Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educación con Énfasis en Educación en Ciencias
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Ítem Modelización de un ecosistema de humedal, soportado en el uso de Sistemas de Información Geográfica y de una aproximación histórica para la didáctica de la ecología(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Abella Peña, Nelcy Susana; García Martínez, Álvaro; Abella Peña, Nelcy Susana [0000-0002-8756-2166]; García Martínez, Álvaro [0000-0002-3597-6252]This research characterizes the modeling processes 12 high school students developed around the Torca wetland ecosystem using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to study ecology from a historical perspective. With this, in addition to identifying the representations that students have of the ecosystem, it contributes to proposing a theoretical-methodological model for the teaching of ecology that seeks to expand the school's understanding of ecology as a theory, understanding that there are complex interactions between organisms and that each territory has coordinates and a history that tells where its current conditions come from, and the importance of knowing to care. A modeling cycle is designed using the constructivist paradigm and a qualitative approach to do this. It includes six activities: drawing, making models, debating, visiting the wetland, and making audiovisual resources with explanations from a systemic ecosystem perspective, including GIS and the historical view. Students understand the wetland ecosystem as a territory with historical events that led it to its current conditions, and that humans have transformed it to meet their needs, which then overflow causing pollution, and are forced to create restoration programs. Students develop skills with some difficulty in using GIS, relating them to digital tools that also serve to understand an ecosystem from the synecological interactions inherent to its coordinates. It is worth mentioning that the activities that function as mediation in the modelling processes (drawings, models, debates, and video creation) allow students to represent elements in which they are more skilled and competent since some are better at drawing and others at digital design; that is, they have preferences for representing in greater detail depending on the media and the same activity. As expected, the 12 students characterize organisms that are part of the wetland, recognizing their taxonomy and autoecology. However, the systemic understanding of synecology is represented by only two female students from the group of 12. The sequencing of the proposed activities contributes to the consolidation of the teaching of ecology and the students' levels of understanding, making them aware of being part of a system of interactions with the environment, so that they recognize their territory, then value it, and take care of it from their role as citizens in decision-making.Ítem Las controversias científicas históricas: un contexto de análisis para la enseñanza de la física y la argumentación desde el enfoque pragmadialécticoÁlvarez García, Lida Milena; García Martínez, Álvaro; Álvarez García, Lida Milena [0000-0002-4297-1556]; García Martínez, Álvaro [0000-0002-3597-6252]The central purpose of this doctoral research work was to rescue the definition, use and scope of historical scientific controversies (CCH) as a didactic resource for the development of argumentative competence, within the framework of physics teaching. for high school students. The objective of the research was to analyze how the phenomenon of school scientific argumentation occurs by incorporating a physics teaching perspective through the analysis of historical scientific controversies using an argumentation route designed at three levels of dialogicity based on the principles of dialogicity of Bakhtin (1993) and van Eemeren's pragma-dialectical approach (2012). Under the methodological guidelines of the grounded theory and the multiple case study, two research cycles were carried out. A first cycle focused on the development of a didactic unit composed of 18 activities, which were analyzed in seven case studies under a research approach framed in an interpretive and analytical constructivist paradigm. Based on this analysis, a second didactic unit composed of 8 activities was proposed with which a second cycle of research was carried out that would allow the provisional theory proposed in the first cycle to be refined. The results showed relevant aspects linked to a central category associated with the phenomenon of pragmadialectical school scientific argumentation through six subsidiary categories that defined and characterized it.Ítem Formación en energías renovables no convencionales para estudiantes de Ingeniería ElectrónicaSalamanca Céspedes, Jorge Enrique; García Martínez, Álvaro; Salamanca Céspedes, Jorge Enrique [0000-0002-9396-2641]; García Martínez, Álvaro [0000-0002-3597-6252]Currently, energy plays a fundamental role in the world's economies, energy consumption is a factor in the growth of a country and the quality of life of a society; however, in developing countries the situation is complex due to that there is a gap in access to quality energy at reasonable prices. The way energy is generated and consumed is in a period of rapid change in many countries, the energy system is transforming towards one less dependent on fossil fuels, while non-conventional renewable energies and particularly wind and solar, are becoming increasingly important. Technological advances have made solar and wind energy more efficient and cost-effective. While these changes to the energy system come with great environmental benefits, these technologies are not without impacts. The energy system is inseparable from our modern lifestyle, and because the global and local system is huge, the energy transition will affect society in many ways. This research project analyzes an aspect of the social side of these changes in the energy system and particularly in an emerging discipline that promotes the participation of all citizens in energy issues, Education in Non-Conventional Renewable Energy, which has become a imperative for engineering students and particularly for electronic engineering students at the Francisco José de Caldas District University. The potential of the disciplinary training of these students