Licenciatura en Física

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    Diseño de una unidad de enseñanza potencialmente significativa en relación a los elementos orbitales de asteroides.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Villagran Chavarro , Jaime Alonso; Cardona Rodríguez , Giovanni
    Since prehistoric times asteroids have been a mystery to mankind, for thousands of years initially as a mythology and from the nineteenth century there is evidence of its existence and its characteristics is why this work is proposed as a strategy to knowledge and acquisition of concepts related to these celestial bodies, the design of a potentially significant unit for learning the orbital elements in asteroids as the main objective of these units is to achieve meaningful learning in students, Therefore, in order to achieve this, methodologies and strategies are proposed mainly to identify the previous knowledge of students and then follow a didactic sequence in the construction of the UEPS, making use of the theory of meaningful learning based on the idea of experience and ideas, the other mechanisms such as technological tools can help us to have a meaningful teaching and learning, which is the end. Therefore, learning the concepts and characteristics of the orbital elements of asteroids allows for meaningful knowledge.
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    Simulación Monte Carlo para determinar la dosis absorbida en agua de referencia con calidad de radiación de Co-60 utilizada para la calibración de sistemas dosimétricos en el Laboratorio Secundario de Calibración Dosimétrica en Colombia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) León Carvajal, Diana Catherine; Munévar Espitia, Edwin; Munévar Espitia, Edwin [0000-0002-0578-7717]
    The Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) of the Colombian Geological Service (SGC) provides calibration services for dosimetric systems used in external beam radiotherapy. The calibration method is based on the Technical Reports Series No. 469, which describes the experimental setup consisting of a reference beam produced by a Hopewell Designs irradiation system containing a Co-60 radioactive source and a water phantom. The purpose of the calibration is to ensure the traceability of dosimetric measurements to the International System of Units. To characterize the national reference radiation beam and optimize the accuracy in determining the absorbed dose rate in water (Ḋw), the Monte Carlo method is employed using TOPAS MC. A detailed simulation of the technical and reference conditions present at SSDL is performed, analyzing beam profiles and percentage depth dose with a Farmer-type ionization chamber to assess the homogeneity of the irradiation field. The simulation results show that Compton scattering is the predominant interaction mechanism, validating the dosimetric system configuration. Additionally, the obtained uncertainties are approximately 3%, close to the tolerance limit established by Venselaara, Welleweerdb, and Mijnheerc. The qualitative comparison between the simulated and experimental beam profiles and PDD curves supports the accuracy of the Monte Carlo method in characterizing the reference beam at SSDL. These preliminary findings suggest that the simulation is on the right track and provide a solid basis for improving dosimetric calibration procedures.
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    Establecimiento del programa de entrenamiento en protección radiológica y uso seguro de materiales radiactivos para integrantes del órgano regulador en Colombia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bastidas Opayome, Cristian Camilo; Munévar Espitia, Edwin; Munévar Espitia, Edwin [0000-0002-0578-7717]
    The objective of the project entitled “Establishment of the Training Program in Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radioactive Materials for Members of the Regulatory Body in Colombia” was to develop a comprehensive training course for new members and retraining for the personnel of the Grupo de Licenciamiento y Control (GLyC) of the Servicio Geoloógico Colombiano (SGC). To achieve this, the courses of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Energy, Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) were used as a basis, complemented with an exhaustive review of regulatory and technical documents. The training program was structured in modules that addressed fundamental concepts of radioactivity, current Colombian regulations, analysis of regulatory procedures, evaluation of procedures and the safe use of radiation measuring devices. The results included the creation of didactic materials to support the training process, the design of evaluation strategies and the establishment of guidelines for the continuous updating of the program.
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    Revisión sistemática en física. Estudio de caso: Relación entre la relatividad general y el electromagnetismo clásico
    España Camargo, Brayan Alexis; Chacón Cardona, César Alexander
    The present work applies and adopts the methodological tool of Systematic Review for its use in the field of Physics, taking as a case the relationship between General Relativity and Electromagnetism. The objectives of the study include: To understand the Systematic Review in the scientific field; To propose a methodology for its application in Physics; To promote its use in specific topics; To apply it to the mentioned study; To highlight its advantages; and To determine the current lines of research in this field. The methodology is structured in three fundamental phases: Planning, Realization and Documentation, each with sub-phases that guarantee the rigor and transparency of the process. The results show a prominent focus on the modeling of black holes and cosmology, evidencing an increase in international collaboration for research in the integration between the fundamental interactions; electromagnetic and relativistic gravitational. In conclusion, this study underscores the effectiveness of the Systematic Review in synthesizing and critically analyzing the scientific literature, recognizing research topics in Physics that require further exploration and are already underway, providing a solid foundation for future studies in the field.
