Ingeniería en Telecomunicaciones

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    Desarrollo de un sistema de automatización que mediante scripts valida el estado de sitios, confirma la topología de última milla y configura las VPN en el proyecto MINTIC Claro 7K en Colombia
    Quintero Cárdenas, Néstor Eduardo; González Bernal, Yeison Alberto; Gómez Gómez, Edgar Leonardo; Gómez Gómez, Edgar Leonardo [0000-0002-9544-0265]
    This document shows the development and implementation of a comprehensive tool for processing, storage, data visualization and configurations for the optimization of time invested in status queries and satellite VPN configurations of the sites implemented in the government project "Digital Centers" which seeks to bring connection to internet to the most remote places in the 32 departments of Colombia without interruption until the year 2031.
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    Estudio del impacto ambiental de los RAEES generados por las empresas del sector de las telecomunicaciones y diseño de un plan de gestión
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rojas Rivera, Edgar Arturo; Bermúdez Bohórquez, Giovanni Rodrigo;
    Study of the environmental impact of the WEEE "Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment", generated by companies in the telecommunications sector, carrying out an identification and quantitative study of the materials used by the sector and their incidence in the environmental impact, in order to to design a comprehensive management plan for WEEE, where methods are proposed that lead to demonstrating that this type of company is environmentally sustainable, improving the environmental image of the sector.
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    Diseño de una metodología para el despliegue, administración de la red y gestión de problemas en las redes de internet comunitario, mediante el uso de la metodología Ágil Scrum y las buenas prácticas de Itil V4
    Hernández Ráchez, Ginna Fernanda; Cely Callejas, José David; Cely Callejas, José David [0000-0001-8969-5301]
    Community networks are communication systems created and managed by local communities to meet their own communication needs. In this document, a methodology is developed that is based on the development and use of this type of network, focused on services in such a way that seek continuous improvement, as well as control and proper management of incidents and requirements that may arise. Thus, this methodology covers the use, administration of the network and management of problems in community internet networks, through the use of the agile Scrum methodology and the good practices of ITIL V4, so that the proposed solution is based on the planning of one that takes ITIL as a reference is complemented by Scrum, thus proposing a set of best practices for the control, operation and administration of resources, focusing on the management of Information Technology services and the delivery of IT services.
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    Estudio estadístico con base en funciones de densidad de probabilidad para las componentes RSRP, RSRQ y RSSI de la tecnología 4g en estaciones base de la ciudad de Bogotá
    Montañez Rodríguez, Hans Sneider; Orjuela Flórez, Daniel Felipe; Pedraza Martínez, Luis Fernando
    The objective of this project is to analyze the behavior of the parameters RSPR (Reference Received Signal Power), RSRQ (Received Signal the reference signal) and RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) in the technology 4G around the base stations located in the city of Bogotá. For this, a process that starts from obtaining data by means of specialized software in the registration of 4G signals installed in a mobile device. Additionally, the coordinates using a GPS for mobile devices; These data are analyzed based on in the RSRQ, RSRP and RSSI components of 4G technology. These are then processed data using software such as Excel and Matlab for further analysis. The modality of The work will be a monograph, with field trips to collect data for its subsequent analysis.
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    Sistema de transmisión continua con multiplexación por división de frecuencias ortogonales OFDM a través de radio definido por software
    Álvarez Yaya, Cristian Andrés; Cely Callejas, José David; Cely Callejas, José David [0000-0001-8969-5301]
    In a world characterized by the constant evolution of communications and technology, the need arises to develop advanced and efficient transmission systems. In this context, the study and development of a continuous transmission system based on the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique is presented, using the USRP 2901 software-defined radio device. This device, which operates in a range with frequencies from 70 MHz to 6 GHz, it offers a wide variety of services, including the transmission of modulated signals and the use of white spaces. The focus is on addressing a crucial challenge: implementing a solution that enables consistent and seamless streaming. In this sense, there is the problem of designing a system that uses OFDM technology efficiently, guaranteeing the optimization of the spectrum and the reduction of interference in transmission. This problem is based on the need to maximize the transmission capacity and reliability of communications in environments of high demand and complexity. The developed solution is materialized through a meticulous approach in the configuration and operation of the system using the USRP 2901 equipment. The design process is based on the creation of a detailed guide that breaks down the implementation of OFDM technology step by step, offering students and the academic community a practical tool to understand and apply this technique. The implementation and testing of the system provide encouraging results. A significant increase in spectral efficiency and transmission capacity is observed, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed solution. In addition, there is evidence of a notable reduction in interference and greater robustness in communications, which supports the suitability of the adopted strategy. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the implementation of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) through the USRP 2901 device constitutes a viable and effective solution to improve the quality and efficiency of transmissions in modern communication environments. The results obtained underline the importance of comprehensively addressing transmission challenges in the current context, thus contributing to the advancement and optimization of communication technologies.
