Administración Ambiental

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    Apoyo al subproceso de gestión de ciclo de proyectos de la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Caldas (Corpocaldas), en actividades de formulación y seguimiento de proyectos ambientales, asistencia técnica y procesos de valoración económica ambiental.
    Gutiérrez Morales, Silvia Fernanda; Rey Galindo, Rodrigo; Rey Galindo, Rodrigo [0000-0003-2650-9369]
    The Project Cycle Management Subprocess of the Autonomous Regional Corporation of Caldas is an integral part of the strategic component of the corporation, which seeks to identify and prioritize projects of environmental interest and actively integrate public, private and social actors in the region. To carry out this process, Corpocaldas has a Project Bank where projects are consolidated and technical assistance is provided from the area of planning on issues of formulation, implementation and monitoring of projects likely to be financed by public resources or in partnership with national and international entities. The present document brings together the activities carried out during the internship in the Subdirectorate of Environmental Planning of the Territory of the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Caldas, in support to the Project Cycle Management Subprocess. As part of the support provided, activities were carried out to formulate and monitor environmental projects according to the methodologies defined by the entity, field visits, documentation on external funding calls, training on environmental topics of interest, among others that allowed to accompany the Corporation's Strategic Direction process.
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    Asistencia en la evaluación de la gestión del distrito capital frente a la implementación y uso de energías limpias en la ciudad durante el año 2021 enfocado en el transporte público masivo de la ciudad a cargo de la empresa TransMilenio S.A.
    Rivera Tamayo, Angela Patricia; Rey Galindo, Rodrigo; Rey Galindo, Rodrigo [0000-0003-2650-9369]
    District Agreement 790 of 2020 establishes the declaration of a climate emergency in Bogotá and commits all public and private entities to work towards the sustainable development of the city. This includes the use of clean energy in all activities related to the operation and growth of the city, with the aim of fully complying with this proposal by the year 2050, according to the Bogotá 2020-2050 Climate Action Plan (PAC). One of the important aspects of the city is mobility, and the company in charge of mass public transportation is TRANSMILENIO S.A., a public entity that receives a budget from the District to improve its processes. This budget is related to the promotion of Sustainable Mobility, with the purpose of improving air quality in Bogotá and its surroundings, benefiting the inhabitants and the ecological environment. Given this context, the Bogotá Comptroller's Office plays an essential role in the control and surveillance of the management carried out by TRANSMILENIO S.A. This implies evaluating all the actions that the company implemented during 2021, specifically in relation to the use and implementation of clean energy in the city's transportation processes.
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    Fortalecimiento al proceso de investigación en ciencia participativa que adelanta la línea de conectividad e interacciones ecológicas de la subdirección científica del Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis
    Montes Buitrago, Johanna Maritza; Guzmán Medina, Beatriz Helena; Guzmán Medina, Beatriz Helena [0000-0001-8261-8004]
    The Botanical Garden of Bogota (JBB) is an entity characterized for being a space for scientific research, environmental education and sustainability, the processes that are managed there allow the inclusion of the communities in the research, under the model of Participatory Science give way for the communities to have presence and active participation, decision making and knowledge generation (Ortiz,2023) Participatory Science works hand in hand with training processes, environmental education, reproducing values and social techniques as an instrument of knowledge transmission that allows understanding the human nature relationship and in turn, has the ability to train people capable of understanding the importance of the rights of all living beings, including humans (Martinez, 2010) Thus, under the model of Participatory Science, the internship was developed where we worked with the community in four (4) study sites in the locality of Kennedy: Humedal El Burro, Humedal Techo, Huerta Monterrey and the Magdalena Corridor. As a strategy to contribute to the conservation of the study areas, community training was implemented. Throughout the internship, talks, activities and workshops were carried out with the active participation of the communities, and at the same time strengthening the relationship between the community and the institution. Through the different activities carried out, a bond of trust was established with the community and a more detailed understanding was obtained of the needs of the population, the processes that are managed, the pros and cons of each process and, at the same time, the trajectory they have had and the effort and dedication required to maintain them. Among the most outstanding results were community training processes, consolidation of educational and dissemination material for the community, multimedia material on biotic interactions, dissemination of information and socialization of results.
