Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educación con Énfasis en Historia de la Educación, Pedagogía, y Educación Comparada
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Ítem Experiencias docentes frente al maltrato escolar de los estudiantes en instituciones públicas de educación básica y media de BogotáAbril Martínez, Carlos Alberto; García Sánchez, Bárbara Yadira; 0000-0001-9363-6259; García Sánchez, Bárbara Yadira [0000-0001-9363-6259]The research presented here seeks to understand a phenomenon that is concealed in the daily conflicts that afflict the school institution: the mistreatment experienced by teachers at the hands of their students which, like other manifestations of violence, can be camouflaged, take the appearance of a game, or of simple deviations that in the collective imaginary do not generate major consequences. Mistreatment is defined as the consequence of daily interactions in which aggression is used as a mechanism to impose particular points of view and interests, which are based on social meanings that affect the positioning with respect to the reference group in the case of the agent of mistreatment.Ítem Configuración del campo profesional de la educación infantil en Colombia (1976-2015)Acosta Marroquin, Nadia Paola; Jimenez Becerra, Absalon; 0000-0002-2500-6498The research entitled Configuration of the professional field of early childhood education in Colombia, 1976 - 2015, analyzed the processes of structuring, ordering and distribution of this social and educational space, from the structural-constructivist perspective of the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1988). This perspective favored the problematization of aspects related to the formalization, institutionalization and professionalization of Early Childhood Education in Colombia, in the announced period of time. The analysis of the configuration process of this professional field was supported by fundamental categories from Bourdieu's perspective. The analysis of this field required addressing the articulations between objectivism and subjectivism. According to Bourdieu's (1997) constructivist structuralism perspective, field analysis allows us to recognize the relations of force between the agents, identify the modes of internalization of the social in them, as well as examine the deployment of the subjective in space. social. In this way, this reading of social reality makes fundamental contributions to the study of the professional field of Early Childhood Education in Colombia and recognizes teachers as social agents of this. In tune with this epistemological perspective, Mainer (2010, 2015), Cuesta (2003, 2015) and Viñao (2013) propose the study of the professional field in education, a category that was developed in this research. In this study, the professional field of Early Childhood Education in Colombia is structured and located, making an approximation to the sociogenetic conditions and the lived senses of the agents committed to this social space. From this perspective, we sought to understand the possible relationships between the field of education and the field of Early Childhood Education, which, apparently, are found in a shared space called the professional field of Early Childhood Education. This professional field, at the same time, is in permanent tension with other fields. In this way, the question about the configuration of this field over time required to delve into the professionalization and institutionalization processes that have transformed the place of the children's teacher, during the last four decades, work that comes from a historically feminized social practice. and marginalized, a fact that particularizes its sociogenesis. The research was carried out through two analytical dimensions. On the one hand, the sociogenesis of the professional field was analyzed from the study of a corpus of documents, from the period 1976-2015, which included three types of texts: a) educational policies of the political-institutional field (national development plans, laws , decrees, resolutions and technical documents of educational policies); b) articles from educational magazines of national circulation, valid throughout the period, from the educational-political field (Education and Culture, Colombian Magazine of Education and Pedagogy and Knowledge); c) documents of degree programs in the institutional-educational field. These last two were taken into account given the interest in recovering the modes of perception and appreciation of agents in the educational field, the data and objectified knowledge regarding Early Childhood Education and teacher training. Likewise, the lived senses were analyzed, in terms of representations, experiences and positions, of six emblematic agent-teachers of the professional field who stand out for their contributions to teaching, research and the construction of educational policy in Early Childhood Education. Although the teachers of this profile are not the only ones that make up this field, their selection was due to their founding role in Early Childhood Education as a professional field, since the 1970s, and for serving as references for other agents in this space. social.