Estrategias de control y seguimiento de interventoría técnica en la fase de ejecución de proyectos de renovación de redes de acueducto y alcantarillado sanitario en tubería PVC por método de zanja abierta en proyectos realizados por la empresa de servicios públicos del municipio de Girardot Cundinamarca ACUAGYR SA ESP.
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This application monograph addresses the renovation of water and sewer networks from the perspective of supervision in terms of control and monitoring that must be carried out during the execution process. It is important to highlight that it focuses on the open trench excavation method for pipes in projects carried out by the company ACUAGYR SA ESP in the municipalities of Girardot and Ricaurte Cundinamarca. The company is expected to carry out comprehensive monitoring of the technical processes during the activities carried out in the execution of network renovation works. The objective of the project is to establish control and monitoring strategies for technical supervision in the execution phase of projects for the renovation of water and sewer networks in PVC pipe by the open trench excavation method in projects carried out by the public services company of the municipality of Girardot Cundinamarca ACUAGYR SA ESP. Having as a regulatory framework the technical specifications required by the company ACUAGYR SA ESP and what is contemplated in resolution 0330 for minimum installation diameters and the invias in terms of compaction thicknesses and densities.