Maestría en Manejo, Uso y Conservación del Bosque
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Ítem Patrones de distribución funcional de plantas en un bosque seco tropical de La Guajira, ColombiaGarzón Ramos, Fabián Camilo; González-M, Roy;; studies on community assembly mechanisms that drive plant species in tropical forests have presented contrasting views on the predominance of biotic and abiotic selective forces at local scales. In this study, we investigated the influence of local topographic variations and the effects of functional density dependence on functional distribution patterns in a tropical dry forest (TDF). To do this, we measured leaf and wood traits of 87 species in a 10-hectare permanent plot and used topographic information to define local environmental variations. Additionally, we assessed the effects of density dependence using the effective nearest neighbor distance and used functional richness and dissimilarity indices to determine the relative importance of biotic and abiotic factors influencing community assembly. Our findings show that at a local scale, both topography and functional density dependence differentially affect the functional distribution of plant species in the TDF. Specifically, we found that: 1) the topographic gradient affects resource availability, with low functional richness and high functional dissimilarity observed at the extremes of this gradient, and 2) the low density of individuals and species is associated with low functional richness and high functional dissimilarity, but is strongly influenced by local topography.Ítem Un modelo basado en sensores remotos e inteligencia artificial para la estimación de la degradación del bosqueUnriza Vargas, Jaime Andrés; Rodríguez Albarracín, Heidy Soledad; Rodríguez Albarracín Heidy Soledad [0000-0002-6924-0948]Forest degradation and deforestation are environmental problems that diminish the provision of ecosystem services. A possible solution for the identification and monitoring of these problems are monitoring systems based on remote sensing; information from active and passive satellites offers a great deal of useful information. Despite this, there is a limitation in tropical areas due to the high presence of clouds throughout the year, which consequently limits the amount of information. Thus, this study proposes a model that makes use of remote sensing and artificial intelligence for the identification of forest degradation with limited information using NDVI, its variation between time windows in the period 1990 - 2019 and machine learning tools. This study was developed in tropical rainforest in the municipality of Mapiripán (Meta, Colombia), an area where problems of illicit crops and deforestation have been identified. To address this problem, a model was proposed based on geographic information systems for the identification of degradation related to deforestation. When comparing 7 machine learning algorithms, it was found that the neural network algorithm of three hidden layers (model with the best performance, 75.25% accuracy) and the second model corresponds to the linear discriminant algorithm (73.25% accuracy) show better performance despite its limited information. Additionally, it was possible to identify that 60% of the deforested areas suffered some degree of intervention that led to deforestation, which could be avoided through a monitoring and early warning system.Ítem Efectos del cambio climático en la distribución del género Pronophila Doubleday [1849] (Satyrinae, Pronophilina) en bosques andinos en ColombiaMurillo Puerta, Ana María; Mahecha Jiménez, Oscar Javier; Mahecha Jiménez Oscar Javier [0000-0002-8682-0020]The genus Pronophila Doubleday [1849] belongs to the Pronophilina subtribe (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae), and it is distributed from northwestern Argentina (Tucumán) to the extreme north of Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta) and northeastern Venezuela (Turimiquire), with only one representative in the mountains of Central America (P. timanthes). Normally, Pronophila species inhabit montane forests between 1000-3000 meters above sea level, registering the maximum diversity around 2000-2400 meters above sea level. For Colombia, an endemic species of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (P. juliani) is registered. However, the biology of the genus has been little studied. Therefore, many characteristics of its natural history are still unknown. In addition, due to the different disturbance processes caused by the Anthropocene (global warming, mining, urbanization, livestock, intensive agriculture, etc.), has generated a loss of habitat in many species, both animal and plant, which has affected the patterns of distribution and diversity of the different taxa, as is the case of the species that make up the genus Pronophila in the country, since the Andean region has been one of the areas most affected by these anthropic activities in recent decades. For this reason, the objective of the present study was to generate a potential distribution model for Pronophila species in the country, under various climate change scenarios