Archivística y Gestión de la Información Digital
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Ítem Plan de conservación documental en la empresa Air Clean Systems - ACSMendez Alegria, Lizet Estefania; Pirela Morillo, Johann EnriqueThe Document Conservation Plan is a component of the Integrated Conservation System - SIC, whose structure has the programs for an adequate conservation of archives and documents, where different levels are also identified, such as preventive conservation and curative conservation, fundamental for the functional assurance of documents and whose implementation is necessary in the Entities. For its development, the qualitative approach was used, by which information was collected from all the documents found in the company in order to evaluate and apply the conservation programs, in addition to using descriptive research, documentary research and instruments such as the semi-structured survey with its respective script. Finally, the document conservation plan helps the company to manage important documents that need to be conserved and preserved in the long term according to the document valuation table.Ítem Propuesta metodológica para la evaluación de los programas de gestión documentalRivera Ramírez, Rosa Aura; Triana López, Jensy Johely; Pirela Morillo, Johann EnriqueThe purpose of this paper is to formulate a methodological proposal for the evaluation of documentary management programmes in various types of entities, through a series of components and indicators that make up five dimensions to evaluate what is related to the planning of the institution’s processes, likewise, it is proposed that with the implementation of this proposal a respective improvement plan for the findings be elaborated.Ítem Diagnóstico al archivo de gestión en la facultad de ciencias y educación de la universidad distrital enfocado al proceso de organización documentalTrejos Bedoya, Valeria; Villa Cabarcas, Jhoana Marcela; Cuervo Alonso, John FranciscoThis study is a diagnosis of the development of the documentary organization process in the management archive of the Faculty of Sciences and Education of the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (UDFJC), which allows to identify the reasons for the problems it presents through the conclusions obtained. In order to achieve the elaboration of this diagnosis, a field research will be carried out in the faculty, with the purpose of examining the shortcomings in the development of the documentary organization, based on the PGD of the UDFJC. The analysis will be based on a qualitative, empirical and analytical approach and will make use of surveys, interviews, archives and the method of observation of the departments and academic programs in order to arrive at an appreciation of the reality of the management archive, its causes and possible solutions.Ítem Propuesta de una empresa de gestión documental en el marco del emprendimiento digital para el sector privadoPinzón Villamil, Camila Alejandra; Vallejo-Sierra, Ruth Helena; 0000-0002-3713-0285Document management has evolved thanks to the impact of new technologies on the document practices of both the public and private sectors, generating large volumes of documents that make information management difficult. Document management refers to a set of administrative and technical activities that enable the creation, processing, handling, access, and organization of the documentation produced daily within organizations. Companies generate information and documents daily, which make their management difficult due to a lack of knowledge, archival policy, and experts in the field. In response to this problem, the business idea of ACHRONO DOCUMENTALI emerged as a web archiving app that seeks to provide effective solutions to all private sector entities, initially in the municipality of Soacha Cundinamarca, by standardizing document management to ensure access and preservation of information. The business plan of ACHRONO DOCUMENTALI starts with a theoretical study of document management in companies, followed by a study method that allows for the precise identification of a more elaborate work plan. The market study analyzes the sector and potential clients to identify the needs of the target audience, which allows for the construction of a business plan tailored to those needs and the definition of suitable products and services for users. Additionally, a technical study is implemented to analyze production, infrastructure, and elements of organization and management of the company, and a legal and tax study to identify labor and essential obligations when creating businesses. Finally, a financial study is carried out to evaluate the financial situation, identify key elements such as the initial investment of the business, sales projections, and analysis of indicators, among other important elements.Ítem Evaluación del diseño del programa de gestión documental en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasSarmiento Bayona, Briyed Nayibe; González Riveros, Emmili Nicolle; Cuervo Alonso, John FranciscoThe objective of this work is to evaluate the design of the Document Management Program (PGD) in the Records and Microfilming Unit of the Francisco José de Caldas District University (UDFJC), since it is fundamental for the elements in the effectiveness process for the institution's document management; Then there are the regulations, both technical and regulatory, that govern document management, which are essential as a guide to evaluate the design of the PGD of the Records and Microfilming Unit at the District University. This design is evaluated through the requirements dictated by current regulations and, with interviews carried out, thus ensuring that the entity has adequate document management and, in the same way, generating the design that governs the Manual that the PGD has. the District University, in order to, in the end, generate contrast of information found and, likewise, present some recommendations on the problems found, within the design of the PGD of the Udfjc. The purpose of this process is to recognize the elements of the design of the Document Management Program at the Francisco José de Caldas District University, taking into account the requirements that must be met under the current regulations that correspond to it as a public entity, to facilitate its evaluation and analyze shortcomings for continuous improvement. Likewise, a perspective is given of what was found and analyzed, in the course of the research and review of the PGD document of the UDFJC.