Evaluación de la utilización de carbonato de calcio como aditivo en la elaboración de envases de productos cosméticos
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Currently, research into the development of packaging using alternative materials to conventional polymers used in the plastic industry, such as minerals like calcium carbonate, plays an important role in the realm of innovation. This is because the generation and disposal of solid waste have seen a significant increase in recent years, with the major contributors to single-use plastics being the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics sectors, which poses a socio-environmental problem. In this regard, the implementation of products with sustainable characteristics is necessary, not only to maintain the mechanical or thermal properties of the packaging but also to offer social and environmental benefits throughout the production chain. Therefore, it is essential to assess the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of calcium carbonate as an additive in the production of cosmetic packaging. This assessment is carried out while addressing the challenges posed by the lack of knowledge about new technologies, regulations, business models, or methodologies for optimizing packaging production.