Ítem La experiencia de los jóvenes frente al maltrato familiar y escolar en contextos de educación ruralBohórquez Forero, Juan Pablo; García Sánchez, Bárbara YadiraResearch on school violence in rural education contexts has been a little explored field of knowledge in Colombia; Most of the research and policies that are implemented in this sector focus on guaranteeing the coverage, permanence and quality of the educational service offered to children and young people. This way of addressing the rural educational context generates a great research gap, since most studies are concerned with thinking about what rural education should be like and neglect real knowledge about what these institutions are like. Under this premise, this doctoral thesis aims to investigate school violence, and more specifically, mistreatment, as categories that allow delving into the daily reality of rural schooled youth, the modes of relationship that are established in the school culture and the edges and particularities that the phenomenon adopts in these contexts. To analyze this typology in rural contexts, the Sociology of Experience is adopted as a theoretical basis. This theory allows elucidating both the subject and the social structure in which these relationships of violence are framed; In this order of ideas, the present study starts from analyzing the experience of young people in school around the category of abuse to know how this type of violence is experienced in rural contexts. Given this panorama, the present investigation starts from the following question: How are the experiences of young people in the face of abuse configured in rural education contexts? Within the categories that are addressed in the project are: experience, logics of action associated with abuse, school violence, rural school culture, rural family and young people. rural as subjects of experience. To process this problem, the research is structured with a participatory qualitative approach through the application of the Nuclei of Social Education (NES) model, as well as a limited documentary review in rural education contexts. The research started by linking ninth grade students from three rural public institutions located in municipalities classified as rural scattered in the department of Cundinamarca. Initially, meeting sessions were proposed (meetings, exploratory, tours, displacements and transformations), with the purpose of determining the different meanings and motivations of school abuse in rural contexts and the factors associated with it. freak. In the same way, a series of in-depth interviews with rural teachers and young abusers were applied to enrich the look on this topic. The results of the investigation were in two ways, on the one hand, it was understood, in light of the theory, that young people adopt multiple registers when it comes to confront abuse, and in the second instance, the problem of abuse in rural contexts was made visible in the field of studies of school violence.Ítem Experiencia social y escolar de jóvenes en situación de ciberacosoMojica Bautista, Lady Diana; García Sánchez, Bárbara YadiraThe result of the research process to understand the way victims of cyberbullying construct their social and school experience from the analysis of the experience of young people enrolled in three public schools in Bogotá is presented. To this aim, information from various sources on the phenomenon of cyberbullying, school and relationship environments such as cyberspace was collected and analyzed in a period of time between 2013 and 2018 to answer the question: How do young schoolchildren who are victims of cyberbullying build their social and school experience? and derived from this: How is a child or adolescent victim of cyberbullying integrated into their school system and other peer groups?, what coping strategies are developed in cyberbullying in the school environment and in their peer group? and finally, what is the relationship of cyberbullying to alienation and school failure? and how does it contribute to the construction of subjectivity? Theoretical postulates from the sociology of experience and other traditions that account for psycho-educational aspects associated with the phenomenon are taken up and a qualitative methodological design is used with the use of mixed techniques such as questionnaires to identify levels of victimization, semi-structured interviews, and the formation of social education nuclei. As results, it is observed that the social and school experience of adolescents is built based on elements that differ from those of previous generations; Especially for adolescent women, cyberbullying is observed with higher levels of presentation and with specific forms that account for a society in which misogyny and inequality in the exercise of women's rights are tolerated and, in many cases, promoted.Ítem Subjetividad política y memorias de maestras y maestros : entre la violencia política y la escuelaPáez Robayo, Diana Esperanza; Arias Gómez, Diego HernánThe research Political subjectivity and memories of teachers: between political violence and the school is an academic and political commitment, which seeks to contribute, from the life story of 19 political subjects teachers from Bogotá, a particular reading and perspective on the configuration of the political subjectivities that have arisen as a consequence of the armed conflict and the political violence that has been present in the country's history for more than 60 years.Ítem Las ciencias sociales escolares en Colombia : proceso de disciplinarización entre 1936 y 1984Martínez Mora, Nathalia; Amador Baquiro, Juan CarlosThis doctoral thesis studied the history of process of disciplinarization of the school social sciences in Colombia between 1936 and 1984 and its relations with the epistemologies of the social sciences, within the framework of the emergence of the history of school disciplines and knowledge as a field of research.Ítem Política de seguridad escolar en Bogotá: una década de implementación. 2005-2015Carranza Torres, Daniel Enrique; García Sánchez, BárbaraThis doctoral thesis analyzes the implementation of the school safety public policy in Bogotá, based on an alternative relational approach to implementation that integrates elements of the field theory and social practices of Pierre Bourdieu with the analysis of the implementation of public policies , during the last three district governments in the capital city of Colombia, starting in 2005 when the District School Safety System (SISDISE) was created, until 2015, the end of a decade of development of this policy (2005-2015 ).