Ítem Evaluación del programa de gestión documental para la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de CaldasMéndez Bello, Nelly Tatiana; Mejía Sepúlveda, Angie Viviana; Cuervo Alonso, John FranciscoWith the appearance of Law 594 of 2000, General Archives Law, the different public organizations have been forced to execute various processes, methods, principles and instruments that regulate the document management within their institutions. For this reason, the need to evaluate, technically and professionally, under compliance parameters, the implementation of the document management program (PGD) is evident, with the purpose of identifying inconsistencies or disadvantages, and the level of relevance that the requirements may present and the documentary processes that are being developed within the administrative area of the University. Taking into account the above, the research work aims to be an evaluative tool that shows results and recommendations for the continuous improvement of the document management in the institution.Ítem Propuesta de oraloteca digital sobre las comunidades indígenas desplazadas en la ciudad de Bogotá. Caso: Comunidad indígena WounaanRodríguez Rivera, Yessica Paola; Peña Suárez, Cristian Elías; Pirela Morillo, Johann Enrique; Pirela Morillo, Johann Enrique [0000-0002-1492-6053]His research emerges because of a problem detected in the displaced indigenous communities in the Bogotá city, related to the loss of their cultural idiosyncrasy outside their ancestral territories. Thus, archival can play an important role in the conservation and preservation of their cultural, social, political, and economic knowledge, allowing it to be perpetuation within these communities. In this sense, the objective of this monograph is the development of a proposal for a digital Oraloteca that serves as a tool for the future creation of an oral archive, facilitating the processes of collection and systematization of oral memory. This archive will serve as a repository of oral documents about the displaced indigenous communities in Bogotá. The main references that underpin this project correspond to the cultural protection in Colombian post-conflict. The methodology used is a qualitative approach with an exploratory, descriptive, and propositional research types, employing a documentary research method supported by techniques of analysis and comparison of similar experiences.Ítem Plan de negocio para la creación de una empresa de gestión documental dirigida a propiedad horizontalOrtiz Buitrago, Ingrid Yurany; Ramos Gaitán, Mariana Sofía; Vallejo Sierra, Ruth Helena; Vallejo Sierra, Ruth Helena [0000-0002-3713-0285]This project proposes the creation of a document management company in the city of Bogotá, addressing existing problems in the condominium sector in terms of information management, in order to satisfy the growing demand in the market. The importance of document management is discussed and the processes involved are identified; The study includes a detailed analysis of the market with a mixed research approach, in order to evaluate the market and determine the viability of the proposed document management services. The company will offer services such as: file organization, document digitization, advice on documentary processes and document storage. This business plan includes details of supplies, equipment, human talent, legal and tax considerations, contracting processes, sales projections, costs, cash flow projections, showing the viability of the project.Ítem Condiciones normativas para la interoperabilidad desde el FUID y set de datos definidos por el Archivo de Bogotá para el proyecto Catálogo Distrital de Archivos Públicos Abiertos (CDA).Diaz Gómez, Santiago Armando; Salvador Nieto, Cristian Nicolas; Pirela-Morillo, Johann; Pirela Morillo, Johann Enrique [0000-0002-1492-6053]The objective of this monograph was to evaluate the normative conditions for interoperability from the Single Document Inventory Format (FUID) and Data Set that the Archive of Bogota has defined for the District Catalog of Open Public Archives (CDA) project. For this purpose, conceptual references from the international and national spheres were used, according to which interoperability is defined as the ability of entities to exchange data, information, documents or other digital objects, thus enhancing the use of information as a strategic resource in the entities. Particularly those of the District public sphere that have the responsibility to guarantee access to information, following transparency criteria, which results in a better quality in the services offered, as well as harmonizing the exchange of information within the entity.Ítem Tendencias en la investigación formativa de archivística en la Universidad de la Salle, la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana y la Universidad de Antioquia. Años 2011 – 2021.Dávila Sierra, Jean Paul Camilo; Sanmartin Ruiz, Carlos Roberto; Vallejo-Sierra, Ruth HelenaThis undergraduate study analyses and evaluates trends in archival research at La Salle University, The Pontifical Javeriana University and The University of Antioquia, between 2011 and 2021. In a specific way, the topics of each of the degree papers are analyzed, as well as the methodology used for their elaboration. For the analysis and obtaining of the results, the use of an analytical sheet was used, using as reference the Documentary Management and Archives Administration Model of the General Archive of the Nation - AGN. The results then proceed to solve each of the objectives, resulting in the identification of the main trends in archival research in undergraduate and the methodologies most used in the degree work. Finally, there are the conclusions.