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    Análisis y mejora de procesos de gestión ambiental en el PIGA; contribuyendo a la protección de la salud pública en Bogotá
    Junca Acosta, María del Pilar; Pazos Álvarez, Alfonso
    The work that will be seen below wants to show some of the management activities that are developed day by day in the District Health Secretariat, this being an entity that guarantees the right to health through the inclusive comprehensive care model, with population approaches – differential, citizen culture, gender, participatory, territorial and decisive, which contributes to the improvement of the quality of life and health of the population of the city - region of Bogotá(Secretaría Distrital de la Salud, 2023).
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    Prestar apoyo a las actividades del sistema de gestión ambiental bajo la ISO 14.001:2015 al Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar a nivel nacional
    Carrero Rodríguez, César Fernando; Melo Brito, Nadenka Beatriz; Melo Brito, Nadenka Beatriz [0000-0002-4255-8470]
    The following work seeks to update, evaluate and analyze the activities carried out in favor of the continuous improvement of the environmental management of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF) based on the Conservation of the environment, ecosystems and the environment. being clear that it is one of the main objectives that pursues the ISO 14001 standard by implementing an Environmental Management System. As to guarantee the union between the environmental axis with the other 3 axes of the institution (quality, health and information), which lead to an integration of the different processes and thus be able to make improvements along the way (continuous improvement).
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    Elaboración de estudios ambientales desarrollados por la Empresa Estudios e Ingeniería Ambiental S.A.S
    Piñeros Torres, Angie Nataly; Díaz Lozano, Aura Yolanda
    Estudios e Ingeniería Ambiental S.A.S. is a company that offers consulting, auditing and environmental engineering services in the infrastructure, mining, hydrocarbons, electric energy and conservation sectors throughout the country. Among the professional solutions provided are Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Management Plans, Environmental Compliance Reports, Risk Management Plans, reserve subtractions, environmental and social auditing, among others. Within the processes that are developed in the company, it is necessary the participation of professionals in different branches of knowledge, among them Environmental Management, therefore, the participation of a profile with an administrative vision and its different competencies, is presented as an opportunity for improvement in the activities developed by the company and professional enrichment for the future graduate. This document contains the compilation of the activities carried out, which allowed the fulfillment of the purpose of the internship, which was to support the identification and evaluation of environmental impacts, support in the structuring of environmental management sheets and the creation of cartographic figures and thematic maps for the environmental studies corresponding to the Risk Management Plan for the Management of Dumping and Environmental Evaluation of Dumping for the formalization of Mining Production Units of the municipality of Remedios, developed according to current environmental regulations, from the perspective and competence of the environmental administration, under the guidelines and business context of Estudios e Ingeniería Ambiental S.A.S.
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    Análisis de los proyectos educativos de los programas de Administración Ambiental de las universidades colombianas para el año 2022
    Álvarez Reyes, Cristhian Camilo; Meneses Quinayas, Sergio Andrés; Gonzalez Ramirez, Luisa Fernanda; Gonzalez Ramirez, Luisa Fernanda [0000-0001-8489-6761]
    In the search of the human being to achieve an excellent quality of life, it has allowed the development of different thoughts and methods that manage to contribute to the improvement of the management, conservation and use of the natural resources used. The appearance of the curricular project known as environmental administration was born as a response to the different environmental problems that human beings face every day in their environment, in Colombia by means of Law 1124 of January 22, 2007, it is regulated with the objective of train professionals who have the ability to manage, supervise and control actions that positively influence the environment, taking into account the physical, chemical, biological, socio-cultural and economic factors that may intervene in the practice of the professional. It is necessary to clarify that organizations are a fundamental part of the evolutionary process of the human being, and that is why day by day educational institutions worldwide and nationally implement new ways of addressing environmental problems that organizations may generate in the development of their activities.
