Administración Ambiental

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    Análisis de la conflictividad socio ambiental y el ordenamiento territorial en la cuenca urbana del río Tunjuelo
    Ramos Torres, Marilyn Alexandra; Giraldo Jimenez, Sergio Alejandro; Martinez Abello, Jairo Miguel
    The presence of environmental conflicts is due to the entropic relationship between the satisfaction of society's needs, the protection and sustainable use of natural resources, since ecosystems are transformed by human action in population and settlement systems. and production (Rodríguez and Espinoza, 2002). This is why territorial planning in Colombia explains how the vast majority of environmental conflicts are closely related to inadequate territorial planning; Due to the social dynamics in relation to geographical spaces, some authors affirm that this originates from internal migrations, since said displacement “exceeds the capacity of governments to resolve basic needs which generate the proliferation of subnormal neighborhoods and settlements in high-risk areas, where the poorest inhabitants are located” (Guhl,2017,p.73). This document emphasizes the relationship between territorial planning and the phenomena of environmental conflict, in the city of Bogotá, D.C (Colombia); within the framework of the research project “District Observatory of Environmental Conflicts - ODCA, from the Conflicts Environmental hotbed: life and peace, which is defined as “a research effort that is responsible for identifying and characterizing the environmental conflicts of the capital district segmented into localities” (Martinez,2023, p.134-139). Qualitative research is privileged as it seeks to highlight the role of a set of social actors and the incidence of territorial planning instruments on the urban basin of the Tunjuelo River; Additionally, the demand platforms of these social actors, their scope, limitations and impact on the protection of the Tunjuelo River as it travels through the urban area of ​​the city are collected and analyzed, this based on the study and collection of empirical materials such as studies case, personal experience, life history, interviews and other instruments that describe the usual and problematic moments in the lives of individuals (Denzin and Lincoln, 1994). So that in this way, the analysis of the implications of the technical and regulatory planning instruments, such as the current Territorial Planning Plan of the city (Decree 555 of 2021), is achieved, which shows that supremacy is given to private economic interests in what is blurred the dividing line between political and business projects, diverting their powers and scope to the point of causing delegitimization in the community. These are the ones who resent the consequences of the multiplicity of environmental problems, the contamination of the water body, risks due to flooding and the deterioration of public health, also generating a lack of appropriation of their environments, territory and natural resources, in addition to ignorance and low interest. for the vindication or defense of the urban natural space.
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    Desarrollo de actividades de educación, capacitación y comunicación ambiental, Secretaría de Medio Ambiente, Morelia, México
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) López Bustos, Laura Camila; Gaitán Briceño, Narem Yesid; Gracia Rojas, Jeniffer Paola; Gracia Rojas, Jeniffer Paola [0000-0002-2079-8422]
    In a world where environmental challenges are intensifying day by day, the need for comprehensive environmental education becomes more urgent than ever, the growing concern about climate change, The loss of biodiversity and degradation of natural resources underlines the importance of nurturing ecological awareness. Environmental education not only seeks to inform society about environmental problems, but also to promote a deep understanding of the interactions between humans and their environment (Mayor, A. 2019) In Mexico, a country with rich ecological and cultural diversity, Environmental education emerges as an essential tool to address the growing environmental challenges (SEMARNAT, 2016). In response to these challenges, various government institutions, especially the Secretary of the Environment and civil society organizations have intensified their efforts to develop and implement policies and programmes aimed at mitigating environmental impact. In this sense, the present internship held at the Ministry of the Environment (Morelia, Mexico), seeks that through the development of the program entitled "Education, training and environmental communication for sustainability", different activities are created to form and promote the culture and environmental awareness in the Mexican population. During the internship, a number of methods were used to carry out the analysis and development of objectives, among these methods included the review of relevant documents on public policies and environmental education programmes, the development of a comparative matrix to evaluate strategies in different aspects, and the planning and design of an integrated environmental education programme, these methodological approaches allowed for a detailed view of current practices , The training course also presented certain limitations, among which the difficulty of accessing up-to-date and complete data due to variability in the availability of information across states was highlighted, Also developed a deep understanding of environmental education strategies in Mexico and their alignment with the internship objectives
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    Diseño de una Herramienta para la Gestión de Información de Monitoreos Ambientales en QMax Solutions Colombia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Ortiz Agudelo, Ana María; Barreto Reyes, Diana Carolina
    Environmental information management and keeping a historical record to monitor the status of variables such as water, soil, or those involved in business activities obtained through environmental monitoring to observe trends, raise possible short-term scenarios and obtain a projection of what will remain in the long term have become increasingly important since they allow companies to carry out an informed and responsible decision-making process. Technological and/or business intelligence tools come into play in this process, since they allow the capture and recording of said data and transform it into management information. This is how the present work carried out in the environmental management department of the company QMax Solutions Colombia, arose from the identification of an opportunity for improvement in the management of the large amount of environmental information that is reported in environmental monitoring of water, cuttings and leachates from oil well drilling, given that due to the nature and being part of a sector that requires high control and monitoring, adequate management and data search is essential to allow timely knowledge, so that it contributes to the reduction of the impacts generated by the operation.