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    Desarrollo de un diagnóstico normativo en torno a la implementación del despliegue de infraestructura de telecomunicaciones para el municipio de La Calera, teniendo en cuenta el proceso de otros municipios de Cundinamarca en cumplimiento de la Ley 1955 de 2019
    Ceballos Cuéllar, Angélica María; Reina Esquivel, Esteban Alejandro; Cadena Muñoz, Ernesto; Cadena Muñoz Ernesto [0000-0002-1086-3665]
    With the technological advances in the world, social growth has been achieved through the deployment of infrastructure giving way to the connection from anywhere in the world, for this a development of a normative diagnosis is elaborated around the implementation of the deployment of infrastructure of telecommunications for the municipality of La Calera, taking into account the process of other municipalities of Cundinamarca, such as Tabio, Tenjo, Cogua, Zipaquirá and Cota, in compliance with Law 1955 of 2019, which seeks through the National Development Plan not to be present barriers to the deployment of infrastructure and with this the municipalities are accredited and obtain the regulatory benefits established in Colombia.
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    Detección de ataques realizados a un servidor por un nodo BOTNET mediante la implementación de un modelo de red neuronal de aprendizaje profundo (DEEP LEARNING) usando el conjunto de datos BETH
    García González, Julián Eduardo; Payares Mateus, Kevin Geancarlo; Hernández Martinez, Henry Alberto; Hernández Martinez Henry Alberto [0000-0002-2323-0242]
    This project presents the implementation of a deep learning neural network model for the detection of attacks on a server by a botnet node, using the BETH1 dataset. The context of the work is framed within the current problem of security attacks on networked computer systems and the need for intelligent control measures to protect them. The problem posed in this degree work is the detection of attacks from a botnet node to a server, since they cause significant damage to the network infrastructure, among them are: the generation of massive data traffic to a server, the sending of large unsolicited emails, the infection of network devices, among other damages. This problem is complex because botnet nodes are designed to evade intrusion detection systems and the traffic generated is similar to legitimate traffic. The developed solution consists in the implementation of a deep learning neural network model using the BETH dataset, which contains network traffic information generated by botnet nodes and legitimate traffic. The model performance is evaluated using performance metrics such as accuracy, recall and F1-score. The results obtained show that the proposed model achieves a botnet node detection accuracy of 91%, indicating that it is an efficient solution for detecting botnet attacks. In conclusion, the implementation of a deep learning neural network model for the detection of botnet node attacks on a server is an effective and efficient solution. The results obtained demonstrate the importance of using advanced data analysis and deep learning techniques to improve network computer security in the area of anomaly detection.
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    Diseño e implementación de un algoritmo de cifrado híbrido para sistemas de comunicación crítica
    Urrego Piñeros, Julián Ernesto; Alza Ramírez, Jorge Alexander; Cadena Muñoz, Ernesto
    In this paper, the development of the degree work is evidenced, which consists of the execution of a hybrid encryption algorithm for mission-critical communication systems through software-defined radio. The algorithm is developed using the Python programming language which allows for RSA asymmetric authentication. The RSA key (public and private) is sent encrypted by a password from the receiver to the transmitter, the transmitter unlocks the public key with which the AES session key is encrypted by RSA, which encrypts the plain text, then it is encrypts the plaintext using the AES (symmetric encryption) algorithm. At the receiver, the session key is decrypted using the RSA private key, which in turn is used to decrypt the plaintext. For this work, samples are taken with image files (.jpg or .png) that have a size between 44.4 kB and 226 kB, which are opened automatically when they arrive. The communication is executed through the GNU Radio software in which an ASK modulation technique is used at a symbol rate of 195.312 kbps, at the time of making this communication it is executed by the USRP-N210 device, a device implemented for the development of Defined Radio by Software, since it allows delegating the hardware functions to the code used by the GNU Radio tool through Python and C++. Throughput, delay, and jitter performance measurements are performed, evaluating the performance of the algorithm, which is why these data are affected only with the adjusted bit rate in the GNU Radio block diagrams. The throughput varies with very slight values since it is conditioned to the packaging and the control information that the UDP protocol consumes through the communication between the computer and the USRP-N210 for its operation.