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    Apoyo técnico a la contraloría de Cundinamarca para la elaboración del informe anual del estado de los recursos naturales y del ambiente del departamento de Cundinamarca
    Callejas Cortes, Laura Alejandra; Rangel Angulo, Keyla Caterine; Gonzáles Ramírez, Luisa Fernanda; Gonzáles Ramírez, Luisa Fernanda [0000-0001-8489-6761]
    The Cundinamarca Comptroller's Office annually carries out a fiscal control of the funds designated for environmental management of the municipalities of the Cundinamarca department that respond to environmental problems and the proper administration of natural resources. However, when evaluating the activities and actions established by the territorial entities to counteract climate change and guarantee sustainable development, inadequate municipal environmental management is identified, mainly associated with 3 lines for analysis for this year, which are: the systems of drinking water treatment, wastewater treatment systems and the use of solid waste, as these systems do not function correctly, they are not contributing to the adequate protection of water resources. As future environmental administrators, this internship sought to support the preparation of the "Annual Report on the State of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Department of Cundinamarca" carried out by the Cundinamarca Comptroller's Office, contributing with technical knowledge acquired in curricular areas such as environmental management, legislation environment and administration of natural resources, among others, in order to publicize the results of the management of the municipalities and the department in relation to environmental policy. For the development of the internship, in principle, the information collected in the micro process carried out directly in the municipalities by the audit team designated by the Comptroller of Cundinamarca was studied, the databases from which the information was obtained to make the respective analysis of the study variables, thus achieving a solid pre-report, subsequently, the information found associated with the 3 lines of study mentioned at the beginning was organized, thus concluding with the contribution in the construction of the Annual Report of the State of Resources Natural and Environment year 2022 validity 2021.
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    Fortalecimiento del sistema de gestión ambiental y el indicador huella de carbono de la sede principal del Banco de Alimentos de Bogotá ubicada en el barrio Cundinamarca
    Sierra Garzón, Jeimy Astrid; Gracia Rojas, Jeniffer Paola; Sierra Garzón, Jeimy Astrid [0009-0009-3412-5526]; Gracia Rojas, Jeniffer Paola [0000-0002-2079-8422]
    This internship type work contemplates the actions that will be carried out in the area of ​​environmental quality within the Bogotá Food Bank, activities that propose to reduce environmental impacts. This will consist of an approximate time of 3 months, where through an observation method of each of the areas of the company, the programs that are part of the EMS (Environmental Management System), Carbon footprint and complemented with a bibliographic review , said improvement measures will be stipulated. On the other hand, it seeks to strengthen the evaluation tools of these processes in order to control environmental management more efficiently. The main task is to generate an inventory of emissions for three periods 2021-2022 and part of 2023, determine the state of the company and objectively propose actions that promote the reduction of direct and indirect emissions. Accompaniment will also be carried out in talks in different areas about the importance of environmental care, since it is considered relevant to raise awareness among workers, so that they know the efforts aimed at by the Bogotá Food Bank and join the fight against climate change and its negative effects on present and future generations.
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    Valorización sostenible de la pulpa de café en la finca La Nueva Reforma
    Astaiza Ospina, Karen Julieth; Pinilla Rivera, Maribel
    In the farm La Nueva Reforma for about 15 years are engaged in the production of coffee, this is a product of great economic importance, however, during the process various wastes are generated, but the most representative is coffee pulp which is equivalent to 73% of the by-products. This is a waste of great environmental impact since in farm can be generating 300 to 1800 kilos of pulp per month whose disposal is not the most appropriate, this can lead to social and environmental problems, therefore, a sustainable valuation of the coffee pulp will be carried out through worm farming, composting and biogas production, with which the most efficient method will be evaluated and which will allow the maximization of the use of coffee husk. It will be determined which of the treatments is the most suitable to use as a plant cover, for this purpose an experimental design will be made where the variables temperature, moisture retention, weed suppression, plant growth and nutrient release. Through a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), aspects and impacts generated during the phases of the production of coffee pulp, from harvesting to processing, will be quantified. Finally, a plan will be presented for the valorization of coffee pulp on the farm in which the steps, resources, activities and times necessary to carry out adequate management of coffee husks are evidenced and thus promote environmental sustainability.