is very high, so formulating a model for training in renewable energies is an urgent need to prepare future electronic engineers and even more so in view of an upcoming energy transition in the country. It was possible to determine from an instrument called CAP – ERNC that used a Likert-type scale, the interest of the students in energy topics and especially in topics associated with renewable energies, for which an intervention was implemented, through a model and a methodology that, with the mediation of the project, promotes the incorporation of these topics in the Electrical Circuit Analysis course, which allowed the students to develop a series of skills, both disciplinary and transversal, putting the student at the center of the process of learning and promotes learning processes autonomously. In addition, a series of instruments were implemented that promote understanding, awareness, commitment, acceptance and participation, promoting attitudes and values that contribute to facing the energy challenges of communities through socially and culturally compatible educational practices in energy projects. renewables, assuming an informed and critical stance. In general, the instruments designed during the research and the information collection instruments were adapted thanks to the collaboration of expert professors and students. Among the instruments are questionnaires, videos, reports, workshops, and content analysis of multiple documents. Most of the different types of documents and information obtained were managed and analyzed using the Python programming language, this is a free programming language based on the use of libraries for the application of different functions and the use of the recurrence of the functions. Likewise, artificial intelligence techniques were also used. Currently, there are a large number of libraries implemented with models that can be used for retraining according to the objectives. In this work, some libraries implemented in Python were used in order to carry out different qualitative and quantitative analyzes of the different documents resulting from this research. Regarding the methodology used that allowed answers to be given in compliance with the objectives, this is proposed from a qualitative perspective, from a socio-critical and participatory position that describes, understands and transforms reality based on the methodological approach of the Research of Educational Design. All the information, evidence and data collected in this research, together with the current policies on energy issues and particularly those of renewable energies that lead to a transition towards them, highlights the imperative need to address this issue from education in all areas. training levels and especially in engineering programs.Ítem Concepciones de profesores y profesoras sobre comunidades de práctica desde el contexto y la diversidad culturalOrjuela Osorio, Claudia Patricia; Molina Andrade, Adela; 0000-0002-6802-5533; Molina Andrade, Adela [0000-0002-6802-5533]The present investigation had as objective of analysis, the understanding of science teachers about a Community of Practice in science teaching, with a perspective of cultural diversity and the need to understand the practice located in specific cultural contexts, according to the ecoregion to which they belong. The study was of a narrative nature, based on the analysis of responses to eliciting situations. Six interviews were conducted. The findings were significant: recognize in the conceptions, the meanings and significances of the work in the group of teachers who work within an Intercultural Community of Practice. In the five dimensions worked on in the CoP_I ((a) origin and purpose; (b) relationships between traditional ecological knowledge and school scientific knowledge; (c) dynamics; (d) attitudes of teachers and (e) strategies), highlights the interaction between the dynamics of participation and development of collaborative work and the training of students of diverse cultural origin. On the other hand, in the analysis of Principal Components, which arise from the affirmations elaborated and applied in a Likert scale questionnaire, six conceptions about Intercultural Communities. of Practice are identified, in the same way the behavior of these conceptions in six ecoregions is analyzed. of Colombia, in culturally differentiated contextsÍtem Concepciones de muerte desde la perspectiva de la diversidad cultural, en docentes formadores de profesionales de áreas ambientales en dos IES ubicadas en contextos culturalmente diferenciadosParsons Delgado, Astrid Ximena; Molina Andrade, Adela; 0000-0002-6802-5533; Molina Andrade, Adela [0000-0002-6802-5533]The present investigation had as a subject of analysis the conceptions of death of teacher educators of professionals in environmental areas in two culturally differentiated contexts. For this, the voice of teachers of environmental careers from the Francisco José de Caldas District University in Bogotá and the University of Antioquia in Medellín was investigated. The objectives of the research were: Characterize, interpret and understand the conceptions of death, from the perspective of diversity and cultural difference, of university professors who train professionals in environmental areas in two Colombian HEIs located in culturally differentiated contexts. The study was mixed (qualitative and quantitative); in the first case, of a narrative type, based on the analysis of responses to situations. Four interviews were conducted. The findings were significant: in all the reports it was expressed that death is part of the history and the national context, the tradition and the funeral ritual are recognized, the management of death in sanitary terms is respected and importance is given to the processes. recognition of death in the educational environment. On the other hand, in the second case, an analysis of the main components that arise from the statements elaborated and applied in a Likert scale questionnaire is carried out, five conceptions that approve or disapprove of death are identified, in the same way the behavior of these conceptions is analyzed. in seven ecoregions of Colombia in culturally differentiated contexts, allowing to extrapolate the behavior around death in different parts of the country in the post-conflict scenario.