for the years 2050 and 2070, and to make a comparison with a recent distribution model, to be able to assess the effect of climate change on the distribution of the genus Pronophila. The projection of the different models was carried out in the R software, using the MaxEnt algorithm. The Jackknife test was used to determine the bioclimatic variables that influenced the results. Once the maps of the recent and future modeling were obtained for each of the species, using the ArcGis software, the potential distribution area of the Lepidoptera was compared. The results show that the 4 species subjected to modeling will experience reductions in their potential distribution areas throughout the years 2050 and 2070 and the bioclimatic variables associated with temperature had a greater influence on the models. This made it possible to establish general patterns of distribution, which allow prioritizing conservation strategies that mitigate population declines and local extinctions predicted by anthropogenic climate change in butterflies associated with mountain ecosystems.Ítem El difícil camino de la paz y la sostenibilidad. Un análisis del sistema socioecológico de la cuenca del río Amoyá Colombia, bajo el marco IPBES.Álvarez Cortés, Claudia; Rincón Ruiz, Alexander; 0000-0002-3214-6894; Rincón Ruiz, Alexander [0000-0002-3214-6894]The Amoyá river basin is an important area for its water supply for farmers, indigenous people, producer organizations and private companies, however, the use of natural resources has represented a series of socio-environmental conflicts in their management. The objective of this work is to analyze the basin from a socio-ecological systems approach and determine scenarios for sustainable territorial management. To this end, the work uses the Intergovernmental Science and Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services - IPBES as the main conceptual tool. Giving scope to the IPBES conceptual framework, interviews, workshops, coverage analysis, construction of scenarios and timeline with the community were carried out, as well as a comprehensive assessment of nature's contributions. Tradeoffs of ecosystem services and the influence of local factors on territorial transformations such as coffee crops and global ones such as climate change were identified. One of the central results was the identification of community conservation agreements and strategies in natural relics outside the protected area of the Las Hermosas NNP, despite the history of armed conflict in the region, which are essential to visualize the possibilities of sustainable scenarios. .Ítem Efecto de la intensidad del uso del bosque altoandino en el ensamblaje de orquídeas epífitasHernández Rodríguez, David Esteban; López Camacho, René; Campos Salazar, Laura Victoria; López Camacho, René [0000-0003-2026-0371]High Andean forests have experienced a significant reduction in their natural areas, with a considerable portion of the remaining forests being degraded or undergoing different successional processes. While transformed forests play a vital role in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services, their contribution to the preservation of the epiphyte orchid assemblage (EOA), which represents one of the most biodiverse groups in these ecosystems, remains unclear. The EOA is highly sensitive to forest transformation as it heavily relies on the structural and micro-environmental conditions that constitute the vertical gradient of the forests. This study aimed to assess the impact of forest-use intensity on the taxonomic and functional diversity of the EOA, as well as its structure and the response of functional traits along the vertical gradient. Taxonomic diversity and assemblage structure were evaluated by adapting the sampling methodology for richness and abundance of vascular epiphytes (SVERA). Functional diversity was assessed using multi trait indices and the weighted mean of the community, considering leaf, stem, and root traits. Our findings revealed that the EOA in the degraded forest exhibited a structure and functional diversity similar to that of the mature forest, in contrast to the secondary forest, which displayed the most significant differences. This outcome can be attributed to the maintenance of a similar structure and vertical gradient among the forests, despite transformations occurring in the degraded forest. Notably, the presence of large remaining trees seems to be associated with this similarity. Consequently, degraded forests possess considerable value for the conservation of the EOA, and their management should prioritize the preservation of the remaining large trees. Overall, this study provides insights into the effects of forest-use intensity on the epiphyte orchid assemblage, shedding light on the potential conservation value of degraded forests. The findings emphasize the importance of incorporating the preservation of large trees into forest management strategies, contributing to the protection of biodiversity in the high Andean forests.