Ingeniería en Telecomunicaciones

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    Sistema de riego por goteo telecontrolado mediante una funcionalidad de pronóstico basada en el modelo hídrico de la FAO
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Torres Matallana, Ana Maria; Toro Vaca, Jeison Santiago; Hernández Martínez , Henry Alberto
    This project focuses on the implementation of a drip irrigation system prototype integrating the FAO's water balance model, designed for the cultivation of Diacol Capiro potatoes. The goal is to develop a control mechanism that optimizes water use based on predictions and monitoring of real soil and environmental conditions through web visualization. The project methodology was divided into four key phases. Initially, the physical structure of the irrigation prototype was built, then sensors were programmed and calibrated, later, the sensors were implemented on the Raspberry Pi to enhance control and facilitate the integration of the water balance model, and finally, the water balance model was implemented for the comprehensive operation of the project. The main result of the project was the ability to activate the irrigation system of the prototype at precise moments and with the exact amount of water in collaboration with the water balance model's ability to determine the crop's water needs. It was also achieved, through continuous analysis of data generated by the system, to keep a record on a web page. The implementation of a telecontrolled drip irrigation system demonstrates efficient water use, promoting sustainable irrigation practices. The integration of sensor technologies and predictive models improves water management in crops such as Diacol Capiro potatoes, ensuring efficient and sustainable production.
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    Pasantía Contrato Interadministrativo 1579 de 2023 entre la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (UD) y la Unidad Nacional de Protección (UNP) como apoyo técnico y administrativo en el proceso tecnológico de comunicación de red wan y red lan.
    Palomino Silva, Javier Alberto; Escobar Diaz, Andrés
    Through this report we want to make known the result of the activities carried out for the internal internship of the Inter-administrative Contract 1579 of 2023 between the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (UD) and the National Protection Unit (UNP) in collaboration with the research group XUE Semillero de Investigación Barion of the University. The National Protection Unit (UNP) as a state entity is obliged to define in its action plans to implement a continuous improvement of its processes, and that is why it is currently in a process of digital transformation and one of the mechanisms it advances is to ensure the correct provision of the services owned by the headquarters that enable access to the services that are provided centrally, such as the specialized applications, data center services and internet service. The implementation of the activities developed during the internal internship are presented in a phased manner and focused on solving everyday problems by providing technical and administrative support to WAN and LAN communications. This includes a stage of management of incidents and requirements for the project as well as documentary management of maintenance activities, inventory, change management, problem management, reports and recommendations for improvement. As can be observed in later chapters the three phases in which the internship was established in terms of activities and results was in a structural way in order to be able to understand the different lines of service and the technical contractual annexes, since the main objective of the University with the Unit is to support the digital transformation of the entity and contribute with the missionality of the same, as the channels of communication are fundamental for the articulation and operation of the processes. By managing all the technological and infrastructure services of the National Protection Unit will enable greater efficiency and control of its Processes. Keywords: Internet, Local Area Network, Large Area network, Communications Networks, Communication Systems, Network Topology.
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    Monitoreo de servidores Windows y Gnu/Linux y envío de alertas por correo al presentarse saturación de recursos monitoreados utilizando la herramienta Cacti
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Sanabria Ruíz, Elkin Serafín; Leyva Pérez, Oscar Andrés; Cadena Muñoz, Ernesto
    Thomas Information Management Technical Services is a company dedicated to the processing and custody of physical and digital documents for private and government entities. One of the company's clients is the Banco Agrario de Colombia, for which the company developed SIGDOC, a custom software that allows bank officials to review customer documentation for credit studies. The SIGDOC application consists of various services such as databases, reporting, file sharing, proxies, email, applications, among others, which run on servers with operating systems like Windows Server, Linux Centos 6, Linux Centos 7, and Ubuntu. These servers are installed in different data centers that interconnect with the Banco Agrario's private network. It is essential for Thomas Information Management Technical Services to have monitoring systems for these servers that allow it to respond to potential incidents of SIGDOC system unavailability before they occur and affect queries and system performance. Being able to monitor the system allows the entire technology staff to act promptly in the face of any incident. To facilitate the monitoring task of the technology area, the CACTI tool was installed on an Ubuntu server. This tool allows monitoring the status of the servers' technological resources and sending alerts to the technology area staff whenever a saturation occurs on any server using a Zimbra mail server that was also installed on an Ubuntu operating system and parameterized to be interconnected with the monitoring tool. The monitoring tool, together with the alert system, allowed the technology staff to act promptly in the face of any saturation or unavailability incident of the SIGDOC system modules, thus guaranteeing the service level agreements (SLAs) that the company has contracted with the Banco Agrario and improving the quality of service and perception that bank officials have of the SIGDOC information system.
