Especialización en Sistemas de Información Geográfica

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Mostrando 1 - 20 de 224
  • Ítem
    Visor geográfico GEOMIN para la visualización de datos en el sector minero en la jurisdicción CAR
    Fajardo Rodríguez , Alexis Xiomara; Cifuentes Contreras, Germán
    The degree work entitled “GEOMIN geographic viewer for the visualization of data in the mining sector in the CAR jurisdiction” develops a tool based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that allows the integration, visualization and consultation of georeferenced information from the mining sector. Designed specifically for the jurisdiction of the Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca (CAR), GEOMIN facilitates environmental assessment, monitoring and control through an intuitive platform that combines environmental, geological and socioeconomic data in interactive maps. This viewer seeks to optimize processes associated with environmental licensing and promote more sustainable mining, offering an accessible and efficient solution for professionals and responsible entities.
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    RadarExotic: aplicación para el registro y seguimiento de especies exóticas invasoras en Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Martínez Calderón, Carolina; Ramírez Fernandez, Salomon Einstein
    RadarExotic is a mobile application designed for the registration and monitoring of exotic species in Colombia’s National Natural Parks. Its purpose is to optimize data collection in areas with limited connectivity, allowing for the storage of geospatial and demographic information on these species. The tool centralizes and organizes data efficiently, facilitating access and analysis. It features functionalities such as coordinate capture, photo documentation, and species classification, improving accuracy in identification and monitoring. Its development follows an incremental methodology, ensuring continuous adjustments and improvements based on expert and user feedback. The application is structured into four phases: analysis, design, development, and evaluation, ensuring that its functionalities meet real-world needs. The data collection form was designed on a platform specialized in field data gathering, ensuring its operability in offline mode and allowing data synchronization once the internet connection is restored, guaranteeing its availability for consultation and decision-making.
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    GEOUSO: plugin de QGIS para generar certificados de uso del suelo
    Nieto Rodríguez, Laura Marcela; Villarraga Forero, María Paz; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Einstein
    Plugin de QGIS que automatiza la expedición de certificados de uso del suelo en el municipio de Zipaquirá. Integra bases de datos PostgreSQL/PostGIS, una interfaz diseñada en Qt Designer y funcionalidades programadas en Python, permitiendo agilizar tareas repetitivas, reducir errores y mejorar la eficiencia operativa y la transparencia en la gestión pública. Este plugin facilita a los funcionarios la consulta de predios, la verificación de normativas y la generación de certificados en formato PDF de manera rápida y precisa.
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    Mi ruta: aplicación móvil para el levantamiento de datos sobre la infraestructura ciclista
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas) Enciso Guerrero, Duvan Yesid; Martínez Ramírez, Oscar David; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Einstein
    "My Route" is an innovative mobile application designed to transform the management of cycling infrastructure. This tool facilitates the collection of georeferenced data on the condition of cycling routes, enabling the identification of issues such as cracks, uneven surfaces, or signage problems, all supported by photographic evidence. The data is securely stored in the cloud using Firebase, ensuring its availability for real-time analysis and management. With an intuitive design and practical features, "Mi Ruta" not only optimizes the maintenance of cycling routes but also enhances cyclist safety and promotes the use of bicycles as a sustainable mode of transportation. This project combines advanced technology and an agile approach to provide practical solutions to urban mobility challenges.
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    REGapp –Aplicación móvil para el registro de condiciones físicas de predios en áreas de intervención de la empresa de acueducto y alcantarillado de Bogotá(EAAB)
    Rodriguez Galan, Diego Fernando; Moreno Mosquera, Cristian Camilo; Ramirez Fernandez, Salomon Eistein
    This document presents the analysis, design, development and evaluation of REGapp, a mobile application to record the physical conditions of the properties within the ​​influence area of infrastructure works of the Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá (EAAB) as a requirement that contractors must meet prior to the start of construction activities in compliance with the social management plan established by the technical service standard NS-038 of that entity.