Ítem Efecto de la intensidad del uso del bosque altoandino en el ensamblaje de orquídeas epífitasHernández Rodríguez, David Esteban; López Camacho, René; López Camacho, René [0000-0003-2026-0371]High Andean forests have experienced a significant reduction in their natural areas, with a considerable portion of the remaining forests being degraded or undergoing different successional processes. While transformed forests play a vital role in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services, their contribution to the preservation of the epiphyte orchid assemblage (EOA), which represents one of the most biodiverse groups in these ecosystems, remains unclear. The EOA is highly sensitive to forest transformation as it heavily relies on the structural and micro-environmental conditions that constitute the vertical gradient of the forests. This study aimed to assess the impact of forest-use intensity on the taxonomic and functional diversity of the EOA, as well as its structure and the response of functional traits along the vertical gradient. Taxonomic diversity and assemblage structure were evaluated by adapting the sampling methodology for richness and abundance of vascular epiphytes (SVERA). Functional diversity was assessed using multi trait indices and the weighted mean of the community, considering leaf, stem, and root traits. Our findings revealed that the EOA in the degraded forest exhibited a structure and functional diversity similar to that of the mature forest, in contrast to the secondary forest, which displayed the most significant differences. This outcome can be attributed to the maintenance of a similar structure and vertical gradient among the forests, despite transformations occurring in the degraded forest. Notably, the presence of large remaining trees seems to be associated with this similarity. Consequently, degraded forests possess considerable value for the conservation of the EOA, and their management should prioritize the preservation of the remaining large trees. Overall, this study provides insights into the effects of forest-use intensity on the epiphyte orchid assemblage, shedding light on the potential conservation value of degraded forests. The findings emphasize the importance of incorporating the preservation of large trees into forest management strategies, contributing to the protection of biodiversity in the high Andean forests.Ítem Respuesta funcional de Heterotermes tenuis Hagen (insecta: Blattaria: Isoptera) en forestaciones de la orinoquía colombianaSalazar Salazar, Luis Ricardo; Pinzón Florián, Olga PatriciaThe xylophagous species Heterotermes tenuis is widely distributed in the Colombian East plains, and the frequency of its colonies increases in Pinus caribaea forestations. The functional response of the size of the functional morphological traits (FMT) associated with feeding and colony defense was compared among four plantation ages and gallery forest relicts. Comparisons among forest relicts and plantations were made using non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis, PERMANOVA, and multinomial models. A more significant effect of the type of land use than the plantation ages was observed in the larger size of the workers, while the results were not conclusive in the soldier caste. The results suggested homogenization of the FMT of the worker caste of H. tenuis in pine plantations, most likely but not only related to an increase in the food supply of softwoods of P. caribaeaÍtem Sistema agroforestal alnus glutinosa - coffea arabiga, opción de sostenibilidad hídrica en la provincia del tequendama.Aponte Pulido, Leonardo Alfredo; 0009-0000-4265-6436The Alder (Alnus glutinosa) and Coffee (Coffea arábiga) agroforestry system was studied in Cundinamarca Colombia, for water regulation. Total precipitation, internal precipitation, stem runoff and runoff were measured in 10 months. Four repetitions were used for plots with: coffee, coffee - alder and managed pastures. Evapotranspiration was calculated. Basic statistics parameters and Shapiro Wilk and Monte Carlo test with 1000 tests. Results indicate that alder and coffee regulate 46%, while only coffee 33% and grass 21%. The variables measured, alder and brown: internal precipitation 62.9%, stem runoff 2.15%, interception 32%, runoff 52.4% and infiltration 26.6%. The coffee internal precipitation 70.7%, stem runoff 1.6%, interception 27.7%, runoff 57.5% and infiltration 11%. Finally, pastures runoff 69.6% and infiltration 18.7%.Ítem Propuesta de zonificación de áreas para conectividad ecológica en la Serranía de las Quinchas (Colombia)Vallejo Murcia, Oscar; Preciado Beltrán, Jair; 0000-0001-5572-5170; Preciado Beltrán, Jair [0000-0001-5572-5170]TheSerranía de las Quinchas is located in the region called Magdalena Medio in Colombia, with well-conserved forests, high biodiversity, and high levels of endemism. However, there are socio-environmental conflicts derived from the presence of social actors that grow illicit crops, perform illegal usage of the forest, and develop activities associated with oil and natural gas exploitation. The anthropic pressure in the area has transformed the landscape, resulting in a fragmentation process that is reflected in the loss of forest density and biodiversity. Using physical, socioeconomic, and biotic criteria. Resistance and connectivity models were generated, resulting in 40.8% of the area with a very high level of connectivity to a high level of connectivity in which preservation and protection are proposed, 19.8% with a medium level of connectivity with the proposal of protection and restoration, 39.4% are areas with a low level of connectivity to a very low level of connectivity in which sustainable activities, silvopastoral and agroforestry systems are proposed.