Ítem Las contravenciones y las infracciones escolares: un análisis del hurto y robo como expresiones de violencia en la experiencia escolarCalle Pinto, Martha Ligia; García Sánchez, Bárbara YadiraThe purpose of this thesis is to explore the social and school experiences of young people linked to the educational system, which are related to the appearance of theft and robbery understood as expressions of two emerging typologies of school violence called contraventions and school infractions; through the recognition of those elements of the school in relation to the conditions, practices and subjects, which configure those determining situations for the appearance of these forms of social interaction in adolescents. This research exercise is theoretically supported by the work developed by François Dubet on social experience, through which he seeks to recognize the work of the actors and, as he himself puts it: "starting from empirical problems in order to ask what theoretical answers they require" and the school experience of François Dubet and Danilo Martuccelli, through which it is expected to recognize the type of actor that is produced in the school, through particular forms of violence called contraventions and school infractions. The methodology of the study was based on a participatory qualitative perspective, allowing the recognition of the object of study through the reality of the actors and organizations through the model of Social Education Nuclei (NES), whose approach recognizes the importance of social research, for this purpose they define the investigative approach by stages and scenarios that are in accordance with the development of the logics of action proposed from the sociology of experience; The NES were combined with the logics of action proposed from the theory of social and school experience, with the purpose of recognizing in the life of schooled youths the personal, family and social characteristics, academic trajectories, strategies for integration into the school world, relationships with other actors in the school space, interest in studying, dynamics for stealing and stealing, the meaning and self-valuation of these practices, to name some of the elements, which allowed unraveling the logics of action that constitute the infringing and infringing experience. For the development of the study, three public educational institutions in the city of Bogota and a detention center for young offenders of the Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal Adolescente (SRPA) were approached, in the schools in which we worked with offending students, the directors expressed concern about approaching the problems related to theft due to the increase of theft and its incidence in the institutional environment; One of them carries out regular academic teaching processes and is located in a neighborhood considered to have a high incidence of delinquency; the other is located in the center of the city, an area in which different punishable acts occur; this school attends to young people who, due to different circumstances - among which are delinquent problems - are behind in their academic process and for this reason are included in a program of the Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) called "school acceleration". Regarding the third school, it is one of the institutions of the Secretaría de Educación (SED) that welcomes in its classrooms students linked to the SRPA who must pay a sanction in a semi-closed environment, for which they are incorporated into a specialized care center that in addition to carrying out a comprehensive intervention from different professional areas, must guarantee the rights of young people among which is to give continuity to their educational process. In addition, part of the field work was conducted with young people who have been sentenced to deprivation of liberty, in an institution in Bogota that has a long history in this type of process and whose management recognized in this research an opportunity to understand, beyond the interventions of its professionals, the realities of the young offenders they serve. Among the results, it is possible to recognize the importance of analyzing the school from the perspective of the school experience, broadening the view of young people and those phenomena that affect their lives in a significant way. Regarding inequality and lack of opportunities, they are recognized as a central element in the emergence of school violence in the form of delinquent and infringing behaviors in young people in school, which is why the school must recognize its central role in the lives of boys and girls by providing positive environments and addressing issues such as school failure that produce forms of vulnerability affecting, among others, the integration of this population group not only in the institution, but also in society itself.Ítem Las representaciones sociales de maestros de educación básica secundaria y media de Bogotá sobre los jóvenes en condición escolarHernández Cano, Edilberto; Calderón, ÓmerThe purpose of this research was to reveal and understand the social representations (SR) that teachers from the city of Bogotá have built about young schoolchildren and the repercussions that these have on the practices and interpersonal relationships that are experienced in the daily school life; in such a way that the content of the representation is analyzed and interpreted in its dimensions of attitude, information, and field of representation. An analysis is made of the conditions of teachers and the meaning they give to their practices, of the impact that the school has on the social construction of young people.