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    GeoModel-GIS: plug-in para QGIS de clasificación geológica y geotérmica de datos de magnetotelúrica para la comprensión de sistemas geotérmicos hidrotermales
    Rodriguez Rodriguez, Gilbert Fabian; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Einstein
    The exploration of geothermal resources is fundamental as part of the economic and social development of national governments, where it seeks to identify the volume, location and depth of these resources using geological, geophysical and geochemical methods. This process requires precise classification of data, key for strategic decisions in sectors such as energy and mining. In this context, the GeoModel-GIS Plug-In was designed and implemented in QGIS, using agile methodologies such as Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) practices to identify functional and non-functional requirements, and develop a tool with a robust code base based in PyQGIS and PyQt5. The design of the Plug-In was based on the 4+1 architecture, with class diagrams, sequences and activities that guided the development. Its automated implementation showed high levels of acceptance among the professionals consulted, although the need to integrate additional geological, geophysical and geochemical exploration methods was identified to improve the analysis and understanding of geothermal zones. The GeoModel-GIS Plug-In allows you to automate the classification of subsoil layers according to apparent resistivity values from magnetotelluric data, and assign their corresponding geological and geothermal meaning. This facilitates the identification of key components of hydrothermal geothermal systems, such as seal layers, possible reservoirs and basement types. The tool includes a graphical interface organized in two main modules for data classification and editing, with support for files in .txt format of the one-dimensional models of magnetotelluric data and also provides a series of automatically generated validators that allow the user to correct errors in loading or editing data.
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    Threatforest: Geovisor web de consulta de especies de flora en veda en Colombia
    Tavera Castrillón, Andrea Carolina; Rodríguez Medrano, Diva Gabriela; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Einstein
    This project presents the creation and development of the THREATFOREST geovisor, a technological consultation web application tool designed to consolidate the information available at the national level on closures of plant species, offering a communication channel between environmental entities and citizens. This software aims to facilitate the dissemination of information, allow visualization of the spatial dimension of the areas where species are closed and allow complaints to be filed for non-compliance with the ban by citizens, thus contributing to the monitoring of compliance with the ban. regulations and their effectiveness as a measure to protect biodiversity. The document begins with the presentation of the reference framework that delimited the project, including national and international background on geoviewers and databases related to plant biodiversity. In addition, key concepts about the relevance and implications of ban measures, as well as the national legislation that regulates them, are explored. Subsequently, the problem that inspired the creation of THREATFOREST is described, the justification of its impact on solving the problem and the objectives that defined its scope. After that, the phases of the methodology used and the results obtained in each of them are detailed. Finally, the conclusions derived from the project are presented, linked to the stated objectives.
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    Cutaptitud: Add-In en Arcgis Pro para el recorte de polígonos de interés con zonificaciones de aptitud y frontera agrícola
    Aristizabal Henao, Juan Mateo; Muñoz Duitama, Frank Stiven; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Einstein; Aristizabal Henao, Juan Mateo [0000-0001-7661-6627]
    The objective of this work is to present the planning, implementation, and evaluation of CutAptitud, an Add-In developed for ArcGIS Pro. This tool automates the process of clipping polygons of interest using the Aptitude and Agricultural Frontier layers provided by the Unidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria (UPRA). Its development arose from the need to reduce response times in managing these layers. For its implementation, an agile methodology was applied, organized into iterative stages: requirements gathering with users, architectural analysis and design, system development, and usability and user experience evaluation. Each phase was executed to ensure that CutAptitud meets the established standards of quality and functionality. The document includes a theoretical and regulatory review of Aptitude and Agricultural Frontier, as well as previous experiences in developing tools for ESRI environments. Finally, the system evaluation results present opportunities for improvement in future versions, contributing to the ongoing development of technological tools for rural and agricultural management.
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    Redumap: geovisor para el aprendizaje de gestión de residuos en instituciones educativas en Bogotá
    Guerrero Higuera, Nathalia Marcela; Galindo Pérez, Daniel Esteban; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Einstein
    Redumap geovisor is an application designed to support recycling initiatives within educational institutions in Bogota. It emerges as a response to the growing necessity for solutions that amalgamate education and technology to address the mounting accumulation of recyclable materials in landfills. Redumap provides updated information regarding collection centers and recycling programs, complemented by interactive tools and statistical data to oversee and evalute these programs. Its development followed to a methodology encompassing analysis, design, implementation and evaluation phases. The outcomes depict a fully functional geovisor, adaptable across various devices, well-received by potential users, which represents an advance in the promotion of recycling and environmental awareness in the educational environment of Bogota.
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    TraslapREDD+: complemento de QGIS para la identificación de traslapes entre programas y proyectos REDD+
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bonell Torres, Adriana Catalina; Bejarano Fajardo, Pablo Andrés; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Einstein
    In environmental management and the fight against climate change, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) initiatives are essential for forest conservation and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the simultaneous implementation of multiple REDD+ initiatives in the same area can cause overlaps that affect their effectiveness. To address this problem, using an agile methodology based on Scrum, the TraslapREDD+ plugin was created for the Geographic Information System (GIS) software QGIS, with the aim of facilitating the spatial analysis of these overlaps, thus improving management and decision making.