Ítem Sistema agroforestal alnus glutinosa - coffea arabiga, opción de sostenibilidad hídrica en la provincia del TequendamaAponte Pulido, Leonardo Alfredo; García Olmos, Carlos Francisco; 0000-0001-8546-4223; García Olmos, Carlos Francisco [0000-0001-8546-4223]; Aponte Pulido, Leonardo Alfredo [0009-0000-4265-6436]Study of the agroforestry system of Alder (Alnus glutinosa) and Coffee (Coffea arabica) in Cundinamarca - Colombia, for water regulation. Total precipitation, internal precipitation, stemflow and runoff were measured over 10 months. Four replicates were used for plots with: coffee, coffee-alder, and managed pasture. Evapotranspiration was calculated. Basic statistics parameters, as well as Shapiro-Wilk and Monte Carlo tests with 1000 trials were employed. Results indicate that alder and coffee regulate 46%, while coffee alone 33% and pasture 21%. For the measured variables, alder and coffee had: internal precipitation 62.9%, stemflow 2.15%, interception 32%, runoff 52.4%, and infiltration 26.6%. Coffee had internal precipitation 70.7%, stemflow 1.6%, interception 27.7%, runoff 57.5%, and infiltration 11%. Finally, pasture had runoff 69.6% and infiltration 18.7%.Ítem Respuesta de la diversidad y estructura gremial de aves depredadoras a cambios en variables urbanas de una megaciudad neotropicalMontejo Casas, Daniel Augusto; Parrado-Rosselli, Angela; Parrado-Rosselli, Angela [0000-0002-2480-4009]Negative effects of urbanization on bird diversity are widely known, however, recently there has been discussed about what is the best way of urbanizing to reduce such impacts and improve ecosystem services. Within this scope, the present research evaluated the response of the predatory bird community to changes in urban variables along the urban-forest gradient in the City of Bogotá D.C, in order to provide parameters that contribute to this discussion. For this purpose, characteristics of urban forest gradient were described according to urban planning variables of compact cities and green areas, such as composition and structure of plant cover, percentages of impervious surfaces, bare, and leaf litter cover, construction indices , compactness, density, to later evaluate their response on the diversity and guild structure of predatory birds along the gradient, through the realization of linear models. Variables such as the construction index showed a negative affect on the richness and equity of predatory birds, while its influence was positive on abundance of generalist trophic guilds, which proves negative effect of compact cities. However, the results show that management of green areas variables such as a reduced impervious surfaces cover, an increase in leaf litter cover, as well as a complex plant structure, with a predominance of native plant species, can contribute to favoring the diversity and guild structure of predatory birds, even in compact cities.Ítem Asociaciones de co-ocurrencia entre grupos epiedáficos de hormigas depredadoras, colémbolos y termitas en forestaciones comerciales de la Orinoquía colombianaDuarte Núñez, Dayssy Anyely; Pinzón Florián, Olga Patricia; 0000-0002-5858-4083In the Orinoco sub-region, commercial forestry is a promising socio-economic opportunity that contributes to reducing the existing pressure on natural forests. However, documenting the role of afforestation in conserving soil biodiversity as an input to promote sustainable forest management and its associated diversity is scarce. For this reason, in this study, we evaluated the co-occurrence of predatory ants with termites and springtails based on changes in their abundance to better explain the assemblages observed in different land uses and two contrasting climatic seasons. For this purpose, samples of ants, termites, and springtails were collected from 2, 6, 8, and 14-year-old Eucalyptus pellita plantations, pastures, and gallery forest remnants in November 2014 and May 2015. Specimens were processed and identified at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Forest Health Laboratory. The co-occurrence analysis between predatory ants with termites and with springtails compared the relative abundances of each group (ants, termites, and springtails) for each cover and contrasting climatic season. A positive correlation between the abundance of termites, springtails and predatory ants occurred in plantations, gallery forests, and pastures. Besides the influence of vegetation coverage, the climatic season also affected the assemblages of ants, termites, and springtails. Also, dominant ant species are generalists and respond seasonally to the supply of termites and springtails in the different coverages. Therefore, it is presumed that the spatial and temporal co-occurrence among the groups analyzed does not necessarily indicate predatory interactions between ants and their potential prey, termites, and springtails.