Apoyo en la formulación de un proyecto piloto de comunidades sostenibles enfocado en la gestión integral de residuos sólidos en la empresa KELAB SAS
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At present the integrated management of solid waste is part of the cleaning service scheme of many societies; however, failures at any stage of the same have caused a number of problems, which if not attended to in a timely manner can lead to the collapse of the public toilet service. In Colombia, waste generation is the product of cultural, economic, technological and demographic factors. Hence, it is necessary to implement new technologies, systems or mechanisms focused on the integral use of such waste. The growth of cities in the country is directly related to spatial planning schemes, which determine the route that local governments will follow to ensure adequate organization in all possible aspects: mobility, infrastructure, economy, environment, etc.; therefore, within the main priorities today is the proper management of the generated waste, in order to minimize impacts to the environment, in addition to proposing the recovery and recovery of waste that today has no use and is simply discarded. The purpose of this project is to implement a real solution to the management of solid waste in the so-called "multifamily housing units", with the implementation of a comprehensive waste management plan that subsequently generates the necessary bases for tariff reduction in the collection carried out by public companies providing the collection and disposal service.