Tecnología en Electrónica

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttp://hdl.handle.net/11349/1965


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  • Ítem
    Dispensador semiautomático para la dosificación y mezcla de dos líquidos diferentes con el fin de usarlo en aplicaciones en entornos industriales y comerciales
    Bernal González, Brandon Journey; Masmela Pico , Andrey Esteban; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon
    The objective of this project is to develop a device that allows 2 liquids to be supplied in a container. Our proposal consists of the creation of a semi-automatic system that will use sensors and actuators to guarantee that users can select and supply the amount of each of the liquids according to their needs. All this will be done through an intuitive and easy-to-use user interface. The main advantage of this device is its ability to provide security to users, since it does not interact directly with liquids at any time during the process. This will ensure that the amounts selected by users are dispensed. This system has wide application potential in various environments, both industrial, commercial and domestic. In industry, it can be used to efficiently and safely supply liquids in production processes. In the commercial field, it would find its place in bars, restaurants, nightclubs, hotels and other establishments where drinks are served. Additionally, it can be a valuable resource in the home to ensure the safe and reliable dispensing of liquid products. The differentiating aspects of our service focus on the ease of use and the security it provides to users by eliminating the need to directly handle liquids. This ensures that the percentages selected by each user will be dispensed accurately.
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    LuminArtSpace plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa dedicada al control de sistemas de iluminación, orientado hacia eficiencia energética y salud ocupacional
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bohórquez De La Rue, Camilo; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixón; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixón [0000-0001-8407-1831]
    This venture, conceived by innovative and visionary minds, aims to transform the way we perceive and manage lighting in our everyday environments. The fundamental mission is to transcend beyond simple lighting, focusing on offering solutions that not only save energy, but also promote a healthy and productive work environment. In this entrepreneurial project, technology becomes an ally to offer intelligent and customizable lighting control systems. From the implementation of natural light sensors to adaptability according to the specific needs of each space, this company stands as a pioneer in the creation of luminous environments that not only save costs, but also contribute to the well-being of those who inhabit them.
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    Restauración y documentación de la estación meteorológica PEGASUS
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Garzón Tocora , Juan Felipe; Fonseca Velásquez, Aldemar; Fonseca Velásquez, Aldemar [0000-0002-7904-4676]
    In the context of the growing problem of air pollution in Bogotá, Colombia, the project "Restoration and documentation of the Pegasus meteorological station" was carried out, addressing mainly the town of Ciudad Bolívar, because it is located in this part of the city. The aim was to modernize, document and restore the Pegasus meteorological station, to address the environmental problem and thus inform the community, seeking to promote self-care of people. The station has humidity, temperature, solar radiation, wind direction and speed sensors, sensors which were calibrated, and it also has a carbon dioxide and monoxide monitoring system. The project focused on offering the community access to detailed and constantly updated information on air quality and the weather conditions mentioned above. Using innovative technologies such as Python, FrameWorks such as Panda and Flask, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, a comprehensive data collection, processing, storage and visualization system was implemented. This solution was designed to promote environmental awareness, provide relevant information for decision-making and prevent risks associated with air pollution. The results obtained reflected a successful implementation of the proposed monitoring system, offering the community a website to understand environmental conditions and take preventive actions. This project restored and documented the Pegasus weather station, and also provides a starting point to promote environmental awareness and access to crucial information for making daily decisions, especially for the inhabitants of the locality.
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    Implementación de un sistema de detección de patrones asociados a la escritura aérea, sobre un sistema embebido de 32 bits, para el fortalecimiento de procesos pedagógicos
    (Universidad Francisco Jose de Caldas) Cruz Soler, Yury Tatiana; Pabón Sepúlveda, Omar Santiago; Montiel Ariza, Holman; Montiel Ariza Holman [0000-0002-6077-3510]
    Over time, neural networks and machine learning are becoming increasingly integrated into daily activities and production processes at an industrial level. This is why the development of a prototype as a pedagogical resource is presented below, a strategy that offers an alternative to the conventional method of learning numbers. This model is based on Tiny ML and is implemented through the Edge Impulse development platform, together with the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. This makes it possible to identify the numbers from zero to nine, graphed in aerial writing. The physical design of the prototype resembles a wand and is designed in AutoCAD. In addition, for better visualization, the data is transmitted through the BLE communication protocol and is displayed in a graphical user interface designed in Python using the wxPython framework.
