Ingeniería Sanitaria
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Ítem Apoyar en el componente administrativo y técnico del sistema de gestión ambiental del Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público (MHCP)Muñoz Hernandez, Michael Steven; Mojica Hernandez, Martha Lucia; Mojica Hernandez, Martha Lucia [0000-0001-8329-9033]The Integrated Planning and Management Model (MIPG version 5) is a reference framework that includes a set of concepts, elements and criteria that allow for integrated management processes to be carried out within public entities, such as the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (MHCP). It seeks permanent improvement that guarantees the rights and satisfies the needs of citizens, through administrative and technical efforts. Likewise, this operational manual highlights the relationship that entities and the environment must have when committing to sustainable goals that contribute to improving the Entity's environmental performance. In 2022, the MHCP adopted the Environmental Management System (EMS) as a tool to develop and implement actions aimed at preventing, minimizing and mitigating environmental impacts generated by the entity's own activities. This system allows for the identification, evaluation, monitoring and control of such impacts, evidencing the environmental commitment in the daily actions of all public servants, contractors and suppliers. The implementation of these activities must ensure compliance with the entity's environmental requirements according to current regulations. Therefore, it is necessary to define and implement processes and activities with the environmental area team, focused on improving the entity's environmental performance. Through the technical and administrative support provided during the internship, a verification and action was carried out based on a categorization of activities that met the objectives set from the beginning. In this way, through the development of the components of the Management System composed of seven programs, a subprogram and two plans, it contributes to the entity's environmental management. Including the applicable legal obligations of an environmental nature, which contribute to the prevention, care and protection of the environment for the provision of the service offered by the MHCP, which culminates with the monitoring, control, evaluation and establishment of improvement actions for each of the programs and activities of the SGA (MHCP, n.d.)Ítem Guia para el diseño de redes hidrosanitarias en piscinas para la empresa Profesional Hidráulico S.A.SRamírez Hernández, Laura Alejandra; Pulgarin Montoya, Diego AlejandroThe document presents the work of a Sanitary Engineering student from the Francisco José de Caldas District University, carried out as part of her internship. The project focuses on developing a spreadsheet and a guide for the dimensioning of hydrosanitary networks in swimming pools and their recirculation system. The recirculation system is described, which includes equipment such as pumps, filters, skimmers and pipes, as well as additions requested by customers, such as heating systems, waterfalls, jacuzzis and disinfection. The methodology used is based on the criteria of the ISPSC 2021 and the Colombian Technical Standard NTC 1500 2023, successfully applied in a real project for the construction of a single-family house. The work was implemented by the company and its functionality and success are evident, in addition to being visually represented in the REVIT software.Ítem Diagnóstico del estado de la prestación de los servicios públicos domiciliarios de acueducto y alcantarillado en los departamentos del Chocó y La Guajira como apoyo a la gestión técnica y administrativa producto de las funciones de inspección y vigilancia de la Dirección Técnica de Gestión de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de la SuperserviciosLópez Aguirre, Heaven Kamila; Escobar, Gabriel ErnestoThe provision of public water and sewage services in the country in optimal conditions of coverage, quality and continuity continues to be a challenge for administrations that have tried to overcome it, especially in departments such as La Guajira and Chocó, which have economic, political, social, cultural, environmental and territorial characteristics that deserve to be seen and managed with a differential approach. Thus, the Superintendency of Home Public Services (Superservicios) plays a substantial role in guaranteeing the adequate provision of the aforementioned public services. In this context and for the present study, prioritizing the departments of La Guajira and Chocó, which in terms of availability and water supply are completely opposite and particular, it is expected to diagnose the current state of the provision of public aqueduct and sewage services. in a comparative and analytical manner between both departments using as a basis the information reported in SUI, RUPS, SIVICAP, national reports, water studies and all the information collected by Superservicios through the Technical Directorate of Aqueduct and Sewer Management of the SSPD in the exercise of its inspection, surveillance and control functions, in order to contribute, through a descriptive document, to the development of the technical and administrative management of the Technical Directorate of Aqueduct and Sewerage, the department in which the internship as a degree option to opt for the title of Sanitary Engineering.