Especialización en Interventoría y Supervisión de Obras de Construcción

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  • Ítem
    Estrategia de seguimiento y control para la supervisión de un contrato de construcción de vivienda fiscal en la etapa de planeación del proyecto. caso de estudio: Batallón Espro, seccional Tolemaida, Instituto de Casas Fiscales del Ejército
    Bonilla, Jaime Enrique; Godoy Umbarila, Laura Katherine; Pinza Rodríguez, Andrea Milena; Mena Serna, Milton; Mena Serna, Milton [0000-0002-7377-2787]
    The construction sector in Colombia is a fundamental pillar of national economic growth, as it generates employment and territorial development. This is evidenced by civil and industrial works and the construction of buildings for various types of uses. Therefore, the government invests in these types of projects with the aim of providing economic support to regions and well-being to society. It is observed that, during the planning stage for the construction of different projects, there is a lack of proper oversight, supervision, and control required in the consulting process for their design and construction, leading to inadequate execution of works, resulting in serious economic consequences and impacts such as increased work quantities, unforeseen items, etc., and prolonged completion times for the projects. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the importance of oversight and supervision in the development of planning and consulting processes for projects in Colombia, as well as the scope and competencies involved, the measures to be taken, and the responsibilities assumed by the professional; one of its objectives being to establish the relationships between the contracting entity and the contractor to ensure compliance with the required needs without omitting aspects such as quality, resources, and duration. Therefore, through the development of this monograph, the aim is to propose a strategy for the supervision of a public works contract during the project planning stage, taking as a case study the construction of two military housing buildings for National Army personnel in the municipality of Nilo, Cundinamarca, based on the study of unfavorable situations that have occurred in the execution of the contract.
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    Método de verificación para el recibo de actividades de instalación de conectores mecánicos usados en el acero de refuerzo en la cimentación superficial o profunda de una construcción vertical hospitalaria
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Díaz Cruz, Karen Stefanny; Espitía Moreno, Ferney Santiago; Muñoz Sánchez, Fabio Ricardo; Mena Serna, Milton
    The present work seeks to present a verification method for use by the supervision or the technical intervener of a project related to the use of mechanical joints in the union of the reinforcing steel of the different structural elements that make up a deep or superficial foundation for a vertical building. . Consequently, it is important to explore the use, techniques and application characteristics of the different types of mechanical connectors that exist in the national market, in order to carry out a detailed analysis of the possible shortcomings in their production and installation process, as well as the procedures, advantages and use of appropriate tools that allow the development of this activity with all the safety, quality parameters and those indicated in the NSR-10 and ACI-318 technical standards. For this purpose, an interactive format is proposed that allows for a quick and concise evaluation of the inputs, procedures and elements coupled or joined with mechanical connectors and thus be able to determine whether or not the procedure is approved by the technical supervision or audit of a construction project.
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    Guía para la revisión de presupuestos y control de costos dirigido a la interventoría administrativa en proyectos de vivienda multifamiliar en sistema industrializado.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Castilla Hernandez, Carlos Cesar; Tarazona Gaona, Javier Ernesto; Martinez Diaz, Fabio; Mena Serna, Milton; Mena Serna, Milton [0000-0002-7377-2787]
    In this work, a budget review method for construction projects is proposed. housing built in an industrialized system, whose product consists of a tool in Excel for administrative auditing that allows consolidating a database in order to evaluate quantities of materials, cost indices and feasibility of the project. For which conducted a documentary review and surveys of engineering, architecture and related careers with experience in this type of projects, in order to determine the factors that affect the deviations of the actual cost of the project with respect to the budget base. The La Hacienda 1 multifamily housing project was taken as a case study. located in the city of Soacha, where the deviations presented in the budget, the causes and factors that influenced it, as well as the role of the audit in the control and monitoring of costs.