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    Purificador automatizado de aguas grises
    Suárez Mosquera, David; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon [0000-0001-8407-1831]
    This document explains the development of a wastewater purifying filter, more specifically a filter responsible for the purification of a sample of gray water, which is produced in a home through the execution of tasks such as laundry, crockery washing, general cleaning, among others. In addition, the purification system is made up of a biofilter, a graphic interface, an electronic circuit, sensors and a microcontroller (L476RG Core), which carry out the purification process in three stages, which are as follows: the collection of the gray water sample, purification and data collection, obtaining the information corresponding to the pH values, turbidity and temperature, these being the parameters that determine the quality of the water before and after the purification process. It is at this point, where it was observed that the values corresponding to pH and turbidity had a significant improvement in the analyzed sample, while the temperature did not present significant changes, finally, the conclusions obtained and the way in which the automated purifying filter had to be conditioned to positively comply with the task of wastewater purification of the ARD type are raised.
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    Modificación de mesa vibratoria bidireccional para laboratorios de ingeniería en Construcciones Civiles sede Tecnológica
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Pérez Piñeros, Luis Alejandro; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon [0000-0001-8407-1831]
    An earthquake simulation table is used in structural dynamic analysis to reproduce the forces involved in a real earthquake in the laboratory, in other words, any structure can be subject to dynamic loads, and dynamic analysis is used to obtain the response of a structure to any dynamic action (earthquake, wind, explosions, vibrations of mechanical equipment, etc.) in terms of displacements, velocities, accelerations, among other parameters, or some other type of excitation such as an earthquake. Currently in the STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS laboratories of the Francisco José de Caldas University, in its technological headquarters, there is a simulation table which although it works as a table that reproduces movements to study the behavior of structures under external forces, it does not have the necessary scope for a more complete study of structures, since said table only reproduces constant movements, which means a problem limiting the study of structures, knowing that when studying real earthquakes that have occurred throughout history, it has never been obtained that said forces or displacements are harmonic movements, but on the contrary, it is obtained that the forces that act on the structures are irregular movements. For the above, an alternative solution is presented to the structural dynamics laboratory technicians, in which data was taken from real seismic accelerograms that have occurred throughout history, obtained from geological systems, to then process said data according to the limitations and parameters of a stepper motor, capable of moving the table and with it the structure or structures that are desired to be exposed to external loads in order to study their behavior under said forces, giving us the possibility of reproducing the data of an accelerogram on the table in such a way as to simulate a non-harmonic movement on said table. After the development of the project, it is possible to obtain a table that reproduces irregular movements, which is capable of exerting forces on the structures that are desired to be intervened by external loads, offering a broader range of study to the engineers who carry out these studies in the structural dynamics laboratories, leaving open the possibility in the future of carrying out said studies on different structures, with an extensive reproduction of different seismic data obtained by accelerograms and finally, the research question posed in the preliminary project, presented to the directors of the academic program Technology in Electronics, is answered.
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    Implementación del sistema controlador de vuelo con cámara para el proyecto de Ala Zagi de la Fuerza Aeroespacial Colombiana
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Muñoz Quintero, Julian David; Gómez Gómez, Edgar Leonardo; Gómez Gómez, Edgar Leonardo [0000-0002-9544-0265]
    This document shows the implementation of the electronic system that controls the flight, transmits telemetry data and sends video images in an unmanned aerial vehicle for the Zagi Wing prototype of the Colombian Air Force (FAC) using new technologies of the RPAS market (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System) that allow the best relationship between all the devices implemented in the prototype. The project implemented a series of elements that are commonly used for the construction of an RPA such as the flight controller, the air/ground unit, GPS, BEC module, ESC module and the camera, in addition to the batteries and engines with which the aircraft is able to fly. This project was carried out at the Aeronautical Innovation Technology Center (CETIA), one of the four research centers of the Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Colombian Air Force, where, together with an interdisciplinary team of engineers and students of technology and engineering, a Zagi Wing project is being developed. This project was planned in three phases: definition of electronic components requirements, according to the characteristics of the FAC's Ala Zagi Macroproject, selection of electronic flight controller and necessary modules to be implemented according to the requirements defined for the FAC's Ala Zagi project, implementation and testing of the Flight Controller, GPS modules, Air/Ground Unit, Camera, ESC, engines. The work performed at the CETIA of the Colombian Air Force not only resulted in a functional prototype, but also allowed the transfer of knowledge and experience between engineers and students, promoting learning and training in advanced aerospace technologies. The implementation of the flight controller and camera system was performed on a functional zagi wing prototype in order to evaluate and test all systems in real flight conditions.