Ítem Un modelo basado en sensores remotos e inteligencia artificial para la estimación de la degradación del bosqueUnriza Vargas, Jaime Andrés; Rodríguez Albarracín, Heidy Soledad; RodríguezForest degradation and deforestation are environmental problems that diminish the provision of ecosystem services. A possible solution for the identification and monitoring of these problems are monitoring systems based on remote sensing; information from active and passive satellites offers a great deal of useful information. Despite this, there is a limitation in tropical areas due to the high presence of clouds throughout the year, which consequently limits the amount of information. Thus, this study proposes a model that makes use of remote sensing and artificial intelligence for the identification of forest degradation with limited information using NDVI, its variation between time windows in the period 1990 - 2019 and machine learning tools. This study was developed in tropical rainforest in the municipality of Mapiripán (Meta, Colombia), an area where problems of illicit crops and deforestation have been identified. To address this problem, a model was proposed based on geographic information systems for the identification of degradation related to deforestation. When comparing 7 machine learning algorithms, it was found that the neural network algorithm of three hidden layers (model with the best performance, 75.25% accuracy) and the second model corresponds to the linear discriminant algorithm (73.25% accuracy) show better performance despite its limited information. Additionally, it was possible to identify that 60% of the deforested areas suffered some degree of intervention that led to deforestation, which could be avoided through a monitoring and early warning system.Ítem Análisis funcional de rasgos xilemáticos y biomasa aérea en bosques húmedos tropicales de la Orinoquia ColombianaDíaz Cortés, Sebastián Emilio; Aldana Serrano, Ana Maria; López Camacho, René; López Camacho, René [0000-0003-2026-0371]The following document contains the results and analysis of the project "Functional Analysis of Wood Traits and Above Ground Biomass in Tropical Moist Forests of the Colombian Orinoquia". The thesis is based on two general research questions: what is the relationship of functional diversity, generated from wood traits, with above ground biomass stocks and storage rates? and, which are the characteristics of plant functional types, generated from wood traits, that condition above ground biomass and productivity? Due to the phases necessary to meet the objectives of the project, this research was elaborated in 3 chapters that cover the specific objectives of the initial project: determine above ground biomass stocks and storage rates; characterize functional diversity, based on wood traits of dominant species; and interpret patterns of relationship between functional diversity and above ground biomass.Ítem Propuesta para fortalecer la chagra andina desde el conocimiento ancestral: una contribución a la conservación del Bosque Alto Andino en el Resguardo de Males Municipio de Córdoba- Nariño 1990-2020Gómez Cuarán, María Nelly; Moreno Aguilar, Ruth MiriamThe Chagra as an ecological and cultural system considered as a means of sustainability for indigenous peoples is subject to multiple tensions that have caused its tendency to disappear in recent years. The objective of this work is to show, in the context of the Males reservation, the relationship between deforestation processes of the high andean forest and the decline of the Chagra, in the last three decades between 1990 and 2020. For this purpose, secondary information was compiled and systematized, complemented with descriptive and ethnographic research, the life histories of the participants, social mapping and the application of the Corine land cover methodology. Among the main findings is that the decline of the Chagra is due to the differential but simultaneous concurrence of multiple factors, including the increase of roads and the consequent increase in population, with direct effects on deforestation, monocultures, as well as the absence of leadership of the maximum authority of the Resguardo, all of which has influenced the decline of the Chagra culture and contributed to the deforestation of the high andean forest.