Ítem Apoyo en propuestas de diseño de sistemas hidrosanitarios para la empresa Profesional Hidráulico S.A.S.Alfonso Cetina , Leidy Tatiana; Pulgarin Montoya, Diego AlejandroThe main objective of this thesis was to support the design of hydrosanitary networks at the company Profesional Hidráulico S.A.S., in order to obtain the degree of Sanitary Engineer. During the internship, three projects were developed. One of them involved the diagnosis of hydrosanitary networks for a heritage building located in the Teusaquillo district of Bogotá, where the existing hydraulic and sanitary networks were identified, their condition evaluated, and recommendations and solutions proposed according to the project's needs and current regulations, such as RAS 2017 and the Colombian Plumbing Code (NTC 1500, 6th edition 2023). The second project was the diagnosis of the potable water network for a multi-family building in Bogotá, in which the supply network was inspected, the causes of low flow problems in the farthest apartments were identified, and priority intervention recommendations and solutions were provided. The third project consisted of the hydrosanitary design and water reuse system for a country house in Guaduas, including the preparation of hydrosanitary plans, calculation reports, technical specifications, and bill of quantities. For the internship, the knowledge acquired was supplemented with bibliographic research, applicable regulations, and the use of tools such as AUTOCAD and REVIT, the latter being key for network modeling.Ítem Análisis de la transformación social y ambiental de las zonas de reserva Majuy y Juaica en el contexto de la Ciudad RegiónCastro Aristizabal, Laura Milena; Sanabria Mosquera, Jorge Alexis; Preciado Beltrán, JairThe excessive way in which humanity continues to manage non-renewable resources and the lack of scruples of the exploiting companies in compensating the exploitation areas, results in the environmental deterioration of ecosystems that, although they resist reluctantly, the impact exceeds their response capabilities, weakening, unbalancing or destroying these ecosystems. The late commitment of humanity to the protection of the environment in the last century has evidently resulted in the absurd destruction that industrialization caused and continues to damage the planet. The vision of a healthy planet is ironic, contrasted with the exponential creation of materials based on petroleum derivatives, with incredible functional properties, but with perpetual processing. The daily pollution of bodies of water in large and small cities and the amount of solid waste that is generated as a result of high human consumption is absurd since, according to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), in the The world generates 2000 million tons of urban solid waste each year, 45% of which is not managed properly, being deposited in landfills or open dumps. (United Nations. UN News, 2023) Humanity, in its desire for modernization and ambition for comfort, relates nature with backwardness, seeing it only as a resource for exploitation (wood, stone aggregates, rubber), undervaluing the benefit that it represents for communities to have healthy ecosystems and forests, water sources. cleanliness, animal protection areas, air quality, among others. Thus, people appropriate protected land, creating settlements in forested areas, which strongly impact the ecosystem environment, generating a chain of changes at a social and environmental level that culminate in the deterioration of the fauna and flora of the sector. The main objective of this document is to study the environmental importance of the Cerro Majuy and Cerro Juaica forest reserves and to analyze, through a multi-temporal analysis, the impacts that the forest reserves have had, due to population growth and the anthropic activities carried out in the municipalities of the Central Sabana, which border the reserves, these being Cota, Chía, Tenjo and Tabio, to finally consider the challenges, advantages and disadvantages of the formation of the Bogotá – Cundinamarca Metropolitan Region with its recent legislative act.Ítem Soporte en la actualización de la acreditación IDEAM bajo la norma NTC-IEC/ISO 17025:2017 y apoyo en actividades de gestión ambiental en el laboratorio ambiental de la SDAYopasa Quiroga , Lina Vanessa; Escobar, Gabriel ErnestoThe internship process carried out at the District Secretariat of the Environment (SDA) addressed three important issues to increase environmental management and efficiency. First, the Environmental Aspects and Impacts (AEIA) and material flow matrices were unified in the Air, Auditory and Visual Quality Subdirectorate (SCAAV), making it possible to identify the resources used and their environmental effects, facilitating decision-making to optimize the use of resources and reduce negative impacts. Secondly, interlaboratory tests were implemented, in accordance with NTC/IEC 17025 of 2017, to ensure the veracity of the results and their comparability with other accredited laboratories. Finally, the instructions for the verification of meteorological sensors of the Bogota Air Quality Monitoring Network (RMCAB) were updated, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data in compliance with current legal regulations. The activities are carried out considering the limitations of time and available resources, resulting in an improvement in operational sustainability, environmental data quality and reliability in the SDA's processes.