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    Contribución a la formulación de proyectos en el componente ambiental, en la Subdirección de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación en el Fondo Nacional del Ganado
    Villalba Pereira, Maria Camila; Pazos, Alfonso
    In a global context where environmental sustainability is essential, companies must adapt their practices to minimize their impact on the environment. Internships represent a key opportunity to contribute to this goal while enriching academic and professional training. This work narrates the experience gained during internships at the National Livestock Fund - Fedegan, in the Sub-directorate of Science, Technology, and Innovation. The main objective was to support the formulation of projects in the environmental component, integrating sustainability criteria into livestock activities. The company seeks innovative solutions to reconcile livestock development with environmental conservation. In a country where the livestock sector is crucial for the economy and food security, it is essential to produce more sustainably and responsibly.
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    Estudio de factibilidad técnica, económica, financiera y ambiental para la producción y comercialización de dulces a base de sacarosa y licor
    Romero Narváez, Santiago Andrés; Rincón Rodríguez, Santiago; Pinilla Rivera, Maribel; Pinilla Rivera, Maribel [0000-0001-6794-125X]
    This business project seeks to propose the formulation of a business plan for the production and marketing of artisan sweets based on sucrose and liquor, which due to their characteristics generate great interest into the young and adult population since they are traditional sweets of the department of Santander - Colombia that are currently not easily found since there is not a large supply on the market.
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    Ejecución del seguimiento del Sistema de Gestión Basura Cero y Sistema de Gestión Ambiental implementado en el Departamento Administrativo para la Prosperidad Social
    Arias Arias, Yessica Yurani; Galvis Delgado, Diana Katherine; Díaz Lozano, Aura Yolanda
    In its commitment to the environment, the Departamento Administrativo para la Prosperidad Social has the Environmental Management System where the Zero Waste Management Subsystem is located, which in 2021 achieved the Certification granted by ICONTEC in gold category. Due to the achievement of this certification, the entity required personnel with knowledge in environmental issues, to support in the control, monitoring and continuous improvement of the processes and procedures of the Zero Waste Management System (ZWMS).
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    Apoyo en los procesos de la corporación ambiental caminando el territorio en el marco del proyecto soy agua- soy suacha
    Segura Cordero, Angie Paulieth; Espinosa García, Helmut; Espinosa García Helmut [0000-0001-9341-3995]
    This project focused on support for the strengthening of the water governance process and community self-management of district aqueducts 1, rural area of the municipality of Soacha, within the framework of the project "Soy agua- soy Suacha" led by the Environmental Corporation Walking the Territory, which has a trajectory of 10 years in community and environmental processes in the municipality of Soacha and areas of Bogotá.The process was carried out under three methodological phases, the first being the collection and characterization of information related to the legal framework, institutional, and conceptual issues of the issue of water governance and sidewalk aqueducts under a water security approach associated with climate change adaptation and Territorial Intelligence. The second phase refers to the process of systematization and analysis of the real panorama of community water management and the challenges and challenges from the perspective of territorial sustainability of the 1 district of the municipality of Soacha and the current needs from the existing public policies and their response to the scenarios. Together with the contribution to the project "Soy agua- soy Suacha" in environmental transformation and management. Finally, recommendations were made with reference to water governance and community management of village aqueducts under the vision of environmental justice raised from the Territorial Intelligence method and environmental and social challenges from a series of workshop proposals for the identification of dreamed or possible territories and what this represents for the Environmental Corporation Walking the Territory and its missionary process.