Ítem Caracterización de las concepciones sobre naturaleza de la ciencia de docentes de ciencias naturales en ejercicioAyala Villamil, Luis Alfonso; García Martínez, Álvaro; 0000-0002-3597-6252; García Martínez, Álvaro [0000-0002-3597-6252];Contributing to the scientific literacy of the population has been an objective of educational reforms in different countries and accordingly, the understanding of NOS is a structural factor in scientific literacy. Thus, the development of appropriate conceptions of NOS is one of the commonly stated objectives for education. However, different investigations report inadequate NOS conceptions in science teachers and this is a difficulty to integrate it into their classes. The general objective of this research is to characterize the conceptions about NOS of primary and secondary teachers who teach science in Bogotá, from a contemporary perspective. The research is based on the post-positivist paradigm with quantitative methodology. Sampling is stratified random with proportional allocation. The sample is obtained from the universe of educational establishments in the city and consists of 1033 teachers who teach biology, chemistry, physics or sciences in the 19 urban locations of Bogotá. An instrument on a four-point Likert scale and 23 items is designed and validated. The validation responds to the criteria of validity and reliability. The first is carried out through content validity by expert judgment, construct validation through Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The second is calculated using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient (α), McDonald's Omega coefficient (ω) and the mean inter-item correlation. To demonstrate the relationships between variables, the Spearman correlation index, Multiple Correspondence analysis and the decision tree technique are used. Among the main conclusions, some categories are identified, characterized and conceptually expanded, which, from our point of view, account for the didactically valuable aspects for the characterization of NOS of primary and secondary students and pre-service and in-service teachers. Although it does not pretend to be a complete characterization, given the very complexity of science and the reflections that are built on it, as a whole they allow us to approach its practice, its products and the relationships that can be established between it, society and technology. Five factors are identified through the EFA. For the factors creativity, inferences, empirical nature and theory-laden, models and idealization and dynamics, methodologies, theories and external sociology, the un-informed conceptions are dominant. In the internal sociology factor, adequate conceptions predominate. It is identified that attending in HPS seminars contributes to improving NOS conceptions, although it is not enough. Teacher training requires incorporating explicit reflections about NOS because the teaching exercise per se does not contribute to modifications of NOS conceptions. As contributions of the present investigation to the knowledge of the field, the following are listed: 1) the design of an instrument to characterize conceptions of NOS considering contributions of contemporary philosophy, 2) the validation of the instrument accounting for the psychometric criteria, 3) definition process of categories to characterize NOS, based on previous categories, contributions from the Philosophy of Science, and 4) the report of conceptions of practicing teachers who teach science in Bogotá.Ítem Comunidad de desarrollo profesional de docentes en formación inicial que incorporan recursos TIC en la enseñanza de la químicaAbella Peña, Leonardo Enrique; García Martínez, ÁlvaroThe results of a research focused on identifying the interactions that occur within a professional development community of teachers in initial training, focused on the didactic incorporation of ICT resources for the teaching of chemical change in secondary school are presented. Initially, a reflection is presented on the "naivety" that is usually evidenced when teachers decide to incorporate ICT into their educational exercises, in which, according to the literature, they usually pay more attention to aspects of technological design, which can be considered innovative and striking, leaving aside the essential aspects that can support or guide learning. This situation is implicitly promoted by multiple "training" programs (vs. training) that are developed within governmental and academic offices, in which the importance of the technological aspect is prioritized over those factors that will allow teachers to permeate their practices with the acquired knowledge. Considering that we are in the second decade of the 21st century, and that many practicing teachers have been trained from universities in the midst of technological development, it is worth asking how initial teacher training promotes the use and appropriation of ICT for teaching. The answer focuses on the fact that it is very difficult to get the novice teacher to put into practice what he/she has not learned in his/her initial training, and in the case of ICTs, it is a matter of concern that the use of these tools is not as massive and impactful as it should be. Within the theoretical references and foundations, 5 sections are presented: the relationship between ICT and society, described from the relationship between education and ICT; ICT and the teaching of chemistry, identifying the main contributions from the experiences of incorporation; the training of science teachers in ICT, recognizing current proposals in the field mediated by development communities (CODEP-FI); the teaching of chemistry, as an excuse for the digital training of students and teachers; and a frame of reference on the didactic design. Each of these sections present different constructions that support the research orientations, in terms of allowing a traceability of the different published examples that are correlated from each of the references. In order to provide answers and fulfill the objectives presented, a methodology oriented from the paradigmatic positioning is approached from a sociocritical and participative posture in which the two research approaches are accommodated: the educational design research and the case study. The CODEP-FI generated for the research, formed by a group of students in their last semesters of chemistry degree at the Universidad Distrital, is