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    Diseño e implementación de una herramienta basada en guías de laboratorio que permita el estudio del protocolo MPLS por parte de la comunidad estudiantil de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Escandón Cárdenas, Juan Sebastián; Moreno Rodríguez, Jhon Alejandro; Cely Callejas, José David; Cely Callejas, José David [0000-0001-8969-5301]
    This article proposes the introduction of an academic tool to the community student of the department of electronic engineering of the pontificia universidad javeriana, based on a series of laboratory guides, related to the mpls protocol (multiprotocol label switching) with juniper equipment, since currently said university does not have a effective methodology to teach this protocol, in addition to the teachers associated with the electronics department are interested in teaching their students the characteristics most important of this technology, so that in this way it allows them to complement their academic training. This is why the laboratory guides will be built based on the three most important characteristics that this protocol has; architecture, operation and application, since they offer an overview of how the protocol works.
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    Generación de guías de laboratorio para la enseñanza de redes de convergencia mediante herramientas de simulación sobre un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje
    Arévalo Zamora, Juan Carlos; Hernández, Juan Gerardo; Cely Callejas, José David; Cely Callejas José David [0000-0001-8969-5301]
    This paper addresses the growing need to strengthen teaching-learning processes in higher education institutions, especially in the context of practical laboratory activities and technological development. To face the challenges generated by the global health crisis and the transition to virtual environments [1], it is necessary to rethink the focus of traditional laboratory practices towards virtual environments, as a strategy to improve education quality.
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    Implementación de modelos de predicción para vigilar los límites de exposición de las personas a los campos electromagnéticos en Bogotá utilizando machine learning
    Zarate Diaz, Duvan Alexis; Guzman Escobar, Juan David; Pedraza Martinez, Luis Fernando
    This project uses advanced Machine Learning techniques to develop predictive models that monitor and forecast levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields in Bogotá. Based on historical data provided by the National Spectrum Agency, the study aims to understand and manage these levels, aiming to provide tools that contribute to the reassurance of the population in an ever-evolving technological environment
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    Guías de laboratorio de fibra óptica
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Suárez Cortés, Mitchell Stephani; Cely Callejas, José David; Cely Callejas, José David [0000-0001-8969-5301]
    Monograph on design and development of laboratory guides for optical fiber; using the three devices acquired by the university, OTDR FX 150; FX45 OPM and FURUKAWA S179 FUSIONADORA FURUKAWA of the company Metricom in order to be used for the practices of the students of Telecommunications Engineering of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.
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    Amplificación de cobertura operacional de RF para RPAS de la Fuerza Aérea
    Moyano Sánchez , Brayan Damian; Gómez Gómez, Edgar Leonardo; 0000-0002-9544-0265
    This monograph is a study carried out for the design and manufacture of a helical antenna, and the use of a radio frequency amplifier in order to improve the operational coverage conditions for a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System of the quadcopter type, which seeks to extend the coverage of the telemetry transmission of the radio control used for its operation in flight. This work focuses on two topics that are related to the antenna design. The first one explains the theory related to the antenna frequency operation, the type of polarization of a helical antenna, its radiation pattern, the operating field region and the impedance associated with the antenna design. Likewise, we worked on the parametric simulation of the antenna in the CST Studio software, thanks to this simulation we studied the variations of the spiral separation and the diameter of the antenna, which are based on the design of the real antenna. The second section focuses on the construction and fabrication of the helical antenna. In this section we can detail the corrections to its impedance with the Smith chart, since in this way it is possible to obtain an improvement in the propagation efficiency and improve the results in the S11 parameters. Along with the improvement of the operational coverage, a Radio Frequency amplifier is selected to improve the dBm of the ground transmitter. This component is compatible with
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    Diseño de metodología para especificar, implementar y contratar soluciones en telecomunicaciones basadas en Internet of Things (IoT) sobre Azure
    Galindo Salgado, Huver Andrey; Hernández Martínez, Henrry Alberto
    Nowadays there is a lot of talk about digital transformation and how companies, organizations and People can create and update systems that promote innovation and development technological, but how could any of the interested parties mentioned above implement this digital transformation, it is in this context that the problem develops, identified by the lack of information and experience. The importance of the problem lies in the need to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by digital transformation and technologies emerging, considering that the successful implementation of IoT-based solutions drives operational efficiency, informed decision making and resource optimization and also opens new possibilities for innovation and business growth. The misinformation and lack of experience mentioned above in combination with the Technological evolution generates a panorama that companies and users must face when it comes to to evaluate the effective implementation of IoT solutions. This deficiency is manifested in the overwhelming offer of technologies and devices, generating difficulty when choosing tools appropriate, resulting in confusion when selecting hardware tools and software for these solutions. The complexity and rapid evolution of the technological landscape have contributed to the lack of clarity and guidance, The need for a robust methodology and adaptable becomes evident to overcome these challenges and facilitate the successful implementation of solutions, on the other hand, the absence of an effective solution to the problem is due to the lack of a comprehensive framework that guides the selection and evaluation of IoT solutions, considering the various aspects mentioned above. To address an effective solution to the problem related above, it is necessary to identify the critical points in the implementation of an IoT solution, in this way criteria are established and activities that allow evaluating a better implementation of the solution, considering parameters and variables related to project management, provision and uses of resources, management of risks and efficiency in time execution, which leads to improving analysis and development of the IoT project. To conclude, we can say that after developing the methodology, points were raised interesting how to divide the development of the solution into multidisciplinary projects considering the intellectual resource available, additionally it was possible to evaluate and experiment the effectiveness of the methodology through implementation in use cases, where a better development by having the guide and planning of activities that are managed with the use of the methodology .