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    Formulación de una estrategia de intervención en el área del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo para su fortalecimiento en el Instituto de Planificación y Promoción de Soluciones Energéticas para Zonas no Interconectadas
    Ríos Cristancho, Cristian Daniel; Díaz Lozano, Aura Yolanda
    In the SG-SST of the Instituto de Planificación y Promoción de Soluciones Energéticas para Zonas no Interconectadas, there is a need to achieve a strengthening since the implementation of the different programs and campaigns has not been carried out in the most optimal or effective way, in addition, the participation of employees in the training provided by this unit has decreased greatly and the dissemination of information has failed to generate awareness with respect to this system. Therefore, a strategy will be formulated to increase the participation of public employees in the different trainings, in addition to updating and making a diagnosis of the SG-SST and finally, more effective actions and measures can be developed for the implementation of campaigns and programs that guarantee the correct promotion and dissemination of the respective and important information for the well-being and care of the physical and mental health of the employees.
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    Estudio de los avances y retos de la gestión del cambio climático en Colombia en el periodo 2015-2021
    García Quitián, Geraldine; González Ramírez, Luisa Fernanda; González Ramírez, Luisa Fernanda [0000-0001-8489-6761]
    Climate change represents one of the main current crises in the global framework, The global average temperature increases at a dangerous rate, several reports address this issue indicate that we are in a critical period in which, if we do not act urgently, the planet and our lives are going to stop being as we know them; Given the serious impacts that can cause climate change in natural and socioeconomic dynamics, it is necessary to make greater efforts in the implementation of the measures adopted by the country to combat climate change and its effects. The present investigation identifies and organizes the measures adopted by Colombia in the management associated with climate change between the period from 2015 to 2021 in order to describe the progress in the implementation of these measures, the analysis of these advances contributes to the understanding of what has been done adequately to date and in turn can provide some idea of ​​the actions that still need to be carried out, improved or fulfilled; This study also allows us to recognize the challenges in managing climate change by showing signs of the factors that could be integrated into the implementation of commitments associated with climate change, in such a way that the information collected here serves to identify the changes that management could be carried out to accelerate action on this matter.
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    Análisis de factibilidad técnica, económica, financiera y ambiental para la producción y comercialización de edredones
    Corredor Villamil, Sergio Nicolás; Pinilla Rivera, Maribel; Pinilla Rivera, Maribel [0000-0001-6794-125X]
    This work is carried out with the purpose of generating a business project focused on the production and commercialization of quilts through sustainable processes and benefiting both the community and the environment, this project aims to implement reuse techniques in order to present a profitable, competitive and high quality product, reducing the level of textile waste that occurs in the area of Bogotá initially, and reintegrate them into productive life as an innovative and environmentally friendly product, and also to be a generator of employment; To establish the feasibility of the project, different analyses will be carried out to determine the characteristics of the supply and demand of this product or similar products, and also to establish the financial, economic and environmental feasibility for the production and commercialization of the product, supported by matrices, projections and data that represent the fashion sector and in this way to determine the best marketing, economic and technical actions that will lead to the growth of the brand. The evaluation of this project shows positive results that encourage its early start, despite the fact that the fashion and apparel industry was highly affected by the 2020 pandemic as stated by Fenalco Antioquia: In the last year, the sector's production in Colombia fell 23% and employment 12%, a situation that has the entrepreneurs of the fashion system very concerned about the high costs and shortages of raw materials, imported textile inputs and complementary materials that have affected their production, impacting on delays in deliveries and affecting the logistics chain with their suppliers; (Fenalco Antioquia, 2021). The sector is currently in a recovery process and has managed to register again increases higher than those recorded in 2019, analyzing the results of the different methods used in the evaluation of this project, it is possible to identify the feasibility of the project, in addition to this, it is possible to establish the limitations and some actions to follow in order to obtain the expected results.