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    Geofire: plugin web para el cálculo de zonas susceptibles a incendios forestales a partir de muestras de campo
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Pérez Vargas, Jonathan Yesid; Rodríguez Bonilla, Duván Felipe; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Einstein
    GeoFire is a web-based add-on for ArcGIS Experience Builder that allows the generation of areas with gross susceptibility to wildfires using a web-based image service and field samples for the identification of fire-prone areas of vegetation cover. This accessible and cost-effective tool allows public and private entities to make preventive decisions and act quickly in the face of fire risk, strengthening risk management and protecting the environment.
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    Carbón atlas: Geovisor para la gestión de información de carbono orgánico y ph en el suelo
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Hernández Lastra, Camilo Ernesto; Soler Umbarila, Jhon Jairo; Ramírez Fernandez, Salomón Einstein
    Currently, the use of geovisors has extended to various fields, including the environmental sector, facilitating more efficient management of renewable resources and the assessment of soil chemical components such as Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) and pH. However, in Colombia, the availability of geovisors specialized in these parameters is limited to projects in collaboration with foreign entities, which hinders their use by end users. CarbonAtlas emerges as a solution for the Cundinamarca region, providing access to data on SOC and soil pH and improving environmental decision-making. This document describes the development of CarbonAtlas, from its formulation to its implementation, including background, justification, objectives, and methodology, thereby consolidating it as a key tool for soil environmental management.
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    Svza el rosal: sistema de visualización de zonificación de amenazas del municipio de el rosal cundinamarca, colombia.
    Buitrago Peña, Katherine; Rojas, John Alexander; Ramirez Fernandez, Salomon Eistein; Ramirez Fernandez Maritza [0000-0002-2845-6566]
    Risk management and territorial planning in the municipality of El Rosal, Cundinamarca, require advanced tools to improve accessibility to geographic information. This paper presents the implementation of the Threat Zoning Visualization System (SVZA) for El Rosal, which facilitates the consultation of data on natural threat zoning and events reported by official entities. The municipality faces significant challenges due to the outdated Land Use Planning Scheme (EOT) and the lack of adequate tools for the consultation of geographic information, which limits the capacity of local stakeholders to efficiently manage and mitigate risks. The implementation of the SVZA geo-viewer was carried out in four phases: identification of needs and requirements, definition and design of components, implementation of the geo-viewer, and validation and evaluation. This project represents a significant advance in the use of geospatial technologies to improve risk management and territorial planning in El Rosal, in line with the principles of security and sustainable development. The geoviewer allows the visualization and consultation of various layers of geographic information, improving decision making and facilitating access to critical data for inhabitants and stakeholders.
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    PPONTON : plugin para QGIS para generar puntos de alcantarilla tipo pontón
    Ávila Silva, Michelle Jessenia; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Einstein; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Einstein [0000-0002-2332-4994]
    In the ambit of cartography, 2D capture of basic cartography is essential for creating precise geographic representations, where manual editing of geographic objects plays a crucial role. However, the growing need to optimize capture time has driven the development of automated processes. Manual capture of elements such as ponton type culverts poses a significant challenge in terms of time and resources for editors. To address this issue, PPONTON, a QGIS plugin, was developed to automate the generation of ponton type culvert points and calculate their rotation angles. This project focuses on requirements identification, software architecture modeling, plugin implementation, and validation of its usability and functionality. Automating this process not only optimizes resource use but also significantly enhances the quality and consistency of generated cartographic data, providing an effective solution to improve efficiency and precision in capturing ponton type culverts during basic cartography editing stages, at scales 1:10,000, 1:25,000, and 1:50,000.
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    GeoAlertas: plugin para QGIS para la identificación catastral de inconsistencias alfanuméricas, jurídicas y gráficas
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Linares Villanueva, Yarien David; Perea RodrÍguez, Juan Esteban; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Eistein
    This paper addresses the implementation of a QGIS plugin called GeoAlertas, designed to automate the identification of inconsistencies in the cadastral information managed by the Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC). Accurate cadastral data management is crucial for territorial development and informed decision making, where traditional manual processes present significant challenges in terms of delays, additional costs and inconsistencies. GeoAlertas seeks to provide an efficient solution for detecting alphanumeric, legal and graphical inconsistencies in cadastral information, thus optimizing resources and improving the accuracy of cadastral management. This work documents the development of the plugin from the definition of its requirements to its validation in terms of functionality, reliability and usability, demonstrating its potential to improve the efficiency of cadastral updating.
