Archivística y Gestión de la Información Digital
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Ítem Estado de avance de los proyectos y planes formulados en el PINAR de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.Garibello Muñoz, Juan Sebastián; Cuervo Alonso, John Francisco; Cuervo Alonso, John Francisco [0009-0002-1865-0434]Archival instruments are an extremely relevant factor when talking about the development of the archival function in public institutions in Colombia, since thanks to them it is possible to show the treatment, importance and progress that is being made over time, to advance in document management, in accordance with the current regulations that they are obliged to comply with. The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, by virtue of its public nature, has understood the need to have an adequate document management to support its mission processes, which is why an archival instrument such as the Institutional Archives Plan is of vital importance to provide adequate planning and monitoring of the archives management carried out by the University. For this reason in this internship we want to expose the results that have been obtained from the approval of this archival instrument by the archives committee, during the periods 2018- 2022 with the aim of determining the state of progress of each project and plan in relation to the activities and deliverables proposed in the initial formulation of this instrumennt. Initially, a definition of the instrument and its relationship with the University is addressed to give way to the elements of institutional and work context such as the methodology and state of the art. The central part of the work is then presented, which is the description of each plan and project, to later relate the results obtained in relation to each activity that has been carried out up to the year 2022. Finally, some conclusions and recommendations are presented based on the results presented above.Ítem Propuesta de requisitos del sistema de gestión de documentos electrónicos de archivo para el programa de archivística y gestión de la información digitalTovar Rodríguez, Jhoys Andrés; Borja Suárez, José Libardo; Borja Suárez, José Libardo [0000-0003-1037-6979]This document analyzes the electronic records management system (SDGEA) from a perspective focused on the requirements of the Curricular Project of Archival and Digital Information Management (PAGID) proposed requirements, supporting this proposal to have an efficient system that complies with international standards, such as NTC-ISO 15489, NTC-ISO 30301 and NTC-ISO 16175 parts 1 and 2, as well as with the Colombian regulations of the General Archive of the Nation and the specifications of the Model of Functional and Non-functional Requirements (MoReq). The main purpose of the research is to determine the particular criteria for the electronic records management system in the aforementioned academic program. Goals related to the evaluation of standards and regulations, the identification of processes and the elaboration of requirements are established. They emphasize the relevance of regulatory frameworks and standards at the international and national levels. The methodology used is based on a qualitative research approach, employing tactics such as an interview and documentary content analysis. The study is divided into three stages, which include the review of standards and regulations, the evaluation of academic-administrative processes and the elaboration of the requirements for the system. In its entirety, the objective of this study is to present the requirements for the Electronic Records Management System (EDMS) and its administration within the framework of the project's curriculum.Ítem Propuesta de requisitos del sistema de gestión de documentos electrónicos de archivo para el programa de archivística y gestión de la información digitalTovar Rodríguez , Jhoys Andrés; Borja Suárez, José Libardo; Borja Suárez, José Libardo [0000-0003-1037-6979]This document analyzes the electronic records management system (SDGEA) from a perspective focused on the requirements of the Curricular Project of Archival and Digital Information Management (PAGID) proposed requirements, supporting this proposal to have an efficient system that complies with international standards, such as NTC-ISO 15489, NTC-ISO 30301 and NTC-ISO 16175 parts 1 and 2, as well as with the Colombian regulations of the General Archive of the Nation and the specifications of the Model of Functional and Non-functional Requirements (MoReq). The main purpose of the research is to determine the particular criteria for the electronic records management system in the aforementioned academic program. Goals related to the evaluation of standards and regulations, the identification of processes and the elaboration of requirements are established. They emphasize the relevance of regulatory frameworks and standards at the international and national levels. The methodology used is based on a qualitative research approach, employing tactics such as an interview and documentary content analysis. The study is divided into three stages, which include the review of standards and regulations, the evaluation of academic-administrative processes and the elaboration of the requirements for the system. In its entirety, the objective of this study is to present the requirements for the Electronic Records Management System (EDMS) and its administration within the framework of the project's curriculum.