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    Explorando sistemas en búsqueda del equilibrio: Una propuesta innovadora para la enseñanza de la Física
    Pérez Ardila, Dayanna; Arcos Martínez, Fabio Omar
    This work proposes an approach to teaching physics based on the concept of equilibrium systems, providing an innovative alternative that significantly contributes to the didactics of physical sciences. The research uses equilibrium in systems as a bridge between scientific theory and students' everyday experiences, addressing a recurrent disconnection between physics content and students' realities a gap that often leads to a lack of interest and comprehension difficulties. The didactic proposal is structured around well-established pedagogical approaches, such as Action Research, Project-Based Learning (PBL), and Constructivist Learning Environments (CLE). Through these approaches, experimental modules focused on equilibrium systems were developed, featuring practical activities like the rotating lamp and colored flames. These activities allow students to engage with fundamental physics concepts, such as negative feedback and energy transfer, in a dynamic and participatory learning environment. The methodology included implementing the modules in a control group to assess their impact on students' understanding and interest. The results showed that students significantly improved their comprehension of equilibrium and system dynamics concepts. Additionally, there was an increase in their motivation toward physics, along with a strengthening of critical and reflective skills essential for scientific learning. In summary, this study introduces an innovative strategy for teaching physics, demonstrating that using equilibrium systems and experimental activities in the classroom can profoundly transform the educational experience. By bringing physical concepts closer to students' realities, meaningful learning and sustained interest in the discipline are fostered, reaffirming the relevance of physics in the context of everyday life.
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    Caracterización microestructural de una película delgada basada en nitruro de titanio resistente a corrosión de alta temperatura
    González González, Juan David; Díaz Vergara, Dayron Stivens; Monroy Cañon, Ignacion Alberto; Monroy Cañon, Ignacio Alberto [0000-0001-8742-0531]
    This project will focus on characterizing titanium-based thin films that cover the valves used in an internal combustion engine converted to compressed natural gas vehicle used in a project carried out at the UPTC university. In this case, the thin films will be recreated by means of the “SPUTTERING” technique by magnetron trying to maintain the conditions proposed in the UPTC work. The coatings will be analyzed by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques to determine the crystalline structure, lattice parameter, crystalline size, microtress and crystallographic texture coefficient. In addition, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) will be used to observe the elemental chemical composition and optical microscopy (OM) to observe the surface condition of the film.
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    Mapa dosimétrico de la planta de irradiación gamma del Servicio Geológico Colombiano a partir de herramientas de simulación Monte Carlo
    Bermejo Patarroyo, Yuritza Edelmira; Munévar Espitia, Edwin; Munévar Espitia, Edwin [0000-0002-0578-7717]
    The first gamma radiation facility in Colombia began operating in 1972. The facility, in charge of the Colombian Geological Service, has been used for research purposes and industrial applications that improve the quality conditions of products in various entities and companies. The control, safety and operation of the plant depend on the calibration of the dosimetric system that is performed inside the irradiation room; for this reason, in this document a dose mapping was performed in which the dose rate was established at different points of the radioactive facility, using a toolkit derived from Geant4, which maintains the main components of Monte Carlo and makes the language in terms of parameters, which makes the construction of a physical environment related to the transport of particles more comprehensible. In the dose mapping, despite the lack of clarity in the records of several variables in the experiment performed, it was determined that the comparison of the simulated dose rate and the dose rate recorded by the gamma plant employees presents coincidences in terms of the trend of the values obtained, keeping 81.25\% of the data below 15\% error, which poses an acceptable approximation to meet the objective of this paper.