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    Diseño de una metodología para la estandarización, presentación y evaluación del componente ambiental contenido en los contratos especiales de aportes -CEA- del IPSE en donde se facilite la supervisión y el seguimiento del cumplimiento a la prestación del servicio de energía en las zonas no interconectadas -ZNI- de Colombia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cuesta Colmenares, Paula Alejandra; Cárdenas Manosalva, Ileana Romea
    The Institute of Planning and Promotion of Energy Solutions for Non-Interconnected Areas –IPSE- aims to structure, promote, implement, and monitor energy projects in NonInterconnected Areas (ZNI) of Colombia to improve access, energy security, mitigate climate change, and promote economic and social development using non-conventional energy sources. These sources are intended to be an efficient alternative energy option that allows for the development and improvement of the quality of life of communities. However, there have been problems with monitoring and supervising the environmental component contained in the Special Contribution Contracts –CEA- signed by this entity in the ZNI. The information presented by the companies in charge of the Administration, Operation, and Maintenance –AOM- of the infrastructure installed in the ZNI does not specify the environmental information, and there is no methodology to quantitatively evaluate compliance with the environmental component of each CEA. This makes it difficult for the Service Performance Monitoring Group to provide feedback on the environmental component of each CEA. To address this issue, it is proposed to design a methodology that allows for the standardization, presentation, evaluation, monitoring, and supervision of the environmental component contained in the Special Contribution Contracts –CEA- signed by the Institute of Planning and Promotion of Energy Solutions for Non-Interconnected Areas –IPSE-. Additionally, checklists will be developed to evaluate compliance with each aspect of the environmental component according to the guidelines established by environmental authorities, ensuring the provision of energy services in the ZNI.
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    Evaluación en la construcción y presentación de propuestas licitatorias para la línea de recurso hídrico de la empresa de consultoría ambiental R&R Knowledge, Engineering & lab S.A.S
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Zuluaga Quintero, Laura Alejandra; Gómez Patiño, Laura Daniela; Díaz Rodríguez, Carlos; Díaz Rodríguez, Carlos [0000-0002-0936-8333]
    To support the construction and presentation of bid proposals, an internship was carried out at the environmental consulting firm R&R KNOWLEDGE, ENGINEERING & LAB S.A.S (Kelab S.A.S), whose main functions were: the preparation of technical-economic, organizational and environmental proposals; the identification of key factors in the bidding documents; the updating of legal documentation; the establishment of strategic alliances; and the obtaining of quotations. These activities enable the company to participate as a bidder and successfully award contracts. The environmental consulting firm R&R KNOWLEDGE, ENGINEERING & LAB S.A.S (Kelab S.A.S) specializes in offering comprehensive environmental consulting and management services, based on rigorous analysis of opportunity and feasibility for each project, in compliance with current regulations. Its strategic line focused on water resources has a broad portfolio and solid experience in the market, backed by the constant demand for hydraulic and hydrological services from both the public sector (through bidding processes published in the electronic public procurement systems Secop I and Secop II) and the private sector.
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    Planeación del Sistema de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo bajo los requerimientos de la Resolución 0312 de 2019 en la empresa Pico Construcciones SAS ubicada en la ciudad de Villavicencio
    Marroquín Pineda, Laura Marcela; Cárdenas Manosalva, Ileana Romea
    The development of this internship work aims to update and complement the Occupational Health and Safety Management System following the requirements established in Decree 1072 of 2015 and Resolution 0312 of 2019 in the company Pico Construcciones SAS. To promote and protect the health of workers, through the prevention and control of diseases and accidents, while seeking to detect and eliminate factors and conditions that endanger the well-being of members, because it is a construction company civil works that are mainly dedicated to the rehabilitation and maintenance of roads that are categorized as high risk.