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    Guías de laboratorio para el estudio de señales Wi-Fi con el equipo Anritsu MS2830A de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José De Caldas
    Cañas Soto, Manuel Fernando; Estupiñan Avellaneda, Brayan Alexander; Cely Callejas, José David; Cely Callejas, José David [0000-0001-8969-5301]
    This document in the form of a monograph presents in detail the completion of practices laboratory with the ANRITSU MS2830A measurement equipment purchased by the University Francisco José de Caldas District, specifically in the Faculty electronics laboratory technology generating laboratory guides that allow students, teachers and researchers carry out research projects and degree projects that involve the analysis, transmission and reception of Wi-Fi signals that comply with the IEEE 802.11 standard. This document proposes an efficient use of the investment made by the Francisco José de Caldas District University, facilitating and encouraging the use of the equipment ANRITSU MS2830A by students, teachers and researchers, thanks to the experimentation of theoretical-practical concepts that are seen throughout the Engineering career in Telecommunications and which can be strengthened through the execution of practices laboratory through the use of guides.
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    Análisis de rendimiendo de la función criptográfica Hash sobre sistemas embebidos de 32 bits
    Capera Cuellar, Camila; Montiel Ariza, Holman; Montiel Ariza, Holman [0000-0002-6077-3510]
    In this article, the performance analysis of the SHA256 cryptographic function on 32-bit embedded systems is performed. An analysis of the hash function is performed and later it is implemented in different systems; taking into account that specific functions must be implemented for the analysis of the final results. Through the mbedtls library, the function is implemented in five embedded systems in which their processor characteristics, frequency and RAM vary; this in order to make a performance comparison between the different implemented systems. With the results of the analysis it is possible to verify that the SHA-256 function can be implemented in any embedded system thanks to existing libraries in the network. Also, it is possible to show that several aspects must be taken into account; such as the type of processor and frequency at which the system to be used works because despite the fact that the library makes the SHA-256 function work in an optimized way, this affects the calculation performance of the function.
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    Desarrollo de una aplicación usando Python para detección de vehículos en tiempo real en un estacionamiento
    Bohórquez Aroca, Jonathan Javier; Anzola Hernández, Johan Steven; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon [0000-0001-8407-1831]
    In response to the increasing difficulty of finding parking in Bogotá, we have developed an innovative application that uses advanced technologies such as machine vision and image processing. The application uses machine vision and image processing techniques to scan parking lots and determine which spaces are occupied and how many are free. This advanced technology enables accurate vehicle identification and real-time availability, helping drivers find parking efficiently and quickly. Initial test results are highly encouraging, showing exceptional accuracy in vehicle identification and parking space availability.
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    Herramienta basada en software para el diagnóstico de intentos de comunicación no exitosos del servicio de datos móviles con redes de cuarta generación (4g) en el sector de las telecomunicaciones en colombia
    Munevar Rojas, Alba Lizeth; Varón Herrera, María Alejandra; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto
    This paper focused on analyzing a data set called "percentage of unsuccessful communication attempts in the access network for 4g" that contained records from various departments and municipalities in Colombia, including information on telecommunications companies. Machine learning techniques and machine learning models in Python were used to predict and understand patterns of unsuccessful communication attempts in the 4g network. The process included data exploration and cleaning, selection of relevant variables, and application of various machine learning algorithms. The results demonstrated that these models were accurate and could improve the quality of service and efficiency of 4g networks in colombia.