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    Infracode: plugin de QGIS para la asignación de códigos únicos a infraestructura de redes eléctricas
    Guevara Parra, Erika Eliana; Lombo Rodríguez, Laura Daniela; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Eistein
    The InfraCode plugin for QGIS automates the process of assigning unique codes in the electrical infrastructure which is crucial to modernize the industry, improve efficiency and reliability of the power grid. Currently, the assignment is done manually and is slow, error-prone and resource-intensive, negatively affecting the digitization of this assignment. By implementing this spatial analysis-based development, accuracy and efficiency are improved.
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    PAGOCIF: plugin de QGIS para el cálculo del reconocimiento económico del certificado de incentivo forestal (CIF).
    Alfonso Castañeda, Belky Yolive; Blanco Barrero, Enrique; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Einstein
    Currently, the Fund for the Financing of the Agricultural Sector (FINAGRO), operator of the forest incentive certificate (CIF), is facing operational difficulties in its payment settlement process, given that the current process is carried out manually by officials. using Excel, which increases the likelihood of errors in incentive payment calculations. This situation has occurred on previous occasions, generating reprocesses within the organization. In order to optimize the operational process at FINAGRO, a plugin is implemented in QGIS called PAGOCIF, which is a specialized tool designed to simplify the calculation of the payment of benefits related to the CIF. The creation of the plugin represents a solution that provides efficiency in estimating the incentive payment, allows users to make accurate and quick estimates of the payment, facilitates decision making, this because users have access to a tool that provides estimates reliable CIF economic recognition, which allows them to make informed and strategic decisions regarding the financial planning of reforestation projects.
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    Implementación de un complemento para QGIS que facilita la identificación de las áreas de interés ambiental gestionadas por la Dirección de Bosques, Biodiversidad y Servicios Ecosistémicos del Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible
    Dávila Giraldo, Álvaro Alexander; Ramírez Hernández, Johnny Steven; Ramírez Fernández, Salomón Einstein
    The 2023 report from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development highlights inefficient management of Petitions, Complaints, Claims, Suggestions, and Reports, adversely impacting Colombia's environment and socio-economic development. The Directorate of Forests, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services is most affected, accounting for 57% of guardianship actions due to delayed responses. This situation necessitates a technological tool to enhance administrative efficiency and response to information requests. The proposed solution is a QGIS plugin, developed using the SCRUM methodology. This tool automates the analysis of overlapping environmental areas, thereby improving efficiency and effectiveness in managing responses to information requests.
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    ARZI: plugin en Qgis que identifica zonas adecuadas para ejecución de vuelos de dron
    Ramirez Riveros, Jesus David; Lopez Sevillano, Alexandra Maria; Lopez Sevillano, Alexandra Maria [0000-0002-7398-6275]
    In the history of civil aviation and cartography, a critical challenge emerges: the intersection between areas designated for photogrammetric flights and restricted airspace. This dilemma involves balancing the efficient capture of geospatial data with compliance with aeronautical regulations to safeguard air safety. Restricted zones aim to protect commercial flights and sensitive operations, but the lack of specialized tools has created gaps in efficiency and security. Failing to address this issue can have significant consequences, ranging from the loss of vital data to the violation of aeronautical regulations. In this context, the importance of developing a QGIS plugin named ARZI is underscored. This plugin aims to provide aviation and cartography professionals with a precise tool that streamlines flight planning and ensures safety in airspace, representing a significant advancement in both fields
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    Plugin QHWC para el diagnóstico del paisaje de conflicto oso - gente
    Guzmán Cortés, Daniel Alejandro; Jiménez Pineda, María Fernanda; Cifuentes Contreras, Germán
    Colombia is a renowned country for its mega diversity and for being the habitat of important species such as the Andean Bear. It is currently reported as a vulnerable species due to habitat loss associated with human development activities and, therefore, conflicts between the species and humans sharing the same territorial space. This paper proposes to implement a QGIS plugin to automate the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) guide to assess the conflict between the Andean bear and farmers, highlighting that it performs the geoprocessing proposed in the guide, but requires the user to have the appropriate inputs and to carry out complementary social and environmental work. The document details the planning, design, development, and validation phases of the plugin, as well as the diagrams of use cases, classes, packages, components, sequence, activity and deployment. The graphical interfaces of the plugin and the resulting layers with their symbology are shown. Finally, the processing time of the plugin is reported, and a considerable time reduction is obtained with respect to the manual implementation of the guide.