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    Factores de éxito para la administración ambiental del parque fotovoltaico Guayepo del departamento del Atlántico
    Buitrago Buitrago, Juan Esteban; Díaz Rodríguez, Carlos; Díaz Rodríguez, Carlos [0000-0002-0936-8333]
    This monograph focuses on the analysis and implementation of success factors for the environmental management of the Guayepo Photovoltaic Solar Park, located in the Atlántico department of Colombia. The primary objective of this project is the construction and operation of a solar park with a capacity of 400 MW and a 500 kV evacuation line, extending 972 km. Additionally, it aims to contribute to the country's energy supply by adding approximately 3% to the diversification of the national energy matrix. The environmental licensing process, which spanned from 2020 to its final approval in 2021, evaluated the different phases of the project, including construction, operation, and dismantling. Significant environmental impacts were identified, especially on the soil due to the removal of the vegetation layer and infrastructure installation. Challenges in solid waste management, particularly hazardous waste from solar panels, were also highlighted. To address these challenges, a management dashboard for environmental management was formulated, with objectives focusing on learning and knowledge perspectives, internal operations, stakeholder engagement, and sustainable development through initiatives that promote the proper environmental management of the Guayepo Photovoltaic Solar Park and its evacuation line.
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    Aspectos éticos del conservadurismo ambiental relacionados con la disciplina de la administración ambiental en Colombia
    Cubides Poveda , Andrea; Díaz Rodríguez, Carlos; Díaz Rodríguez, Carlos [0000-0002-0936-8333]
    The present degree proposal in monograph format aims to identify the main ethical contributions of environmental conservatism related to the discipline of environmental administration in Colombia. To carry out this process, the main categories of environmental conservatism are taken into account, focusing on the most relevant authors of the same, both in the international context and in the national context, within which Roger Scruton, Russell Kirk, Edmon Burke stand out, without leaving aside the other important exponents in the construction of this current. In addition to this, the epistemic, operational and strategic levels of the discipline of environmental administration are analyzed in depth within the scope of its paradigm in Colombia, for this purpose, a review of the international and national literature is used. Finally, a double-entry matrix is ​​shown through which the categories of environmental conservatism are related to the epistemic, operational and strategic levels of the discipline of environmental administration in the national territory, with the aim of consolidating the main ethical guidelines that significantly contribute to decision-making in the paradigm of environmental administration in Colombia.
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    Diseño de una estrategia para la mejora del desempeño ambiental en la empresa Time Jobs
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Carrillo Rodríguez , Jenifer Andrea; Barreto Reyes, Diana Carolina; Barreto Reyes, Diana Carolina [0000-0002-3929-2632]
    At present it is of great importance for an optimal development of the process to take into account that in each business productive activity there is environmental damage or depletion of natural resources, which manages to affect the environment of the organization and the surrounding environment, thus it is essential to generate an improvement in environmental performance that according to the International Standard ISO 14001:2015 is defined as the measurable result of the Environmental Management System in relation to the control of the environmental aspects of an organization, based on its policy, objectives and goals. In this way a design is proposed that aims to build a strategy for the improvement of environmental performance in the company Time Jobs, therefore a respective diagnosis and analysis of the elements and environmental practices carried out in the organization will be made, The objective is to verify which are the critical lines to later formulate the respective strategy that has functionality and is of great assistance in the productive activity of the company and thus it is more feasible to identify opportunities for improvement, adequately comply with legal requirements, effectively identify the environmental aspects and impacts and finally allow the development and effectiveness of the operational processes present in the organization.
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    Expansión urbana y conflictos en la estructura socioecológica de la comuna 3 de Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca.
    Zambrano Díaz, Giovanny Alejandro; Martinez Abello, Jairo Miguel
    The main objective of the document is to determine how the urban expansion process of the municipality of Zipaquirá has generated conflicts in the socio-ecological structure of District 3. Additionally, the document provides information for decision-making in the environmental and urban management of the municipality. For this purpose, a methodology was determined based on a qualitative exercise in which the collected information was the result of approaching primary and secondary sources through 3 data collection instruments. These instruments were: a semi-structured interview with three officials and former officials of the Municipal Mayor's Office of Zipaquirá; secondly, a social mapping workshop with residents of District 3, social organizations, environmental organizations, animal welfare organizations, and some individuals close to the municipal mayor's office; and finally, the review of the Territorial Ordering Plan (TOP) of Zipaquirá. This exercise allowed the identification of the residents' priorities of District 3 of Zipaquirá regarding decision-making and the protection of water sources and urban projects developed in this territory.