Ítem Evaluación del impacto de la topología de una red hidráulica en la distribución de caudales de agua potable mediante un modelo físicoRubiano Peña, Adriana Marilin; Valero Fandiño, Jorge Alberto; Valero Fandiño, Jorge Alberto [0000-0001-9709-5162]In the water supply for buildings, problems of excess or lack of pressure and flow are common. Particularly, in water distribution systems in buildings with an elevated tank, the lower levels experience excess pressure due to the potential energy generated by the building’s height, while the upper levels may experience a pressure deficit due to the lack of energy, causing suboptimal operation of sanitary fixtures. This research analyzes, through a physical model, the performance of two types of potable water distribution in a five-story building with an elevated tank. The distribution types evaluated are: straight derivation column (CDR) and stepped derivation column (CDE). Additionally, the aim is to standardize the flows delivered to each floor through the operation of valves and the use of the CDR and CDE configurations. The results of laboratory tests revealed that the CDR and CDE distributions do not uniformly distribute the flow at all levels of the system, and neither distribution method provides the maximum flow to all floors simultaneously. It is recommended to use computer-assisted simulation to evaluate a greater number of scenarios.Ítem Apoyo en diseño y modelación de instalaciones hidrosanitarias y eléctricas usando metodologías BIM y CAD en proyectos desarrollados por la empresa I-SEPMarcelo Murcia, Paula Andrea; Escobar, Gabriel Ernesto; Escobar, Gabriel Ernesto [0009-0009-6776-2783]The purpose of this degree work, with internship modality, was to support the design and modeling of plumbing and electrical installations using BIM and CAD methodologies in projects developed by the company I-SEP in the civil discipline, in order to obtain the degree of sanitary engineer. During the course of the internship, assistance was provided in the ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION T project, which involved the design and modeling of potable water networks, road and yard sanitary networks, modeling of foundations and any structure required by the process. Additionally, with the use of the BIM methodology, the coordination between the different systems was carried out in order to identify and resolve interferences, in order to obtain detailed and accurate models, complete technical documentation and an effective collaboration with the I-SEP team. Always seeking to obtain results that would contribute to improve the quality of the company's projects, in order to provide valuable experience in the development of each of its projects.Ítem Asistencia en las actividades del área de residuos sólidos en la empresa r & r kelab s.a.s. y desarrollo de plan piloto para reducción de la tarifa de aseo en un conjunto residencial.(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Ortiz Gonzalez, Adriana Isabel; Angarita Manosalva, Edinson; Rodríguez Calvo, Jonathan Alexander; Angarita Manosalva, Edinson [0009-0000-7007-3289]Currently, the R&R Knowledge, Engineering & Lab S.A.S engineering company offers services for the management of water resources, solid waste management, knowledge management and basic sanitation; In the solid waste area, product and service designs are made that allow compliance with the current regulations in force on Solid Waste Management issues. As a result, shared solutions are sought to promote the development of processes that point to the extended responsibility of the producer. Within the waste area, the implementation and importance of a comprehensive management plan in residential complexes is proposed, which is based on the regulations and the benefits generated by carrying out this process properly. Among the benefits is the reduction of the cleaning fee, this consists of carrying out a measurement of the solid waste generated at the collection point to determine the real amount that is generated, so that this can be carried out, it must be have the knowledge of waste separation by the established colors, a waste collection place that has the appropriate parameters to carry out a capacity and collect the waste. In addition to the above, it is intended to expand the collective plan for containers and packaging in production companies to achieve compliance with regulations and take adequate advantage of solid waste.Ítem Apoyo al área de aseguramiento de calidad y gestión ambiental en la empresa Supertiendas y Droguerías Olimpica para prevenir y controlar las enfermedades transmitidas por alimentosCamargo Flórez, Ana María; Gaitán Rodríguez, Mayra; Melo Brito, Nadenka Beatriz; Melo Brito Nadenka Beatriz [0000-0002-4255-8470]This report is the result of the internship carried out in the company Supertiendas y Droguerías Olimpica in the area of quality assurance and environmental management. The investigation arises in response to addressing the causes of food insecurity in the company's points of sale. The research carried out made it possible to determine the underlying causes of the sanitation problem in food retail, identifying the critical risk points in the production and distribution chain that end up affecting food safety. Audits of good hygienic practices were carried out in the establishments located in zone 3, in addition, training was applied on current regulations regarding Decree 1500 of 2007, Resolution 2674 of 2013 and environmental aspects. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the aspects verified in the audits is presented, which shows that the aspect of cleaning and disinfection, together with hygienic requirements for manufacturing, storage and marketing, presents a repetitive deficiency in its application and therefore increases the health risk. public. On the other hand, the results of the audits show the need for continuous training at all points of sale. The purpose of this report is to contribute to the improvement, integrated management of sanitation and prevent foodborne diseases (ETA) in the Supertiendas y Droguerías Olimpica company in Bogotá, through the validation and compliance process through training as established. in Decree 1500 of 2007 and the application of good manufacturing practices (GMP), to guarantee that food meets health requirements, safeguard the health of consumers and the quality of food.