Ítem Lugares representativos en la reconstrucción de la memoria visual de la localidad de Fontibón para el siglo XX : lineamientos para la creación de una página WEBVillamil, Nayely Daniela; Joya Rojas, Arleht; Castrillón Castro, Carlos MarioThe research focuses on representative places in the reconstruction of the visual and oral memory of the town of Fontibón for the 20th century, with the purpose of building guidelines for the creation of a web page. The central objective is to analyze photographs and stories to identify the urban transformations that have been experienced over time, highlighting the representative places that are part of the history and cultural identity of its inhabitants, since these help in a certain way in its creation and development. It also seeks, through descriptive sheets, to study the visual memory of the 20th century with the purpose of creating guidelines for the creation of a web page, this in order to understand how the places worked have been built and modified. For this reason, photographs were collected from certain places such as: the church, the plaza, the main park, the fire station, among others, which are published in a Facebook group by the inhabitants of this town. In addition to the fact that the reconstruction of these visual memories serves as a way to disseminate and preserve visual and collective memory so that future generations do not have prior knowledge, they can help contribute to the richness and continuity of these stories, customs and representative places. of the 20th century so that it is not lost.Ítem Historia institucional de la Facultad de Ciencias y Educación(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Capador Ochoa, Eliana Isabel; Garzón Ordoñez, María Camila; Cuervo Alonso, John Francisco; Cuervo Alonso, John Francisco [0009-0002-1865-0434]This work seeks to study, analyze and understand the institutional history of the Faculty of Science and Education of Francisco José de Caldas University, with the study of its administrative, organic and functional evolution during these 50 years of life. Through a qualitative research approach, the lack and ignorance of documentary management in the Faculty is evident; the lack of good archival management has led to a great loss of valuable administrative and historical archives, thus affecting the institutional memory. Therefore, this research documents and summarizes the results, such as the history and the moment of foundation of the Faculty, as well as the birth of each curricular project and the way in which each one manages information over time, in this way identifying the most important historical periods at the time of creation and evolution and periodization of documentary management. For this reason, this study highlights the urgent need to implement a document management system, to train staff and to adopt new information technologies in order to preserve the Faculty's heritage in a complete and efficient way; moreover, it proposes solutions to improve the documentary organization and to strengthen the archival culture within the institution, ensuring that future generations understand and appreciate its history.Ítem Atlas visual y digital sobre los contenidos audiovisuales del Bronx de BogotáMorales Maestre, Alejandra Patricia; Castrillón Castro, Carlos MarioThe Bronx of Bogotá, once a prestigious area, underwent a significant transformation, eventually becoming associated with marginality, sparking growing interest in understanding its changes and dynamics. However, the scattered nature of documentation on the Bronx hindered a comprehensive understanding, which led to the creation of a dedicated visual and digital atlas of this area. This project, influenced by Didi-Huberman's perspective, aims not only to preserve the Bronx's history but also to offer new perspectives for its study. In this regard, the primary objective is to analyze the audiovisual creations about the Bronx of Bogotá to generate a visual and digital atlas that allows for exploring urban transformations, significant events, and the impact on the local community. The atlas will highlight urban transformations, stigmatization and violence, artistic interventions, and social regeneration present in the visual content. To achieve this, the contributions of authors such as Didi-Huberman, Aby Warburg, Lina Castillo, Yader Palacios, Federico Ruvituso, Alejandra Álzate, Claudia Maya, and Verónica Heredia, who have emphasized the importance of revitalizing urban heritage and the educational potential of audiovisual archives, have been considered. Furthermore, the methodology employed combines qualitative approaches, such as interpretative and descriptive research, with techniques like documentary content analysis. Consequently, the analysis of the results reveals recurring themes and emerging narratives in the audiovisual archives, providing a solid foundation for constructing the atlas. Finally, the proposal to create the visual and digital atlas draws inspiration from Didi-Huberman's work and Warburg's memory cartographies, using principles such as proactive incompleteness and cross-relations to offer an enriched view of the Bronx of Bogotá.Ítem Situación actual y balance de los archivos del sector cultura, recreación y deporte del ámbito distritalRuiz Villarreal , Laura Sofia; Orozco Rojas, Lizeth Estefanía; Vallejo Sierra, Ruth Helena; Vallejo Sierra, Ruth Helena [0000-0002-3713-0285]This thesis provides a detailed characterization of the archives in the culture, recreation, and sports sector at the district level in Bogotá during the period 2018-2021. Through a quantitative analysis of EAGED surveys, the implementation of archival instruments and document management policies in five public entities was evaluated. The results show a landscape of significant but uneven progress. Notable improvements were observed in the implementation of Document Retention Schedules and the Document Management Program, reaching levels close to or equal to 100%. However, other instruments, such as the Terminology Bank and the Access Control Tables, showed slower growth. The COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted some indicators, such as the Institutional Archive Plan. The study identified critical challenges in technological adaptation, specialized training, and the promotion of a strong archival culture. It highlights the importance of archives not only as repositories of information but as fundamental elements for government transparency and the preservation of cultural heritage.