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    Manual de prácticas de laboratorio para modulaciones digitales mediante el uso de la USRP 2901
    Clavijo Quintero, Daniel Eduardo; Tarapuez Yela, Eduar Alejandro; Cely Callejas, José David; Cely Callejas, José David [0000-0001-8969-5301]
    In this project, laboratory exercises have been designed to enhance the teaching in the field of telecommunications at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José De Caldas. These exercises focus on the use of Software Defined Radio (SDR) tools, specifically the USRP 2901 device, with the purpose of strengthening the understanding of communications. The project emphasizes the implementation and validation of LABVIEW programs that represent digital modulation techniques such as FSK, PSK, and QAM. Each of these techniques employs different approaches to transmit digital information by altering the carrier signal's frequency, phase, and amplitude, respectively. The goal is to use the USRP 2901 device, available at the university, to carry out these modulations. Simultaneously, detailed instructional guides have been created to provide clear instructions for conducting each of the exercises related to these digital modulation techniques
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    Desarrollo de una aplicación basada en software libre y tecnología IOT que genera recomendaciones para la transición de energía eléctrica a renovable en una vivienda
    Urrego Garay, Jairo Miller; Villamizar Palacio, Andrés Felipe; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto [0000-0002-2323-0242]
    The ecological impact of fossil fuels is a global concern that requires effective and sustainable solutions. The transition to renewable energy sources is essential for combating climate change and preserving our natural environment. Energy meters are vital for understanding residential consumption, which is measured in KW/h. However, these systems lack the ability to generate reports. Therefore, this thesis presents a partial solution to this problem with a software-based application that incorporates hardware with IoT (Internet of Things) technology. This allows for the monitoring of electrical consumption data in residential (alternating current) systems, facilitating analysis of electricity consumption in each of the electrical circuit boxes. Subsequently, the application performs an analysis to generate important recommendations for the implementation of alternative energy sources in a household. The application will present the data through a graphical interface and generate a document with recommendations for the feasibility of transitioning to renewable energy. The main intention is to provide technicians and some users who do not have specialized knowledge with an easy-to-understand presentation of the information, in order to reduce time and costs. The methodology for implementation according to the project objectives is based on designing a combined hardware and software solution that allows for the registration of a household's electrical consumption information on a server through a wireless network. First, the necessary electronic components for the development of the hardware device will be defined. Second, flowcharts will be elaborated referring to the functioning of the IoT device and software solution. Lastly, an initial assembly will be made to develop the necessary algorithms to validate the functioning of the proposed solution. With the development of this proposal, users have a source of data that will serve as a decision-making tool for the transition to alternative energy sources for any home in Colombia. This work represents an advancement in the IoT and alternative energy sector, as it makes data collection and analysis simpler. It is expected that in the future, this solution will reduce the costs associated with the transition process of alternative energy generation in Colombian households, positioning Colombia as a pioneer in the creation and maintenance of such systems. In addition to fulfilling its main purpose of generating recommendations for the transition from electric to renewable energy in a household, the construction and architecture of the solution allow it to be used as an energy consumption monitoring system in households, even after the installation of alternative energy generation systems. Therefore, it is viable to generate a profitable business model that promotes the distribution and use of the solution.
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    Implementación de un sistema detector de movimiento terrestre, como medidas activas para la seguridad de las unidades de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana
    Espinosa Restrepo, Daniel Ricardo; Aguja Ramírez, Diego Alejandro; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon [0000-0001-8407-1831]
    This document shows the implementation of a ground movement detection system through the contract made with the company A&A Ingeniería S.A.S, which integrates the CCTV security system of Fuerza Aérea Colombiana to strengthen the defense system of the network. at different levels.
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    Estudio de cobertura de banda ancha inalámbrica en el departamento del Meta para la banda de 2.4 GHz con tecnología WiFi, a partir de los lugares establecidos por el MINTIC y mediante la herramienta de simulación Xirio.
    Acero Rojas, Juan David; Cely Callejas, José David; 0000-0001-8969-5301; Cely Callejas, José David [0000-0001-8969-5301]
    At the beginning of the year 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic started, which led to people being confined and having to stay indoors for several months in their homes. As a result, there was an increase in remote work, virtual classes, online meetings, and a multitude of activities carried out through video conferences. This somewhat facilitated the lives of many urban sectors, such as students, as it gave them the possibility to work and study at the same time thanks to the flexibility of location and class schedules. However, this did not have the same outcome in rural areas due to the limited internet access opportunities in these locations. This can be affirmed based on data provided by an article in the "Revista Semana" that states, "Internet access in Colombia is 56% in cities and 23.9% in rural or remote areas, with rural areas having the least access to the internet and coverage." Currently, we are in the digital era, which is influenced by various technological advancements occurring in fields such as robotics, electronics, telecommunications, and systems, among other areas that contribute to the development of a country or nation. In most cases, having internet access is vital for implementing any kind of project. In the process of increasing coverage in Colombia, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MINTIC) is implementing projects to bring coverage to rural areas that are further away from urban areas, such as the Digital Centers project. These projects have encountered different problems that have hindered progress in the country, including obstacles in conducting studies to analyze areas without coverage or areas that are difficult to access. The objective of this project is to develop a study of wireless coverage in areas of the Meta department for the 2.4 GHz band, as the Meta department is one of the areas considered for coverage by MINTIC. The Digital Centers project has planned areas in the Meta department where the coverage study will be conducted. In this study, simulation tools for coverage analysis (XIRIO) will be applied, as they allow us to conduct the study of wireless broadband coverage without having to physically visit the location. It will evaluate various WiFi technologies and verify their efficiency. This study also aims to provide input for entities or study groups interested in verifying the implementation of connectivity projects in the areas under study.