then regulated from different iterative cycles that promote the refinement of the products generated in this dynamic, which are the same input of the evaluation, feedback and self-management exercise of the CODEP-FI. Considering that CODEP-FI is a group of people who, in a grouped manner, will carry out the processes of the SDI dynamics, the case is understood as the didactic interactions that occur in the learning process on the didactic incorporation of ICT resources, and one of the groups (group 1) that make up CODEP-FI is the unit of analysis for the proposed case. By integrating the three principles that guide the case study (number of cases, unit of analysis and research objectives) and taking into account that the intention of this research is to understand, but at the same time transform teachers' practices, by understanding the relationships that emerge between what teachers know, what they are invited to reflect and design, and how they link it to their training; having multiple inclusive units of analysis, the case approached is conceived as: multiple inclusive explanatory/transformative. The intervention carried out is developed through the application of a didactic unit whose purpose is to offer didactic and technological tools for the design, selection and evaluation of processes of incorporation of ICT to didactic activities focused on the teaching of chemical change to high school students, as part of the initial training of future graduates. The instruments used for data collection were designed and adapted to recognize, through content analysis, the interactions generated within CODEP-FI and within each subgroup of teachers in initial training (PFI). These instruments include: participant observations; questionnaires with Likert scale and open-ended questions; focus group interviews and content analysis of multiple products developed by CODEP-FI. The qualitative information obtained was organized and managed using NVivo® software and some quantitative data (Likert scales) were processed using SPSS® software, allowing the analysis in different orders of the different results. The pre-analysis phase of the results allowed the construction of 5 categories from which the different instruments are analyzed: Community Aspects; Didactic Design Aspects; Technological Aspects; Disciplinary Aspects; and Historical-Epistemological Aspects. The wide variety of documents analyzed allows identifying the most important interactions among CODEP-Fi members when generating their didactic designs, which at the beginning of the intervention are characterized by an inadequate selection of ICT support, lack of planning, poorly written objectives and overall a lack of coherence between what is planned and what is executed. Through the didactic design exercise, conceptual (didactic, technological and disciplinary) and methodological tools are offered, which strengthen different skills of the PFIs, evidenced from the activities and didactic units developed by each group within the CODEP-FI, which together with different processes of co-evaluation and self-regulation allow answering the research questions and achieving the proposed objectives. The data and evidence presented in this research ratify the need to consider, from a broader point of view, the ICT training received by chemistry teachers in recent years, if they are expected to have the technological capacity to face the different challenges of ICT-mediated education.Ítem Etnoecologia, formação de professores de ciências e letramento ecológico: desenvolvendo um perfil culturalmente sensível.Robles-Piñeros, Jairo; Baptista, Geilsa Costa Santos; Molina-Andrade, AdelaIntercultural scientific education requires negotiations among the knowledge systems and the tensions that could emerge between them. On the basis of ethnobiological fieldwork, educational interventions and collaborative work between different actors of the process, was explored the potential of intercultural science education and the development of a culturally sensitive profile in science teachers to mediate between Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Academic (AEK) in teaching practices. The objective of this work, qualitative nature was to continue with a master degree research developed in the years of 2015 to 2016 in the Village of Coração de Maria (Bahia, Brazil), seeking to enlarge the research process about ethnoecological approaches to in-service science teachers from participant schools, with the idea of describe and develop a culturally sensitive profile in science education (ecology) aiming at ecological literacy and decision making by students towards ecological relationships and insects with agricultural relevance. For this, was developed a collaborative work since a transdisciplinary methodological perspective and a collaboration and knowledge co-production between, university, community and school (researcher-teachers-community); and then, to propose a theoretical-methodological model to relate the Academic Ecological Knowledge (AEK) with Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) about insects, crop methods form the two villages which students belongs; seeking with these i). Possibilities to intercultural dialogue (interepistemical and interontological) into the educative process; ii). To concrete the development of a didactical resource in comic format based on intercultural dialogue to ecology approaching; iii). Develop a didactical re-design to propose an intercultural teaching-learning sequence; and iv). To contribute in the continued training of the 4 participant teachers towards the development of a culturally sensitive profile sensitive to cultural diversity in biology (ecology) teaching. Thus, to develop a critics standing toward ethnocentrism and epistemic superiority in science teaching, and to guide activities into intercultural science education process that dialogues not only with epistemic commitments of the participants, but recognize and negotiate the ontological commitments in the process also. These two actions, understood as an educational process sensitive to cultural diversity, specifically related with biology teaching (ecology). In conclusion, it is precise fostering the teacher-researcher (pre and in-service) training capable to recognize and valuing cultural differences and negotiate between knowledge systems. This work is considered a contribution in both fields, first, focused in science teacher training to the development of a culturally sensitive profile, and second, to discuss theoretical-empirical contributions in an intercultural science education consolidation.