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    Diseño de sistema encargado de comercializar y contabilizar productos de tienda naturista
    López Flórez, Yeison Yamid; Tejedor Duarte, Óscar; Eslava Blanco, Hermes Javier; Eslava Blanco, Hermes Javier [0000-0002-2630-0023]
    La Tienda Naturista has maintained its position as a family owned and operated company, standing out in the sale of high quality naturist products for an important period of time. From its beginnings to the present it has built a strong base of satisfied customers and has been a reference in the local industry in the south of the city. However, it needs to evolve in order to stay at the forefront and keep up with current consumer trends. In a world where technology and connectivity are fundamental in everyday life, the need to provide an online platform for its customers has become essential. This project arises in response to the growing demand of its customers to grant their products and services in a more convenient, flexible and modern way. This project represents an important milestone in our growth strategy and an investment in achieving customer satisfaction along with operational efficiency. We are committed to diligently pursuing this project and doing everything possible to achieve successful results.
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    Sistema de seguridad activo para bicicletas basado en una red se sensores inalámbrica que incorpora IoT
    López Cárdenas, Andrés Rodrigo; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Cristian Daniel; Hernández, Henry Alberto
    The issue of insecurity and risks to which bicycle users are subjected with the theft and loss of bicycles is still a difficulty that continues to occur on a daily basis. Currently, the use of technological means seeks to solve a fragment of this problem, but cases such as the poor implementation of IoT technology makes such solutions are not sufficient, since it fails to have such a scope that incorporates the needs that help the end user after a theft event occurs, for this reason we develop a sensor and security tracking system for bicycles, which can be monitored remotely, establishing a wireless communication through IoT technology with the GSM/GPRS SIM 800L module. The data are captured by means of a GPS sensor V.KEL G5LF, these variables such as latitude, longitude, speed, altitude, satellites, are controlled by an ESP32 microcontroller, which once transmitted records them in a Firebase server to be displayed through an Android mobile application where you can interactively view the data and the route taken by the device. Through the tests carried out in different environments, the remote device developed enables an adequate process in the reception of data, its portable, useful, practical and low-cost design favors its implementation, offering itself as a possible solution due to its economy, additionally, it offers adaptability at the time of assembly on the bicycle without interrupting its operation. Faced with these environments, the development of the application connects the user to a light and intuitive digital resource, in order to facilitate its use and see the tracking of the route and variables in a stable way. Now, the use of IoT technology as a support for the system, allows to incorporate it in everyday environments to continue expanding its integration, taking advantage of its deployment and technological advancement. Finally, the implemented system contributes to develop devices that become affordable tools by providing real-time monitoring, providing information for the recovery of the bicycle, which helps to continue attacking the problem of bike-user safety and vehicle loss, in addition to being an alternative solution and continue promoting the use of clean and sustainable mobility.
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    Algoritmo de diagnóstico para evaluar parámetros de calibración en los sensores IoT Xovis con el propósito de sistematizar el proceso de calibración en la empresa Followup, basado en procesamiento de imágenes
    Castro Romero, Nicol Stacy; Barón Diaz, Angie Catalina; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto
    FollowUp Company provides a people counting service using Xovis brand IoT sensors. To ensure the accuracy of the service, a periodic calibration process of the sensors is carried out. This process is based on analyzing the margin of error between people entering and leaving the monitored area. If this value exceeds 5%, the Xovis API is accessed to analyze the sensor's real-time image. The analysis utilizes height maps, stereo image maps, start-stop maps, and an old image of the sensor to determine whether calibration is necessary, if there is another issue at the sensor's location, or if another intervention is required. The Python library OpenCV is used for image processing. The algorithm is hosted in a script that takes the MAC addresses of the sensors as input and outputs a new Excel list of sensors that require calibration.