Ítem Efectos del cambio climático en la distribución del género Pronophila Doubleday (Satyrinae, Pronophilina) en bosques andinos en ColombiaMurillo Puerta, Ana María; Mahecha Jiménez, Oscar JavierThe genus Pronophila Doubleday [1849] belongs to the Pronophilina subtribe (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae), and it is distributed from northwestern Argentina (Tucumán) to the extreme north of Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta) and northeastern Venezuela (Turimiquire), with only one representative in the mountains of Central America (P. timanthes). Normally, Pronophila species inhabit montane forests between 1000-3000 meters above sea level, registering the maximum diversity around 2000-2400 meters above sea level. For Colombia, an endemic species of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (P. juliani) is registered. However, the biology of the genus has been little studied. Therefore, many characteristics of its natural history are still unknown. In addition, due to the different disturbance processes caused by the Anthropocene (global warming, mining, urbanization, livestock, intensive agriculture, etc.), has generated a loss of habitat in many species, both animal and plant, which has affected the patterns of distribution and diversity of the different taxa, as is the case of the species that make up the genus Pronophila in the country, since the Andean region has been one of the areas most affected by these anthropic activities in recent decades. For this reason, the objective of the present study was to generate a potential distribution model for Pronophila species in the country, under various climate change scenarios for the years 2050 and 2070, and to make a comparison with a recent distribution model, to be able to assess the effect of climate change on the distribution of the genus Pronophila. The projection of the different models was carried out in the R software, using the MaxEnt algorithm. The Jackknife test was used to determine the bioclimatic variables that influenced the results. Once the maps of the recent and future modeling were obtained for each of the species, using the ArcGis software, the potential distribution area of the Lepidoptera was compared. The results show that the 4 species subjected to modeling will experience reductions in their potential distribution areas throughout the years 2050 and 2070 and the bioclimatic variables associated with temperature had a greater influence on the models. This made it possible to establish general patterns of distribution, which allow prioritizing conservation strategies that mitigate population declines and local extinctions predicted by anthropogenic climate change in butterflies associated with mountain ecosystems.Ítem Análisis multitemporal de la transformación del paisaje en áreas periurbanas del norte de Bogotá D.C. para el periodo 1956 – 2021Mayorga Guzmán, José Manuel; Mora Gamboa, JairGetting to know the historical changes in the territory are a good reference for the management and conservation of ecosystems located in peri-urban areas of big cities. This study was located in the north of Bogotá D.C. which is a territory with forest reserves and a complex water system made up of wetlands, rivers, streams and canals that are in constant urban expansion tension. The change in cover and its effect on the loss of natural covers and ecosystems over time were analyzed quantitatively. The transformation of the peri-urban territory of the north of Bogotá was analyzed, determining the spatial transformation of the covers and ecosystems for four times corresponding to years 1956, 1977, 1998 and 2021. A visual and supervised classification of covers was carried out, including photo-interpretation for each year applying the four initial levels based on the methodology done by Corine Land Cover (CLC). Spatial multi-temporal analysis of coverage was performed, quantitatively determining the change in coverage over time. Additionally, the calculation of landscape metrics was carried out to identify potential areas to improve structural connectivity. Between the period 1956 and 2021, percentages and the increase or decrease were assessed by calculating the relative variation rate that allowed determining that the forest coverage presented an increase of 1.3% and an increase of 6.64%, currently representing a 20.89% of the territory; water surfaces of lakes, fences, reservoirs, canals increased by 1,02% and the rate increased by 139%; the coverage of humid areas of wetland ecosystems decreased by 7,42%, representing a decrease of - 485%; coverage of agricultural territories decreased by 6.23% with a rate decrease of - 34%, meanwhile the grasses reduced its area by 22,65%with a decreased rate of -71% being in magnitude of area one of the most transformed coverage by the dynamics of change; urbanized areas increased by 22,11 of a total area with an increased rate of 1483.9%. Currently, 68.28% of the study area is natural, semi-natural and agricultural coverage with spatial continuity, ecological attributes, structural connectivity potential, additionally 49.72% of the analysis area has different categories of ecosystem protection included within the Main Ecological Structure (EEP) of Bogotá DC; These areas spatially constitute continuous areas with strategic proximity to manage and improve structural connectivity, conservation, adaptive management and ecological restoration.