Maestría en Infraestructura Vial
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Ítem Evaluación de la resistencia mecánica de una mezcla densa en caliente MDC-19 fabricada con un cemento asfáltico (CA) modificado con biocarbón (BC)Romero Patiño, Nicolas Enrique; Rondón-Quintana, Hugo Alexander; Rondón-Quintana, Hugo Alexander [0000-0003-2946-9411]Population growth in the world has increased the generation of waste or biomass from agroindustrial activities. To reduce negative impacts on the environment, these biomasses can be treated and thermally decomposed through pyrolysis to convert them into Biochar (BC), which is a material that shows interesting properties and is compatible with asphalt binders. In the present study, an Asphalt Cement CA (Asphalt Cement - AC) reference 60-70 (due to its degree of penetration) was initially modified with a BC obtained from oil palm shell – PKS (BC-PKS). This modified asphalt binder was named CA-BC. For the modification, 10% of BC-PKS was used with respect to the total mass of the binder. Conventional physical characterization tests were carried out on CA 60-70 and CA-BC (penetration, viscosity, softening point, ductility, among others). Scanning electron microscope (SEM) visualizations were performed on the BC-PKS and the CA-BC. In a second phase of the study, a Hot Dense Mixture MDC-19 (HMA-19) was manufactured using the CA-BC (called HMA-BC mixture) and its performance was evaluated by carrying out tests under monotonic loading (Marshall and tensile strength indirect – ITS in dry condition – ITSD and wet – ITSW) and cyclical (Resilient Modulus – RM, permanent deformation and fatigue under controlled stress). The Cantabro test was also performed and the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) was calculated. The results were compared with those obtained on a Control mixture (HMA made with unmodified CA 60-70). ANOVA analyzes of variance were performed to evaluate whether BC-PSK generated significant changes in the properties of HMA-BC. As a general conclusion, it is reported that BC-PKS is a promising modifier of asphalt binders that tends to increase their rigidity. Likewise, the CA-BC generated a HMA-BC with greater stiffness under cyclic loading (RM) and greater resistance to permanent deformation, moisture damage, abrasive wear and fatigue compared to the Control mixture. This better performance was achieved without the need to: i) increase the optimal asphalt binder content (OAC), ii) change the volumetric composition of the HMA, iii) increase the mixing and compaction temperatures.Ítem Valoración económica de la afectación de flujos vehiculares por el estado de la malla vial en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.Rodríguez, Julián Steven; Niño, John Alexander; Vargas, Wilson ErnestoThis project assesses the influence that the poor condition of the mixed roads in the capital of Colombia brings in time and cost to the users who travel on them; carried out through the collection of primary information in the field, its processing, analysis of the collected sections and its projection in delays and costs at the city level to identify the marginal costs caused by the poor condition of the mixed carriageways of Bogotá.Ítem Estudio de aplicabilidad del óxido de zinc como modificador del cemento asfáltico en una mezcla densa en calienteAntonio Galeano, William Mauricio; Parra López, Anderson Steven; Rondón Quintana, Hugo Alexander; Bastidas Martínez, Juan Gabriel; Rondón Quintana Hugo Alexander [0000-0003-2946-9411]In this study, the applicability of zinc oxide as a modifier for asphalt cement (AC 60-70) and its behavior in a hot mix asphalt of type MDC-19 were evaluated. Penetration, softening point, viscosity, and ductility tests were conducted on the modified asphalt binder (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.5, and 10% ZnO by weight of AC) and the unmodified binder. The temperature and mixing time of AC with ZnO were primarily considered with environmental criteria. The MDC-19 mixture design, manufactured with and without binder modification, was performed using the Marshall method. Characterization tests, including indirect tension, Cantabro, resilient modulus, and permanent deformation, were conducted on the asphalt mixtures.Ítem Determinación del vehículo de diseño y su trayectoria en proyectos urbanos de la malla vial y sus intersecciones en la ciudad de Bogotá D.CMontezuma Vallejos, Carlos Augusto; González Vergara, Carlos JavierThe dimensions of the design vehicle selected in geometric road projects, directly impact the trajectories, turning radii and overwidth of the intersections and corners of the roads that make up the corridors of a road project. The national regulations found in the INVIAS 2008 Geometric Design Manual for Highways, and the district road design parameters found in the Guide for the Design of Urban Roads for Bogotá D.C, (Guide that does not have regulatory support issued by the city of Bogotá), determine that the largest design vehicle is the WB-19 tractor, a dimension that goes against that expressed in National Resolution 4100 of 2004, this being an inconsistency for the determination of the type of design vehicle 3S2.Ítem Parámetros y metodología para el diseño de rampas de escape en ColombiaGonzález Hernández, Laura Tatiana; Pineda Vargas, Hector Daniel; Vargas Vargas, Wilson ErnestoRoad traffic incidents cause 1.3 million deaths worldwide each year. Most of these occur in mountainous terrain and some are caused by brake failure due to wear and tear on long slopes; This problem has a possible solution in the implementation of escape ramps, on which emergency braking can be carried out on the vehicle that presents the failure. However, Colombia does not have a methodology or regulations that recommend the construction of these structures. Therefore, an analysis of the variables used in 2 regulations of countries that have topographic and cultural conditions similar to Colombia and a regulation of a developed country is carried out and, in turn, these are contextualized to our nation. The objective of this work is to establish the necessary parameters to propose a focused methodology for Colombia, in which the location site is recommended and the way in which the escape ramp should be designed is explained. It is expected that this methodology will be applicable to different regions of the country with mountainous terrain and, in this way, reduce the number of accidents with damage and/or fatalities on mountainous terrain roads.