Concepciones de muerte desde la perspectiva de la diversidad cultural, en docentes formadores de profesionales de áreas ambientales en dos IES ubicadas en contextos culturalmente diferenciados
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The present investigation had as a subject of analysis the conceptions of death of teacher educators of professionals in environmental areas in two culturally differentiated contexts. For this, the voice of teachers of environmental careers from the Francisco José de Caldas District University in Bogotá and the University of Antioquia in Medellín was investigated. The objectives of the research were: Characterize, interpret and understand the conceptions of death, from the perspective of diversity and cultural difference, of university professors who train professionals in environmental areas in two Colombian HEIs located in culturally differentiated contexts. The study was mixed (qualitative and quantitative); in the first case, of a narrative type, based on the analysis of responses to situations. Four interviews were conducted. The findings were significant: in all the reports it was expressed that death is part of the history and the national context, the tradition and the funeral ritual are recognized, the management of death in sanitary terms is respected and importance is given to the processes. recognition of death in the educational environment. On the other hand, in the second case, an analysis of the main components that arise from the statements elaborated and applied in a Likert scale questionnaire is carried out, five conceptions that approve or disapprove of death are identified, in the same way the behavior of these conceptions is analyzed. in seven ecoregions of Colombia in culturally differentiated contexts, allowing to extrapolate the behavior around death in different parts of the country in the post-conflict scenario.