Valoración sociocultural del Oso Andino (Tremarctos Ornatus) como proveedor de servicios ecosistémicos, en paisajes transformados del municipio de Junín, Cundinamarca, Colombia
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The overlap of human activities with the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) distribution area has generated a conflict between local populations and the bear. In order to understand the sociocultural perception of the importance of the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) as a provider of ecosystem services, semi-structured surveys were conducted with some residents of Junín to identify ecosystem services, pressures affecting the Andean bear, and perceptions of conflict from different local actors. For the analysis, descriptive statistics were performed with Excel software, network analysis with Gephi.0.9.2 software, and logistic regression with R Studio software. 81% of respondents consider the bear to be important mainly for its existence value, while 19% state that the mammal is not important because it represents a danger to their livestock. The most recognized function is seed dispersal, and the services that the bear is identified as providing are forest regeneration and water regulation. Older people tend to recognize the importance of the bear more. There is a disconnect between institutions and the local community, which hinders conservation processes. Therefore, it is essential to understand their perceptions, needs, desires and opinions about the territory and the conflict with the bear and to encourage their participation in conservation strategies accompanied by tangible benefits.