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    Optimización del método de Paganin para la recuperación de fase en imágenes de contraste de rayos X
    Medrano Hernández, Jhoan Manuel; Herreño Fierro , César Aurelio; Herreño Fierro, César Aurelio[0000-0003-2394-4322]
    This work addresses the optimization of the Paganin method for phase retrieval in X-ray phase contrast imaging. The article focuses on analyzing the applicability and effectiveness of various mathematical approaches and experimental techniques with images simulated in Geant4 and others taken in the laboratory. To this end, the original Paganin algorithm is modified, including a higher-order approximation in the Taylor series and the adaptation of the method to polychromatic sources through the discretization of the energy spectrum. For this purpose, an air tube with a Tungsten anode at 28kV was simulated. The results of simulations and experiments show that although the second-order approximation does not offer significant improvements over the original method (the CNR of the image did not improve beyond 5% compared to the original method), the adaptation for polychromatic sources does change the amplitude of the recovered phase, although it does not improve the resolution of the images. Additionally, a variant of the method is introduced to handle samples with multiple materials, which expands its applications in medical imaging diagnostics. This work highlights the robustness of the Paganin method in X-ray phase retrieval and suggests future directions for additional refinements, especially in managing spectral diversity and material differentiation in the analyzed samples.
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    El experimento recreativo en la construcción de los conceptos de campo eléctrico y magnético: una propuesta didáctica para el desarrollo del lenguaje científico
    Avendaño Fierro , Paula Vanessa; Castiblanco Abril, Olga Lucía; Castiblanco Abril, Olga Lucía [0009-0007-8859-0541]
    The objective of this research project is to stimulate the development of scientific language in a group of tenth-grade students from a rural school in the municipality of Guayabal de Síquima through recreational experiments. These experiments enriched verbal communication in their processes of explaining natural phenomena, particularly the electric and magnetic fields. This is a qualitative research study, based on an action research approach, utilizing an intervention model grounded in the typology of recreational experiments.For this research, an experimental fair was held during the Physics class, where different setups were displayed, reflecting the characteristics of this typology. The process of creating the methodological strategy, based on the typology of recreational experiments, was grounded in the mathematization of physics for teaching. Initially, it facilitated interaction between the phenomenon, the student, and the teacher. Then, variables acting within the system were identified, establishing conditions for the phenomenon to occur, enabling students to express arguments using language that felt coherent and meaningful to them, stemming from their own sense-making processes.To account for their knowledge construction about the phenomenon, a discourse analysis was conducted. Additionally, the research contributed to the development of capacities and skills that enabled students to structure and organize ideas, schemes, explanatory models, and hypotheses, through which they formulated partial and general explanations of the physical phenomenon under study. These explanations were constructed and consolidated by the students themselves, making use of tools, methodologies, and strategies previously employed in the teaching and learning process.
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    Análisis Relativista del comportamiento de micro-naves con velas solares para su divulgación e implementación en el aula mediante metodología "Peer-Instruction".
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Florez Sabogal, Sara Isabela; Avila Ruiz, Johan Leandro; Talero Lopez, Paco Hernando; Talero Lopez, Paco Hernando [0000-0002-8439-4603]
    This thesis presents an analysis of the behavior of micro-ships with solar sails powered by direct energy systems, applying the principles of special relativity. The research focuses on how these ships, propelled by radiation pressure, can reach relativistic speeds (around 20\% of the speed of light) and the physical and energetic implications of such movement, which include the use of direct energy systems, such as electromagnetic radiation emitters that can be located in facilities on the Earth's surface, and pointing many of these emitters to generate enough power to cause acceleration. To do so, fundamental concepts such as time dilation, space contraction, kinetic energy and relativistic momentum are reviewed, analyzing their relevance in the context of large-scale space explorations, such as the Starshot project, which proposes sending micro-ships to nearby star systems such as Alpha Centauri.The study also addresses the didactic implementation of these concepts using the "Peer Instruction" methodology, a pedagogical approach based on peer instruction, which facilitates collaborative learning and the development of critical thinking in students. The goal is to make relativistic phenomena accessible and understandable for physics students, connecting theory with practical applications through the analysis of concrete cases such as solar sail micro-craft.Finally, a micro-class is proposed that adapts these concepts to the classroom, using evaluation metrics such as Hake's Gain Factor and Bao and Redish's Concentration Factor to measure the impact on student learning. The study concludes with recommendations on the feasibility of integrating these concepts and methodologies into the teaching of modern physics.