Ítem La convivencia escolar desde las prácticas sociales.Chacon Sanchez, Mario Fernando; Garcia Sanchez, Barbara YadiraThis papper shows the results of five year of investigation, collecting data of theoretical and field sources around the regulation of school life as school coexistence. We apply Pierre Bourdieu’s cathegorical system with emphasis in social practices. Likewise, we made an approach in levels, international, national, institutional to the closest leve lof social agents at the school, considering that some of the ideas in these levels shape the educational structure and within, we can comprehen a topic like school life as school coexistence, that have eco in a town like Mosquera in Colombia, answering the main question: how are they made, what senses are assigned and what strategies generate the social practices in school coexistence, at public schools of secondary school level in Mosquera? According to this, the general objective is to understand the way they are carried out, the senses that are assigned and the strategies generated by social practices in relation to school coexistence in public secondary schools in Mosquera, breaking down into four specific objectives as they are: to establish the different interests that students and teachers have for remaining in the school field in public schools of Mosquera; identify the way in which the educational policy on school coexistence in public schools at the secondary level of Mosquera appears, in norms, plans, programs and projects of the national and municipal level; to recognize the explicit and tacit agreements and norms, as well as the institutional procedures, in public schools at the secondary school level in Mosquera which define the official version of the school coexistence, and to determine what logic underlies them and characterize the strategies that they carry out students and teachers in their social practices to position themselves in the school field and the way this affects the coexistence in secondary schools in Mosquera. 7 The methodology used included documentary review of primary sources, semi-structured interviews, focus groups and field observation, generating a file with theoretical and field data, choosing three public schools in the municipality of Mosquera Cundinamarca, at the secondary level, with groups of teachers and students, as well as individual interviews. We found that school life is the result of an epochal change in the understanding of social relations in the school where girls, boys and adolescents are recognized as subjects of rights, highlighting that life in school is a whole universe that does not reduce to the application of regulations, although this is also part of the school culture.Ítem “La violencia escolar como problema público : construcción social, discurso oficial y trayectorias juveniles”Forero Londoño, Fernando; García Sánchez, Barbara; Blaya, CatherineIt is postulated in this investigation that school violence does not exist as a social problem with objective conditions that make this which is characteristic of anomalous school contexts as opposed to normal school situations. In a different manner it is proposed to the premise that it is possible to understand school violence as the social setting of a public problem in the educational field. To complete the comprehensive paper argues that as an expression of a scheme of official public perception of an educational problem, school violence, invisible social trajectories of young school where it is discovered that the violence in the school is the manifestation of the profound inequalities of economic and social structures that generate, among others, troubling processes of social agingÍtem La violencia escolar femenina: una mirada desde las adolescentes.Torres Castro, Carmen Beatriz; García Sánchez, Bárbara YadiraThe purpose of this paper is to present the female school violence as a social phenomenon that has been present in the institutions educativas.El analysis is an interpretation of the role of relationships, stereotypes and gender roles, originating in aggressive behavior and violence in adolescents in school, they do not find another way to resolve the conflicts with peers in a reactive way, because they know no other way to do it or because their violent actions, gain space and recognition from their peers, with whom they share the school environment.Ítem La escritura científica en profesores universitarios colombianosGordillo Alfonso, Adriana; Castillo, RigobertoIn this thesis the analysis of institutional, academic and individual factors is developed, as possible variables that make the task of the university professor more difficult, when writing scientific articles as a product of his research. To achieve the stated objective, this study uses a qualitative methodology. The participating population was made up of 15 professors from Colombian universities. Three instruments were used to obtain the data: the questionnaire, the interview and the LDE format (linguistic, discursive and structural). The results indicate that factors such as institutional prestige, salary, institutional resources and time are variables that affect the motivation of the writer. Likewise, implicit theories or conceptions of teachers about scientific writing influence the writing process and the ways of discursive organization of articles.Ítem Angelus Novus: análisis de la visión de los universitarios sobre progreso y tecnociencia desde las teorías críticas.Castaño Támara, Ricardo; Ortíz Vásquez, Luís CarlosThis work expects to contextualize the concepts of science, technology and society in the school context, and from there try to demystify the common vision to bring it closer to society. It is presumed that the above would create educational experiences able to give a humanistic approach to the implementation and evaluation of technology, and to explore the influence of social, political and cultural forces in scientific and technological developments.