Ítem Propuesta de documentación digital sobre el grafiti en el barrio la Candelaria de BogotáBarreto Duarte, María Alejandra; Bustos González, Brayan Andrés; Pirela Morillo, Johann Enrique; Pirela Morillo, Johann Enrique [0000-0002-1492-6053]In this monograph, we focus on grafiti, its states and the reasons why its preservation is important, recognizing it as one of the artistic expressions with the most cultural paradigms and social contrasts, we reflect a proposal for digital documentation for grafiti. In the la Candelaria neighborhood of Bogotá, its central objective is the preservation of grafiti works in a historical and cultural context. It is important to keep in mind that at a social level there are two considerations, the first is the view of grafiti as a valuable artistic expression, which allows the manifestation of ideals, on the other hand, there are those who believe that grafiti represents a violation of norms. citizen considerations that, when valid, from different points of view, make the digital documentation proposal appropriate and valuable in a historical and archival context. This is achieved through a documentary description process that facilitates identification and contributes to the construction of a digital repository for these valuable ephemeral artistic works from the streets.Ítem Análisis de la producción científica sobre Big Data en la base de datos Scopus. (2014-2022).Cruz Colmenares, Brayan Senider; Zambrano Venegas, Natalia; Pirela Morrillo, Johann Enruique; Pirela Morillo, Johann Enrique [0000-0002-1492-6053]Currently, Big data is becoming more relevant for the analysis of information in large volumes, which is why through the Scopus database. The scientific production on this field will be analyzed, which constitutes a set of tools and techniques for the identification of patterns of regularity of the data produced in an organization. In the YUARDI seedbed, which is oriented towards reflection and analysis of information related to different technologies used in archiving, such as Big Data.. In this sense, the general objective of this work is to analyze the scientific production on Big Data in the Scopus database (2018-2022). In this degree work we rely on authors such as Ernesto Spinak, Tomas Gorriz, Jairo Marquez Diaz, who in their articles and research papers cover the entire subject of bibliometrics as an instrument to measure the development of scientific information on Big data. The methodology consisted of a study based on bibliometric indicators, such as: author with the highest production, countries, production through sources, per year, by affiliation by type by subject area and by financial sponsor among essential terms related to big data. These indicators were considered in the review of the databases, which not only allow defining the quantification of the publications, but from them graphs will be obtained that allow a more in-depth analysis of the aspects involved in the publication of information. be it economic, political or social.Ítem Buenas prácticas para la preservación digital y divulgación del patrimonio audiovisual colombianoManrique Rivera, Yeimy Paola; Vega Romero, Sergio Andrés; Pirela Morillo, Johann Enrique; Pirela Morillo, Johann Enrique [0000-0002-1492-6053]The main objective of this undergraduate work, monograph mode, was to analyze good practices of digital preservation and dissemination of Colombian audiovisual heritage, through the identification of conceptual and normative references on audiovisual archives, in which it was identified through the collection of various documentary sources at national and international level the various factors that cause the destruction of audiovisual archives such as: deterioration, poor handling, lack of training to archive staff, lack of disclosure and access to information, economic factors, cultural and social appropriation, among others. As a result, the economic and visualization factors minimize the digital preservation and dissemination of the Colombian audiovisual heritage. For this reason, it was determined that it is necessary to train and create awareness about the importance of safeguarding audiovisual archives because they contain cultural, social and heritage value so that future generations interested in this type of content can have access to this heritage memory.Ítem Diagnóstico integral de gestión documental - Caso Instituto de Lenguas de la Universidad DistritalSánchez Guacarí, Paula; Cuervo Alonso, John FranciscoAs part of the development of Agreement 02 of 27 April 2001 by which the Higher University Council in use of its legal and statutory powers creates the INSTITUTE OF LANGUAGES OF THE DISTRICT UNIVERSITY - ILUD as an academic unit, It agrees to design and implement special language programmes for the university educational community and the capital district community as part of non-formal education. That is why this diagnostic exercise seeks to demonstrate the current state of documentary management in administrative, archival, conservation, infrastructure and technology aspects; as well as the validation of its regulatory compliance, the identification of critical aspects, weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats of this academic unit, around the fulfillment of the archival function of the state, in relation to the Documentary Management Program (PGD)in order to formulate a solution proposal for the proper document management of the institute