Patrimonialización digital de olores y sabores en Bogotá
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Cultural heritage refers to a set of expressions and manifestations that represent the identity and memory of a community. These expressions and manifestations are consideredvaluable and must be protected and preserved for future generations. Intangible cultural heritage, for its part, refers to living traditions, which include practices, expressions and knowledge transmitted from generation to generation from the past. Therefore, gastronomy, traditional cuisines (Smells and flavors) are seen as a cultural asset, which through heritage can be considered cultural heritage. Likewise, traditional cuisine can be described as a cultural expression rooted in a community, a constantly evolving tradition that is transmitted from generation to generation. It is a set of knowledge, practices and customs that are constantly renewed through experience and oral communication. Accordingly, gastronomic dishes such as changua, ajiaco santafereño, fritanga, chocolate santafereño, among others, are identified. These intangible cultural assets require an important entity for their heritage, that is, the contribution of archival labor. Through some of the documentary management processes, important elements will be articulated and managed to preserve and disseminate these elements, which, to a certain extent, when executed, will generate a fundamental impact on the symbolic value of the Bogotá territory. Producing a beneficial action in the community, making it possible to participate and relive those memories and experiences of gastronomic dishes, conclusively, a structure of a web repository is proposed so that a development is framed in these experiences, causing a transversal contribution to Bogotá society. from this gastronomic heritage
Palabras clave
Archivistica y gestión de la información digital- Tesis y disertaciones académicas , Patrimonio cultural inmaterial , Gastronomía , Digitalización , BogotáCitación
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