Ítem El conocimiento escolar en los lineamientos curriculares, estándares básicos de competencias y derechos básicos del aprendizaje para el área de ciencias naturales en Colombia: estudio de casoCárdenas Navas, Ana María; Martínez Rivera, Carmen AliciaThe doctoral thesis that is titled, school knowledge in the Curricular Guidelines, the Basic Standards of Competencies, and the Basic Rights of Learning for the area of Natural Sciences in Colombia: case study, is part of the research line “The professional knowledge of science teachers and school knowledge” of the science education emphasis in the Interinstitutional Doctorate in Education from the Francisco José de Caldas District University, Bogotá D.C-Colombia. From the research line, the need to investigate the school knowledge that is declared in the documents that support the official science curricula was identified. In this context, the doctoral thesis proposed, as a general objective, to characterize school knowledge in the Curricular Guidelines, the Basic Standards of Competencies, and the Basic Rights of Learning for the area of Natural Sciences in Colombia. And, as specific objectives, to characterize the purposes of teaching natural sciences; the school contents, sources and selection of criteria for school contents; the epistemological referents of school knowledge; and the criteria for validating school knowledge in the curricular guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education of Colombia for the Natural Sciences Area; identify the driving forces, obstacles and questionings in the school knowledge proposals issued by the Ministry of Education of Colombia. Of the previous two, a third specific objective was formulated, to propose recommendations for the design of curricular orientations for the area of Natural Sciences from a national context, compared to the characterization of school knowledge of these orientations. The characterization of school knowledge was made through the macro-categories that have been addressed by Professor Martínez (2000) since her doctoral thesis: -school content; -sources and selection criteria for school content; epistemological referents of school knowledge; -validation criteria of school knowledge. In addition to the category purposes of school knowledge in science, the latter in the framework of two theoretical and methodological constructs, the transition progression hypothesis -HdP-T and the Dynamizing axes, Obstacle and Questioning-AXES-DOC, from which a particular and complex epistemology of school knowledge stands out. The research was developed from a qualitative approach; interpretive perspective and, as a method "the case study" (deep understanding of the phenomenon); the type of case study is a unique and intrinsic case; the unique is constituted by the three orientations. And the intrinsic, not only to account for school knowledge by orientation but in relation to the three orientations. As techniques and instruments, the analysis of documents and the semi-structured interview were addressed, the type of interview was an interview with experts (one co-author by orientation). Characterize the school knowledge of the curricular orientations of the area of natural sciences that has been issued by the Ministry of National Education, was constituted in a significant contribution to the field of school knowledge in science from what is declared in the documents that support the official curriculum of natural sciencesÍtem Perfil conceptual sobre adaptación biológica en docentes de biología: un estudio de casosChaves Mejia, Germán Alberto; García Martínez, ÁlvaroThis thesis presents a conceptual and methodological contribution to research in Didactics of Natural Sciences from the perspective of Conceptual Profiles, through a case study with three practicing biology teachers who provided the necessary information to analyze and interpret their ontological, epistemological and didactic commitments with respect to the Biological Adaptation concept and in this way construct the profile areas and characterize the profiles in teachers, to understand it from a didactic point of view and thus generate new knowledge in the field , since the researches consulted on conceptual profiles have only been developed with students. On the other hand, this research makes an unpublished contribution insofar as it investigates the didactic commitments , in addition to the ontological and epistemological commitments that previous investigations developÍtem Concepciones de los profesores en formación inicial sobre la clasificación de los seres vivos desde una perspectiva decolonial: el caso de la licenciatura en biología de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas y la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Bogotá - Colombia))Mateus Vargas, Maritza; Pinheiro, Bárbara Carine Soares; Molina Andrade, AdelaThis research focuses on exposing the perspectives present in the conceptions of undergraduate students in biology from two public universities in the city of Bogotá, to determine what visions the students have in relation to forms of knowledge different from European epistemologies. The central question of this research is: what are the conceptions of the professors in initial training about the classification of living beings from a decolonial perspective: the case of the degrees in Biology of the National Pedagogical University and the Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas? The classification of living beings is the central theme of the research because it is a conceptual construction, which makes it a clear example of the cultural influence in its formation as knowledge. Different cultures create different ways of naming and organizing organisms based on their observations, this allows us to show the differences between traditional and Western constructs and their contributions to teacher training. To answer this question, three specific objectives were raised that seek to structure the theoreticalmethodological framework of the research (exploratory phase), which will later be articulated with the design, application, and analysis of an information collection