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    Estrategia de revisión para interventorías, de las condiciones técnicas en contratos de APP de infraestructura vial, para identificar los riesgos imprevisibles y anticipar reclamaciones
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Alfaro Gutiérrez, Tomás Steewarth; Collazos Rojas, José Alejandro; Martínez Gutiérrez, Diego Andrés; Mena Serna, Milton; Mena Serna, Miltón [0000-0002-7377-2787]
    Road concession contracts under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model are a great success both nationally and internationally. This success is due to the fact that a large part of the risks are transferred from the public to the private sector, which considerably reduces the expenditure of the treasury. However, in contrast, poor identification, allocation and distribution of these risks can lead to claims arising during the execution of the contract. These claims are generally due to economic imbalances that the parties must reconcile. One of the tools for this purpose is unpredictability, since these imbalances are often caused by unforeseen situations that arise during the execution of the contract. The financial controller has a vital role since, having knowledge of the established risks, the contractual obligations, the possible alerts and the principles of unforeseeability, he can seek agreements in anticipation of onerous legal proceedings.
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    Criterios de seguimiento y control para la interventoría administrativa en fase de consultoría de colegios Distritales nuevos con capacidad entre 1.000 Y 1.600 estudiantes construidos con sistema estructural de Pórticos en concreto reforzado
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Arias Blanco, Luisa Fernanda; Pinzón Bobadilla, Angela Jissette; Mena Serna, Miltón; Mena Serna, Miltón [0000-0002-7377-2787]
    This project develops an investigation on how administrative audit influences the management of the executed budget and compliance with the schedule in the construction stage of new district schools with a capacity between 1000 to 1600 students built with a structural system of reinforced concrete frames, obtaining a sample final of 4 schools built between 2019 to 2022, and whose results reflect a series of opportunities to create process improvement strategies, ending in the consequence of three products; two for diagnosis and one for application, such as a SWOT matrix, a comparative table of consulting and work execution contracts and an online-interactive instruction manual on good practices in administrative auditing. These products give us an objective and realistic look at how administrative auditing impacts construction projects and how, through an analysis, tools can be generated for the implementation of good practices that allow us to correct the shortcomings evidenced.
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    Estrategias de control y seguimiento de interventoría técnica en la fase de ejecución de proyectos de renovación de redes de acueducto y alcantarillado sanitario en tubería PVC por método de zanja abierta en proyectos realizados por la empresa de servicios públicos del municipio de Girardot Cundinamarca ACUAGYR SA ESP.
    (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas) Cardona Ortiz, Estefany Geraldine; Herrera Cleves, David Felipe; Avila Bernal, Luis Alejandro; Mena Serna, Milton; Mena Serna, Milton [0000-0002-7377-2787]
    This application monograph addresses the renovation of water and sewer networks from the perspective of supervision in terms of control and monitoring that must be carried out during the execution process. It is important to highlight that it focuses on the open trench excavation method for pipes in projects carried out by the company ACUAGYR SA ESP in the municipalities of Girardot and Ricaurte Cundinamarca. The company is expected to carry out comprehensive monitoring of the technical processes during the activities carried out in the execution of network renovation works. The objective of the project is to establish control and monitoring strategies for technical supervision in the execution phase of projects for the renovation of water and sewer networks in PVC pipe by the open trench excavation method in projects carried out by the public services company of the municipality of Girardot Cundinamarca ACUAGYR SA ESP. Having as a regulatory framework the technical specifications required by the company ACUAGYR SA ESP and what is contemplated in resolution 0330 for minimum installation diameters and the invias in terms of compaction thicknesses and densities.
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    Elaborar una herramienta de seguimiento y control para la interventoría técnica durante la etapa de ejecución de cimentaciones superficiales en proyectos de vivienda rural dispersa en el departamento de Cundinamarca.
