Propuesta para el mejoramiento en la separación de grasas y aceites en Olímpica S.A.
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Supertiendas y Droguerías Olímpica S.A., is a company with large chains of self-service stores with 100% Colombian capital that offer a wide variety of products, was founded in 1953 in Barranquilla; currently operates with 415 outlets in 120 municipalities of Colombia, within its operational areas of Carnicería, Panadería and Cafetería, generate spills that present an environmental challenge. Despite having fat traps and monthly collection of used cooking oil (ACU), it has been shown that in several points of sale significant quantities of fats and oils are produced that exceed the limits allowed by the current regulations. These liquid wastes can cause the proliferation of pests and rodents, which, if not properly treated with cleaning and disinfection, could lead to temporary closure of stores. In addition, if these spills reach bodies of water, they could cause serious damage to the marine ecosystem, such as obstruction of sunlight and reduction of oxygen, thus affecting marine flora and fauna, as well as public health problems. It is therefore crucial to address this issue by proposing improvements in the management of these types of discharges, including an exhaustive analysis of environmental regulations, as set out in Resolution 0631 of 2015 in its articles 9, 12 and 16, to compare the permissible limits with the results obtained. This involves identifying critical areas through a detailed analysis of waste handling and disposal processes, including staff training, Implementation of best practices and use of specialized equipment for the collection and handling of fats and oils.
In accordance with the above, this project is developed as an internship in the department of Quality Assurance and Environmental Management (ACA&GA) of Supertiendas y Droguerías Olímpica S.A. in Bogotá. During the internship, a thorough analysis of current methods for separating fats and oils was carried out, identifying both limitations and opportunities for improvement. The methodology used included the review of reports on waste disposal characterization, visits to sales outlets, analysis of training in waste management, which allowed us to know how the separation and treatment of fats and oils is being managed, as well as the level of knowledge of staff regarding the management of these wastes, from their generation to their final disposal. In addition, a documentary review of secondary sources was carried out to identify appropriate management practices and innovative methodologies that would allow us to make the proposal for the formulation of the improvement plan. An important limitation identified was the lack of information in some outlets regarding the handling of these wastes.