Ítem La formación docente en ciencias sociales en Bogotá: tensiones entre la regulación gubernamental y su aplicación pedagógica, 1998 - 2008.Jiménez Fonseca, Carlos Augusto; Ortiz Vásquez, Luis CarlosThe history of education in Colombia and especially the training of trainers, has been regulated by various governments, because of political interests. In the UPN and UDFJC these changes they were also present, and have driven constant transformations and reforms for the purpose of education to contribute to meeting the country's needs. Approximately from the thirties education has been a bulwark to consolidate economic development, and strengthening the Colombian couple education system is given, as a form of organization for education serves the economic development of the country. Today, education is playing and holding government interests, which now operate under a policy that began to take shape recently: neoliberalism.Ítem Vulneración de derechos por violencia escolar en adolescentesVelásquez León, Luis Fernando; García Sánchez, BárbaraThe research analyzes the incidence of school violence in the violation of the rights of children and adolescents in the period between 2006 and 2015 in the city of Bogotá, taking into account the social status of students as subjects of rights, the emerging forms that violence presents in schools and the processes of restitution and protection of violated rights. Pierre Bourdieu serves as a theoretical reference in terms of the dynamics present in the school field, the agents that compose it, the struggles that occur between them and the different capitals that come into play, expressed in exclusive and vulnerary pedagogical practices; The qualitative and participatory methodological design was supported from the social education centers with students, in-depth interviews with documents and review of public documents.Ítem Configuración del maltrato en la relación profesor-estudianteCastañeda Rojas, Giovanny; García Sánchez, Bárbara; Blaya, CatherineThis study is an effort to understand the various manifestations of teacher violence against students, which leaves a negative impact on the emotional, academic and social environment for both students and teachers themselves, who are often affected by the violent responses they receive from their own students. The aim is also to analyse the unfavourable effects of this type of relationship on the school climate, which is translated into various forms of conflict between teachers and students, between colleagues and between them and parents and managers. In addition, the study seeks to recognize the implications that this problem has for the school and the education system itself, which often feels powerless due to the complexity of this expression of school violence in which it is the teachers and the school itself that are the perpetrators.Ítem Estructuración y estrategias del campo universitario en Colombia. 1990 – 2010Calderón, Ómer; Ortiz Molina, Blanca InésThe results of this research indicate that the university field is structured between the academic and logistical dimensions, whose oppositions are: university-profession and good-regular university conditions. There, the positions of the university agents are distributed in four spaces: 1) in which the sciences and humanities predominate, 2) the agents focused on professional training in quality conditions, 3) those that combine scientific-humanistic orientation and professional in quality conditions, and 4) those that focus on the vocational training market.Ítem La investigación en las facultades de educación en Bogotá: representaciones sociales de los profesoresLobato Junior, Antonio; Ortiz Molina, Blanca InésThe present work has like purpose analyze, comprise and interpret the social representations of the professors of the faculties of education of the city of Bogota, Colombia, around the research. The methodology used is of qualitative character. It worked with 225 professors of five universities. The technicians of recolección of information were surveys, individual interviews and focal groups. The programs Evoc, Atlas.ti and Alceste supported the analysis in the process of triangulation of the data. The results indicate that the social representations on the investigation tend to express by means of characteristics, on the one hand, critical and analytical; and on the other hand iconic, productivistas, pessimist, little propositivas, sentimentalistas and isolated. The concept of faculty of education on which the professor supports to speak of the research is that related with an institution exclusively of professors. The research like ‘lifestyle' is something wished, but little matured in the academic circles.Ítem Los profesores de contaduría pública como agentes estructuradores del campo contable en Colombia: discursos y representaciones (1950-2009)León Paime, Edison Fredy; Ortiz Molina, Blanca InésThe research analyzed the participation of the "accounting faculty" in the historical configuration of the "accounting field" in Colombia. For this purpose two areas were examined: 1) the discourses that on the teaching staff are present in the "accounting education", 2) the "social representations" that recognize the contribution of the professors in the ideological construction of the accounting field. The historical period explored was from 1950 to 2009. The study used three theoretical sources: 1) Pierre Bourdieu's theory of "social fields"; 2) the theoretical and methodological proposal of "social representations"; and, 3) the "discourse analysis" from Mikhail Batjín. Methodologically, the work is projected as a proposal for the integration of methodological perspectives and research strategies. The document develop a critique on the process of "social modernization" in Colombia, describes the "accounting field," explains an analysis of the "paths of teachers" accounting, analyzes the process of "production speeches" of teachers and recognizes their "social representations".