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    Aplicación basada en software para caracterizar los cultivos de papa, arveja y frijol a nivel nacional utilizando un conjunto de datos del MADR y una técnica de aprendizaje automático
    Mosquera Palacios, Yuly Estefania; Gordillo Hernandez, Anderson Mauricio; Hernández Martinez, Henry Alberto; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto [0000-0002-2323-0242]
    This project presents a software-based tool that allows the farmer to know the yield of potato, bean and pea crops in the department of Boyacá therefore it will benefit your future crops. The context of the work is framed in the problem of scarce use of technological tools in the agricultural environment and the need to renew the forms used until now by peasants. The solution is to develop a software-based tool to characterize the potato, pea and bean crops at the national level using the Evaluations data set Municipal Agricultural Companies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (represented by the MADR) and implementing machine learning techniques (Machine Learning represented by the acronym ML) and predictive analytics to evaluate its behavior and precision.
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    Diseño e implementación de técnicas de corrección diferencial y posicionamiento híbrido para mejorar la precisión de dispositivos de rastreo GPS en AZ Smart Technology
    (2024-04-16) Chaparro Contreras, John Edison; Gil Quiroga, Leonel Fabián; Rojas Castellar, Luis Alejandro
    In the world of tracking technology and security, accurate location tracking is more than a luxury; it is a fundamental necessity. Global Positioning Systems (GPS), since their inception, have transformed the way we locate and track objects and people in real time. GPS systems, especially those based on consumer solutions, have demonstrated limitations. These limitations, which include limited accuracy in urban or densely wooded environments and susceptibility to both natural and human-induced interference, can compromise operations that depend on accurate location.
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    Desarrollo de una arquitectura de Vlan basada en el esquema cliente servidor de tres capas para localizar animales domésticos utilizando coordenadas georeferenciadas en el radio de acción del usuario
    Malambo Moreno, Jeisson Alexander; González Amortegui, Mateo; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto
    In this paper, the problem of pet abandonment in Colombia is addressed, where it is estimated that around 3 million dogs and cats are in a street situation [1]. To address this worrying situation, a website has been developed with a focus on the geolocation of these pets to facilitate the pet adoption process. This approach seeks to offer an alternative to conventional mobile applications, allowing users to search and publish pets using a geolocation system that adapts to the user’s radius of action. In order to provide a solution to connect needy pets with homes or people who want to have a new member in the family and thus reduce the number of animals abandoned on the streets. The application is developed in a VLAN architecture based on a client-server scheme of 3 layers, it seeks to implement the creation of a graphical user interface based on a Progressive Web APP (PWA), and the evaluation of the performance of the proposed model. The research question guiding this project is: What are the optimal parameters that allow the PWA to be an effective tool to help homeless pets virtually?
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    Modelo de rnn para encontrar patrones secuenciales a partir de un análisis de intentos no exitosos en servicios de voz móvil utilizando aprendizaje automático
    Rico Lombana, Luis Felipe; González Luque, Juan Camilo; Cadena Muñoz, Ernesto
    4G networks with the technological advance of society have taken on considerable importance, forTherefore, it is necessary that users have an experience that allows them to remain within your server, in order to achieve this objective it is essential to find strategies that allow us to solve the needs of users, and improve the quality of service. To solve this problem, an analysis of databases with information is proposed. Important that allows, through machine learning, to create a predictive model, from which schedules, geographic spaces and mobile service operators can be evidenced.