Ítem Movilidad y transición de mariposas (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) entre fragmentos de bosque húmedo premontano y matriz agroforestal (Melgar, Tolima, Colombia)Torres, Adriana; Dumar Rodríguez, Juan CamiloThe matrix in fragmented landscapes is considered as one of the major limitations in conservation research; because it is considered as a non-habitat. The present study was developed in Tolima (Colombia), with the objective of evaluating the mobility and transition of Nymphalidae butterflies between the forest fragment, the edge and outside (agroforestry matrix). Nymphalidae butterflies were used as a study model to evaluate the mobility and transition between landscape units and the influence of the edge effect on butterflies. We calculated and statistically compared abundance and richness in three sampling zones at three distances from the edge (130m, 65m and 50m), using standardized methodologies (Jama and Van Someren Rydon Traps). The collected specimens (43 recaptures) were marked, photographed and released according to the capture-recapture method. Our results suggest that individuals moved more frequently from the forest fragment to the MA (67%), which is evidence of the permeability of the edge and the interaction between these two coverages. Significant differences are evident between the two coverages in relation to richness and abundance and based on the distances evaluated according to their diversity, suggesting an edge effect at least up to 50 meters from the matrix area. In this sense, the presence of rare and indicator species and a strong effect on specialist butterflies, which can be key to develop conservation plans, were evidenced.Ítem Efecto del manejo silvicultural, como parte de la rehabilitación ecológica, en un bosque de la Cordillera Oriental en ColombiaMolina Martínez, Ingrid Janethe; Silva Herrera, Luis Jairo; Silva Herrera, Luis JairoThe condition of forests have been degraded due to anthropogenic activities and different natural phenomena, which is reflected in the environmental imbalance directly affecting the natural, social and economic conditions of a region. There are ecological recovery techniques such as rehabilitation, that renovates the structure and function of degraded forest lands; these processes, beyond a plantation, include management and monitoring techniques in the short and long term to achieve the success of the restoration. Therefore, the scope of this project was to evaluate the effect of silvicultural management on the attributes of biodiversity in the ecological rehabilitation process in an Andean forest, in the eastern mountain range in Colombia, located in the municipality of Soacha, Cundinamarca, through the study of the floristic structure and composition of the LA POMA ecological park included within the Montano Bajo Dry Forest (df-ML) formation. This evaluation was carried out by establishing 18 plots, six (6) in secondary vegetation and the other twelve (12) in reforested ecosystems with and without silvicultural management; for which the vegetation record was taken, the floristic characterization was developed, the aerial biomass was determined and a detailed description of the indicators was carried out through descriptive statistics and analysis of variance tests - ANOVA, in the R study program. It was found that silvicultural management clearly marked the trajectory in the ecological rehabilitation process compared to the attributes of the vegetation, since differences were found regarding the composition, diversity, volume, regeneration and biomass indices in the three treatments. In addition, the planting of the best adapted species such as Oreopanax incisus, Dodonaea viscosa, Viburnum triphyllum, Quercus humboldtii, Escallonia paniculata and Myrsine coriacea and the silvicultural techniques implemented in the process of rehabilitation of this ecosystem is recommended.Ítem Evaluación de los servicios ecosistémicos en el borde urbano de Bogotá para su gestión sosteniblePiragauta Sierra, Mónica; Rincón Ruiz, AlexanderThe concentration of the population in the cities has generated the alteration of the ecosystems and the benefits they offer to the human being, mainly in the urban edge areas; The city of Bogotá (Colombia) is not immune to this dynamic, since due to the advance of the city on the urban edge, the ecosystems located there have been affected. Therefore, the ecosystem services and dynamics present in the territory of the UPZ89 of the town of Chapinero in the city of Bogotá were characterized from the concept of urban edge and under the conceptual framework of IPBES in order to propose complementary actions for sustainable development of the territory and will allow its continuity over time. In this, community water management was identified as a relevant factor for the care and conservation of natural resources and ecosystem services present in the UPZ89, highlighting the importance of this type of management both at the local and national levels; In this, the inhabitants of the sector perceive a variety of benefits from nature than the conservation of natural areas and that contribute to their quality of life, standing out, fresh air, family recreational activities, aesthetic enjoyment and a sense of belonging. However, the strengthening of trust between the main actors (organized inhabitants of the territory) and secondary actors (JAC, state entities) is required to reduce the impact on natural areas and allow the continuity of community management that until now has been implemented. has carried out.