    Buitrago Naranjo, Claudia; Linares Gutiérrez, Gilberto; Ríos Rodríguez, Yeimy Marcela; Mena Serna, Milton
    The following application monograph was researched in the construction of scattered social interest housing in the department of Cundinamarca, where emphasis was placed on the types of shallow foundations to be considered according to the technical problems investigated. The aim was to provide a solution to the issues presented through a control and monitoring tool by the technical oversight team, which was achieved by developing an online Google form, highlighting the most relevant needs to provide a timely and effective solution during the construction process, and thus be able to deliver a safe building. The present monograph aims to generate a proposal for the control and monitoring of shallow foundations that are part of the construction process of rural social interest housing in the department of Cundinamarca. This is intended to promote the construction of self-sufficient housing solutions, harmoniously integrated into an environmental and cultural landscape, capable of providing better and sustainable quality of life options. Through construction control and monitoring, we will identify the type of soil, materials to be used, environmental conditions, construction process, etc. This will enable the development of planned and safe projects. The focus on this topic of shallow foundations in rural housing arises from an interest in leveraging the knowledge of architecture and engineering through technical oversight. A monograph will be conducted to define the basic concepts, recognizing the importance of understanding the environment, its inhabitants, and traditions to generate positive changes to improve the technical conditions of scattered rural housing. Therefore, this document presents the research and technical visit to scattered rural housing in the municipality of Pulí in the department of Cundinamarca. It includes the general characteristics of the housing, as well as the context of current regulations (NSR 10) and other standards. Subsequently, the concepts that permeate the entire research and define the characteristics of the prototype control and monitoring format to be specifically exposed for the control and monitoring of shallow foundations in a rural setting are explained.
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    Estrategias de seguimiento y control para la interventoría técnica que aporten mejoras en los tiempos de ejecución en la construcción de estaciones base de telecomunicaciones tipo greenfield
    Lozano Ducuara, Javier Francisco; López Lara, Laura Stefania; Mena Serna, Milton; 0000-0002-7377-2787
    This study examines the construction of Greenfield-type telecommunications base stations in Colombia. It is proposed to improve execution times through monitoring and control strategies in technical auditing. The analysis identifies common shortcomings in current projects and evaluates successful national and international practices. Based on these findings, specific recommendations are prepared for the Colombian context, focused on increasing efficiency in the construction of these essential infrastructures for technological advancement and the expansion of the digital society in Colombia
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    Metodología para el control y seguimiento de la interventoría técnica en fase de ejecución aplicable a proyectos de vivienda en altura de interés social, construidos en sistema industrializado mano portable
    Lopéz Chaves, Diego Fernando; Baquero Bejarano, Paula Alejandra; Chávez Gutiérrez, Franci Liliana; Mena Sierna, Milton
    In the field of construction and in all types of projects there are failures and problems that occur at all stages, especially in construction and execution, it is difficult to avoid them, however, if the level of failures can be reduced and better results obtained. When exercising the position of supervisor or auditor with professionalism, it is an important task and one of considerable responsibility, for this reason the importance of acquiring the knowledge and the essential bases to carry out this position. Currently there are many social interest housing projects under construction and even more high-rise buildings, however, incorrect practices and difficulties that arise when implementing industrialized systems stand out, which are undoubtedly a great advantage to build in times record and at lower costs. In the present work, common failures will be observed in a social interest housing project built in an industrialized system, as well as a photographic record of the most relevant activities of its construction process, the evaluation of problems, the normative analysis that govern this system, a guide graphic for the control and follow-up of the technical intervention, as well as the respective support formats to carry out this work. Likewise, different works and manuals implemented by different entities of the country regarding the subject will be analyzed, in order to create the bases and adequate tools for those construction professionals who want to expand their knowledge or simply have support tools for their work.
  • Ítem
    Método para el control y seguimiento de la supervisión técnica en la fase de ejecución para las etapas de: recepción, colocación y curado de concreto premezclado; caso de estudio: casa de la cultura municipio de Acacias, Meta
    Cardozo Barrera, Marco Antonio; Rey Agudelo, Edwin Ricardo; Mena Serna, Milton
    It seeks to guarantee quality and efficiency in the construction of structures of ready mixed concrete. This work arises in response to the need to improve the control and monitoring processes in the execution phase of construction projects, in which requires the use of premixed concrete in its different stages as follows: Reception, Placement and curing. The methodology focuses on establishing a control and monitoring system that allow technical supervision and continuous monitoring of the production process, placement and curing of ready-mixed concrete. For this, the development of a application guide for quality control that allows identifying critical variables in the process in its different stages and guarantee the conformity of the application of good practices of ready-mixed concrete with established technical specifications. The expected results of this work are significant for the health sector. construction, since the application of the methodology will allow improving the quality of the premixed concrete used in the construction of structures, which results in a greater durability and resistance. Furthermore, it is expected that the methodology proposal contributes to the reduction of construction costs and times, as well as reduce the risks of structural failures.
