the capabilities and confidence of students, as well as an improvement in their reasoning and problem-solving skills in the area of physics, based on the andragogy proposed by Malcolm Knowless. Recommendations are offered for the design and implementation of future ICFES Saber 11 preparatory courses aimed at adults and to encourage continuing education.
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    Presión del centro del cumulo estelar Abell 1795, posibles modelos físicos y astrofísicos
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Henao Silva, Darwin Santiago; Giraldo Acuña, Juan Carlos
    he present work was a theoretical approach to represent the pres-sure of the Abell 1795 cumulus, making use of general relativity with the Tolmann Oppenheimer Volkof equation, the radial variation of the pressure in its exteriors was described, the state pressure inside the cumulus was described and an analysis of the interaction in the thermal processes was made, the pressure was described as a function of temperature and volume, proposing a thermal exchange in the cumulus that is in partial equilibrium, in thermal conductivity with its surroundings, presen-ting a cooling; it was concluded that these interpretations of the pressure allowed to characterize some approaches to the phenomena presented in the cumulus, as the tidal disruption presented in a time lapse, some other behavior related to the pressure could be discarded or are matter of study since the pressure of the cumulus has a singularity in which there are no pressure data, it was evidenced that with the theoretical models of internal energy it is possible to describe the gravitational bodies with barriers in their material localities, it was shown that there are thermal models to describe the conductivity of the black holes, in general it was described theoretically from the internal energy.
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    Diseño de objeto virtual de aprendizaje (OVA) para el análisis de las leyes de conservación en colisión de hadrones
    Devia Roa, David Mateo; Giraldo Acuña, Juan Carlos
    Education is undergoing a significant transformation due to emerging technologies with Virtual Learning Objects (OVAs) playing a crucial role in this change, especially in the teaching of physics. OVAs, as interactive digital educational resources, improve the educational process, facilitating the understanding of complex concepts such as the standard model of particles and conservation laws due to their abstract and complex nature. This work focuses on the design of an OVA for the analysis of conservation laws in hadron collisions using programs such as Exelearning and Processing, taking into account the ADDIE model as an instructional design model. This project adopts a mixed methodology and a constructivist pedagogical approach that promotes meaningful learning through active student participation.
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    Distribución espacial de propiedades ópticas en superficies de absorción selectiva: Un problema de escalamiento en las tecnologías de conversión fotovoltaica y fototérmica
    Ramírez Sánchez, Samuel; Forero, Nelson Libardo; 0009-0007-5234-4250
    This study explores the scalability of DSSC solar cells using hyperspectral analysis to characterize their properties. The research focuses on analyzing the uniformity of TiO2 layers, dye degradation, and silver deposition on larger scale glasses, along with electrolyte injection, crucial for ensuring cell efficiency and stability at a large scale. The results show that the screen-printing deposition process is uniform and scalable, making it suitable for manufacturing on larger scale glasses. Differential degradation was observed between ruthenium and achiote sensitizing dyes, both showing high stability. These findings highlight the potential of hyperspectral analysis in advancing photovoltaic technology towards more efficient and sustainable production.
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    Construcción de recursos didácticos para la enseñanza de las ciencias y adaptaciones curriculares en la educación básica de la institución asignada en el programa enseñanza de las ciencias y adaptaciones curriculares en la educación básica Viva la Escuela
    Gaitan Cubides, Ingrid Nadia Astrid; Arcos Martínez , Fabio Omar
    The report describes the experiences, challenges, and achievements of an internship carried out in the "Viva la Escuela" program of the Ministry of National Education, aimed at improving educational quality in rural areas by addressing deficiencies identified both before and after the pandemic. The three-month internship took place at the Ramón Alvarado Sánchez Educational Institution - Potrerillos campus in Garzón, Huila, within a rural context with specific educational needs. During this time, pedagogical strategies were implemented to teach physics and other subjects, adapted to the characteristics of the environment and the students. The "Escuela Nueva" methodology was key to this adaptation. The report is structured into several sections. The legal and pedagogical framework presents the educational laws in Colombia and their relationship with the program. The "Escuela Nueva" is explored, highlighting its emergence, application in Colombia, active methods in education, and goals for students, teachers, and parents. Defining rurality is crucial to understanding the context of the internship. Educational standards and the competencies that each student must acquire are addressed. The first chapter concludes with the "Viva la Escuela" program of the MEN and its Successful Educational Actions (AEE). Chapter two describes the regional context of the Huila department, specifically the municipality of Garzón. The Ramón Alvarado Sánchez Educational Institution, assigned by the MEN at the Potrerillos campus, is the internship site and the characterization of the students. Chapter three addresses the planning and development of the activities requested by the program. Chapter four details the results and analysis of the implementation of these activities. The internship highlighted the importance of quality education in all contexts, valuing the particularities of each one and seeking to reduce learning gaps. The development of the internship aimed to bring students closer to science through engaging experiments adapted to their characteristics, facilitating the understanding of scientific concepts, and fostering creativity, scientific thinking, and language skills. Practical experiments allowed students to interact with the material in a tangible way, which is crucial for internalizing scientific knowledge and developing essential competencies for their comprehensive education and development as critical and reflective individuals. Educational Capsules were implemented to facilitate the adaptation to the rural context following the transition from an urban environment. These tools allowed for the adjustment of educational criteria for young students, developing effective activities and promoting the understanding of local cultural particularities. The strategy resulted in more inclusive teaching, adapted to the specific needs of the municipality, benefiting both the students and the volunteer teacher.