instrument - Likert-type questionnaire -. The first objective investigates the theoretical and methodological bases that allow the study of the teachers' conceptions, for this purpose two Bibliographic Informational Mappings were carried out in which 6 approaches and fourteen thematic fields were identified that allowed to configure the theoretical-methodological perspective of this investigation. With the second objective, it is intended to establish dimensions that frame the study of the conceptions of teachers in initial training, three dimensions and seven nodes were structured, which, together with the approaches and thematic fields, allowed the creation and subsequent analysis of a Questionnaire of Multiple Weighting Likert Scale (CPM-SL). This questionnaire was applied to 175 undergraduate students in biology from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional and the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Their responses were subjected to a Factor Analysis of Principal Components, which allowed the identification of seven conceptions, ranging from scientific perspectives to decolonial-intercultural perspectives. This opens the space for reflection on the conceptions of the teachers in training, as well as the role of the training processes of which these students are being part.Ítem El sentido educativo de los espacios no convencionales de educación (ence) tipo jardines botánicos: un estudio de casoRodríguez Angarita, Tania Elena; Mora Penagos, William ManuelThesis of the Interinstitutional Doctorate of Education, within the framework of the research line Inclusion of the Environmental Dimension in Science Education, of the Francisco José de Caldas District University. This research establishes the need to re-signify the environmental educational action of the José Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden (Jbbjcm), so that, from a dialogue of knowledge arranged between the leaders and executors of said action and that belong to the three subdirectorates that make up the entity, its educational sense may emerge as an ENCE in environmental matters, a conceptual category that opens its educational limits and highlights its full potential. That's how they identify the educational intentions of the Jbbjcm during the period between 2006 and 2016 from the consolidation of a diagnosis; causal explanations are generated of the phenomenon identified in the diagnosis, from the elaboration of a theory based; to finally, contribute to the construction of an institutionally articulated environmental educational proposal of the ENCE-jbbjcm, so that it can become a benchmark for other ENCE botanical gardens.Ítem Educación en ciencias desde contextos culturales y ambientales diferenciados: contribuciones pedagógicas y didácticas a partir de las concepciones del profesorado de básica y mediaRuiz Castillo, Sandra Elvira; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos JavierThis research made it possible to understand that science education is relevant and can be differentiated by enriching its link to the cultural and environmental context of the school, recognizing the conceptions of basic and secondary science teachers. From this perspective, it aimed to analyze the role of context as a determining factor in pedagogical intentions and didactic constructions, given its implications in the formation of citizens and in the learning of science, to the extent that historical legacies, environments Environmental and symbolic interactions influence knowledge construction processes.Ítem Concepciones de ciencia desde la perspectiva de diversidad cultural en profesores de programas de Licenciatura en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental en ColombiaAdame Rodríguez, Juan David; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos JavierThe development of contemporary education is immersed under various political, economic, social and cultural currents that affect humanity, such as modernity or even globalization, which are presented under different tendencies of thought that lead to the colonization of knowledge or universalization of it. Western science seems to be seen as the sole purpose of scientific education, understanding this aspect as one of the main difficulties in its teaching and the training of its teachers in countries like Colombia, considering that it is constitutionally classified as a multiethnic and multicultural nation. Taking into account that the classroom is conceived as a heterogeneous space and that the educational act is consolidated through its diversity, it leads to rethinking its image through the different conceptions linked to it, such as beliefs, worldviews, cosmogony or epistemes of school knowledge. These reflections led to consider what are the conceptions of science seen from the cultural diversity in teachers of initial training programs for teachers of natural sciences and environmental education in our nation? In order to solve this question, it was decided to analyze three programs of Initial Training of Teachers of Natural Sciences and Environmental Education (PFILCNYEA) distributed in three culturally differentiated regions of the country (Pacific Region, Central Region and Caribbean Region). The universities under study were Universidad del Valle (Cali and Buenaventura Headquarters), Córdoba University (Montería Headquarters) and Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (Tunja Headquarters). The sample consisted of a teacher from each of the schools addressed and the master documents corresponding to each of the programs described. A methodological staging was designed based on qualitative research - hermeneutics. The research method was approached from a systematic design that starts from an open coding which defined the research categories. For the case of this research, a focused method was designed through the study of multiple cases, trying to cover the national territory. Two intervention instruments were designed and validated with experts in order to gather information from interviews with teachers and PFILCNYEA master documents through situations in context and a questionnaire on content representations (CoRe). Five dimensions were established which were defined as systematic categories (Educational Dimension, Political-School Dimension, Historical Dimension, Epistemic Diversity Dimension and Intercultural