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    Desarrollo de un aplicativo móvil que genere alertas preventivas y correctivas durante la fase de ejecución, en el capítulo de estructura como apoyo en la gestión de la supervisión técnica en la construcción de edificaciones industrializadas tipo manoportable
    González Galindo, Jennyffer; Montaño Guevara, Wilmar Hernando; Martínez Ramírez, Oscar David; Mena, Milton
    This research addresses the frequent failures in the construction process of portable industrialized buildings and the selection of technical criteria based on the applicable regulations with the objective of structuring a mobile application that provides support to the technical supervision process by generating action alerts. preventive and corrective measures during the execution phase of the structure chapter of the buildings in question, the above responding to the identified problems.
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    Estrategia de revisión para el control técnico topográfico en interventoría de proyectos de infraestructura metálica en acero durante la etapa de construcción
    Herrera Gómez, Jeisson Fernando; Mena Serna, Milton
    This document proposes a strategy for the technical audit in the topographic control during the construction stage, thus verifying that the implementation of the assembly of the braced gantry steel structure, based under the review parameters to the provisions of the Colombian technical standard NTC 5832:2012 Standard Practices for Manufacture and Assembly of Steel Structures. Buildings and Bridges meet the minimum requirements that are manifested therein. Based on these procedures and methodologies for the review of steel metal structures, a strategy will be developed that will have verification criteria with respect to tolerance orders allowed by NTC 5832:2012, NSR-10 (Chapter F), NTC 6271:2018 and other regulations that guarantee tools for technical supervision according to the auditor during the execution stage of the work.
  • Ítem
    Estrategia para el control y seguimiento de la interventoría técnica, para la construcción de edificaciones vis en mampostería parcialmente reforzada
    Lara Hernández, Jesús Antonio; Mena, Milton
    Each construction project has a process of carrying out activities, which are constituted and directed in order to successfully complete the work. In the development of the activities, a very important role is played by the construction and audit inspectors, since they are the ones who ensure that the construction is being fully carried out, taking as reference the work booklet supported by the designer. The inspection by the Auditor of the construction processes and of each of the materials that make up the structure that have physical and chemical properties, such as vertical perforation masonry, grafils with variable diameters in the horizontal part according to the designer, mortar of glue, reinforcing steel that are conditioned in the NSR 10 standard. Using review methods in the development of construction activities helps optimize the processes in a work, gives reliability of the quality of the structure, these methods can be represented in manuals or guides that are easy to understand for the professional in charge who represents a audit or construction inspector, strengthens knowledge and provides security of the activities carried out. Taking into account that there are various construction systems using masonry, each of the parameters given by the standard (NSR 10) will be taken as a reference. Title D), (Colombian NTC Technical Standard 4026) Through this application monograph proposal, we seek to optimize and provide an inspection strategy with a guide that allows the professional construction and audit inspector to ensure that the activities were carried out according to the designs, complying with the established construction standards with partially reinforced structural masonry.
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    Estrategia para el seguimiento y control de la interventoría técnica en la fase de construcción de estructuras de contención, tipo pantalla de pilotes, muros estructurales en voladizo y anclados
    Bravo Guzmán, Cristian Felipe; Cordón Barrera, Osmar Adrián; Forero Buitrago, Diego Fernando; Mena Serna, Milton
    Geotechnical engineering encompasses the design and construction of structures in contact with the ground, such as tunnels, foundations and roads, including containment structures that resist the thrust generated by differences in levels in the ground. The growing demand for containment works is attributed to urban growth, the need for road infrastructure in complicated terrain and regulatory rigor. Despite the availability of manuals, they focus mainly on design and lack clear information on construction aspects and acceptance criteria. Consequently, the need for a strategy for the technical supervision of containment structures during their construction arises, integrating the design criteria of Colombian and foreign regulations; This strategy will focus on cantilever structural walls, anchored walls and pile screens. This initiative will provide the auditor with the necessary tools to determine whether a geotechnical work meets the minimum standards compliance requirements during construction and decide on the final acceptance of the finished structure.