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    Diseño de un prototipo de simulador solar híbrido para la evaluación de dispositivos fotovoltaicos
    García Yara, Carlos Andrés; Forero Chacón, Nelsón Libardo; Forero Chacón, Nelsón Libardo[0000-0003-2301-8732]
    The study on the design and construction of a device for solar simulation from a hybrid light source has been presented. This design, a preliminary proposal for a smaller scale solar simulator, combines an array of LEDs of 14 different wavelengths with a halogen bulb. Spectral matching, spatial non-uniformity and temporal instability results are discussed, achieving AAA ratings over a wavelength range of 400-900 nm. In the test plane, a constant and stable radiant flux density of 50 W/m² was achieved in reference to the AM1.5G spectrum. The prototype demonstrated a spectral coincidence of 85%, a spatial non-uniformity of 2.6%, and temporal instability of less than 2%. The main objective of this work is to carry out a solar simulation study based on a smaller scale hybrid lighting system, in perspective with the scaling and implementation processes for the analysis of photovoltaic devices, as well as to carry out characterization and classification tests of solar simulation, making use of hyperspectral spectroscopy elements.
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    Enseñanza de la física a población jóven y adulta del I.E.D. Colegio Técnico José Félix Restrepo Restrepo dentro de la jornada nocturna en el ciclo V (Cinemática)
    Ruiz Dávila, Ivan Felipe; Arcos Martinez, Fabio Omar
    In this internship report, a process is developed that combines theoretical and practical aspects with a social, cultural and professional approach. Special emphasis is placed on the theoretical framework that supports the curricular project, which aims to contribute to the adaptation and improvement of the methodologies and dynamics of teaching physics during the night shift at the I.E.D. José Félix Restrepo Technical School, not having a regular physics teacher. A proposal for curricular flexibility was designed, covering topics suggested by the Ministry of Education and the educational institution, located in the city of Bogotá. To achieve this, a thematic development plan was structured for each cycle, with the objective of promoting meaningful learning and encouraging critical scientific thinking in an elderly student population. Different types of activities were used to relate theoretical concepts to the students' daily lives, with a special focus on kinematics for Cycle V, seeking to generate greater interest and understanding. The same methodology was implemented with students who required special education, adapting activities and resources to meet their particular needs. An interpretation of the processes carried out was carried out, determining that the close relationship between the teacher and the students contributes significantly to the development of the class, enhancing the value of each proposed activity. Altogether, this initiative has enriched the teaching of physics at the institution, providing students with an educational experience adapted to their needs and improving their understanding of this discipline.
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    Diseño de un recurso en vídeo para el manejo de QGIS mediante el análisis del retroceso del glaciar del volcán Nevado del Ruiz entre 1984 y 2023.
    Mendoza Calvo, Diego Alejandro; Salamanca Bernal, Julián Andrés; Salamanca Bernal, Julián Andrés [0000-0001-8378-4215]
    This document shows the process that is taken into account for the development of an audio-visual educational resource of the QGIS software, fulfilling the purpose of scientific and technological literacy aimed at teachers, researchers and professionals in the areas of earth sciences, which seeks facilitate the teaching and learning process of this software. Likewise, it recreates the due process necessary for the materialization of the development of video tutorials aimed at students, researchers and teachers, carrying out a methodology, planning and addressing the problem of the retreat of the glacier mass of the Nevado del Ruiz, making the respective analysis on the Decreasing snow cover as the years progress.