Ítem Apoyo al fortalecimiento en la gestión de peticiones, quejas, reclamos, sugerencias y denuncias en el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible mediante procesos sistemáticos en la Unidad Coordinadora para el Gobierno AbiertoSilva Gómez, Angie Lorena; Escobar, Gabriel ErnestoThe purpose of this document is to present the development of the internship carried out at the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, in the Coordinating Unit for Open Government, whose objective was to work on strengthening the management of PQRSD, from a multichannel systematization strategy that allowed streamlining its classification, classification and addressing with an orientation towards the quality of responses and compliance with the terms established in Law 1755 of 2015. The above, through the characterization of the users of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, in order to obtain the characteristics and information needs of citizens who access services and procedures to guide the institutional offer, and thereby promote effective participation and improve the responsiveness of governments to their citizens, through the implementation of new strategies. As well as the development of the process of the articulation of the fulfillment of the country's commitment in the Open Government Partnership - OGP, referring to the offer of virtual training in the prioritized topic "climate change, protected areas and deforestation"Ítem Apoyo en la formulación de un proyecto piloto de comunidades sostenibles enfocado en la gestión integral de residuos sólidos en la empresa KELAB SASMuñoz Camargo, Cristian David; Montero Enríquez, Andrés Felipe; Mojica Hernández , Martha Lucía; [0000-0001-8329-9033]At present the integrated management of solid waste is part of the cleaning service scheme of many societies; however, failures at any stage of the same have caused a number of problems, which if not attended to in a timely manner can lead to the collapse of the public toilet service. In Colombia, waste generation is the product of cultural, economic, technological and demographic factors. Hence, it is necessary to implement new technologies, systems or mechanisms focused on the integral use of such waste. The growth of cities in the country is directly related to spatial planning schemes, which determine the route that local governments will follow to ensure adequate organization in all possible aspects: mobility, infrastructure, economy, environment, etc.; therefore, within the main priorities today is the proper management of the generated waste, in order to minimize impacts to the environment, in addition to proposing the recovery and recovery of waste that today has no use and is simply discarded. The purpose of this project is to implement a real solution to the management of solid waste in the so-called "multifamily housing units", with the implementation of a comprehensive waste management plan that subsequently generates the necessary bases for tariff reduction in the collection carried out by public companies providing the collection and disposal service.Ítem Experiencias en el marco colombiano en el uso de productos del aprovechamiento de residuos orgánicos en el cierre de proyectos mineros, de rellenos sanitarios y de escombreras.(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Santana Callejas, Angie Yesenia; Agualimpia Dualiby, Yolima Del Carmen; Agualimpia Dualiby, Yolima Del Carmen [0000-0002-4262-954X]At present, soil degradation is a global environmental concern, caused by both natural factors and human activities, thus affecting the fertility of the soil to fulfill its vital functions within the ecosystem. In view of this problem, an innovative strategy is proposed for soil restoration using organic residues during the reclamation phase of mining areas, landfills and dumps. This study, carried out in the Colombian context, seeks to establish reference points for future regulations and to compare the practices used in the restoration of these deteriorated soils. The search for information was carried out by reviewing experiences in each of these contexts at the national level. Trends and best practices in the use of organic amendments for soil rehabilitation were identified and compared. The results obtained showed that the correlation between organic amendments, such as compost, biochar, vermicompost and biosolids, are effective products for soil restoration. These products improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, favoring the growth of biodiversity and vegetation in the environment. In addition, an optimal ratio of biosolids to sterile soil of 2:1 is suggested, especially in the process of closing mining projects. The experiences analyzed indicated that the application of organic amendments contributes to improving soil structure, moisture retention and nutrient availability. This approach not only promotes the sustainable management of organic residues, but also the restoration of soil degraded by human activities.