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    Metodología orientada a la interventoría administrativa para el control de proyectos en fase de ejecución en edificaciones con estructura metálica en pórtico arriostrado concentrico caso de estudio Centro de Salud Gachancipá.
    Acuña Castro, Julián Manuel; Mena Serna, Milton
    This project is presented as an application monograph, with the objective of preparing instructions for the control of administrative auditing in projects of metal structures in braced porches in the execution phase for the municipal health center of the municipality of Gachancipá, taking into account It takes into account the risks that are identified in the projects in aspects of schedule control or execution times and scope of the work for the audit. The purpose of this monograph is to address the problems surrounding the detection and intervention of the intervention in the face of administrative risks in a project focused on metal structures, where we encounter barriers when controlling a work, in this case in its construction stage. execution, which is in turn where the greatest number of variables to be considered for a project are manifested, therefore it is considered pertinent to develop strategies to face these variables, this in order to mitigate delays in time or reduction in the scope of a project. , in turn we find an increase in the construction of metal structures since the 90s in the country, putting this type of structures more and more in the panorama of the audit. As a product of this monograph, an instruction manual is presented, which indicates the parameters to be taken into account to identify the problems in a project, thereby seeking to control the schedule and scope of a project on this page. 7 taking as principles the PMBOK and the Pareto principle. The product that will be obtained from this exercise will be (1) an instruction manual, and several Excel tables which will give us percentages to understand the status of the project.
  • Ítem
    Metodología para el control y seguimiento administrativo de la interventoría durante la ejecución de obras de ampliación a instituciones educativas en el sector público
    Pacheco Valderrama, Roniel Javib; García Góngora, Juliana Valentina; Hernández Rojas, Luis Felipe; Mena Serna, Milton; Mena Serna, Milton [0000-0002-7377-2787]
    As it is currently known and under the legal regulations, in public contracting it is necessary to award supervision contracts for the correct monitoring of the activities that are carried out in the construction contracts. In this sense, it is relevant to study and/or evaluate certain aspects of this activity carried out by many professionals within the Colombian state. To focus more specifically, the proposed degree work aims to emphasize the subject of Administrative Audit, one of the different functions that are assigned in a specific contract and one could almost say that one of the inevitable to carry out audits of a character public and to the education sector. This degree work proposal arises in the first instance due to the deficiencies evidenced within this administrative area which includes all the monitoring and control of aspects of a work contract and are evidenced in the face of delays, downtime, ignorance of scope, among others. It is for these reasons that it is considered pertinent to implement a methodology for the controllers where they can carry out their daily functions in a simple way and demonstrate to the entity, the contractor and/or any other control entity that they are in all the faculties and really lead to the day that monitoring and control of administrative activities of which no reprocesses are generated, and rather, it is intended to give agility and speed to all the consequent tasks that it entails.
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    Metodología de seguimiento y control para la interventoría técnica en proyectos de reforzamiento estructural para casas de uno y dos pisos de material adobe y tapia consideradas patrimonio cultural
    Cuervo Castillo, Giselle Zulay; Silva Pico, Johana Maritsa Johana Maritsa; Páez Molina, Sandra Paola; Mena Serna, Milton; Mena Serna, Milton [0000-0002-7377-2787]
    In the Colombian territory there are many buildings considered as cultural heritage, which are the history of any city and according to current regulations NSR-10, most of this type of buildings and structures, were made under the absence of technical criteria, which implies that they are structures vulnerable to earthquake events that can present failures in their construction system and affect the integrity of the people who are making use of it. From a professional perspective and framing the features of Colombian history and its different stages, a methodology was carried out so that the technical audit carries out control and monitoring of structural reinforcement projects, for structures of one and two-story houses built in material of adobe and rammed earth considered cultural heritage, where we will seek to make a difference that will not only allow us to comply with the parameters established by the standard, but also to contribute positively to the recovery of cultural heritage buildings.