Ítem Patrimonialización digital de olores y sabores en Bogotá(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldás) Peláez Coronado, Daniel Felipe; Pirela Morillo, Johann EnriqueCultural heritage refers to a set of expressions and manifestations that represent the identity and memory of a community. These expressions and manifestations are consideredvaluable and must be protected and preserved for future generations. Intangible cultural heritage, for its part, refers to living traditions, which include practices, expressions and knowledge transmitted from generation to generation from the past. Therefore, gastronomy, traditional cuisines (Smells and flavors) are seen as a cultural asset, which through heritage can be considered cultural heritage. Likewise, traditional cuisine can be described as a cultural expression rooted in a community, a constantly evolving tradition that is transmitted from generation to generation. It is a set of knowledge, practices and customs that are constantly renewed through experience and oral communication. Accordingly, gastronomic dishes such as changua, ajiaco santafereño, fritanga, chocolate santafereño, among others, are identified. These intangible cultural assets require an important entity for their heritage, that is, the contribution of archival labor. Through some of the documentary management processes, important elements will be articulated and managed to preserve and disseminate these elements, which, to a certain extent, when executed, will generate a fundamental impact on the symbolic value of the Bogotá territory. Producing a beneficial action in the community, making it possible to participate and relive those memories and experiences of gastronomic dishes, conclusively, a structure of a web repository is proposed so that a development is framed in these experiences, causing a transversal contribution to Bogotá society. from this gastronomic heritageÍtem La movilización estudiantil a través de la fotografía en la ciudad de Bogotá para el año 2011: una propuesta sobre la estructura de un repositorio digital en la plataforma Omeka(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Silva Torres, Heily Juliana; Hurtado Ríos, Carol Andrea; Castrillón Castro, Carlos Mario; Castrillón Castro, Carlos Mario [0000-0002-3515-9949]This work leaves evidence of the arduous research work that was carried out to complete this work where the methodology and guidelines were established to structure and give understanding to the document. Initially, a lack of knowledge on the part of the citizens is identified where they are not clear about the existing student movements, their importance, functions and great significant contributions throughout the history of the country. Therefore, there is a need to carry out this project about the 2011 student mobilization in Colombia, which consists of two phases; The first phase is based on carrying out historical research, setting out the objectives, methods for searching, retrieving and analyzing information, establishing the necessary guidelines and the structure of the digital photographic repository. The second phase consists of carrying out the execution based on the parameters established in this document in order to give visibility, conserve and preserve over time this information that was produced at the time, guaranteeing free access to all interested parties. through the “OMEKA” platform, which is free, flexible and open source software for the online publication of various projects. For the recovery and search of information, metadata is established based on the “Guide for the formulation of a metadata scheme for document management” of the AGN, in order to be able to locate them more quickly and effectively, providing users with relevant information about the photographs and their context.Ítem Lineamientos para la construcción de una página web sobre el movimiento sufragista (1956-1960), a partir del fondo privado de Margarita Córdoba del AGN.Delgado Mayorca , Zuleidy; Ayala Laiton, Eimi Alejandra; Álvarez Álvarez, María Yanneth; Castrillón Castro, Carlos Mario; Álvarez Álvarez, María Yanneth [0000-0002-9250-880X]; Castrillón Castro, Carlos Mario [0000-0002-3515-9949]Women's suffrage was a historical event of vital importance in the history of women since it represents the fight for their rights, therefore, knowing and identifying the voices that were behind it is essential for the construction of memory. The objective of this work is to analyze the background to women and the fight for their rights of the AGN, private archive section of Margarita Córdoba, with the intention of proposing a web page with the description of the documentary memory of the suffrage movement in Colombia (1956 -960). For the research methodology, we seek to gather the key documents and photographs that make up the history of suffragism in Colombia, through descriptive sheets, since this is an archival tool that allows us to analyze and compile the most relevant data from the documents. in order to be able to manage them, making their consultation and recovery easier. In order to carry out the work, the women and the fight for their rights collection, Margarita Córdoba's private archive section of the General Archive of the Nation, was consulted, since Córdoba was one of the most representative figures of suffragism in Colombia.Ítem Sistematización de la información digital sobre el Parque Arqueológico Las Piedras del Tunjo y el Centro Histórico de FacatativáGonzález Ruiz, Leidy Vanesa; Alvarado Ascencio, Juliana; Pirela Morillo, Johann EnriqueThe main objective of this study was to formulate a proposal for the systematization of digital information for the Piedras del Tunjo Archaeological Park and the Historical Center of Facatativá. The developed methodology revealed that the implementation of this systematization generates a process that addresses problems present in public organizations, supported by technologies that take advantage of information to promote changes and transformations in a competitive environment, based on management transparency. This process included an exhaustive search for texts that were related to this heritage. For this reason, a compilation of descriptive sheets was carried out that helped in the registration of information about the intangible and material heritage of this municipality where the heritage is intertwined with the daily life, it should be noted that the preparation of the survey and interviews were of great importance in this research. The results obtained from the research were reflected in a concrete proposal for the systematization of digital information. This proposal focuses on the compilation and documentary review of information related to material and intangible cultural heritage. The organization and classification of this information culminates in the creation of a web page that facilitates the dissemination of the memories.