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    Termometría de fluorescencia para hipertermia con nanopartículas: Relación entre la intensidad de fluorescencia y la temperatura de un fluoróforo
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Garzón García, Carlos Alejandro; Herreño Fierro , César Aurelio; Herreño Fierro, César Aurelio [0000-0003-2394-4322]
    Therapeutic hyperthermia is a promising technique for cancer treatment that uses controlled temperature rise to kill tumor cells, but its application presents challenges in terms of accuracy and temperature control. Fluorescence-based thermometry has gained attention for its ability to make precise and localized measurements, especially in combination with plasmonic nanoparticles. The objectives of this work were to understand the physics related to temperature-dependent fluorescent phenomena, to determine the most appropriate fluorescence thermometry methods for measuring the temperature of nanoparticles inside cells, and to implement a mathematical model to quantify the temperature of nanoparticles based on the fluorescence intensity of a fluorophore. The methodology included a review of the physics of fluorescent phenomena, various methods of fluorescence-based thermometry, and the development of a mathematical model based on Lindblad's master equation. The results established a quantitative relationship between temperature and decay rates in two-level fluorescent systems, demonstrating that increasing temperature increases the Planck distribution function, which translates into an increase in the total transition rate, directly affecting the quantum yield and excited-state lifetime of fluorescent molecules.
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    Determinación de cinética de crecimiento de Pseudomona Aeruginosa por mediciones de impedancia eléctrica
    Rubio Camacho, Hades Sofía; Ortiz Salamanca , Henry; Rodríguez, Hernán
    Impedance spectroscopy is a technique for characterising electrochemical systems. The fundamental approach of all impedance methods is to apply a small-amplitude sinusoidal excitation signal to the system under investigation and measure the response, which may be current, voltage or other signal of interest. This non-invasive method, together with the ‘lab on a chip’ technology of microelectronic devices, makes it possible to study microelectronic devices, makes it possible to study microscopic systems, requiring only a small amount of sample. For the development of the the fabrication of microelectronic devices and their implementation to determine the growth kinetics of the bacterium Pseudomonas pneumoniae. growth kinetics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria in BHI (Brain Heart Infusion) culture broth. The interest in this particular species of The interest in this particular species of bacteria lies in the fact that it is considered to be the most frequent cause of nosocomial, respiratory and urinary infections worldwide, being able to develop resistance mechanisms that make it immune to antimicrobial drugs. This effort was made possible thanks to the interdisciplinary collaboration of the Thin Films and Nanotechnology research groups at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and the Materials and Minerals and Materials and Minerals and High Mountain Biodiversity research groups of the Universidad Distrital.
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    Elaboración de un recurso computacional para la enseñanza del algoritmo cuántico de Grover
    Martin Rojas, Daniel Mauricio; Salamanca Bernal, Julián Andrés; Salamanca Bernal, Julián Andrés [0000-0001-8378-4215]
    In the current educational context and the importance of searching effective teaching strategies, an educational software has been made for the Grover’s algorithm teaching. Quantum computation is an important field of huge interest, with numerous algorithms, among which Grover’s algorithm is one of the most mentioned. As a quantum algorithm, it is understandable that its comprehension is not easy due to the complexity of this discipline. For this reason, a graphical user interface for its teaching was made. This technological tool is designed to help both the teacher and the student, optimizing the effort and the time required for the learning of the algorithm. The software includes different important conceptualizations and a simulation showing the step by step development of the algorithm through different visualizations and multiple cases. Additionally, it has been evaluated as a high-quality software, obtaining a ‘very high’ rating. This work details about the development process of the interface and other important aspects of its creation.