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    Implementación de un sistema de predicción de medidas LTE utilizando la tarjeta de desarrollo Zedboard y Machine Learning
    Porras Garzón, Nicolás; Gómez Pérez, Helmunt Alberto; Pedraza Martínez, Luis Fernando
    The different conditions under which LTE mobile networks operate make it necessary to establish strategies that allow the interpretation of different variables involved in their design, construction, deployment and operation. One of these key variables within the LTE mobile context are the power ratio and signal quality measurements, RSSI, RSRP and RSRQ. The main methods used to quantify these measurements in a physical environment, beyond on-site measurement, may be propagation models, however, in addition to the mathematical construction involved in their use and implementation, they are not really tools that forecast or predict signal behavior in a specific environment, clearly showing a need that has not been adequately met in this area. In this perspective, a viable option to the prediction of these measurements are predictive models, but if in addition to the problem of predicting itself, the context of working with mobile equipment and outdoor environments is added, it makes sense to route these prediction models in a device that offers portability in some way. FPGA-type reprogrammable boards or embedded systems provide a moderate amount of processing resources that, in applications such as those required for this problem, turn out to be sufficient to implement predictive models. Thus, ZedBoard, together with a dedicated operating system that supports programming languages specialized in Machine Learning such as Python, is a suitable candidate for code prototyping in this field. We propose then the design and execution in an interactive Python code environment, such as Jupyter Notebook, the development of three predictive models based on the algorithms of Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, and Random Forests, respectively, using as reference the real measurements taken from an LTE base station on a mobile terminal. Additionally, a predictive model based on Recurrent Neural Networks is developed outside the ZedBoard. The purpose of this is, firstly, to diversify the alternatives in terms of Machine Learning algorithms used; and also, to technically support that the effectiveness and usefulness of the use of other embedded models that apparently do not have the necessary power in this type of applications, are also capable of offering complete solutions in an area in which they are not usually considered. At the end of the design and deployment on the test data, the predictions made by each model are conclusive and reaffirm the real possibility of implementing predictive models based on Machine Learning techniques in embedded systems, and within the context of mobile telecommunications. For this specific problem, the Random Forests model proved to be far superior and adequately adapted to the characteristics of the LTE variables analyzed with an error margin of less than 6% in any case, even above the Recurrent Neural Network model that was not executed in ZedBoard, allowing to deduce that there are other options in relation to the prediction of mobile signals and offering new alternatives to the classical methods of planning, dimensioning and characterization of an LTE cellular network.
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    Análisis estadístico y pronostico para el servicio de internet móvil de los operadores en Colombia usando machine learning para determinar el número de abonados y su portabilidad
    Castillo Caranton, Luis Felipe; Flórez Salazar, Miguel Ángel; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto; Pedraza Martínez, Luis Fernando
    Mobile operators in Colombia and their offered services collect a large amount of information regarding the variables of each service, as is the case of mobile internet, which today is offered by all operators in prepaid and postpaid plan modalities. The dynamics of supply and stability in the market that each operator has is linked to the characteristics of their plans and the constant change that each one presents monthly. This is why for entities such as the Communications Regulatory Commission (CRC) that owns and collects this data, it becomes necessary to understand the influence and dynamics of these conditions and their changes over time. The Postdata platform, managed and constantly updated by the CRC, collects various information from mobile operators in Colombia. Within this is the history of subscribers, portability and rates, where each one corresponds to different periods of time since its collection and/or update. This data is publicly accessible, so it is possible to consult and download it at any time. With this, it is possible to carry out and implement a statistical analysis that demonstrates the current conditions and the historical change of these variables in reference to each operator and its plan modalities. The realization of this analysis and respective forecast is framed through an institutionalized research project between the Francisco José de Caldas District University and the CRC endorsed by Minciencias through call 908-2021 (“New knowledge, technological development and innovation for the strengthening of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), postal and audiovisual content sectors. In this project, we seek to give greater visibility and importance to this data through a graphical user interface in which statistics and Machine Learning (ML) tools and techniques are integrated to generate results that provide a detail of the competition and dynamization of the variables in the different operators in the country.
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    Desarrollo de un sistema de automatización que mediante scripts valida el estado de sitios, confirma la topología de última milla y configura las VPN en el proyecto MINTIC Claro 7K en Colombia
    Quintero Cárdenas, Néstor Eduardo; González Bernal, Yeison Alberto; Gómez Gómez, Edgar Leonardo; Gómez Gómez, Edgar Leonardo [0000-0002-9544-0265]
    This document shows the development and implementation of a comprehensive tool for processing, storage, data visualization and configurations for the optimization of time invested in status queries and satellite VPN configurations of the sites implemented in the government project "Digital Centers" which seeks to bring connection to internet to the most remote places in the 32 departments of Colombia without interruption until the year 2031.
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    Estudio del impacto ambiental de los RAEES generados por las empresas del sector de las telecomunicaciones y diseño de un plan de gestión
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rojas Rivera, Edgar Arturo; Bermúdez Bohórquez, Giovanni Rodrigo;
    Study of the environmental impact of the WEEE "Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment", generated by companies in the telecommunications sector, carrying out an identification and quantitative study of the materials used by the sector and their incidence in the environmental impact, in order to to design a comprehensive management plan for WEEE, where methods are proposed that lead to demonstrating that this type of company is environmentally sustainable, improving the environmental image of the sector.