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    Estrategia para el control y seguimiento de la interventoría administrativa en la fase de ejecución de proyectos de infraestructura vial correspondiente a la pavimentación de vías urbanas en el municipio de San Martín departamento del Meta
    Castellanos Echeverri, Rodolfo Steven; Castro Rodríguez, Fidel Ricardo; Sánchez, María Alexandra; Mena Serna, Milton
    It is the responsibility of public entities to control and monitor the execution of contracts that they enter into in compliance with the principles and purposes of the State; this through the figures of supervision and intervention, which Colombian law establishes. That is why all public entities adopt a manual, to serve as instructive. basis regarding the functions, obligations, processes and others, which must be carried out by the audit and supervision, guaranteeing the correct execution of the contracts in accordance with the object. However, since the figure of auditing has been applied in Colombia to control construction works, its function has been developed empirically, given the lack of unanimity of criteria and little regulation. Within the contracting, supervision and auditing manual of the Municipality of San Martín in the Department of Meta, there are gaps and absence of guidelines when exercising administrative control functions, by the auditing office, in the contract execution stage. working. Situation that usually leads to the audit and supervision ending up deciding or omitting documentation when delivering information to the entity, generating deficiency in the activity of the entity. audit, due to the delays in the delivery times of the reports and their quality, which has been present to a greater extent, in the road infrastructure sector, which is characterized by being one of the sectors with the highest investment of public works resources throughout the country. The guidelines regarding the control functions of the audit must be sufficient and clear, specifically in the administrative matter, with the purpose of identifying in a timely manner the specific documentation for the reports delivered to public entities, be they partial payments and advance payment disbursement and avoid concurrence between supervision and auditing in relation to the same contract. The development of current technology has allowed the available digital tools to be useful means for the administrative control of the audit, with which greater efficiency can be achieved in the construction of works, avoiding aspects such as quality failures and corruption, going from the traditional in control activities to the digital that technology provides. Consequently, this work establishes a control and administrative monitoring strategy of the audit, through a selected digital application, that allows documentary control in the processes of partial payments and advance disbursement, for road infrastructure contracts corresponding to paving. of urban roads, contributing to the quality of information, optimization of execution times, timely analysis of information and improvement in administrative processes. This does not mean that, within the study, aspects related to control and monitoring have been addressed in the pre-initiation phase, nor in the liquidation phase, as well as matters related to the technical, financial, legal and environmental component of the audit. , which can be studied in other works.
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    Metodología para la interventoría técnica en los proyectos de remodelación arquitectónica hospitalaria niveles 1 y 2.
    Ortega Pérez, Xiomara Leslee; González Pulido, Andrés Felipe; Mena Serna, Milton
    This document proposes to present an instruction manual through which engineers, architects and students who work in construction areas have a practical guide to carry out specific evaluations in architectural remodeling processes, which are very important due to their visual appearance, functionality and adaptation according to the new interests of any building that requires it. Architectural remodeling must have a rigorous evaluation method since, being non-structural elements, they must comply with the parameters established in NSR-10. The implementation of these elements must be supervised since they can represent a risk in any type of event or natural disaster, which is why the instructions contemplate the most representative elements for adequate monitoring, control and quality in an architectural remodeling. Remodeling is fundamental, since it raises the spaces that currently exist to give it a new functionality, due to this, pre-established technical controls must be had when supervising a remodeling, since, many times, the different elements do not meet the specifications. raised, for not being considered an important part of the structure.
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    Criterios de revisión por la interventoría de estudios y diseños para el cálculo de la administración de obra en proyectos viales para mejoramiento de barrios en la ciudad de Bogotá
    González Camargo, Luis Alejandro; Sierra Hernández, Edwin Fernando; Mena Serna, Milton; Mena Serna, Milton [0000-0002-7377-2787]
    In this degree work, the criteria for review by the Study and Design Supervision Office are determined, of the calculation of the costs of administration of works for road projects for the improvement of neighborhoods in the City of Bogotá D.C. The analysis is carried out based on 30 real cases of this type of project. As an example, a case study is presented. As a result, an instruction manual is delivered in which the aspects to be taken into account for said calculation are established and is accompanied by the templates for obtaining it. Finally, there are the contributions, recommendations and conclusions of the analysis carried out.