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    Una introducción a la evolución dinámica de las táuridas
    Torres Torres, Giovanni; Deaza Rincón, Pedro Ignacio; Deaza Rincón, Pedro Ignacio [0000-0002-0841-1424]
    This monograph is titled "An Introduction to the Dynamic Evolution of the Taurids" and aims to study, analyze, and interpret the dynamic evolution of ten objects from the fragment swarm known as the Taurids. The objects, ordered from smallest to largest MOID (Minimum Orbit Intersection Distance), are: 1993 KA2, 2001 QJ96, 2019 YM, 2019 GB, 1995 FF, 2003 QC10, 2020 DV, 2019 BJ1, 2006 SO198, 1996 RG3, and their progenitor, Comet 2P/Encke. The methodology involved exploring and documenting the orbital dynamics of the Taurid fragments, as well as developing and configuring a code in the Python programming language, based on REBOUND, to graphically explore the time-domain variations of the semi-major axis, eccentricity, and inclination of their orbits. The code was run for 50, 100, 1,000, 10,000, and 100,000 years, respectively, for all the fragments, including Comet 2P/Encke, and the resulting dynamic evolution graphs were obtained. This work analyzed in detail the dynamic evolution graphs of the fragment with the smallest MOID, fragment 1993 KA2. It was observed that its orbital elements vary cyclically over long-time intervals, and these variations appear to be predictable over time. Given these results, it is unlikely that a perturbation will occur that forces the fragment to significantly change its orbit, and therefore, it cannot be stated with certainty that these fragments pose an immediate threat to Earth. Moreover, the model presented in this work is highlighted as it is suspected that within the Taurid swarm there are objects whose mass would be significant and have not yet been studied. In these cases, the model presented in this work is a great tool for detecting their potential hazard. Cases like those of Tunguska and Chelyabinsk remind us of Earth's vulnerability in in timely determining disturbances in the orbits of fragments that have yet to be cataloged.
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    Síntesis y caracterización de nanopartículas de oro para el tratamiento hipertermia mediante resonancia de plasmón superficial
    Chitiva Martínez, Karen Daniela; Herreño Fierro, César Aurelio; Herreño Fierro, César Aurelio [0000-0003-2394-4322]
    In this work we present experiments on the synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for technological applications. The synthesis was carried out in the Chemistry laboratories of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, using the chemical reduction method. Subsequently, different spectroscopic techniques, carried out in the laboratories of Universidad América (UV-VIS hyperspectroscopy), Universidad Antonio Nariño (UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy) and Universidad Distrital (spectroscopic ellipsometry) were used for their optical characterization. Finally, morphological characterization was intented by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) at the Universidad del Bosque laboratories. The results of these experiments provided valuable information for the potential use of these AuNPs in medical hyperthermia therapies.
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    Del papel a la práctica: reconocimiento del aprendizaje en zonas rurales vinculando un acercamiento a los fenómenos ópticos de la luz a través del programa Viva la Escuela del Ministerio de Educación Nacional
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Caceres Reyes, Daylin Vanesa; Arcos Martínez , Fabio Omar; Olaya, Alba del Carmen
    The report presents a comprehensive analysis of the experience framed within the internship of the "Viva la Escuela" program of Colombia's Ministry of National Education, focused on improving education in rural areas. This program seeks to provide rural primary school students with educational and socio-emotional tools that promote their holistic development, enabling them to effectively integrate into their communities. The internship took place at the Ecológico San Francisco Educational Institution, located in Cómbita, Boyacá, over an approximate period of three months. During this time, different pedagogical strategies were implemented in alignment with the program's general and specific approaches, aiming to foster experimental learning, particularly around the optical phenomena of light, adapting them to the specific characteristics of the rural environment. To this end, the recognition of the Escuela Nueva educational model was fundamental in the structuring of activities, facilitating not only the meaningful acquisition of knowledge by the students but also the professional development of the volunteer through managing the challenges characteristic of the rural context. The objectives of the internship were centered on providing students with an approach to the sciences through observational and experimental activities, promoting not only the understanding of scientific concepts but also the development of critical thinking, creativity, and scientific vocabulary. The report is divided into the following key global sections. First, it addresses the legal framework supporting rural education in Colombia, citing essential laws such as the General Education Law (Law 115 of 1994), Decree 1860 of 1994, Law 715 of 2001, and the National Development Plan 2022-2026, among others. Additionally, it highlights essential aspects of the Escuela Nueva educational model and the "Viva la Escuela" program, which form the central axis of the internship. Subsequently, the territorial and social context of the municipality of Cómbita, Boyacá, is described, including its educational trajectory and demographic and economic characteristics. Furthermore, a detailed analysis is provided of the Ecológico San Francisco Educational Institution, its branches, and its educational community. The report continues with a description of the parameters of both the planning and structuring of activities, both directly related to the Successful Educational Activities (AEE), as well as the pedagogical strategies implemented by the volunteer, presenting a detailed overview of the actions inherent to the program and those developed outside the territory in collaboration with other entities through a timeline. Finally, the results obtained are evaluated, analyzing not only the impact on the academic performance of the students but also their socio-emotional development and understanding of scientific concepts. The report concludes with a reflection on the importance of science education in rural areas, the effectiveness of the "Viva la Escuela" program, and the relevant recommendations considered by the volunteer for future educational interventions in this environment.