  • Ítem
    Apoyo al desarrollo de portales empresariales en el marco de la propuesta de valor del contrato SENA-UD CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 de 2021 suscrito entre el Sena y la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Gestor digital 21
    Torrejano Munevar, Gregorio; Montaña Quintero, Henry; Montaña Quintero, Henry [0000-0003-0752-6315]
    SENA's Emprender FE Fund, as a public entity, encourages and facilitates the generation andcreation of companies contributing to human development and insertion in the productive sector,contributing to the social and economic development of the country through seed capital support forfinance the proposed venture. The Francisco José de Caldas District University wasselected by the FE as operator for the 2021 and 2022 terms, therefore, within the proposal presented by the UD to SENA, is offered within the value proposition, the developmentof systems and information for the modernization of the fund and the development of business portals for beneficiary entrepreneurs. The objective of the internship is to support the development of portals business (web) to the enterprises designated by the Design and Development area of the operation contract of the SENA-UD Emprender Fund CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 of 2021, where e-commerce modules are developed, incorporation of online sales tools (payment gateway), Frontend and Backend design for designated portals. simultaneously a In this process, knowledge is acquired with SCRUM certification, using tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Python. The internship is carried out which will take place in the city of Bogotá D.C., at the Francisco José de Caldas District University, with a duration of 2 months of operation and a month of training.
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    Sistema remoto de automatización para fuente "Lambda EMS 20-250" y "Matsusada REH1000P-1.1-l(115 C)" en la empresa INDRACONTROLS SAS
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Castro Acuña, Yoiner David; Bautista Romero, Laura Katherin; Pérez Pereira, Miguel Ricardo; Pérez Pereira, Miguel Ricardo [0000-0001-7487-2600]
    In collaboration with INDRACONTROLS SAS, a leading engineering and distribution company associated with Bosch Rexroth, a degree project was developed in the form of internships. The general objective of the project was to design and implement a remote control system for the “Lambda EMS 20-250” and “Matsusada REH1000P-1.1-l(115C)” power supplies. These supplies are essential for supplying high current and voltage in various applications within the enterprise. Manual handling of these sources carries significant risks to both user safety and the integrity of the systems under test, as they can handle between 1.1 kW and 5 kW. The solution implemented consisted of remote configuration through the use of a remote interface, following the detailed instructions in the respective manuals of the sources. The implementation was carried out using a ctrlX CORE series PLC together with the corresponding drivers, which allowed safe and efficient control of the power supplies remotely using a PC. This approach not only optimized operator safety and systems integrity, but also contributed to greater efficiency in daily operations.
  • Ítem
    Apoyo al desarrollo de portales empresariales en el marco de la propuesta de valor del contrato SENA-UD CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 de 2021 suscrito entre el Sena y la Universidad Distrital Francisco José De Caldas. Gestor digital 8
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Carvajal Villanueva, Laura Valentina; Montaña Quintero, Henry; Montaña Quintero, Henry [0000-0003-0752-6315]
    The purpose of the project is to support the development of business portals (web) to the enterprises designated by the area of Design and Development of the operation contract of Fondo Emprender SENA-UD CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 of 2021, where e-commerce modules are developed, incorporating online sales tools (payment gateway), Frontend and Backend design for the designated portals. Simultaneously to this process, knowledge is acquired with SCRUM certification, using tools such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and Python. The internship will take place in the city of Bogota D.C., at Distrital University Francisco José de Caldas, with a duration of three months.
  • Ítem
    Creación de un escáner 3D sin contacto basado en las plataformas Mbed y Python.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Sánchez Pereira, Juan Felipe; Sánchez Garatejo, Brayan Steven; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon; Giraldo Ramos, Frank Nixon [0000-0001-8407-1831]
    This electronics technology degree project seeks to create a device to perform precise scans of three-dimensional objects, mainly geometric shapes, with dimensions of up to 20 centimeters in its three axes, without requiring direct contact between the object and the scanner. The system will offer different scanning modes, which will vary in quality and speed depending on the user's needs. This system will be based on the implementation of remote sensing technologies based on pulse emission and reception, which will make it possible to obtain high-precision distance data. The completion of this project will contribute to the expansion of capabilities in design, manufacturing and other fields, and has the potential to positively impact various sectors by offering a versatile and precise solution for the capture of small geometric three-dimensional objects. This project represents a significant advance in the digital capture of geometric figures and has the potential to find applications in various industries, such as manufacturing, design, architecture and the preservation of cultural heritage, among others.