Ítem Evaluación de la utilización de carbonato de calcio como aditivo en la elaboración de envases de productos cosméticos(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Rojas Suárez, Lizeth Daniela; Rodríguez Miranda, Juan PabloCurrently, research into the development of packaging using alternative materials to conventional polymers used in the plastic industry, such as minerals like calcium carbonate, plays an important role in the realm of innovation. This is because the generation and disposal of solid waste have seen a significant increase in recent years, with the major contributors to single-use plastics being the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics sectors, which poses a socio-environmental problem. In this regard, the implementation of products with sustainable characteristics is necessary, not only to maintain the mechanical or thermal properties of the packaging but also to offer social and environmental benefits throughout the production chain. Therefore, it is essential to assess the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of calcium carbonate as an additive in the production of cosmetic packaging. This assessment is carried out while addressing the challenges posed by the lack of knowledge about new technologies, regulations, business models, or methodologies for optimizing packaging production.Ítem Proceso de acompañamiento en la gestión ambiental llevada a cabo en la Clínica Nueva el Lago SAS, para el cumplimiento óptimo de la normativa en el tratamiento y disposición de sus residuosRincón Mora, Deisy Daniela; Pulgarin Montoya, Diego AlejandroClinica Nueva el Lago S.A.S is a 3º Level hospital entity in the city of Bogotá D.C., this institution provides comprehensive high-quality health services, framed in a timely, warm, safe and efficient service. The entity has emergency services, intensive care unit, surgeries and hospitalization, being a generator of usable, unusable and dangerous waste of infectious, chemical and administrative risk. Taking into account the activity of the institution, this practice arises as a degree modality, where the main objective is to support the company in the processes of internal waste management, through internal audits, training and verification of current regulations. Where the correct functioning of the residual systems in force in the company is shown and an application of technical knowledge is generated to form a joint feedback. The results obtained from the accompaniment were measured with the monthly indicators and in the update of the Comprehensive Waste Management Plan generated in Health Care and others.Ítem Evaluación y comparación de un relleno sanitario convencional frente a un relleno sanitario optimizado con el método Fukuoka a escala piloto(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Hernández Luna, María Camila; Villamil Casallas, Sergio Alejandro; Rodríguez Miranda, Juan PabloThis work is focused on the investigation of final disposal methods in landfills, more specifically, the conventional method and two non-conventional methods. The development involved the construction of pilot columns, which simulate the behavior of a landfill on a smaller scale and under controlled conditions. The objective of this research is to compare the physicochemical and organoleptic conditions of leachate from a conventional landfill versus one optimized with the Fukuoka method and with forced aeration on a pilot scale, to verify what can be evidenced in the literature about these methods. For this, three columns of 2 meters in length and a diameter of 6 inches are used, where the methods were applied as follows: the first column is the conventional method, the second column is the Fukuoka method and finally In the third column is the Fukuoka method with forced aeration, in each column temperature measurements of the waste and physicochemical characteristics of the leachate were carried out weekly. The results of the study revealed significant differences between the evaluated methods, mainly in terms of the odor and color of the leachate generated. The Fukuoka method produced a leachate with a neutral odor, while the conventional method produced a leachate with an unpleasant odor. Regarding the laboratory analyses, the parameters evaluated did not present major differences, but they did present enough to verify the behavior of each method evaluated. On the other hand, a notable difference was observed in the amount of leachate generated and in the level of oxygen present in the columns. Finally, it is notable that the Fukuoka method accelerates waste treatment and is a method that effectively improves the conditions of the leachate generated.Ítem Apoyo operativo y administrativo en la planta de tratamiento de agua residual de la empresa Thyms ColombiaBalcero Mogollon, Ana María; Escobar, Gabriel ErnestoIn daily life we use a wide variety of cosmetic and personal hygiene products that are present in homes, from the most basic such as soap to more elaborate products such as masks or exfoliating creams, although they are very useful for In our daily lives we are largely unaware of the impact generated by the different activities to manufacture each one of them; In the cosmetic industry, manufacturing processes are evident where in most of the stages of product development there is generation of both solid and liquid waste, for example non-domestic (industrial) wastewater; For this reason, it is important to highlight that to reduce the impact, companies have adopted more sustainable practices in the medium, short and long term that allow them, first of all, to generate compensation with the environment, as well as, look for new mitigation alternatives in conjunction with new strategies. for the treatment of these waters and at the same time comply with the necessary parameters to reach the last stage of the integral water cycle, the return to the environment. Thyms Colombia is positioned as a prominent entity in the cosmetics industry specialized in the manufacturing of dyes and hair care products. This industry involves the generation of various types of waste throughout the processes, ranging from production to packaging, through quality control and other subprocesses within the plant. Considering the above as a fundamental part of the project, the purpose is to provide operational and administrative support in the WWTP of the company Thyms Colombia, as well as to carry out treatability tests of wastewater with peroxide, with the objective of evaluating and optimizing the processes. of treatment. This approach allows not only to comply with regulatory standards, but also to move towards more sustainable and responsible practices in daily operations.