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    Educación ambiental para construir cultura en la sociedad
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Giraldo Moscoso, Daniela; Gutierrez Daza, Tito Ernesto
    This document seeks to know strategies to reinforce environmental education from four important points such as PRAES, CIDEAS, PRAU and PROCEDAS, this with the in order to create environmental culture in society, taking into account educational practices current situations and the shortcomings that humanity as a society is going through in the face of environmental Issues. Over the years, humanity has become concerned about the care, protection and preservation of its environment, therefore it must be taken into account that the environmental education is one of the most important pillars to enable a new culture green in which active participation and a good conscience mean true tools that allow us to provide solutions to such recognized problems. To achieve this objective, the strategies and results that the organizations intend to obtain were reviewed. points that were mentioned initially, this leads more directly to obtaining of the necessary information, which will result in formulating strategies to achieve the main objective of the research.
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    Planeacion del sistema de gestión ambiental bajo la NTC ISO 14001:2015 en la empresa ALMA Interventoria y Consultoria S.A.S ubicada en Bogota D.C
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Suárez Basto, Daniel Felipe; Cárdenas Manosalva, Ileana Romea; Cárdenas Manosalva, Ileana Romea [0000-0001-7503-705X]
    In this degree work presents the environmental management system for the auditing and consulting company ALMA S.A.S, which will be based on the NTC ISO 14001:2015. This company was incorporated by simplified actions and is dedicated to civil engineering activities, which specializes in consulting and auditing services, as well as the company's interest in environmental issues is evident, since it works in the field where the care of the environment should be prioritized, complying with current environmental legislation in contracts, For this reason, we would like to develop an environmental management system, where we propose to standardize procedures, characterize the processes through the PHVA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) and build an environmental management program that focuses on mitigating, reducing or eliminating the main environmental impacts found in the organization.
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    Formulación del sistema de gestión ambiental conforme a los parámetros establecidos en la norma ISO 14001:2015 para una empresa de telecomunicaciones en la ciudad de Bogotá
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Velásquez Muñeton, Valeria Alejandra; León Bernate, Diana Rocío
    Since he beginning, man as a social being has sought to communicate with others in order to know, investigate, learn and improve his quality of life. One of the great tools of communication since the phenomenon of globalization has been the Internet. While it is true it has been very useful to facilitate people's lives, it is also true that, together with technological advances, it has had a great environmental impact on the environment and natural resources, because the components of the elements used to connect the world and the national territory require special treatment and final disposal; this is why the need arises to manage these impacts and mitigate the damage caused. Given the above, the company belonging to the telecommunications sector where the formulation of the environmental management system was carried out in accordance with ISO 14001 of 2015, in its commitment to the environment, wanted to structure its environmental area and manage its impacts, in addition to ratifying its corporate responsibility, with the intention of improving its competitiveness in the market and comply with its legal obligations.
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    Propuesta para el mejoramiento en la separación de grasas y aceites en Olímpica S.A.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Pardo Agudelo, Natalia; Barreto Reyes, Diana Carolina
    Supertiendas y Droguerías Olímpica S.A., is a company with large chains of self-service stores with 100% Colombian capital that offer a wide variety of products, was founded in 1953 in Barranquilla; currently operates with 415 outlets in 120 municipalities of Colombia, within its operational areas of Carnicería, Panadería and Cafetería, generate spills that present an environmental challenge. Despite having fat traps and monthly collection of used cooking oil (ACU), it has been shown that in several points of sale significant quantities of fats and oils are produced that exceed the limits allowed by the current regulations. These liquid wastes can cause the proliferation of pests and rodents, which, if not properly treated with cleaning and disinfection, could lead to temporary closure of stores. In addition, if these spills reach bodies of water, they could cause serious damage to the marine ecosystem, such as obstruction of sunlight and reduction of oxygen, thus affecting marine flora and fauna, as well as public health problems. It is therefore crucial to address this issue by proposing improvements in the management of these types of discharges, including an exhaustive analysis of environmental regulations, as set out in Resolution 0631 of 2015 in its articles 9, 12 and 16, to compare the permissible limits with the results obtained. This involves identifying critical areas through a detailed analysis of waste handling and disposal processes, including staff training, Implementation of best practices and use of specialized equipment for the collection and handling of fats and oils. In accordance with the above, this project is developed as an internship in the department of Quality Assurance and Environmental Management (ACA&GA) of Supertiendas y Droguerías Olímpica S.A. in Bogotá. During the internship, a thorough analysis of current methods for separating fats and oils was carried out, identifying both limitations and opportunities for improvement. The methodology used included the review of reports on waste disposal characterization, visits to sales outlets, analysis of training in waste management, which allowed us to know how the separation and treatment of fats and oils is being managed, as well as the level of knowledge of staff regarding the management of these wastes, from their generation to their final disposal. In addition, a documentary review of secondary sources was carried out to identify appropriate management practices and innovative methodologies that would allow us to make the proposal for the formulation of the improvement plan. An important limitation identified was the lack of information in some outlets regarding the handling of these wastes.