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    Formulación de la propuesta para la gestión de residuos hospitalarios para la clínica veterinaria vet service
    Lugo Castrillón, Paula Andrea; Melo Brito, Nadenka Beatriz; Melo Brito, Nadenka Beatriz [0000-0002-4255-8470]
    The proposal for the management of hospital waste was designed for the veterinary clinic Vet Service, where compliance with current regulations is evaluated and allows determining generation and storage conditions in order to reduce pollution caused by inadequate management of waste generated from veterinary activities. The Vet Service clinic saw the need to develop this proposal as it is crucial for the prevention of workers and the general public.
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    Evaluación de los impactos ambientales, urbanísticos y sociales del primer tramo del corredor verde de la carrera séptima en la ciudad de Bogotá
    Mora Mora, Anderson Camilo; Granados Beltrán, Magda Valentina; Asprilla Lara, Yefer
    The main objective of this work is to evaluate the environmental, urban and social impacts of the construction of the first section of the Green Corridor of Carrera Séptima in the city of Bogotá, it was sought to analyze the possible benefits and possible effects that this project may bring with it. and with your application. The intervention of the emblematic seventh race has generated controversy in Bogotá since the end of the 20th century, no concrete implementation has been seen in it; This work intends to analyze both the positive and negative impacts of the project, which will be reflected when the project begins; the work will begin in February of next year, the project will have the planning of 22 km (consisting of: Centro Section, Chapinero Section and Usaquén Section) that will include stations, cycle routes, cycle parking lots, green areas; and it is estimated that its cost will be 2.7 trillion pesos, resources provided by the district. The possible positive and encouraging changes that the realization of this project can have are: there will be an improvement in the aesthetic and environmental aspect of the city, thanks to a great change in the landscaping and an improvement in the reduction of emissions of GHG. In the social part, it is evident that people with this type of corridors in their city of residence tend to have a better quality of life and an increase in the sense of belonging to the territory; Likewise, a general EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) was carried out to define the possible negative impacts of the project and it is concluded that the construction stage is where they will be mostly reflected, since construction and demolition waste will be generated. noise and invasion of public space, among other minimal effects. All this is concluded thanks to the methodological work (Roberto Hernández Sampieri Methodology), a mixed methodology that involves both a quantitative and qualitative evaluation, thanks to research tools such as surveys, interviews, on-site visits, Smart Cities models and application of Matrix of Leopold Environmental Impact.
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    Gestión de la implementación del proyecto piloto de la reserva Umbral Cultural Horizontes en la línea de trabajo de educación ambiental y en la administración de la reserva de la Fundación Cerros de Bogotá
    Herrera Zárate, Oscar Daniel; Guzmán Medina, Beatriz Helena
    The following final internship report aims to provide support and technical assistance to the environmental education line and the administration of the Horizontes Cultural Threshold Reserve (RUCH) of the Cerros de Bogotá Foundation (FCB). The RUCH is a property in the eastern hills of the city, with an Environmental Management Plan (PMA) adopted by the Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca in 2006 and restated in 2016 by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, establishing five management zones. In 2016, the Foundation formulated its own PMA for the reserve, determining the Sustainable Use, Natural Regeneration and Conservation zones, where Environmental Education and Citizen Participation activities are carried out. As a non-profit entity, the Foundation depends on donations, so the search for alternative sources of funding for the Reserve's Pilot Project and the programs that make up the PMA was carried out. The work as an intern included an initial diagnosis of the environmental education line, proposals for improvement and projects for application in calls for funding incentives related to environmental and cultural education, from which FCB was selected as the winner of two grants corresponding to the District Program of Incentives for Culture 2023 of the District Institute of Cultural Heritage. The two winning projects seek to promote the conservation of natural and cultural heritage in the RUCH, encourage citizen participation and environmental education in the eastern hills of Bogota.