Ítem Situación actual y balance de los archivos de los sectores: Gestión Pública y Gobierno del Ámbito Distrital(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cuervo Piedrahita, Kireth Samanta; Rendon Rojas, Sharik Geraldine; Vallejo Sierra, Ruth Helena; Vallejo Sierra, Ruth Helena [0000-0002-3713-0285]The main objective of this undergraduate work is to determine the current situation and the balance of the archives of the Public Management and Government sectors at the district level. This research exposes a quantitative approach, its type is descriptive correlational, as method was used the hypothetical-deductive, likewise, the technique used for the research was a documentary meta-analysis carried out through the Reports of Results of the Survey on the State of the Administration of the Documentary Management in the Entities of the Capital District of the 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 vigencies carried out by the Archive Directorate of Bogota. Additionally, a data collection instrument was developed to record the information used for the analysis carried out; this work is developed through the consideration of various environments such as governance, document management, technological, organizational, occupational and educational, each environment analyzed reveals significant aspects that were the subject of study during the research, highlighting key elements that evidence the current state of the work of the entities in the management of their archives. The contribution of archival professionals is recognized, highlighting their crucial role in the implementation of effective document management practices. As a result, the analysis and findings obtained through the documentary meta-analysis are presented graphically, giving as conclusions the need for greater economic investment for archives, the hiring of archival professionals and the technological updating of the entities belonging to the district sectors of Public Management and Government.Ítem Buenas prácticas archivísticas para el proyecto curricular de Administración Deportiva de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Marentes, Alba Milena; Gonzalez, Maira Alejandra; Alvarez, María YannetThis report details the experiences and achievements obtained during the internship carried out in the Sports Administration Curricular Project of the Francisco José de Caldas University as students of the Archival and Digital Information Management Program of the same university. The main objective of the internship was to design a set of good practices for the document management of the curricular project. To this end, the applicable internal and external regulations on document management were identified, the state of compliance with these regulations in the curricular project was evaluated, and information on the state of conservation of the documents was collected through a conservation diagnosis.Ítem Situación actual y balance de los archivos distritales del sector salud(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Marín Patiño, Lina María; Gamboa Mateus, Diana Patricia; Pirela Morillo, Johann Enrique; Pirela Morillo, Johann Enrique [0000-0002-1492-6053]The analysis of the current situation and balance of district archives is a process that involves the collection and analysis of data related to the behavior of the archives, taking into account the archive governance, document management, technological, organizational, and occupational environments. and educational within the District Area of the Health Sector. In this sense, the general objective consisted of: Analyzing the current situation and balance of the district archives of the health sector where a meta-analysis of the reports carried out by the Bogotá Archive in the years 2018, 2019, 2020 was used as a methodology, using the quantitative research method, generating analysis of the factors and aspects of the files to provide an update of the data. The main results showed a lack of organization and good archival practices regarding the processes and instruments that were in the entities of the health sector. To guarantee an adequate characterization at the district level of the health sector in Colombia. The central conclusion focuses on recognizing that, although the entities have managed to advance in their document management processes, there is still more development needed to improve the quality of the archives of these entities and, finally, to strengthen the academy through the constant updating of academic programs through characterizations.Ítem Producción científica sobre patrimonio audiovisual en las fuentes de datos web of science y scopus periodo 2012-2022Rincon Moreno, Jonathan Steven; Corzo Diaz, Jhon Jairo; Pirela Morillo, Johann EnriqueThe general objective of this work was to analyze the scientific production on audiovisual heritage in databases, in order to manage the information produced and verified of the most representative and handled topics and authors in the field of audiovisual heritage. The study will allow to identify through the metric analysis of the amount of information produced considering the indicators proposed for this purpose. The study focused on the search for results related to scientific production in the area of audiovisual heritage. A quantitative approach was used to apply the metric methods using specialized databases such as Scopus and Web of Science, these databases were chosen due to their coverage and accuracy in the collection of relevant information for the topic worked on. In this way, the documentary research was established and the measurement of results was implemented. The formulation of equations that allow the collection of data and an adequate analysis of the final results used was carried out. The methodology used was based on the analysis of indicators, which used aspects such as the production of authors, countries of origin, places of publication, years, types of publications, topics and languages related to audiovisual heritage. These indicators were used during the review of each database, and also allowed the quantification of the results of the publications and generated graphs to facilitate a more detailed analysis of the information. The information obtained was identified as covering a broad coverage of topics, including digital preservation, accessibility and the value of audiovisual heritage. This degree work provides a summary of audiovisual heritage research published between 2012 and 2022 in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The findings underscore the importance of continuing to study and protect audiovisual heritage for long-term preservation and accessibility, as well as the steady growth of production in this field.