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    Factores de éxito éticos y ambientales, para la implementación del plan energético nacional (PEN 2022-2052) "la transformación energética que habilita el desarrollo sostenible” en el subsector de energía eléctrica en Colombia
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Castiblanco Gómez, David; Díaz Rodríguez, Carlos; Díaz Rodríguez, Carlos [0000-0002-0936-8333]
    In the first objective, the PEN and the electric energy subsector are addressed, and the key elements for their understanding are presented, followed by the foundations of the strategic perspective, applied to this case study in favor of its implementation. The second objective delves into the long-term energy scenarios contemplated in the PEN, their relationship with the electric energy subsector and their results. The third objective addresses the ethical component of the energy transformation applied to the Colombian electric energy subsector. To conclude, the fourth objective presents the Balanced Scorecard for Environmental Management, with the success factors proposed in this work for the implementation of the PEN, presenting the objectives, goals and indicators of the strategies derived from the first and third objectives.
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    Seguimiento y control de proyectos de gestión del riesgo del Fondo Adaptación - Ministerio de Hacienda sede Bogotá D.C
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Bohorquez Rodriguez, Kathryn Nicolle; Cárdenas Manosalva, Ileana Romea
    Disaster risk, defined as “potential damage or losses that may occur due to dangerous physical events of natural, socio-natural, technological, or unintentional human origin” (Law No. 1523, 2012), is an inherent condition of the human being, which has become one of the most important aspects to take into account when thinking about the economic, social and environmental development of populations; especially in countries where communities have been widely affected by extreme weather events; thus constituting one of the biggest problems that current governments face in terms of the well-being and quality of life of their inhabitants. In Colombia, the floods recorded between 2010 and 2011 caused by the La Niña phenomenon marked an important milestone that brought with it a series of measures and improvement actions that sought to address emergency events and natural disasters that could occur. occur due to climate variability; among them, the creation of the Adaptation Fund, an entity whose main objective is to restore the living conditions of the populations that were affected by disaster events, as well as to contribute to the National Disaster Risk Management Unit to reduce the risk and adaptation to climate change through planes and projects. It is for this reason that this internship was carried out at the Adaptation Fund, an entity attached to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit; with the objective of strengthening the projects developed by the entity with regard to their monitoring and control, thus contributing with the knowledge and skills of the environmental administrator regarding the integration of environmental and administrative sciences for the management of projects in response to the current problems.
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    Diseño del plan de gestión de residuos sólidos para el Conjunto Residencial Alameda De San José IV ubicado en el barrio Las Margaritas, localidad de Kennedy
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Páez Aguilar, Cristián David; Saldarriaga Martínez, Angie Pamela; Barreto Reyes, Diana Carolina; Barreto Reyes, Diana Carolina [0000-0002-3929-2632]
    This project addresses the problem of inadequate solid waste management in residential complexes using as a case study the Residential Complex Alameda de San José IV located in the neighborhood of Las Margaritas in the district of Kennedy in the city of Bogotá, since according to statistics in the city, 9,441 tons of solid waste are generated daily. This project aims to propose adequate mechanisms for the management of residential solid waste, we will take as a reference the design of a Solid Waste Management Plan (PGIRS) to recognize if this is a coherent mechanism for the needs of a residential complex taking into account that the regulation doesnt require such management mechanism for this type of organizations. Thus, the project is developed through three (3) phases: The first phase is developed through the consolidation of a bibliographic matrix in order to identify the current state of solid waste management in the country through consultation in databases and the development of the preliminary diagnosis through site visit which will be documented through the checklist and photographic record. The second phase is developed through the quantification and characterization of the solid waste generated by the residential community through the analysis of per capita production and the quartic method, in addition to establishing the environmental impacts generated by the inadequate disposal of solid waste in order to establish the necessary corrective actions. Finally, in the third phase, based on the evidence from the previous phases, the Solid Waste Management Plan (PGIRS) will be formulated to provide reference to the management of solid waste in residential complexes. Subsequently, an analysis of the results obtained in the development of the project is generated to conclude and generate the final recommendations on the design of the Solid Waste Plan (PGIRS) in the Residential Complex Alameda de San José IV located in the neighborhood Las Margaritas in the locality of Kennedy in the city of Bogota.