Dimension), which were crossed with Progression Trends of the different teaching epistemologies found from scientific education around to cultural diversity, product of the tracking of information in specialized circulation (universalists, epistemic pluralists, multiculturalists, interculturalists and cultural contextualists). From the narrative discourse of the teachers and the documents interviewed, the transcripts were obtained that were treated through the content analysis strategy, where the sample units were triangulated from the proposed categories (systematic design) and Trends of Progression, making use of semantic networks and co-occurrence tables from the ATLAS.ti v8 program. For our nation, a teaching conception was found that, from the broad cultural diversity, appreciates science in a universal way as the fundamental axis of the training process of future PFILCNYEA graduates. The results achieved and analyzed in this research show that the teachers of our nation have immersed conceptions in the face of a unique and globalized positioning of knowledge, that is, science is consolidated as the preponderant teaching epistemological center. This research promotes reflection on the empowerment of teachers of epistemological perspectives such as that of the south in our educational act, which allow us to claim the knowledge of our country, against those universal knowledge agents of progress and modernity, which since the westernization of the world does not they are nothing less than instruments of homogenization of society. In relation to the above, the thesis proposes considerations for the formulation of a study plan that considers cultural diversity as its transversal axis, where from educational, social and political principles we achieve the decolonization of knowledge within training teaching, allowing the recognition of cultural diversity as a wealth that enhances the teaching and learning processes of natural sciences.Ítem Una propuesta curricular para el concepto de movimiento que integra la pedagogía, el contenido y la tecnologíaGodoy Morales, Olga Lucía; Castañeda Peña, Harold AndrésThis research proposes an alternative to integrate Pedagogy, content, and technology into the classroom, which is conceived as a conceptual place that has elements related by means of the process of Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation (E-A-Ev), which work as convertors of the work that takes place there. Due to their relevance in terms of research, the elements which are present in the development of a class are: 1) the texts of university level Physics, 2); History and Epistemology; 3) the teacher's knowledge; 4) the students' previous knowledge; and 5) digital technology. By reviewing these elements, it can be shown that they converge within the classroom, and that they point out some difficulties that have not yet been resolved. Thus, they must be integrated in order for the development of the E-A-Ev process to be improved. Hence the need to integrate the pedagogical, technological, and content-based knowledge present in the classroom, which is why the following research question was posed: How to integrate the Pedagogy, content, and technology in a curricular proposal for teaching, learning, and evaluating the concept of movement? The question was conceptually analyzed assuming integration as a curricular research based on Pedagogical and Technological Content Knowledge. Even empirically analyzed through a case study (one University Physics Course made up of 31 students). This framework allowed us to propose as a general objective: To elaborate a curricular proposal that integrates pedagogy, content, and technology with the E-A-Ev of the movement concept. The empirical study required the following hypothesis: if the curricular proposal for the E-A-Ev of the concept of movement integrates Pedagogy, content, and technology, it will contribute to the creation of scientifically-literate citizens. The verification of such hypothesis implied three phases: a) the planning of the project, which included the theoretical conceptualization, the characteristics of the case, and the elaboration of the proposal; b) the empirical study, including data application and data collection; and c) the justification corresponding to data analysis and conclusions. The data analysis was done by analyzing the answers of the class, home, experimental, and assessment activities, and it ended with a statistical analysis of evaluation tests No. 0 and No. 4. This analysis made it possible to verify the fulfilment of the hypothesis. One of the conclusions of the research is that assuming the curricular proposal humanizes the E-A-Ev process by integrating the student and his/her previous ideas into his/her learning, and allows the teacher-researcher to become a leader in his/her classroom.Ítem Cambios didácticos en un profesor universitario de física apoyados en la integración de estudios epistemológicos e históricos de la física cuántica y de la ciencia como sistema culturalCuesta Beltrán, Yeison Javier; Mosquera Suárez, Carlos JavierThis is an investigation aimed at promoting didactic changes in a university professor who teaches Quantum Physics (FC) in an initial training program for physics teachers. Case that was chosen recognizing the potential impact that the teacher generates on future teachers, who will have the responsibility of forming scientific thinking among citizens. To imagine the research, it was thought that if through an intervention process didactic changes were favored in the teacher, he could manifest these advances at the time of teaching, a space in which the teacher shares with the students their beliefs, their knowledge, their attitudes and behaviors about physics and scientific education, aspects that could be taken into account by students, in this case physics teachers in initial training, who if they manage to understand and consolidate what their teacher proposes in the activities of teaching and learning, when they subsequently teach physics and specifically FC, they will possibly stage some elements proposed by this doctoral thesis. This is a work with qualitative methodological orientation within the framework of the interpretive paradigm, which implements the Action Research strategy in which three stages stand out: the diagnosis, the intervention and the final collection of information, product of the