  • Ítem
    Apoyo al desarrollo de portales empresariales en el marco de la propuesta de valor del contrato SENA-UD CO1. PCCNTR.2564825 de 2021 suscrito entre el Sena y la Universidad Distrital Francisco José De Caldas. Gestor digital 6
    Ospina Rojas, Andrés Santiago; Montaña Quintero, Henry; Montaña Quintero, Henry [0000-0003-0752-6315]
    The purpose of the project is to support the development of business portals (web) to the enterprises designated by the Design and Development area of the operation contract of Fondo Emprender SENA-UD CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 of 2021, where e-commerce modules are developed, incorporation of online sales tools (payment gateway), Frontend and Backend design for the designated portals. Simultaneously to this process, knowledge is acquired with SCRUM certification, using tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Python.
  • Ítem
    Apoyo al desarrollo de portales empresariales en el marco de la propuesta de valor del contrato SENA-UD CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 de 2021 suscrito entre el Sena y la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.Gestor digital 26
    Losada Lozada, Miguel Sthevan; Montaña Quintero, Henry; Montaña Quintero, Henry [0000-0003-0752-6315]
    The Emprender FE Fund of SENA as a public entity, encourages and facilitates the generation and creation of companies, contributing to human development and insertion in the productive sector, contributing to the social and economic development of the country through seed capital support to finance entrepreneurship. proposed. The Francisco José de Caldas District University was selected by the FE as an operator for the periods 2021 and 2022, for which, within the proposal presented by the UD to the SENA, the development of systems and information for the modernization of the fund and the development of business portals for beneficiary entrepreneurs. The purpose of the internship is to support the development of business portals (web) for the ventures designated by the Design and Development area of ​​the operation contract of the Emprender SENA-UD Fund CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 of 2021, where trade modules are developed electronic, incorporation of online sales tools (payment gateway), Frontend and Backend design for designated portals. Simultaneously with this process, knowledge is acquired with SCRUM certification, using tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Python. The internship is carried out which will take place in the city of Bogotá D.C., at the Francisco José de Caldas District University, with a duration of three months.
  • Ítem
    Estación de monitoreo para la calidad del clima en el páramo El Verjón
    Rios Cadena, Valeria Sofia; Bermúdez Bohórquez, Giovanni Rodrigo; Bermúdez Bohórquez, Giovanni Rodrigo [0000-0002-4744-160X]
    The next document presents the results obtained from a meteorological station designed to collect data remotely and be visualized on a web page through IOT technology (internet of things), to determine the quality of the climate in the “Páramo el Verjón”. In Colombia "la IDEAM" has weather stations in different parts of the country, but unfortunately these do not reach the moors, therefore, a solution is to have environmental monitoring in the moors to mitigate the environmental consequences of climate change caused by man.
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    Sistema de medición de humedad y temperatura de suelos para el Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rojas Ramos, Alejandro; Novoa Socha, Paola Tatiana; Fonseca Velásquez, Aldemar; Fonseca Velásquez, Aldemar [0000-0002-7904-4676]
    In modern agronomy, effective irrigation management is essential to ensure crop productivity and protect water resources. One of the biggest challenges for farmers is over-irrigation, which causes soil degradation, nutrient loss and additional costs. To solve this problem, we present a project that focuses on the development of a sensor-based soil humidity and temperature monitoring system. Our project seeks not only to solve a common problem in agronomy, but also to promote innovation and the introduction of advanced technologies for the benefit of society and the environment. The implementation of soil moisture and temperature monitoring systems is a step towards a sustainable and profitable future.
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    Simulador para la locomoción de un robot cuadrúpedo
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Camacho Castiblanco, Diego Fernando; Infante Moreno, c; Infante Moreno, Infante Moreno [0000-0003-2668-0086]
    This document describes the development of the technology degree project in electronics, whose purpose was to develop a tool that facilitated the evidence the behavior of the center of mass in a quadrupedal robot in displacement, capacity in its elaboration, an application in which a user can enter the variables of length and mass of the model and this will return the behavior of the march selected to simulate, with the behavior of the center of mass of the entire structure, without counting any force caused by the movement, that is, only the static will be evaluated of the model. The application provides visualization of the locomotion as well as the center of mass, managing to help predict positions in which the simulation has a more or less balance in its displacement.