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    Fortalecimiento del sistema de gestión ambiental del banco de alimentos de Bogotá
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Enciso Hernández, Juan Felipe; Perdomo Baquero, Nathaly; León Bernate, Diana Rocío
    The Bogotá Food Bank is committed to environmental protection, so its processes are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For the above reasons, the Bank incorporates in its management the environmental management system, which seeks to comply with the standards of ISO 14001:2015; based on the above mentioned, the objective of this report was to obtain and manage information from the Bogotá Food Bank’s environmental management system in order to strengthen it under the NTC-ISO 14001:2015, improving solid waste management and efficient water and energy resource management, enabling you to improve your environmental performance through actions that limit your environmental footprint, comply with the relevant legal requirements and achieve their environmental objectives. The results obtained from the internship include the updating of existing documentation and the design of missing documentation of the environmental management system of the Food Bank of Bogota, through the diagnostic matrix of the NTC-ISO 14001:2015, the restructuring and design of matrices and procedures required by the standard. In addition, actions are implemented to improve the environmental performance of the BAB through training, awareness and campaigns focused on the care of natural resources.
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    Estrategias de apoyo para la gestión de residuos sólidos de envases y empaques generados por empresas colombianas (resolución 1407 de 2018)
    Bolaños Jacobo, Angie Paola; Palacios Amado, Geraldin Gineth; Diaz Lozano, Aura Yolanda
    Current Colombian regulations establish that companies producing different goods and services issued to the market for purchase by consumers and clients must comply with certain rules when identifying that they work with recyclable materials, however, the lack of knowledge of Resolution 1407 of 2018, which establishes the environmental management of waste containers and packaging of paper, cardboard, plastic, glass and metal, and establishes the guidelines for its adequate management by Colombian companies, is the fundamental problem for the objectives of this standard to be properly met. Therefore, said information is socialized to Colombian companies, normative, social and environmental responsibilities, generate a management of packaging and packaging waste emitted when developing their activities, as indicated by the aforementioned regulations, thus making known the different services offered by R&R KELAB S.A.S., the collective packaging and packaging plan. Through an analysis or descriptive approach of the data and activities carried out in the internship, the main conclusion can be reached that socializing or issuing information which is necessary for companies is of great importance, since these organizations must comply with current regulations at the national level to generate a decrease in the environmental and social impacts that can cause the inadequate management of solid waste from containers and packaging, however, it is estimated that the strategies executed by the company R&R KELAB S.A.S can be carried out optimally and with different strategies to make companies aware of their great responsibilities imposed in resolution 1407 of 2018.
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    Apoyo al programa de educación y cultura ambiental, la comunicación ambiental a cargo del Centro de Gestión Ambiental de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
    Suarez Corredor, Nicolas David; Gonzalez Ramirez, Luisa Fernanda; González Ramírez, Luisa Fernanda [0000-0001-8489-6761]
    The Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira offers 111 programs including undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, all of which are distributed across the campus in 17 buildings. The university community engaged in academic, research, and extension activities on campus consists of 19,407 individuals for the first semester of 2022. The Institutional Environmental Management on campus is led by the Environmental Management Center, with the purpose of achieving a sustainable campus and an environmentally sensitive and responsible university community through the adoption and implementation of the UTP Institutional Environmental Policy approved in 2010. One of the commitments outlined in the Institutional Environmental Policy is to implement environmental management plans, programs, practices, and techniques that promote sustainability actions for the organization and the community at large. (Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, 2010). The Environmental Management Center has the Environmental Education and Culture Program, which is responsible for managing projects and strategies aimed at fostering reflection and active participation of the university community in the implementation of the University's Environmental Policy (Environmental Management Center. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, 2019). This, in turn, aims to generate changes in the university community and their perception of the environment through education, and it is also a fundamental factor in the pursuit of a sustainable campus. The main purpose of this work will be to support the Environmental Education and Culture Program through plans, programs related to the comprehensive management of solid waste, environmentally responsible cafeterias, and the use of living classrooms, as well as the use of graphic and audiovisual materials as tools for environmental education and culture within the Campus. The document describes the importance of environmental education and environmental management in the university context, highlighting UTP's efforts in these areas over the years. It also mentions the relevance of sustainable development and sustainable development goals within the framework of the university's actions and commitments.