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    Planteamiento e implementación de un sistema electrónico para telemetría, navegación y control para un vehículo aéreo no tripulado de cuatro rotores de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana
    Gómez Otalora, Diego Fernando; Gómez Gómez, Edgar Leonardo; 0000-0002-9544-0265; Gómez Gómez, Edgar Leonardo [0000-0002-9544-0265]
    In this project, an electronic system for telemetry, navigation, and control of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was designed and implemented at the Colombian Air Force Aeronautical Innovation Technology Center (CETIA). This is part of a larger project in which institutions and professionals from different engineering fields participated, where the aircraft was designed and manufactured from scratch for monitoring and surveillance of an air base, taking into account a limited injection of capital and the use of affordable materials. It has been observed in the market that the acquisition cost of one of these vehicles is high with limited functionalities.
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    Algoritmo de predicción de abandono de clientes de servicios fijos en telecomunicaciones basado en un conjunto de datos de la empresa IBM
    Pinto Marcelo, Yesid Mauricio; Gutiérrez Ramírez, Natalia; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto [0000-0002-2323-0242
    The competition that exists between telecommunications companies produces multiple offers for users, therefore, these companies are forced to advance strategies that allow keep customers or better yet expand the number of users. This phenomenon does not allow short-term dynamic generation of an appropriate service portfolio, which is identified with the main needs of customers causing massive cancellations of services. Therefore, this paper presents an algorithm that predicts the dropout rate of customers of a telecommunications service, so that companies mitigate this phenomenon through from an analysis. This analysis is built using descriptive statistics tools that establish metrics for the companies that provide the service and with the information collected Influential patterns are identified to assess the results over a period of time. The design of the algorithm conformed to several models that are compared with other techniques. Rported in the state of the art to refine the results obtained, and thus, determine the percentage of abandoned customers in a fixed telecommunications service. This input is the basis for structure action plans and execute them in order to improve the service.
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    Algoritmo de estimación del porcentaje de fraudes en transacciones con tarjeta de crédito
    Parada Velandia, Angelica Liliana; Lozano Guzman, Paula Alejandra; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon; 0000-0001-8407-1831
    One of the main problems that arise in companies is fraud due to electronic transactions, generating financial losses for these entities. Banks have a whole security network that makes it possible for them to detect this type of fraud, but small companies do not have the opportunity to quantify this type of fraud to minimize the losses that this generates. The project proposes the execution of an algorithm that allows the detection of a specific percentage of users suspected of having committed fraud in electronic transactions with credit cards, taking into account that the development is based on statistical methodologies. It is sought that the result of the algorithm can be of great help for companies to take measures according to the results obtained. The algorithm plans to give a specific number of credit card frauds from an experimental database where the raised data is encrypted with data mining techniques such as PCA (Principal Component Analysis) transformation in order to protect the information since the entities do not provide data on their customers for security reasons. The technique provided seeks to help small and large companies to detect in an automated, easy and safe way; numbers of frauds that may be causing losses in their companies.
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    Aplicación móvil para controlar el flujo de entrada y salida de estudiantes de forma interactiva en una ruta escolar en la ciudad de Bogotá
    Díaz Peláez, Omar Andrés; Benavidez Castellanos, Juan Diego; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto; Hernández Martínez, Henry Alberto [0000-0002-2323-0242]
    La Ruta is a mobile application designed to facilitate the control of student flow by drivers of school cars in the city of Bogotá through independent user interfaces for two types of account (driver or student), organize students by distance in real time through an algorithm for ordering and managing the information provided by each user in a private and personalized way. Its construction is based on the React Native framework by using platforms such as Expo for the construction of signed files and Firebase for user authentication by email as well as registration and data management through services such as Firebase Authentication and Firebase Firestore. A test is carried out with 5 students to verify its operation.