interactions carried out with the professor who participated as a case study in this research. In the process, the components of didactic change, the conceptions, visions and practices of the teacher about the discipline and its teaching were investigated, studying possible changes as a result of the intervention. In order to promote didactic changes in the teacher, in particular, humanizing conceptions of scientific knowledge, the intervention designed a set of activities based on the history and epistemology of CF, and on the position of science as cultural system, however, it was necessary to enrich the proposal with knowledge about the didactics of science. This program as an action strategy guided the collaborative study process between the researcher and the expert professor. Among the research results, the professor's advances in the recognition of physics as a non-hierarchical elaboration with respect to other knowledge that also try to give meaning to the world, a cultural construction with sources of knowledge such as reason and experimentation, but likewise, imagination, intuition and beauty, identifying that it is an elaboration that goes beyond its final results, in which there have been complex processes of elaboration and acceptance, not linear, nor cumulative, in which there have been has been developing approximations of the world presenting scope and limitations. Aspects that, on the teacher's own initiative, were permanently integrated into the teaching practice of FC, showing some changes in comparison with certain conceptions, attitudes and classroom practices detected in the diagnostic stage. In general, the research allowed us to recognize that the didactic change is not sudden, but is the product of permanent reflection on the knowledge that is taught and on the educational process. A complex process that involves learning about other positions, making the belief system more flexible, to de-rigidize personal positions that have become entrenched over time, something that if achieved, makes it possible to place oneself in other perspectives different from the usual ones, on which it is necessary to reflect , and if this transcends the teacher, it is likely to modify their attitudes, as well as their practices.Ítem Concepciones de vida, cosmogonía Muruy, enseñanza de la biología y diversidad cultural: perspectivas ontológicas y epistemológicasCastaño Cuellar, Norma Constanza; Molina Andrade, AdelaIn this research, it is considered that the concept of life can occupy a fundamental place to solve contemporary problems, which are characterized by being complex phenomena, especially with regard to the ecosystem-culture-biopolitics relations, to the reconfiguration of conceptions about of scientific and biological knowledge in particular, as well as its teaching. Hence, it is a question of identifying the epistemological and ontological elements emerging in the conceptions about life, in the cosmogony of the Muruy People in La Chorrera - Amazonas that can contribute to consolidate the field of knowledge of the teaching of biology in contexts culturally diverse.Ítem Conocimiento didáctico del contenido de los profesores de tecnología en redes virtuales de aprendizajeBriceño Castañeda, Sergio Ramiro; Osorio Marulanda, Carlos Augusto; Castañeda, HaroldThis research work asks about what are the characteristics of didactic content knowledge (CDC), shared by technology teachers who participate in the Redotic virtual learning network. The general objective of this work is to characterize the CDC of technology teachers who participate in the Redotic virtual teaching and learning network, and who use digital learning environments for their teaching processes of a specific content, the 'concept of technology' , from the recognition of the students' ideas, the proposed themes and the methodologies used. It is expected that this study will contribute to the production of knowledge about the role of the technology teacher and, therefore, will result in a greater recognition of the teacher as a professional, and in a greater appreciation and identity of their work. In particular, it is expected to contribute to the definition of the characteristics of the didactic knowledge of the content (CDC) of technology teachers, so as to overcome the idea that, to exercise their profession well, the teacher only needs to know about the subject that teaches.Ítem Puentes entre conocimientos científicos escolares y conocimientos ecológicos tradicionales : un estudio de aula en la comunidad wayuuMelo Brito, Nadenka Beatriz; Molina Andrade, AdelaThis doctoral thesis develops an interpretative approach about the bridges between knowledges, just like a theorical-methodological category that guides classroom activities and allows crossing cultural borders when the students learn sciences in the schools of Wayuu community. This research allowed characterizing the knowledge bridges about the relationship implied by them. These ones are: intercultural relationships, social relationships, political relationships and of equity and equality relationships. Furthermore, it was established some epistemological and ontological commitments in a plural way connected to essence of being a wayuu, their ethos and their cosmovision. In this work, it was described these assimilationist, moral and humanist, plural, epistemological and ontological, and contextual bridges when students learn science. This category allows students to accomplish the crossing of cultural bridges between their native culture and the science culture.Ítem La interdisciplinariedad en un proceso de ambientalización curricular en la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de ColombiaPedraza Jiménez, Orfa Yamile; Mora Penagos, William MoraBased on the fundamentals of participatory action research, this text describes how a collective is formed and the environmentalization of the curriculum is problematized at the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC). Methodologically, IAP involves management processes and institutional intervention, as well as interpretative and critical research paradigms in search of a transformation.The results showed the limitations of conceptual type about environment, curricular structures, positioning of an economic discourse in the educational and environmental fields and the difficulties between administrative and academic processes.