Ítem Buenas prácticas sobre archivos históricos en ColombiaAmarillo Lovera, Nicol Natalya; Pirela Morillo, Johann EnriqueDifferent institutions in Colombia have implemented good practices in historical archives, to publicize the importance of these institutions, but, above all, to protect the historical documentary heritage. In other countries or cities, good practices have also been implemented to solve the problems inherent to the activity, which even despite having damaged documents, carried out the restoration process so that the information was not lost and, above all, that it was could access this. The methodology was built from a qualitative approach because this orientation develops a large collection of data, evidenced in the interviews carried out in the Historical Archive of the Universidad del Rosario and the Historical Archive - Javeriano Juan Manuel Pacheco S.J., in the same way The shortcomings that existed before the implementation of the good practices are located and it is possible to publicize the benefits that were obtained when implementing them; In addition, a matrix was made where the historical archives are compared, in order to visualize the services that each one has, as well as the documentary collections that they preserve, etc., because regardless of whether they are different types of archives, they fulfill the function to protect memory and give access to citizens.Ítem Situación actual y balance de los archivos en el sector Distrital de hacienda(Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Muñoz Cerquera, Alisson; Gomez Forero, Fabian Ricardo; Pírela Morillo, Johann EnriqueThis degree thesis offers an analysis of the current situation and the balance of archives in the Treasury sector, in accordance with Colombian regulations and the guidelines established by the General Archive of the Nation and the Archive of Bogota. Throughout the study, various aspects related to document management, the implementation of archival policies and the use of modern technologies are examined in detail, with the aim of evaluating the current state of the archives and proposing possible areas for improvement. This work provides a comprehensive view of records management in the Treasury sector, identifying both achievements and pending challenges, and establishes a solid foundation for future research and actions aimed at strengthening preservation and access to information in the public sector.Ítem Situación actual y balance de los archivos distritales del sector salud.Gamboa Mateus, Diana Patricia; Marín Patiño, Lina María; Pirela Morillo, Johann EnriqueThe analysis of the current situation and balance of district archives is a process that involves the collection and analysis of data related to the behavior of these archives, considering governance environments, document management, as well as technological, organizational, occupational, and educational aspects within the district health sector. The objective was to analyze the current situation and balance of district archives in the health sector, employing a meta-analysis of the Bogotá Archive reports from 2018, 2019, and 2020. This quantitative research generated analyses of the factors and aspects of the archives to update the data. Key findings revealed a lack of organization and best archival practices regarding the processes and instruments used by entities in the health sector. This highlights the need for proper characterization within the district health sector in Colombia. The central conclusion emphasizes that, although entities have made progress in their document management processes, further development is necessary to improve the quality of these archives. Additionally, it is recommended to strengthen academic programs by updating curricula based on relevant characterizations.Ítem Plan de conservación documental en la empresa Air Clean Systems - ACSMendez Alegria, Lizet Estefania; Pirela Morillo, Johann EnriqueThe Document Conservation Plan is a component of the Integrated Conservation System - SIC, whose structure has the programs for an adequate conservation of archives and documents, where different levels are also identified, such as preventive conservation and curative conservation, fundamental for the functional assurance of documents and whose implementation is necessary in the Entities. For its development, the qualitative approach was used, by which information was collected from all the documents found in the company in order to evaluate and apply the conservation programs, in addition to using descriptive research, documentary research and instruments such as the semi-structured survey with its respective script. Finally, the document conservation plan helps the company to manage important documents that need to be conserved and preserved in the long term according to the document valuation table.Ítem Propuesta metodológica para la evaluación de los programas de gestión documentalRivera Ramírez, Rosa Aura; Triana López, Jensy Johely; Pirela Morillo, Johann EnriqueThe purpose of this paper is to formulate a methodological proposal for the evaluation of documentary management programmes in various types of entities, through a series of components and indicators that make up five dimensions to evaluate what is related to the planning of the institution’s processes, likewise, it is proposed that with the implementation of this proposal a respective improvement plan for the findings be elaborated.