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    Análisis de flujo laminar en tuberías: implementando métodos numéricos y simulaciones en OPENFOAM basadas en las ecuaciones de stokes
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Cuadros Triviño, Valery; Munevar Espitia, Edwin; Munevar Espitia, Edwin [0000-0002-0578-7717]
    This report focuses on the study of laminar flow behavior in a pipe using the equations for ideal and viscous fluids. Special attention has been given to the Navier-Stokes equations, and numerical methods have been applied to solve them. These aspects are fundamental for understanding the underlying physics in the OpenFOAM software, which is used to develop the numerical simulation of the pipe. Additionally, the SALOME software was used to design new meshes that can be integrated into OpenFOAM.
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    Aproximación a la Reflexión Interna Total Frustrada: una Interfaz Gráfica Programada en ROOT C++ para la enseñanza del Efecto Túnel
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Agudelo Gonzalez, Sandra Milena; Salamanca Bernal, Julian Andres; Salamanca Bernal, Julian Andres [0000-0001-8378-4215]
    This work presents the development and programming of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) using the CERN’s ROOT framework. This virtual laboratory draws an analogy between the phenomenon of Frustrated Total Internal Reflection (FTIR) and the one-dimensional Tunneling Effect, a commonly cited intersection in the literature between quantum mechanics and classical optics. This scientific-technological resource employs an approach to the tunneling effect by varying parameters of the physical system and analyzing its transmission coefficient. The developed GUI is a valuable tool for teaching quantum mechanics, particularly in the area of the Tunneling Effect. Its application in the classroom can enhance students’ understanding and facilitate the learning of abstract concepts.
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    Desarrollo y aplicación de contenidos didácticos para la enseñanza de la física y las matemáticas a población adulta en aulas regulares: sonido
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cifuentes Bobadilla, Fabian Andres; Arcos Martinez, Fabio Omar
    Over time, the need for societies to provide guarantees to their members has become evident, which has led to the emergence of institutional structures that promote intellectual and social development. These structures are essential to regulate systems and promote social dignity. However, due to various circumstances, there are populations that, despite being part of society, have not had access to these minimum rights. In this degree project, social reconstruction will be addressed through a contribution in a fundamental area of ​​knowledge, specifically in physics, focused on wave phenomena. This contribution will be made by a teacher in practice for vulnerable populations at the I.E.D Colegio Técnico José Félix Restrepo. The project will focus on the development and growth of scientific interpretations of natural phenomena, particularly waves and their interaction with matter. Different interpretations of prominent figures in the history of physics will be explored, such as Newton, Snell, Maxwell, Einstein, among others. The guidelines established by the educational institution and the Ministry of National Education will be followed, thus guaranteeing the academic integrity of the student and providing options for his/her future projects, as an individual with aspirations and dreams.
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    Recursos didácticos para la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales, en el contexto del aula hospitalaria Suba
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ramos Galvis, Jhon Sebastian; Arcos Martinez, Fabio Omar
    The right to education, as part of Colombian legislation, must be guaranteed for all children and young people in the country, but there are cases of people who, due to their illness, have been marginalized from school education, creating an impediment to access to it. As part of the work carried out by the Bogotá education department and in order to generate inclusion processes, educational processes have been implemented within hospitals (hospital classrooms), which guarantee access to education for children and young people who, due to their medical pathologies, cannot access the teaching and learning processes offered by the state through school institutions. This internship proposal seeks to contribute to enriching the educational processes of children and young people who are linked to the hospital classroom program of the Bogotá Education Secretariat, particularly in the Suba Hospital, through the construction of teaching resources that allow strengthening science teaching strategies (physics) with children and young people in basic secondary and vocational secondary education. Among the multiple educational activities addressed, special emphasis will be placed on the construction of meanings around physical interactions.
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    Caracterización de propiedades ópticas y evaluación de eficiencia de celdas solares sensibilizados con colorantes (DSSCs)
    García Yara, Carlos Andrés; Forero Chacón, Nelsón Libardo
    The design and implementation of an experimental setup for analyzing the performance of photovoltaic devices and obtaining characteristic curves was carried out.The study on the design and construction of a device for solar simulation from a hybrid light source has been presented. This design, a preliminary downscaled proposal for a solar simulator, combines an array of LEDs of 14 different wavelengths with a halogen bulb. Spectral matching, spatial non-uniformity and temporal instability results are discussed, achieving AAA ratings over a wavelength range of 400-900 nm. In the test plane, a constant and stable radiant flux density of 50 W/m² was achieved in reference to the AM1.5G spectrum. The prototype demonstrated a spectral coincidence of 85%, a spatial non-uniformity of 2.6%, and temporal instability of less than 2%. The main objective of this work is to carry out a solar simulation study based on a smaller scale hybrid lighting system, in perspective with the scaling and implementation processes for the analysis of photovoltaic devices, as well as to carry out characterization and classification tests of solar simulation, making use of hyperspectral spectroscopy elements.