  • Ítem
    Apoyo al desarrollo de portales empresariales en el marco de la propuesta de valor del contrato SENA-UD CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 de 2021 suscrito entre el SENA y la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Gestor digital 31
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rativa Guerrero, Jenny Daniela; Montaña Quintero, Henrry; Montaña Quintero, Henry [0000-0003-0752-6315]
    The Emprender FE Fund of SENA as a public entity, encourages and facilitates the generation and creation of companies contributing to human development and insertion in the productive sector, contributing to the social and economic development of the country through seed capital support for finance the proposed venture. The Francisco José de Caldas District University was selected by the FE as an operator for the 2021 and 2022 periods, therefore, within the proposal presented by the UD to SENA, was offered within the value proposition, the development of systems and information for the modernization of the fund and the development of business portals for beneficiary entrepreneurs. The purpose of the internship is to support the development of portals business (web) to the ventures designated by the Design and Development area of ​​the operation contract of the Emprender SENA-UD Fund CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 of 2021, where e-commerce modules are developed, incorporation of online sales tools (payment gateway), Frontend and Backend design for designated portals. Simultaneously with In this process, knowledge is acquired with SCRUM certification, using tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Python. The internship is carried out which will take place in the city of Bogotá D.C., at the Francisco José de Caldas District University, with a duration of three months.
  • Ítem
    Apoyo al desarrollo de portales empresariales en el marco de la propuesta de valor del contrato SENA-UD CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 De 2021 suscrito entre el SENA y la Universidad Distrital Francisco José De Caldas. Gestor digital 36
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Jiménez Vásquez, Duván Santiago; Montaña Quintero, Henry; [0000-0003-0752-6315] Montaña Quintero, Henry
    The Fondo Emprender FE of the SENA as a public entity, encourages and facilitates the generation and creation of companies contributing to human development and insertion in the productive sector, contributing to the social and economic development of the country through seed capital support to finance the proposed venture. The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas was selected by the FE as the operator for the 2021 and 2022 periods, for which, within the proposal presented by the UD to the SENA, the development of systems and information for the modernization of the fund and the development of business portals for the beneficiary entrepreneurs was offered as part of the value proposition. The purpose of the internship is to support the development of business portals (web) to enterprises designated by the area of Design and Development of the contract of operation of the Fund Emprender SENA-UD CO1.PCCNTR.2564825 of 2021, where e-commerce modules are developed, incorporating online sales tools (payment gateway), Frontend and Backend design for the designated portals. Simultaneously to this process, knowledge is acquired with SCRUM certification, using tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Python. The internship will take place in the city of Bogotá D.C., at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, with a duration of three months.
  • Ítem
    Modelo de negocio para la creación de una solución de mejoramiento en el alumbrado público de Nocaima
    Cifuentes Santander, Cristian Leandro; Delgadillo Gómez, Eduardo Alberto
    The company in question will be focused on providing solutions to the needs of potential clients through the implementation of a business plan for the creation of a public lighting remote management solution within the framework of smart cities. Smart street light is an advanced control of lights to optimize the problem of energy consumption late at night. Conventional public lighting is being replaced by a public lighting system light emitting diodes (LED), which reduces energy consumption.The focus of this entrepreneurial project is to design products such as public lighting controller systems to provide a reduction in energy consumption. The prototype of this Project will be controlling the brightness of the lamps to reduce energy consumption. The attenuation of the lights depends on the speed of movement of detected objects such as pedestrians, cyclists and cars. The greater the speed of the object moving he higher the intensity level. For this idea public lighting innovation it's not exactly the same than conventional public lighting which is controlled by a timer switch or a light sensor that automatically turns on the light during sunset and turns it off during dawn. According to the study motion detection devices can help save up to 40% energy per month.
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    Sistemas hidroeléctricos de baja potencia (SHBP) para energizar dispositivos IoT: una revisión
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Herrera Galindo, Laura Estefania; Vacca González, Harold; Vacca González, Harold [0000-0001-7017-0070]
    This paper describes the results of the exploratory research developed by the SciBas investigation group of Francisco José de Caldas Distrital University within the low power-Pico hydraulic Hydroelectric Generation Systems (0,5 Kw to 5Kw) framework, that uses the minimum water reservoirs or Ultra Low Head (ULH) or Very Low Head (VLH) - such as drainage channels – and provides energy to IoT devices or its applications.