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    Enseñanza de las ciencias naturales con énfasis en el área de la física para la preparación de la prueba ICFES saber 11 a comunidad adulta en base a la andragogia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Vega Suarez , Diego Esteban; García Sánchez , Luis Carlos; García Sánchez, Luis Carlos [0000-0003-1215-7403]
    This document presents the internship report of the proposal for a pre-ICFES Saber 11 preparatory course for adults seeking to improve their academic skills and results in higher education entrance exams. The educational context and a specific program for adults wishing to resume their studies are analyzed. The methodology included the participation of adults, adults with a medical diagnosis and adults with a normal standard enrolled, followed by a comparative analysis of their results before and after the course. The importance of educational programs adapted to the adult population and their potential to improve inclusion is highlighted. The results show a significant increase in the capabilities and confidence of students, as well as an improvement in their reasoning and problem-solving skills in the area of physics, based on the andragogy proposed by Malcolm Knowless. Recommendations are offered for the design and implementation of future ICFES Saber 11 preparatory courses aimed at adults and to encourage continuing education.
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    Presión del centro del cumulo estelar Abell 1795, posibles modelos físicos y astrofísicos
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Henao Silva, Darwin Santiago; Giraldo Acuña, Juan Carlos
    he present work was a theoretical approach to represent the pres-sure of the Abell 1795 cumulus, making use of general relativity with the Tolmann Oppenheimer Volkof equation, the radial variation of the pressure in its exteriors was described, the state pressure inside the cumulus was described and an analysis of the interaction in the thermal processes was made, the pressure was described as a function of temperature and volume, proposing a thermal exchange in the cumulus that is in partial equilibrium, in thermal conductivity with its surroundings, presen-ting a cooling; it was concluded that these interpretations of the pressure allowed to characterize some approaches to the phenomena presented in the cumulus, as the tidal disruption presented in a time lapse, some other behavior related to the pressure could be discarded or are matter of study since the pressure of the cumulus has a singularity in which there are no pressure data, it was evidenced that with the theoretical models of internal energy it is possible to describe the gravitational bodies with barriers in their material localities, it was shown that there are thermal models to describe the conductivity of the black holes, in general it was described theoretically from the internal energy.
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    Diseño de objeto virtual de aprendizaje (OVA) para el análisis de las leyes de conservación en colisión de hadrones
    Devia Roa, David Mateo; Giraldo Acuña, Juan Carlos
    Education is undergoing a significant transformation due to emerging technologies with Virtual Learning Objects (OVAs) playing a crucial role in this change, especially in the teaching of physics. OVAs, as interactive digital educational resources, improve the educational process, facilitating the understanding of complex concepts such as the standard model of particles and conservation laws due to their abstract and complex nature. This work focuses on the design of an OVA for the analysis of conservation laws in hadron collisions using programs such as Exelearning and Processing, taking into account the ADDIE model as an instructional design model. This project adopts a mixed methodology and a constructivist pedagogical approach that promotes meaningful learning through active student participation.
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    Distribución espacial de propiedades ópticas en superficies de absorción selectiva: Un problema de escalamiento en las tecnologías de conversión fotovoltaica y fototérmica
    Ramírez Sánchez, Samuel; Forero, Nelson Libardo; 0009-0007-5234-4250
    This study explores the scalability of DSSC solar cells using hyperspectral analysis to characterize their properties. The research focuses on analyzing the uniformity of TiO2 layers, dye degradation, and silver deposition on larger scale glasses, along with electrolyte injection, crucial for ensuring cell efficiency and stability at a large scale. The results show that the screen-printing deposition process is uniform and scalable, making it suitable for manufacturing on larger scale glasses. Differential degradation was observed between ruthenium and achiote sensitizing dyes, both showing high stability. These findings highlight the potential of hyperspectral analysis in advancing photovoltaic technology towards more efficient and sustainable production.