Ítem Apoyo técnico y administrativo en la implementación del plan institucional de gestión ambiental PIGA, en el instituto de planificación y promoción de soluciones energéticas en zonas no interconectadasMora Rodríguez, Christhians Leonel; Plaza Solórzano, Juan Sebastián de; Morales Sarmiento, José Fernely; 0000-0003-4005-4700The Institute for planning and promotion of energy solutions for non-interconnected areas IPSE, addresses the energy needs of residents who do not have this service; identifying, implementing and monitoring sustainable energy solutions with criteria of efficiency and effectiveness in non-interconnected areas ZNI (IPSE, 2023). The IPSE, as an entity that has its headquarters in the city of Bogotá D.C., must promote the institutional environmental management dictated by the District Secretariat of the Environment of Bogotá D.C., to ensure primarily compliance with the ecoefficiency objectives established in Decree 456 of 2008, among other environmental actions that the entity contemplates and contribute to all the environmental objectives established in the PGA. In this way, it is intended to advance towards the adoption and implementation of integrated institutional health-environmental management systems, which is based on the technical standard NTC-ISO 14001 and which must be carried out gradually in accordance with the evolution of the instrument in the entityÍtem Apoyo en la ejecución de actividades relacionadas con el proceso de supervisión del plan de ordenamiento del recurso hídrico (porh) de la unidad hidrográfica nivel y laguna de Cucunubá y proyectos establecidos en los procesos de participación de los (porh) de la jurisdicción de la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca CARGonzalez Salinas, Sirley Daniela; Mojica Hernández, Martha Lucia; 0000-0001-8329-9033The present degree work corresponds to the support in the execution of activities related to the supervision process of the Water Resources Management Plan-PORH-of the level I hydrographic unit Laguna de Cucunubá and projects established in the different participation processes of the ( PORH), in the jurisdiction of the regional autonomous corporation of Cundinamarca CAR; In the development of the internship support was provided in the technical committees and in-person and virtual work tables in parallel, support was provided in the construction of documents, and in the organization of the traceability generated within the PORH formulation processÍtem Análisis y comparación de datos de calidad de aire de las estaciones de Bosa Porvenir y Aduanilla de Paiba con el SVCA de BogotáRodríguez Vanegas, Harol Duván; Murad Pedraza, José Alejandro; Murad Pedraza, José Alejandro [0000-0003-4211-2601]This work performs a comparison analysis of the air quality monitoring stations located at the Bosa Porvenir and Aduanilla de Paiba sites of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas with the selected stations of the Bogotá Air Quality Monitoring System (SVCA) based on the characterization and location, in order to establish a correlation of the measurements of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) for which information was collected from the RMCAB database and the UFJDC database for a period of 26 weeks from July 1, 2022 to July 1, 2022. 5) for which information registered in the RMCAB database and in the UFJDC database was collected during a period of 26 weeks from July 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, where error recognition methods were applied to 4420 concentration data per station. The data treatment was developed with the methodologies of the operation manual of the air quality monitoring system of the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Development to discard the measurements that exceeded 25% of invalid data, to subsequently make the descriptive statistical analysis in which a correlation of 86% was established between the Bosa Porvenir station and the Kennedy station. Establishing as the best option to carry out control processes in the future. In the case of the Aduanilla de Paiba station, it was determined that the two comparison stations of the SVCA of Bogotá, Puente Aranda and El Jazmine present a high degree of correlation of PM10 and PM2.5 data and both can be used for future controls since their correlation is higher than 85%. Different time bands were established to determine at what time the greatest contribution of PM10 and PM2.5 particulate matter is made in the different distributions, and it was found that Fridays and Saturdays are the days with the highest load of particulate matter for the two comparison groups. Likewise, it was established that the period from 06:00 to 09:00 hours represents the highest contribution of the day in the stations of group A and the period from 11:00 to 14:00 hours for group B.